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We want help. We want out. We want out. We want out. It's good. It's good.


What's up? Rob, Sugar Sean.


How much do we love our Mexicans? Oh, we love them. I love them.


Don't Oh, yeah. Dude, the RFK one was good. God. You liked it? It was good, dude. He's the first man.


Tim's super political.


What a bald man. Gabe, stop doing his mic fixes. I don't know if you guys used to notice that.




He still does it.


It depends on the guess.


Yeah. He got real close to Tim there.


All right. Another fight week pod. Appreciate you making time. We know you got a busy next week, too. Yes, sir. Pressy tonight. How are we feeling, boys?


Pressy, tonight is going to be interesting. It'll be outside. It's It's going to be late. It's going to be 07:00 PM. That's what I think. Oh, it's outside? I'm pretty sure. That's what I heard, but I guess... Oh, shit. I haven't really seen an official press conference thing, so I could be wrong.


Have you guys been in this sphere yet?


No, not yet. Might be able to check it out before, but not 100% sure if we're going to go in before.


I think that's important to see it before. It looks pretty funny.


I don't think so.


I mean, for me, it's a walk out into an octagon. That's like...


Isn't that huge-ass screen in the back, though?


I think the whole thing's a screen, literally.


You think that'll be distracting?


Hopefully not. Hopefully, I should be pretty focused on punching Marab's face. I think that should be able to dial me in, but you never know.


What's good with the beef with you and Marab? How did that start?


I think he was just pissed It's like in that Aljo fight, that clip that was going around saying, Aljo, go. And Aljo went, and he thought it was unsportsmanlike. But people on Twitter were asking some of the main refs if that's illegal, and they said, I mean, that's not illegal. Just no one's ever really done it.


What if that was just a call out for me? Aljo, you got to go. What if that was a secret call out for me? Which it was.


Which it was. Isn't someone calling you out to fight right now?


Just Marabi.


Yeah, just Marabi. Just Marabi. But he said, he said at the PI yesterday, he saw him. He said, After I beat up Sugar, I'll forgive you.


I thought he said, After Sugar, I'll come for you. It's still up for debate. We have a video of it. We can't quite clarify what he said. I thought he said, Come for you, right? You thought that at first?


Yeah, I thought at first, but it sounds like in the video, it's forgive.


Well, hands up. Well, It's going to be hard for him to come after you. He's playing unconscious.


How good does it feel? Because I know behind the scenes last time, you had an injury versus Aldo, too, and that was scary. I know you were telling us about that, too. But this time, I've seen you say the camp was It was feeling like A plus.


I thought it was great. Yeah, we've had a really good camp. That must feel so good. It feels so much better. I remember doing interviews for the Aldo fight, and I was like, It's fine. He grabs me. It might be the end of it. But this camp, I feel I'll be able to dig deep if I need to. And we had a really good camp. I heard Marab had a good camp, too. I heard he had a really an excellent camp, an A plus camp as well.


It's just dope to see because obviously, we're just boys with you guys, and it's just dope. It makes me happy to see how far you guys have come to. Especially being counted out before.


Yon, no chance. Still counted out. I'm an underdog.


All Joe was like, everyone was saying no chance. I remember we sat on the pod. We were like, Sugar's from here.


Got this Baby.Boston was different.Boston. I don't know if Boston can be replicated.Who was Boston again?Aljo. That was crazy. Were you inside?


Yeah. But I feel like Abu Dhabi was the crazy... Peter Yon was the crazy thing.


Peter Yon was crazy, too.


Because you're fighting on his turf, too. His turf.


But Boston was just literally 99% sugar show and then 1% Aljo. So when I won, which I wasn't supposed to, everyone was like, I want sugar to win, but leaning towards Aljo. So when I actually did knock him out, that was going to be hard to beat. But the Sphere, if anywhere is going to beat it, it's putting Rob's lights out at the Sphere.


This is probably the second most dangerous guy in the division, too. And I've heard from his coaches, from other teammates, that he's had the best camp in the world. He's looking better than he's ever been. And the dude is an absolute machine. This guy is a serious problem.


