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All right, guys, before we get into the pod, if you guys love firing on sports like me, you got to download the Prizepicks app. You heard me say it before, but boys, I've obviously tried every single app when it comes to firing on sports. And in my opinion, prizepicks is by far the best and the most fun to use. Instead of teams, you're choosing individual players. Each player has a set projection, and you either go more or less than that set projection. So if you guys know what players are going to perform on what nights, it's a no-brainer. You've got to try the Prizepicks app. Give it out, give it a try. And for first-time users, if it's your first time, use this code Nelk because it's going to give you a 100% deposit bonus. So plug that in. If you put in 100 bucks, it's going to match that 100 bucks with code Nelk. So that code is for you, boys. Take advantage of that. Yeah, trust me. Download the price pics out, try it out if you have not tried it, and use code Nelk. Let's get into the pot.


We want to help. We Guys, there's a full send pod that's live right now where Bradley talks to Mike.


The whole game is so weird, bro. Yeah, I know. What? I thought you got it out of you last night. I'm just in bed. You get it out last night? Maybe tell the boy one more round. You got to get it up before the premiere.


Is there some guy that was out?


His boy's here.


You sound a little jealous of him.




It's not you.


You seem pissed off that there's two guys getting down in the same building as No, I don't mind.


I just think you sound like it's mad that he's not choosing you. He's choosing some other guy.


If he could, he would choose. Yeah. Got you. Okay, so what I was saying is a really hot topic right now. You called somebody out to an MMA fight. Yeah, I've said it a bunch of times. You called out Logan, which you have done many times.


That pod hasn't come out yet.


But it'll be out by the time they see this.


I'm assuming the way in Big Mike, he probably knows, too. But Big Mike has asked me what is in the pod five times. I think he's just feeding all the info to Logan, and Logan's already got his green screen call. Because he's been snapping on the green screen videos. Yeah, he's going tough. I will say. He's been abusing that effect on TikTok. He's doing great, but I think he already has his green screen video ready to call you out.


Yeah, well, I want to do an MMA fight.Yeah.


But now you're backtracking a little bit.How am I backtracking? Because this went from a fun little event to now we got to get money involved, business plays.


Well, I mean...


I'm only doing it for For money now. I thought this was for the love of the sport and for being an alpha, bro.


I mean, I've said forever, I'm down to do it that way. I think after the 260 thing, it's just worth a lot more than just... If he wants to just scrap and just not film shit and actually do it and he can talk about what happens after, fine. But I'm saying, I want to do something bigger than that.


Yeah, I agree with you.


Because if I just busted on a phone, you're going to be busted on a YouTube vlog.


Here's my thing about it, because even last night, I saw you had someone on your pod, that guy, Gunplay. Lefty, yeah. And you asked him, Yo, could you take me in a street fight? So how many people you think have you asked if you could beat them in a street fight? It's probably like 50 to 100. I just ask everyone because it's funny. You're finally getting your wish. But you're finally getting your wish and you're holding. It's like, who asked that many people, Yo, could you beat me in a street fight?


Does he want to just pull up on the street and fight somewhere? The thing is also-I guess he said MMA spar. Yeah, what is that? So a spar is like, what are we wearing? We wear pads. But the point is, to get back to the thing about the whole street fighting thing, I just ask it when it's also funny. You get a reaction, it's funny.


But I feel like in those situations, you're a little confident. Now you're sweating.


No, I said, I'm down to something bigger.


That's simple. Okay, but what if you took the L?


Then I took an L.


Yeah, see, we got to see what happened. There's not a huge money play there, bro. I think there is, though. But what does he really gain? He's got WEE.


And I understand that.


He's already fought Floyd Mayweather. I understand that.


And I do understand that.


You're a big name. Don't get us wrong. That's why.


But I was like, if I'm going to fight someone eventually, if it's not like that for him for a bag, it should be someone like that. I'd love to do an MMA in something like that. Because if I just pop it there, then I just popped it there.


I'm just saying from a friend standpoint, too. I don't I don't want you to look bad. So when you call someone out and then they agree and then you backtrack. Well, I'm not backtracking. I don't want to have anyone in my squad that looks like that.


I've said for a long time, this is funny, it's not coming for you, but I said for a long time, I'm down to do it. I just wanted to do something bigger.


That's all. It's never going to happen, dude.


Well, then find someone else that we could do something bigger with.


That, dude, just do it.


Did your boss send you a contract?


No, but I-What's going on? Is you have a prime payroll? I don't like... If anyone's ever called me out, and if someone called I came out and I said, Yo, I'm going to do this. Or if I called somebody out, I didn't say shit.


During the Illuminati or no?


No. What's going on here? I didn't.


Is that Prime in that cup? No, it's... Yo, what's going on here?


It's Risefield. Yo, stop. No, it's just Dude, it's just being friendly. I just want you to look good. I think it's a big opportunity for you, and I think you have a chance of winning.


When did you call him out last?


Was it time ago? I don't know. It was a while ago. I mean, I've said it on a few different pods. I'd love to do that.


I swear we could... Because I thought Because I've heard conversations. We could dig something up of, Yo, let's do it. You sent the zoo address. We'll do it out front of Zoom. Where? You said that.


If you give him the footage for the green screen, he's going to snap on the green screen video. That guy's a fucking lizard with those videos. The green screen shit.


