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Hello, everybody, and welcome back to the Garabaldi Red podcast, a Nottingham Forest podcast. Do hope everyone is well. Remember, we're across Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and YouTube, and a slightly different one today. What do we talk about in preseason? What do we talk about when no forests are on? We talk about more forest things just off the pitch, and ranking our all-time favorite forest kits, and who better to get on the podcast than to debate it out? It's not just me, but two Dave's, Dave Asprey, and new to the podcast. Delighted to welcome him, hopefully for the foreseeable. Big money moves. Our first summer signing Dave. You got the deal over the line. Director of football, Dave. David Boldman. David, good to see you. Thank you for joining us. Good to see you too, Max. Yeah. How are you? And just a bit of an intro to the listeners then maybe for your Forest story just briefly, if you can. Yes.


It's 05:00 AM out here in Australia. I love Forest. I got to the last two away, last two matches of the season last season and had a terrific, terrific two weeks. I managed to pick up even a ticket to the away match at the absolute last second and had to scramble to get a Burnley ticket. I've supported Forest since the mid-1980s, late 1980s when I saw, and this is why the kits are so important to me, is I saw Brian Clough in one of the Forest tracksuits and just thought And he looked the coolest and thought as a young kid watching those League Cup finals and then picked Forest as a team after that and then got into Championship manager and then always played as Forest and then have supported Forest ever since. And so watching Wembley live at 07:00 AM at my ex-girlfriend's apartment is still one of the greatest days of my life. And also one of the great regrets because I thought I should have gone and it was a mistake. I definitely should have gone. So I absolutely love Forest. I can talk about them until I'm blue in the face.


I do love my Forest merch as our saying goes from our subject today. So I'm pumped up. I'm pretty animated and fired up Forest fan and hopefully give you guys a global perspective on all things Nottingham Forest. And it's just brilliant for me, Max, with Forest Like mates of mine now know Nottingham Forest. They know Morgan gives white, they know Marillo. So for me, it's a pretty life changing thing, just the status of Forrest right now. So it's a great time to be a Forrest fan and getting to chat to you, characters, who I've gotten to know over the last couple of years. It's terrific So thanks, Sam.


No, it's nice. And thank you for joining us, especially at 5:00 AM, mate, as well. What a time to wait you up for your first ever podcast.


Yeah, so just so we clear, Max told me it was going to be 8:00 AM, but I got the text this morning. Where are you? Why are you on the link? So I'm here.


I woke him up. He was fast asleep, snoring. You know what, David? You've made it actually, because unlike Mark Turner, who joins us from America, he overslept once. So let's all laugh at him and praise you for waking up in time. Also joining us is the one and only Dave Asprey making his return ready for another season for us on the podcast. Dave, good to see you also, mate. I won't ask you for your Forest story because we might be here a while and plenty of us know it by now.


It's a saga, Max.


So just kick us off as we're recording this on a Monday evening on the third of June. Just kick us off, Dave, with how you're feeling about Forest at the minute going into the summer as well and just enjoying almost the few weeks of rest, shall we say.


Really happy to be back. Still a Premier League team, mate. I think it's great. It looked a little bit dicey back there for a few weeks, but in the end, the boys were safe by six points and then got us back in this league that we wanted to be in for so long. I'm relieved, quite proud of the lads. I mean, it wasn't a season A vision of great glory, let's be honest. There are lots of issues that will need to be addressed between now and August 17th when we start again, but they got over the line to stay up and stay in this fantastic division, which we craved for so long. So yeah, relieved and happy about that. Quite enjoying the fact that it's naturally, for Forrest, rather quiet and subdued at the moment. But I'm sure in the next few weeks, there'll be rumors and stories and moves out and in, all this stuff. And we'll be back on that yellow brick road or the Gary Bouldy brick road to the Premier League again, mate. So yeah, enjoying it at the moment. And I was with David at Burnley, and a great privilege to meet him.


