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May 5, 2024. The Keya forum, Inglewood, California.


Whole lot of patriots, whole lot of celebrities, and a whole lot of.


We shouldn't have said. This is the roast of Tom Brady. Welcome to games with names. And we have a very special guest today, and we're gonna do a very different type episode. Today we have the one and only Drew Bledsoe, one of the founding blocks of the Patriots success, that help us go on and do what we did. And we are here, and we're gonna discuss the roast of Tom Brady. Let's go shoot the shit. It'll be fun.




And what do we. What are we drinking here?


So we got a little 2021 double back Cabernet to liven up the conversation.




That's our most recent vintage, and it's. Yeah, I think it's our highest scored wine yet.


Now, Washington wine.


Washington wine. Walla Walla. Yeah, my hometown.




It's called double back. Cause I grew up in. Grew up in Walla Walla. Went up and played ball and then double back and came back home.




Um, and went back there, mostly because they're my favorite wines in the world. So pretty cool in your little hometown, turning out some killer wine.




I mean, I used to get the emails from you all the time.


Yeah, we'll buy some more fucking wine.


I was sitting there. Your lady hit me up. I was on a subscription fee for a while, wasn't I?




I think you were outside. Yeah.


I don't know.


I'm fucking with you.




The only. The only problem for you, Jules, is that when we still do magnums.




And the big bottles are. They're all.


I don't use magnums.


I can take that all the way into the ditch. But we're not roasting you. We're not.


Everyone's been in full roasting.


My wife finally told me. She goes, look, you're not roasting me. I mean, your brain goes to making fun of everything right now. Can you settle the fuck down?


Wait, it happened to you too, Drew? Oh, around here, we just been ripping on each other.




You know, with the. With the boys. I mean, that's right. How we.


But the punchline now that everyone's, like, doing, like, a recently, like.


No, this is. No, this is not what we do at home. You know, you can go do that with your buddies, but you don't get to roast me because, you know, your chicken was dry.




What I. So we had to. We had to button that up a little bit.


Oh, no.


But I want to start to say that, like, you, you kind of get screwed because, like, all my buddies that buy one that played with all the way back to high school and all that, they get their jersey number. Unfortunately, dude, there's only 111 in the lineup every year. So that one, I'm keeping that one.


It's all good, man. I'm so happy. I was so. I remember you. You came in, like, one of my rookie year and you're like. You're wearing the number well, dude, or something like that.


I remember. I remember. You know, because first of all, I mean, I'll be honest, I was a little fucking pissed I gave you my number. No, but I remember, yeah, we were out there and, you know, obviously, you. You were kind of breaking in and you're already balling out and returning kicks and doing stuff. And I was like, hey, man, proud to see in the number, the only thing you have to do, the only favor you have to do for me is just ball out. And of course you did my. So fucking respect. Fucking respect.


I remember that people don't realize it's intimidating because Drew blood. Drew is. Drew's a legend in New England. Like a fucking legend. He's in all, everywhere in the building. I mean, when I say father of the successes or like one of the foundations of the success, it's fucking true. I remember seeing him for the first time and I never met him. What you don't know about Drew? Drew's a fucking large human. You shake his hand. His hand wraps around my fucking hand. He shakes it hard. He's looking at me and he goes, you're doing the number well. And, like, it took pressure off me, man. I felt like. Cause you get intimidated when you see Drew Bledsoe in the locker room. A fucking, like 1st. 2nd year player.




2009 in the playoffs.


You're. You were what?


You were.


You drafted 0909. Yeah, yeah. So it's. Yeah, it was either. It might have been. Might have been second year because you. You already. You're already really kind of making a name for yourself at that point.




And as a matter of fact. And so, truth be told, right, all right, you got this little fucking white guy that used to play quarterback, you know, playing receiver. Well, cool. He's gonna wear number eleven for a year and then they fucking is gonna go back, right. And instead, man, you go on and have this amazing fucking career. And so went from being kind of pissed that they gave the number away to actually pretty fucking proud to watch the way that you represented the whole time. And let's not. Forget you can fucking spin it, too. So, I mean, you know, I mean, like, you know, I mean, it's like, you know, look, hey, if you're going to wear the. If you're going to wear the number eleven, I just respect the fact that in addition to everything else, you can.


Actually fucking throw now, Drew. That's why I played receiver in the National Football League.


No, you played receiver because. Too short.


But if I could hit that 20.


Yard out, like, you guys still could have done it. I could read the shit.




Hey, that arm. That arm made it into Bill's jokes last night.


Oh, yeah, no, he was. Yeah, it was.


Bill made some jokes about you throwing that thing.


Throws, the big throws, Tom. No, actually, Julian made those shows. What you think of Bill's bit?


I thought he did all right.




I thought when they rolled out that tv thing with Sagura and Chrysler, I thought that was gonna be Bill putting up, like, plays or something.




I thought that would have been too hilarious if he was just up there roasting us. Like, look. And it would be such a bill way of fucking making fun of some. You didn't even light. You didn't even double team that guy. It wasn't hip to hip.


It would have actually been pretty good. Yeah, they could have played into. They could have steered into that pretty hard.




But I don't. I don't know if enough of the writers and producers will actually really understand that shit in a way to actually make it funny. So they would have had to bring, like, you know, us in.




Like, hey, you know, what, are we gonna build diagrams so he can fuck with Edelman? Because, you know, the dude at Foxborough High School could have done this and you can't. And I mean, which. Which is pretty. It's funny. I think a few of you guys mentioned that shit.


I fucking did the impression, Adam.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Right. I got.


Look, asshole Fox, bro, Heisel.


Who team that up for you? Did you actually. You imitate him pretty good? You do a pretty good job imitating him. But he was, you know. Yeah, I thought he was good. I was. I didn't. They were kind of him and Han is. Whether he's even gonna be there.


They didn't want to commit to it.


They didn't want to commit to it. And then I thought it was, you know, for him. I thought it was really good.




Like the fact that he, number one showed up and then. And then he was. And then he was pretty funny in his awkward way.




You know, so, yeah, that was pretty good.


Now, pre show, we're in the green room. And remember that where you remember you in there.


Mm hmm.


And fucking Bill's opening up. He's having fun. He's talking more stories for talking rookie skits. We're talking fun shit. I'm doing shit. We know what Bill's all about. But it was, like, amplified because he was excited to see you guys. Cause it doesn't have a job anymore. Randy drew me, Gronk. We were just chilling in there, and.


My brother and my buddy. And the funny thing is. Or interesting thing is, I think I was kind of gone when they first sort of happened, but. And then Kraft walks in.


That's what I was about to just.


Right, yeah. And then Kraft walks in. And so my brother was feeling sorry for himself because he's over there, and Belichick's kind of holding court. Well, as he's in the middle of the story, Kraft walks in. And so you guys all go over to say out of Kraft, and the last man standing to hear him tell the last man standing is my bro. And he's like, well, Bill's telling the story. If I leave, then he's telling the story to nobody because everybody's over saying how to craft. And then. But they did. They did break it down. Got together for a. I don't know, probably, I don't know, ten minutes at least, the two of them.


Tension in that room, though.


It was. It was real.


Good cut.


It was very real. It was real.


I. I was so awkward. I was like. I was watching coach, and I tried to give coach a heads up. I'm like, I see Kraft walk in. I'm like, yo, coach.




You know, like, you know, some locker room shit, like 550, you know, like, he didn't. Of course he didn't fucking see it, right? And he came in, I was like, oh, shit. This could be fireworks. I just walked away.


Mm hmm.


I didn't want to get in there. How crazy that last.


No, man, that was.


That was.


Those some crazy shit, man. I mean, that was some crazy.


No, you know, did Bill really. I mean, did Tom really get mad at fucking Jeff Ross for doing so?


You know, we were. That we were looking at that today, and. And, you know, we're sitting up there.




It certainly was on a teleprompter.




And, yeah. I don't know if that was part of the script or not, but it seemed like. It seemed. That seemed sincere, like, hey, man, no, you don't go there. Which by the way, you know, did you know that Kraft was gonna be there? I didn't know he's gonna be there until, like, yesterday. Yeah, but, like.




We did it. I heard that. And they did that intentionally so that all these comedians didn't go too deep on the, you know, massage jokes and all that. All that shit. We don't.




And, um. Yeah, which was smart.


There's some crazy ones. We had Alex Guerrero incorporation.


So I will. I will.


Get a massage in a.


Strip mall like Robert Graberson, I think, the whole time. Well, other than Aaron Hernandez, he took a lot of jokes, so.


Yeah. You know.


All right.


You know, a rest in peace. Yeah. Or rest in hell or whatever.


Yeah. But.




Love them.


But, yeah. Alex Guerrero, you know, he took it on the chin a bunch, and.


Well, he should be used to that by now, right?


Dude, so many fucking gay jokes.




What happened there? What happened there after I left, dude, I mean, what's the shower scene going on? Because there wasn't a bunch of that stuff happening when I was full.


National Geographic bird watchers everywhere in there.




People just watching birds left and right, Drew.


