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Hello, everybody, and welcome back to the Garibaldi Red podcast, a Nottingham Forest podcast. I'm Mike Stade, your host. And big news yesterday, coming out of the city ground as the red sign, Elliott Anderson for 35 million from Newcastle as part of pretty much a switch deal, which sees Vlackadimos, the Forest goalkeeper, go the other way. Anderson, aged 21, who plays as a midfielder, featured for Newcastle 26 times last season, but a slightly disrupted season for him as he had an injury from October until March. So it was ruled out on the sidelines for a short while. To discuss all of this much, much more, I'm sure everything else that comes our way on this What day are we Monday? Lost track of the week without a proper schedule. Is first of all, Red's correspondence, Sarah Clapson, after a nice preseason break. Sarah, good to have you back.


Hello. Yes, good to be back.


Good. Good stuff. And also joining us in his England shirt. And I've just realized the names on the screen, so I'm going to quickly do that for those watching live on YouTube. But I guess he's got one of those funny name tags again is the one and only Mark Turner. Mark, I am sure you've got over the England game yesterday. It was a game that went from absolute anger and frustration to just unbelievable scenes at the end.


Yeah, it was absolutely bonkers, wasn't it? And the reason I have this shirt on is I'm trying to take myself out of the current England scenario because it's just too stressful. And I'm trying to take myself back to my happier childhood days, the days of Brian Robson and Trevor Francis and Trevor Brooking, and back when we used to win nothing and didn't threaten to make a final. So, yeah, it is a bit of a bonkers euros, that's for sure.


Yeah, it was. Just yesterday was us nuts. I was actually 30 seconds away from putting a tweet out about my thoughts on England, and I was literally about to tweet it. And then, Man of the Moment, Bellingham saves England. And then I think when we took it to extra time, you there that we'd be all right, which we were. So fingers crossed, we do all right against Switzerland, but it's never a door moment, is it, following England? And the same we're following Forest. So let's talk Forest then, shall we? As Elliot Anderson comes through the door, 35 million. The news didn't come out of nowhere, but it happened quite quickly. Sarah, just start with you, really, with your thoughts, a bit of a low down on it, and whether you think it's a good deal, really. And it obviously fits both clubs for PSR.


Yeah, I think that June 30th deadline proved to be something like a mini deadline day, didn't it? It was quite frantic, particularly where Newcastle were concerned. It was quite interesting to see all the stuff coming out of St. James's Park and how many PSR problems they had. Obviously, Forrest hopefully managed to come through it okay on that front. So that's something. Anderson, I think he comes with a really... He comes really highly rated. He's obviously quite young. He fits that profile that Forrest have been going for and it seems like they are continuing to go for this window, young players with the ability to develop, probably increasing value and be part of a group that looks quite promising. The big thing is the fee, and obviously there's a lot being made of that, and it is a lot of money. I think that's probably... I guess we don't know the breakdown of it. That's something to say, and I haven't really seen anything much about that. So we'll try and find out a a bit more about it, but I don't think he's the... He doesn't come across as the person that would let that affect him.


He seems like he's a Morgan Gibbs-White in that sense that wouldn't let that weigh heavy on him. But that aside, I think he's a really good addition. He's a versatile player who can play in a few different positions. He can play as an eight, he can play as a 10, he can play... Anyway, really across that front attacking three. When you've got a really small squad, which is what Nuno wants, having players who fit different roles is so useful because obviously you're limited on numbers, so you want players that can step in where needed. He can do that. I think he's a good addition. I guess the only thing is the amount of money spent, but hopefully it proves to be a good deal as it was with Morgan when he came in for a lot of money as well.


Yeah, for sure. It's an interesting point there, especially about him being versatile in the need and the almost ever changing need in the Premier League to have those players that can play everywhere and almost cover certain positions. I actually messaged a few Newcastle Jordie mates to see their thoughts on it. None of them have replied. However, I've got a mate who's a Bristol Rovers fan who did reply, and he was very, very complementary. He was basically on loan at the second half of their '21 to '22 season before returning to Newcastle that summer. He said he was excellent. He said he was a real leader. And he actually compared to Morgan Gibbs-White and said that he thinks he could become a similar player. So interesting to hear your thoughts about that, Sarah, as well. What do you make of it? It is a bit of an odd one. And as Sarah did mention there about PSR and the deadline creating this mini deadline day, and it happened quite quickly. But Forrest also shipped Vlack Adimos out, who Forrest needed to get rid of, really, especially given Carlos Miguel being linked and Contern are most likely going as well.