And I'd also met him at the Chelsea game. And I remember walking out of Burnley, it was a lovely sunny Sunday day, and we were still in the Premier League, and it was just a really nice feeling because I had tried to project ahead as to what it would be like if the outcome had been a different one. And it was just real nice relief to be able to say, Yeah, Nottingham Forest, still one of the top 20 teams in the country, still in the Premier League. And we just need to keep being a Premier League team. Absolutely. We're heading for our third season doing it. At one point, you're thinking, Where's Portsmouth? Where's Plymouth? Where's Oxford? All this stuff. But no, we're still in with the big guns and quietly optimistic that we might be a little bit better next season. Don't ask me why, Max. It's just an intestinal feeling, I think that sometimes the waters tell the truth.


Fingers crossed. Fingers crossed. Right. Let's delve in to ranking our top kits. And we were just touching, actually, before we came and recorded this, about the history and the story behind Forest wearing that famous Garabaldi red. And then there's also someone else, David, you've got a bit of a story as well, haven't you? About Forest and Arsenal and the kit there. Do you want to kick us off? Because you just researched it as well a bit about Forest and how the kits and everything like that.


Well, yeah, Well, firstly, so I'm a David and Dave's Dave. So that's how we look. We're going to separate it like that. Yeah, Forest, the guys that got together at what was the... What the Clinton Arms Pub, and that's just the red that they chose based on the Italian revolutionary Giuseppe Garibaldi, this leesion of red shirts. And so, yeah, just looking through it in the past history, even the ones that I've got behind me on my little display wear set up, you have to decide whether you're feeling the straight red like the capital one that I've got, which is early 2000s or the Labats one from 94, where they play with them. But yeah, there's the famous story, of course, where Arsenal didn't have a bunch of shirts and Nottingham Forest were very generously donated to Arsenal in 1895, their spare kit and their spare shirts. And Arsenal have been wearing red ever since copying the great Nottingham Forest. So that's probably the quick history lessons for us. There's a lot of you think there's a rabbit hole you can go down, Max, of looking at the kits. There's also a whole thing around which Premier League teams signed up with which kits.


And so whether it's Adidas versus Umbro and next season, who's going to have the most and what that means to the distribution in sales. There's a whole bunch of different things to think about. So back to my Forest origin story, if you can get the kit correct, you're trying to impress upon international fans. Why did I pick Forest? Because Brian Clough looked good and attracts it. And so it's literally it's that quick moment, that look and feel that you can give and the feeling that the players put off. And And the look and feel is a really big part of it. We see with our eyes. And so you can generate a whole bunch of fans. So getting the kits correct is so critical to the business future of Nottingham Forest. And back to days point on being in the Premier League, guys, relegation is disastrous for international fans watching Nottingham Forest. So being in the Premier League, I can't watch Forest if they're not in the Premier League. So getting the kit right and also staying in the Premier League, pretty important.


Yeah, absolutely. Dave Asprey, do you want to kick off with your first out of... We've picked our almost our top three kits, and then we're going to debate one at the end to win during this episode. But give us one of your three to start us off, Dave, of your favorite ever Forest kit.


It's got to be the plain red kit that we essentially wore from the start of the '77, '78 season through to Madrid. I love that kit. Simple, plain, just the badge, Gary Bouldy red. And I love that kit because every time I see that kit, it reminds me of quite lucky. Being 60 now, I lived through that great era. I was about 13, 12, 13, 14 at the time. So every time I think about that, I think and visualize that kit and see that kit, it reminds me of winning at Everton on the first day of the season. And then things like winning the league. I Having, remember, been promoted by the skin of our teeth, really, had Wolves not won at Bolton while Forrest were on the plane to Kalamajour, we might not have been in the first division. So truly heroic deeds to win the league and to fend off Liverpool, who were dominant at the time. Two League Cups, again, beating Liverpool in the League. I remember Chris Wood's heroics in the final, Wembley wearing no gloves and then Robo scoring the penalty in the replay at Old Trafford. And then obviously the European adventure another League Cup against Southampton.