Yeah, no, I mean. I mean, look, we can. We can all be honest. Like, there's. Sometimes you're sitting in the locker room, and some dude walks by, and you can't help, and he's got this hanging between his legs. You're gonna notice, but, yeah, no, a lot of gay shit going on. But I felt. But I felt back. Felt bad for Alex because he was like, he's just sitting in the audience and doesn't get to come up and fire back at anybody. I mean, I didn't really feel bad for him. I don't give a fuck. Yeah, but you know what it's like. It's like, no, if you're gonna go after somebody, it's only if they can come back and get back after you.


Yeah, Alex was roasting me right before the damn roast.


Oh, was he really?




And I'm like, all right, I got you. I had a little joke. Were you drinking pretty heavily there, or you.




You had a couple drinks. Were you toast at then? Cause I was toasty by the end.


Yeah, I stayed out of the tequila with you guys. I was just drinking, what? Red wine, which. That's a little more mellow, but, yeah, we had some margaritas for lunch and a couple cocktails in the green room and all that, so I was kind of surfing the, you know, 0.12 somewhere.




Just had to make sure that the buzz was right. So I didn't seem super hammered.


I didn't want to get hammered before I went out.


No, that's why I was happy to go early.


I was pissed I had to go late.


Yeah, yeah.


You're supposed to hear people, though. There's coming, like, in the woodworks, like, every day. Like, oh, this guy's coming now. This guy's.


What about, like, I mean, Kardashian. Kim Kardashian.


I didn't understand why weird.


I don't. I don't know. That old. I don't know why they booted either, but I don't. But what. Why?


Her pr people was like, the event really amazing. Her set was actually pretty good, though. Her jokes were funny, which is not.


The roof didn't fit those booze. Yeah, yeah.




There was some good. She did have some solid material. She got.


She got a tough skin.


Well, she's got a tough. Yeah, no, that one was. That one was kind of weird. And then obviously, your, your buddy Ben Affleck, man, that was. I'm sitting there next to Randy and Lena was like, hey, man, what the fuck is he talking about? Like, I couldn't figure out what he's talking about.




You know, I think he had. He's talking about, you know, Twitter critics or something about. It was.


Did you guys know? How did it look?


Cuz I didn't.


Sometimes we were getting messy because we were behind speakers.




So we didn't get to really. Sometimes you really couldn't hear.




Was he as bad. I don't. Was he as bad as he sounded?


It was a little.


He was a little ramp. It was rambling a little bit.




People were looking around like, what is I love been?


And I wanted to show about our.


Receiver core in fucking 2019.


You think?


I don't remember that. I still remember that. Oh, Gilbert Godfrey has take us through the process of this roast. How'd they ask you? Did they, who approached you and what was your feelings going into this thing?


It was Jen Ayello from the NFL that. Yeah, she reached out.


I don't know.


I can't remember when. And initially I said, no, I can't make it because we had a, you know, for. With the winery, we had a big, you know, deal going on up there. And she called and begged and like, all right, cool. And I. First of all, it sounds fun, you know, and so we were able to. We were able to make it happen a couple weeks ago. And then. And then we sat down and, like, you know, my brother and my wife actually threw a joke in, and, like, just started throwing out some material at them, and then they came back. The one thing I did really appreciate with the writers was I was. I felt like it wasn't maybe my place to just throw in a wine plug. And they wrote the wine material. Yeah, let's get it in there.


Let's see.


You know, we're gonna do. We're gonna do this.


Let's. Let's.


Let's throw something in there. And then just went back and forth and back and forth. And, you know, there were a couple things that I just didn't like. They wanted to do a lot of, like, September 2001.




Stuff. But the. Well, they gave tom the. That jets. The jets, you know, crashing into me, so they wanted. They wanted. They wanted me to do that, and I'm like, yeah, that's not really. I don't really. But I thought it worked well for Tom. And then the other. And then the, like, the packers stuff with. With far, it was kind of like we're talking about, you know, like, hey, look, if he's not there, you know, you can't. You can't go at him.




When he's not there. So we went back and forth a little bit, and my. My wife did veto one Giselle joke.




Yeah. Then, no, I'm not gonna tell you.




Not on here. I'll tell you later. But, yeah, I mean, you can go. You can go. Go all the way.


But Mars, like, it was something like, we all know what Tom Brady's favorite term is. What is it?


Let's go.


Let's go.




Trademark. Did his name of his podcast. It's also what his wife said when she took the kids and left. Let's go.




It did.


Did you do any prep?


I got there. We went. Kind of ran through the. Just ran through the teleprompter stuff real quick. And it was interesting because I was thinking when we got there, it was like, actually, I think I feel more comfortable, like, doing this thing live with the audience than I did because, you know, you'll read the prompter, and then you got a bunch of, like, stand ins there, and, you know, and they're laughing at the jokes because they were told. Laugh at the joke. So I said, but it felt so, you know, disingenuous. Like, okay, well, are they actually really laughing at these fucking jokes, or are they just being nice? And so then what? You know, when it's live, we're like, all right, cool. We'll go and. And then go. As long as you want to? It was fun.


Yeah, no, I went. I was fucking nervous when they asked.


Me to do this thing.


Well, I mean, look, man, it's, you know, go play football in front of a few million people. Cool. Been doing that our whole life. Exactly what we're doing, you know, not a good shit, you know? Are you gonna go do comedy?




In front of a few million people. And, dude, I've never done stand up before. You ever fucking. I mean, I've done a lot of public speaking, but never gone up and like, hey, all right, we're gonna do a comedy set.


It's different when you have to make people laugh.




Like, you have to go do something. When you're public speaking, you're doing a Q and a. You're telling stuff. You know, you're telling the story.




When you have a objective to go out, and you actually have to, like, execute under pressure. Yeah, I was nervous as fuck. And so Jeff, actually, we were doing the same thing. Me, Kyler, and Jack, we were sitting in the room, and we were just talking with their writers. We threw out a bunch of jokes. And Jeff Ross, he goes, he could feel. He could feel that I was a little nervous, you know, and he goes, hey, why don't you come with me to the comedy store and do your practice? Your set?


Oh, really?




That's a great idea.


So I went Thursday, and I did my set on Thursday, and I thought the comedy store was harder than the fucking. Right, yeah, the show, because it's such an intimate setting, I was, like, shaking. Like, it's just. It was scary. That was the first time I ever done any kind of stand up shit.


Right, right, yeah, I can see that. For sure. And, you know, and then you go there, you know, everybody's showing up there because they know all the stuff about Tom and the fans and all stuff. You go to the comedy store and, you know, might have some dude from Armenia that, you know, doesn't even know what.


Jets, man. Bro, I gotta say, clutch gene, you. You killed both of them. I know I gas you up and.


Bump your tires in here, but stop glazing, dog.


You guys both.




This guy loves to glaze down, man. I'm Jay, baby. I'm Jay. Glazing.


When Jules was running his set before the comedy store, I was nervous, actually.


The only time I did sort of a dry run on it was. Was actually for my. For my wife. She's like, all right, if I'm gonna sign off on you doing this, I need to know what you're gonna say. Right? Cause she was.




And then my kids. Each of my four kids individually called because they were so nervous about. Oh, dude.


Oh, my God.


That's gonna freaking embarrass us. You know? And so they all. They all wanted it. They all wanted to hear some of the jokes and. Okay. Okay.


All right.


That's actually pretty funny. All right, go.




You're good. So we ran that for.


But it.


But, yeah, I mean, it's nerve racking when you're doing something you've never done in front of, you know, I'm assuming a few million people.




Drew, who's the toughest critic in the Bledsoe family?


You were like, oh, fuck. Like, this is probably my daughter with.


Three sons and a daughter. My daughter's 21, and she's great girl. She's a little more buttoned up than the rest of the family, which is not a huge compliment. But, yeah, she'll give me the big eye roll she wanted to hear. Yeah, the one. And again, I'm not telling you the joke, but the one Giselle joke that didn't go in. My wife actually told our daughter, and it's pretty fucking nasty joke. And she goes, okay, I gotta go. And hung up the phone. Oh, no. This is not. This is not happening. I'm not signing up on this. There's no way dad saying that.


I heard pre game, pre show that Kevin Hart was debating on coming out in, like, a jiu jitsu robe or something.


Jesus, dude, I was thinking Jeff Ross might.


Yo. So I didn't know if that was on limits. I mean, he was going balls deep, dude.


All. He was. He was all in. Dude, how fucking great was he last night, too? Because. Same deal. Like, we're sitting up there. We're looking at the property, dude. He was. He was. He was rolling his own stuff, like. And, you know, unreal. That's when you know somebody's super, super fucking talented. You just get up there and like, I. We're just gonna run with this in the middle of a few million people, in front of a few million people and crush it.


Yeah, I was.


I've been talking about that as well, because we can see the prompters.


Yeah. Right?


And so you could see who was kind of, you know, improv in, who wasn't. All the pros, they could, like, say what the prompter said in a different way, and then bring a story into it, reference something that someone said, like, and that's what Kevin was doing. And he was a fucking. You could tell that dude's a pro. He makes that money for a reason.


Yeah, no doubt, no doubt. Yeah, it was, yeah, he was. Dude, how cool is it that, like, Chappelle was there last night just to watch?




And Shane Gillis is there last night just to watch.




And, yeah, we went to the comedy store after and watched. Ended up watching Chappelle for about an hour, just sit on stage and kind of talk to the audience like he didn't material or whatever.




