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Hello, everybody, and welcome back to Garabaldi Red, a Nottingham Forest podcast. We are live on Facebook and YouTube. I'm Max Sage, your host, and delighted to be back after completing my preseason training, ready and raring to go for the new season. Training? Yeah,. Maybe more of a holiday than training, David. Training in Turkey. Thanks very much to Mark and for Max for stepping in. They I said I was growing a beard in Turkey, which I can confirm was true for the first half of the holiday, and then I really looked at it and thought, I need to get rid of this. So I decided to get rid of the beard.


I didn't realize you could grow a beard. They're quite proud of my beard.


Yeah, yours is good, David. You'll have to send some in the post for me to stick on all the way from Australia. So I'm not sure on the beard comments, Max and Mark, but thank you for stepping in anyway. Also joining us, which I'm sure you can see viewers and hear him already, is the ever enthusiastic Aussie man, David Boldman, who will, I'm sure, be full of enthusiasm and energy as Forest enter the final preparation and week before we kick off the season with Bournemouth at Home on Saturday. David, good to see you. How are you? How was your free season? How have you been keeping?


Yeah, mate. Well, just popped. So I would implore any Forest fan to do yourself a favor and go watch every goal highlight, which I've just done from last season. And you just remember all those magic moments. You remember the Hudson and all the flick up and the bend? And then you see the bend goal again. And then you see another version of the bend goal. You remember the tie away moments? Just the speed of a langer. That the ball hitting Bolly in the head and going in, the Toffalo header, just all those great moments. And so it's just a great time to be a Forest fan. I'm a particular boiant about this season ahead and just can't wait. I'm a bit jealous that I can't go to having been to a couple of matches last season. I'm just unpumped. So I booked my fantasy team. I got five Forest players plus Brennan Johnson plus James Garner. What could possibly go wrong, Max?


We were tempted to maybe do a Garabaldi Red fantasy football league. But then I realized that knowing my luck, we'd set it up and I'd probably finish bottom because I just forget about it after the first few weeks and then my team ends up finishing bottom. In fact, I came bottom with some mates last year and had to do a punishment. So there you go. It's not good.


Yeah, no. Well, it's a big investment of time. Yeah.


I know some people take it so seriously as well. They have Excel spreadsheets and everything.


Oh, yeah. No, they certainly do. It's a good way to follow it. But what I thought was telling from the fantasy season this year was just the uptake of Forest players. So I do a draft rather than the classic just everyone picks the squad. And so Hudson, a joy and a langer and Chris Wood. So it's just not Morgan gives white that's getting taken in fantasy these days, which is a sign of one, greater knowledge of just the forest players in general. And two, it's slightly more positive feelings about our Garibaldi Reds.


Yeah, absolutely. We're positive all around for the Garibaldi Reds on the Garibaldi Red. Right, let's start before we get onto some questions. We are live on YouTube and Facebook, on this Monday afternoon. So if you want to get your questions to us on Facebook and YouTube. We can read them throughout. If you're obviously listening back on Apple podcasts, then there'll be questions that have already been given in to us. We put a call out on the usual Twitter and everything like that, Facebook for your questions. Before we do get onto the Q&A side. We've got to start really with some big news recently from Forest that came from the weekend, more so last night. We're really with Danilo and Nico Williams. We'll We'll start with Danilo and the links that he's had from AC Milan. Certain interest, no formal bid yet, but they are interested, AC Milan, very much so. They've got a new Portuguese manager as well ready for the new season. I hope I pronounce his name right, Paulo Fonsesca. He is a big fan of Danilo. David, what do you make, first of all, initially of that link? And would you sell him because he has been a crucial player for Forest.


He can be instrumental, part of the midfield. And you just look back to that Brentford away goal he scored at Brentford last season. Big goal, big moment. And Forest maybe would miss him.


Well, I had to go back to the 31st of March versus Crystal Palace for the last match that Danilo wasn't the starter in a live competitive fixture. 20 million pound signing. If we value him at 30 million, 35, maybe even higher. There's a risk if you were to replace a like for like and let him walk out the door whilst the other players we've had at that level of spend, most notably, gives white and Sengare. Gibbs-white's Probably been worth it. Sengare, it's looking like we're more positive. It's just a big hole to feel. Do we have someone to fill those shoes? Dominguez has looked pretty good. We've obviously got Yates still fill around that space as well, but we're not going to finish 10th with the eighth, God bless him. So it would be a shame. And one of the strengths that I'm seeing with Forrest this season is the consistency of the players. We haven't had 29 players coming in. You know all of the players in the Forest squad that have come in. And what do we know about Nuno is that he typically starts season strongly. So it would be a shame for him to lose Danilo.