So I just love that simple, plain, Gary Valdi, red kit. And whenever I see it, it just takes me back to probably the true Hounsian period of Nottingham Forest on the field of players of football clubs. So I've got to go with that kit. I think it was an added as kit, but from the start of that '77, '78 season, it didn't really vary much, but I absolutely love it. And it's quite nice. When I go to the city grand, I see quite a lot of guys of my vintage, ladies of my vintage, wearing that kit. It's lovely to see it because it signifies the real peaks that we scaled as a football club.


Yeah, for sure.


They're added as 1977 to 1986 before switching to Umbro.


David, do you want to chuck yours in?


Yeah, sure. I'm going to go with That's the '95, '96, Labat's jersey, not to be mistaken for the '94, '95 one, which is a slight variation. I just whenever you are going down the rabbit hole on YouTube and you see a Brian Roy, Stan Colibor style time. And I think this is telling is that I'm sure, Max, you're going to pick a jersey from your vintage. So you're not exactly going to say that, '1965 Jersey, are you? ' You're going to pick the one where you remember- Wasn't even born, man. You're going to pick the one from the Halicontes of of your treasured forest time. And Brian, Roy and Stan Colimore, I tell you what, what we would give to have those two players now in our team. Those were just absolutely brilliant. And I tell you what, whenever we had a left back in our team that we just had for 12 years. And so we're going to get a right back in or a left back in. Imagine having the best left back in the country with the best free kick. Forget Beckham. Go back and watch that free kick against Just taught them in that FA Cup.


There was one season, Piers banged in 16 goals for crying. And there are the ones where he gets those runs forward. So, yeah, for me, the Labats jersey from, I've got to say, look, I own the '95, '96 one, but I actually prefer the '94, '95 one. So I'll try and get one at one of the Aussie Forest meetups and try and get those. So that one's good. I also like the blue and green, '94, '95, Labats one, too. So there's a question for you, John, which We were just worn when we went to one at Old Trafford and Stan scored an unbelievable worldie.




So the question is, here's another question for you, Max. Do you believe Forrest should always be in yellow as their away color or mixing it up? Because there were a few blue and green years, and then we've got the white Argentinian one.


Yeah, what I was going to say, and you've actually teed me up quite nicely to give you one of my top three, which, as you say, is from my vintage and certainly not from yours, which will make the listeners feel very old. I was born in 2004, so there you go. And started supporting Forest in 2008, 2009. Well, yeah, of course. Started really supporting since I was a child, but first game was 2009 to probably 2010 season. Anyway, one of my favorites, the '21 to '22. I mean, it's obvious this one. The golden yellow away shirt, just the promotion season. Steve Cooper, I mean, he's obviously has that tint of orange, doesn't it, as well? But just the whole feeling around that kit.


I wish they kept that one for the next season, Max. Yeah. If you get attached to these jerseys and you think, oh, like I was really bummed when we went into the Premier League and they dropped that one.


Yeah. And perversely, like we said before we started, David, when it was first announced, my first thought was, good grief, what's that? And then I remember, as I said also before we started, that night at Barnsley, when we were a goal down after an hour and Steve put this grab it on and it changed everything. And then from that moment on, that kit became like, we couldn't lose in it. Bristol City.


Does the kit not matter? And if they just win, you just love the kit. Like is that what we're saying? We're pink, poker dots with a fluro purple, whatever. And if we're winning the Champions League, we're not going to care. I think that's right. And if we're winning the Champions League, we're not going to care. I think that's right. I think I would gladly trade the Garibaldi red for the pink purple dot podcast, Max.


Let's do it.


If we're winning the Champions League.