So it's another position almost got rid of in the squad and it makes the squad smaller. So it was almost a positive deal all around, would you say?


Yeah, I would say it's a surprising one. That being said, Max, the last episode, you and I talked about the need to bring in players to provide more depth on the squad and more options as well for the manager. And one of the areas I speculated where we did need both more depth and more quality was in the center of the park. So I'm I'm very bored by this pickup. For a young player, what is he? 21, 22 years old. He already has good pedigree. He's represented Scotland at the various U levels. I think he also had a game for England as well at U19. So I think he's still up for grabs. In fact, I think he was called up to the Scotland Fun International squad and then had to pull out because of injuries. So he's definitely a player that Steve Clarke and Eddie Howe like the look of. And to Sarah's point, He's incredibly versatile. The little bit of footage I did watch of him, which was mostly during his time at the foremen tion Bristol Rovers, they were League 2, so you got to temper that a little bit. But he did look very good at carrying the ball, coming out of either side, technically look very strong.


He hasn't scored yet in the Premier League. Well, he hasn't. He hasn't. Pop quiz, which team did he score against two seasons ago?


I've got no idea, No idea.


Yeah, go on, fill it in.


Well, he scored and the goal was called back because of VAR. And Max, you're going to kick this out because... Maybe you too, Sarah, you may have undoubtedly had been in the stadium.


I'm guessing it was against Forest.


Absolutely. Was it? Yeah, he scored. Yeah, he had a fantastic volley at the back post that I think Navas got hands to. And then he scored a header, which again was called back because of VAR. So that would have been his first goal, first professional goal, if you like, for Newcastle, at least. And it didn't happen for him. But in his interview, when he signed for Forest, he talked about the atmosphere at the city ground and the crowd and so forth. So he certainly had a little bit of that. He's heard the Forest fans, and he said the Newcastle fans cheering for him when he thought he'd scored. But yeah, it's a good addition. The price tag, again, to Sarah's point, the price tag on the surface of it is curious. I look forward to seeing the breakdown. I assume given his age, it's going to be multiples of things and different levels to be able to hit and so on throughout his career. It's not 35 million upfront, at least I hope it's not. But yeah, delighted to have him at the city ground.


Yeah, for sure. And I'm just speculating here, but I can't imagine it being 35 million upfront. I imagine there's lots of add-ons and maybe even a few years where it will eventually get to that fee. Read out an interesting one, and he doesn't speak often, but Ross Wilson, the Forest Chief Footballing Officer, who has only been in the role for a short while now, I think a full season. He says, We are delighted to welcome Elliott to Notting Forest and pleased that he's chosen to continue and develop his talent with us in the Premier League. We're sure he will thrive in a Forest shirt as other players in his age profile have done as soon as the opportunity arose for him to potentially join. It was something we were all excited to make happen. And as Mark talks about there, Sarah, they almost need to have that depth, especially in the midfield area. And Mark speculated that on last podcast. Can you see Elliot almost, or Anderson almost, featuring in the squad in terms of a first-team level instantly, or do you think he'd be more of an impact sub? Or even just as Ross Wilson talks about, he's continuing to develop almost his talent at Forest before moving forward?


Well, Nuno is going to have a few selection headaches, that's for sure. By the start of the season and probably by the end of the window, I'm sure the squad will look different. I don't think we've heard the last of signings or outgoings for sure. He's got Premier League experience, Anderson, so he can come straight in. He's played, I think it's 44 times in the Premier League now. So he's got that bank of knowledge already behind him while still being a young player who can improve and has got his best years, hopefully, ahead of him. The fact he can play in a few different positions, I think, helps when it comes to trying to force your way into the 11 or trying to, I mean, maybe pin down a certain position. But is he going to be ahead of Morgan Gibbs-White as the 10? Probably not, because Morgan Gibbs-White is the first pick. So if he's going to force his way in, it'll probably have to be in one of those other positions. Forrest do have a few options in midfield. So if he wants to play more as an orthodox midfielder, again, he's got his work put out there because there are a few different players for Nuno to choose from.


