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Hello, everybody. Welcome back to Garabaldi Red, a Nottingham Forest podcast, as all professionalism from me goes out the window for the next 15 minutes or so to discuss Forest's huge win away at Anfield. One nil. Callum Hudson-Hedoy pops up and does what Callum Hudson-Hedoy does and wins it for Forest in some style. What a day. The first time since 1969. That is, by the way, four months Forest won in 1969 after the moon landings. That's how long ago it was. It really is a generational thing. Someone that wasn't around to see it is the one and only Mark Turner, who joins us. Mark, we did the preview yesterday, and I just text you as I was coming out of Anfield like, You know what I'm going to ask you, don't you, Mark? You fancy 15 minutes discussing a huge Forest win. You watched it. You watched all of it, mate. You obviously get a bit of a different angle on the TV from me and the away end. But just, yeah, some of how you feel. I think it's a lot more special for me and you were talking before we came on. It's a lot more special for your generation, particularly.


Yeah, well, you had the benefit of being at in my field, so allow me the luxury of this. Here we are, here we are, here we go, all aboard, and we're hitting the road, here we go. For it's all over the world.


Brilliant, mate. Lovely.


Now we have to pay for that.


Oh, yeah. I've just realized you've just got us a copyright strike. Thanks, Mark. I'm sure we'll give us a pass.


I'm sure we'll give us a pass on that one. We will. It's funny. We were talking off air and I was saying, I'm fortunate and I can remember the European Cup victories. Too young to wholly appreciate them, but I was able to register them. And then, of course, we had that Purple Patch all through the '80s where Forrest were basically living at Wembley. And you haven't had any of that. Your high spot was Wembley. It's amazing. You started your holistic career as an embryo back when Forest were even doing the Championship or flirting with League One. And all your chickens are coming home to roost now, which I'm so happy for you. But, yeah, to your point, this is next That was a level for me. I'm not going to lie, when the final whistle went, I had tears in my eyes. I honestly did, which was a touch embarrassing given that I watched the first half at home, and then Trevor and I watched the second half on my phone, sat on the side of the field watching my daughter play football. So all the other parents were You were right. Beating Liverpool anywhere, any day of the week, any circumstances, any competition is mega.


But to take them down at Anfield, Max, next level. So I am, firstly, just so, so happy. And secondly, so, so happy for you, mate. I'm delighted you're able to be there. I'm sure it was when Callum stuck in that goal.


Yeah, it was. I was very lucky to be there. Obviously, a lot of people would have hoped that they'd have been there. So very, very lucky indeed. But just what a win. Mark, let's touch on the performance because maybe some people will look at that score line as a neutral that don't follow Forest or Liverpool, just an avid football follow and think. And Nuno, Forest just went to Anfield and got a late goal and it was quite a scrappy win. But it wasn't any of that. Forest, I thought, played excellent from start to finish. Yes, there was a few mistakes in there, particularly in the first half. But overall, that was a great performance from Forest. And Nuno got, for me, everything spot on tactically, and particularly that narrow formation. Me and you question where James Ward-Browse would fit into the starting lineup. Nuno must have watched that podcast and thought, I'm just going to wind Mark up now and start Ward-Browse. It was all down to us to get Forrest to be Liverpool away for the first time in whatever, 50 years. But yeah, just great win, mate. And I just thought Forest got everything right today.


It was a solid performance, wasn't it? From start to finish.


Max, it was amazing. And I think of the two of us, I tend to be more cautious. I'm a bit maybe more, I don't know, I hate to use this term because I know you're going to revisit with me later on this, but grumpy old man-like. But it's a caution. I've seen too many false storms in the Gary Aldi, but I'm going to make a statement here, and I probably shouldn't be doing this whatever it is an hour after the end of the game. But this is not a false storm. We've seen progress with this team. It's been incremental, but it's been progress, and it's been progress everywhere. It's been progress in the transfer market. It's been progress off the field and on the field. I wasn't sure about Nuno last season. I think you and I were on the same page in that regard. Wasn't sure he was going to make it through the summer. But I mean, props, absolute props to what he's done with this group of players and what he was able to conjure up today. It was a master class, Max. I mean, to have Callum Hudson-Adori and Alanga on the bench, like you said, to play a narrow shape, to really force Liverpool out wide, which almost seems...


