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All right, boys. Finally, football is back. College is back. Nfl is coming up. Prizepicks has the best deal right now for football season. Use code Nelk and just put in $5 on your first lineup, and you're instantly going to get 50 bucks, no strings attached on Prizepicks right now. So if you guys have never tried the Prizepicks app, you've got to try it out for football, all right? We stayed firing during summer. We weren't fired. You got to be staying in a degen during summer. But football is back. Every single weekend, we are going to be posting Prize pics. There's nothing like firing on football. You guys are probably doing fantasy and stuff. If you guys know what players are going to perform in college and in NFL, download the Prize pics app. This is the app for you. I have tried every single app out there when it comes to firing on sports, and prize pics is by far the best. Instead of choosing teams, you're choosing individual players. Each player has a set projection, and then it's up to you. You either go more or less in that set projection. The more you put together, the more your pick is going to multiply, the more money you can make.


So guys, take advantage of this code. This code is a sweet deal. Use code NELF. Put in just $5, and you're instantly going to get 50. Beautiful, beautiful deal. Take advantage of that. That's for you, boys. Download the Prize Picks app. Football is officially back. Thank God.


Let's get on the pot.That's good, boys.That's good.What's going on?


Wow, what a crib. You're looking good.


Thank you. You, too. How's everything? Thanks for having us. Of course.


Nice spot.


God damn. Yeah, let me show you. Let me show you Every house is on the water, every one of them. Ray Crock lived here. Dave Thomas lived here. Kfc founder lived here. Billionaires, I think six billionaire family. That's Messi's place. That one?


George Clooney is my neighbor in LA.


You live in LA still? Yeah. Why are you still in LA?


It's just easier for me. Everyone's there, bro.


Is that it? Got to be kidding me.


It's a beautiful state, bro.


Go down here this way to Miami. Fifteen minutes, you're in the middle of the ocean. Crazy. On a Sunday, Saturday, thousands of boats will come by here. The Yacht Show, this is the place to be.


Next spot in Miami, maybe. Or maybe two spots from now.


How often do you sit out here? Just hope somebody drives by and goes, PBD.


All the time. Not for that, but all the time. We all sit out here and it's just relaxing when sun hits you. Sometimes you're not using the house. We use this house a lot. You ever read the book No More, Mr. Nice Guy?


I have not, no.


It's a very good book that talks about how the average man, boy, who's raised by a mother, mainly, say parents got a divorce and mom raised them, has to read this book, No, Mom, Mr. Nice guy. But everybody that I ever recommend this book to read and say they're married, they immediately have a big fight with the wife after they read the book, because it's a dramatic difference of what it is to be a man, raised by a man, versus a man being raised by a woman.


What's the main difference or takeaway?


Stop You're not even a nice guy. Stop trying to be like...


As a father?


As a husband, as a man, as a father. Everything is trying to make sure everybody is happy around you. Certain things is about standards and expectations. But boys who are raised by moms alone, they're more coddled, they're soft, they're sensitive, they have a different way. I was raised by a mother. My dad was not in a picture for six years. So eventually, my training I think for me was going to the military. Three years, they kick your ass, and they don't feel bad for you at all. So that's a major shift you got to make.


So how does the wife get upset? What do you tell the wife that needs to change?


Because a lot of times, the husband is trying to make every decision to make the wife happy. Who's the leader of the household? Sometimes it's not about making a wife happy. I'm the leader. Here's what we're going to be doing. So when as a man, you have to win the moral authority to be able to have that standard and tone. If you If you don't win the moral authority, you're always worried about making her happy. So step number one is you got to win the moral authority. But if you have it and you don't drive and lead the family, then you're raising soft boys.


So win the moral authority from the wife, though, that means you can't be whipped at the same time.


No, you cannot be. No.


What's the best steps to not be whipped by the wife or the girlfriend?


Whipped normally doesn't last that long anyways.


For some guys, it does.


Well, in marriage or relationship, There's a difference.


I think in marriage, that goes away.


In marriage, it's different because-Relationships, though. In relationship, yes.


You're talking to someone who's going through that. You or him. Whipped him.


He's whipped?


I'm whipped.


I've never seen a whip.


I've never seen a whip in my life.


You're good.


I've never seen a whip in my life.


I'm actually glad we're on this topic because we're not whipped. We don't get controlled by it. We make the calls. He's going through the whole she's there at all times, can't be separated, makes his schedule revolve around her.We're trying to...He's capping so hard. We're trying to fix that.For him, you're trying to help him.Part of the reason why we're here today.


He's like, Dr. Phil, it's Dr. Steiny. I like that.Yeah. Very impressive. Now, last Look, I've been on the whipped side myself, where it was like, one day, I'm so whipped with this one girl. Let's use this frame, this word. I'm crazy about this girl. I'm 21, 22 years old. Everything to me revolves around I'm in love. Dropped at gorgeous. I got out of the military. Every guy wanted to be with this girl, and she's with me. Chaos in the relationship starts going to a whole different level. I go from playing to fully being committed. I'm going to be fully committed to this. And then one day, you know how sometimes in life, extreme men, extreme people typically go like this. We don't know how to go like this. We go from here to here. You go from a relationship that's We got to go this to this. You don't realize this is also a mistake. We got to go like this. We got to go here a little bit. So this relationship is chaotic, fighting all the time. Nothing can make her happy. But I'm also not making money at the time. I'm barely trying to build my insurance business.


It's problematic. It's issues, chaos. Then the mother sits me down one day and she says, Pat, can I give you feedback? Her mother and I would have dinner every night at 11 o'clock at night. I'd finish my last appointment, I'd come home, she'd make me bored. She'd make me food. We sit down, we talk. Her and I were like this. She says to me, You're too good for my daughter. I said, What do you mean? She says, You're too good. She says, Too much. My daughter can't do anything wrong in your eyes. I said, It's a little too much, Russian lady. I'm talking mob style, tough, but a sweetheart. I love this lady. She said, This is not going to work. She's in the garage, she hears the conversation. She comes in, Why are you saying this to him? What a thing is that to say to the guy your daughter is dating? But I'm right. Look how he does to you. Look how he is to your daughter. And then two months later, relationship ends. We're supposed to get married, all this stuff. And then I'm like, Yeah, you know what? I'm not ready for a relationship for a minute.


I got to figure this thing out. And I'm 24, 25 years old at the time. We break up August of '03, is when it happens, give or take, somewhere around that That's what I'm talking about. And then, adjustment comes. I read a book. All I do is I read books on relationships. I read this book I told you about, and a couple of other books about what it is to be a man and be a leader. And I'm like, No, this is not how we're going to do it. My wife, the other day, we're We're in a conversation about HR, on how we recruit people. We're in New York sitting on having a meeting with Goldman Sachs, David Solomon, all their major, highest-rank people at Goldman Sachs in New York. We had a seven-hour meeting with them. Very intense. A part of it was about the technology, Manex. We met with their TMT team, technology, media, telecommunication. We met with their biggest money manager, private investment banker that manages $1.2 trillion of wealth. All these people are during the meeting.


Real quick, you said your wife was with you in the meeting?


Absolutely. She's in the meeting with me. We're there, and then we leave, and I'm asking David Solomon. I said, Hey, David, during COVID, there was two articles written about you that really challenged the Goldman Sachs culture. I like the way you handled it, but I want to hear a little bit more. Goldman Sachs got criticism saying, Young bankers and brokers at Goldman Sachs are asking to only work 80 hours a week and have Saturdays off. Bankers are asking Goldman Sachs to allow them to only work 80 hours a week. Keep in mind, to only work 80 hours a week. Eighty hours on five days is what? 8:00 to 12:00, or 7:00 to 11:00, or 6:00 to 10:00, 6:00 AM to 10:00 at night. Crazy schedule, 16-hour days times five days a week. That's 80 hours a week, right? And one of them says, The toxic Goldman Sachs environment of working 100 hours a week. Article. And I said, How did you handle it? He says, Look, Goldman Sachs is a great company, but it's a tough job. So then I ask everybody around. I'm like, Hey, when somebody gets fired, how do you guys fire somebody?


He says, Oh, it's very interesting how you get fired here. So what's that? He says, Sometimes a coworker will come and fire you. I said, What do you mean? He said, Sometimes does he report to him or no? Who doesn't report to who? Does he report to him?


No one reports to Stani.


Okay, that's the key. So no one reports to Stani.


That's a longer story.Not.


In this room.But let's just say he doesn't report to him, and he's getting out of line. He would go to him and say, Hey, man, got to tell you, it's not working out. Today's your last day. You already know the culture of Happy Dad, or you all know how full sin. That's the culture at Goldman. That'd be a bit.


How does the coworker have that authority?


Well, because it's standards ran by pure pressure type of environment. Then he says, You go meet with HR. Today's your last day.


Can we do that here?


I don't think there'd be anyone left.


That's true.


Kyle, today's meeting-You would have fired Gabe 10 times. Gabe would have fired you 200 times.


Check this out.


Jimmy would be homeless for two years.


This doesn't work in every company, especially not media. This is not media. This is investment bankers trying to raise money where the minimum to become a client of Goldman Sachs, you need to bring $10 million of cash. This is a very hard job, right? However, the whole thing comes back to us, the way we recruit people at HR. Too many times people recruit people and they're selling the dream. It's going to be awesome. It's going to be great. We're such a great company. This is such a fantastic place to work. We're such a work-life balance place. Right before this, I was having a meeting with my chief HR officer, R. J, who used to be at Microsoft in the early 2000s, and then he was the HR guy at Uber and at Chevron. He's been around. He's very good. He says, At Microsoft, the first thing they told you in the interview was, Look, I just want to tell you at Microsoft, what do you think about work-life balance? Why? Great. We could care less about work-life balance. It's not a priority for us at Microsoft. Imagine saying that in the interview. My wife and I, let me bring you back to the relationship conversation we started off with.


When my wife and I got married, not the girls I was with, my conversation, because I knew what I wanted to build and how long of a run I wanted to go on, the conversation my wife was, Are you sure you want to marry me? You sure you want to do this? It wasn't one day. It was, You sure you want to be with a crazy guy like this that's nonstop? Are you sure you want to do this? We had some of the biggest fights because she would say, What else do I need to do to convince you I'm in? I'm not afraid. What do you want me to do? We had these types of, Who do you think you are? Of course, I can handle being with a guy like you. So then when we got married, and I'm on the road six months out of the year, we talked about it. So the way I married was selling all the bad upfront, then giving her the dream. She lives here. She's very happy. Her life, very happy. She chooses to go to work right next to me, very happy. This doesn't mean our marriage is guaranteed to work 10, 20 years from now.