I don't know It does it. Yeah, they might need to Garcia at that.


Did you also see Garcia?


An Oscar category for best green screen.


Logan Paul win that. He's got a good team.


Did you see the-Garcia Holding? Yeah.


Yeah, he drank Prime and apologized.


I wonder if they told him that, like, Yo, this is the only way we Can they drop this or if they're dropping that? I don't know. Do you think it was a fold? Because it was like, I guarantee you that lawsuit's probably pretty bulletproof.


Probably intimidating.


It's probably pretty bulletproof from a billion-dollar company that's going to be like, We're going to let our dick hang on your face, bro.


They definitely had a case.They.


Had a case. They had a case. They had a lot of evidence. I wonder.


Marcia probably either just takes a sip of prime or spends legal fees for the next 10 years or settles. Seriously, do you think-It's either settle, spend five years of legal fees, I'm going to take a sip of prime.I think that's what happened.I'd probably sip prime.


I'm sipping prime.


I'm not doing with that shit.


Well, you could do your apology. We could get you prime. You could apologize right now and just say you don't want to fight.


No. Okay. Yeah, I know.


If MMA spar for a vlog or something is the That's whack, bro.


That's like, why would I bust it on that? Because then I'm missing an opportunity that I could actually go do something bigger with it.If.


It's not low.I feel like sparring them would lead to maybe something real.


Because if you win, bro, there's got to be a rematch, maybe.


Yeah, but I could also lose.


And then what? Who cares? Exactly. That's my point. You can't ever ask anybody if they could be in your street fight.


I could still ask whatever the fuck I want, first of all.


But then being 260 isn't as valuable.


So what? Okay.


You're still ask the same thing. Swing all the off.


Yeah, bro. The fuck?


Well, I guess we'll see what happens. We obviously want it to happen. Mike is still... I mean, he's texting you on the side.


He scored some brownie points being on the pod listening to everything we were saying, reeling. He's like, When are we going live, boys? How many times has he asked when we're going live? Yeah.


You sent them a...


I think you sent like a... Look, he's like, How are we looking? Is it demonetized? What time are we dropping tomorrow? Yeah. It's funny. Logan's just ready to click post.


Yeah, I'm It's dope. I think it's cool. To be fair, also, well, I guess, I don't know. Maybe I started it because I said I'd like to see Jay get knocked out, but it wasn't like... That's where it started. And then he answered with like, I'm corny because I'm asking people, we know you, and why would you say this? Whatever. It's all good. Yeah.


I don't know, man. I didn't mean to press you. I apologize. Every time I see you on my feet, I beat you in a street fight. Yeah, but that shit's funny.


That shit's funny, bro.


Yeah, but eventually you want to see it. That's all it is.


Yeah, fair.


That's fair.


You excited for Will Smith?


Yeah. That's going to be crazy. I know.


I'm a huge fan.


Are you going to try to come to the premiere or no?


Should I just try to street fight Will Smith?


I'm kidding. Don't even ask that. I will not ask that. You can't be in a situation where you have your first street fight and then now you're going to ask Will.


I will not ask Will Smith that. It's a joke, dude.


Are you going to come to the premiere or no?


Yeah, I brought clothes. Oh, you did?


Oh, you're going to go?


I'm going to try my best. I'm just not good at those dress up and...


We never dress up. I only have clothes because I'm going to Europe Sunday. So I had to go to three different stores and buy button ups and all that type of shit.


Yeah, I'm not good at the dress up.


You've been trying on fits all day. Oh, buddy.


No, I haven't. But I'm ready. I got options.


I'm not good at the dress-up game, man.


No. We just wear jeans and hoodies. That's it. I think about I've seen you in a bro tank in so many clubs in shorts and slides. I never dress up.


I know. It just I'm telling you, it's all just because shit doesn't fit me. Unless I get stuff tailored, I'm just like, and I don't want to do that. I don't care.


You see the Trump shit, too?




Trump officially got convicted, right? Convicted of all 34 counts.


It just happened. Oh, my God. I did not see that.


Yeah, it happened 20 minutes ago.


I was on the phone. So what does that mean?


Trump officially got found guilty of all 34 counts of whatever the fuck they were trying to charge him for. I think it comes down. So he's going to be sentenced four days before the GOP convention.


I think it's on the judge now to make the decision, which is a crazy position. To sentence him. Yeah, how he's going to handle the punishment, which is a crazy position to be in.


And weren't they talking about...


It's not fair to the judge.


Weren't they talking about Secret Service guys being ready to go in jail?


Dude, that's a privilege. If you're ever a President, you get 24/7 secret service for the rest of your life.


So do they do a crime and then get in, or do they just have that?


Well, that's the thing, bro, is you've never had a situation like this.


It's the first US President, former US President in history.


That's insane. Which also is a bad thing for the country, I think. Oh, absolutely. It's actually terrible. And it's sad that we're at this point, convicting former US Presidents.


When I saw that, my heart just dropped. It's just complete bullshit.


Because also, the other thing is, who wants to run for President now? Look at all the shit you have to deal with. I don't know. The freedom of politics and stuff. It's also the reason is insane. The Stormy Daniels relationship, all this, it's nuts.


What were the actual convictions of?


I don't even know. Stormy Daniels is such a dumb.Hush money.


