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Hello, everybody. And welcome back to the Garabaldi Red podcast, a Nottingham Forest podcast. I'm Max Hayes, your host, and nice to be back. Well, Dave Asprey hasn't been anywhere, but I have. I've been off for a week in sunny Spain. And as Dave just said to me before we came on air, he was like, You look very golden. You've got golden hair and golden skin. So there you go. That's what a week of not talking about Nottingham Forest can do to you. We're here for the next 30 minutes or so, depending on how How long we both natter on for. We'll discuss the Forest fixtures being released today. They were released earlier this morning as we're recording this on Tuesday, the 18th of June. And also, Brazilian keeper Carlos Miguel is pretty much set to sign. He's ready to sign on the dotted line. Forrest triggered his release clause, shall we say, yesterday, which means he will become a Forrest player very, very soon. Dave, we'll get onto that in a minute. But first of all, mate, how How are you? Sorry to take you away from a brilliant game of football of Georgia, Turkey.


. I suppose, how are you? Have you been keeping busy? I can imagine watching lots of the Euros.


There's lots of domestic life stuff that needs to be done, Max. Things that are still in the aftermath of losing mom and dad. So there's lots of things to be done regarding their house and family stuff. So that's kept me busy. The personal trainer's course has been going on. I'm almost at the point of being accredited, which at the age of 60, who would have thought me working in the gym? But there you go. And yeah, I've been watching lots of football, watching that Lots of cricket, T20, World Cup, T20 blast. I was watching tennis this afternoon, it's Royal Asket. Pretty much anything sports-wise match, I'm not a fan of Formula One, but everything like rugby league, Challenge Cup the other week, I had a good week about Robbie Burrow and stuff like that. So yeah, there's lots going on, mate. With regards to Forest, it's been quite nice not to have to dwell on everything. But you know what? When the fixtures come out, it's like the starter gun. It is quite a long way away, though, this time. Where are we? June the 18th. It's August 17th, I think is when the season starts.


It's a bit further away this year, but I'm sure it We'll ratchet up as we get near to that kick off against Bournemouth, mate.


Yeah, for sure, mate. Just quickly before we actually go on to the euros, before we go on to the fixtures, I just wanted to actually get your thoughts, Dave, on England this first game because we know this is a Forest podcast, but there were lots of us watching England and hoping that we do well in all of the coming home stuff and everything. But I thought it was a good win on Sunday. I think the first group game is always difficult, but the second off wasn't great. It almost reminded me a little bit of Forest in stages, that England performance.


Yeah, I have very low expectation for England. I never expect England to win anything, really. As I say, because I'm 60, I was alive when we won the World Cup, I was a toddler. But all of that time, all those fallow years without a trophy, and I don't count the two and what, has conditioned me to think that no, England won't win a tournament. No, I always I think that England are mid-ranking. I thought the group actually is a little bit tough and a lot of people give it credit for. Serbia is a good place. Denmark, we know I've got some quality players perhaps coming to the end of their cycle. Slovenia, no mugs. I always fear for England. So I'm not one of these that thinks so. It seems to me what happens, Max, we get England are going to get all these words, all this hype, all this expectation, all this hyperbole. We come to the game, and then as soon as it isn't like a four or five mil spectacular thrashing of the opposition, out comes the hand wringing and the inquests and the autopsies and all this. It's a ton of football.


All I wanted at the weekend was a win. I didn't care. If England play like that for six games on the trot, I'll be chuffed a bit. Actually, I quite like teams that play poorly... Not poorly. I wouldn't say England Well, the first 35 minutes was I thought was superb. I thought they played really, really well. And then they just... It's very difficult to maintain it for 90 minutes. They just lost their mojo a little bit. And Serbia got Vlyovitch up front, Mitrovitch is no more. They got some good players in that side who are dotted about good clubs in Europe. So we sometimes fall prey to this English exceptionalism. We're English, therefore we're superior, therefore we only have to turn up to win. And I don't subscribe to any of that. I see us... I like some humility. But there were some really good performances.


Jude- Yeah, he's a great player and he speaks so well, doesn't he? I was thinking that.


