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Hello, everybody, and welcome back to the Garibaldi Red podcast, a Nottingham Forest podcast brought to you by Nottinghamshire Live. I'm Max Hayes, your host, and we are back with a bang as we're into the mid July, towards the end of July. And as Forest start preseason, we return for another roller coaster season, I'm sure. And we've had a nice new lick of paint, a new logo and a banner and background. So anybody watching live tonight, you'll be able to see it. And if you are listening back on YouTube, watching back, I should say, and also listening on Spotify and Apple podcast, then hopefully you like the nice new rebrand. We'll have some music very soon as well. Bear with us on that. Joining us to go with the new logo and brand is the one and only Max Scott Talks Broadcasting Forest. Max, how are you, mate? Recovered from England's sad defeat again.


Yeah, mate. I mean, it really was deflating and devastating, but just focused on the new Premier League season. Now we've got Olympics coming up, which is going to be exciting. And then obviously just trying to focus my attention on Forest and forget about what's happened basically. But it is what it is.


Yeah, it is what it is. 58 years. At least it'll be 60 in the World Cup, it sounds easier and maybe better to say than 58. Also joined by Mark Turner. Not sure he goes exactly with the youthful and modern-looking rebrand, though. Mark, how are you, mate? I was always going to get you back after that comment earlier to me on WhatsApp.


Hello, gents. It's good to see you both. I, too, am still reeling from England's latest final exit. It's very, very disappointing. I mean, to your comment, Max, this does date me a little bit. I remember my first watching England in a tournament was 1982.


Wow. Yeah, that's a long time. That was a very long time ago.


What effort here, etched on my face.


Yeah. Well, at least you can offer the old knowledge, so we say. I will also add that I am broadcasting from a new flat. So if the WiFi goes down at any point and it all goes wrong, then luckily you've got Talksport's finest, Max. And Mark, sorry, Mark, that sounded awful again. But Mark to take over for you. So there you go.


I'm a current commentator. You can pick anything you want, Max.


Yeah, you are. Sorry. We'll go with, I don't know, Forest Fan and Season Pro. Yeah, that sounds a good title for you, Mark. Let's start then, shall we? And talk about preseason. As Forest kicked off this weekend, the players are set to board a flight to Spain in the coming days, and they'll play some preseason friendlies. They've got a few teams out there, Sunderland, Millwall, and a few others. Can't exactly remember them off the top of my head. But Forest kick off preseason with a win over Chesterfield. 3-0. I wasn't there, but managed to catch a lot of it after. I know a lot of fans I spoke to thought it was a very good run out for the players. Yes, it's the first game of preseason. Yes, it's always difficult to see really who are the standouts, but there seem to be some key performances. Mark Scott, we'll start with you. Did you catch any of it? Watched it back and just your general thoughts, because there was a few standout performances. It's nice to see players like Sangari on the score sheet, really, hopefully, coming back to full fitness, ready for a good preseason.


Yeah, I did catch the highlights. And I also caught a really neat video as well on YouTube where somebody was focusing in on Sengare, following him around the field and his highlights of the game, which if you haven't watched that, I'd encourage folks to take a look at because it is very encouraging. I mean, again, it's Chesterfield, and it's preseason, so you want to get to OTT. I will say as well, the Chesterfield goalkeeper look very good. I know we're supposed to be talking about Forest players, but we might be in the market for a young goalkeeper to bolster the ranks if we get I got a turn or any time here soon. So it might be one to look at. But no, it was a good performance, and it was good as well to see the goals be spread around. Chris Wood, of course, popping up with his usual tally. Sengare, the before mentioned Sengare, also getting on the score sheet, which would do his confidence, I'm So a lot of good. And then one of the forgotten men, a bowler, getting, notching a strike as well. And I think as well, Max, the most important thing is, again, with it being preseason, is that a lot of players got to stretch their legs.