Is this similar to a little similar to Yon? Just because they're both like little feisty.


Completely different styles. Completely different. Both ugly in short, but completely different styles.


What's the biggest thing What did he watch for with Marab?


Marab, his cart. He's literally his endurance and constantly being able to go forward for 25 minutes is insane.


After watching the... We talked about this. I sent it to you, and I was like, You have you seen this when he dove into the lake, the frozen lake.


I don't know if he knew what ice was, which is a weird thing. I think he just-Dude, how do you walk away from that?


I was like, Jesus Christ, dude. His neck's not broken. He walked away, and he was completely fine. His face was fucked up, but he got a strong neck.


Yeah. No, that was impressive.


Sometimes being really not smart is good for fighting. Yeah. And that's what makes him dangerous in this fight. Sean's movements froze everyone else up, but he's just going to go, and he's going to fire that blitz in. He's not going to be afraid to take risks. But even his coach said, he's going to have to eat some serious shots to even get to Sean. We'll see if he can wear those shots or not.


How good does it feel, Sugar? Do you feel like you manifested this moment? Because you've always been talking like, I'm going to be the champ. I'm going to be one of the biggest stars in the UFC. And now this is a once in a lifetime event for you boys. The Sphere. This is one of the craziest events in UFC history, and you're headlining it.


It's dope. It is crazy. I do feel like I've manifested this because I know Max and Elia wanted this. I know UFC was saying, Connor and Chandler wanted this. For them to give it to me shows a lot. I'm doing what I need to be doing. I did put that out there. I wanted to make history in in certain ways. If they're never going back to this sphere again, even if they do, it's like we were the first, possibly the first and last. But yeah, it feels good. It feels like I'm doing what I've needed to be doing over the years. We go out and party with the boys every once in a while.


But you guys are the dial kings. When you dial in, it's just like you guys are dial.


Yeah, 12 weeks, three months to straight up dial in. And outside of those three months, we'll party here and there. But even still, the weeks are dialed. So that's That's why we're here.


You're pretty much... You think you become the face of the UFC after this fight?


I do. I go out there and knock a mirab out. I do. I mean, I just don't see. I mean, Alex Maheda is still huge, but I still think I could top it. Connor. I think Connor could come back for one more fight and do some crazy numbers, but it's like, he loses one more. That's like six in a row. He's got to fall off at some point. Maybe not. That's just my prediction. If he loses again, there's no way he comes back and does a million pay-per-view buys, but he very well could.


Also, you guys are set up to be like, you need to beat tough people to be considered one of the best. This fight, everyone knows it's like, this is a tough fight. And then when you win, there's Umar waiting, too. Umar, Figgy. Those two guys, if you beat them, you're in the conversation for one of the greatest fighters ever.


Yeah. Which is crazy. That is crazy. I did see someone was talking about that. I was like, I go out there, beat Marab, and beat Umar. That's me in history forever. That's crazy. And I could only be 30 years old by the time that happens. I still got five years left. I could beat Elia. I could still add to that craziness of that. Go out there, box Jervante. Well, Ryan's on drugs. Boxed Javante could be crazy at a stadium in Vegas. There's still so much more for me. People ask me, How do you say motivated? I'm like, There's so much more sweet Sweet shit for me to do. If I run out of sweet shit, I'll probably stop.


Oh, yeah.


You guys are just getting started, man.


We're just getting started.


Is there a bunch of comparisons or have people talked about how Kanaal is obviously fighting. You're fighting same day. About who sells more pay-per-views?


Yeah. I've been hearing that who's going to sell more pay-per-view buys. It's so tricky in today's age. It's so easy to illegally stream it. So it's not even really a fair comparison to who does more. It's going to be who has the headlines next week. Who did they talk about Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday? That whole week, who are they talking about? That's who's going to steal the show. And that's where I feel like I'm going to be able to deliver for the UFC.


You see Canelo say he wants to fight McGregor?In.


A fight fight?In a fight fight? Or boxing? God, dude, Connor would get killed. Dude, Canelo is scary. I would be scared for my life if I had to go box Canelo. Fuck that.