Just telling you, we've been together 15 years, but this is how I sold it upfront, versus the way typically men like to sell it, only the dream. Sometimes the Mr. Nice guy concept, we sell it the wrong way. That's all I'm saying.


That's smart. Because then you're telling them the bad shit up front.


If you know you're going to deliver on the back end, guess what? What are you worried about?


You don't do that much, right?




Talk about the bad shit up front.


No, I just show them.


Because also when you want to smash, I just say, You come hang out with me for a month, you decide after that.


But I have two questions based on what you just said.


Yeah, let's hear.


The first thing is going back to talking about kids working, because you have a lot of young hustlers that do those 80-hour weeks, right? I have friends that have been on Wall Street, were for Google, Amazon, and they're completely fucking miserable. But Out of college, you can make a quarter of a million dollars.




What do you say to those kids when you see someone like that that's completely miserable six days out of their week, right? The majority of your year, you're feeling miserable, but they stick with it and they stay there, but they're unhappy. Guess what?


That's the problem. It's not for everybody. Okay, so one day I met Houston, Texas, this couple, Marcelo and Gabby. We're at Capital Grill. I'm entertaining 50 people we're having dinner with. A husband and wife walks in, Rodolfo and Cessi. And I stopped the room, I go straight to them, and I start talking to them. And they pulled me aside and they say, Can I ask you a question? The weirdest question, but I love this question. They said, Why is it that whenever they walk into the room, you stop and go straight to them. Why do you do that? I said, Because they're the number one people in the company that burn the right. I said, Wait a minute. Do you want that respect? We do. Let me get this straight. You want to walk into a room and you want the room to stop He got for you? Yes. No problem. Do you know what schedule they got? Do you know what they do? Do you know how many books he reads every month? Do you know ta-ra-ra-ra-ra- Guess what? They went from then, in the insurance business, they're making 80 grand a year. To this year, at MGM Grand Arena, we had our annual convention two weeks ago.


They're at 920 annual income selling insurance. They went from 80 to 920. See, that question is a sign that somebody wants to get that respect when they walk into a room. You can go to a wedding. You guys have been to a lot of weddings. You go to a wedding. A lot of people show up to a wedding, and then that one person shows up to the wedding. What happens? Everybody looks at the door. Right now, you experience this a lot when you guys go places. People, Oh, my God, they're here. You're experiencing that, right? But then there's levels to it. So if a guy doesn't Wasn't want to work those kinds of hours and could care less about the 250, that's why sometimes those guys go and get a $65,000-a-year job just becoming editors because they're happy. They go and become producers because they're happy. And there's nothing wrong with that. That job at Goldman, the job of driving with that pressure isn't for everybody.


Do you ever hit points, though, where you let the pressure get to you? You're human, too. So there's got to be points where you get tired exhausted. Absolutely. Everything's just going wrong. I know that happens to me, too. How do you deal with that? But also keep pushing forward.


I got a book for you guys, too. I got two of them, but one of them you got to read. It's 38 letters John D. Rockefeller wrote his son. Oh, my God. Good luck putting that book down. One of the chapters, by the way, I don't know if you guys know what John D. Rockefeller does. When he was 8, 10 years old, he says he's got two dreams in life. One is to be the richest man in the world, one is to live up to 100. He becomes the richest man in the world, and he dies at the age of 97 and a half. In 1937. Do you know what the hospitals advancement is in 1937? The life expectancy for a person in 1937, '38 was 50 years. You live 97 years old. That's like today. The average life-It's 120 or something. It's like 160, because the average life expectancy today is what? Eighty? You live two times that? What are we talking about? So this guy had a vision. He writes one of the letters, he says, Dear John, to his son, today is one of the most terrible days of my life. Mr. Benson, my greatest rival, just died.


If it wasn't for Mr. Benson, I wouldn't have been driving to get to XYZ level. One day, Mr. Benson called me the greatest predator he ever faced because he hated losing to criminals, but he didn't have a problem losing to me because I at least did business the right way. He writes a letter about his greatest rival dying to his son. He says, In life, you have to choose the right rivals, especially the ones that get the best at you. He's explaining all this stuff. Letter number 33 or 34, he talks about blame. He says, Too many people are in the blame game. He says, One day, Vandebilt... Oh, no, Andrew Carnegie comes up to him for advice. He says, Hey, a question for you. And Carnegie was like God in America at the time. And Rockefeller was here until Rockefeller passed him up. Imagine Bill Gates, Musk, and then Musk becomes this, right? So Bill Gates comes to Musk for advice, that a situation. And says, Why do people like working for you? Everybody I talk to, they like working for you. Do you feel like you're going to take over the world? He says, Because we don't play the blame game.


He said, What if somebody does get something wrong? He says, It doesn't matter. Every Everybody's job is to take full responsibility. But if you screw up, I'm not in the job. I'm beating you up, blame all this. I'm not going to be doing that. By the way, that's a challenge to all CEOs, right? And he goes through some chapters talking about how sometimes you're going to feel sorry for yourself. Because a lot of the chapters he talks about as the richest man in the world, he's trying to plea to his son. Every time the media wrote something bad about him, he's telling his son in a way to not believe the hype, not believe the negative articles. In 1906, 1901, he's writing a letter to his son. This other publication said this about me. They said, All I care about is money. All I care about... This is a man that was the richest man in the world that was still so upset by what media was saying about him, that he was writing a letter to his son to say, I'm doing the right thing. They don't understand what I'm going through. For as long as we're going to be humans, and we're not going to have a chip in our house, in our head, that's going to get rid of the emotions, we're going to feel those things.


But what does end up happening, Kyle, more How much do negative comments bother you today in a podcast?


Not as much as they used to. That's the point.


It's like, Oh, my God. Look at the podcast Pat did with Dan, and look at the amount of hate he's getting, and death threats, and all this other stuff. Great. This is my position. Here's where I'm at. I'm comfortable with it, but I understand the messaging that's coming in, and you watch it and say, So what are people saying? Got it. Okay, well, guess what? In life, and this It comes back to the question, because this is the topic I've been processing a lot lately, you have to be very careful trying to win over the mob. Yeah, I agree. That's the hardest thing to do, Kyle. So let's just say this is your fan base, true fan base of Happy Dad, Nelk Boys. This is you guys, that you guys do such a freaking awesome job here. My 10-year-old son is upset with me that we're doing a podcast today at one o'clock because he can't see you guys because he's in school. He's upset because he wanted I'm curious to you guys because last time we were trying to do something. How is my 10-year-old a fan of you guys? You have this fan, okay?


And age varies, right? I'm a fan.


That's on the youngest side of us, too.


I know. But what I'm saying to you is I'm a fan of you, what you posted two days ago. I even told you that last time when I said, When you guys do it, I love it when you do it. They got 5, 6, 7 million views you posted. A simple 30-second clip, lady gets pissed off. Are you a he, she? All that stuff, right? So I'm also a fan. So you have a 10-year-old and a 45-year-old that's a fan of you that wants to see you guys win, right? Okay. Now, bring the mob. The difference with the fans sometimes, fans are not louder than the mob. The mob uses guilt. The mob uses you're an idiot. The mob uses you're about to lose everything. The mob says, Oust them. Stop buying happy dad from them. Screw them. And you're like, Oh, my God. What do we do with the mob? Let's hire a PR firm to help us with the mob. You ain't never going to win the mob over. So eventually, when you're by yourself or collectively as a team, You sit there, you make a decision and say, Guys, I'm sorry. Stop.


Who are we trying to win over? Tell me. Let's make a list. Boom, boom, boom. Great. Who else? Boom, boom, boom. Great. Who would we like to win over? But if we don't, we're okay. This guy. All right, cool. 50, 50. Who do we not care to win over? These guys, I'm not worried about what they say. So whatever they want to say, let them say it. I'm not trying to win them over. I'm totally fine if they hate me. If they don't, I'm good with that. But this is my base. And here's what I'm going after. Sometimes as an operator, as a content creator, as a talent, as a husband, as a CEO, as a leader, that part is going to be confused. But the more you can just pause and say, Who is my community? Who is our true audience? I'm not trying to please them up. They're going to be around for a long time. You're never going to make them happy.


Negativity also is always going to be more powerful than positivity.


There's no question about it. You're right. That's a very powerful statement. You're right. It's like the whole thing that says, a bad customer, an unhappy customer will tell 11 other people. A happy customer will only tell three other people. But that's the part with the mop.


Yeah, I agree with that.


The other thing, this is switching up, going back to the relationship you said about how trying to manage, you said you were a little crazy with the first girl, and then you talked about commitment. When do you decide, this is the one I got to cut out all the other females and just be committed?


Are you done playing? Are you in the school of thought of, for example, Kardashian? Does she want to be Elizabeth Taylor, Maryday Times, Larry King, Maryday Times, Where do you put the value in life of who you want to be, of being a husband, a father? So if you privately sit there and say, When I die, do I want to be known as a great husband? Maybe it's in the top 20. It's not my number one. Okay. Do I want to be known as a great father? Maybe it's a top five, but not number one. It's a number one. Okay. So if it's a number one, you have to approach life in a different way. When I die, do I want to be the guy that smashed the most? Do I want to be that cool guy? Is that what I want to be? Where they're going to be like, Oh, my God, you've been with that? That's crazy. My grandfather's a playboy. Okay, great. Or do I want to... When Ronald Reagan went through his first divorce. He was with Jane Wyman, I believe, the beautiful actress. When he was with her and he got a divorce, one of his mentors gave him an advice, very interesting advice.


You know what the advice does? He says, Look, you've played a Christian life your entire life, and you've been a good boy. Guess what? You're probably going to get married in the next 2-5 years. This next 6-12 months, go run a you know what? Go through Stack it up because you're never going to have this chance again. You know what Reagan did right after his divorce to his first marriage? He just ran. That actress, this actress, this... And then he's like, Now, you know what? I don't want to do it. Then settled down, married, Nancy, the rest is history. That's the processing that you as an individual, have to do privately and make a decision who you want to be.