Basically, I think, and I don't want to talk too much on it because I don't know the exact details, but I'm pretty sure he paid a sum to Stormy Daniels to agree to keep this quiet, that they ever had a relationship. And there's something with tax fraud there. It was written as something else, like a legal fee.


I don't know, man.


It's clearly just... Yeah. There's so much other crime going on in shit, and that's what they're focusing on.That's what I'm saying.


That's what they're focusing on. That's the issue. There's so much more to worry about than this.




It's a weird- The Biden's committed so many crimes. Clinton's committed so many crimes. God knows how many crimes the Clinton's have committed.


It's probably unfathomable. And then it's just like, but this one we do want to focus on, right? It's a weird double-sided thing.


I'm just wondering what's going to happen.


Is he actually going to go to jail? I think he's still electable. I don't think so. There's no way.


Well, wasn't there one- That seems like that's their goal.


There's going to be chaos either way.


Their goal is clearly... I think they know by now that him just getting charged or even sentenced is not going to affect him getting elected. Like the public opinion. If anything, it's just going to strengthen him. Do they really just actually want him behind bars so he physically cannot be President? That's what it seems like. Yeah. Because I think they thought that it would just ruin his rep by charging him.


It's really insane.


I thought that there was one charge that they deferred. They pushed back for a later date that would be the only charge that would actually stop him from becoming President. I think it had to do with the January sixth thing.


Maybe I'm tripping, but does he really even need to pay somebody off? Dude, if you bang one, then it starts. Is it that big of a deal?


Kind of. I mean, you don't want your wife finding out that you bang the person there. But I don't know how that's illegal. Is that illegal?


To what? Pay like-No, it's because of the way that it was on the books. He got a tax rate off for the payoff. It was a legal fee. It was paid as a legal fee.




Someone paid taxes on that.


Do you think Milani is asking him like, So did you do it? Or no?


I think she knows the answer to that one.


Do you think he's still denying, denying, denying or no? Denied till you die?


He's denied till he dies, man. He's crazy.


Even when you're guilty in court.


It's insane. I just hope we make it out of this, man. I don't know. I don't know what's going on in the world right now. It's crazy.


Trump going to jail. Are you fading, Logan, after he agrees?


That's not even close.


I don't know what's bigger news. Brad being taken out. It's one street fight.


You really think I'm going to get taken out?


I do.


Wow. That's crazy.


Get the money, bro. Do it for the passion of fighting, bro. For the game, dude.




How many have you done a lot of MMA?I've trained.


Kyle called you out yesterday. I'm calling him out for calling you out. He said that you lost to the Nelk security.


That was jujitsu. The guy was also just like, Yo, he was like, Let me show you some stuff. I was like, Okay. Then we were running around. Next, he's like, 110 degrees, fast. I'm like, Okay, what are we doing? That was a weird situation that was like, We're chilling, to I'm just going to try to murk you. There was no like, We're going to do this. You know what I'm saying? I was like, Let me show you something. Imagine you start in a position where you're in not a good position, and then you're running around to get out of it, and he's like a hundred times on it in a fucking hotel lobby.


No, you guys went at it for a while.


Not really. Were youIt was actually there?


Yeah. No, it wasn't long.


It was in Vegas. It was in the Red Rock, wasn't it?


He was in the Red Rock, yeah.


Yeah. Really?


Yeah, on a carpet floor. I got to think. Goddamn. Rug burn? Yeah, nasty little rug burn. What are you going to ask Will Smith? What's that, dude?


You want me to give you the animal so you can ask it? I'm just curious. Yeah, I know how you rock, bro. Oh, really? I'm that guy. I'm on my educated questions so you can break it down for him. You think that's who I am? No, I'm kidding. Okay. Yeah, it's good. I don't know. I'm a huge fan. I'm a fan of him. I want to talk to him about Hollywood. I think it's changed completely with the movies, too, because I watch this movie Challenger, this tennis movie, where you know how streaming platforms now, there's not the same box office Warner. It's completely different. We look at Roadhouse. It just seems like the quality of movies has gone down. Overall. Because now people are just like, Yo, I can go to my TV, this streaming platform, and make 50 million. Why would I ever care about doing some big box office.How.


Are you feeling today?






You're trying to not go to the premiere or something? Because he texted me on the side. He was like, You're going to fade the premiere? I was like, I'm going to try to go.


It seems like you were trying not to go. Well, just because the clothes. The only thing is I've watched Bad Boys 2 probably 100 times in my life. So I am a fan. So this is a sick one to go to.


Yeah, it's cool.


I feel like when they continue series for too long, sometimes it's corny, but I don't know. I saw the trailer for this one. It actually looks...


Bad Boys 2 is so lit.


It looks like they did a pretty good job with this one.


What movie do you think became the corneiest when it went on too long? I think I know the answer to this.


American Pie.


I think the Fast and Furious.


I was never a fan.


It became Transformers. I was never a fan of that. It became Transformers. Even the original ones? How about Jurassic Park?


I don't even watch the new ones. Oh, Transformers.


Oh, Transformers, yeah.


But sorry, Fast and Furious became Transformers, though. That's why it got it so absurd. The level of things that were happening.


They always did the craziest fake-as-shit, though.


Not You're a huge Van Diesel guy. No, no, no. No. Triple X. Paul Walker. One and two were like, goded. They were like, amazing movies. And then it was like, now they're jumping off helicopters.