But dude, he's, to me, he's the, he's the certainly the greatest living comedian in my mind.




But, yeah, those guys, those guys showed up just to watch this shit.


Well, it's comedy fest right now, right?




So everyone's in town.


Right, right.


And, you know, the comics, they all, they are all very supportive of each other.




You know what I mean?


And Jeff's kind of, you know, he's been in that world and they all, everyone, you know, they're hell friends, and they go out and support each other and hate each other and hate each other any other.




Oh, yeah, no, yeah, absolutely. We just went, played golf with a bunch of them today, and they're just kind of hanging out. And the interesting thing with the.




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Get your podcasts with the comics, which I, you know, I. I guess maybe makes sense. But, you know, a lot of them, when you sit down and talk to them, I mean, they're not funny. You know? You know, like, they're like, you kind of.


It's like. You know, like.


Right. And so spending time with him. Talk to him a little bit, and you go talk to him and it's. For me, it's. It's kind of hard to keep a straight face. Cause I'm looking at this guy like, dude, there's fucking Ron Burgundy. You know, that's. You know, that's you. You know, all of his famous. You know, it's Ricky Bobby. You know, it's all this stuff. And then you're just having a normal conversation with this person, and you're like, God, this is kind of weird, man. You know, and, I mean, you know, they're smart and good people, but, you know, I think I sort of had my mind that, you know, you go talk to a comedian.




You can sit down and he's going to be funny the whole time. And you're like, no, actually, there's normal people. And then they make people laugh, you know, for work.


You could tell they're smart.






The good ones, that. The good ones have to be smart, and they got to be wicked quick.




And they're witty as fuck.




Off top of shit. Like, if they. I don't know. How good was Romper will ferrell last night?


That's pretty fun. That was so great.




He also was one of the guys that was going off the script.


Oh, yeah.


Oh, yeah.


No, he was. Yeah, he was. Yeah, he was. He was rolling with his own stuff and could, you know, same. We're sitting there watching the prompter and.


Like, jizel, what do you call her?


He hasn't even. Yeah, just so good. He was at Madison Square Garden. It was, how about those knickerbockers? But, yeah, we're sitting there watching and like, wow, he's been going for a while and he hasn't even started his prepared material. But, yeah, that was, that was, that was awesome.


When did you know he was going to show up?


I didn't know until he walked out personally. You know, he's gonna be there.


Ah, maybe like, right before the show.


I didn't.


It was a very big surprise.




Yeah, I didn't.


Yeah, I didn't know Peyton was gonna be there.




So I go take a piss.


Oh, yeah, Peyton either.


And I see Peyton in the green room.




Like, what the fuck are you doing here?


Mm hmm. Because.


Join the rose.


I was like, he goes, don't. Don't tell anyone. I'm like, I'm telling everyone. Social media's out.


Put it out on Twitter right now. Yeah, because they said earlier, they said that Eli was gonna be there as well, which that would have been. That would have been kind of funny, too, but yeah, no, it was gronk killed, like, you know, you killed an OD. Um, I thought Randy did a great job. He was. I do think he was really nervous.




And, dude, and then the pros come out and there's a reason they're pros.


Yeah, dude, Nikki Glaser, she was funny. She got MVP.


I think so. Yeah, right? I think I told her after, do we bump? Because we bumped. She was. She was at the after party. I went over, talked to her. I was like, I think you're kind of a bond villain. Cause you're super hot and you are an absolute killer, you know? I think she's just like, you know, and then you talk to her in person, and she's the sweetest, nicest person you could ever friggin meet. But, dude, her set killed.


Yeah, I had some intel. I knew she was gonna hit me with a gay joke. Cause one of my friends was, if.


Everybody'S saying it, jules, then everybody's saying it. I mean, dude, just go ahead and.


Come on out, dude, as Belichick say, you suck one cock. Your cocksucker. Yeah, I wish I had more money.


Jeff Ross, though, dude. I mean, how great is that fucking dude? He's awesome, dude, you're. Your jewish joke on him was perfect.


Spot on.


I saw where you're going. Your piece of it. Or you're like, hey, you know, I'm. The jewish guy was like, wow, you're jewish. And I knew you were gonna say something, but then you went, make people want to join Hamas. I'm like, dude, that was, that was, that was, that was fucking funny.


Jeff, you wouldn't, Jeff say he's gonna use that one. We're talking to him at the store or something like that.


When he was at the store. Yeah, that was ours. After the comedy store, Jeff sat with us for about 30 minutes, 35 minutes, and like went over the script. Okay, cut that. That was good. You know what, that's not you, that's too deep in there. He was super supportive and he was.


In general creative means.


He was in the, he was on my, I only had one zoom call with him.




And he was there, he was there for that one. And I just kind of ran through some of the stuff that we had down and then, you know, I think he chimed in a little bit but, but left it. But you know, one of the things, I mean, you're just talking about these comedians and how supportive they are of each other and all of that stuff. Like the guys.


Hell yeah.


Let's, let's go and appreciate it. The wine o'clock. They're so generous. Like these people that are like Jeff Ross, you know, Kevin, all these, all these people are generous and supportive and there's, there's a, there's a camaraderie there where they're like. And I, you know, there's also, like, even if you're being mercenary, there's a motive there because, you know, if we go up there and fucking bomb, then the show loses all its energy and so they don't want us to bomb either. But, you know, but yeah, just so generous and helping out and being supportive of each other and helped us out too, which is cool.


Definitely. I mean, made us feel a lot more comfortable.


Yeah, for sure.


Look at you looking like a stud. You're dressed to impress. Who, who dressed you?


Me. I had that. So this, this, this black shirt that I'm wearing, I almost threw it out. It's a, it's, it's the only Versace I've ever had in my life and I've had it sued for, I don't know, 1520 years and it was almost gone. I'm like, oh, you know what? We're gonna go black on black with the old tuxedo top.


I like it, um, so gory. So going early was probably you, you preferred that?


Yeah, that was, that was, um, that was, yeah, mostly. Mostly because, dude, I wanted, I just wanted to be done. Yeah, because I don't know how you were, but when I'm sitting up there before I'm going, I'm like. I'm not even really paying attention to, like, Kevin and Jeff because I'm in my head, like, okay, this is. I gotta do this. Gonna do this. And so, I mean, I knew there were some laughs and stuff, but. But once I was done, dude, I'm off the clock.




And I can just giggle.




Were you kind of. Were you in your own head until you're. Until you're set?


Definitely. I mean, I. I downloaded my script.


Mm hmm.


My jokes on my. My phone.


Mm hmm.


So I just peep over them here and there. But, I mean, I was pretty calm. I was pretty.


You stuck the landing, dude. I mean, there were, as far as we could tell, there were no nerves, you know? But you, uh. Yeah, you stuck to that.


If I didn't do that commie store, I would have been fucking shot.




You know that I had the rep. Yeah.


Right? Yeah, yeah, just one. Just one. Even just. Yeah, just one walkthrough. They're good.




How crazy was it to see all three of those guys in the room together? Bill Kraft and Tony?




I mean, how crazy was that?


It was surreal.


Yeah, it was, um. That was cool, man. I. You know, I know that there's, you know, the whole thing is complicated, and you know that stuff better. Better than I do, and. But, you know, at the end of the day, though, there's still a lot of respect.




Across the board amongst all three of them, I think it was good to.


See Bill there for Tom.


Yeah, no, 100%. Yeah, it was. It was. I think it was. I think it was good for Tom. I think it was good for Bill, man. It was. Yeah, that was. I was. I was glad he showed up. I really was glad that Bill showed up. He was still so funny, though, man. We go back there, and he's not coaching. He said, we go back to do that cold, open deal, and we're going to film that. That little piece. First of all, it took him, like, eight takes. Like, dude, Bill, it's like one sentence, you know? And I.


You didn't say that.


I didn't say that. But that's what I'm thinking.




And. But then, like, dude, like, you're not coach right now, and then it immediately goes straight into ball. Like, he just. It's just all ball all the time. Even now that he's not coaching, you know? And, yeah, it's interesting.


It'll be interesting to see where he goes next year.


Yeah. What do you think? Where do you think he lands.


Well, it depends how good the Cowboys philly does, right? You know, my giants.


So my, my conspiracy theory was that Saban retired, that. That Saban and Bill were gonna get together and go, like, one last draw together somewhere.


You think?


I don't think. I just. I was like, that would, you know, sort of what I us like, hey, let's go. Let's go one last hurrah together and go take over either a college or pro program, and I don't think they'll go college.


No one wants this college.


Nobody wants to go college.




You have to.


You have free agency. Everyone's on a one year deal.


Not even a one year deal. Like a month to month deal.




Like, dude, you finish up spring ball and you got your secondary, and all of a sudden they all go to, you know, LSU.




And, you know, small schools like ours, you know, we're just farm teams.


You know, you were a Pac twelve team or Pac ten team.


We are packed in team. And, you know, so, I mean, we were underdogs because we were smaller, you know, smaller school, but we were still part of the pack, you know, Pac ten and then the Pac twelve. And then when that all changed, man, you know, you go find that diamond in the rough. You know, you go find your Julian Edelman, you know, that that's under recruited or whatever and comes in and balls out, and next thing you know, boom, nil. Gone.