Yeah, well, I was going to say we'll rebrand it this summer and get it sorted, ready for the first Premier League game this season. So that's mine. I'll throw it in and I'll then see our second favorites out of our top three. And I'll go with a bit of an odd one that you probably, I don't think either of you would have imagined me to put in. The 17 to '18, '2017 to '18, Adidas Blue Awakeit with the dreadful '88 Sport Toilet Roll sponsor on. However, I love that kit. You talk about simple, Dave. That was a simple kit. It was plain. And you know who it really reminds me of? Butchalackis and Kieran Dowell, and especially that performance. I think it was at 3:1 in the end under Mark Warbotton when Forest went away at Everton. And both of those players had absolutely sublime performances. Really, really good. You're looking at me a big question.


Max, that's the dark blue kit.


Yeah, it's the dark blue kit. We'll put it on the screen now for people watching on YouTube, but for Spotify and Apple podcast listeners.


How ugly is that triple eight logo?


Toilet roll is exactly the way to describe it.


There are studies you can do on logos and placements. So what you do to test out whether your logo is any good, you put it on a page with another 50 logos and you see if it stands out. And so whilst that 888 one is ugly, it would tick that box of appearing on the damn page. You look at even the thing behind me of the logos, Which one stands out the most? Probably the Labats, because it's the strongest in terms of the text. Text boot up.


It's a good kit, though, that blue one. I just love it. It just reminds me of that performance. Again, it was a very That poor season for Forest, but it's just a really nice kit. Dave Asprey, you want to kick us off for your second?


Yeah, I'm going to go for you. If you look, as you see David on the screen there, to the right of David, I've got to go for the Shipston's Fine Beers because that, for me, again, I love that shirt. Like I said, I always think of Gary Crosby in it, and I think of Nigel Clough, Nigel Gems, and Gary Parker. Gary Charles, if you like, to my way, thinking the second great Forest team that played such good football, had such good discipline. And whenever I think of that shirt, I think of Forest being... And I'm not overstretch it to say everybody's second favorite team in the country, everybody at the time, that team from '86 through to '91, '92. Everybody loved watching that Forest team. That was the Forest team that seemed to be at Wembley every They played lovely football. They were really likable. They never caused any trouble with referees. They were like... I wish to refer to them as choir boys because they were just such good representatives of our club and some of the football they played, Beating Chelsea 7-0 and things like that, playing amazing football, probably would have won the Cup if Gascoing- Got sent off.


If Gascoing had either... To my way of thinking, had Gascoing stayed on the field, Forrest would have won easy because Gascoing was ruining Tottenham. He should have been sent off, but actually, when he did go off, it was almost like the Tottenham last week. Oh, thank God, he's out of the way. We can get on with our football now. But that kit, to me, that was a time in my life where I was living in Nottingham. I'd done my university years in Nottingham and stayed on because it's just the best city in the world. I just want to go to Rock City every week, basically, and watch punk bands and goth bands and stuff like that. So that kit I actually had that kit and used to play five-a-side and stuff in it. A lot of affinity for that kit. And again, I'm thinking of kits that evocative for me. Like the one that set me to the '80 team that brings lots of happy memories. It's a really nice design. What you're probably get in the feel is now that anything that's fancy and busy is not for me, really. I love that.


Is this podcast sponsored by sportswear. Com or. Co. Uk? If you want to buy any of these jerseys, you can go on the retropremialetjerseys. Com. If they want to sponsor us, they can.


We welcome it. Contact us via YouTube. There's an email on there and get in touch. David, come on then. Tell us yours.


My number two, I'm going to echo Dave, but invert it. So the Shipstones jersey, yes, but I like the white one with the red stripe or just the white one in general, because you know what that means, Dave? Liverpool. It means we're playing Liverpool. And so in the late '80s, the rivalry for Forest was Liverpool. A lot of frustration for me, but the local Nottingham fans, your obsession with with hating on Derby and Leicester, I don't consider them the rivals. Liverpool are the rivals for mine because we're a big team and we should be rivaling the other big teams. And so in the late '80s, it was John Barnes, Ian Rast, were like, yeah, come on, bring it on. We're playing the champion Liverpool team that had all of the English clubs booted out of, which also cost us a whole bunch in terms of European football. And that was for us, Liverpool games were just absolutely massive. And look, maybe it also meant- They were epic.