It's like Transformers. Transformers, the first two were dope.


Yeah. The first ones go in.


They were unreal.


Yeah. Well, they also lose Shia. He's a legend, so.


Who went first? Shia or Megan?


Megan first, right? Megan, yeah. She also... Yeah. She said what? She said that they a little relationship off the set.


The director, no?


No, I was with Shia.


Oh, yeah. I didn't know that. How you know that?


She said it in an interview.


She told you?


No. Okay.


How the fuck is Will Smith coming in here?


Wait, your boy or Will? It's pretty sick.


I met him once.


He's really cool. I don't know why you're not fired up for the premiere. Steine is so hit or miss with LA shit.


I'm trying to...


He moves to LA. It's like, Why'd you move to LA? We got invited to a Hollywood premiere after we have Will Smith on the pod for Bad Boys.


Yeah. It's fired up, dude.


Have you ever been to a Hollywood premiere?


Meanwhile, he'll go to Deliver's every night.


Have you ever been to the Hollywood premiere?


You want to know the truth? I've been to one, yeah. Here's the truth. I don't like to sit in a movie theater for that long.


It was a Mark Wahlberg movie, a military movie where they were like-Lone Survivor? It wasn't Lone Survivor. Yeah, the movie was good.


I've never been to a sick Hollywood premiere like this. Me neither.


This would be dope.


You think we'll try to get recruited to Like the Illuminati?


I don't know. It's funny. It depends. I mean, maybe. I probably would.


They probably came to me first.


Or you. They'll go to you. Stiney's already in it.


Stiney is 100% in it.




Stiney would join so fast. I stay away from that shit, man.


You stay away from that? Yeah. Okay.


The Hollywood stuff. It's scary if you think about it. What? What's scary? What's real and what's not.




We've never gone too deep in that Hollywood scene. We've never been truly accepted in LA Hollywood.


This is a step in the right direction.


Is it?


No, I don't think we'll ever be accepted in that scene. Yeah.


I think that should- What are streaming platforms, maybe?


I don't know about making movies. I'm saying in the Hollywood scene.


Oh, no, we'll never be accepted there.


The LA super high-end LA crowd. This guy is a little specific.


It's super A-list Bro.


He's a superstar. Yeah. He's one of the most famous people. Will Smith. One of the most famous people in the whole world. I don't think anyone would see him and be like, I don't know who that guy is. I think everyone in the whole world would see that guy. I've seen him before.


I'm trying to think of what your Illumina What my Illumination shit would be like.My.


Illuminati shit?Yeah.


What it would be like? The agreement you would get.


Oh, yeah.


Because you'd be pretty tough back and forth.


I'm making a deal? What do I get out of it?


Yeah, your deal for joining. Yeah. Yeah, a lot of asks. Maybe they wouldn't recruit you, dude. Yeah.


What would I ask? I don't know. I feel like you're projecting really hard.




I'm super simple. You probably ask for a lot more than I have.


I don't know.


What are we going to talk about with Will Smith?


What are you going to ask him about?


I have no idea.


So Will.


Yeah, go run through hard. Respectfully. Got it.


I want to take it back.


I had a tough childhood.


No, you haven't dropped that in a while.


Yeah, take it back. No, you always take it back. I want to take it back for a second. It's like, Yo, let's start from the beginning. I love this. I've noticed that. This is funny. But that's fine. But maybe take it back in the beginning.


So they take it back to the beginning?


Yeah, not when the podcast is about to end.


Okay. Okay, I got it.


I'm just excited. What's your favorite Will Smith movie?


It's got to be for me, Men in Black.


Yeah, Men in Black.


Or Pursuit of Happiness.


I Let's go Hancock. I think Hancock doesn't get enough respect.


Men in Black is so insane. It's one of the most legendary movies ever. It's the best.


Yeah, one and two are lit. Tommy Lee Jones killed two.


Yeah, Men in Black is iconic.


Dude, I can't believe we're about to sit in front of Will Smith.


This is for me.


Yeah, I'm pretty nervous.


I know, me too.


Brad's like, Yeah, I've been here before. It's just another day. No, I met him. I talked to him before. One day at a time, one interview at a time. All you have?


Yeah, I went to Tyler Perry's studio openings, and a ton of people were there. He was there. I just said hi to him. I was like, Yo, I talked a little bit about social media. He was super nice. He wasn't trying to rush, get out of the conversation. He was just like, straightforward. Thank you. Bye. Really cool. Nice guy.


Would love to see him entering on this.Oh, God.Oh, man.


Just to see how that interview-I feel like he'd leave. Yeah, maybe. I feel like you'd leave. Bob, trying to compare his roadhouse scene to-Well, listen, I wasn't roadhouse.


I was accomplished. 100%.


We got two movie stars here.


Bob's funny for that, though.


Yeah, he's hilarious.


He would bring up roadhouse.


Of course, bro.


Did you see roadhouse?


The set that I worked on, I just want to compare it to the bad boys thing that you did. Just disingenuous, he's the bigger star. What's up?


What's up? Hey.


Let's go.


What's happening? What's happening? What's up? What is up, man? What's good.


How are you doing, brother? Trial.


Trial. It's good.


It's Dr.


Will in the house. This is me.