Right? Yeah.


And I was thinking about if I.


Was at Kent State and I had my first year, I was like, second team, all mag. I would have went to Oregon. Oh, we got the fuck out of there, dude.




We were going. This was going so well. Dude, I fucking hate Oregon. Don't tell me you would have gone to Oregon.


That was the time where they had an offense like a. As a quarterback.


Dude, it's over. Come on. Can we cut? So my hatred for the ducks is twofold. When I was in school, they were. They were bad. They were shitty at football, but they played great against me.




Right. So I took that personally. And then we live in Oregon, so we're surrounded by all these duck fans that think they invented fucking football. And it's so annoying. So, anyway, I forgive you. You didn't go to Oregon. But it just. Man, it hits a nerve, man. I hate. But, yeah, you would. Yeah.


You know.


Yeah, yeah, you would. Like, especially, you know, for you, if you're. If you're, you know, the athlete that you are and you're playing quarterback, you get to get in some, you know, RPO deal. Dude, you live the fucking world on fire.




It would have been just this whole college football thing.


Yeah, it's rough, man. I don't like it.


They have to do something.


Yeah, I think, actually, I think. I don't know if it's an original thought or not, but Chip Kelly, I thought, had, like, the appropriate answer. Separate football. Make football its own thing.




And. And then you can, you know, you can move that around, do. But you don't punish all these Olympic athletes that are having to travel to fucking Rutgers to, you know, to go swim or, you know, or, you know, it's absurd.


I love that.


They're kind of the whipping boy. Right? Yeah. Jets shout out Rutgers woman. Rowan. Yeah. But rip to the Pac twelve.




Sad, right?




I grew up a Pac ten guy. Or Pac ten guy.


I rooted for him. Yeah.


I liked Berkeley. I lived in Stanford area and shit.


A lot of history, man.




It's three generations for our family. My dad played for the Washington Huskies, and then I played for the Cougs. My brother played for the Colorado Buffs, which they weren't part of the pack at that point.




And then my son played for the Cougs, you know, so it's like, man, three generations, and all of a sudden, it's like, it's just not going to exist anymore. It's weird, man.


It's so weird. But honestly, it's on the leadership of the Pac ten.


They fucked it up. I think it might even. I think it even goes deeper than that. The universities, it's on the university presidents that have mismanaged, they got to grab for money wherever they can. So it sucks, man. I hate it.


It's sad.


Yeah, it is sad. It is said.


I mean, the coolest thing in the world was Rose bowl.


Fuck yeah. Right? You know, it's like, yeah, that was the thing, man. That was sort of the pinnacle. At least if you're, you know, those two conferences, there was no. Maybe I'm just being old and nostalgic, but, dude, that. That was so cool.


That was the best.


The pageantry of it was so cool.


I mean, you're, like, 30 years older than me, and that's cool to me too, bro.


Go fuck yourself, dude.


Jackie, why don't you break down these roasters? Who was at this roast, all right?


I mean, this was a star. We love talking star power on this pod. This was star studded last night for everyone that has been living under a rock and might not have seen it last night, Kevin Hart. Tom Brady. Julian Edelman. Drew Bledsoe. Gronk Moss Belichick. Peyton Manning. Ben Affleck. Will Ferrell as Ron Burgundy. Andrew Scholl. Sam Jay. Jeff Ross. Dana White. Kim Kardashian. Tom Segura. Burt Kreischer. Tony.


John Harbaugh was in the crashes.


No, no, Jim. Was John out there, too?


Jim Harbaugh.


We saw Jim in the parking lot.




And then I saw Kyle straight out of his rv.


Kyle Shanahan.


Like, you know, Jim, we. You know, we were contemporaries, right?




You know? So, yeah, we're in the Pro bowl together one year, and he was always a little bit odd, but he's a hell of a coach.


Yeah, I remember.


Sorry, Jim. Love you, man.


That's an understatement.


How do you think he's going to do it?


Man, I hope. Justin Herbert, right to me, is so freaking talented. I think he's one of the. He's in that very, very top tier.


Came from a great university.


Shut the fuck up. That's how much. That's how much. That's how much. That's how much I love Justin Herbert is that I actually love him. Even though he played for the Ducks.




And they. And to come back and just bring that back around. The Ducks wasted him.




Like, it. Like, he should have been. He should have been lighting the world on fire, and they. Their offense wasn't. Wasn't. Wasn't the right one for him. But I really. I really hope that he. That Jim's able to put some stuff around Justin Herbert. I think he's a special kid, dude.


I think he's going to. He's going to be a lot better because they're going to run the ball. They're going to have the play action game. He can move. You're gonna get him under the center. Let's, like, just not, like, rely on the kid the whole time.


Yeah. Right. Yeah. Don't just put it all on him.




I was trying to figure out what the heck I did to Sam Jay. Like, we'd never met, man. And she went in on me. She went in on. Which was like, wow.


Any joke, sir? She's coming on Wednesday.


Oh, is she really?


Yeah, she's coming on here.


No, I mean, it was. It was. It was funny. It was funny. Part of the roast. You want somebody to get after you pretty hard, so, you know. Yeah, but it was. Yeah, dude. And then Tony Hinchcliffe.


I want.


I want to go back and watch.


Because he was funny.


He did that. He did he did that bit and was so fast about all the kings. Like Burger King, Rodney King and like, all this stuff. And I need to go back and look at it because I think it was genius stuff. But it went so fast. Like, dude, like somebody doing like, fast, you know, magic.




Where you watch, you're like, well, I don't know what happened right there, but it was really funny.


I came in at the middle because I was pissing.


Oh, I think we, I think we. I think we got. Took a piss at the same time. I walked back in the middle. You were coming in. They were going.




Because he was out in the audience. But, yeah, thanks for coming and helping hold my dick in the bathroom. I appreciate it.


You know, I have, I carry tweezers at all times.


Yeah, I know.


I appreciate that. I appreciate that.


I got him.


Got him.


I got the, I got the transcript. I'm not going to do it as well as Tony, of course. Burt Kreischer is a king. He looks like the Tiger King and the liver. King only ate at Burger King and had a liver that looked like Martin Luther King who got beat up by Rodney King.


Yes. Right. I walked. I walked. Yeah, I got back right when he was saying that, I was like, oh, that was a lot of shit in a hurry, man. It was great.


Like some Eminem level wordplay.


Super great, man.


Yeah, I gotta go rewatch that one.


Oh, no, dude. And then our boy Andrew Schultz, that closed it out. I talked to him for a minute afterwards. Coolest video I saw him was when he first, you know, got his, the first gig at Madison Square Garden. He took his dad.




To go walk around and like. Yeah, I mean, it just was cool, man. He realized his dream, you know, of making it. Yeah. Great friggin dude. And he slated too.


Yeah, I think I didn't get to, I didn't get, by the time he came on, I think I couldn't hear.


Yeah, it was sort of, I was, I was kind of going. It was sort of like watching, you know, sort of like watching a movie with the subtitles on. We could read that. We could read the prompter, which I also, I tried not to watch it.


Because I wanted to, like, listen to the joke.


Listen to the joke. But like, oh, shit. Oh, that's going to be funny.




You know, so we're able to kind of keep up with it a little bit. But I actually, I'm looking forward to going back and actually.


Yeah, same here.


I did a little bit last night. It's definitely a different product on Netflix, like, being in the building, you don't get the reactions of everyone. Like, there's little stuff you miss when they, like, hone in on, like, someone who's getting roasted. Like, it just adds a nice little element that.


Yeah, definitely. I know. They're gonna edit it down probably for sure time, right. You know, go. Not really.


It's a streamer.


Yeah, yeah. Okay. But I thought. I think. I think they're tightening up.




But how about fucking crystal walking around the after party with us with his shirt off?




I mean, just as I go ahead and then. So crazy thing is that. That my bro and our buddy sat at the table with his wife.




And you guys didn't even know it was his wife, right? Just thought she was there to support him and just an absolute sweetheart, like, the kindest, cutest little thing and like, oh, you poor thing. This is what you sleep with every night.


Like, holy sheepshit, frank, get in the car. Remember, like, when Frank, the tanks fucking streaking.


Yeah, right? Yeah, Frank, she's like, she's cute, she's sweet, funny, and. And obviously he's a great dude. Otherwise, he's. Otherwise he's, you know, not with her, but, yeah, man, it was funny. I did think. Who hit him with the. With the bit, like, dude, you don't even know how to be a fat comedian. You don't do drugs, and you only fuck your wife. Like, I think that was Sam Jay also. I really, really like stand up. We. So when we were. When we were out in Boston, we would go to the comedy connection quite a bit. A matter of fact, Dane. Dane Cook was. Was there at the after party. I don't know if you saw him, but.


He was wearing a j eleven shirt.


Circuit 14.


Saw that.


In fact, Og fan, overpriced fucking bullshit, the shit. Where was I going with that? Oh, yeah, yeah. And watch live comedy up there. And where is that? In faneuil hall fan. You don't know if it's still there or not. I don't know. Maybe they rebranded it or whatever. But, man, we, man, we saw some. We saw some great, great. And comics. And Dane Cook was the host, though. Like, he was just getting going. So he was like the guy that would come and introduce everybody else and do a couple jokes and. And, I mean, yeah, we saw Tommy Davidson there who crushed. And then, I don't know if you remember Anthony Clark, but he. He actually, like, punished us. Like, like, we. Adam was there, and we literally, like, are putting our heads under the table and covering our ears because we couldn't breathe. Yeah, it was killing.