But that is an area where Nuno struggled to find a balance last year. I mean, there were so many different combinations of midfielders. He could change formation again next season. He could play with a three in midfield if he wants to rather than a two. So there's so many different variables, but I think he's come to play. He wants to get into the team. So I think one way or another, we're going to see a fair bit of him. I mean, if he's coming as a backup for Morgan gives white as a 10, he's going to have a job on his hands to get minutes. So I think we'll see him in different positions.


That being said, though, Sarah, we have short memories, don't we? It spans sometimes. There was a stretch last season where Morgan gives white was catching a lot of heat from the forest pafele, right? He had that stretch where he really wasn't performing and people were speculating they needed to be dropped, needed to be rested, maybe we need to try the formations and so on. And it would have been nice to have had somebody to step into the breach there. And maybe give a new know that option. We didn't have that. I agree with you. I don't think he's come to sit on the bench. I think he's going to be contesting a starting spot right out the gate. But again, this will keep Morgan on his toes as well. So that's a good thing.


Yeah, definitely. And also in terms of statistics- Can you say that again, Max? There we go. I got it all right. It's always a difficult word, actually. In terms of his stats and team play, assists, three, passes, 602, passes per match, 13.68. Four big chances created, three balls of five and accurate long balls of eight. So there you go. That's just some breakdown stats. And it is difficult because he hasn't featured that much for Newcastle, given his injury. But as you've both said, I'm sure he'll be coming to play first-team football for Forest. Let's look at the player going the other way. We just touched on a little bit, but maybe a bit more, I was about to say credit, and I suppose credit because he did feature Forest quite a bit. But Flaka Dimas going the other way, Mark, there was rumors of which player it would be. There was a few rumors of Alanga possibly going, which I think would have been more of a disaster. I don't think this deal would be praised as much as it has been if Alanga did go. But two, I don't want to use the word get rid, but to ship Flaka Dimas out and create that room in the squad and almost fill a goal, I guess, to the club to sell one of the many keepers now If especially Carlos Miguel signs, it's a good move for him to go.


It is. But again, as we talked about in the last pod, we speculated that one or two goalkeepers could be on the way out, but that would mean we need to bring another goalkeeper in. And of course, we've seen all the noise around Kelleher with Liverpool and maybe a couple of other goalkeepers at Forrester eyeballing. Blackadimos leaving doesn't leave us desperately short in that position, but we might need to see a goalkeeper come back in now to fill the void. I think what's most important, though, is to get his salary off the books. I think he's probably the best paid goal, was the best paid goalkeeper at the city ground, I imagine. And so that was important as well. And that obviously helps with balancing the books and so on. So if we could bring in... I was bringing Keller her in who would be counterintuitive because he'd probably be on the same money, if not more. But if we could find a good young goalkeeper to add to the pool. I feel a bit more comfortable about everything. But I think getting off the books, period, was a good move. Yeah, happy with that one.


I think also there was reports, weren't it, that Matt Turner is likely to go as well. Don't do it to me. I was actually about to say Mark Turner then. I think my time is going to be shortly. I've spent more time with you, Mark, recently on the podcast than I ever have done with Matt Turner and certainly watching him We're coming in for a minute, Forrest. And I suppose, Sarah, when you talked about the PSR deadline of the 30th of June, which obviously was... We're in July now, so it's finished. We open this new window now. Does it mean that Forrest will be all right? Does it mean that Forrest will keep Murillo? Difficult question, we don't have the answer, but it seems to be going in the right way, especially after Nia Cartey leaving last week.


Can I just say it's so nice to be on a podcast where somebody else gets the hard-ball I can pass it on.


You feel free to take it, Mark. I'm happy to. I think, I mean, PSR, you have to be an accountant to understand it all. There I have a lot of people who are far better people who have more knowledge of it than I do. Believe me, I've tried, but figures and accounts and finance was never my bag anyway. So I was already on a downer with it. But I think it's fair to say that forest are in a better position now, pending the sales of mangala and Niakate, and there's nothing to suggest that they're not going to go through. I think that the hope is that forest are okay, but it was January, I think, when we found out this year about the potential points deduction and the PSR breach. So there will probably be a little while to wait before there's any official confirmation, but the noise has been made all that everything is at least in the right direction and looking good. So that's a huge positive. As for the rest of the window, getting to the end of June with Murillo still in place is good. I mean, were it not for Niakate and Mangala going, there was always the risk of having to settle for a low bid for somebody like Murillo to help to balance the books.