Bowler wasn't the only forgotten man who got to run out at Chesterfield a few days ago now, a week ago now. Joe Warrell out there, too, and one or two others, and a couple of debuts as well. So all in all, I think a pretty good outing.


Yeah, for sure. I think a positive performance, really. And the fans seem that... Forest took a lot of numbers, actually. They think they had 50 split of the allocation at Chesterfield, and it looked like a good day out for the Forest faithful that went. We always following good numbers, no matter whether it's preseason or in the league. Max, what did you make of it? Because it is always a little bit difficult, isn't it, to tell during preseason? And I can remember Forest have lost most games during preseason, then got onto a really good preseason, for us to have played really well in preseason, then it's been another poor one. So it is difficult to tell, but a clean sheet, three goals scored, players getting fully fitness, and a new note after to Colin Frey about it just being a positive day all around, really.


Yeah, you can't read too much into it. It's good they got the win. It's good that there was a clean sheet. It's good that lots of different players got a run out, wholesale changes at halftime. Players are increasing their fitness. It's nice to see players like Dennis, players like Bola, get a run out, really. You hope that coming into it, Nuno's first full season in charge, that the message will be everyone's on a clean slate, but you You hope that that's a reality because managers will always say that to players when they come in, that I think the reality in the changing room and on the pitch is slightly different. I hope that's the case because I think it's good for the culture of the dressing room. Obviously, getting three points is really good. I'm just pleased to see that people are fit and no major injuries. Look, we got a lot more preseason to go, so there's no point dwelling too much on it. But yeah, lots of positives, I guess, you can take from that.


Max, Scott, I got to ask you quickly about this, though, about being too cynical. Do you really feel like it is a clean slate or do you feel like this was an opportunity to put some players in the shop window?


Yeah, I think you're probably right, Mark. Yeah. And fair enough, the club needs to offset some players that they spend a lot of money on and done very little for the club. And so I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing, but you do hope that there is a sense within the majority of the squad that they do have a chance. You look at players like Josh Bowler, who was brilliant for Blackpool, and he just seemed to be caught up in the wave of signings when we got promoted. You look at his career. It's not been good for his career. He's been shipped out to Olympia, of course. He's been to Cardiff. You think the club owes him a level of consistency or at least clarity on what the future is for him. You'd hope in an ideal world, he's going to turn out to be a really good asset the club because clearly there's a lot of talent in there. But you're absolutely right, Mark. Of course, they'll be wanting to do that. I don't begrudge the club for wanting to do that because our finances haven't been in the best state recently. So, yeah, we will see how many of those players that played are in the what?


25, 26-man squad come August.


Yeah, for sure. And it's an interesting one with Bowler, actually. And we are live on Facebook and YouTube. So get your comments in if you think that Forrest should maybe We just keep hold of him and just see what happens, really. Is he somebody, you think, Mark, that will no doubt go and probably go to a Championship club? You do wish him all the best, but it is a shame because he's highly rated at Blackpool. Can't remember when he played against Forest a couple of times before signing for us, and I'd always watched him quite closely. It is a shame he can't provide that squad depth and maybe be a super sub. Can you see him doing that, or do you think his time Forest is finished.