And he's a pretty popular player with the Forest fans. He looks settled. It would be a shame. But having said that, we need Nottingham Forest to be a land of opportunity. And if AC Milan comes knocking on the door, who are we to to knock back the opportunity for someone who's given us a fair bit over the last couple of years and some memorable moments So if he wants to go, you've got to let him go. But it'll be a real shame. Because I think he starts on Saturday, I think, in a 4, 2, 3, 1. I think he starts with Sengar, is my take. So be a starter coming out of the team. And I know you're going to ask me later about, who do you think is going to go down? And the other teams have got key players in starters positions out of their squads. But he's not Murillo or Gibbs White. He's not an out and out star. Where do you rate him? If you were to rate the Forest players, Max, 1 through 25, where does Danilo sit?


I I'm actually probably put him in my top 10, would you? I mean, I would- Top 10? Yeah, but probably not top five. Not top five? Yeah, absolutely. And you're right. You make a very good point, particularly with all the interests surrounding Morgan, Gibbs, White, and Murillo, when the worry that we're going to have to sell one of those two to stay in PSR, ultimately. We always said we'd rather sell Murillo, but at the end of the day, losing any of those would have been such a real shame him for Forest to lose Danilo.


One of those could have been catastrophic. Yeah. Keep in mind it would be Stan Colimore-esque, whereas Danilo, it's like, well, we could still argue until you're blue in the face, whether Yates or Dominguez is better than Danilo in those positions anyway. And so are we better off to sell them for 30, go buy another 15 million pound player and then try and sell them for 30 million pounds in another couple of years and then have that as one of our development positions? That would make good business sense, much like the mangala sale, I guess.


I mean, here's a question, David. It would leave Forest. I'm just trying to... No, it would leave Forest with four midfielders, four players in those midfield positions if Danilo left. Do you need more, do you think, in the Premier League, it's such a competitive league? Think about the fitness of the players and players ultimately getting injured throughout the season. Is it a position where if Danilo leaves, Forest are going to have to go and get another midfielder? Or you think if Danilo went, Forest would just stick with the midfield players we've got right now?


What is it? It's a three, eight, eight, and six. I think we worked out the numbers were. So I think we can survive with not replacing him. I think we've got what, Yates and Sengare and Dominguez and Gibbs-White and Anderson. There you five that you play in the center spots, aren't they?


Yeah, surely. Yeah.


If you cop an injury, you cop an injury to gives white, and then you're starting to look pretty skinny, aren't you?


You are. You are indeed.


It is a difficult one. It burns you, doesn't it? I would not like to see him leave at all. And I just think we've got a player who's settled. It's give him another season.


Yeah, I agree. I agree. Don't sell him Unless there's real worry for PSR.


At 40?




At 40 or 45, though.


Yeah, you'd be very happy to say that. Yeah, I just don't think 30 is enough of an upside from 20.


And the risk is at 40, you could buy in two players for 20, and one of them will hit, and you're better off.


Yeah, Forest value Danilo around 30 to 40 million. Ac Milan, however, according to the BBC, are looking in the region of 25 million. So it'll be interesting to see whether they do budge, but I think they'd need to submit more for Forest to accept. Let's move on because there's only so much we can talk about with Danilo. We've covered him lots in the podcast before about his contributions and everything like that. So it will be interesting to see how it develops with Forest. And obviously, ultimately, if he starts on Saturday, could that be his last game in a Forest shirt? Who knows? Hopefully not. But let's see in fact as well, because we are live on YouTube and Facebook. If you agree with Forest selling maybe Danilo for a certain price, then let us know if you think it would be catastrophic to lose him, then also get in touch. But let's turn our attention as well to another player that has attracted interest, and one that I don't know about you, David, but I certainly didn't expect covering Forest for a long time and thinking as we went into this summer and preseason and transfer window, I did not expect him really to get much interest.


That's no disrespect to him. He's a great player, but Nico Williams with interest from West Ham and actually a formal bid being submitted in the past few days by Atlanta in a region of around 20 Well, it was 20, I think it was $20 million. So it equivalates to, I think, about 17 million British pound. David, is that a player that, again, Forest should be looking to sell Nico Williams, or does that leave you very thin at the back? We were just talking before we came on air as well. Who do you actually play in the left-back position? Do you move Ola Aina? What do you make of that?


Well, last season, when we were looking at the stocks of Nottingham Forest at right back, we had Serge Oria and we had Gonzalo Montiel, the Argentine World Cup winner. And so you would have thought that after the season, Serge had had that Nico was third on the pecking order of that lot. And then somehow Nico has beaten both of them out and really was the The Mainstay at right back. They sold Serge. Montiel looked pretty ordinary in patches. So he looks to be the starting right back. So unless you've got a ready-made replacement, which you could argue, you could play Lorena at right back and you've got Toff floating around and the left back they were linked to elsewhere. I just don't like the idea of selling players for the sake of selling players. We've got the information on Nico. We know what we're in for. We've got the past histories on From what we got him in for 17, selling him for 20 is hardly moving the deck chairs and a game changing sale for us unless we're convinced that Nico is not any good. But I think we're still yet to see the best of Nico.