No, dude, I know the great stand ups. Fucking amazing.


You know, I. When I started this podcast, we originally had Sam Morell on it.




He was my co host. He's a comic out of New York.


Mm hmm.


And I was living in New York, or we were producing it first season out of New York. And so we would go hang out with them at the cellar.




Down in, like, the comedy cellar.




And so we go out there, and we just go to watch him do his bits, and then we go into the back room, and Shane Gillis would be there, and all, like, these, all these comics were there, and. And so. And then to come out here, and I used to go to the store a lot. The laugh factory. You know, it's just a fun, it's, it's a good night when you go.


It's a great night, man.


You go, friends. It's a fun date.




You know?




It's. It's fucking fun. It makes you laugh. It gets you out of.


It's good for you. It's good for your health.




Supposed to laugh a lot.


We went to a Friday. We went to the Hollywood bowl and watch Bill Burr.


Did you?


It was fun.


Yeah, it was funny. So we played golf with Bill Burr this afternoon, and. And it was first time I'd met him. We'd, like, exchange test text messages and stuff. And you were playing, and. And my bro says, he goes, dude, isn't it weird? You feel like you've known him for, like, 15 years? Because we've been lifting it, listening to his stuff for so long.




And his, and his style is like, he's sitting here, right? You know, he's up there. It's like you're sitting around, and you're like, dude, I feel like I know this friggin guy.




And then he was exactly the guy that we wanted him to be. Yeah. But, yeah, dude, he did.




He kills.


I saw him. So the night I went to the store, right? We saw him. He did a set. He was practicing or something. And just like you said, I thought I knew him. I thought we met already, right. He's like, nice to meet you for the first time. I'm like, what the f, do that? Because he did our, like, documentary, and, like, I was there, but, like, I felt like I've met him somewhere. You feel like you know him. We've watched all his shit. He's a Boston guy. You know what I mean? And he's he's exactly what you said when you meet him. He's what you want him to be.


It was kind of cool, you know? And I don't know if this is interesting enough for the podcast, but I think you'll like to hear it. You guys can cut it later if you want to. But I was asking about his process or how he broke in. Right? How'd you break in? He goes, well, I just discovered I wasn't very good at anything else except for making people laugh. But he said, the hardest part when you. When you first break in is you get on stage, or you, they call your name, you walk up on stage and you've got all these stories and jokes that you've been telling to your buddies that make them laugh. And then you get on stage, and all of a sudden that goes away, and you're like. You're just performing. And he said the hardest part was getting to the point where he was confident enough that he could just go talk on stage. Like, he would talk in his living room. And now he's completely accomplished that because we all feel like we're. We all feel like we know him, right. You know, which is cool. That was. That was fun, watching Chappelle sit there last night, you know, and he wasn't doing a set.


He, you know, he didn't kill. But, dude, it was like, just watching. It's like watching, like, a great jazz musician practice, like, just sitting on the stage and just. And just riffing with people and just having a conversation and, you know, so, inspo.


He's probably up there. Just inspo, yeah. Looking at people, hearing chatter. Those guys are such creative.


He's, like, talking back and forth to the audience and, you know, making fun of people. If I was slightly, slightly less wasted, I might have, like, walked up and sat down today because I.




Because I was, like, the only thing I wanted to do, and I didn't want to, like, you know, jump in or ask him questions or whatever. I just wanted to drop more quarters into the machine, you know, and. And, like, just go. Go up there. Like, because he was at the roast, watched the whole thing, just kind of, if I could go back in time, you know, a few hours would have walked up and, like, I meant. So the roast went tonight, you know, what did we miss? Where would you have gone, you know, and just like. And then just kind of start going to bed? Just because he was just up there riffing. He was having fun. He was being cool, did some funny stuff. I don't even remember what he did. I just know we were laughing, but it would have been pretty fun to just, like, drop some more quarters in him and get him going.


Hell, yeah. I mean, he's hilarious. How's Bill Burr's ball golf game?


Even worse than mine. Dude, he's fucking terrible.


Are you not a good golfer, Drew? You don't golf enough or what?


No, I play, but, you know, I can play. I can. I can hit good golf shots, but, you know, I don't know.




Once it. Once it goes sideways. It goes sideways. Yeah. You know, so I'm okay. But I. But I. But Bill, he just said he. I mean, you know, you know him as much as I do, but you can tell he doesn't have the temperament for golf. Gonna go spend time on it, but. But just super fun being with him.




Aren't you, like, a badass skier?


I ski a bunch. I ski a bunch. Started skiing when I was. When I was two years old.




And. Yeah, I had to, you know. Where'd you ski? Grew up in the. In the. In the northwest. Skied up in the cascade mountains up there in the. In Washington state, and then bounced around. But then I made the mistake of telling kraft right after you bought the team, about this amazing heli skiing trip I took my dad on, and I was young and stupid. I was 22, and it was like a lifelong dream for me to be able to take dad heli skiing. But I do remember now, in retrospect, he looked at me kind of funny. And then when we did my second contract, all of a sudden there was all this language in there about what happens if I get hurt skiing. Um, but.


My dad was a big time skier when he was a kid.


Oh, really?




And I used to ski, and then when I was, like, eleven, I started snowboarding. We used to go to tahoe. You know, tahoe was like, 4 hours, 3 hours. And then I would go on to these. I went on these, like, high school trips, these invasion trips where you go out, like, a weekend with just friends and, like, chaperones.


Oh, wow.


Which was insane. It's like, your first time being out on the road by yourself as a kid in high school, like, just packing your bag with booze and fucking.


Just trying to get some stink finger. And. I know what you're doing.


We almost got arrested because we went to Mount Batchelor, Oregon, one year.




Which was a cool mountain.




That's our home mountain. We, like. We live in bend. It's 20 minutes from our house, and.


We tried to shoulder tap for some booze. And I guess that's, like, really illegal in Oregon or something. That's where you ask someone to liquor store and buy you beer full of superbad. Hey, ma'am.




Of course I would.




But you don't get on the snow anymore.


You know, I just started. I started snowboarding again right when I retired, but when I was skiing and shit, I was like 165, 70 pounds. I was like a little kid doing flips and shit.




Like 200 pounds now it's like, different.


Well, it.


Shit hurts a lot more. Yeah. I mean, I know you're, like you said, 30 years younger than I am, but. But. But it does hurt more to fall when you get a little bit older, so. But, hey, are you.


You have healthy knees.


I do, I do.


That's the best.


Yeah, yeah. I mean, such a crazy blessing. And my, you know, obviously got knocked around quite a bit, but, yeah, orthopedically, I'm healthier than most other guys my age, dude.


That's the one thing I feel.




Especially when you're strapped in on the. On the snowboard.




You're sitting on that front leg. I'm goofy. So my front leg is forward and I could feel like, in my fucking joint, right. I have bad cartilage damage and no PCL root tear. Like, that's how I ultimately retired is my knee. So I feel that shit.




And it fucking sucks.


Yeah, no. Gonna go do like, some stem cell. You gonna try.


And there's people that are. There's the Panama guy. There's the fucking german dude. There's this guy.




They're still like six, seven years away from.




Actually dialing.


Really, really being able to.


They don't know how to activate the stem cell yet. It's a crap shoot when they're shooting that shit in you, you know? Cuz I've had it. I had it in my knees before 19.


Mm hmm.


And I put it in my shoulder. Am I growing? Like, you're like, all right, this doesn't do anything right. You know, or it could be placebo. The people that say, like, oh, my God, is the best day ever. Like, they still haven't activated the. The stem cell.


Okay, well, they need to, cuz I. The only thing that bugs me is my lower back.




Want to read? Well, yeah, and. Yeah, but it's.


What do you. Wait.


2423-225-2324 somewhere in there. I don't know. I haven't stepped on a scale in quite a while.


And he's put together like, it's just because he's stout.


Fucking. You're, like, all american fucking yoked, dude. I'm just fucking yoked?




I wouldn't go that far. You're more like Paul Bunya.


Yeah, the, uh. The, um. You caught me on your, uh, your, uh. On your, uh, fucking video camera down at your garage. So somebody said it was down. There was hot summer day, and he's a garage. He's got a video camera down there, and it alerts him. Dude, looks like Carol Baskin's breaking into your garage from Tiger King. Like, that's fucked up. She's not yoked. Like me. Hold on. Can we talk about Ernie for a second?




Like, he was always hiding in the shadows. Like he was the super secret agent that nobody knew about. He never did anything, and all of a sudden, he's, like, all over everything.


Oh, yeah.


Like, he just decided he wants to, like, oh, cool. I'm gonna get my. I'm gonna get my fame.


I flew his ass out here and had him on the pod.


Did you really?


And he lit it. I mean, he was great.




Did you ever talk with Ernie?


A little bit, you know, and he was always nice.




But I remember when, like, when. When, uh. When Bill first got there and, uh, um. And, you know, Ernie's there. Nobody could figure out what he did. Like, we didn't know what the hell was going on.