Jude may well end up being one of our greatest ever players if he keeps his feet on the ground. And I think he's got a brilliant family support network with his mom and dad and obviously, he speaks beautifully. He's just so socially aware. I mean, physically, he's so imposing. He's like the things he can... I mean, he hit one pass on the volley across the field. It was like he was out in the playground at school. He's a wonderful player, Jude. Mark Gurhe, I thought, played really, really well. Had a good game. I don't think we missed Harry Maguire that much. I think a lot of people said, We might miss Harry Maguire. I thought Mark Gurhe played well. And Jared Burren came on and gave us a little bit of impetus towards the end. Harry Kane took one for the team. It's better for him not to drop deep because Jude's filling that space. There are conundrums, there are things to work on. What do we do with Phil Foden? Wonderful player, but can we fit him in? Trent as well. Trent did some good things and some not too good things. I'm not for...


So many people just condemn on the basis of 45 20 minutes or 90 minutes. As far as I'm concerned, all I wanted on Sunday night was a win. I didn't care how much. And is there that much difference between what England did against Serbia to what France did against Austria? Our talisman, if That's Jude. Jude is fine and ready to go. France is talisman. And I knew what had happened as soon as I saw it, Kylian Mbappé broke his nose, and that's not pleasant. So he's on about playing. I'm sure he'll do the heroic thing. He's a captain of country, but it's not going to be comfortable for him playing with a mask on, and he's probably going to have trouble breathing because that looked really bad. You saw at the time, it was like that. So the thing is, tournament football- We'll see. I don't think we'll win it. I've never thought we would win it.


See, my youthful optimism thinks we will, Dave, but that's just me being young.


I'd rather just... I don't like getting carried away making big statements, as you know. I think if we can find the right blend, I think we've got the tools to do the job. I think we've got the potential to do it. But there are some good teams in this competition. Spain, I think, are really good. Obviously, France won't be far away. Germany, We'd like Musiara and Wurz, they look really sharp. This lot tonight, Portugal, they've got a hellishly deep score as well. The thing is, there isn't a real clear favorite to me at the moment, and That makes it interesting viewing. But it's a win. We'll see what happens against Denmark. I mean, that's not going to be easy, but just go game by game, really.


Exactly, mate. We'll see. Right, let's turn our attention to Forest because, realistically, That's all we care about, Deep Damp. The fixtures were released today. I won't go through all of them because we'll be here till Christmas. Forest start the season at home to Bournemouth on August the 17th. It's nice to have a home game. I feel like we haven't had one in Then it's the first away trip of the season to newly promoted Southampton. That won't be easy. Forest then play Man United and Man City just in the space of a couple of days at the start of December. So we might as well all stay in Manchester. And Forest have a home fixture on Boxing Day to Tottenham Hotspot. And the Reds also finish the season with a home trip against Chelsea. So all in all, Dave, it's quite a nice fixture list. When they came out this morning and went on Twitter as you do and you see the reaction, I actually thought, you know what? It's a nice opening month. Not an easy because it's never an easy one in football and certainly the Premier League. But it's a nice fixture list and you just start to think about next season as well, don't you?


You know what, Max? If you compare the fixture list that came out this morning to the two that have gone before in the Premier League, the first year we were back, that was a very, very difficult start. I think we played New Castle, Tottenham, Liverpool quite early on, Manchester City quite early on, we lost 6-0. Last year, the away start was monumental. It was like, Arsenal, Manchester United, Chelsea, and City. We had Sheffield United and Burnley, first two games. And it seemed in those two picture lists, that month there is horrid big six month, if you like, and this month So over here is horrid big six month. What I felt with the picture is my first take on it, Max, was that if you like, the big guns are relatively evenly distributed throughout the season. So Liverpool quite early on Obviously, we get City and United took together, then Arsenal here and there and Tottenham box in there. But there isn't a month you look at... You take Ipswich, right? Welcome back to the Premier League. Liverpool I had to call her home, Manchester City. I had to have Kieran McKenna came on, he straight batted it, a super lad, smashing coach.


And he went, It's a great start for us, which I guess in the context for Ipswich town, the awe of being in the Premier League to go to play those two teams, they thought, Are they going to get any points? You would think probably not. Whereas you look at Forest start, and I think you're absolutely right. The Southampton game, that would be a carnival for Southampton. And Forest If Forest have got some backbone and go be party poopers, that would be great. Bournemouth, we haven't beaten Bournemouth in eight attempts. I always think Bournemouth are too small for us to beat them. If they were a I think a club, I think we beat them more often. They make a virtue of being a cottage industry compared to our multinational, if you like. But I would like to lay that board your first game of season. I'd almost feel like beating Bournemouth in any way, shape, or form would be a step forward because they are a bogey to us. They've won the last three at the city ground, and a couple of them have been really painful defeats where we've been in the game and lost it, especially the one we were tuning up a couple of seasons back.