This one's me. I can use this one.Wow.Might check.


Bro, you are Looking fresh as hell, too.


Man, listen. Hold on. Watch this, though. Oh, it's okay. Yeah, that's when you hit us with the cross leg. You hit a cross leg, yes. You don't have to do this because you're trying to be something, and this is like when you're just comfortable.


I'm doing this because my hip is a little weird. So when I put it out that way- Stretch that hip flexer.


What's happening, man?


How much... How crazy has this last few weeks been? What do you have to do for promo for a movie like this.


It's two weeks in now, halfway through. It's eight cities. We started Dubai, Riyadh. First ever Hollywood premiere in Saudi Arabia. So first ever. Was it huge? It was just fantastic. It was giant. It's brand new. Everything's open. So it's like 50 20-year-old people have 20-year-old energy. So it's like this new world opening up thing there that is super inspiring.


Have you been to that part of the world recently? Like Dubai, Saudi?


Yeah. Well, I've been going to Dubai for 25 years, back when the whole skyline was cranes. But the vision-They're doing it right over there. They are doing it. It's like, imagine trying to build New York City in one fell swoop. You were just going to start and you're going to just build all of New York City at one time. That's the level of the construction projects that they have going on over there. It's Because, yeah, it's inspiring, man, to build and make something new and to take a shot at the best in the world. You want to have the biggest and the best and the greatest in the world. Wow, that's really inspiring for me.


How pumped are you about this, Bad Boys, compared to the past ones?


This one is like when you get to four in a series and still have a shot that it could be the biggest and best, that's a really rare thing. Every movie, the global box office has increased, the audience has increased, and we have a shot at that happening with this one again. The last movie was 30 years ago.


Where was this one? Where was this filmed?


This filmed Atlanta and Miami.


I feel like you really put Miami Me on the map.


Yeah, that's my town, man. I was going to Miami before it was a thing. Before it got hot. Before it got hot.


It's fallen off since you left.


Yeah, I'm going to go back. I'm going to heat it up again for them. When me and Martin first went there, it was a secret. Back, I think 94 was the first time we went, and it was still a secret, except Prince. Prince Prince had a club in Miami called Glam Slam, and it was as close to heaven as you could ever find on Earth. He just imagined what the club that Prince designed would be like. It was pure craziness. Back then. Back then, yeah. Before the rules came in. Yeah, the fucking rules.


All right, boys, so I didn't interrupt the pod, but I'm packing up for a trip right now. One thing I always bring on the trip with me, manscaped. You guys know on the pod, I do not advertise anything that I don't actually use. I love manscaped, all right? First of all, the reason I love manscaped. Com is because it's a one-stop shop for everything you need, all right? You don't got to browse around a different website. Manscaped has everything you need to stay fresh, stay clean. And boys, we can't be rocking full on Bush anymore. Gamble's, he rocks the Bush. That's why he never pumps. And he has a girlfriend, which is sad. You should take this home. Take the box on after, okay? All right. Actually, I have a whole box for you. This is mine. But yeah, look at this fucking razor. It looks like Elon Musk made it. This razor is fucking insane. It's so fire. I use it for the Bush, and I use it for my face. I'm not sure if you're supposed to do that, but I do it. It works perfect on both. Dude, they got my ball deodorant.


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How have you seen a streaming effect, like movie rollouts nowadays? Does it make it- It's a great question.


That's my question.


Oh, it was? My bad. I didn't know. I'm going to give you credit for it. I'm going to tell you what, yes. I felt it come from you. I felt it, and I saw it was stolen. He tends to do that.


He asked me before this. He said, Yo, so what are you going to ask me? I gave him that. You know what's crazy? You gave him that.


You want to know it's great, though? He said nothing, and we actually have it recorded. He said nothing.


I just asked the question. When you answer, you could look at me. I'll look at you.


Well, just when you started talking about this difference of time and doing it now, and obviously you've been doing movies forever, and you're like, oh, you're a superstar. It's like, what's the real difference in the way streaming has affected the rollouts for movies now?


Yeah. So a lot more is at stake now. So with the streamers and really after 2020 with COVID, when people got comfortable staying home, right? And it was rough for about six months, and then the streamers caught up, and then people just got really comfortable consuming most of their entertainment at home. So what happens is you have to go bigger to get people to leave their houses now and go to the movie theater. But what happens if you go bigger and you miss, you bankrupt whole companies with that. So it's a bigger undertaking, and it's more critical that you have a hit now. It's more risk. Yeah, it's way more risk. Very few companies, Sony. So Bad Boys is with Sony, and Sony is the only major that doesn't have a streamer. So all the other companies-So they take all their movies to theaters? Yeah. So Sony is all theater. So it's good in the sense if you're a star in a Sony movie because they have to do a gigantic global promotion. For sure. Whereas you could do something on a streamer. People say it's not a difference. There's a huge difference between something coming out on a streamer and something that gets a gigantic day and date global release.


You just feel differently about the artist.


Yeah, we were talking about that. It seems like it's-That's interesting. It's looked at as more of a cash grab for streaming platforms now. The quality is not as good.


Yeah. Even It's a weird thing. Even if the quality is good, there's just something that feels different, and you have to be touched in a different way to get up out of your house and go to the movie theater. It means more than watching it at home.


How do you decide whether to take a movie to a streaming service or to go the conventional route? Is it just based on the production company you work with?