Like, he was just kind of in the shadows. He would watch. Everybody would only talk to Bill, maybe bears. Um, and we're like, dude, it was a mystery. We didn't know what the hell was going on.


I felt that same way for about five years. Six years, right? And I finally saw him eating his heirloom tomatoes with fucking fork and knife and pepper or salt. I go, I just sat down next to him. I was like, yeah, what the fuck you do?


Yeah, what do you do?


You know, he's kind of, like, awkwardly, like. And so then I. He's, like, basically did all our cards. So any scout team card, okay. Was from Ernie.


Oh, interesting.


Which is crazy. He did all, like, the films. I mean, he was, like, bill's right hand man, right?


But it was my. I think it was like, my. It was, like, late in the first season, they were there, and again, it was complete mystery. And I think we were playing the. Playing the Chiefs. It was like, crunch time at the end. Fourth down call. Fourth and goal to, you know, run and play to win the game. And so I come over and, like, we're timeout. We're we're, you know, kind of talking about what we want to call and, like, hey, Drew, what do you want to call, you know, Charlie, what do you think? Get the donut out of your mouth. And, and, and so, like, all of a sudden, I hear Bill go, Ernie, what do you like? And I didn't even know he was on the phones. I didn't know any, any of this shit. And Ernie makes the play call. I'm like, holy shit. So that's what he's doing. Like, fuck, I, you know, it was. But anyway, now he's, now he's, now he's all over the, all over the media. It's fucking crazy.


He was fun. And he's a great encyclopedia of football because he remembers, like, pretty much, like every.


I mean, I think he's kind of a savant, right?


Like, he's a big time reader, bro. He, he's got, like, a crazy, astute fucking library at his house. And he read, like, right? He was sitting here, like, I read this book. Like he was making jokes to himself. Like, I read it four times.


It was so. I'm like, what? Like dirt? Ernie, nobody's gonna get that shit. No, but anyway, so sorry I corked you off, but you, I forget where you're going. Oh, you did? Oh, you did. The, the deal with you and Gronk and Ernie.


The only reason I brought it up, because there's these old, like, throwback fucking photos of. And they had it. Like, they had Drew and I think it was like someone else in, like, army outfits with patriotism. Like, it was like they were army guys on a Hummer. I was sitting there like, damn, drew, fucking huge. You were big. But it was also. It was like some village people type stuff.


Yeah, it was.


Yeah, there was different themes.


That was the start of the gay legacy that we left behind for the Patriots, for you guys. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I remember I was like, me and Sean Jefferson and Chris Martin and, like, Terry Glenn and Ben and. Yeah, I think Willie. And I think Willie and Chris.


Yeah, Willie was on it.




It's great to see Willie last night, by the way. It was great to see.


It was great to see Willie.


Yeah, man, I just, I love that guy so damn much, dude. I really do, man. I feel so bad for him. And that was a shitty situation. I don't know what the end result of it is, man, but, man, just love Willie. I was great. It was great to see him come back out.


It was, you know, he. I mean, he's, he, he's one of the caps, you know what I mean? He ran the locker room.


Hell, yeah.


And like, that legacy stuck throughout. I didn't ever play with them, but everyone knew that. That's Willie's locker.


That's Willie's locker. Yeah.


You know what I mean?


Anyone coming in? Hey, you're sitting in Willie's locker now.


Dude, he was the biggest badass, and I played against him in college and we were teammates and I had to play against him again, and it was much better to be used. Yeah, we put. Went down to play SC and no bullshit. I never, never watched, like, tv copies of games, you know. You know, you just only watch the film. But some reason I ended up watching this, this, this game against SC. And Bob Greasy is calling the game dude again. Dude, we've been over this. I'm old, I get it. But yeah, Bob Grease is calling again. And I did. I took a three step drop to throw a slant. One, two, three. And Willie hits me right in the face on as my third step hits the ground. And Bob Gries, he's on the telecast that. Yeah, blood. So he's just not going to be able to hold the ball that long against.


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This team, like Jesus dude, is one, two, three. And Willie met me on my third step. Yeah, he's a badass.


And he's just. He's got, like, a presence.


He certainly does.


You feel it.


He certainly does. Yeah. You feel it. Need just. But he just such a good dude, man. I was just glad to see him back.


I was, too. I mean, it was great to see.


That was.


I was. That was fun. Like, just to have all those. Everyone, all the guys in. In the room, you know? But you played for parcels, you play with Carroll, you play with Belichick. How did that go?


Yeah, it's interesting.


What does that feel like?




It's. It's interesting because, like, of those. Of those three and, like, you know, they're all going to be hall of Fame coaches, right? Like, you know, so.


It'S crazy. They're all going to be. They're all hall of Fame coaches.


I mean, Pete's got to go in the hall. I mean, at least, you know, because when you combine the pros and the college deal, you know, got a lot.


Of success for a long time anyway.


Like the three, like, you know, historically great coaches, you know, whether Pete gets in or not, I hope he does. Pete's the one that I feel bad for in that equation.




Because he's obviously a hell of a coach. He followed Parcells in Boston. Parcells just ran the media due to, like, he loved being in front of the camera and loved berating these guys. And then Pete comes in and he's super competitive. I think he's a hell of a football coach, but he's positive. And that just didn't play very well in the Boston media. And then we drafted super poorly, man. We got a whole bunch of picks when Parcells left, and then when Curtis Martin left, we had a whole bunch of picks and we just didn't draft very well and guys didn't work out. And so Pete ends up getting fired. Now, it worked out, you know, obviously, it turns into Bill. Yeah, but. But just, you know, just. Just loved Pete. Great football coach. But all three of them, they. It's all the same shit, right? You know, so, like, the great coaches, it's. It's all the same.


I don't know fundamentals. I only play with one coach.


I. Shit, you only did. You got yourself.


I know.


It's weird.


I know. You know, I had eight coordinators in 14 years.


I had Billy O and fucking in McD's.


He was there last night.


Billy O was there last night. Awesome.


Did I. I saw. I saw Billy O last night. I've only been around him, like, two or three times. Friggin love him.


Billy O is talking about my boy Jack, bro.


And the craziest thing was, I saw him in line for the bathroom, and I was too scared to say anything. I don't think he saw me. But, like, when I came over this morning, you told me that. Oh, my God, I almost had a cow. I love Billy O.


He's like, where's Jack? I'm like, I didn't know he was talking about you. I'm like, what are you fucking talking about?


No, we're gonna go BC.


Billio's a swing.


I'm a Bc fan now, baby. Let's go, Billy.


So, yeah, again, you know, I'd only known Billy O from just, like, watching, you know, you know, from afar. And then we were out there. We were out there for something, and he came. He came back, got the hangout. Dude, he's funny as hell.




Yeah, dude, he's. He likes to have a good time, but those. But those. Those three coaches, you know, the. The fundamentals of what allows each of them to be successful are the same things. They're preach the same things. You compete. You do what you're supposed to do. You on time, you just, you know, like, everything, you know, it's all. It's all the same. It's just presented so differently, you know, parcels is all. Jersey.




He was funny as hell if he wasn't talking to you, you know what I mean? Like, he. He was. He had some good material, but you just didn't want him talking to you. Pete was. Was positive. He was great to be around. He was fun. Like, it was a. It was a. It was a fun atmosphere, even though it was very competitive. And then bills, Bill, you know, and where it's just. It's so friggin business. Like, obviously, you know, works. Yeah, but it's not fun and games.




I mean, it's all business all the time. You know, where, you know, we're with. We're with Pete, know, like, you could come in and, like, tell a joke or two with him, you know, chitchat a little bit, talking family or whatever. You know, all this kind of stuff or. That doesn't fly with Belichick.




At least. At least in my experience, unless you're a defensive player. Oh, well, there you go, right there.


He loved the defense, defensive guy at heart. We were talking about. We had light on today earlier.


Dude, how funny is that? Dude, he.


Oh, my gosh.


I think he had a mic. No, I literally was talking about that last night and he would have lit it up. Oh, dude, he is so funny. Dude, we were talking earlier, like, some of his practical joke stuff. Dude, we almost got Jimmy D. Fired, I think.




What's a little. The little deal and. And then who? I don't know. We. You can decide whether we cut this or not, but when. When y'all came out and played back to back weeks in the Bay area.




We didn't talk about that.




You mean.




We'll have to cut that out.


Yeah. He made. He may still not deceive, you know, that happened.


I don't think he knows.


Yeah. Okay. Yeah, cut that. Cut that. Cut that.


But bleep it. Just say bleep.




It'll be fun. Don't say thing.


But, you know, I mean, cute, but I think. I think.




The only thing with light, though, did. If you put him up there, you might not be able to get him off. No, he might have just. He might have gone the rest of the night.


The whole night.




It would have been funny as hell. It had been funny as hell. But, yeah. Anyway. Yeah. How was it. How was it with. How was it with Matt, man?


I did.


I love that dude.


Dude, Matt was cool for me.


Like, I.


He was like a cool older dude that looked out for young guys, and I was like a slap dick when I first got there, you know?


I mean, and that's what I gave you eleven because I didn't think you'd make the fucking team.


Exactly. 100%. They gave me eleven because I didn't think I was gonna make the team.