So it'd be nice to be Bournemouth. Their recruitment will be good again. Whether they keep over Solanky again is another matter. The thing is, you could quite just glibly say those first three games are winnable fixes, but they're not without their hazards. No game is without its hazards. It's the Premier League. The whole platform is how difficult these other teams are, these other 19 teams, are to play against. And nobody's going to say, oh, it's Nottingham Forest. Anybody thinking that Nottingham Forest is an easy game if you support another club, don't be foolish enough to write us off. So I think what What is interesting, we won't have to get up really early on Boxing Day to travel miles to Newcastle like we did last year. We can just pop around the corner and Tottenham have to come to us. I find interesting that the midweekers, I think there are four midweek games. Yeah, they're all- City, Arsenal, Liverpool, and United. Three of those midweekers are at home, which is great for our supporters. I mean, quite easily, Max, those midweek fixtures could have been bright and Bournemouth and Southampton. Our fans who are obviously we're in a cost of living crisis.


We all love our football, but there are other things as well. People having to find the time and the funds to travel that for on a Tuesday night or Wednesday. I think it's good that we don't have to do that. So I do think, Max, that the fixture list is a little... I mean, the run-in, I think the run-in is Palace, Leicester, West Ham, and Chelsea.


Yeah, it's difficult.


So The run-in isn't quite as tricky. And I'll tell you, mate, we will be in everybody's relegation conversation. That's going to happen because we were the ones who just about kept our heads above the parapet. I think we had the lowest points total for any team that survived in the Premier League. Obviously, if they'd have given us four back, then we might have been better off here and there. But I just got this funny feeling that we'll be a bit under the radar, we'll be a bit written off. And I remember that if I go back to this time last season, everybody wrote Wolves off. Everybody said, Oh, Wolves are good. Lopeteghi just walked out. They were having to sell players. You thought, Wolves are as good as gone. Wolves finished. Wolves were, say, two months from the end of the season. And I just got a funny feeling that that will be us. I don't know why. I'll probably get clipped on in 10 minutes. Dave Asprey said, Dave We've actually said we'd be all right, but I just got a feeling that we'll be all right because we'll be unheralded. I saw a great comment today where somebody said, just like a really, really quiet season for Forest, where we're not in the spotlight for points deductions and whatever else and fight in relegation.


I'd love us to have a season. I'd love us to have the season that Wolves had last year or that Fulham have had the last two years or something. The Alice do. That'd be ideal for us, really. But I do think the fixture list gives us a chance if we've got our wits about us and we can play to our ability. And there is a lot of ability in our side. I don't I love beating Bournemouth. I thought it would be a really big thing. I'd almost rather beat... I mean, we've beaten Liverpool since we come up. We've run city close, we've beaten Ars, and we've beaten Liverpool, we've beaten Chelsea. If all the I've got a lot of teams in this league, and it's because maybe I lived there for so long, Bournemouth are the team I really want to beat. So if I come out that Saturday afternoon in August and be beating Bournemouth, I'll be like, Hey, maybe there is something. But the thing is, we're two months away from it, Max. It's all supposition, mate, and hearsay. But I think the first three games, I think the Southampton one is very difficult.


I think to play a newly promoted side, they Their first home game of the season, St. Mary's will be ran that night. It'll be very noisy. And Russell Martin is a good manager, and he'll have them ready. I'm sure they'll make some good signing. So I think that'll be a very difficult game. I'd like to think we can give Bournemouth and Wolves something to think about in those first two home games. The other thing is as well, there are going to be, I think it's four international breaks. So we're not playing any European football, so our lads will get the ones that aren't on international duty. But then having said that, there's quite a lot of us on international duty. They'll get some time off. So I just think the seasons for us, and I didn't think this is two seasons previously, I just think it's more nicely spaced out. You So yeah.


Looking forward to going to it again, mate.


You know what I mean? It's going to be brilliant.