I mean, that seems like the most ridiculous... It's a suicide mission. It's like, let's just have them play the ball out to arguably one of the best players in the Premier League, Mo Salah. But Moreno, who, if you remember, I was gushing about after the League Cup game against Newcastle, so I thought he was mad of a match. I mean, I know it's a cliché, but it's the whole get home, empty your pockets, phone, wallet, keys, Mo Salah, right? That's what was in Moreno's pocket. Phenomenal performance. But yeah, just throughout. And then the execution of the subs. I used the term flawless. I don't know what else to say. Phenomenal. So what was it like in person? I mean, were you seeing the game unfold? Did it make sense to you when the subs came in? Did it all hang together? And obviously we got the goal, but narratively, as you're watching the game unfold, did it make sense to you all? Were you optimistic about where it was going to go?


Yeah. And obviously All jokes aside about being optimistic yesterday and telling you that I've just got a feeling that Forest are going to win. But I think from as soon as the the ball kicked off, I just thought Forest made it a very difficult game. It was scrappy. It was typical Ryan Yates game, right? Him all over the place. I thought, actually, first off, Michael Oliver made a few dodgy decisions, and Forest maybe should have just got a few more free kicks. But as the game went on, particularly the home crowd got more and more frustrated. They're not used to seeing teams rock up and be quite, not dominant at times, that's not the word I'm looking for, but almost be quite resilient..


It wasn't dominant, right? It wasn't in terms of in possession stats, certainly not. But it was the tempo piece. They didn't let Liverpool get in a rhythm. And I will also say, Max, as well, that was obvious to me, and maybe you saw something different, but I don't think Maulton Gimsby played that well today. I don't think he was terrible, but we all speculated right after the high of the England debut, and he's been a bit of a rip so far this season that he was going to really rock up today. He didn't really see that, but similarly, didn't see it from Mo Salah either, which, as I mentioned, a lot of that's down to Moreno. But it was curious because, arguably, the two best players on the two teams didn't really feature that much today. And that, I think, ended up being in Forest's favor because certainly the rest of the Forest team pulled their weight.


Yeah. And I thought Nuno showed great in-game management to take Morgan off. He could see that he was struggling. He could see he was having a bit of a poor What should a manager do in that situation is to make changes, which Forest did do. And obviously, just after the first, what, 10 minutes of the second half, Callum Hudson-Odoy comes on and out of nowhere in the next 5, 10 minutes. It wasn't wave after wave of attack, but Forest had chances. This wasn't a game that Forest just won it by one clear-cut chance. Anthony Alanger threw on goal. Chris Wood probably should have buried that chance that he had a bit of a weak shot from him. Say again.


Josh had a chance, didn't he?


Yeah, you did. And there was chances all game. Let me read some comments as we're live on YouTube and Facebook. Kieran says, What a win. Hold a fence Excellent. Has Moreno let Salah out of his pocket, Milankovic. What a sign in. Christine says, Hands down the best played we've played since we got in the Premier League.


Ian says- Before you go to Ian's comment, that's a great comment. And I'll tell you for why. Because yes, the Arsenal game was probably the high point up until now. But the Arsenal game, we were really holding on. It was like batting down the hatches, whatever it takes to get over the line. It was a great dogged performance, but it wasn't a complete performance. Today's performance defensively and offensively, we played without fear. So it's hard to argue against that being our best performance since we've returned to the Premier League. It probably was.