And he was a type of guy that, like, him and Conley and the old lineman in general, like, they'd always, like, invite me for Thanksgiving because I was like, my family's on the west coast. I was a young, single kid.




And, like, they just put their arm around you. You know how the hogs are.


Absolutely, man. They're always, those are the dudes.


And they could cook their balls off. Lineman can cook not a smoke. Whenever you go to a lightning house, it's gonna be great for.


And you're gonna have a lot of it.


A lot of it.


And it's probably not gonna be vegan.




Maybe wild game. Go to a lineman's house, you're not gonna get tofu.


Yeah, Jackie, let's see what we got.


We got to put a bow on this thing. I mean, this thing was star studded. Everybody was out. And the big thing the Internet's doing today, before we get into the full wrap up, is they're ranking everybody. They're giving everybody letter grades, scores. They're breaking down everybody's roast. That's the big thing on Twitter where everybody who's ranking who, port noy, the ringer. Everybody's doing these rankings. So we are the definitive wrap up show. Nobody's doing a pod like this. Nobody's got the immediacy we do. I want to hear your guys's top five roasters from last night. Night if you had to. I know there's. It's tough.




I know it's tough.


I get the name of all the guys.




Pull it back up. Um, well, um. Are we going to include Tom?


No, Tom's not top five. Yeah, Tom's minus Tom.


Minus Tom.


Let's be fucking people.


Say he had the best joke of the night.


Which one?




I don't. I'm going to butcher it. But the, essentially, Kim's worried because her kids are home with their.


That's pretty good.


That was solid.




I mean, I didn't want to get into making out your kids because I thought kids were off limits.




Nobody really did those.


Yeah, right? Yeah, no, that's. Yeah, that was. That was the. That was the only rule they told me.




Like, well, obviously, I'm not gonna make fun of them.


He's over here talking about Jack.


Had a good kid.




I wanted to do a couple. I won't do. Thanks for stopping me.


All right, so I'm gonna. I'm gonna. I'm gonna be nice and throw you in there, Jules, and I think you deserve it.




I thought you. I thought you fucking crushed Nikki. Yeah, maybe MVP. I. Dude, she absolutely killed Tony Hinchcliffe.


Joke per minute was high.


And Schultz was good. Schultz was. Schultz was great. And yet. And he had to. And he had to back clean up, man. He had to. Yeah, yeah, he had. And he brought it home. He brought it home. And then I don't. I mean, Kevin's the host, so I don't get.


Did he get in there?


I guess we'll count him. He did do a set at the beginning, I guess, kind of.


I mean, he set the stage.


No, he did.


Nothing was off limits.


Yes, he did.




Right away I thought, I was sitting there like, oh, shit, he did that.


Yeah, I. So I. And again, I haven't watched this thing. But you were. You were sitting closer to. Closer to Tom. I've heard from a couple people that he looked pretty. Pretty damn uncomfortable at the start.




He was getting like, I love you from his, like, sisters and stuff.






He's like, stay strong.


But I think, you know, after a while. But I think. But I think you're right. I think Kevin set the bar that. Okay, this is where we're going.




And then, you know, I don't know. How about you?


I agree with every top five. With. I also, like, I liked Gronk.


You know what?


The energy.




And, like, he. And I was. And I listened to Gronk.


He was.


He was practicing his.


Well, you can go Gronk instead of you if you vote for yourself. That's why. But you gotta get Drew.


Yeah, Drew's no, either.


Drew, you went up there and you set the stage with the glass wine. Like a fucking. What a debonair kind of person.


Debonair. The guy in Friday. Debone.


Very slave and Deboner. Very sway. Vent boner. When I walk up the.


The wife joke was pretty funny.


That was awesome.


28 years.


28 years. The mirror. The mirror act out with Tom and the doing the.


That was. That was. That was. That one was not my joke. That one came from the rap. But it's like, first of all, it's great. Plug for the winery.




But then I was like, okay, yeah, I'm gonna give him the old blue steel. Yeah. Like, dude, back when you're around it.


One blue steel.


Oh, dude, he was. Yeah, he was.


I won't.


Blue steel year round, Bob. He's still chunk steel.


So, Joe, who's your five?


I got.


Dude, if you don't kiss my ass a little bit, then I'm fucking walking off.


So I got Bledsoe.


Thank you. Appreciate that.


I got. So can you put mine as red, please?


Yeah, yeah. I'll go.


Yours is red.


So I could see.


You got gronk, too.


Yeah, yeah.


You got gronk.


I liked. I thought Nikki Glaser was fucking hilarious.


She killed. She absolutely killed.


I liked Schultz.


The eight ring joke.




So funny.


And I also. I mean, like, obviously, Jeff Ross crushed, but I. But I also couldn't have put him in the host category a little bit. But, you know. But Jeff is.


Jeff is a pro at it.


It's expected.


But he also. He also has jokes that are great. Jokes that don't necessarily kill you.




Like, he didn't.


I know he didn't. Like, these people were killing people, dude.


I don't know. I don't know what the fuck I did to Sam. Jimmy. Jesus.


I forgot about.


Oh, my God, dude, she fucking buried me.


We could ask her about that.


Sure. My feelings. I cried.


No, you did.


I didn't cry. I'm killing. I'm kidding.


I like Tony. What the. I caught a. Actually, I'm going Will Ferrell.


Oh, heck, yeah.


Well, yeah, dude, I love Will Ferrell. I can go up there and bomb. But as Ron Burgundy, I was. I was just sitting there like it was a movie mixed with the surprise of him did.


He could literally walk out there as Ron Burgundy and just stand there, and I would probably laugh for five minutes.


I'm sure he. He could have just went out there with no preparation and just bullshit it.




No, it was genius stuff. So, you know, I will tell you the one thing. One thing I was that in the whole thing is I was really looking forward to Tom Segura and Burt Kreischer.




And I thought, they're set together. It's like, man, I don't let these guys go. Like, it was. He was too scripted, man. These guys are the friggin funniest freak. So funny. And I felt like it was a little too scripted and set up between the two.


I think they.


Well, they.


I think they started running out of spots.


Oh, gotcha.


So they mean because they started, like, Bill Peyton.




Like, everyone starts coming, and I think they all came within, like, the last.


Three or four days of.


Or committed.


Right. All right. All right.


Bottom five.


We'll keep it at a top five.


Okay, good.


Why don't we do maybe too far joke of the night or joke too far.


Kevin had a lot of those.


Oh, man. You had.






I'm trying to recall all of them, but, no, I think the Antonio Brown bringing Giselle is. Oh, yeah, that was like, Jesus. Because, you know, I mean, we're sitting up there, right, and everything's funny. Right. But, you know there's gonna be cameras on us. Right? That was one where I just went, like, I'm not laughing at that shit. I am not laughing at that shit. I'm, like, putting my head down and I'm.


Yeah, that's what I. We got to rewatch it to see what our reactions. I hope I didn't fuck anything up.


The other thing, though, they did, they did say, because when they go back and, like, when they do the, like, the Comedy central ones, I was talking to one of the producers that apparently those deals go, like 5 hours, which I want to go to one of those. I'll sit in the audience, but they cut it.




And then they edit it down to an hour, but then they'll go back and, like, if you laugh at something in, like, the first five minutes, they'll.


Take you for the twelve.


They'll put you, they'll put you back there. But, yeah, I do want to see some of the, some of the reactions, but I'm about you. Which joke, which joke was, like, on that line a little bit over?


I mean, Kev set the, he set the stage when he started throwing out brazilian jiu jitsu right away.


Yeah, yeah.


I mean, I was like, yo.


Okay, here we go.


I was so happy, though, because then it made my jokes not as bad.


Yeah, exactly. Yeah, right.


The Dana white of Michael Vick of humans was.


That was great.


Who is that?


I think a white glazer.




Oh, yeah. That was a great.


No, what they call him, they called him the, like, the next gen Skinhead, because he found a way for immigrants to beat each other up or put immigrants in cages. Put immigrants in cages. And.


Still Brazilians.




I have their purse.


Yes. Yeah. Oh, dude.




Absolutely killed.


Now what did you do at that? Do you do go to. Went to the after party.


I saw you that. To party. Yeah, we're at the after party for a while, which was, which was awesome. And then, and then we went to the comedy store and hung out with a bunch of the writers, and some of the comedians were there. And then, and then we found out that Chappelle was going upstairs, like, all right, we're gonna go sit and fuck with him.




What was the vibe of this after party for a guy that wasn't there?


What's that?


That was not the after party, but take us inside the room there. What was the vibe?


I thought it was fun because we had, you know, you had a bunch of different people. You know, I was just hanging out. Lonnie and I like Pac, you know, you got to see some of the old guys. You had some of the fighters in that. Sean. Sean. What's his Mally?








And then the guy who fucking called other dude out. What's his name?


Max Oliver.




Is it Max?




How long did Tom stay for?


No, it was, you know, I don't know, dude.


Tom go, I didn't see him know crack. Craft went for. Craft was there.


Craft was there for doing craft.


Craft is there for a while.


That's why, you know, like, like, I.


Mean, you know, you know how much, you know how much, you know how much that I adore craft. And I, and I, and I know you do, too. One of the things that he's done the entire time I've known him is he shows up at shit for the players.