What is he? 24 years old, something like that. He's best years ahead of him. I'd argue that Forrester more high profile team than Atlanta. But I'm an English speaker, so I could be wrong there. I'd like to see Nico as well. If I had to choose between him and Danilo, I'd probably let Nico Williams go. But he seems to also fit better with the Nuno style of the, the The three at the back and the wingbacks just seems to fit his style a little bit more. Maybe he's a higher up the pitch player. Again, just sell him five weeks ago. Don't sell him before the start of the season. You know what I mean? That would be frustrating. Writing. How do you feel about Nico?


Yeah, I agree. I was just about to actually say that I think since Nuno's arrival, I think Nico has been one of the players that's massively improved under him, and I think he fits his system. I think it would be a shame for Forest to get rid of him. We've been linked with a player that's caught the eye in the Olympics, weirdly enough, for France, left-back Bradley Locko. Again, is it worth, I often think this close to the season, and this has something to do with it, and I'm sure if If me and you played professional football, David, and for a high level, we'd probably understand it more, but it must be really unsettling for a player to be linked with all, and everyone say, Well, the professional footballers, but to be linked with different clubs and the media speculation constantly when you're trying to really focus on the football and for Nico to put the Forest shirt on, which I'm sure he'll do on Saturday, it can just surely be quite uneasy for a player to be linked. I've always been a big fan of actually closing the window before the season started. I still think that should come in.


Maybe a bit of a controversial opinion there, but I just think it's unsettling for players and it can really disrupt the start of the season. And that's what it could do, not just with Nico Williams, but obviously with Danilo as well. So again, I'd be tempted to keep him unless Forest want a really smaller squad, unless Nico isn't part of the plans. But you watch the preseason videos that Forest and absolute credit to the media and And the communications team at Forest has done a brilliant job of putting out from the preseason camp. And you see Nico actually just being quite an instrumental part of the squad. He seems like he's a bit of a team leader.


Yeah, I'd like you read on those That those videos tell you more than you think. If you watch the videos this season to last season, I for one, you can tell Ryan Yates is more in with a lot of the players now this year than he was last year. I think this season has helped prove himself. But back to your point on Nico Williams. Look, I know we're not professional footballers, but I know if you have the same consistent team, you learn about the nuances of how does Nico like to be to have the ball passed to him, which foot is he stronger on? You just learn those small intricacies just come from having the same consistent teams. And selling Nico for 20 million so you can get in a 15 million or 17 million replacement, I just don't see the upside that we're going to get unless you've I've got an out and out player that is just outrageously better than Nico. And I just don't think that's the right call. And then back to your point on the transfer market, Max, is a good suggestion, but I think they keep it open so that teams can understand the problems they might have, because whilst preseason is preseason and they have matches that are somewhat competitive, you can't really tell.


We don't know how Forrester, we don't really know how well Forrester is going to do this season. We will know 90 minutes after full-time or after 90 minutes against Bournemouth, we will know. We can suddenly beat Bournemouth, which we haven't done for freaking years. Then we'll know. And so, It just makes a big difference. So I can see their rationale on it, but I can also see your rationale. It would be annoying to... It sucks losing Brandon Johnson after a couple of matches. It's just hard It's heartbreaking.


There you go. I'll tell you what, David, if Forest beat Bournemouth on Saturday, I'm going to be the happiest man doing this podcast next Monday. It's just like, we just haven't beat them in so long.


Oh, just beat Bournemouth. Just beat them. Actually, it's such an... I don't want to say it's like a crunch game. It's like such an important game, first match of the season. But beating Bournemouth would help. It really would. So I just... It was. All the Forest fans, get behind them. Let's get pumped up and let's work out what Sengare's song is going to be, because I don't think he has one yet, does he, Max?


No, he doesn't. We were just talking about that again before we came on. We're going to touch on Sengare later, so hold the thought, David. Right, Let's get on to some forest questions that we've got. And this one came to us on X, Twitter, whatever it's called these days. And it cracked me up a little bit, this question with the first 10 league fixture lists for Forest are relatively kind. If the team earn a respectable number of points, maybe a more comfortable season is in prospect. If the results are bad and maybe the stability may crumble very quickly, Nuno will be gone. Which way could it go? It's a good question, right? It's a big question. I guess almost predicting what it could be like for all teams. You look at even the opening weekend of the Championship this season, already calls managers like Wayne Rooney to go after a bump into Sheffield Wednesday. You just don't know. But good job, Forrest, to have Wayne Rooney in charge. What do you think there, David? Because the opening 10 games are- I was looking at him until the Arsenal match away.