But it's like when you know, you know, right? Would you say from personal experience or no? When you're done, you're done.


Or no?


No. No, I disagree enough. When I'm disagreeing. Going up to the presidency, what he's saying, too, is you even look at Clinton, like in Monica Lewinsky. He's the President of the US married, supposed to display himself a certain way, and he's still dogging it up in the-That's Hillary Clinton, too.


But he's right.


Everyone's going to dog on Hillary Clinton.


Yeah, that's probably true.


Let me tell you, how many people are married to somebody that they're miserable and they're just trying to make the marriage work because the kids, and they're waiting till the kid is 18 years old to get a divorce. Have you ever seen a movie, Couples Retreat? Have you ever seen Couples Retreat, the movie? John Favreau, the guy that plays the part with the other girl, and she goes to the Singles Island, and he follows her to the Singles Island, and then she's with the other, not Mr. Marcel. What's the guy? The thong guy. What's his name? Anyways, the yoga guy, right? Yeah. He's hanging out with her, and then finally, they're like, Look, all we have to do is wait until she's 18. I don't want to do this anymore. They're waiting until she's 18 to get a divorce? When the guy that wrote the script for couples retreat, what do you think he did? He probably took four couples that he knew in his life, and he just wrote their story. But how many people relate to that one? A lot of people. That's the part where you don't want to be at And a lot of times that happens when you're not talking about stuff that you don't like about what she or he is doing, and you're just trying to just be a little bit too much of this.


And that's also a problem, because what is it? If you're going to come home, you don't feel like having sex, is that a good place to be? You come home and he's not clean. He's put on 40 pounds, 50 pounds, got a belly, didn't used to have a belly, not taking care of himself, or she doesn't take care of herself. There's smell, breath, all this other. This wasn't you before. Why are you not working on yourself anymore? So you're not who I married. You're 60 pounds heavier. You're not who I married. You used to smell good. You smell bad. You're not who I married. Your toes are no longer done up. You used to have nice toes. What happened to your toes? All of these things are things you have to talk about. But the way you set up the marriage, my opinion, if you don't set it up in a climate that you can openly talk about the stuff, there you... Oh, bro, let me tell you, in a major way, in a major way, then you're on house arrest. And especially if you have kids in like, Oh, if I get a divorce, and then you have a divorce.


Then she raises the boys. Then her beliefs raises the kids. Now, their reflection, it's challenging. So this is why the more fighting you do upfront about about all of this, double down on the fights upfront on things that matter. Because you're going to have plenty of things to fight about when you're married. But double down on the fights upfront on things that matter to you. Because then later on, you can be like, Look, we talked about it. What are you doing? We talked about this two years ago. That's exactly what I told you. No, you're right, babe. I'm sorry. Okay, cool. We talked about this. Great. Even today, where are you finding the girl? If I was single today, you go on a date with a girl, how many times does she swipe right? How many DMs does she respond to? How do you check all of that stuff today? How do you go through all that stuff today? Hard. That's the point, right? The only way you can do it is in the following way. Say he's with his girl for three years, okay? And his girl, she has a cousin, Mary. And he and his girl, when they're together, they talk about Mary.


And His girl tells him, Oh, no, let me tell you how Mary is. When Mary was young, She was this. Do you know she went to a Christian school? Do you know she did this? Do you know what Mary does? Every time I tell her, Mary this, Mary that, oh, that's great. Guess what? Is she single? Yeah, but babe, she's so picky. Fantastic. Hey, Mary, boom. So that's the It's the best filtering of meeting a girl that way. If you're looking for a relationship, if you're looking for just playing them, let her rip.


Finding girls through a mutual is always the best chance, I think, of success.


Because there's multiple layers of filtering to learn what their background is.


That person who's connecting you knows both your backgrounds, your history.


But I also think when you meet a chick, this is what Stani does, he flexes right away. He brings all the weapons out right away, like the restaurant's most expensive hotel. So you're also making an impression of day one, this is what it's like.


I think that's part of the strategy.


But it works in the short term. But then in the long term, it's like, oh, well, is this more of like...


Well, I think that...


I think you got to make them work.


That's in my head. But what I'll do is I'll do exactly what he said for the first month or two, introduce that good life. By that second month, hopefully they like me for me, and then you slow it down and you can just hang out.


That's catastrophic to start that way.


That's bad, right? I like opposite. I'm like, oh, for 10 doing it that way.


I think it's more sauce when they know that you could do that, but you got to make them work for it a little bit, too.


That's your first five times you hook up with a girl that you want to be your girlfriend, every time you're on Viagra, every single time, and you take everything. So, Oh, my God, this guy can go for two hours. And two months later, you're off of Viagra and say, What is this all about? Well, the first two months was sponsored by Viagra. Now it's me, naturally. Versus the other way around. Hey, this is what's going on right now, but we can always build on this. So you're taking the play-Implement Cialis in year two. You're right in your prenup. Look, I'm only going to do this much year three. Maybe by year five, we'll do this, but not in the first year, to see what it's going to look like. No. But again, if you're trying to have fun, who cares? Who cares? It only matters if you're looking for a wife. If you're not looking for a wife, do your thing. For me, I told you right before we got started, I'd love to have 20 kids. I'd have 30 kids if I could. I'd love to. I'd love to call and say, Hey, I'm going to make a dinner reservation tonight at 6:00 How big is your party?


Party at 24. What do you mean party at 24? Yeah, it's me, my wife, my 20 kids, and the oldest are bringing their girlfriends. Sir, we don't have a table for 24. That's the phone call I want to make. But we started late. But I'd have 20 kids if I could.


This is what's dope about a pod with PBD. We get to talk everything. You get to talk chicks, and then we talk politics, we talk life.


Who else can we do that with? No one. Yeah, it's dope. Pat's dope with the girl talks. I know. I've matured a lot, so I haven't been doing that shit. This last relationship I went through showed me a lot. The girl I was dating, she then came to me and she was like, Hey, I just want to let you know I'm going to start at OnlyFans. I said, Yeah, this just isn't going to work for me. We just ended it. It bothered me for a while because I was with her for probably a month or two before she decided to do that.


Why? Why what? Why did it bother you?


Because it drives you crazy in a sense where it's like, Why is she actually with me?


Do you want her to be your wife?


I didn't know.


Do you want her to be your main squeeze and the only squeeze?


At one point, sure.


Okay, got it. Because for me, if I'm with you... I had a very basic rule. Here's what my rule was. No one knew who I dated. That was my girlfriend because that's a representation of me. If I walk around in public with a girl next to me, that's a confirmation for no. Girls would be with me. I would have a girlfriend for two years, never in public. She said, When are you going to kiss me in public? I'm not doing that. Why not? Because that means you're my girl. I'm not doing that. I'm not there yet. But we do everything together. I totally get it. But I'm not telling the public we're together. If we're together, it's a statement that I'm making, and I'm not ready to do it yet. That's The other part, you know how both sides have to give something up? Like, she gave it up so early. Well, you give it up so early. Why am I giving a public... I'm not doing that so early. Posting a picture early? No. When can we post a picture together? Minimum six months. I'm not posting a picture with you for six months.


Are you out of your mind for what? Why would I do that? No. So that is, what can you hang on to that you don't give up? Like the whole, you gave it up too early. She gave it up too early. The same as guys give it up too early. I think that's the part where if I'm dating a girl and say I'm your age, I'm not where I'm at right now. I'm married kids, and she tells me she's OnlyFans, and I've never publicly told her. Go for it. I don't care. But guess what? When you call me, text me. I'm not calling you back immediately. I call you at 10:00 at night when I'm done with my day. Don't expect me to respond back to you within five minutes. You're not that important. But the moment you show me respect 6-12 months publicly. Hey, guess what? This is my girl because she showed me respect for this long. You don't want to show it? Let's just go to the bedroom and have fun. Cool with that. No problem. Hey, what are you guys? I'm going out of town this weekend. Who with? Some girl.


Some girl. Some girl. Not this girl. No.


Yeah. I think part of the problem, too, is that men have and that I probably had. But like you were saying, when you show up, let's say you go to a dinner and it's a group of guys, you want that sense of, damn, he's with her. She's hot. You want to impress. It's almost like a commodity where you want to impress everybody else, and it makes a statement like, whoa, he's with that dick. I think that that also can get into people's heads.


Because in our industry, women are like a commodity.For sure.Right?


I get that, and I'm fine with that. But if I'm playing that brand, oh, my God, look at those guys. They have all these girls around. They have all this. They have all that. Yeah, Great. But I'm not committing to any one of them. I'm always showing pictures with me and four girls, me and five girls. I'm not showing a picture with me and one girl. No, it's always going to be plural, not singular, because A singular is a statement. Two is a playboy statement, a marketing statement. One is a very serious commitment statement. That's the part where you got to be careful. If you're going to do a picture with eight girls around you, something Every time you do your crazy skits, you wake up in the morning, two girls, all the funny stuff that you do.Yeah, that's real life.I love them when you do it. That's real life, by the way. But they're funny as hell while you do them, right? That's great. Shits and giggles, whether it's funny or not. Nobody takes either one of the girls seriously. Right. But if you posted a picture with just one, I'm taking it seriously.That's a good point.Does that make sense?Yeah, it makes sense.


That's the part you got to be like, protect that. You tell them that, Hey, this is fun. Awesome. I used to have a girlfriend, and she had a sister. We had a great time together. Nobody will ever know about it. That's my relationship. We had a good time, but it's not a public relationship. It's a private relationship. Nobody else's business. I'm not trying to make the statement that this is my main girl. No. Protect it.


Have you ever read the book The Sun Also Rises? Ernest Hemingway? No. Okay, that's a book for you.


Okay, I like the fact. Stein, you recommended a book. Yeah. What's it about?


It's about a guy that chases this girl his whole life, and she just keeps fading him, getting with guys in front of him. Then at the very end, she's finally, like Ben ran through, beat up, and she comes to him, and he denies her.What does he do? He denies her. He denies her. He says, Hey, sorry, I was here the whole time waiting for you, and now it's too late.


I love that story.


Steine started reading Bucks. Good for you.


Dude, Hemingway's goaded, yeah. But it's also cool because that literature is so old, so this has been happening forever. Oh, forever.


Yeah, that's the part of whooped part, like men. You ever seen a movie, Original Sin?