Yeah, it's hard to say, isn't it? When you look at the quality of players that Forest have been signing since they returned to the Premier League, not all of them have been top quality. That's not fair. Not every signing has come off, right? And that's always the way when you make these signings, you hope that the majority will, but not all do. But when you look at the level at which Forest are pitching now, without being too cruel, I suggest Bola is below that. If we were in the Championship, I think we'd be drooling at the fact we're able to bring him the team. At this point, whether he had steps or not, I guess we'll see that in the preseason. I mean, he could surprise us all. But no, I a Premier League set up, et cetera. But it is what I think he'll probably go.Yeah, for sure. Mark says actually on YouTube that Bola and Hoang were always strange signings. Spot on Mark. He also said he went to the Chesterfield game. Yeah, just again, it's frustrating with Forest with the recruitment policy, and we've seen it this season. We're probably going to see it in the coming years, however, on the Greeks are in control of Forest, that it is that make a strange sign and you never see them again, which is disappointing because ultimately you want to sign players and them to play for the first team and them to go on to be crucial players.Do you think we'll see that? Do you think that will be a continued hallmark? Or do you think that the PSR charges that we've had and the fact that that almost relegated us, that maybe, Vangelos Maranakis and his team at the top have learnt that lesson. I've said this a couple of times, but I was really impressed with the way that they spent the Brennan Johnson money. We've not gone on the rampage, or at least not yet this summer. And I just think that maybe we will row back, particularly as we're growing and developing into a more stable Premier League club. I'm not so sure that we will see a summer like that. It wouldn't surprise me if we did, but I do think that they've probably learned that lesson, and that might not be the case. I don't know what you boys think.What do you think, Mark? I'll let you take it first.No, Max, you and I have talked about this in recent episodes. I think we already see evidence of that. I think we've been quite quite bored by the approach taken so far this summer. I think we need to bring in... I mean, Nuno has made noises around this. We need to bring another wide man to give us depth and options, right? I hope that's Nonto. I'd love to see it be Nonto from Leeds. I think there's a possibility, although it's probably an outside possibility, that we bring in another number nine. And if we do, it's probably not going to be a marquee player. Again, it's going to be somebody to add depth because I think we have too much tied up in Tye Wo and Chris Wood and to Max Scott's point, too much fear around PSI to do nothing, you know, exceptionally adult on this podcast, we do not condone violence unless it's against Derby players. Thank you.Yes, absolutely. I still love that video of Cafu where he walks up and gets... Is it Louis Sibly in a headlock or something? But obviously, we do condemn violence, but yeah.That's not violence, though.Look at that, bless. I know. I'm digging that hole even more. Right. Shut up, Max. Let's talk about the final piece of news to bring you, which came in the Telegraph the last few days in their front pages that Forrest are in talks with Ryan Yates over a new contract. We're all big fans of Ryan Yates on this podcast. We won't shy away from that. Max, I'll let you have the first word on Yates. Brilliant to see. Leader legend and good to see him getting a contract gives him a boost and gives the rest of the players because he's got to be up there on that leadership figure in the dressing room for sure.Yeah, I think he is the leader of this team. Morgan And Gibbs-White certainly up there, but the fact that he is really part of the soul of the club, he's grown up in the club, represents us fans with complete integrity, he drags the standards up, and what he lacks in Technical ability he makes up in aggression, in passion, in determination, yards covered, tackles made. And just what a journey he's been on since Forrest had been a Premier League club. Lots of other clubs would have let him go and lots of other clubs would have shipped him off loan to a Championship side. And during that time, against all of, arguably against odds or certainly against certain section of fans and their expectations for him, he's proved himself time and time and time again to be an Absolutely invaluable member and credit to this football club. At times, he's been the only surviving member of the promotion winning squad while Wharrell was on loan to be shit cast. When you Look at Wharrell, the likelihood of him leaving, I think is really sad. I think it's incredibly sad how his relationship with some section of fans has been soured.I cannot understand the criticism. Yes, he might not be a Murillo. Yes, he might not be a top six centre-back, but I think he's been absolutely solid for us and it will be sad if he does leave. The reason I say this is because I think him, Joe Warroll and Ryan Yates, have been integral to this club's journey, and it's a relief and joy to hear that Ryan Yates is in contract negotiations. And I hope that he's rewarded with a hefty Premier League contract that reflects his contribution to the club.Yeah. It's an interesting point, actually, you made there, Max, about Yates not being a top six player, but