I'm thinking there's an argument I could convince myself that Forrest could win every match. Now, obviously, we're not going to win every match, but we've beaten Chelsea away before. We've beaten Liverpool. There's a whole bunch of winnable matches there. Forest could start out on absolute fire. But there's another scenario where you're just like, oh, guys. Oh, no.


And I also think that every game is difficult. I said it last season, and I'll say it again, I think Forest are more likely to struggle against teams like Wolves or Southampton away Compared to a Liverpool or Chelsea, genuinely, we've always said it, but Forest do tend to struggle when almost we're the favorites, and we'll pull it out of the bag against the big boys. And that is the Premier League in a way. It is a really difficult league. I don't think there is an easy game. It is a nice running compared to the last few seasons. But at the end of the day, you've got to play everyone, right? So surely you're best getting a few of the big six out of the way first. Which Forest have got? You mentioned Ars and Liverpool, There's a goal there towards the.


You want to get teams at different times. You'd have to think we're getting Bournemouth at a good time with the Solanky departure, but they're not really going to know what that team is going to look like in that new era. You'd have to think that the Saints, that first away match we have, sure, they'll be spirited for their first home match, but they're not going to be better than they were when they got relegated and they'll still be working it out as well. So getting them at that time is good. You'd have to think Liverpool with the new manager still working it out. I really like the draw for us. So I think we should be top half after the first 10 matches and then And then the season will really start to make it tricky for us. And then we'll come back to the field a little bit, I think.


We might be top of the league by the end of September when that international- Our best chance of being top of the league is beaten Bournemouth 5-0.


And being top of the league, that is the only chance we have of being top of the league, I would think.


You never know. We'll get on to more of the season and upcoming. We've got a lot of questions to answer on that, obviously. I cannot believe it's come around this quick. As we begin final preparations this week, another question Niall on Twitter asks, doubt it's an easy one to answer, but does John Joe Shelby still play for Nottingham Forest? Well, I did a bit of research, and I've been doing research for a while on this, right? And it's really, really difficult. You think it'd be dead simple. You just go on the Internet and search whether John Joe Shelby was a Forest player. So Forest actually announced originally that he'd been sold to a Turkish side and his contract had been terminated. And after all of the fan reaction towards John Joe Shelby, and he had that argument with Steve Cooper, if you can remember, Cash your mind back to then, we all thought that's it. John John Joe Shelby is out the door. What a mess of a sign. And it was. He's gone. We can move on. So can he. But actually, John Joe Shelby is still officially, officially registered to Forest. And if you do search on the Internet, that's what it comes up with.


There was lots of media reports just a couple of months ago that Forest had been answering questions, unanswered questions over the deal and whether we'd actually terminated his contract, whether it was a loan deal. It was all a bit over the place. But to answer the question, Niall, Well, John Joe Shelby is registered to Forest. He didn't go on the preseason tour. I doubt he's going to be part of the plans this season. I don't think he even turns up the city ground on match days. But according to things I've looked at, John Joe Shelby is registered to Forest still, which is a mad one. And David, you were saying that you predicted him to have a- A long time ago, last season, I was asked, what's your outlandish Forest And I said, the manager will get sacked.


And as a result, somehow John Joe Shelby will still be a Nottingham Forest player, and then he will somehow make his way back into the squad and have a career resurgit. So two of those things were proven to be correct. But sadly, not the third. There's a good comment from Chaka Block who says, don't ask to see his highlights real. I'm going to ask you, though, Max, what would need to happen for John Joe Shelby to make his way back to the city ground and pull on a red shirt again? Is there any scenario where that's possible? I don't think there is.


No, there isn't. Sorry, I'm going to give that plain and simple answer. I just don't think it's going to happen.


How would need to freeze over?


I think you're more likely to get a call up from Nuna, David, all the way from Australia to come play for Forest, then John Joe shall be returning. Right, moving on from him because we don't want this to become a John Joe Shelby podcast. Claire on Facebook asks, which leads us Right now, we're quite nice into this one because while we were away, Max and Mark did a brilliant podcast on predicting Forest's 11. Claire asks, who is your captain for this season? Both of those predicted Yates. That's Max and Mark in our previous episode. I'm going to stick with them. I'm going to say Yates as well, plain and simple. David, what about you? Who's your captain?


Club captain or starting 11 captain versus Bournemouth?


Well, I think maybe let us go club captain, providing the club captain will start against Bournemouth.