At the time, we were the one team in the country that could cause discomfort to Liverpool. Liverpool were just so dominant. If If you like the Barnes, Beersley, Houghton, Aldrich team, they were just so far ahead of the rest. I remember Forest, I think it was '88. We played them three times in 12 days. We played them at City We played them at the City Ground in a League game and we won 2-1. I remember Webby whipped a free kick and Alan Hansen had his net. So we won 2-1. Then we went to the FA Cup semifinal at Hillsborough the year before It was a tragedy. And it was a terrific game. Forest lost 2-1, could have got something out of it. And then the third game of the trilogy, if you like, was that kit that David's describing so beautifully at Anfield. And Forest lost 5-0 and actually played quite well, which tells you we're on the night.


It's just amazing how you can play well and just get nicked on a couple of goals. So yeah, the white kit for mine. Love it. It just means Liverpool.


Very nice. And For my third, Staying with White Kits, this is a bit of an odd one. And we talk about sponsors standing out and a nice sponsor. Obviously, it's a betting one, so be careful with that. But Victor Chandler, the 2010 to 2011 away shirt, the nice red collar and white shirt. We'll put it on the screen now. It was brilliant. Really, really nice. And I just, again, it was the first season I can remember I had a season ticket. It reminds me of Billy Davis, which maybe is a good memory for some people. I like Billy Davis. Yeah, but first term- Never at all.


First term, Billy. He was so desperately unlucky, Billy Davis. That kid is a nice... It's like a throwback almost to those late '80s kit, really. If you look at the evolution of the Forest Red, the the tints of the Pinnacle insurance ones, the last of those before they switched to Capital One. It's just a little bit of a throwback, really. And also the color, look and feel, too. Yeah, nice choice, Max.


Yeah, I thought I'd go with that. Dave, do you want to kick us off with your final one? We'll end with your final shirt you nominate.


I've got two Jocelyn, Max, right? I know what my third one is, but I've got to give another... It might be controversial, but I absolutely loved the kit we had last year when we got back to the Premier League. The beautiful, I think it was Macron. I love the fact that the ironworkings This pattern from Trevor Bridge.


I'm wearing it now on screen, actually.


Yeah, actually love that shirt. But my third choice has got to be the Labats of the season we finished third in the lead because as David mentioned earlier, It reminds me of Stanley, and it reminds me of Brian. And let's be honest, Stan Colimont. We've had some great, truly great players, dynamic players played for us. Ian Storey more. We've had Gary Burtles. We've had I remember Francis, Tony Woodcock, Stan. Stan was like a one. Stan was like an Avenger. He was like a one-man army. When he came from South End, he thought, Can he do it? And then he helped us to get out of the Championship and back into the Premier League. And then you think, can he? And he made the step up. I just wish he'd been with us longer, really.


I think that's a lesson for us, Dave, is that the sale of Stan Colimore. I'm not sure we ever really recovered from that and who we replaced him with. I don't think we did, David. No, I did. I think we did. You could argue that we're still recovering from selling Stan Colimore and replacing him with Andreas Lindsay. And so this chat of selling Morgan gives white. And sorry, I know we digress a little bit, but selling Morgan gives Whiten and Rillo.


If we do that, it is so important that we don't end up with players that struggle to get going immediately.


Like, Sengare is going to come good, but he's- I think so. Yeah, I agree with that. It's such an important thing to think about. And I didn't get to answer early how you're feeling about Forest going into the next season, Max. I'm worried, not worried. I think we're going to sign 10 players again, I think is what's coming, because someone asked me, which position will you think we'll sign? We'll basically sign all of them. We need goalkeepers. We need a right side of back. We're going to replace Marillo. We still haven't sold the center of midfield. We probably need another winger. Chris Wood's getting older. So I'm like, all right, basically every position. So, yeah, that's It's a theme that's come along.