No, it's going to be great. And I think, as you said, I think with the surprise factor, and I think also for Forest, with third season in the Premier League now, but everyone knows how the Premier League operates now off the pitch. So there's that sense of almost you get a little bit comfortable. And I think that is a good thing. It can be a negative thing at times, but I think it's a good thing, mainly because Forest have almost properly found their toes now in such a difficult division. And it won't be easy, but you just hope, wouldn't you, Dave, that Forest will learn from their mistakes, not just on the pitch with Nuno and with players and tactical approaches, but also off the pitch, avoiding points deductions, complying with Premier League rules, albeit we might disagree with them. It's just about almost finding your feet. And for Forest's third season, you've got to hope for it just to be slow and steady progress again.


Absolutely, mate. Couldn't agree more. Our history is quite tumultuous if you look at it, but I'm not sure we've had two seasons quite as high profile and tumultuous as the one the couple that we've We just had. My fervent hope is that we look at what we did that first season when we stayed up, we look at what we did last season. Then, yeah, we've made plenty of mistakes, but we're still a Premier League team for the third consecutive year. And there are teams that have gone through this process previously. I'm going to say it again. Brighton & Ove Albion went through it. They were in a relegation scrap, I think. First two or three years, they were in the Premier League and they were right above the trap door. And they managed to grit their teeth. They took on board the lessons that they were taught. I'm hoping that we do the same thing. And look at Brighton now, they're pretty much an established Premier League club with very few worries, really. Change comes and goes at Brighton, and they seem to deal with it and move seamlessly on. That's a huge credit to them, huge credit to their owner, and their set up there.


Anthony Bloom is a really good guy at Brighton. And I like to think that we will do a similar thing. You pay your dues, really. So I said that, the opposite of that is Leeds United had two seasons, and when it came to the third season, it just fell away. So it can go one of two ways. I hope we go the Brighton way rather than the Leeds are falling apart again way. You know what I mean?


He says we're in a Joy Division top. I knew what you did there, Dave.


Honestly, mate, I love me Joy Division, best band ever. I just think Nuno, towards the end of the season, what I saw at Burnley that last day, and you were there, mate, and you saw a great team spirit. They looked like a happy bunch. It looked like maybe they'll sit down and say, Well, we don't want any more points deductions. We don't want any more this, that, and the other. I don't want any points deductions. It'd be nice It'd be nice to defend some set pieces properly. And it'd be really nice to get into good positions like we did on so many occasions last year, where we played some really good football and then never got to have just rewards for it because we couldn't manage games out. Those are the key lessons. And those key lessons, Max, it's not rocket science, and it's not like it's stuff that people haven't said before. Everybody associated with our fantastic club inside the city ground and around it like we are, knows what the issues are. And if we get two months into the season and we're having the same conversation, it'll be incredibly tiresome. You take last season, the goalkeeping question was the one that vexed us in the early part of the season.


That sales comes in, those conversations stopped. It would be nice. And we had the conversations about Chris Wood. Would he do it? Was he past his best? Chris answered those. Congratulations to him and his wife. He got married, said, Dear old Woody, fair play to him. So it You don't want to be revisiting old scars, if you like, Max. And it'd be nice to think that Forest take the lessons on board and then quietly progress. It'd be nice for people not to be noticing us, really. Yeah.


Go under the radar.


Yeah. And keep away the unwanted attention, because I think, firstly speaking, I felt we drew too much of that to us last year.


Yeah, for sure. Right. We'll move on to the second half of the podcast because there's only so much we can talk about with fixtures being released. Yeah, there's not much else to say other than Forest will play a different team every week, and you never know. You can see the set piece in the first three minutes of the season after all of this hype about the new one. Let's move on to a player that's been linked with Forest Loads. You'll have seen it all over social media. Forest basically triggered his release clause yesterday. Can't get the word out today. Carlos Miguel, who is a Brazilian goalkeeper. Forest continue there. Excellent scout in links in Brazil. He is from Corinthians in the Brazilian League there. So he is pretty much set to sign, I'd imagine, probably in the next few days, if not the start of next week, give him work permit and everything like that. And he's a very talented player, and he's got plaudits all over from, in particular, Brazilian journalists you'll have seen in the media and some other podcasts as well. Lots of Brazilian fans have credited this guy. It's supposed to be around the 3.4 million move, so it's a low financial deal, which will benefit Forest in a way, given we know all of the financial fair play stuff.


But Forest see this as a good move. Dave, just your thoughts on him. I know it's difficult because we haven't really seen much of him, and it's very hard to say, but it's another Brazilian link. Given the Brazilian players we've had in in the past and still doing the present, in particular, Murillo, it can't be a bad thing. It's a bit of a low-risk deal because it's not that much money Forrest is spending on a player. It's another option to either start over Matt Sells if Nuno sees fit or he's a very good alternative as a number two to Matt Sells.