Obviously, Forest have come through without that. Does it mean that that's the end of it? No. There's another two months of the window yet. I think we'll probably see more interest in Morello still. Whether that translates into bids, again, who knows? Chelsea have already expressed their interest. There's a whole load of other clubs looking at him. Again, there's two more months to go yet, so there's a lot of variables can still happen. But Forest are in a much stronger position to be able to deal with that interest. And if they decide that it is best to sell, if they're looking at the figures, if they're looking at next year, if they're looking at any offers that come in, they're at least better placed to be able to handle it all on their own terms and get what they think a player like Murillo is worth. If, and it is an if, offers come in because you're always relying on Clubs putting bids forward. So, yeah, I think there's still a long way to go yet.


Yeah, definitely. Kevin asks actually live on Facebook, so no points to do it 100 %. I tell you I'll answer that, Kevin. Mark, I'll answer that. It's a difficult question. He's always good at answering. And I suppose that is the point, isn't it? That we don't know if Forest will be all right. As you said, Sarah, the noise is probably going to be okay, but football can change, and it can change quite dramatically. And we saw with, especially the Brennan Johnson sale, everyone thought, Right, we've sold Brennan, and we didn't actually hear about Forrest breaching PSR until a few weeks later after that sale all went through and everyone had almost forgotten about PSR. Really, it's something that even though Forrest had to comply with it, similar with FF FP and financial fair play in the Championship, it seems like now, coming to the Premier League, you not only have VAR, you don't only have everything else, but you have the dealings of PSR. And as you said, Sarah, you have to be an accountant to understand it. It is incredibly confusing, but fingers crossed, Forest will be all right. Just going back to the recruitment strategy, Mark, about almost Forest targeting so far young players, and that was reported in The Athletic the other week that Forest would most likely aim this window to go for those younger players.


That's a positive, you think, and Forest have to get recruitment right to avoid being in pretty much the same mess that we were last season.


Yeah, 100 %. I'm not going to say that the days of signing the Jesse Linngards of the world are entirely behind us with our ownership being as they are. You never quite know what's going to come out of left field. But I think there obviously is a very distinct strategy now developing around bringing in younger players. There's obviously a lot of chatter around Nonto from Leeds United that I'd still love to see develop, particularly now on the other side of the PSR threshold, as it were. And then just circling back to that for a second, obviously, we don't know if Forrest are 100 % safe in regards to PSR. But as we talked about on the last pod, Max, and I think you talked about with David on the pod that followed, I think if Forrest get dinged again in January, that's going to represent a willful thumbing the nose, if you like, to PSR, which isn't a good look. So I hope that all the moves that have been happening here over the last few weeks not only demonstrate our desire to stay within the rules, but also have enabled us to do so.


We saw that with Brennan Johnson, and of course, that was what the club went forward with when it said, We shouldn't be doing this last season because we did what was best for the club, and it was in the best interest of the club, and we were able to get a lot more money and so on. And that fell on deaf ears. But here, that has seemed to have been a very intentional push to make the PSR requirement, so I hope that pans out. And I think if we really were in danger, we would have seen Lewis O'Brien, we would have seen Joe Warrell. There's other players we've been seeing offloaded quickly, who we could have made, well, not made money on, but we could have brought money in for. We could have a couple of million, two, three million here or there if that needed to happen. So the fact that hasn't, I think CES was probably in good shape. And now I've completely forgotten the original question you asked, which is great.


Me too, to be honest, mate.


It was a great answer anyway.


Yeah, it was. You know what?


Oh, yeah. Young players, intentional. Absolutely. It's interesting as well with Elliot Anderson. He's been at Newcastle since he was eight. He went out to Bristol Rovers, had a great loan spell. I'm going to polarize the fan base here immediately now when I say these next two words, Ryan Yates. He has echoes of Ryan Yates about him. One of Newcastle's own, came through the system there, very highly regarded. It's interesting, he came through, was it Walls End, the boys club there? You know some of the players that will come through that club? It's really impressive. The Alan Sheeries of this world, the Peter Beers. They got We have a little list here. Our own Brian Laws, of course, not even Forest Fame. It's really, really impressive names. And so, yeah, again, it's going to be fascinating to see what he does at Forest. But I am excited, Max. I'm excited to see we're bringing in a youth. We're doing that for a couple of reasons. One, obviously, because we feel it's going to bolster the squad, but also for salon opportunities, right? I mean, it's the same with you, Max. At some point, Sarah and I are going to get our heads together.