Well, Ryan Yates is obviously the club captain. Yeah. And so he's through and through Nottingham. The connection that he has to certainly the local fans is impressive, and his story, and everything that he's done is terrific. However, I do subscribe to the theory, the Sven Gore and Erichson theory, which is your most influential player and best player should typically be your captain. So I believe Morgan Gibbs-White should the captain of Nottingham Forest. I believe that he wears his heart on his sleeve and he is the man to take us forward in the Premier League. That is who I would name. But I would run it. Look, you don't run a team with one captain. You have multiple leaders. You have leaders for different moments. If you watch the social clips of the team getting together, you see the times where Willy Bolley is the leader or Elanger is the leader. So there are different leadership moments for different players. I would find a role for both of those. If Ryan Yates is on the field, though, he is the team captain. But I would certainly run with Morgan Gibbs-White because he is on the field the most and will play the most matches.


It just seems the obvious move from mine.


Yeah, definitely. Lee asks on... Well, he doesn't ask. He says on YouTube, Nico would be my preference to leave out of the two. As much as Dinilo is sloppy sometimes, he's valuable to the team now. I pray we get him and has it in up front. He looks quality. Yeah, he does, to be fair.


Max, on that last point, your thing on who's the captain. So how does Yates make the team?


What in terms of what Yates making the team?


How does he make the team What else is Bournemouth? Is he playing with Sengare, is he? And not Danilo. How is he not Danilo? How is he in the squad?


Really? I think, yeah. I think Ryan Yates will start on Saturday. I think it's the type of game, right? It's probably going to get quite scrappy at times. The Ryan Yates type game.


Why? Because it's a championship game, is it?


Yeah, but I genuinely just think that it is. I think for the opening, I don't know. For the opening game, Yates is your type of player that needs to play, right? It will get scrappy at times. It might be a bit of a dog fight. We saw against Sheffield United last season. Look at that. That wasn't easy when first home game last season, Forest 1-2-1. You need players like Yates in there, break up the midfield. If Sangari starts, that's not the end of the world. By all means, Sangari is at a good preseason, which we're going to get onto in a minute. But if we're talking about- Okay, 25 million bid comes in for Yates, Max.


Twenty Five.


You're testing my Ryan Yates, Lord. Is that a good sale for Forest? What, for 25 million for Ryan Yates?


25 million pound comes in for Yates, and he can go to West Ham. Is Are you saying, thanks?


I'm just looking at the Forest calendar on the wall with Ryan Yates on, and it would honestly be heartbreaking. 30 million, and I'd say yes. 30 million, I'd say that would be a good deal.


Are you value him higher than Danilo?


Say again.


You value him higher or equal to Danilo?


I value him higher than Danilo.


Higher than Danilo. Interesting.


Because there are- Because I think as well, when we talk about consistency, and Mark on the podcast will always talk about cohesion and things like that and having that settled starting 11. I think, again, this is no disrespect to Sangori. He didn't have a great, well, second half of the season because that's when he joined Forest. I just think in terms of consistency, I think Ryan Yates is the type of player you start with. And then if we only beat Bournemouth by 1-0 and you look at one of the areas in midfield and you think Yates has had a poor game and Forest needs to improve in that area and it's not being broken up enough or in transition, it's getting a bit lost at times. That's where, okay, Sangare maybe comes in and Nuno has, although he doesn't want to be experimenting too much, he has that other option. But for me, I start Ryan Yates on Saturday. Would you start Sangare I would definitely start Sengare.


All of the preseason seems to indicate that Sengare is starting. He seems quicker, fitter. His body shapes changed. He looks to be in the shape that he will start. What I have learnt is that Yates is far more popular with the Forest attending fans. International fans don't seem to have the same connection with Yates. And what I've also learnt is that off the ball, Yates' work when you watch live is unbelievable. And so the TV does not do Ryan Yates justice for amount of work that he does off the ball and the tackles that he makes and the positions and the things that he intercepts. So for those points of view, I can understand your position. Certainly if Danilo was looking like he's being sold, though, I would be playing him and putting him front, right and center in the shop windows so that he can get the maximum value. But I'm running with Sengare and Danilo as my two deeper midfielders with Gibbs-White and the wingers, Alanger and Chou, with, I think, in front.


Interesting. Yeah, go and watch that episode that we did on the podcast predicting Forest 11. It was good. Do you know what, David? Can I get a food box?


Max, for my Ryan Yates to take, though.


No, probably not. No, probably not. And I think it causes a lot of speculation and debate in the fan base, right? A lot of people are 50/50. I've had many interesting conversations with people who sit around me. Do you know what, David? People still come up to me and ask at Forest Games whether I'm Ryan Yates' brother, which was started... It was a bit of a wild rumor on the internet about a year ago. I will leave that question to everyone's imagination. But yeah, maybe that's why I cover Forrest so much is that, in fact, Ryan Yates is my long lost brother. So there you go. In fact, my brother looks more like Ryan Yates than me. Right, moving on from Yates, and we look at this one, and a nice one for you, actually, David. Simon asks on Facebook, as an overseas fan, what is it genuinely like to follow the club overseas? How much do you miss the city ground?