I haven't.


With Angelina Jolie and Antonio Banderas, right? Holy shit, you got to watch this movie because it's that story, but the guy still says yes.


That's how it ends?


It ends with him still saying yes because he was so whipped. That is the full-on, whipped, whipped.


Does it end up happily or is it like a let down? Like, dude, wow, what are you doing?


No, it ends with like, What are you doing? Leave her already. That's how it ends. But Angelina Jolie in Original Sin?


Yeah, see, that's... Peek. I might get in for that.


Nine, nine and a half at the time. It's like when Demi Moore in... What was that movie? The song Ordinary Love, Indecent Proposal. Demi Even more in the Indecent Proposal, Dime.


Dude, you've seen every movie.


Who else is some prime chicks in movies at their prime? I like Rachel McAdams in Wedding Crashers.


Rachel's a dime. She's in that category.


Obviously, there's Megan Fox, Transformers.


Margot Robbie, Wolf of Wall Street.


I think Margot Robbie's got to be. But if you go back, like Sofia Lorraine, if you go Elizabeth Taylor, if you go to that era as well, I'm freaking believable.


If you go Natalie Wood-The Natural? Have you seen The Natural?




With Robert That Girl was beautiful. Yeah.


But Demi is Demi in Indecent Proposal. The way she acts and the way she does, even in a few Good Men, she's a...


Oh, a few good men is with Tom Cruise, right? Yeah. Oh, that's great.


Great movie. Yeah, amazing.


All right, boys, we're going to interrupt the pod really, really quick. I got to tell you guys about something I love, Manscaped. I don't advertise anything on the pod. I don't actually use, and I love manscaped. Manscaped, all right? Manscaped makes the best trimbers. It looks like Elon Musk made it. It looks like a Tesla razor. I've never tried a better razor than this. It's got a bunch of different attachments for different lengths. If you got a jungle down there, it's going to be taken care of. Jimmy Gamble hadn't got laid in over a year, and I think he finally got laid thanks to manscaped. But yeah, boys, summer's almost over. Labor Day weekend's coming up. You're going back to school. You can't be rocking a full Bush. And boys, we got stay fresh, all right? What I love about Manscaped is on their entire website, not only do they have the best lasers, the best attachments to just stay fresh from head to toe, they got all the creams, they got all the butters, they got all the ball deodorant, ball lotion. So we're always in the gym. If you got a text from a bird and you got to go straight from the gym to get a kill, it's not ideal.


But the bald deodorant's there for you in emergency situations. Like I said, not ideal, but emergencies are emergencies. Go to manscaped. Com. We got you guys on a sweet ass deal. Code Nelk is going to get you 20% off the entire site and free shipping. If you want to get it together, go to manscaped, shop. They have everything. You don't need to browse around at different sites. They have everything you need to just stay fresh from head to toe, all right? Like I said, you can't be rocking a full bush down there, rock a little half mullet or a little half trim or something. You can't be going full jungle anymore. It's just not in. It might come back, but not right now. So go to manscaped. Com. Use code Nelk, 20% off the entire website, plus free shipping. That code is for you, boys. I personally love manscaped. I always carry this razor with me when I travel. Manscaped. Com. Code Nelk. Let's get back on the plus.


This just resurface, but there's another Bill Perkins. You know him?




Okay, he wrote a book about how if you make all this money, we're talking about Carnegie, all these guys, they want to be as rich as possible. But he says, If you go your whole life and you say you make 50 mil and you leave 25 behind, you're a failure. You didn't live life to the fullest. It seems like now everything's about saving all this money. And by the time you're 70 or 60, 70, you have millions of dollars. You didn't really enjoy that whole life.


See, that's the thought pattern of a short-term thinking single man. Because if you talk If you're talking about the Medici family or the Rockefeller family, or some of those families that created generational wealth and power and influence, they don't think that way. They think in a very different way. So four weeks ago, three weeks ago, I'm in New I work with Goldman, but eight weeks ago, I'm in St. Regis, Chicago. They're doing an event called the Family Founders Forum. And this is about... There's only 60 families invited. Minimum network to be invited is a billion dollars. We were the poorest family in that room.


But you have a billion.


No, I'm not a billion. No. So they allowed us to come in because our growth right now is growing exponentially. So they know 12, 18 months will be there. So they gave us an invitation. I'm in the room, and the owner of Chicago Bulls, Reindsdorff, is right there. Father gave them the Chicago Bulls. The Chicago Cubs son is sitting there. The Chicago Blackhocks, the Crown family, they own 10% of General Dynamics, Boeing General Dynamics. They own 10% of General dynamics. The Crown family is like a 15, $20 billion family. I'm sitting, I'm like, 15, 20 billion dollars, man. I bet all the kids and grandkids are rich. Now watch this. He's on stage. His name is Keating Crown. And he says, I'm the oldest G4. What's a G4? So G1 is the person that created the money, created the wealth. Then they give the money to their kids. Their kids are G2s. Then the kids give their money to grandkids, their G3s. You get the idea, right? Yeah. So in the Crown family, he's a G4. He's in his mid to late '50s. He says, I'm the oldest G4. The Crown family has 47 G4s.


Did you see what happened right there? Yeah. His daughter is the oldest G5 of 150 G5s. She's 12 years old. So I'm like, Holy. Okay, let's do the math. So 150 G5s, 47 G4s, that's already 200. How big is the entire family? Let's say 250. 250, $15 billion. You give 15 people, split the 15 billion on 15 is what? A billion. You split it amongst 150, it's 100 million. What are you going to, evenly give everybody the money? No. So then that's when they create the criteria of who gets to come in, who doesn't, who is somebody that's going to manage a business, who's going to own some of the business. These are the decisions that these families are already making on how to be... Sometimes a G3 becomes a G1 because they take the money from their family and they start a new business, and they sell that for 1.2 billion. So now they're both a G3 and a G1. So when you're saying the guy, the Bill Perkins, 50 million, 25 million, you're a failure if you don't spend the whole money and all that stuff, I totally get that concept. Dana White was on a podcast with Cardone, and Dana says to Grant, he says, Yeah, when you talk about the guys that they buy this car, you're talking about me.


He said, You're talking about me. And let me tell you something, that's the life I want to live. I want to go have my fun, make the money, all this other stuff. That's one argument that you got to make. But there's a reason why money doesn't make it to generation 2 and 3. And Vanderbilt, at one point, was the richest man in the world. Imagine being the richest man in the world. You know how much of the money went to G2, G3? By G3, it was gone. You go from being worth roughly $200 billion, by G3, it's gone. Because there was no values built on how to keep that wealth in the family. In this book, one of the things he talks about, he says, Sometimes in life, all we talk about is generational wealth. He says, Too few people talk about generational ambition, generational discipline, generational focus, generational vision, generational values and principles. All we talk about is what? Generational wealth. What you can give the money, but this is what keeps it. So that's the part where it's the balance of, look, I'm not living in a small house. So it's not like I took the money and I'm living in a...


Our family can probably live in a 5,000-square-foot house. Why do I need a house like this? We don't need a boat. We don't need jet skis. We don't need all this We don't need to, Why am I doing this? So there's the balance of a little bit of the boat, a little bit of both. But at the same time, if you got a vision long term with your family, you have to think differently.


You don't think there's any negative? Let's just say, for instance, we'll just say your oldest son gets left $100 million. There's no party that's like, Maybe he's just going to be lazy. He's not going to put anything into this. He's got all the money he needs.


But how do you put your living trust in place? You dictate the living trust. You control the NOB. Everything in the living trust dictates what he gets and what he doesn't get based on his behavior. Your lawyers who manage your trust and the executor that manages the trust has to follow the bylaws of the living trust. Kids can't screw around with your money if you haven't cleared up on how they're going to get the money in the living trust. You can specifically, if you don't do this, you don't do this, you don't do this, you don't do this, you don't get this. And if you do this, you only get this much. But if you do this, you get this much. But if you do this, everything is in a living trust. So you get to... When you make money, you get to hire the right lawyers to set the whole thing up for you. The whole thing up for you so you don't later on look back and say, Oh, my God, look at my kids are so freaking spoiled and all this other stuff. It's already going to happen with a couple of your kids.


If you have four kids, for me to assume that every one of my kids are going to be disciplined and they're going to be net positive to society, I'm delusional. But what you can control is how you write the bylaws in your living trust.


What part of you... Because Mick Jagger, the lead singer of the Stones, he made a statement, I'm not leaving my kids anything. It just makes you think, with what you had to go through to get to where you are, is there any part of you that's like, Wow, I want my kid to have to struggle and not have this head start and just be-I don't agree with that mindset.


You know why? Okay, let me ask you, who built this island?


I don't know.


I don't know. This community has been here for how long? Sixty years? Who's lived here? Wright Crock, Paul Castellano, Dave Thomas. God knows how many people have lived on this island. Messi lives here right now. Luis Suarez lives here right now. Rinaldo is We're looking at homes right now. Neymar looked at homes here right now. But who built this place before us? Do we deserve to move into a community that's already established and fixed? Maybe after everybody here dies, they should demolish this place, and we should rebuild it all up again. That doesn't make any sense. All the freeways that we drive in, who built it? We did. Or the people that were taxpayers before us helped build these roads on the freeway that we can go in 95 south to Miami and come back up. Well, we don't deserve it. We should tear it down and rebuild it back up. That doesn't make any sense. If a America is a family, and it's passing generational resources to us. What are those generational resources? A better military, better road, better infrastructure, better ports. We have Long Beach We have a port. We have a port in Jacksonville.


We have ports in Texas. These are ports that they build that we get to take advantage of to have things coming in. Should we destroy all of them because the previous taxpayers paid for that? No. So how does that not apply to our families and the way we should handle our money? I don't understand that concept when people say, I'm not going to give my kids any money. That doesn't make any sense.


Well, the way you said it with the living trust is a bit different. I've never heard of that before. You control it. If there's strict regulations on giving the money to your kids, that's a lot different than just handing them money and they can just fuck off and do whatever they want, right?


Off camera, let's just say, if you wanted to talk to one of these guys, they'll tell you exactly how they set it up.




They'll tell you exactly how they set it up, how you set up a slat, how you set up a dynastic trust, how you We set these things up, where the billionaire families who have come way before us, that figured out a way to put it together where kids can't abuse it. And we should learn from that. That's available to us. That's accessible to us. And if you have money, you can hire those guys.