he's got that leadership. He's homegrown. It's important to have players. He's part of the promotion winning season. That is a good point, isn't it, Mark? Not just for Forest, but for wider football as well, is that sometimes it's not all about the quality, it's not all about the technical ability, but having those, we talk about it all the time, the leaders on the pitch that add to your favorite word, cohesion and everything like that. Just how important is it to have Ryan Yates in a Forest shirt and starting games on a Saturday at three o'clock? Not that we get many of them in the Premier League.Yeah, no, I agree with everything Max just said. And I echo those sentiments as well, other Max, in that the Premier League is littered with players who are unksung heroes, who are vital to the fabric of that club, and in many instances to the starting 11. They hold everything together. They make it tick. Their contribution is every bit as valuable as the flair players around them. Ryan Yates just falls into that category, and additionally, he's one of our own. I was about to say he bleeds red. Ridiculous thing to say, but you know what I mean. I think it's fantastic that he's in discussions for a new contract. His signed Forest Jersey is the second most treasured Pleasured bit of Forest memorabilia I have, but behind my authentic '79, '80 shirt. And so, yeah, I absolutely love Ryan Yates and what he brings to our team. He's not without his shortcomings, but the same could be said of any player on our roster. We're not a top six team. Every player is fallible in some degree. But instead of honing in on those pieces and blowing up Twitter because you're having a bad day at work, instead, let's be grateful for what he brings to this club and the fact that he gives everything every single game.I think as well, one thing I'd just like to remind everyone about Ryan Yates is he played in every part of the football pyramid. And when you look at this England squad, stacked with talent, only five of the players in the England squad haven't played in the EFL. I'm not trying to suggest that Ryan Yates needs to be in the next England squad. What I'm trying to make a point about is that he's a English footballer through and through made in the EFL. All of that experience has benefited him, and he's taken those experiences and to become a real solid Premier League player who's instrumental to us. And I just think his journey is just fantastic and is an inspiration for younger players.Yeah, I agree. Some great thoughts. And it's nice to have a player in the side that looks like you. I like it when everyone asks if he's my brother or my brother looks more like him to be fair. Got to ask you both because we've had a few comments just away from Forest. The big news coming today, obviously, Southgate leaving England. Mark, we'll start with you. What do you think of it? We'll go around and give our thoughts.Yeah, I'll keep it brief, but I can sum this up in a pretty tidy nutshell. I think what Gareth Southgate has been able to do with this, England, and I'm going to use the word club in the last eight years, has been remarkable. I think people have incredibly short memories. Again, I mentioned my first tournament was '82, and it's been misery, more or less ever since then, with the exception of '96. Until Southgate came in. And what he's been able to achieve, what the community has around him, the staff, the players have been able to achieve, I think is astonishing. No, we didn't go with that final hurdle, and that's incredibly frustrating. And I am annoyed because I think another manager might have been able to do something different with this current group of players. But you can't throw the baby out with the bathwater. You have to appreciate everything he's given to the England team. These these last eight years, and prior to that as a player as well. So best of luck to him. Thank you. And looking forward to the new guy and seeing what this team does next.Yeah, you agree there, Max. And the thing is, he has got a lot of criticism, and I'll openly admit that I've been one to criticize him in the past. But as Mark just says, you've got to appreciate what he's done. Two major finals in the Euros back to back and your World Cup semifinal. We've had some good times with him.We all know, we're all football fans listening to this podcast. We all know what he's achieved. No other manager in modern English football has been able to achieve what he's been able to achieve. England don't have a divine right to win anything, and we've come incredibly close. But I think, let's remember, he's given us moments we will never forget. Penalty win against Columbia, be in Germany in a knockout stage, due Bellingham over a kick. He's created an environment where those things can happen. And I think he's been in a bit of an emotional punch bag for English fans. There's an incredible amount of scrutiny. But despite that, despite the pressure, he's shown complete humility, grace, and compassion, and integrity as a leader in a time where we live in incredibly volatile times will stick to podcast hosting and journalism stuff. Right. Give us a like, share, and subscribe on YouTube. Thanks for all the feedback. We'll be back towards the end of this week. And we're here, obviously, all over summer, and we can't wait for the season to start. It's not long. It's coming around quick. So we look forward to it then. Mark, Max, thanks so much. Appreciate the time as always. And we will see you very, very soon from the 3M's. Bye-bye.