Does that suck? I know you've been asked a lot, but for McGregor to turn on you like that because you've just done nothing but respect them and you've obviously respect them.


It is. I had a conversation with someone the other day, and they were saying, It seems like he's not doing great. It's probably just sad. It's past the point for me to want to talk shit. I have been here and there in interviews, but it's past the point of that. It's more sad. It's honestly fucking sad. What to see someone like that.


What did he say? I don't know exactly what he said, but he went on at sugar on Twitter.


He's been coming at me for little things here and there. But I guess I want to get to the point where it's like, okay, I don't need to throw stabs at him anymore. He needs help.


He needs help. Yeah. Marab said yesterday that this wasn't at all personal for him. Just a business thing. Do you take any of these fights personal?


In the moment, they seem personal after. It's like, Well, knock that dude out. So it's whatever at this point. But I think it is a little personal just because of the Aljo thing. That was his friend, his best friend, his boyfriend, and now I've knocked him out. Now he almost wants to get that one back. I feel like it's a little bit personal. Then the whole situation with Tim, Marab saying he's going to fight Tim in the streets after. He's going slap him in the face. That's not business. You're not making money fighting Tim. That's personal.


Dude, I love that. I think you guys have the most interesting coach fighter, the most loyal dynamic ever.Yeah, 100%.I wish I had a Tim, straight up.


It's because we play Call of Duty every single day. We play duos, we get dubs. You have that chemistry. You have Bob.


Bob is the biggest bitch ever.


What do you think is the most important thing? Because Tim just did that throwback photo of you guys. What's the secret to a 10-year relationship relationship with personal and business? There's obviously some up and downs. We know how it goes, too. But what do you think is the secret?


We've had very, very few downs. Really? It's pretty much been mostly ups. I don't know. I think we're both just trying to constantly grow. And I think that just... I don't know. Maybe you can answer that.


Yeah, he's leveled me up. I've leveled him up, too. We've always enjoyed what we've done so much. And it's never really like, I make my own money. He makes his own money. And I think where that happens is when the fighter starts making a lot of money and the coach is living is making off the fighter. And they're like, Hey, I should be getting a bigger percentage. And then it just turns into a money thing. Then it gets weird. But for us, it's never really been like that.


You said Marab is the second best. So you think Umar is the number one?


I think Aljo. The way he pressured, the way he's so funky, the way he's so long, the way he takes the back and breaks people's spines when he gets on the back. But Marab's right up there, too. Anyone who doesn't gas out in 25 minutes and can come forward the whole time for 25 minutes is absolutely scary.


He shot 50 takedowns on Peter Jan.


Yeah, we were there for that fight. It was pretty ridiculous. It was ridiculous.


I mean, Peter Jan has a completely different style than I do. I think that might have been in the big cage, wasn't it? Apex.


It wasn't Apex. No, it was in some random arena.


But I think it might have still been in a smaller cage, which plays a huge role. It's like playing half-court basketball versus full-court basketball. It's a different game. And Peter Jan's Marab's height, so it's a little bit more flat-footed. So Rob is not going to be able to take 50 shots on me. But still, it's super impressive for him to be able to do that.


Kyle came up with this idea. I wanted to get your guys' opinion. I've been watching a lot of your fight tutorials. He's trying to convince me to do it, and Salim and Steve, us four versus Brad in the octagon.


Just wrestling, though. Just jiu-jitsu.


But do you think that us four could take Brad in the octagon?


Yeah. Stani is scared to do it. As long as you don't go in, they're scared. If you go in there, all four, attack him each limb, get him down.


Me and Salim grab one arm. Steve grabs another arm. Then he can't touch you.


You're good. I think one minute, you guys.


I just feel like he would immediately just pick me up and throw me and get rid of me.


Are you guys able to choke? That's how you guys win, right?


I think I'd probably have to grab an arm. Salim would have to grab an arm. Steiney would be just, I don't know, holding his leg, and then Steve's got to get him hanging from his neck.


Once you get thrown, though, you got to get back.


I wouldn't go anywhere near his neck. I don't know. We could get Gabe in there for that.


Gabe, you could start getting-Maybe after the dub, you guys could wrap it.