I want to talk about switching it up, but what you posted the other day on your Instagram about the whole RFK thing, Trump and the Secret Service. Crazy, right? I saw that on your page and I was like, That's crazy.


That's crazy. Wait, what was the post?


What I saw is that basically, RFK was looking at joining forces with both parties. I feel like he probably wanted to work with Trump no matter what. I feel like he was just saying that maybe. But the White House denied him secret service, which is crazy. Basically, he's forced to roll with Trump just out of his own safety now?


You sit there and you're like, The reason why politics is so interesting to me, it's purely strategy. For sure. By the way, even podcasting is strategy. You guys are very strategic. You guys are not just a fun brand. Behind closed doors, you're very strategic. And I watch the strategy of how you guys do stuff and who you align yourself with, who you get favors from, who likes you, what market you're going after, Branding of the drink. It's brilliant what you guys are doing. It's not just like, Hey, we're just going out to having fun. This is all we are. There's strategy behind it. Trump gets assassinated, assassination attempt is July 13th. Two days later, White House assigns secret service to RFK because Trump asked for it. Two days later, he gets it. Wow. Okay. Rfk, two weeks ago, Kamala Harris, their administration, sends out an article to media saying RFK came to us for a job. He wanted to be part of our administration, but Kamala Harris and them said, No, we're not interested. Now, do you really think that was the case? Or do you really think they knew knew that he was going to join the Trump camp and he gave them the middle finger that I'm not going to do this?


And then they said, Let's get ahead of it, and let's tell him that we know he's going to go to Trump, that we said no, so we can look better in the marketplace. The whole concept of, I broke up with him first. I broke up with her first, that whole back and forth that people have. Okay. So then RFK goes to Glendale, Arizona, endorses Trump, does the greatest walk-up, which was insane. The energy was-That was epic. That was epic, right? And he hits the stage. And then two days later, White House says, RFK, we're no longer offering you secret service. So now, the 10 battleground states that RFK is no longer on the ballots. He pulled out. He's still on the 40 out of 50. But on the 10, he doesn't want to compete directly with Trump. Now, the Secret Service cutting him out, they're saying the safest place RFK can be to get Secret Service protection is when he's right next to Trump. What does that mean? That means every city, Trump goes to campaign the next 70 whatever days, RFK is going to be there. Are you kidding? So now I'm going to an event that Trump is speaking, and RFK is also going to be speaking for a few minutes.


What are we talking about? To me-That's crazy. That's crazy. The 2024 election, the number one draft pick, you said you like NFL, right? You said you like football. You know how there's not the draft, but free agency? Oh, my God. Did you see where he went? Did you see where he went? Rfk was a free agent that everybody wants to sign. It's a very important free agency.


Do you think the Democrats wanted to sign him, though? It doesn't seem like it, right? I feel like if they wanted to sign him, they would have done.


They desperately needed him, though.


They needed him, but I feel like they didn't want to.


But that's part of strategy. And that's the market on November fifth is going to say whether it was a good move or a bad move.


I think it was a bad move.


I think it's a horrible move. I think it's a horrible move. I think you Trump picks him up? So Trump picks him up, then picks up Tulsi. And then today, which is maybe even more powerful than the other two, Zuckerberg, yesterday, writes a letter apologizing that he was forced by the Biden administration to not report the stories on the Biden laptop and censor some of the stories. He said, We were forced by the government, and we had the choice to do it or not to do so. We made the mistake of censoring the ring. That's our fault? What? That's crazy. That is insane to me. This is Trump's best week of his election. So far, this is like, you just won by six touch downs.


They squashed the DNC shit. Rfk the next day was just like...


Yeah. So now this is the part where you have to look at what Trump's next moves are going to be. My prediction is the Rogan Trump podcast will happen somewhere between October 25th to November third. You think so?


I think that's the right time to do it. You're good with predictions, right?


I mean, it's a 50-50, but I think Rogan has to do it at this point.


He has to do it. Why doesn't he?


Because I think it looks like he always talks about how he wants to play neutral.


Yeah, but guess what? Let me tell you, two people did it, then now he's safe to do it.




Musk had him on first, and then Peter Thiel came and talked to Rogan. Peter Thiel is not necessarily 100% Trump guy. Peter Thiel is a JD Vance guy. You guys talk to JD Vans. Peter Thiel talks to Rogan. Now, Rogan endorses RFK. Rfk endorses Trump. Rogan likes Tulsi. Tulsi endorses Trump. Musk endorses Trump. The path is open for him. If he does it, he's not the first one to do it. So the pressure is off.


You think that'll be the biggest podcast of all time?


Rogan's on a lot of big ones.


I think Rogan and Musk will probably still be the biggest.


Rogan's on a lot of big ones. But I think Trump needs to be... I still don't think Trump's been interviewed properly. I still don't think Trump is going to be doing it properly.


Trying to get him on yours, huh? Trying to get him on PBD.


No, I think Rogan will do a different a podcast that no one's done.


Do you think any part of Trump's strategy should be just maybe lay low and stay quiet for a little bit while you see stuff on the Democratic Party going crazy? When he's not as active, and as we all know, Trump can't control himself in certain situations with what he says, maybe he just stays quiet a little bit. Let me tell you what I'm...


Let me just say we're in the room right now. Okay. And Trump sitting at the head. And we're the strategy team. Steiny, it's pretty powerful to be in a room like that.


I would love to be. I don't think I'll be invited for that.


Let's just say we are. And you got all the other strategy people in the room as well. 20 people. They say, Okay, Pat, what's your move? Here's a marker. Take the lead. Go to the board. You know what I'm doing? I'm going down to the battleground cities, the states. I'm getting my data guy to pull up the 10 most influential people in those states. Then I'm going to the influential people with women. I'm looking at stories of abortion. I'm looking at stories of suburban women who support Trump, who have a big voice. I'm going to the head of soccer moms. I'm going to those stuff, and I'm making a list of a couple of hundred names. I'm saying, who can go after this one? I can make the call. I got it. Perfect. Who knows this one? I got these three. I'll make the call on this one. Who got this one? I Who got this one? Who got this one? I got this one. Let's roll. Because now, the way you do it now, it's got to be like, Bam, Bam, Bam, Bam, Until they're suffocating. Until they're suffocating. And then they're saying, You'll take this one.


We'll compete in 2028, and we'll make your life a living kill between 2024 to 2028 because they're going to do that. But watch what we're going to do in 2028. That's what he has to do. He has to, right now, just keep. You're saying?


You don't think there's any-Not him hitting.


I'm not saying him hitting. Oh, these people. I'm saying weak, tall, see, RFK. Got it. Boom, zuck. By the way, you know what the next big pick is? Here's the next big pick for me. Here's what I'd be doing. I'd go have a conversation with Zuck one-on-one, face-to-face. No camera phones. Everything's outside. Hey, check me. I have no wires. You ready? Let's sit down. Zack, Telegram CEO just got arrested in Europe.




This guy's got it.


What for? I didn't see that.


I saw that. I can't remember why. Because of the fact that he allows hatred, whatever, comments to be made. He just got arrested in Europe two days ago. I didn't see that. Oh, it's craziness.


So just because why?


I thought it was because there was also exchanges going on. They were talking about maybe drug deals, stuff like that.


Yeah, but guess what? There's pedophilia going on on Facebook. What are you doing? Sure. There's stuff going on on WhatsApp, but you're not saying anything on WhatsApp or Signal, why are you not doing that? So watch this. To me, he writes the letter. Everybody's like, What's he doing? I put out a tweet saying, he's either being honorable, he's either sick of the Dems, or number three, he's getting ahead of whistleblowers. Somebody's going to come out as a whistleblower and throw him under the bus. Guess what? Who gives a shit if a whistleblower is going to come out?In.


Terms of Facebook?Facebook. Well, everyone already knew that was going on. Exactly.


So I don't think it's three. A lot of people, No, it's really number three or number four, he's seeing what's going on with Musk, and he wants to be on the good graces of Trump and all this other stuff. Maybe. But number one, I'm going to say something publicly in defense of Pavel, the founder of Telegram. Why? Because the direct competitor of Telegram is WhatsApp. Who owns WhatsApp? Metta. Who owns Metta? He does. Why would you publicly defend him? Because everybody thinks you're part of the establishment. Zuck has zero friends right now. He just called out the entire Democratic Party. Trust me, no one on the left like Zuck right now. He is hated. Watch what they're going to do to Zuc. You're going to see accusations with a girl, and he did this, and rape allegations. You're going to see how Zuc is going to be attacked the next 70 days. They're going to destroy his credibility the next 70 days.


Why do you think he did come out and make that statement?


I don't know. I don't know what he's going through.


To me, he seems like the type of guy that... And I always think this sometimes, too. I think sometimes people automatically assume someone's evil.Let's say Zuc.You're right. People are like, Yo, he's evil. He's from the censoring. But I also think, let's say, the left approaches him and says, Yo, you better censor this shit. I feel like some people are in powerful positions, and they get forced to do shit that they don't want to do.I'm where you are.In a sense.I'm just surprised where you are.I'm not saying Zuck's an angel, too, but I think... I don't I don't know. It is possible that he could have just got pressured and it's like, Dude, I don't want to fuck with these people. I'm just going to play by the rules. I'm happy with my life, and I don't want to fear for my life. I'd be scared if I was in that position.Of course.Also.


What you're saying, too, when you make a statement like that, there's a lot of other stuff behind the scenes that went down that we don't even know about. That's right.


So guess what? Who's his friend today? Everybody on the right says, Oh, he's coming out because all he cares about is a money set. Everybody on the left is not saying, Screw him. What do you mean? There was no Russian disinformation? He said that in the letter? And it was the most viral topic of the day. So here's what Zuck's got to do. Come out, defend the Telegram CEO, and let him know you don't support that. Number two, announce That you want to do a Facebook Live with Kamala Harris and Trump. Kamala is not going to do it. Let Trump come on Facebook. You interview him. I think the next big interview is Zuck interviewing Trump. Trump will push him. Zuck will say, That was the most bad That's the last thing I ever saw. That'll get a billion views on Facebook, and it'll be talked about all over media. I think the Trump camp next has to do an interview with Zuck, but I think Zuck has to initiate it. Trump doesn't have to initiate it. I think Zuck has got to make that move. If he doesn't, But he has to realize that Facebook, going up against Twitter right now with Musk doing what he's doing, my prediction, by the end of 2028, if Trump is the President, I think Twitter is going to be worth a half a trillion dollars because the level of momentum Elon Musk is going to have on positioning himself where he's at with Trump being on his side, it's going to be insanity.