Yeah, completely agree. Ian says every player on that field took full responsibility for their role and each showed leadership. A few more. This one, Mark is so right. This result is one for the younger fans, especially as they unfortunately do not have the wonderful memories. Us old fans have Masterclass by Nuno, by the way. Yeah, certainly was a Nuna spirito santo masterclass. Yeah, and I think also, Mark, it's a bit of an interesting... You touched on it a little bit there about this isn't just a lucky win. This is a bit of a statement win to show people the progress that we've made. For us, the fourth in the Premier League currently, whether we'll stay there for much longer, we don't know. But this has been the best start in the Premier League, the best start probably to a season in a long time. Even when we got promoted, we were sat bottom after what was it, seven games, something ridiculous like that until Steve Cooper came in. So this is a bit of a statement win. And this shows people that Forrest aren't here to take the mick. And on the train back from Liverpool to Manchester, I was speaking to a to a Man City fan who was on about the result, and he said that he doesn't understand why people have written- Did he say, nice kit?


Yeah, he did. And he thanked me for that win.


I wonder if, psychologically, we got in Liverpool's head a little bit by showing up in that strip.


Do you know what? It's so lovely. Honestly, it's going to become the new special third kit, isn't it? Like that famous one in the promotion winning season. And yeah, this guy on the train was saying to me that this City was that he doesn't understand why many of the media wrote Forest off. He doesn't understand why a lot of people predicted Forrest to finish in the bottom three. I even had an Ipswich fan two weeks ago say to me that he feared for Forrest this season. And yes, it's early days, But you can tell a lot from a team start to the season, 100 %. I do honestly believe that. And I think it's just been an ideal start. It's been a perfect start. A big statement win today. And we can go to Brighton next week, Mark, just full I have absolute confidence. The players are flying and everyone seems to be loving life under Nuno as well.


Yeah, there's going to be a rough patch, right? I don't think any of us are looking at this like this is the Leicester season, right? Where they win the Premier League. There's going to be a rough patch, and we're going to have to navigate it. But I think most importantly, this team clearly has more than enough ability to get us over the line as far as safety is concerned, and perhaps Perhaps even by way of a Christmas present. I mean, it could even be as soon as that. I think we're going to hit the skids at some point, but I think Nuno is more than capable of negotiating that. And like I said, I don't believe this is a false storm. I think this is something significant. And also you can see it, Max, in the players, the way they interact with one another and talk about one another. Callum Hudson's a joy post match interview today. The interviewer was asking about a langer saying, Oh, it was a great book. And Callum made a point to say, Yeah, it was. We have a great relationship, both on and off the pitch. And you see that.


And I think when you have that, when you have a group of players who are mates who clearly enjoy playing with one another, enjoy each other's company, it comes out on the field. And when you combine that with good tactics and incredible hard work, effort throughout. We were joking. Morello threw himself at the ball again, not knowing what part of his body it was going to hit with a goal-saving block. But that was happening all over the field. James Ward-Prowse, I want to come back to him as well. You gave him a shout-out. Fair doos. We didn't know, though, how he'd get into the team. He did, and he lasted the 90 minutes. And he looked like he'd been there forever. It was ridiculous. So, yeah, fantastic all the way around.


Yeah. And also let's touch on that back four defensively, which is where Forest probably won the game a lot of the time, defending. And you just look at Milencovic and Marillo, we've talked about that partnership lots, but also Moreno, what a debut from Alex Moreno. He had the most successful tackles on the pitch out of everybody, and he certainly had Mo Salah in his back pocket. Same with Ola Aina, I thought he had a great performance. And you just look at that back four now and you do start to have real confidence in Forest defensively.


Yeah. And you got Nico Williams coming off the bench. You've got Harry Toffalo, who's no slouch. I mean, yeah, that back four looks fantastic, and there's depth as well on the bench. Yeah, it's all good. It's all good. Matt Sals, if we're going to go through the defense, though, had an interesting moment, didn't he, in the first half? The Yin and Yang of Matt Sals, the Yin and Yang of Forest goalkeepers, let's just say. Moments of brilliant and then utter chaos and you're looking at the game through your fingers. Anyway, yeah. Got us over the line.