In all honesty, Max, I don't know anything about the lad. I could go and look on YouTube at highlight bills and all that.


I'll read you some stats in a minute.


I wonder if somebody has said to Marillo, Hey, you're a mate, this goalkeeper, what's he like? And maybe Marillo has said, 'Oh, he's not bad, he's this, that, and the other. Because obviously, Marillo I was Corinthians. Maybe it's a set of... We're getting a little Brazilian enclave in Nottingham. We've got obviously Marillo still with us, what a super lad he is, a lovely player. Not the finished article, the stuff to... Some rough edges to be polished up. He's here. Danilo is here, obviously, the most beautiful human being that ever lived is gone and fair play to him. What career he's had, Felipe. You think, well, let's hope It's a moreillo-esque deal, which has proved to be an excellent deal for Forrest because when it comes to the lad moves on, he's going to move on for a lot more than we paid for him, which is what we've aspired to for so long, bringing players in, developing them, sending them on at profit to get some more sound business. That's the thing that Brentford, in particular, have done really, really well in recent times. So I guess whoever's out there in São Paulo, or Recefe, or Porto Alegre or Rio or whatever, the forest sells out there.


Let's hope that somebody out there is watching a player and thinks he's a good... I mean, 3 million, 4 million, that's It's not that much to pay. And then if it turns out to be a good one, then fair enough. I guess that means that Matt Turner and Oddi won't be around much longer. To be honest with you, Matt, All I've noticed in terms of the transfers is Carlos Miguel about whom I know nothing. Stamanich, again, about whom I know nothing, but who seem like he's going to sign for us and then go straight out to Olympiak. It's a bit irritating, really. I'd like him to sign for us and play for us if he's that good. It's almost like treating yourself to a bar of chocolate and then giving it away to somebody else when you really want it. I don't really understand that, to be honest. We've done it before. It seems odd to me. But having said that, Olympia, of course, won a European trophy last year, so we can't sneer at that too much. That was a fantastic achievement for them. So Mr. Marenaki has got the right to do whatever he wants in that regard.


So what concerns me more, Max, is not being caught by PSR or FFP at the end of June. And we need to make sure we clear that away because I don't want that again. I really don't. So I'd like to think we've got to find 20 million, I believe.


Yes, it's 20 million by the 30th of June, basically. And Forest Hope, sorry to interject, Dave, but Forrest hope that they'll be able to basically find that money without even selling Murillo and Morgan gives white, which is a big ask because they hope that players like Joe Warrall, Lewis O'Brien, there is many other players that Forrest could sell, even at a younger academy level, to raise the funds. John Percy reported in The Telegraph last week that that is likely. However, Forrest might just be almost in touch and distance of that amount. And it's a question. I mean, that will be the biggest thing, almost on Marenackus' mind at the moment. And Tom Carter is the chairman and people that ultimately run the football club because They've got to find 20 million to avoid Forest being in, again, danger of breach of these so-called PSR rules.


Yeah. If we can avoid points deductions, at the very least, we're going to be points ahead of Leicester, who I think are going to get some deduction at some point. Managerless Leicester as they are, who had a great season last year and now look to be in a bit of a I have a quagmire trying to get set in the Premier League. I just would like... I think any football fan of any club in the Premier League and for the integrity of the competition to see... I hate seeing a league table with asterisk against this team, two asterisks against this other team. Just let the stuff on the field decide who are the best team and what I mean. Unfortunately, that's an idea Realistic view because as it is, the teams with the most money end up at the top and teams with the least money and the least resources end up near the bottom. It's just the way football is nowadays. But I just think it'd be nice to talk about points deductions and PSR and FFP. So my big thing is I want us to be there July the first and we're clear of all that.


We can just move on and just get on to thinking about who we can sign within our Boundary of resources, who needs to go? I mean, it does look like Joe is going to go, probably. And I hope he does really well. Joe has been great for our club. Yeah, for sure. One of the goalkeepers surely has to go because he's not going to get it. I mean, Ethan Horvath has to go somewhere. There's a lot of lads, they're out there on their own. Alex Martin is on loan. I think Dale Taylor has been on loan. A lot of these lads, because the way the club has developed since it was in the Championship, a lot of those lads that we saw as being prospects a year, 18 months ago, it's very unlikely they're going to get in the side now. So it's time to, in a way, clear the decks and say to these guys, thanks for what you've done for Nottingham Forest. We appreciate it. Always will do. Go and have good careers. If we can like Russell up 20 million, that'd be lovely. Sounds a bit cruel, really, but it's just the nature of the game.