Facebook wants to play this game. You have to take a stand and say, I'm not for this. So guess what? He says yes to Kamala and Trump. Kamala says no. He says, But I invited both people. Why are you upset at me if he does it that way? So if Trump's camp gets Zuck, oh, sweep.


49.50.6. I think Zuck is loaded, too. But he obviously sees Elon and how cool Elon is and everyone likes Elon. He probably gets a bit like, I wish I could be that guy, too, a little bit. He's probably like, You know what? I want to join.He's popping out now more.I.


Want to join.He's popping out no more.


But he's a bit of a squid, though.


He's fighting UFC fighters.


No, I know. But he's trying to be cooler the last two years, I think. He's a bit of a pigeon. He was. But now he's getting doper.


I agree. And I think the American flag, water. What was he doing? Surfing with the Yeah.


He's trying to be more of a bro.


And by the way, he can fight. He can fight. He's a jiu-jitsu guy. He trains. So there's a lot of good with him. But I think the people that are going to get him is Peter Thiel and Larry Ellison. Why are these guys siding with Trump? I think those are the guys that can give him the feedback He's back in a council. But you forget, he's only 40 years old, and he's worth $185 billion. Realistically, if you put it mathematically, he's the richest man in the world. I know they'll say Musk, but Musk is 14 years older than Zack. What do you think Zack will be aged by age at 54. Zuck is not a lightweight to just be like, Zuck is $185 billion networth. So I think that part, Peter Thiel went on Rogan podcast, and Peter Thiel was the first First investment to Facebook, Peter gave Zuck half a million dollars for 10.4% of Facebook.Wow.Exactly..


Was that before PayPal?


This is in '04. This is before Facebook was anybody. Paypal gave... He had made the money already. Peter Thiel gave him a half a million bucks. They asked Peter Thiel, What's the biggest mistake you ever made in your career? He says, The second chance I had to give Facebook money, I didn't.


Boys, really quick. I want to let you guys know about my favorite healthy snack for Bored Jerky. You guys see me? I'm trying to stay in shape. You guys were commentant that I was pregnant all the time in YouTube videos, and it started to hurt me. So I started working out, and I'm always looking for healthy snacks. And this is our new shit, Bored Jerky. What I love about it, especially this original flavor, The macros are fire on this shit. So I'm not snacking on candy anymore. No more donuts and bullshit like that. Bored Jerky, I carry this in my backpack when I travel on planes and cars and road trips. There's 39 grams of protein in this bag. I can gobble this up in 10 minutes. It's only got 2 grams of carbs per serving, 4 grams of fat per serving. If you guys are looking for a healthy snack, high in protein, pretty good on the fats and carbs, try it for yourself. Just order a little bit, try it for yourself. Thank me later. This is the most fired beef jerky I've ever tried. Everybody that tries it, loves it. The quality is insane.


It's available on Amazon right now, so we'll have a link in the description. Try out some board jerky on Amazon. Very, very healthy snack, high in protein. Try it out. Let me know what you guys think.


What were the craziest parts of that letter that people missed, or just the craziest parts of it?In the letter?Yeah.


Well, the exact quote where he says, They approached me. We were not for it. They were forcing us to do this. And then eventually, we made the mistake of siding with them, and we did. And then at the end, the last paragraph, he says, But one commitment I'm going to make, I'm not going to give the same type of support I gave in 2020. Now, he got a lot of criticism for that because same means you can be 5% less. You can be a million less. It's a gray area answer, right? Versus saying, I will be giving nothing.


So he point blank admitted That he favored the left.


There's zero gray area. That's crazy. That is like, Komi level. When Komi said in 2016, the last week of the election that Hillary Clinton emails, she was guilty for it. And Hillary lost last second. This is a very big thing that happened this week for Trump. And by the way, whatever the camp is doing, you got to give them credit because they were getting some heat two weeks ago. They're doing a lot of good stuff right now.


Don't you think there was also... They were probably pushing anything negative about Trump on Metta while doing the same thing with hiding the stuff about Hunter Biden?


The Dems right now are in a very problematic place.


Do you think more stuff is going to continue to come out? Or do you think this is Zuc's one statement and that's it?


I think RFK is just like the... The DNC was tough to watch, and it's like, What's going to happen? And then that next day RFK, then Tulsi, then the meta thing. It's just crazy.


Also, if you think about it, have you guys seen the message of Everybody's saying the same thing. Rumors has it that Beyoncé is going to be at the DNC, and it's apparently confirmed. Apparently, they have arrived. Apparently, Beyoncé just arrived. Rumor has it Beyoncé is going to be performing. At least 70, 80 different media platforms said Beyoncé is going to be there. She never showed up.


Why do you think?


Do you think she was supposed to show up?


Well, that's the question, right? You know Beyoncé is going to vote for them anyways. It's not like she's not going to vote for them. But one, If you're Jay-Z, and Beyoncé is being told that she's going to be at D&C, and Beyoncé is sitting next to you in the house, what would you be saying? Would you be like, 40 laws of power? Yeah, I know what they're doing. Let them do it because more people will watch Kamala's speech. Even though you're not going to be there, don't say anything, babe. Great. Yeah, let's play that card. Kamala Harris's speech got 28.5 million views, 500,000 more than what Trump got. Was that Kamala? Was that because they were waiting for Beyoncé? Was that because since we got no primary with Kamala, and would you think Kamala debate any other Democrats? Maybe this was a form of a primary for us to see what she was all about? How many of that 28.5 were Republicans watching it to see what she was going to be talking about? Probably a lot. That's the part, right? So I think they're in a lot of trouble right now. I just think Trump's campaign has got to go.


You got to suffocate the competition right now.Suffocate them right now.I.


Think there was a lot more celebrities coming out for Hillary Clinton?


Then Kamala.


Sorry, for Biden in 2020, then Kamala. I know some celebrities have come out, like Steph Curry, but where's the Kim Kardashian? Those types of people haven't said anything.


You got to realize, Beyoncé and Jay- Kim, she endorsed Biden publicly, didn't she?


Yeah. Why is she not endorsing the first potential woman president?


Maybe they're keeping it to last 30 days. Yesterday, Kevin McCarthy and I are speaking, and He's the former speaker of the House, and he says, One thing about election cycle right now, the next 70 days are the equivalent of 10 years, and every day, news cycle is gone. Forget about it. Gone. Guys, do you know how many days Six weeks ago was the assassination attempt?


Three weeks, right? Six weeks ago. Six weeks?


It's as if, Yeah, next. Dude, the guy almost got killed, and everybody's moved on. You think about how you find a way to lengthen the life cycle of a story. When you're a startup entrepreneur and you're only dealing with a million dollars, you have to act like you have $10 million, and you have to stretch the million as if it's $10 million because you're going to run out of money. Some of these guys have to stretch this new cycle of the assassination, but the assassination attempt is gone. So now it's the next story, and the next story, and the next story. So who knows? Maybe they got Kardashian lined up next month. Maybe they got Taylor Swift lined up. End of October, they're going to have a lot of surprises. This is the game of politics, man. It's all manipulation, deception, and surprises.


I don't think T Swift can come out publicly with her whole NFL shit, though. Oh, that's a good point. I think she thinks like, Oh, I'm going to get booed at every NFL game, even more.


Didthat's a good point. You hear what Patrick Mahomes' wife just said?


She probably loves that NFL shit. Have you guys had Mahomes on or no?


I saw she liked one of Trump's posts.


You guys for sure need to have Mahomes on. And for sure, you can get Mahomes. 100%.


I guarantee you Mahomes. I don't think he's going to want to talk I'm not sure about that, though. But that's what it was, right? She liked one of Trump's posts.


But I think she doesn't give a shit. Yeah. So you have both of them on, husband and wife. You bring both of them on, and he's going to play the dramatic. Jackson, too.


Yeah, he's been DMing Jackson for four years.


Yeah, but I think you bring both of them on. And this is a podcast for them to be on. Why not? But I think... Look, when we were at the UFC fight, you know who was coming and just hugging and taking pictures with Trump? Everybody and anybody. Joe Burrow. Who's the big guy from San Francisco? The linebacker, the monster. What's his name?




Oh, the guy's a freak. By the way, when you look at him, you're like, Are those traps? Like, what the hell is that right there? The guy's like this. Bosa is a tank. He is a tank. You watch these guys that are coming, and they were just straight up going like, I cannot believe Trump is here. Listen, Joe Burrow's picture is public. Everybody saw that. These guys' pictures was public. I think Mahomes' wife taking that position, and Mahomes' Kelsey, Kelsey Taylor. Taylor coming out, and they just put a party together for Ryan Goslin and Blake Lively. But Blake Lively They just made a comment that she got some heat. And I don't know if Ryan Gosling and them are fully on the left. I think they're center left. I don't think they're left left, like crazy left, because Ryan's an entrepreneur. He's a business guy. Freaking phenomenal what he's doing. But I think, again, this is all massaging in relationships. And how somebody that's a good ambassador type, plays this behind closed doors, that's the part I'd be doing if I'm part of Trump's camp. But they're doing the right thing right now. They had their best week of their campaign, hands down.


Yeah, they were hyping up Beyoncé, too. Wouldn't the best we got was maybe little John, right? Little John.


Well, look, you have to realize this election, independents are going to run the 2024 election. Not Democrats or MAGA. Maga is not going anywhere, and Democrats are not going anywhere. It's the middle 20. And that's why RFK is such a big deal. Tulsi is a big deal. Musk is a big deal. Peter The deal is a big deal. This is what matters right now. So if you're able to get these guys, which they're doing the right thing, I don't think Dems are getting them. But again, there's a part of me that's like, I think if Trump and Dem go the way they're going with their momentum, this could be an embarrassing victory.


As of the last week, it's starting to look like that, right? But like you said, who knows what happens tomorrow, the day after. But as of now, it's looking really good.


Yeah, I mean, look.