I could definitely answer that one. So it's 3:30 AM. You've gotten up to watch your beloved Nottingham Forest. You're sitting there going, looking at the table on your phone. Yep, all we've got to do is just win this match and we're going to make the playoffs. And there we're at a chance of being back in the Premier League. And then they let two goals in, and you're sitting there going, why the hell have I just woke it up at 3:30 AM to watch this? And it just Absolutely breaks your heart. So as an international fan, it can be a little tricky at times with the times. What's been really refreshing at the moment is just how many people know Nottingham Forest and know the certain players. And look, I've been to before last season, I've been to the city ground on a couple of occasions and had the best times, but I'd not been for a Premier League match. And I'd also not been since I've been a regular podcaster and had more friends in Nottingham like I have now. There is nothing like going to the game. The pub beforehand, that crazy pork roll that I had afterwards, chatting to the fans and seeing the boss, buying the, going into the store, all that stuff.


The 30,000 of you that get to go each week and you get to go see Max at the pre-match events that he's got. That stuff, don't take it for granted. It is an incredible experience. And to just get to do that once or twice in a lifetime and get to go and see those things is just a lot of fun. So it is frustrating. It's a little tricky to also stay connected to the team. So lots of changes in the Championship years when you would from season to season, you'd had all the loan players go out. That was a little difficult to follow. So for the international fans, retaining the players is a little bit more important because we don't have the same supplemental or news that we just get through from the radio or anything like this. And so what's also been telling for the Forest fans internationally is YouTube. So the channels like this one and Matt Davies and what he does and the channels like Dora and Rads and those guys. And Max's match day with Max. Max and Dora through that Championship season where we got promoted, gave us a connection to watching the matches and helped us, helped me certainly not fall back in love with Forest, but just remind me why I love Forest, I guess.


So it's hard, much like it's frustrating. It's all the same stuff. But it's great when people know who Morgan gives wide R and they can talk to you about that. So It's never been a better time to be a Forest fan. I was driving down the street the other day, a couple of weeks ago, and I just got to, come on your hands, out the window from some random. So good.


It's a good feeling, isn't it? It's good feeling.


It's just a gift. Nottingham Forrest for me has given me a mateship with Max and a whole bunch of other people and given me a chance to... I support Nottingham Forest because my brother chose Forrest in the early '80s. He got me watching League Cup finals and FA Cup finals with Brian Clough and the story of why I support Forrest is because I thought Clough looked cool in a tracksuit and he was just awesome in an interview. So the relationship I have with my brother because of Nottingham Forest is awesome.


Yeah, no, Defo, it's an interesting point. I think even maybe me takes it for granted, right? Following the club for so long and being lucky to be able to even cover Forest and host podcast. It's a special feeling. And the power of the media, David, when you think about things like YouTube and all the different fan channels that can help you follow. So no, good stuff. And I'm sure you'll be back for a game at the Seagrown next season.


That's the plan. But I used to just chill out for... There was 15 minutes of British football on every week, on every day on Australian Sporting Network. And then every one in 20 might have 30 seconds of Nottingham Forest. That's all I got. And then I bought a newspaper that was called British Soccer Week. And I got an article about that big Nottingham Forest. It's very hard. So today's day and age, it's just awesome. I tell you what was telling for me and so surprising getting to the ground is that Mullen Kentier is quite emotional to be there for the first time because the other times I hadn't been there, it wasn't as prevalent. And then just the Forest fans, you guys are so funny Like the Morello chant and booing the Premier League song. Some of the stuff that Forest fans do, you just don't realize. There's like a real amusement about it. So, yeah, that's the other things you don't get. Yeah, that Morello chant. And yeah, I'm on the train on the way to the Burnley match and some Forest fans work out I'm Australian. And then we're like, Trip on the Bobby.


That's just so funny.


That's good. That's very good. Love that. Right, to finish, last question, and a nice and easy one. Sean asks, Boys, it's an easy one, but where are we finishing this season? I've got to stick really with mine that I've said recently, and it's plastered all over magazines and articles that I've done around Forest and previewing them this season. I've predicted Forest to finish 12th, which some people may think is very optimistic and may be very out there. But that isn't just me being really positive and having that let's all hope that Forest finish high because we love them and we support them. But that's also with a neutral head on right of Forest have had a great preseason when you look at how many players have, well, not how many players have come in and Forest have been consistent with the transfer approach. We did an episode with football transfer expert Graham, who massively talked into about how Ross Wilson was heading up the recruitment. And now Forest off the pitch, you're getting all these different things right, which makes me genuinely believe that we're going to have a much better season. We've got a Premier League quality manager in Nuno.