We're going to see how much money we can get for you. We're going to get younger. It's just a matter of time, Max.


It might be. You can ship me out. I'm sure if the Garabody Red podcast has got to fall into the PSR window, then we can make some move somewhere. Your stock is rising.


I mean, you're at 606 now. I mean, now might be the time for us to cash in.


Yeah, we'll have to see. You've thrown me right off there, Mark. That's made me laugh. So just almost quickly, Sarah, and again, I know you don't have the answer to it, but I think in terms of the players, like as Mark mentioned, the fringe players in particular, Joe Warrall, Lewis O'Brien, that were rumored to be leaving, do you still think that Nuno will almost want to, and the recruitment team at Forest will want to ship those out, almost to have that smaller squad? Because we've known, I think, that that was the original aim of... Almost Nuno coming in, he probably wants to have that smaller squad where he knows everyone. And Forest not to be known for signing 30 players and the team boss they're being a queue outside for, almost.


Yeah. I mean, there are players that are available for transfer. There are players that are attracting interest. I think the fact they haven't gone yet. I mean, the window has only been open two weeks. Don't forget that. And there's two months left to go. There's still a long, long way. I think it is difficult sometimes to move players on quickly. Usually the window doesn't start going until players... I mean, players come back for every season next week. You'll find then that things start moving. It doesn't get going, the transfer window, until later on. It's just that we've had this June 30th date that's kickstarted a few things and made a few clubs, Newcastle being one case, really needed to move players on quickly to try and meet the rules. There will still be more departures. The likes of Lewis O'Brien has got a few clubs interested in him. Joe Warrall is Sheffield United are particularly interested in him, but their takeover is obviously in flux at the minute, so that doesn't help. Emmanuel Dennis, another one, somebody who's been out on loan. I can't see him having a future, unfortunately for him. There's others that have been out on loan, Josh Bowler, Hwa-Ni Jau, Alex Maiton, a few that Nuno hasn't seen, whether we want the opportunity to have a look at them or not.


Like I said, players are due back Next week. So are things going to move quickly before then? Probably not. So as it stands, Nuno will come back to a fairly big dressing room. There'll be a fair few players there for preseason, but I'm willing to bet that by the end of the window, the squad will look pretty different. All being well, of course.


As you were listening to his name, Sarah, I was like, who do these guys play for? Josh. Oh, that's right. Yeah, the forest.


I got to share this.


This is great. This is a tweet that came out from Max Rushton a couple of days ago. If folks want to follow him, Max Rushton is his handle on the X, whatever it's called now. He said, My source is telling me that Chelsea and Aston Villa have just swapt their entire academies. Nottingham Forest in talk to the Newcastle to buy all the children in the city.


That's a funny one. It's unbelievable how the Premier League has almost created this mini transfer deadline day, and it was mental to see just the transfers that came out. And as you said, Sarah, I forgot that the window only opened a couple of weeks ago. Good point. And it has moved so quickly. Just to close then, and I'll let you answer this one, Mark, on a bit more of a positive note, I'm sure it's not that difficult as a question, Forrest going into preseason with keeping Murillo and keeping Morgan Gibbs-White for the time being will, of course, I don't think anything can change. That's got to be a massive positive, a big boost going into the season.


Yeah, I'm going to give you my shortest answer ever on a podcast, 100 %. I think it's naive to think that both of them will be in the Garabald you read when the first whistle goes in the new season. I'd love to think they would be. Sarah I don't know. I might have a bit more of an insight on that.


Well, the window closes after the first game of the season, so they might still have a few games yet. Good point.


Yeah, good point. But yeah, it's great news, Max, isn't it? I think every fan is going to be... That's one thing that can unify us all, right? Everyone has different opinions, but I think you're going to be hard-pressed to find a Forest fan. Well, maybe more from Gibbs White splits opinion a little bit, but you're going to be hard-pressed to find a Forest fan who's going to say, Having Rillo on the books come the first game of the season is a bad thing. Yeah, it's positive so far, but as Sarah pointed out, long way to go yet in terms of the transfer window.


Yeah, it's very positive. And as you mentioned as well, Sarah, about preseason, the Forest players are off, too. We were just talking about it actually before we came on and recorded this, that they're off near Alicante, isn't it?