Well-recovered. We've had... We've seemed to Liverpool, and we've got a few Liverpool fans watching Liverpool supporter here. And I thought new no-schooled slot today, reminding me of Athleticoh. Fair play to you guys. Well played. This one as well, Liverpool fan here. Well played, guys. That was a solid performance as anyone has put up at Anfield. Top one. Yeah, and I've got to say, actually, to be fair- That's lovely. Thank you. Always do enjoy going to Anfield. Yeah, I just thought it was an... Obviously, it helped us when Forest get three points and you're walking off. But yeah, thoroughly enjoyable day given the results. And also got to give a shout out, Mark. Talk about him loads on the podcast. We call him Yates Loving podcast, don't we? I mean, come on. Just Ryan Yates. How good was he? Just the way he controlled. The game was there to be one in midfield at stages, hence why Forrest compacted a lot of it, but he did excellent there. And I just thought the way he won fouls and just did what Ryan Yates did, that just massively contributes to three points for the club.


Yeah, actually, when you reached out to me to I could do a podcast with you, I assumed you'd reach out first to Aussie Dave, but then I realized he wouldn't be able to talk on the podcast because his mouth will be full of humble pie. He's going to leave it there.


Bless him. I actually messaged him, but he's not replied. I hope he's I hope he's not been arrested for a noise complaint. He said the other month, he had a letter about shouting too loud whilst watching Forest.


I remember that.


In his living room. Look, we won't stay for long, Mark, because I know you've got a busy day ahead of us.


I do. There's one piece of business we need to take care of before we go. Okay. So I don't know if you remember on the last show, I told you my mate Trev, who's here visiting from UK, Hello Red, made a bet with me that if in the incredibly unlikely event that Forest win, I had to do something on the pod. Don't worry, Max, it's not going to get X-rated. Don't worry. Although I am going to take off an item of clothing. We're going to give you a backstory. So I was very excited when Forrest signed Matt Turner. He's a okay player, whatever. They're better goalkeepers, and I'm not sad to see him go. That being said, it was the first time in my lifetime that I've had a chance to buy a Forrest jersey with Turner on the back, right? So when they So we're doing the sales on the shirts this last season, last month in the season, I thought, I'm going to get me a shirt with Turner on the back. But I really don't care for the sponsorship on our shirts. I think it's... I'm not doing it. So I thought, Okay, how do I around that?


And of course, the way to get around it is to buy a kid's shirt. In my wisdom, I thought I could probably get away with wearing the largest size kid's shirt. So I ordered one with Turner on the back and had it sent to Trev's house, we'd bring it over with him. And he did. And I tried it on.


I'm really not looking forward to this. Slim fit.


It is a- Very slim fit.


Wow. The look. Look how tight it is at the back. Wow.


So Trev, I did it, mate. Bet to bet. Fair do. I am, however, not wearing it out downtown. I'm going to put a different forest shirt on.


Yeah, I was about to say that. Maybe put a different forest shirt on, Mark, and you can follow it like I did walking through Manchester. Oh, mate. Fair play to Trev. Well done Trev, shout out mate. I hope you enjoyed watching Forest today. What a win. We'll let everybody go. We shall be back tomorrow with our main episode. It'll be me, Max and Steve at around four o'clock. It'll be good to have Max back on as well. We're not add him on in a while. So we will be discussing the game in more. So do tune in then. This will be out on audio platforms very shortly and then also main episode tomorrow. So give us a watch then where we discuss to the performance in much more depth and probably a lot more professional as I take my forestry off and actually have some tea. Honestly, I am so... I could genuinely just go out now and just... I might start drinking. I suppose like you, Mark, the other day, although drink responsibly and all of that. Right, we shall go on a day where Forest beat Liverpool for the first time since 1969.


Alex Moreno will get home and he will empty his pocket. He'll have his phone, he'll have his keys, he'll have his match ticket, and he'll have Mo Salah in his back pocket from all of us at Gariboye Red. Come on, you red.