Like, I remember the first year he bought the team. We were having our big holiday party and we had to go do the deal at the stadium for all the sponsors and fans and stuff. And Zola, we were going to the, to the team party, like the player party afterward. And we go get in the limo and Zoe goes, I'm going to go back and get him. What? He goes, he went back and grabbed him and he went to the party and partied with us fucking all night long.


Oh, wow.


And crafty. Like, he just, he shows, he shows up at stuff. Like he, you know, I think part of he wants to be a part of it, but it's also he, he knows that it's, that it matters to people that he shows up. So I was glad that he showed up.


I was in.


His Putin joke is great.


It was a good, that's real shit, by the way. Stole his fucking ring. That's like, that's like, you know, we.


Want to write a movie about it.




Do they.


We want to.


Oh, yeah, that'd be a great movie. Might want to wait till Putin's dead. I might not go after him while he's alive, dude.


It'd be more of the heist of getting the ring.


Yeah. Oh, getting the ring back.




Got you.


It'd be kind of fun.


Yeah, a mission impossible. Like a mission impossible comedy. That'd be great.


Maybe fun. I thought like a pineapple express.


Yeah, there you go.


Like Vladimir Putin pitch. I'm pitching movies. The drew right now.


Let's grade those. All those always work out as investments.




Yeah, I mean, just inviting and see if Tom can find me a crypto investment. Dude, they fucking buried him on that deal. I had forgotten about that entire angle. And dude, the was it was it Nikki joke about Gronk.


Me know that not real money.


Me know that not real money.


I got a standing ovation.




Oh, that shit crazy. Crushed. She was the mvp in my mind.


She was definitely great timing.


Oh, dude.


And she had, like, little jabs for her segues.


Oh, man. She was friggin fantastic. She is. She is a Bond villain.


I don't.


She's a super sweetheart, but I don't want to cross her because. Dude, wait, Jules, before we wrap up.


Real quick, can I ask you about the selfie? How'd that come about?


Which one?


The one on stage with you and Drew and Bill and Tom, everybody.


So that selfie was on, like, during the credits. So the Internet was like, we need to see the picture. Yeah, the picture.




The Twitter verse was, I have it.


Have we seen it?


You've got a competent team.


Oh, good.


But I just want to know how it came about. You just full candid.


I photobombed that shit.




Jules didn't invite me. He wanted a good picture with, you know.


Yeah, right.


His boyfriend and his old coach. And so, like, I'm gonna photo bomb this shit.


I mean, bro.


I know.




That's one actually might be his main piece these days, so, you know, good luck. Yeah, yeah.


Let's name. Let's name the game.


So if this was a real game, we normally do a whole thing, but let's bear with us. Name the game.


The groat roast. The groat. The greatest of all roast. What do you think, Drew?


Or something better?


Or something better?


I mean. Yeah, the. The growth thing. I kind of.




Probably the greatest of all of all, Rose.


Greatest of all roasts.


I don't know.


Let's score the game. Is this the greatest game of all time? Let's score it. Steaks, zero to ten on the roast.


Oh, it's high stakes, dude. I mean, that's a. That's a. I mean, on a zero to ten, stakes are probably. I'm gonna say an eight.


Eight higher than a game. Seven of a Stanley cup. Finally. We got a lot of, like, legacy here.


This is a high wire act, baby.


This is high wire act. Live and live, right?


Yeah, live. First live stream on Netflix. Or one of them.


The first.


Yeah, first I've wrote.


Second one I was. I think they think Cat Williams went, like, the. Like, two days before.




By the way, Bill Burr did say today that Cat Williams is his number one guy, that he never wants to follow that because he goes. He goes, dude, that guy kills.




And he goes, if he's if he's there, I want to go first. Yeah, which was cool because I know his stuff, but I haven't watched a lot of cat Williams, but yeah.


Anyway, well he just popped off because that Shane and sharp podcast, I didn't see that then. He used to have a really good stand up a couple few years back.




I haven't seen his new stuff.


I want to see some of his new stuff.


Cat was funny. I'm gonna go with an eight. There's a lot of reputations on the line here.


Yeah, man.


Star power.




I mean this is a star studded event.


I mean fuck dude, I was there. So it would have been better. Yeah, that would have been better. Hold on. Star power is interesting because I'm thinking of who could have been there that wasn't. I'm just trying to think like Star power Ray. But it could have been. Could it have been better in terms of Eli, Eli, fuck Eli.


That's the right answer.


No, Eli, you probably never gonna watch this, but I fucking love you anyway.


He's been out he's show.


Oh, has he really? Nothing religious. I know he does. I know he does. Yeah. You know, I think in terms of like pertinent to Tom. Yeah, I mean that's probably an eight as well. I'm trying to think of who could have been there that wasn't. I mean, Matt Damon would have been one that could have been there.


Dude, I'm saying it's a nine five. We had a lot. I mean, Kim Kardashian was there. She's followed by 300 million people.


Like Star power nations.


More than negative to me though, because like she's like what's, what's the connection? I mean, today actually really hook up or. No, I don't know. Yeah, I think you do.


Maybe now I have no clue.


I was just trying to lock eyes with Kim. I was like trying, she was all about Tom. Gameplay, the gameplay. I thought the show went well.


I would say again, we kind of went through there. There were just, there were, you know, there were some that didn't go as well. I'm going to go, I'm going to go eight five. I'm going to go a little higher on gameplay. I think that there were just, there could have been addition by subtraction and that's the nicest thing I can say with the little long. It was long. It was long.


It was like a banquet.


It was a little. Yes, like an award.


Like a banquet where it's like two and a half, 3 hours yeah.


I'm like, oh, really? Another award for most inspirational.


Fuck, dude.


Great banquet. It was fun. Unbelievable gameplay, though, for me.




Seven, nine.


Mm hmm.


Name the name of the roast. It's so nondescript. I don't know what. I'm not gonna write a better one right now.


Not every game can have a great score.


No, it's true. I'm just gonna say five. Just like average. Average name.




But I.


But I don't have a better idea.


I'm waiting.


So it's gonna. I'll go.


The broast.


The bros. Bros.


I like that.




Oh, there you go.


That might have just.


You gotta be a bro to be a broast.






You get roasted by your bros. The broast.


Yeah, but Brady's computer. Jules.


Five. Five.


Jack, I can't stand by your eleven.


Oh, I gave it a start. Power in eleven. I went over the ten. I'll knock it down to a ten. I'll knock it down to a ten.


Thank you, Jack.


Bro. I love Kim K. I love everybody.






I don't think we have the ranks.


Are we ranking this one?


Yeah, let's throw it in. I might have.


I got him right here.


Drop it in. Yeah, I don't have.


I got it.




Yeah, bro.


The bros.


The broast.


There you go.


That'll be seven point when we get after you. That'll be the broast. That'll be the bro.


I like that.


Just behind the 2011 Stanley cup final game.


Seven Bruins versus Canucks, right where it belongs.


And right ahead of the 21 31, Cal Ripken breaks. What's his name?


Lou Gehrig's record. Nice.




Just means fitting scoring system. This is in its own special category for non athletic event.


Time for that.


You think?






They named it as evacuation rose mode.




We miss anything?


I don't think so, man. This has been. It's been a ton of fun, man. Love you. Respect you. And what I. What I said to you back in the day is actually super real to me. You know, we viewed that as my number, and if somebody was gonna wear it, I wanted them to fucking play exactly the way that you played the game. Just tough as shit, competitive as hell. Great teammate. You know, all that shit. So, you know, a lot of respect. A lot of respect, brother. Oh, shit. I'm out of wine. That's. That's bad luck.


Bad luck. Wait, I got a quick question.


Yeah? Yeah.


Like, you're a wine connoisseur. Like, how do I like if I'm with like, a girl that's kind of snooty.


Mm hmm.


And she's like, I gotta, like, flex on what wine to order.


What do I do?


I make myself look good.


Well, okay. Well, I mean, okay, this.


This is a.


This is a deep subject, and we can go a little bit deep on this. So you got to try to factor in, you know, how much is this girl know about wine? Is she going to be impressed by how much you spend, or does she actually really know wine? Okay.




So if you date the one that only cares about how much you spend, and, you know, you shouldn't. You shouldn't spend very much on her.




You spend the biggest one.


No, I. I mean, I'm a homer for the northwest. You know, the stuff that's. That's coming out of. Out of Walla Walla and out of the Willamette Valley in Oregon, you're always gonna get a much better value.




They're gonna get better wine for your dollar.




In Oregon and Washington. And then. And then, you know, if you really. If you're actually really trying to kind of impress her and she knows a little bit about wine, just. Just get a little cheat sheet on your phone of the vintages.


Yeah. And then.


And then you can. Then you can. You can find good wine for less dollars by just buying the right vintage.


Drew is a trick question. You just say, get double back.


Well, I didn't know you're trying to marry her.




What a game. What a game. Night. Thanks again to Drew. That's been another episode of games with names. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify wherever you listen to your podcasts, comment a game you want us to do and remember, rate and review. Remember to follow games with names on YouTube, Instagram X, Tick Tock, Snapchat. Leave a message at the hotline Bling at 424-291-2290 we will see you guys next week. Games with names is a production of I heart radio. For more podcasts from I heart Radio, visit the I Heart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.


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