a Premier League set up, et cetera. But it is what I think he'll probably go.


Yeah, for sure. Mark says actually on YouTube that Bola and Hoang were always strange signings. Spot on Mark. He also said he went to the Chesterfield game. Yeah, just again, it's frustrating with Forest with the recruitment policy, and we've seen it this season. We're probably going to see it in the coming years, however, on the Greeks are in control of Forest, that it is that make a strange sign and you never see them again, which is disappointing because ultimately you want to sign players and them to play for the first team and them to go on to be crucial players.


Do you think we'll see that? Do you think that will be a continued hallmark? Or do you think that the PSR charges that we've had and the fact that that almost relegated us, that maybe, Vangelos Maranakis and his team at the top have learnt that lesson. I've said this a couple of times, but I was really impressed with the way that they spent the Brennan Johnson money. We've not gone on the rampage, or at least not yet this summer. And I just think that maybe we will row back, particularly as we're growing and developing into a more stable Premier League club. I'm not so sure that we will see a summer like that. It wouldn't surprise me if we did, but I do think that they've probably learned that lesson, and that might not be the case. I don't know what you boys think.


What do you think, Mark? I'll let you take it first.


No, Max, you and I have talked about this in recent episodes. I think we already see evidence of that. I think we've been quite quite bored by the approach taken so far this summer. I think we need to bring in... I mean, Nuno has made noises around this. We need to bring another wide man to give us depth and options, right? I hope that's Nonto. I'd love to see it be Nonto from Leeds. I think there's a possibility, although it's probably an outside possibility, that we bring in another number nine. And if we do, it's probably not going to be a marquee player. Again, it's going to be somebody to add depth because I think we have too much tied up in Tye Wo and Chris Wood and to Max Scott's point, too much fear around PSI to do nothing, you know, exceptionally adult on this podcast, we do not condone violence unless it's against Derby players. Thank you.Yes, absolutely. I still love that video of Cafu where he walks up and gets... Is it Louis Sibly in a headlock or something? But obviously, we do condemn violence, but yeah.That's not violence, though.Look at that, bless. I know. I'm digging that hole even more. Right. Shut up, Max. Let's talk about the final piece of news to bring you, which came in the Telegraph the last few days in their front pages that Forrest are in talks with Ryan Yates over a new contract. We're all big fans of Ryan Yates on this podcast. We won't shy away from that. Max, I'll let you have the first word on Yates. Brilliant to see. Leader legend and good to see him getting a contract gives him a boost and gives the rest of the players because he's got to be up there on that leadership figure in the dressing room for sure.Yeah, I think he is the leader of this team. Morgan And Gibbs-White certainly up there, but the fact that he is really part of the soul of the club, he's grown up in the club, represents us fans with complete integrity, he drags the standards up, and what he lacks in Technical ability he makes up in aggression, in passion, in determination, yards covered, tackles made. And just what a journey he's been on since Forrest had been a Premier League club. Lots of other clubs would have let him go and lots of other clubs would have shipped him off loan to a Championship side. And during that time, against all of, arguably against odds or certainly against certain section of fans and their expectations for him, he's proved himself time and time and time again to be an Absolutely invaluable member and credit to this football club. At times, he's been the only surviving member of the promotion winning squad while Wharrell was on loan to be shit cast. When you Look at Wharrell, the likelihood of him leaving, I think is really sad. I think it's incredibly sad how his relationship with some section of fans has been soured.I cannot understand the criticism. Yes, he might not be a Murillo. Yes, he might not be a top six centre-back, but I think he's been absolutely solid for us and it will be sad if he does leave. The reason I say this is because I think him, Joe Warroll and Ryan Yates, have been integral to this club's journey, and it's a relief and joy to hear that Ryan Yates is in contract negotiations. And I hope that he's rewarded with a hefty Premier League contract that reflects his contribution to the club.Yeah. It's an interesting point, actually, you made there, Max, about Yates not being a top six player, but he's got that leadership. He's homegrown. It's important to have players. He's part of the promotion winning season. That is a good point, isn't it, Mark? Not just for Forest, but for wider football as well, is that sometimes it's not all about the quality, it's not all about the technical ability, but having those, we talk about it all the