You're not in the. Gabe, you actually distract him and get on your knees. You get down with him and then we'll do the rest.


That's what you do every night.


But yeah.


Maybe we'll come to Eze and do it after.


We got the cage. We got the cage. Cage is.


We could do either one. If you get thrown once and you just get scared. But if you get back on.


Have you seen how he picked Steve up and threw Steve? That was crazy. So he could throw me out of the ring.


But that's one on one, bro.


It doesn't matter. The power to throw Steve like that means he would throw me out of the ring, I think.


You might be better off with just you three.


He's not going to have two hands, though. I know. Steine is just going to get in our head and just be negative the whole time.


We're subbing Gabe. When he rages, he rages.


That's true.


But rage could gas. As fighters, you can agree that if you let emotion get involved, that's when you can expose yourself, right? Exactly.


Instead of Beth.


Your cardio doesn't go up when you rage.Your cardio?Yeah.




You still run out of juice.


Yeah, that's a good point.


How's Steve been?


He's been in what? In Japan?


Oh, yeah.


I thought he was in Japan, Nicaragua, just feeling all over the place.


You probably don't care to hear this, and I know a lot of people probably tell you this all the time, but I think he's putting 300,000 on you. Jesus.


Well, I think Aiden is putting a million on me. He said, If I win, I'm going to get a pink cyber truck.So I'll be sick.That's dope. Sugar is always a lock. I don't know if I'm still an underdog, but I was an underdog for the entire buildup of this fight. I don't know if I am still.


When it originally got How much of your balance do you wear? But I think it shifted to almost even now, I think.


When people put money on me, it's like, If I lose, sorry. I don't feel bad.


Does that fire you up?


I don't think of it at all. Either way, I have to go out there and do what I do, and that's it.


These guys like Marab, who people just outside the US, do that a lot of their fans just come at you on social media? Like building up to the fight. Russians and Georgians? Yeah.


I don't know. I don't really see it too much. I've been pretty good about not even checking that. So I don't know. I'm curious how this... Because he's pretending to be Mexican. I'm curious how this... I think this press conference will say a lot tonight. Who's the crowd behind? Very curious.


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Have you been working on your Spanish at all?




A little I know you guys aren't looking past it, but what do you guys think of Umar?


I don't even know if Umar is next, to be honest. I usually have an idea of who's next from the OC. I don't know if Umar is next. The Ilea max fights October. The Figaredo could be possible next. So I wouldn't say Umar is for sure next. But if he is, that's a very big fight.


Yeah, Umar is a big problem. But who knows? If he KO's Marab clean and Max Holloway KO's Ilea or Ilea KO's Max Hollowey, who knows? Maybe Dana would want a huge fight, but Umar is a serious problem, too.


And it's a serious opportunity because if you could slay a Dagostani dragon. Yeah. Because no one beats those guys. That's what I meant by it's an opportunity to be like, what the fuck? Sugar just went on a run. It would be sweet.


It gets you fired up for sure. But all those fights, every fight after this is going to be a big fight. But if Umar is next, yeah, that could be pretty much huge. I feel like that deserves a stadium. That deserves a huge venue.


What are the predictions for this pressy? You've prepared?


I don't have anything prepared. It's like press conferences. I can call them pause. I can get some giggles, say some one-liners, but it's press conferences.


But your shit talking has gotten a lot better, actually.


It's decent. I feel like I get paid to knock people out, not talk shit. You've been crushing it, bro. People expect so much out of press conferences nowadays because of Connor and Chael, which I get. Those guys were the elite of the elite at talking. Something Sometimes if I got something, it's something good. But I don't know. I try not to... If I have something, an idea, I'll write it down. But I'm just going to go with the flow. I don't have anything planned this time. Not yet. Tim and I sometimes. Tim will sometimes think of a good idea.


Well, dude, it is a funny clip, though, when he was wearing your jacket. How did he even get your jacket, bro? You lent it to him.