No, it's really based on, do you think you have something big enough to get people out of the house, or you make the budget small enough that you're not going to hurt yourself trying to take a theatrical shot. But it killed all of the movies in the middle. Everything in the middle goes to streamers. There was a time when a $50 million movie was a real thing for For a studio. It's 100 to 300 is all that the major studios are making now. You mess with a $200 million movie and nobody has a job on Monday. Yeah, it's way riskier.


I saw a meme. I don't know how accurate. I don't know the numbers, but you have a list of all your movies. It was like, Pursuit of Happiness, Aladdin, it was like 1.5 billion, 800 million. All these massive numbers.


Yeah, it's the greatest thing you'll ever see.


Yeah. No, genuinely.


It's a legendary.


You have the craziest run ever. Did you always think that that was going to be your life? Was there a point when... Was it just shocking to you? What does it feel like?


No, that was like, during that time, it was like, remember Jordan the night he had 60 and he was just putting his shoulders up. I don't even feel like I can't even take credit for that. It was like things Things just kept falling in place. It was just a magical time. My manager, James Lasseter, I credit his taste. He was doing most of the choosing back then. It was like, I did not want to make Pursuit of Happiness. That movie is so great. Tell us the story.


How did he convince you?


I looked at it and it was like, It was a really great story. But I was like, Who wants to go to the movies to see a dude get a job in the '80s? When you put it that way, it's different. Yeah, I know, right? It was like the movie's about a guy who gets a job, right?


Compared to like Men in Black.


Compared to Men in Black, right? Yeah. Men in Black, I am legend. I saw it and it was a really great story. But J. L. Has exquisite taste. He said, I promise you. I read it and I loved it. I just didn't think it had box office viability, and it ended up making 300 million. It's a classic. Yeah, and a classic.


How did it work with your boy, with Jaden?


Oh, man. We were looking for a kid. So Gabriele Mucino was the director. We were reading kids, reading kids, reading kids. Gabriele is an Italian artist, and he's just, If it's not exactly how he wants to see, he cannot survive. He's one of those super passionate It. And he was trying to find... He was trying to find, he just couldn't find the right chemistry. We literally read 40 kids. I'm laying in the bed. Jaden was laying in the bed one night, and I'm looking at the screenplay, and he's five. And he says, I can do that, Daddy. I was like, You can do what? He said, Duh, play your son.


That's crazy, bro.


And I was like, Why do you think you could do that? I'm your son every day, Daddy. And I was like, Okay. I said, Do you want to read? And he said, Yes. And I put him with Gabriele, and he read, and Gabriele Belly, teared up, and he was like, It has to be Jaden. But the studio felt like it was going to look like I was just putting my son in a movie, and they were like, Please don't. That's going to kill it. Yeah. So he did about four or five reads, and we kept reading more kids, more kids. And he was just the best. And he was just the best for it. And then ultimately, the studio agreed.


That's sick. Had he done any acting prior to that? Nothing.


So that was That was his first thing. Of any kind? Of any kind, yeah. No commercials? Nothing. Just playing around at the house.


Did it get competitive on set? Because he was good in that.


No, let me tell you, it's funny though, because it It was like... So we're in the scene one time and it's like, kids are just so perfect. They're pure. So we're in the scene, and I'm trying to do my best acting. And there was a scene where he's laying in We're in the shelter, and I'm doing my acting, doing my acting. And in the middle of it, my nose starts to run. And I was thinking, damn it. It's ruining the take. My nose is starting to run, so I'm doing it. And he just reaches up and wipes it. And I was like, oh, yeah, that's what the fuck you should do when you're acting. Just play what's there. And he was so wide open and so natural. It was a real to watch a kid who doesn't know anything about it just live naturally in the moments.


Without even just having to act.


Yeah. No.


And that was when the camera was rolling?


When the camera was rolling, yeah. And he just reached up and wiped it. I was like, Oh, Yeah, that's what a natural thing to do would be. But it was a real education.


I got a question about living in the moment because obviously, you have everything in the world. I saw a clip where you were talking to another podcaster who was asking about how much money you have on Google. And you were talking about how you have everything, you can buy anything once you can have it all. You go like, damn, I realized what really matters is whatever's in here, whatever's here is going to actually make me happy. How do you live in the moment, having everything you have? And how do you actually find happiness now when you've had everything else in the world that maybe at one point you thought would make you happy or people think is going to make them happy?


You know what? It is such a beautiful... Good question.


Thank you.


No,it is a solid one. The material world is utterly incapable of providing lasting happiness. It's just You have to get to the ends of the things and still be miserable to realize that. There was a thing, people talk about rock bottom. And I coined a phrase that there's a corresponding place called, I call it Cliff Top. And rock bottom is when you get to a place where you can't go any lower. It can't be worse. You're in the wasteland, and your life can't get any worse, and it's either die or elevate. There's a corresponding place called Cliff Top, where you wear out everything in the material world. There's nothing else that you can reach for. There's no more sex that's going to be anything but a lateral move. There's no more money. There's no more success. And it's a feeling of an abyss. It is an absolute abyss when you realize that there's nothing left in this world to reach for to make you happy. And then it's the same thing. You either die, which is what you see when you see people cook out after they get money. That's what happens. They realize they get up there, there's nothing else, and they're the same scared little boy or girl that they were when they were broke.