It's a theme in the club, almost. We sold the InStory more, and then we sold Duncan McKenzie, and then we sold Gary. We sold Withy just before Gary came into the team. Withy had been so important to us winning the league, and then selling Stan, and then selling Brian. So like you say, David, it's a great point you make. It'd be nice to say, we've got these-I need to keep these guys. Yeah, I'd almost say keep them and run the gauntlet on the points penalty. I heard that said on a previous episode of this podcast. I think either late last week or earlier this week, there was somebody, a very esteemed young man who I've got the greatest respect for said, well, take the points. Actually, if you think about it, that's what Forrest should have been doing.


They should have been pushing the rules to the absolute envelope, trying to get as many players as they could and then backing themselves to sign better players because how the hell we went to survive in the Premier League against Manchester City and all that stuff. You look at the quality of the Sheffa United, we can't play that poorly. We got to have a good team. And so we need Morgan. We need to keep that to the do. We might struggle to keep Murillo for his personal ambition. But the other two lads, I don't think they want to leave and they want to build.


I think on Callum Hudson at Doy, I just see somebody who's rediscovered his love of football. He's found a He just looks so happy. I mean, his performance has been terrific. I would hate to say, I mean, what a bargain for three million. I think Morgan loves being... It's almost like he says, I know I'm the X-Factor player and I'll try and be an X I got to go back to guy and all this business. I think he's probably the coolest guy playing for us that we've had for such a long time, Morgan. I hate to lose him there.


More like he's cooler than Morgan. I tell you what I do enjoy watching Morgan, though, he's going back and watching him miss that Bentley in the I don't mind rewatching that. I can tell you. I'll also say- We digress. Sorry, Max, do you want me to give you my third kit?


Yeah, well, I was just quickly going to interject with about Murillo being the coolest player. I recommend everyone goes on social media and watches his wedding. He got married last week, so congratulations to Murillo. And some of the dance moves from him are unreal on the dance floor. He's a dude, isn't he? Yes, he is.


Best smile in the Premier League. The best smile. Him and Ola, I read that smiling champions of the Premier League. I still wish he'd scored that long range goal.


I just wish. It's just such a bummer that that did happen. Because it would have been a great goal. And we know that VAR couldn't have taken it off us because now everyone was on site.


Good point. Right, David, give us your third kit and tell us which one you want to nominate for us to debate out to be the best kit.


I'm going to go a little bit for my third kit. I'm going to choose, I think Forest have gotten it right with the keeper jerseys over the last couple of seasons. So all the way from Bree Samba through to Dean Henderson, through to Calon Avis. I just like the clean look and feel. And I remember being so worried when Dean Henderson got injured. And just seeing Calon Avis come out in that clean single color kit. And you're just thinking, that is like the cleanest football player I've ever seen in terms of the jersey look and feel. How the hell is anyone going to kick the ball past this guy? And we've probably also seen the prevalence of, and I saw it at the latest Forest match as I got to is goalkeepers being supported in terms of kits being readily available. And so you see so many full kit kids wearing the goalkeeper outfits. So I don't know whether it's the blue or the yellow or the gray. And a breeze look great in the grand. I'm bundling them all into one because it was one just clean look and feel. But I would say, let's go I'll pick the Kaylor Navis blue, I think is what I'm going to choose as my third kit.


But my all time fave has to be the Labats. Come on, let's go. Let's go. 95, 96 Labats. That's the one when you turn up to the city ground. It is, I I think the most worn jersey. I think it's the most common one that you see around the ground, whether that be because they sell the retroversions or that was the time when people like me bought their jerseys and somehow miraculously still fit into them. But I'm going to vote. I go Labat. It's '95, '96. Nice shirt.