time, the leaders on the pitch that add to your favorite word, cohesion and everything like that. Just how important is it to have Ryan Yates in a Forest shirt and starting games on a Saturday at three o'clock? Not that we get many of them in the Premier League.Yeah, no, I agree with everything Max just said. And I echo those sentiments as well, other Max, in that the Premier League is littered with players who are unksung heroes, who are vital to the fabric of that club, and in many instances to the starting 11. They hold everything together. They make it tick. Their contribution is every bit as valuable as the flair players around them. Ryan Yates just falls into that category, and additionally, he's one of our own. I was about to say he bleeds red. Ridiculous thing to say, but you know what I mean. I think it's fantastic that he's in discussions for a new contract. His signed Forest Jersey is the second most treasured Pleasured bit of Forest memorabilia I have, but behind my authentic '79, '80 shirt. And so, yeah, I absolutely love Ryan Yates and what he brings to our team. He's not without his shortcomings, but the same could be said of any player on our roster. We're not a top six team. Every player is fallible in some degree. But instead of honing in on those pieces and blowing up Twitter because you're having a bad day at work, instead, let's be grateful for what he brings to this club and the fact that he gives everything every single game.I think as well, one thing I'd just like to remind everyone about Ryan Yates is he played in every part of the football pyramid. And when you look at this England squad, stacked with talent, only five of the players in the England squad haven't played in the EFL. I'm not trying to suggest that Ryan Yates needs to be in the next England squad. What I'm trying to make a point about is that he's a English footballer through and through made in the EFL. All of that experience has benefited him, and he's taken those experiences and to become a real solid Premier League player who's instrumental to us. And I just think his journey is just fantastic and is an inspiration for younger players.Yeah, I agree. Some great thoughts. And it's nice to have a player in the side that looks like you. I like it when everyone asks if he's my brother or my brother looks more like him to be fair. Got to ask you both because we've had a few comments just away from Forest. The big news coming today, obviously, Southgate leaving England. Mark, we'll start with you. What do you think of it? We'll go around and give our thoughts.Yeah, I'll keep it brief, but I can sum this up in a pretty tidy nutshell. I think what Gareth Southgate has been able to do with this, England, and I'm going to use the word club in the last eight years, has been remarkable. I think people have incredibly short memories. Again, I mentioned my first tournament was '82, and it's been misery, more or less ever since then, with the exception of '96. Until Southgate came in. And what he's been able to achieve, what the community has around him, the staff, the players have been able to achieve, I think is astonishing. No, we didn't go with that final hurdle, and that's incredibly frustrating. And I am annoyed because I think another manager might have been able to do something different with this current group of players. But you can't throw the baby out with the bathwater. You have to appreciate everything he's given to the England team. These these last eight years, and prior to that as a player as well. So best of luck to him. Thank you. And looking forward to the new guy and seeing what this team does next.Yeah, you agree there, Max. And the thing is, he has got a lot of criticism, and I'll openly admit that I've been one to criticize him in the past. But as Mark just says, you've got to appreciate what he's done. Two major finals in the Euros back to back and your World Cup semifinal. We've had some good times with him.We all know, we're all football fans listening to this podcast. We all know what he's achieved. No other manager in modern English football has been able to achieve what he's been able to achieve. England don't have a divine right to win anything, and we've come incredibly close. But I think, let's remember, he's given us moments we will never forget. Penalty win against Columbia, be in Germany in a knockout stage, due Bellingham over a kick. He's created an environment where those things can happen. And I think he's been in a bit of an emotional punch bag for English fans. There's an incredible amount of scrutiny. But despite that, despite the pressure, he's shown complete humility, grace, and compassion, and integrity as a leader in a time where we live in incredibly volatile times will stick to podcast hosting and journalism stuff. Right. Give us a like, share, and subscribe on YouTube. Thanks for all the feedback. We'll be back towards the end of this week. And we're here, obviously, all over summer, and we can't wait for the season to start. It's not long. It's coming around quick. So we look forward to it then. Mark, Max, thanks so much. Appreciate the time as always. And we will see you very, very soon from the 3M's. Bye-bye.