Just get PSR, get FFP away from me and my club. I can't be doing with it.


Yeah, no, I totally agree, Dave. I'm sure me and you can raise 20 million in some way. We'll start by just giving paid. We'll be able to donate to us.


Get your breath, mate.


I was about to say, if Forest keep going into the Brazilian market to find players, then maybe me and you should have a trip over there and find some more podcast guests. You never know, we might find some more insightful Forest voices than us two.


You'd be MaxiMau and I'd be Asprenio, wouldn't I? Something like that.


That's your new nickname, Dave. Asprenio, yeah. What a name. Just to touch quickly before we move on, on Carlos Miguel. And this is all credit to a guy named Nathan Joyce, who is a journalist in football and he specializes in the Brazilian league. He did a brilliant thread on Twitter or X, as it's now known. Carlos is 6 feet 8, and Nathan says his reflexes are arguably his best attribute, that his ability to react quickly from close range shots or bounce back up. And he's highly rated by the Corinthians His distribution and ability with both of his feet are key assets to make it into Europe. And according to the latest stats in Brazil, he averages at 4.2 saves per game. So for a keeper, he's highly rated. I think that's what we're trying to get across with these stats. And as always, and he's very highly rated in the Brazilian league. So it'd be interesting to see how he does for Forest Permitt in his size.


Did you say 6'8?


6'8. He's taller than me.


Goodness me, mate. I bet his feet stick out at the end of the duvet, don't they? On his head goes over one end and his feet go over the other. It'd be like a steak on a plate in an American diner where the meat like six or eight. But then somebody made a comment this week. Pantillimon was about that height, and he wasn't fantastic, was he, really? The thing is, all this talk, and then you get him, and then it's, Right, let's see what you can do, mate. And unfortunately, Unfortunately, what you see with the naked eye right in front of you, whether it's a city ground or anywhere else, it's like, oh. I mean, Mike Turner had a good start of the season last year. I remember going to the Arsenal game and Matt did all right. And then obviously, I always felt that with him and Adisius, I always felt that Turner was a better shot stopper, but Adisius was better with his feet, but they were like half a goalkeeper each. If you could have put them together, you would have had...


If you If you had Matisius, Blackadita, then you'd have been all right.


But just don't think either of them were quite good enough. And it's credit to Matt Sells that he came in and we all stopped talking about it. Matisius is not perfect. He makes some great sales, but there were other times when he could have been a little bit more maybe commanding in his box and all this stuff. So you got to look at the goalkeeping situation, really. We should have more goal Keepers. We do stewards in the ground. It's bonkers, really. So, yeah, see what goes on, mate.


Yeah, that's one thing to sort for Forest. And we'll keep you updated, permitting he obviously signs and all these transfer rumors that come in and it is difficult to talk about them. And as you said, Dave, we don't know a whole deal about it. But hopefully, if he does sign, we'll try and get either Nathan on or a journalist who's an expert in bazillion football.


Get Tim Vickery. Get Tim We can shed much more light on it than me and Dave.


Right. Before we go, and we've got to touch on this, and many Forest fans will be out. It's a very sad week for football at the weekend. Very, very sad indeed, especially with the Millwall keeper passing as well. We have to touch on the sad news that the former Forest player, football legend, Forest legend, Kevin Campbell, sadly passed away. Dave, you spent quite a bit of time with Kevin and did have the pleasure of speaking to him on a slightly regular basis. I suppose just give us some of your memories of him and almost just lead the tribute because it's very, very sad news.


It's incredibly sad news. It's a tragedy, really, because I was very privileged to do some streams with Kevin and get to talk to him. He was hilarious. He was larger than life. He was just He was positive. He just lit up a room. He lit up any atmosphere that he was in. He had style, he had charisma, he had panache, panache, you name it, he had it. He's a brilliant footballer. He did great work for Arsenal. He did great work for us. As we were saying before, he was so good that Pierre Van Oordon went on strike when we got rid of him. That's how much Van Oordon looked up to Kevin. Kevin was a leader, but in a nice way. He had so much class. He was humble down to it. He was just the loveliest guy. I did a couple of streams with him. They're friends of mine and friends of yours, Max, who are far closer to Kevin than I am. So I can't say I knew him that well. But the times I spent talking to him, he was funny. I tell you what, he's really knowledgeable. He didn't I was a great footballer, this, that, and the other.