Do you know what? I've just realized all three I've chosen aren't red. We talk about hosting the Garrivaldi Red podcast, and I haven't chosen an actual Garrivoldi red shirt. I'm going to throw, just for the promotion part of it, I'll throw the '21, '22 orange yellow away kit that Dave threw up at the site at first. But as obviously we all know- And then swallowed readily.


We all love.


Dave, which one are you throwing into the ring for our final three to debate?


I think my heart tends to want to lean towards John Robertson in that playing kit, our greatest ever player. I mean, he was described as a scruff little fat lad, but you know what? He looked amazing in that kit, did Rob. Absolutely our greatest player ever. But I think I'm going to go for the Labats of the Promoter. When we came back, when we finished third in the Premier League, having been promoted, the Stanco. Yeah, I'm going to go for that. It's a beautiful kit. And it's just standing it looking like a being from another world trampling everybody. So I'm going to go for that one, mate. Yes.


Very nice. Right. Now time to debate all three and pick one. It's like the general election here in the UK. Although you'd argue we'll stay on that.


I'm pretty much determined. What are you talking about? I thought that was pretty much done. And you're puting out the previous guys and getting the new guys in.


Isn't that what you're doing? Let's stick to football and not go on to politics.


Let's not have the Australian guy who knows absolutely nothing about UK politics. That's a general action. That's not the best place.


That's just you, isn't it, David? Right. Let's kick us off. Well, I mean, I would put a strong case forward for the away kit that Forest obviously got promoted in, but it isn't read. That's the issue. So I'm almost backing myself and now I'm not backing myself. I'm backing out.


It's almost like it's I feel they were cheating by not having the red in it. It's as red as you can be without actually being red. It's so orange. It is good.


I think it's a contender for the best all time Forest kit, but David, you're probably going to disagree with the-The thing is- Which is probably the most commonly worn shirt around the city ground.


The thing is with the yellow and the orange, I don't know what you call that, the splashing, You've got to think, which jersey sparks the emotion for you? And so the ones, the three that are really standing out for me are Dave's story of the Champions League or the European Cup winning teams, the La Bats, and then also the promoted sites. And those really, when you think about it over the last 40 years, are probably the most three positive emotional outpourings for Forrest. So it's not surprising that those three are coming up. So I think it comes down to personal preference. If you If I walk around London or travel from Australia to the UK wearing that promotion jersey, then I'm going to have fans remembering that time. If I wear the Labats one, it's like people talk about Stan. And so I think it's a personal choice. Which one's the coolest? I think the yellow with the splash of orange. I think if you gifted me one of them, I think I would probably prefer that over the 94, 95 Labats.


Interesting. Dave, you've got to pick one.


You two have now voted for the yellow and orange.


The thing is with that kit, it probably went through the greatest roller coaster in my mind because when it first announced, I thought, oh, no.


And then we had that awful start to that Championship season. You're thinking this kit at the time is off a piece.


It could have been a disaster.


Yeah, our awfulness on the field. But you know what? From Barns onward. If you think about how evocative these garments are for a lot of Forest fans of any age, and certainly the younger ones, In many respects, the greatest single emotion of a Nottingham Forest. Wembley was incredible, but I'm telling you, Bristol City away, wearing that kit in the pouring rain, Lyle scored twice in Every time. The whole team ran the length of the field to jump on him. All of the staff, apart from Steve, Steve stayed where he was, but Tatey and everybody else ran up the line. And that night at Ashton Gate, where for so long we played well and thought we weren't going to get our just desserts, that yellow and orange kit, if you like, for that reason alone is so good. I mean, all the kits we've picked, I really like all of them because the bottom lines, they're all Nottingham Forest kits, right? But I do think I am now leaning, I'm so malleable in my mind, you two will like, win me over, that the orange and yellow. I am going to have to go for the orange and yellow because it came from such a low esteem for me to be in...