adult on this podcast, we do not condone violence unless it's against Derby players. Thank you.


Yes, absolutely. I still love that video of Cafu where he walks up and gets... Is it Louis Sibly in a headlock or something? But obviously, we do condemn violence, but yeah.


That's not violence, though.


Look at that, bless. I know. I'm digging that hole even more. Right. Shut up, Max. Let's talk about the final piece of news to bring you, which came in the Telegraph the last few days in their front pages that Forrest are in talks with Ryan Yates over a new contract. We're all big fans of Ryan Yates on this podcast. We won't shy away from that. Max, I'll let you have the first word on Yates. Brilliant to see. Leader legend and good to see him getting a contract gives him a boost and gives the rest of the players because he's got to be up there on that leadership figure in the dressing room for sure.


Yeah, I think he is the leader of this team. Morgan And Gibbs-White certainly up there, but the fact that he is really part of the soul of the club, he's grown up in the club, represents us fans with complete integrity, he drags the standards up, and what he lacks in Technical ability he makes up in aggression, in passion, in determination, yards covered, tackles made. And just what a journey he's been on since Forrest had been a Premier League club. Lots of other clubs would have let him go and lots of other clubs would have shipped him off loan to a Championship side. And during that time, against all of, arguably against odds or certainly against certain section of fans and their expectations for him, he's proved himself time and time and time again to be an Absolutely invaluable member and credit to this football club. At times, he's been the only surviving member of the promotion winning squad while Wharrell was on loan to be shit cast. When you Look at Wharrell, the likelihood of him leaving, I think is really sad. I think it's incredibly sad how his relationship with some section of fans has been soured.


I cannot understand the criticism. Yes, he might not be a Murillo. Yes, he might not be a top six centre-back, but I think he's been absolutely solid for us and it will be sad if he does leave. The reason I say this is because I think him, Joe Warroll and Ryan Yates, have been integral to this club's journey, and it's a relief and joy to hear that Ryan Yates is in contract negotiations. And I hope that he's rewarded with a hefty Premier League contract that reflects his contribution to the club.


Yeah. It's an interesting point, actually, you made there, Max, about Yates not being a top six player, but he's got that leadership. He's homegrown. It's important to have players. He's part of the promotion winning season. That is a good point, isn't it, Mark? Not just for Forest, but for wider football as well, is that sometimes it's not all about the quality, it's not all about the technical ability, but having those, we talk about it all the time, the leaders on the pitch that add to your favorite word, cohesion and everything like that. Just how important is it to have Ryan Yates in a Forest shirt and starting games on a Saturday at three o'clock? Not that we get many of them in the Premier League.