He was just a humble, lovely fellow. And it struck me. I watched the streams again, and they were from like, How are you? About 14 months ago, 18 months ago. And Kevin, the picture of health, he looked big, powerful, beautiful aura about him that you wouldn't imagine. And And he's no longer there. It's just so difficult to comprehend. And you think about it, as you know, I've a bereavement. These last seven, eight months have knocked me back. And then I think about Kevin at such a young age to be taken. And not long after, dear old Chris Bart Williams. I met, again, unbelievably lucky and privileged to have met guys who've been good enough to wear our Gary Baldy red and go out on that green sway the grass, right? And they were humble and they were funny and they were lovely lads, and they were the healthiest-looking guys you've ever seen. Bartman, he was a picture of health. You always thought to yourself, Chuck him a shirt, he can play for Forest now, even though he had been out of the game for a while. And same with Kevin, and they're not here. And it's just the vicissitudes of life.


These things come along and you just can't get your head around it. And I know a lot of our fans who've met Kevin, and he took their lives. And he'll never be forgotten. I mean, he's immortal now, but he won't be around to enjoy watching Arsenal this season and watching Everton this season, watching us this season. And he's been a fantastic supporter. He's been even handed. He does a lot of Arsenal because he's from that part of the country, but he's always very, very positive and knowledgeable about Forest as he's about Everton. And I just think that he won't get to see another Premier League season with these teams and these some great credit to him. He's incredibly sad. Having spoke to him and having had some good laughs with him on streams, it's just a very, very sad time. I would imagine that that game against Bournemouth with some tribute will be paid to him because nobody deserves it more. A lovely man, a superb footballer, and an even more superb human being, mate. So honored to have met him. Sad that he's gone, but he'll never be forgotten. Yeah.


Lovely words, Dave. Very, very nice words to end the podcast. And of course, everyone, Garabody read and the Nottingham Post would like to send their best wishes to Kev's family as well, because just really, really sad news at the weekend. Sad news in terms of football as a whole, especially with Alan Hansen as well, fallen ill, which Gary Lineker made a brilliant tribute to, a head of England's coverage as well.


Yeah, on Alan Hansen, apparently, I read a couple days ago that Graham Sunes had been to see Alan Hansen, and I think the report was a little bit more positive. So let's hope Alan Hansen comes around. Again, a hell of a player and a great character. As a pundit, he never went anything with kids. He was immortal before all this and he'll stay immortal for that. Let's just hope that anybody, anywhere who's having a bad time, not feeling very well, he's feeling better soon. Let's just getting everybody in. Definitely.


Spot on, mate. Fingers crossed that England are all right. Not tomorrow, the day after Thursday. Where are we? I've lost track of the week already. Thursday against Denmark. Difficult game, but we'll see. Right, that does us nicely. Quick few bits of promo before we go. There's a great podcast we did last week talking of footballing legends, which is by Ben Dobson. He writes a brilliant book, and he's just released it the last few weeks on three football in legends, and he Brian Clough features in it, and it's a really, really good read. And we did a podcast with him where he shares some funny stories with John McGovern and Tony Woodcock and working with those. So recommend you go and listen to that that we did last week. And hopefully next week, me and Sarah will be back with something a bit different as well. But we'll keep you updated throughout, even though there's not too much to talk about. And on fixture release day, we start to dream about what happens next season. Dave, you never know, mate, we could be talking about Champions League, but there you go. So your week in the sun, that's what it does to you, mate.


Mate, I'll just take beating Bournemouth because we haven't done it for ages. That would be a fantastic thing to beat AFC Bournemouth at Flumming last. You know what I mean? The tinkers always do, don't they? You know what I mean? So, yeah, let's just go a step at a time. Please beat Bournemouth, Forrest. I could almost live off that for the rest of the season.


Yeah, we can go home happy after that. Right. That does it nicely. Give us a like, share, and subscribe on YouTube. Follow us across Apple and Spotify podcast. Do leave us a review if you'd enjoy from me and Dave. Come on, England for Thursday. Come on, you reds, and we'll see you very soon. Bye-bye.