Especially if RFK, too, I didn't really realize. He has such a different message than Trump, too. I feel like what he's doing for Trump is crazy. Him exposing the whole the food industry. Do you know much about what he says about how 70% of the FDA is funded by the pharmaceutical industry?


Yeah. Did you watch the Tucker podcast he just did? He was on Tucker two days ago. Okay, I'm going to watch it. His whole thing right now, if you go to his Instagram profile right now, I think he changed it to, Make America Healthy Again. His slogan is Maha, not mega, it's Maha, like a Hawaiian slogan, Make America Healthy Again. But think about how many people in America who are independent who want to know what happened with JFK assassination. And Trump says he's going to put him to go investigate all the different assassination attempts. What? The nephew of John Kennedy, RFK Jr, whose uncle and father were assassinated, that caused him to go 14 years being a drug addict because he didn't think his life was worth living? I mean, think about your two heroes, your dad and your uncle. One is a President, one is about to be a President. They kill both of them. What would you do? How would you be? I don't know, man. I think he goes that side. How many people in America want to find out what happened with the vaccine? How many How many people in America want to get to the bottom of seeing what happened with China, with Wuhan lab?


How many people in America want to find out what happened with the assassination attempts? How many people in America want to know who killed John F. Kennedy? How many people in America... How many people want to know this? Left, right, center? Now, Trump is saying, That's You know what he's going to do? A part is like, Well, is he going to be the director of CIA? Probably not. Is he going to be the attorney general? Who knows? Like his father. Is he going to be the guy that's going to be running the Department of Health? If he goes that route, because NIH reports, I think CDC or NIH reports to that. He's so versatile because as an environmental lawyer, you have so many places you can put Bobby.


Where do you think he ends up?


I think it's health. Because if he's saying Maha, that's what it is.


How about Tulsi? Does she get a cabinet position?


She could. And Tulsi could get a cabinet position. And Tulsi is not liked by the other side. Tulsi was supposed to speak at our event at MGM Grand. That's the day when the Quiet Skies happened, that they put her on the terrorist list or terrorist watches. She's like, You wouldn't believe what they're doing to me. I'm like, You got to be kidding me. No. I said, Man, do your thing. Totally get it. Craziness. But... Yeah, this deception game, you have to be ready with. It's crazy. This is the first thing But I'll tell you that I've never done this. This is my first ever fiction book I've written. Really? Fiction book called The Academy. That painting right there, if you look at the painting, you'll see eight characters. It's myself in the middle with Iriatan Senna, Formula One race car driver, whom I named my daughter after him. Tupac is to my right. Then you got the Shah of Iran, Milton Friedmann, MLK, Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, and Einstein. In a bank vault, all speaking, debating two books that's on the table, which the two books on the table are Atlas Shrug and Communist Manifesto.


They're very opposite books on what they're debating. But the whole premise of that painting, when I did it seven years ago, is What if there was a society that can develop the next layer of leaders that understand the game of deception, power, manipulation, division, all these things that happen? What if there was a society that brought these types of leaders up? Obviously, this is a fiction book. In this book, it's a character that gets recruited to the secret society that's been around for a couple of thousand years. You go to the bottom of this organization, the academy, where you have access to people. Imagine you can have a three-hour conversation conversation with Hitler and ask him, Hey, today, if you wanted to take over the world, how would you do it? Based on the technology that they have, he'll tell you exactly how to do it. How valuable is that to you? Imagine you can have a conversation with Marilyn Monroe, literally sitting there doing a podcast with Marilyn Monroe. What if you can have a conversation with putting up a Karl Marx and a Ayn Rand and having them debate. How cool would that debate be?


This institution has that technology, and the book is filled with a ton of stories, conflicts, how they're challenging and debating these types of topics. But it's about shaping the mindset of younger people to be ready. If you're going to be a future leader here, here's the power plays they're going to use against you. What do you do with that? So anyways, this book is coming out in third week of September. The Academy, you can find it on simonandschuster or amazon. Com. The Academy, first fiction book. People are going to read the book, they're going to think I'm crazy. They're going to say, How the hell do you write a fiction? I've been working on this thing for 13 and a half years. I told my guys, I will launch this book after my earnout is done with the insurance company. My earnout ended three weeks ago, and I said, We're launching this book. That's exciting. Yeah, I'm excited about it. It's weird because it's a business book. I'm comfortable talking business. This is creative. The market is going to read it and say, What does Pat do? Schrums and smoke weed late night and start writing.


Because some of the stuff in the book, you're going to say, This guy's lost his mind, but excited to see how the market reacts to the book.


That's sick. With all your success in this book coming out, do 's 's 's 's ' Do you ever talk about or do you have anything in your previous years that you do regret? Sure.


It's a list of them. But to me, it's... This message has been very consistent the more I think about it, is trying to force people to do things they don't want to do, especially with friendships, man. You know how you talk about that guy?




He makes a quart of a million, but he's miserable?




That was like, Why don't you want to live this life? Why don't you want to go after your dreams? Some people just I want to do it. Versus, What do you want to do? Let's see what we can do with this. We try sometimes to force people to do things they don't want to do. Making those mistakes early on, and I made that It's going to take a lot early on in my 20s, even in my early 30s, that probably helped me know that that's not going to work with your kids. You can't do that with your kids because your kids ain't going to do what you want to drive them to do. You're going to push them away. I learned that very early. Probably one of the most powerful phrases that I realized 90% of my headaches in my life came from this. The fastest way to create an enemy is to try to force them to change. Fastest way. You want to make an enemy? Force somebody to change. Because what you're telling them is you're not good enough. Versus having the conversation with them and let them tell you who they want to be and then ask them what What do you think you need to do to have this life become a reality?


But they're saying it. Versus, No, here's what you got to do. There's always got to be the choice of what the individual has to do. Style of communication, delivery of message, that was a lot of work on learning how to give the message in a more subtle way where the person has to choose what they want to do.


How many people have you had come to you that ask for advice? You take your time with them, and then they just don't do anything with it?




Does that ever bother you?


No, not at all.


Why do you think that is? If you give A guy like you who's as successful as you are, someone has a chance to get advice from you, and they just hear what you say because they wake up.


People only wake up when they wake up themselves. Yeah.


A part of this is right. The part with life is When I was younger, my fear was when I went to the army, my dad's going to die, he's not going to meet my kids because I never met his dad. I'm like, Dad, I want to make sure my kids meet him. So that was my fear. So when I got out of the army, and I'm sitting I'm like, Okay, in life, you either change intentionally or you change by crisis happening in your life. Most of the time, we change because a girl broke up with us. Somebody ripped us off. You got backstabbed. You lost everything. You change because shit hit the fan, right? If you can change intentionally without crisis happening to you, you're ahead of the game. You're ahead of everybody by 99% of people you're ahead of. It's not even a question. Because almost Everyone I saw in the last 20 years of business, the guys that change, they change after something shitty happening to them. But the guys that change intentionally, and every 90 days to 180 days, you don't recognize them because they recreate themselves. You're almost like, I saw this guy six months ago.


He's not the same. You don't see him for six months. He's changed again. You don't see him six months. This guy is somebody. He's going places. Because every six months, he's a new human being. He's still the same. He's humble. But there's something that's going on with this guy. He's different. That's a person that's changing intentionally. Not changing because the market is forcing you to change. You're changing because you're setting the pace for everybody else. If you're able to do that, it's not easy to do. Because the more you win, what do people say about you? Oh, my God, dude, you guys are killing it. I saw it the other day, and da, da, da, da. What the fuck? So amazing, bro. That What the world? This stuff. You almost have to be like, Yeah, got it. Boom, out. Then, PPD, what do you want to do? Kyle, what are we doing? Stanley, where are we going? What are you doing? Here's where to pursue this. That's not easy to do. Very hard to do.


I think that's a problem people have, too, is when you have too many people telling you, You're doing well, that's when you can get lazy, too. When everyone's gassing you up, you're crushing it, and then people the way they respond with, I'm good, or the people that just keep going. It's a big separator.


But it's everywhere.


For you, did you ever want to stop, or did you have an ultimate goal you wanted to get to, or you just keep going?


I'm going till the day I die. I love this game. Oh, my God. You have no idea how much I love this game. You know how you're like, Oh, my God. Poor me. I'm working so hard. Look at... I freaking love this game. It's It's just a very interesting game because I'm now running eight companies. One of them I sold, and my two years is done. So I'm just playing the role of a chairman of the board, advisor, stuff like that. Now I'm operating these other eight companies. We're back to being a startup again. Chaos, problems, HR, growth, all this stuff. But it's so much fun. And we're doing a podcast. And we're doing, and, and, and four kids. And this is a... But if you're enjoying the game, And you're going like Steve Jobs would say, If you go 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, and you're miserable going to work every day, you have to really ask yourself, Am I at the right place? Am I doing the right thing I'm supposed to be doing? But if you're going, you're like, No, I'm good. I'm enjoying it. I'm having fun with it. And again, listen, vision, long term.


I got kids, right? Everything I'm building with all my companies, everything I'm building with all my companies, is for one day, the holding company to have so many different businesses that you They can pick and choose where you wanted. If you're a lawyer, there's a place for you. If you want to go into real estate, there's a place for you. If you want to be talent, there's a place for you. If you want to be a director producer, there's a place for you. If you want to be the money manager, there's a place for you. That's the whole thing where later on, kids can There's a family on this side. If you guys leave, if you drive all the way around to go to this house, the one right here that I was showing you, the three houses next to it, it's a family. It's a billionaire family. Two sons each have four kids. Mom and dad started a company, now they got 7,000, 8,000 employees. They live here. Youngest son lives here. Oldest son lives here. They're right next to each other. They There's something about that. That's crazy. Yeah, there's something about that, man.


That's like kids growing up together, grandkids growing up together. You get a chance to see them. That, to me, is a lot of fun.


How would you respond if your son came to you and said, Hey, dad, I don't want anything to do with any of your I want to live a completely separate life.


We talk about that today. We actually talk about that today with them. Dylan, my youngest son, says, Dad, I want to go into sports. After I'm done with sports, I want to be a coach. I want to manage a sports team. No problem. Do I have to be in business with you? Not at all. I tell him, I said, Buddy, I'd love for you to be in business with me, but you don't have to be. The most powerful statement you can tell your kids over and over and over again. I don't think any phrase is more powerful than this to your kids. I don't think. I could be wrong, but this is mine. Last night, my oldest son, I said, Listen, here's what you got to realize, buddy. You can get straight Fs. You can get expelled from school. You can do nothing. You useful with your life. It's not going to change my love for you. I love you. Will I be disappointed? Yes. Will I be hurt because I want to see your dreams become a reality? Yes. I said, But the love will never change. You get straight A's, you You go to the best college, you build a movie that wins the most Oscars or whatever you do, or you get straight F's.