And there's a decision you have to make where you have to trust that the universe wasn't created for you to run out of things. And then you realize that the final frontier is getting your inner house in order. With no women, with no drugs, with no money, with nothing, can you cultivate a joyful spirit just with you and you? And the undertaking of that work The work is excruciating. But it's the work that Buddha was talking about, it's the work that Jesus was talking about, it's the work that Muhammad was talking about, that Arjuna was talking about. It's what Job had to suffer.


That's really deep. What do you mean for us? Because we're in entertainment and we're... At what point do you know that, or how do you navigate that? What would your advice be?


What do you do? What do you do?


So have a ball.


Have a So get it out of the system first. You got to get the clip top.


Yes. Do everything you want to do. Try to make as much money as you want to make. Just exhaust the joy of this world. You're going to have a really, really hard night one night, and you'll be laying there by yourself, and nothing's going to mean anything to you. Then you'll have to detox. And then as you detox, you'll start to be able to look at your mind and realize the monsters in your mind, the same monster that made you climb and reach for those things is the monster that keeps you from being happy. All of that craving, all that scratching, all that claw. And then you just got to make peace with that dude. And you realize that ecstasy isn't happiness. Peace is happiness. Balanced.


I still got to get it out of my system.


Yeah. No.


I'm from the ecstasy phase.


Is there no other way to get there?


It's really hard to move away from something that you haven't tasted. I really wish everybody could have all of their material dreams in order to realize that that's not it. It's like as sappy as it sounds, really loving people is the only thing to do here. Sure.


Is that what really makes you happy?


Yeah. It's like just loving people and being able to connect with people. We are all...


You've been the man forever, though. So when did you have that moment?


Man, I had a couple of them, but I tried to double down and triple down. Okay, I really do need to just love people. I didn't think we was going to be deep. That's what happens when we bring the big man in. It feels good, though. I think it's like it's in porn. You know, Bad Boys is a wonderful summer movie.


We could go into Bad Boys.


I had to ask. I was so curious. Yeah. I have had a couple of dark nights of the soil where I really just had to just look at myself and realize that Will Smith is a wonderful energy, but he's only part of me. There's other parts of me that needed my attention.


That's so cool. That's the- I mean, your resume is insane. I want to ask you, is there any- That was great advice. Yeah, thank you. Thanks, Brad, for getting deep. Of course. Is there any role that you've turned down that you regretted later?


Because you've done about everything. I generally don't regret things. But Neo was the only one that I care. Oh, shit. You're going to be Neo? Yeah, I had Neo. It was going to be me, and Val Kilmer was Morpheus. Wow. Damn. What the fuck did you turn that down for? Because I was tripping.


That's on the manager, though.


He was making a shot. No, I'm going to give you the exact pitch they gave me. Right? Yeah, bro. So what we're thinking is we're going to design these cameras, right? So the cameras, it's not one camera. It's like 30 cameras, bro. And they'll be all in one line. And what will happen is all the cameras will go at one time. So you'll be able to jump, but you'll stop jumping. And it's like, you'll be able to freeze I was- Bro, you're funny. I swear that's the pitch I got. I'm not doing that.


I'm passing that, too, bro. Yeah.


It just turned out so terrible.


It sounds terrible. And then I saw it. I was like, That's what actually happens. That's still cool. Yeah, but yeah, I missed The Matrix. I missed that one. But it would have been a whole different thing. When you see it, Keanu was absolutely perfect Neo. He was meant for that. Yeah, I would have been trying to do jokes and stuff like that. I think I would have messed it up. But yeah, that was a little bit of a hurt piece. Damn.


What's been the biggest box office to date for you?


Aladdin. Which movie? Aladdin, yeah.


You know the number of that?




1.5, yeah.


I did a look at it.


I did a look at it. Billion.


Yeah, I went with my Billion. It's not mine. It's Genie. No, I know. Damn.


So sick.


I'm Aladdin, bro. Aladdin. Aladdin, the biggest movie Yeah.


That's dope. What was your favorite role, you think? What challenged you the most? Because you've done diverse- You've done everything. You don't see that many actors that do everything, put themselves in different roles from a viewer standpoint. You've done just about everything.


A lot of people tend to get a role, and it's like, that's what they always play.


In that lane. Yeah, I always wanted to spread it out as much as possible and move around and push myself. I think Ali was the hardest. Having to learn learn how to fight and do a dialect and put on 30 pounds and it's period. That one was rough. I did one last year, Emancipation patient. I think that was equally as difficult as Ali just out in the swamps. I don't like bugs. I was up to my neck in a swamp and walking through. I just wanted to to commit. And it was on the run set during slavery. That was hard.


This is a super left field question. What do you do with your free time?


I don't have any of that.Zero.Yeah. No, no, no. You know, golf is the only thing that occupies my mind. How's your game?12-ish. That's where you go.12-ish, yeah. That's pretty good.


We just started a golf channel, too, in addition. Really? We got to get out there.


Yeah, no, definitely. I'm a member at Elvira Sherwood, so that's my spot.


I am legend 2s in the works, right?


Yeah, working with Michael B. Jordan and the Akeiva Goldsman, who's a producer-writer. It's really good. It's a cool concept. In the theatrical version, my character died, but we had on the DVD, the two endings. There was one that came out on the DVD where my character survived.