Yeah. Chesterfield first up and then Spain for three games. Wow. So a bit of difference.


People polarizing locations.


I know, yeah.


From sunny Chesterfield to sunny Spain. I know where I'd rather be. And just to quickly close, because it happened as we were recording this, I've just seen a tweet actually, that Simon Rusk, the Forest Set Peace Coach, has left. He's taken up another role somewhere else. And it's been a bit of an interesting- Sal Hampton. Yeah, Sal Hampton. Thanks, Sarah. And he obviously came in, really. He was brought in by Steve Cooper, and then that all obviously went downhill when Cooper left. I don't think he was involved that much with Nuno. So a bit of a failure appointment, really, Sarah, wasn't it?


I mean, it didn't work out. He, by all accounts, he didn't have much influence when Nuno came in and obviously the set piece problems continued anyway. So yeah, I don't think it's too much of a surprise that that change has been made and he's decided to take up a position at Southampton. So, yeah, good luck to him. Hope it works out.


Someone's actually just replied to the tweet, which has made me laugh, saying, Let us know when Southampton can score a set piece, which has made me giggle. Mark, just to close, I want to touch on it quickly, just about England. Give us some positivity, because me and you were what's happening last night a little bit after the game, and it was just a Paul in performance until Bellingham rescued us. Is it the most England thing to do to have this now fighting chance to beat Switzerland? And with my youthful optimism to go all the way to the final and win it, and it might actually come home, or am I literally on cloud nine saying that?


I mean, yeah, quite frankly, you're mental. I was in Wembley three years ago for the Italy game. I was at the final. Really? Yeah, it was the greatest day of my life until about 20 seconds from the end. That was the most England performance ever. And we're seeing it again. It's maddening. The way the Southgate approaches this squad and deploys them is just so incredibly frustrating. I have some sympathy for him. I know how challenging it must be to get this much talent on the field, but news flash, they don't all need to be on the field at the same time. And I think what we're going to face in Switzerland is a better team, right? We're seeing a better team when it comes to Austria. We're I'm seeing there are several better teams still in this competition. And England may have great individuals, but cohesion, Max. We're not seeing cohesion. And then in Spain, you have both fantastic individuals and a better team. So if Spain can get past Germany, they're winning all the marbles. Enjoy England's foray into the euros, Max, for as long as you can. I suspect that it might end on Saturday.


See, I'm going to be more hopeful. I think this is the I think we're going to be. Because you're young. You're young, yeah. I'm young and I'm mad. There you go. We'll see. You never know what we can have. I remember in this shirt.


I was going to say it. I was like an 82. That's how old I am. So it's too much misery, mate. I can't deal with it. Too much reality, I should say.


He says, We're wearing an England shirt. Yeah. Let's see what happens. You never know, Mark. We could have a bet and donate some money to charity if both of us or one of us is wrong.


Aren't you doing something for charity here?


I am. Yeah, I am. I'm running the half marathon, so there you go. I will add some more money onto my donation if England get knocked out on Saturday. And if we go further, I'm sure that you might donate to me, Mark. There we go. I need to.


I haven't done that yet.


I need to, sorry.


And everybody else listening to this needs to as well. It's a fantastic course.


Thank you. Thanks, mate. I appreciate it. Yeah, I'm just looking at the window now and as it's raining, I'm thinking I really don't want to go for a run, but. So yeah, I'm actually listening to a lot of football podcasts at the minute. And I'm trying to... I listened to a brilliant podcast from Kieran Maguire, the financial expert in football that many people were in the week, and I was trying to get my head round that while I was running a 5K, and I don't know which was worse at the 5K or trying to get my head around PSR. There you go. I'll let the viewers and listeners decide that. Right, that does us nicely. I think 30 minutes pretty much covering the main news coming out of Forest at the minute. As always, we'll keep you updated. I'm sure there'll be lots more transfer, speculation and PSR stuff, and we'll be here right throughout. So be sure to follow us across Spotify and Apple podcast. Leave us a review if you did enjoy it. Like, share, and subscribe on YouTube. Mark, thank you as ever, mate.


You're welcome, mate.


And Sarah, thank you. Good to have you back with us.


Thank you. Good to be back. Yes.


Very nice. Come on, you reds from all of us, and we will see you very soon. Bye-bye.