So you clearly see in the video, I walk in, I take my jacket off just to show Aljo how floked I am. It's huge. So I take my jacket off. And to be honest, I thought Tim was behind me still. They stopped him at the cage. So I take my jacket off and I hand my jacket to Marab. I don't know. Marab just happened to be there. I hand my jacket to Marab, and then he pushed it on, and he's running around with it. Did you get it back? I'm wearing the jacket for the press conference.


So you have it back?


Yeah, he didn't steal it. Okay. Because he got his own. Someone gave him a replica jacket of my replica jacket. So I'm curious. I'm thinking he might wear it tonight, too. His, and I wear mine.


So it could be silly. Every time you fight, and I'm on TikTok, all these old clips resurface. And one that I've seen 15 times this week is when you need Cheeto to the face. I'm notImagine. When that happens in the ring and you hit him that hard, is there any part of you like, Holy fuck, how is he still standing?


If I would have hit him in the jaw, boom, I think he would have shut his lights out. But I hit him in the eye, boom. So that just shows how tough. If you get knocked out, it doesn't matter how tough you are. You get knocked out. I think that just hit him perfectly to where it just probably hurt really bad, but it wasn't knocked out. Cheeto is literally as tough as it gets. You do not get tougher than that guy. Yeah. So I knew that going in. Dude's very, very... He's known for his durability. Rob's very durable, too. But if you get hit in the right spot, you're going to get knocked out. So if that would have landed on the chin right there, I think it would have put his lights out.


It seems like Marab is a bit obsessed with you. I was watching his media day yesterday, and he's like, I've been having my eye on Sugar since the Contender series, and I wanted to fight him so long. I called him out in 2018. 2018, yeah. And he's got that fake Sugar Sean, too. I was watching it yesterday, and I was like... He is a funny guy, though, but I was like, It seems like he's a bit obsessed or something.


Yeah, dude, every time Marab fought, he would call me out after every fight. It was probably a compilation. You smoke, I train. He's just constantly calling me out. But it was never an interesting fight just because it would be a 15-minute decision. It was never an interesting... He was never popular. He was never that guy.


He said you were dodging him, but it's also like, you were always a big star, so everyone's calling you out. Everyone's calling out.


You're not just going to respond to him. Yeah. If I had to fight everyone that called me out in 2018, I would have fought 13 times. Everyone's calling me out. But the fight makes sense now. He's on a 10 fight win streak. I knocked out his buddy. I'm the champ. I'm defending. It makes the most sense now. And I feel like every fight I've had has been like that. It's like that Peter Yohann fight made sense. The Aljo fight made sense. The Cheeto rematch made sense. So I think they just keep making sense and making chatter.


Does your mentality change at all from when you first started fighting and now where you are today, you have money, you're that guy? Do you still love fighting as much as you used to?


Yeah, I love it more. More eyeballs. That's what I got in for, the money, everything. But I got into it, really. I wanted to be in the NFL. I wanted to catch touch downs. I wanted to kick off. I wanted to be on TV and doing sweet shit. So the fact that right now, it's bigger than it's ever been, I'm more motivated, more dialed than I've ever been. So as long as I keep having huge fights, I'm not going to run out of motivation. I enjoy training camp. I enjoy dialing in. I enjoy how I feel when I'm in camp. So right And now we're good.


You went and visited. I saw you with Kyler Murray. Were you throwing, too?


I launched a couple.


How far did you throw the ball?


How far was that? Was that 50 yards? 60 yards? Maybe 50, maybe 55. I launch it.


That's pretty far.


Yeah, I could launch it. I was punting it pretty good, too. I had some good punts. I got big hands, so I was catching some passes.


Have you heard of any big celebs that are coming to this fight?


I haven't heard of any right now.


Mexican OT?


Mexican OT said he's popping out. That'll be sick. I know the Canelo fight's right across the street, so I'll be curious. I can't imagine. If you could pick going to the Sphere, Sugar versus Maraba, go to Canelo versus Berglato, On the entertainment aspect, are you really going to go to T-Mobile, sit and watch a 36-minute boxing match? Or are you going to go to a Sphere and experience something brand new in an electrifying KO? It's pretty obvious to me, but tickets are a little bit more expensive at the Sphere. So I think we'll see the Brokeies go to T-Mobile.