My love is the same. Because what that allows your kids to do, just think about that feeling right now when somebody... Right now, you're processing that statement. Imagine your mom or your dad said something like that to you. Or maybe you're saying, That's exactly what my mom said to me, right? What does that make you feel like? You're like, Okay, I can play loose. Great. But I need to perform. But if I don't, I still got the love. That's an insurance policy that allows you to go, right? Allows you to go. But at the same time, the other day, we're talking, and I'm like, So guys, I got a question for you. What should happen to Daddy's money if I die? And my oldest son says, Oh, it should go to me. I'll manage it. Then my younger son said, Wait a minute. How about me? It says, You're actually right. We should do 50/50. And then my youngest daughter, my oldest daughter, eight years old, she's like, How about me? And they're like, Yeah, we'll take care of you. But I want my own money. So then I'm like, Okay, what if one of you guys becomes a drug addict?


What do you mean? What if one of you guys just is a bad sibling and all you want to do is party, do drugs, and be responsible? That person I didn't get anything. Okay, good. You guys agree? I agree. What if somebody does this? What if somebody marries somebody that only marries you for the money and because they want to get the money from the family, and they're marrying the family because they want your money, your part of the state? No, we're not going to do I'm glad. They're going to have to be with me because they love me. I said, Okay, so that's good. We just wrote out a living trust right there.




Makes sense? So these types of conversations you have early on. I asked the other day, Hey, what do you do if your sister, Senna, she's She's 19 years old. Her boyfriend slaps her in the face, and you see the brothers are like, What do you mean? What would you do if that happens? What do you think is the right thing to do? Beat that guy's ass. It's so interesting seeing what they're saying.


What was their response?


Let me tell you, they both went there. One guy's eyes got like, watery. I'm looking, I'm like, Listen, this is just a question. It's not happening, guys. I'm just asking you a question. How would you handle this? And what if she still wants to go back to him? What if she says it was my mistake? I deserve to get slapped. What if your sister says... What if your sister is trying to keep that away from us because she wears glasses? What if she puts makeup on, but because you saw it in school? How do you handle it? I was like, Well, I think we would first have to handle it amongst siblings. We would talk to each other. But if it gets out of hand, I need to bring you in. It was such an interesting dynamic. But this is the part... So people will ask and say, Pat, do you have a photographic memory? I said, I don't know if I do or not, but I tell you what game I play all the time. What's that? Here's the game I play. The moment I'm done here with this meeting, I leave. The first thing I do in my mind is try to restate as many as I can remember from this meeting.


So I'm like, Okay, he said this. He said this. He said that. I offered him drinks. He said, No, I offered him a second time. He said, Do you want to eat something? No. But when I said, Do you want Celsius? He said, It's interesting. No, I'm good. Protein, I offered, right? Boom. Each Jimmy, when Jimmy came in, Jimmy's like, Hey, let me tell you, the guys are running late because I told him to get back and send something. That's my fault. Jimmy had your back, and he totally... Jimmy played a stud.


That's a big play from him. Yeah.


He was crying from the beginning. Do He didn't want anything. He didn't say anything. He was very, very quiet when he was here.


You offered him something to eat?


Yeah, he's like, he's good. I said, Do you need to use your bathroom? No.


Don't let him use your bathroom. You don't want that. I'm telling you right now.


But what's the point? So this whole game is the memory game. Let me see how much of it I can remember. Let me see if I can remember 100% of it. The game I play with the kids is the following game. It's such a great game. You should play with your kids when you have them.


Going off that, it seems now, and I've noticed this with other people that we've done that have kids that are successful, they seem very more involved in their kid's life with everything else, all these exterior shit going on in schools. Gavin Newsom passed that bill about not having to tell the parents if a kid tells a teacher I'm not sure what my gender is or I want to be. I don't know what he said exactly, but something along those lines.


The fact that if somebody wants to go through the surgery, they don't have to tell their parents. Yeah.


I saw that was just passed in California. How do you respond to that and what do you think of that?


What do I think about Newsom and what he's doing? That policy, specifically. That's exactly why I don't live there. That's exactly why I don't live there. So you want to come out with policies like that, you're going to lose family people like me. I'm not going to raise my kids there. No problem. How about the fact that in Florida, there's hurricanes? I would much rather live in a state that has hurricanes, but doesn't try to force LGBTQ to the kids, then live in a state without hurricanes, but is going to sit there and confuse a hell out of my kids. I'm not okay with that. Because what age are we the most confused? At 45, at 35, at 25, or 13, 14, 15? Why are you confusing kids at 13, 14, 15 while they're already confused? Leave them alone. If somebody wants to make a decision later on in life, let them do it. If at 25, you want to change it up and all of a sudden be like, I think I like this. No problem. At 12 years old, No, you don't, bro. You're good. Stay here. We're confusing at an age of most confused.


Have you guys read the The Book, Anxious Generation? That just came out a couple of months ago. It's a phenomenal book to read. Does anybody here have kids or no? You guys got kids? No. Nobody got kids? No. Okay. It's a great book to read because he talks about the challenges girls go through and how to help parents that they're going through this phone chat. For example, when we were in Hamptons a couple of weeks ago, I had a couple of guidelines I created for us when we're going out to dinner. Every time we're having dinner, everybody, give your phones, put it at the table over there. Everybody put their phones away. For three hours, we actually spoke to each other. It was so funny because every time you want to get a... What year did this happen? We're all going like this. We're all going like this. We're like, Oh, shit. Let me go get the phone. Nope. Just talk. By the second week we're together, everybody is like, Can't wait to put the phone aside. Then Anxious Generation says, That's some of the things you got to do. Another thing talks about is parents who give their girls an iPhone at night.


You decide to give your 14, 15, 16-year-old girl on a phone. No problem. Guess what? At eight o'clock, you have a safe. All the kids bring their phones. They put their phone in a safe. You close it up. 7:00 in the morning when they got to go back to school, Here's your phone. He says, You got to take the kid's phone away from 8:00 till 7:00 in the morning. Great idea. Why? Because kids sit there late at night on their phones till midnight. Take that away. All these things he talked about, how we're raising the next greatest anxious generation. Then one guy is doing a podcast with him, asks him the most interesting question. He says, politically, which political family raise more anxious kids? Democrats that are your parents or Conservatives that are your parents? He says, Oh, it's not even close. He says, Who? Parents on the left raise more anxious kids. Parents on the right raise more kids that are calm and relaxed and enjoying themselves. He says, So which one are you? He says, Oh, I'm on the left. He says, Since you've done the research, and that's what it shows, why don't you become a conservative?


He says, I can't. I'm part of academia. I'm on this side. His research revealed, these guys raise better kids that are calmer. These guys raise kids that are anxious. He is still staying on this side. That argument gates even more weight because he's not changing his position. But he's telling you, The other part, he raises better kids. Why? It's just predictable values and principles that the kids can be like, All right, this is where I'm at. This site confuses the hell out of you. But that's the part. In California, kids are anxious. Kids are nervous. Kids are questioning all these things. That doesn't produce the right behavior.


This is a crazy question. You don't even have to answer it. Go for it. In 10 years, your daughter comes to you and says, Hey, dad, all these other girls are doing it. I want to start at OnlyFans.


How do you react? How old is she?


We'll say 21.


I can't do nothing about her. If by that age, you choose to do it, and I haven't given you enough of an argument in a life lessons to choose not to sell your body like that, it's my failure. I can't do anything with you. Do your thing. What am I going to do? Nothing I can do about it. I'll come home, I'll be very disappointed, I'll be heartbroken, I'll be annoyed, and I'll be upset. But guess what? She's got to make the choice. There's a lot of choices I made as a young adult. My dad watched me and he let me make them. He's like, You know you're making a bad choice. I know. And it began to fight, and I would still do it. I'd watch him. I'm like, I wonder how you handle it. I'd watch my dad. I'm like, Man, this guy's freaking taking it. I could see the pain, but he would still make me breakfast. I just got out of the army. I'm 21 years old. I see him. He doesn't say anything to me, but he'd still make my best dish. So the great equalizer when we do stupid shit as kids to hurt our parents is overflow love.


Because that feeling is like, Dude, this is what unconditional love is really all about? Oh, my God. Forget about it. Screw this thing that I just did for a week. I'm back. I'm glad you made the decision, but it won't be easy.


I want to come to one of the dinners where we put our phones away.


Do it. You're invited.


You got the conference coming up. We might stop by later this week.That's great. Or next week, right?


Next week, yeah. We're going to have a... The Rock will be there. By the way, the after-party will be sick if you guys want to come to. We're going to shut down the Flagler mansion in Palm Beach, and The Rock will be speaking that morning as well. If you come Friday night and Saturday morning, so that is the time to come, because Saturday night will be the party, and Saturday morning is when The Rock is going to be there. We're going to have people coming in from 60 plus countries, nearly 10,000 people in a room. We're going to go through a 200-page manual together on how to go from zero to selling your business for a few hundred million to everything else. It's a very unique way that we put this business conference. Started off five years ago with 400 people, and it grew to what it is today. But yeah, it's going to be content creators. Obviously, everyone's going to know who you guys are, but I think Saturday will be a great session for you guys to attend. Sweet.


We'll put all those links in the description. Link to the academy in the description, all your links. We got to just have you on every six to eight months. It's always dope. Always leave fired up. You get everything over the spectrum with funny and learning, everything.


Well, I tell you guys, if you guys do on the election night, do you guys know where you're going to be on election night. Do you have any idea?


I hope we're partying with Trump, honestly.


By the way, that's probably the number one place to be. The number two place to be is going to be with us when you hear what we're doing. But if that's the number one choice you have, listen, we're not going to beat that.


If we got invited, yeah.


You got to go there. But the number two, when we tell you what we're going to be doing, you're going to want to be there. All right. It'll be a while.


All right. This is awesome. This was great. Thank you, bro. Thank you, bro. Thank you. Good stuff, boys.