I think Forest will finish 12th. So that's what I'll stick with. I've got to stick with it now. What do you think, David? Lower, higher? It's like that TV show, that came, isn't it?


12th is slightly optimistic.


That's my young brain, isn't it?


Oh, well, how good would 12th be?


Yeah, it would be amazing.


Look, you got to just look at it from the which teams are we better than, which teams might we be better than, which teams on our day we could be better than. You'd have to think that the three promoted teams were better than all of them because certainly Leicester and Southampton can't be better than they were when they got relegated with the outgoings that they've had. Leicester are looking at the points reduction. Ipswich, I'm not exactly shaken in my boots by playing Ipswich. So we're better than those three, then we're 17. Then if you look at Brentford, Tony might be on the way out. And I think we're better than Bournemouth now with their departures. So that gets us to 15th. Then if you look at, I think if you look at Wolves and Fulham, I think we're a 50 % chance of being better than both of them. So if you take the expected utility payoff, then 14th is probably likely. But I would say 13th is possible. So you all got us 12th, Max. So who else are we better than, other than the ones that I just mentioned?


I'm not going to answer that because I really don't want to... Well, I think For all the teams you've just mentioned, it is difficult. No. Yeah. I think Forest are, which is telling because we lost both times last season, right? I can remember both Everton games were really poor. Can you remember Forest?


It could be better. Maybe Brighton can slip.


No, I don't think Forest is better than Brighton. I think Brighton will do well again this season. But I don't think it will be... Look, I don't think it will be easy. I don't think Forest is going to... Never is, right? It's football. But what I think this season is going to be interesting. A lot of people have already predicted Ipswich, Southampton, Leicester to go down. I'd put Leicester in my bottom three. I think we're going to do some predictions properly in the next few days. I would put Leicester in my bottom three, but that's probably more the points deduction than the I still think Cooper is going to do quite a good job there given time. I don't think Ipswich are going to struggle. I genuinely think that Ipswich could stay all about out of the three that have come up because they maybe have that surprise factor. The same with Forest, the same with Cash your mind back to when Sheffield United came up that first time and stunned everyone, Leeds under Bielsa that first season. So often newly promoted teams can shock people. I think they could be one of those. So it is difficult.


Twelts, maybe me just I know me being- I think I've just shot down your twelth in your sitting here. You haven't, haven't you? You really have. You've just broken down, yeah. I feel like one of those politicians now interviewed on the telly, David, and I feel like you've just completely ripped me apart.


Well, there's nothing wrong with having an opinion and then being presented new data and then changing your opinion. That's completely.


I'm sticking with twelve. You're not letting me change.


Well, I'd actually say we need to be more wary of Southampton because they're a wily club that has been in and out of the Premier League ongoing. When you think Premier League teams, I don't think of Ipswich, but I do think of Southampton. And so they're a team that is used to being in the Premier League. So they might be more used to, and they've been in the Premier League more recently. But it's going to be tough for those three, certainly for Leicester.


We'll see.


We'd all take We're on 15th right now, though, wouldn't we?


Yeah, of course we would. We absolutely would. Just keep building on the last few seasons in the Premier League. And if you think I'm being optimistic, this is maybe where I get it from David, my dad has put a £10 bet on Forest winning the league.


Well, what was it? Leicester were at 5,000 to one.


I think Forest was something like a thousand to one. I think that's what he said they were.


For us to win the league, tie Paul and Chris Wood would have to both score 20 goals each and have no injuries. Ryan Yates would need to suddenly discover some creative attacking flair. I'm trying to think what else would need to happen. I'm not sure. One question for you. Is there a spot for Joe Warrall in your 25 man squad, Max? I'd love. I think he might sneak in.


Yeah, I do. Because if Forest, especially now near Carte, went, I think if Forrest got fin on the ground all of a sudden, I think Joe Warrall can do a job still. Might not be the prettiest, might not be the best, but I think Joe Warrall could... I actually think any Championship Club looking at... I could imagine Joe Warrall maybe If you were to go into somebody like a Sunderland in the Championship that are pushing towards the play-off. He'd be a very solid. Look at somebody like Steve Cuck at QPR, and he's Captain QPR for the opening weekend, and he's done a great job. So I think that's more likely. But Forrest should probably keep him. He's another option if something goes drastically wrong. So there we go. Would you keep Joe Orwell as well?