You said Leo is pulling up, no?


Yeah, I don't want to break that. Our friendship is behind the scenes.


Yeah. Did Bob ever get Harry Potter? Apparently not, right? No.


He's more zapped than ever.


Every time I see that dude's Snapchat pop up, I'm like, dude, his eyes are going to fall out of his head any minute now. Yeah. He's always getting a drink heading to somewhere.


What'd you say you're going to do after? You might do something or go to the-There's the World Series of Wars on Sunday, the day after the fight.


But I think our plane leaves at noon. Cardinals play at 1:00 in Arizona, so I wouldn't mind holding that belt walking down. Oh, shit. That'd be sick, right?


Yeah, it'd be sick. That would be epic. Who does Arizona play? Do you know? Do they play chargers? Can you dunk? Ram's.


Can I dunk? Yeah. On what hoop? Yeah. Like a little hoop?


Like a 10-foot hoop. Oh, no. Okay. I wish, dude. Remember when we played baseball?


Yeah, I smacked that shit. But I can ball.


First pitch, he hit like a 300 plus home run. Wild. First pitch. I was like, damn, this guy's a real athlete.


No, I can ball, though.


Did you guys watch a debate at all?


Of course. What are your thoughts?


He's swaying Kamla.


I'm like, well, she was saying all this shit that I thought Donald stood for.


Everyone said Trump got ripped up, right? Yeah.


Really? Is that what they're saying?


That's what everyone said. But for me, it was like typical Trump. I mean, that's what he does every time. But I think people either... You know who you're voting for.


Do people really switch their choices?


I don't think so. I think there's just people that don't know what they're doing. There's that population of people that aren't sure, and that's what it's about. But then you have your people who are going to go Kamala Trump either way.


Your politics are so wild. It's a big part.


It's a circus this year.


He's a big Bitcoin guy, too. Big crypto guy. Crypto the Muna.






Oh, you are?




What do you have? Do you have to do post-fight plans?


We have Zook after Afterparty. It's so hard, dude. It's hard to say. It just depends where the fight goes. I don't really... Zouk after-party is the plan, but plans... Could be in the hospital. Yeah, you just never know where you're going to at the end of a fight.


Has Drake placed his bet yet?


I'm not sure.


He had you last time, didn't he?


Yeah, Drake box with Sugar.


I know he had Aljo because he messaged me after the Aljo fight.


He took Aljo?


He took Aljo? Yeah. But the Cheeto fight, I don't even know if he... I don't think he bet.


I don't know.


I don't know.


Hopefully, it's just-What did he message you after Aljo? I saw he commented on your post. He commented, yeah.


Ig? Yeah. Yeah.




What do you think about the whole Kendrick and Drake thing? Is Drake...


I mean- Kendrick dropped something recently, right? Did he? I I think he dropped something yesterday.


I think they might be heating up again.


But now, Kendrick's at the Super Bowl.


I'm there for the heat up. Them dropping shit. That's fire, though.


I like that. Kendrick really plotted that shit for time. He really wanted to take out Drake, bro.


Yeah. Did that affect him, you think? Or his views are probably the same, right? I don't know.


Do you guys bump Kendrick?


I'll bump that song. I play like Rap Caviar, Daily Mix.


He's got a couple of tracks, but I'm saying like, Drake's catalog compared to Kendrick's.


I definitely listen to more Drake.


They also just announced that Kendrick's performing at the halftime at the Super Bowl.


Yeah, that'll be huge.


That'll be huge. Which is the biggest event to perform at. That's crazy.


Dude, football is so massive. I was looking at NFL numbers, like revenue, compared to just any other sport, and it's double. It's crazy.


Dude, the Taylor Swift effect, bro.


I mean, it's always been that big.


No, I know. But it's definitely got- Have you talked to your boy, Joey B at all?


I haven't talked to Joey at all. No, I haven't. Have you guys?


He comes to the fights. We'll chill with him at the fights.


I know. I figured a lot of the NFL guys would probably want to be there, but Saturday night, game on Sunday, probably chilling, which sucks. But that would've been cool. It's cool. I was doing an interview with the Buffalo Bill, like a small interview. I was trying to get more involved with the NFL. Josh Allen is a huge fan, put Superstar on his playlist.