Yeah, no, I agree with everything Max just said. And I echo those sentiments as well, other Max, in that the Premier League is littered with players who are unksung heroes, who are vital to the fabric of that club, and in many instances to the starting 11. They hold everything together. They make it tick. Their contribution is every bit as valuable as the flair players around them. Ryan Yates just falls into that category, and additionally, he's one of our own. I was about to say he bleeds red. Ridiculous thing to say, but you know what I mean. I think it's fantastic that he's in discussions for a new contract. His signed Forest Jersey is the second most treasured Pleasured bit of Forest memorabilia I have, but behind my authentic '79, '80 shirt. And so, yeah, I absolutely love Ryan Yates and what he brings to our team. He's not without his shortcomings, but the same could be said of any player on our roster. We're not a top six team. Every player is fallible in some degree. But instead of honing in on those pieces and blowing up Twitter because you're having a bad day at work, instead, let's be grateful for what he brings to this club and the fact that he gives everything every single game.


I think as well, one thing I'd just like to remind everyone about Ryan Yates is he played in every part of the football pyramid. And when you look at this England squad, stacked with talent, only five of the players in the England squad haven't played in the EFL. I'm not trying to suggest that Ryan Yates needs to be in the next England squad. What I'm trying to make a point about is that he's a English footballer through and through made in the EFL. All of that experience has benefited him, and he's taken those experiences and to become a real solid Premier League player who's instrumental to us. And I just think his journey is just fantastic and is an inspiration for younger players.


Yeah, I agree. Some great thoughts. And it's nice to have a player in the side that looks like you. I like it when everyone asks if he's my brother or my brother looks more like him to be fair. Got to ask you both because we've had a few comments just away from Forest. The big news coming today, obviously, Southgate leaving England. Mark, we'll start with you. What do you think of it? We'll go around and give our thoughts.


Yeah, I'll keep it brief, but I can sum this up in a pretty tidy nutshell. I think what Gareth Southgate has been able to do with this, England, and I'm going to use the word club in the last eight years, has been remarkable. I think people have incredibly short memories. Again, I mentioned my first tournament was '82, and it's been misery, more or less ever since then, with the exception of '96. Until Southgate came in. And what he's been able to achieve, what the community has around him, the staff, the players have been able to achieve, I think is astonishing. No, we didn't go with that final hurdle, and that's incredibly frustrating. And I am annoyed because I think another manager might have been able to do something different with this current group of players. But you can't throw the baby out with the bathwater. You have to appreciate everything he's given to the England team. These these last eight years, and prior to that as a player as well. So best of luck to him. Thank you. And looking forward to the new guy and seeing what this team does next.


Yeah, you agree there, Max. And the thing is, he has got a lot of criticism, and I'll openly admit that I've been one to criticize him in the past. But as Mark just says, you've got to appreciate what he's done. Two major finals in the Euros back to back and your World Cup semifinal. We've had some good times with him.


We all know, we're all football fans listening to this podcast. We all know what he's achieved. No other manager in modern English football has been able to achieve what he's been able to achieve. England don't have a divine right to win anything, and we've come incredibly close. But I think, let's remember, he's given us moments we will never forget. Penalty win against Columbia, be in Germany in a knockout stage, due Bellingham over a kick. He's created an environment where those things can happen. And I think he's been in a bit of an emotional punch bag for English fans. There's an incredible amount of scrutiny. But despite that, despite the pressure, he's shown complete humility, grace, and compassion, and integrity as a leader in a time where we live in incredibly volatile times will stick to podcast hosting and journalism stuff. Right. Give us a like, share, and subscribe on YouTube. Thanks for all the feedback. We'll be back towards the end of this week. And we're here, obviously, all over summer, and we can't wait for the season to start. It's not long. It's coming around quick. So we look forward to it then. Mark, Max, thanks so much. Appreciate the time as always. And we will see you very, very soon from the 3M's. Bye-bye.


will stick to podcast hosting and journalism stuff. Right. Give us a like, share, and subscribe on YouTube. Thanks for all the feedback. We'll be back towards the end of this week. And we're here, obviously, all over summer, and we can't wait for the season to start. It's not long. It's coming around quick. So we look forward to it then. Mark, Max, thanks so much. Appreciate the time as always. And we will see you very, very soon from the 3M's. Bye-bye.