What's it like working with Michael B.


Jordan? Yeah, we've only had a week together, but in the working on script stuff. But no, He's the truth. He's really, really sharp in terms of character and story. He gets it. He knows... You can't teach taste, right? You You either have it and you can feel it or you don't. And he just has exquisite taste. He knows what people... He knows what they want, and he knows how to give it to them.


Is that with acting in general, though, you think? Certain things you just can't teach.


There's a difference between actors and movie stars. So actors understand their role, and they can deliver their role. And movie stars have a picture of of the whole of the project. Tom Cruise knows everybody's job, and he knows how to deliver himself to be in the best light for the whole. He handles everything from, Hey, what if? Through the screenplay, through production, through editing, through marketing. Michael B. Jordan is a movie star. He understands the whole of it.


Is that a rare thing in Hollywood? Some people are just acting and acting only. Yeah.


Sometimes if you have a really difficult role, you want to just do that. You just want to just turn it off. For Ali, I've turned everything off. Michael Mann handled everything else. I could just focus on my role. The same with the emancipation. I'd turn it off and only focus on my part.


How does it feel now? Because Bad Boys, too, is That's the most legendary. I've seen that so many times. But now you're with Martin, the fourth movie. So at this point-If you like Bad Boys 2, you're going to love this one.


It looks really good. I'm going to be hopped to see it.


It is hilarious. It is the most consistently funny of the whole series. The trailer looks funny.


The best scene in Bad Boys 2, just so you know, really quick, is when Martin Lawrence's daughter is about to go on the date and you guys pull up to the door.




That's the go-to scene. I'm going to I'm going to give you my number. Okay. And if you like that scene, you are going to scream and fall out of your chair at the payoff in this movie. I promise you it's going to be your favorite moment in a movie theater for the last decade.


Let's go. You know what I'm talking about? That's like my sister brings me.


Oh, you'll be there tonight. All right. So I'm going to find you tonight. Okay. I promise you it's going be the highest moment you've ever had in a movie theater. Okay.


I'm excited.


Let's go.


We're excited, man. We're really excited.


Super excited to see it. There are this This one, everything led to this. We paid so much attention to the first three movies, and there are payoff in this movie. There's a payoff in this movie to that scene. That you're going to absolutely love.


Yeah. Was that like improv or you guys-It was all improv.


That's what I thought. So what happened? Okay, so his name is Dennis. So he was 15 and he couldn't In fact, he wasn't an actor. He was chosen. He was just the perfect look. So Michael Bay said, Listen, this is his kid's first gig. He's not an actor, really. He said, So I need you guys to to help me get him ready off camera. So I need you guys to pretend like you're mad at each other in front of him.In real life.In real life. So we're off camera. So I go over and I I introduced myself to him. Hey, what's going on, man? So then Martin comes up and Martin says, Hey, Will, when we were rehearsing, you were stepping on my lines a little bit. Do you think I just leave a little space I can get my line in? I said, Joka, get in where you fit in. And the kid is sitting between us and he's like, Oh, no. Martin was like, Will, why are you acting nasty? I was like, Just do your lines. Why are you worried about my lines? Just do your lines. And this kid is sitting there and he is like, oh, no.


Will and Martin are arguing. So we let the argument go. And Michael Bay is watching from a distance and he waits till the kid's face is significantly terrified. And he says, okay, let's Let's shoot. Let's shoot. So when you see this kid on camera, he's scared for real. He's scared for real in that scene.


How much moments in acting have you experienced that have to be like that? From something real?


Generally, you try not to do that. But when you have a new actor, sometimes you got to help a little bit. Sometimes with kids and things like that, you don't say action, right? You just run it. You signal the cameraman and he starts the camera, and then you just start talking to the kid and they don't know the camera's rolling. And then you pretend to do the lines and you do it. So you're trying to not have the acting start. So there's little tricks you do when people aren't really experienced actors that you can capture moments.


What was it like working with Messy?


Messy is fantastic. Fantastic. So he doesn't do stuff like that. No. Yeah. But it's so interesting when you see somebody who is world-class in the thing that they do, and then they get that little kid smile doing something. He loved being on the set, working, doing pieces, acting. We shot a bunch of social pieces and stuff like that. And it was like a relief for him. He just loved playing in that world. So, yeah, he's fun to watch, man. That's dope.


Let's go.


Yeah. Well, we know you got a busy day. Yes, we're excited. We appreciate you coming through.


No, you're so much. Nice to see you, baby. Bad Boys 4, out now. Bad Boys 4. Let's go, baby. I'm I want to find you tonight. I want to find you. When the scene happens, you're going to know the one I'm talking about. I'm going to be honest, too. Oh, no. I know what you're going to say. Okay.


Let's go.


I'm excited. We appreciate the deep talks, too.


That was great. I appreciate you guys. That was great advice. Thank you, man. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Smith. I appreciate it. That was dope. Yeah.


Thank you.


I'm beautiful. I'll see you over there tonight. Thank you, man. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you so much. See you guys. See you tonight. That was flat.


That was so sick, dude.


He's the man. Real talks, Hollywood stories. Those real talks, they were hitting me. I know they were hitting you.


They hit, yeah. I had to ask that. No, I don't. No, you're good.


All right, let's go. Nice.