That would be smart. You should do that.


Yeah, I'm definitely trying to integrate myself into the NFL more and do stuff with those Because it is. Dude, it was my first dream was to be in the NFL, obsessed with the NFL. And when I moved to Arizona for five, six years because Tim's like, Bro, football is not it. And I just didn't watch it either. So we didn't watch football for five or six years. But I slowly been getting back into it.


Why is football not it?


Because he's Jehovah's Witness.


I don't expect that out of you.


No, I was. He's lying. He just got out of it because we were from training all the time.


We still be in Tell me about your football stories. The glasses, the foot pad on the front. Tell me about that one as far.


I mean, yeah. Because I was raised Jehovah's Witness. So my first year playing football, I had the butt pad in the front just blocking the glasses, the bar down the middle of my helmet.


You went specs? Yeah. Dude, specs can be deceiving because some of those guys are ballers.


So they'd know, what was your job on kickoff?


Just hit the front line as hard as you can, get laid out 9 out of 10 times.


I just wish I had video of you.


I might.


No, actually, I got my brain checked. I got my brain checked. I'm pretty healthy, actually. Good.


I wish I had this video of you just sitting down and getting laid out. I'm sure Bugsy has it somewhere.


Did you do any other streams this week besides Aiden's?


No, I just did Aiden's.


Because you are very active in the streaming community. Anybody else you want to collab with or you want to do something with?


Dude, honestly, when I stream, when I game, I just want to rip with the fellows. I've played with nick Merks and Tim the Tap Man and those guys, and it's fun. I do enjoy it. But dude, I have an hour and a half, two hours a game. I'm hopping on with Sono, Tim, our other buddy Trev. We got a little squad, and we do that. But after fights for a good solid two, three weeks, I do play six hours a day sometimes.


It's good though. Therapeutic, bro.


It's so weird going from 12-week training camp to out of Camp because every Monday, I have the exact same schedule every Monday. Train twice, do my schedule, train twice on Tuesday. So it's so weird. Roll around Monday. It's like, what the do I do? Like, game. We have some amateurs and young pros and fighting in Montana next weekend, the weekend after ours. So, yeah, next weekend. So we're going to Montana for those guys. Then Kill Tony is going to be at Resorts World on Wednesday. That's going to be sick. You guys think of Kill Tony ever?


Yeah. I like Tony.


That show is the best show. It's crazy. Dude, those guys, they're crushing. We'll probably pop by one of those.


You guys been getting fit, though? Have you been going to the clubs much?


No, I slowed down a lot.


Slowed down a lot? Yeah.




The hangovers are just crazy.


All it takes is one crazy week, and then you're like, All right, I need to take a break.


It's a good reminder to say, Well, we need to chill.


No, until for a month, probably. Really? Yeah. Having breakfast with no sleep is not- Because what year was probably the hardest year for you guys?


Every weekend club, Chicks.


Probably last summer.


Last summer.


It was a dark place.


Just for you to go in, right?


Because we're also doing-4th of July.10 different-Oh, yeah. We did fourth of July.


Was it fourth of July?


Was that two years ago, though?


I think two, maybe. That was two. Okay. Yeah, I'm losing. Probably the last two summers. We were in the club for 12 hours or 10 hours.


Yeah. Fourth of July that time? Yeah. That was crazy. But that's also what I'm happy that has gotten so successful is you guys pushing it as much as you guys were Every time you guys-We had to put in some work drinking. Yeah, we got to do what you got to do.


We had to, bro.


Well, Saturday night, we'll relive the glory days.


We could have one more little banger Saturday night. Hope, celebrating.


I think you guys got to wrap up. We appreciate you coming. We appreciate you all making time on fight with me.


Last thing, obviously, everyone always asks you this, predictions.


Second round, okay, I'll kill this dude. Let's go. And then Tim sleeps them after.


All right. Let's go. Thank you guys so much for stopping by. The Sugar Show, Uncle Welsh. The Sugar Show, baby. Let's go, boys..