I think we're going to be playing three at the back more regularly. I think we need a bit more depth in that position that we might consider. And for a player who could come in and do a job for us one match out of 10, he's as good a option as we're likely to get. I think his treatment that he's gotten has not been ideal. I'd love for Joe Warrall's forest story not to be over, if I'm candid. I think it be like, how good would it be, even if he came in for a cameo in a Liverpool match where he came on and we were able to hold on to a one-nil win. It would just be terrific just to see him. And it's also just even sad to see the social media shorts and you see them. He's in it. And then they don't show him as much. It just is a bit of a bummer. So, yeah, I'd love to see him. And then I was going to ask you this trivia question at the top of the show, Max, who is Forrest's all-time Premier League top goal scorer?


I saw this on a graphic the other day. No, that was me. It could have been, I think most appearances with Steve was Steve Chetil.


Most appearances is Steve Chetil. I got that one.


I don't know. Give me an A, B, and a C.


I'll say Brian Roy, Stan Colleymore, and Stuart Pears.


Surely it was Colleymore?


It's Brian Roy.




Stuart Pears has got 18 goals. Stuart Pears has actually got quite a lot.


He's 24.


He's 24 with Brian Roy. I think I've just frozen. Does that mean it's just frozen? Here I am, I'm back. I think you've lost me. I'm here, Max. I'm not sure. Yeah.


Are we back? Maybe. There we are. We're back.


Are we back? Was that me or was that you?


No, I think it could have been a bit of both. It could have been a break. Do you know what? I reckon it was the powers that be that didn't like us talking about who Forrest's top goal scorer was.


I I tell you what would have been good is if you'd have gone frozen, just as I'd ask the question to give anyone watching the chance to come back and look. So yes, Brian, really Forest legend out there on the left would make my Nottingham Forest all time top Premier League squad. I've been pressuring Max to let me do an all time Nottingham Forest Premier League 11. Obviously, if we did an all time top Nottingham Forest squad, then it would be just the European Cup winners and Stuart Pears and maybe Roy Keen, I would know an all time Nottingham Forest 11. So if you want to do me a favor, get your comments into the comment section. I'm not sure even Max is going to see this bit. And you can help me convince my dear friend Max that he should let us do a Nottingham Forest all time 11. Other than that, just super pumped for the start of the Premier League season. I just would remind all of our Forest friends and anyone who gets to the match that you guys have a great responsibility to support the team. And so. I'm just getting the text through from Max, I've gone, Internet has fully gone, keep talking if you can, there it is, the text message from Max, yes, I will certainly keep talking.


But yes, to everyone that attends the games, you've got such a responsibility just in terms of being there and lifting the team. And it's going to be such a brilliant moment for us as we go out against Bournemouth. And I I think we should be thinking, can we get seven of the first nine points that are off that are available? Chakablock's come through with a comment here. He says, Crosley, Charles, Piers, Walker, Murillo, Keen, Inge, Mone, Stone, Colimor, and Roy.


There we go. Technology, David. I have no idea what happened there. The WiFi was completely crossed.


Well, we've gone into a segment, finally, with me just running the podcast.


I just started the segment on Forest- You got your dream, finally. I got my dream.


All time top Forest Premier League 11, and Chaka Block has come through with a comment.


I'll put it up.


If you put it up, he's gone with Crosley, Gary Charles, Stuart Pears, Walker, and Marillo. She's such a difficult choice with the centrebacks there, but Walker was only really that one season that we got relegated. In fact, I think he might have even been gone by then. Actually, I think he was actually not even with Forrest in the first Premier League season. So wine was good.


Save this, David. You've got to save it for the standalone episode. It's coming soon. I promise you. It's coming.


It's coming. Oh, so good. Well, that's technology for you. There you go. Max, who knows what I might have said whilst you were away?


Honestly, I've got no idea. I've literally just come back. I'm honestly off to go and get some new WiFi after this. Talk about my WiFi going down. You're all the way in Australia and my WiFi in cloudy Manchester just goes down. There you go. Technology What a nightmare.


Hopefully, that's not a sign of Nottingham Forest doing so well at the 88th minute when things are... And then it's just like everything just goes to the SH1 and everything just falls apart. But it's always fun chatting Forest with you, Maxi.


It is. Thank you, David. After taking over with technical difficulties, we will sort that out for this week. We've got a busy week. I'm interviewing Robbie Unshaw about Forest on Thursday, right? So that's why it doesn't go down. So I'm looking forward to bring you all that. And we've got lots of other stuff. We've got a season preview, and then we'll have some guys from some Born with YouTube channels come on on Friday to give us their intake, really, into the pre-season and how they're feeling ahead of it all. But from a technical fault-driven show, me and David are off. Thanks for all your questions. Pleasure mate. Do give us a like share and subscribe on YouTube. Follow us across Apple and Spotify podcasts. I am off to get some new WiFi. Bye-bye.