I always thought, I used to get a bit anxious if we didn't wear it away from home, you know what I mean? So it really hit me started. But I think, Barnsley away was a brilliant win. Zincs tapping into an empty net, Brennan was on Let's not forget that night at Fulham as well, where Forest- When Remy allowed Zinks to get the ball off, he was sick- Is Zink and Argyll a cooler human being, Dave Asbury, than Rela?


Zinkinagel. How good Zinkinagel is he?


I love Zinkinagel. I don't do Twitter anymore, but my first ever tweet was about Zinca N'Argel, and I just thought he was the most... He seemed to be the most cultured guy that we'd ever had signed for us. He looked that the guy. He's Scandinavian, and I've got huge... I love Scandinavian people. They're so erudite and refined. And there, he'd see his Instagram feed. He'd be like... He's always in trendy coffee shops and going to museums and galleries and all this stuff. He just struck me as being quite intellectual guy. And for looks, our ladies have been very well treated and helped by having Felipe recently. He's a stunning human being. But we I had Zinks before that. So I don't know if the looks come into the signing of these guys, but Zinka- Now they've got the best-looking Garibaldi red podcast lineup they've ever had with you and me. Well, two-thirds of it, I don't know about me. I'm I'm like a Pebble Dash Council house mate, this space.


There's a funny story.


I think we've just talked everyone into the yellow and red, haven't we?


Yeah, we have. Yeah, I think we have.


We got massive recency buyers here, guys.


Yeah, we do, to be fair. We do. Sorry, it's my young brain inflecting young memories on your- We cover a lot of years.


So I'm 60, max, you're what now? 19, is it?


Or 20? 20 now, mate.


And then David somewhere in between.


I'm a '90s Premier League kid is what I am. That's what I sleep there. But Max, your homework from my point of view, Max, is go watch some YouTube of all those Brian and Stan Colymor and Chris Bart Williams, and that era of late '90s Forrest. It's so good. I promise.


I will. I will get on it. And you know what? Just quickly to close before we go, a fun fact and story about Philip Zincanago is I was lucky enough to be invited to the Forrest Training Ground once for some work I was doing for the club. And I got talking to Zinc and he was on about matchday with Max when that started. And he was actually mentioned the Bristol City video and he was on about the channel and how he really liked it. And he picked out one person that he really enjoyed listening to on the YouTube channel, which was Dave Asprey. Philips Zincanagel knew Dave Asprey before he knew me, which was a career highlight and still is to this day as we still having a coffee.


Of Zincanagel. Of Zincanagel. Yeah, of course, Dave. No, I'll tell you what, actually. I'll tell you what, he's a top bloke, I think, but I'm glad you've mentioned you, Chr. Bart Williams and Stan and Brian Roy. And just before we go, we need to send out our best wishes to another great of that era and a truly wonderful, lovely man, Kevin Campbell, who I believe is not very well at the moment. So we must send our best wishes to Kevin and his family. I hope he's better soon.


Yes, how good was Super Kevin? He was terrific. Yeah, I'm looking, Max, can I come back on and talk '90s Premier League with you?


Of course you can.


There was some good music from the '90s as well.


I do enjoy it.


Oasis and whatever.


Exactly. All of that. But yeah, completely echo the points, Dave, that you've just said about Kev. And as you say, David, Super Kevin Campbell. So fingers crossed for that. We send our thoughts to his family as well. Right. That does our special Kit episode. You never know, we might do one next season if We got Champions League this year with the new kit and we'll see what that is.


Get your kits out for the lads, get your kits out for the lads.


When we wear the purple with pink polka dots kit and that takes the Champions League, that will raise top of this. You heard it here first. Yeah.


For Balance, are we going to come back and do our three worst for his kids?


We might have to, Dave. We might have to. Leave it with me. I'll go away and have a thing.


I've got to admit, and I didn't love the blue one with the yellow weed.


No, David, that was the one I was thinking of when I said it, mate.




Although, Yatesy scored a winner in it at Rotherham, which tells you where we are now, don't it?


God, I don't miss those cold nights away at Rotherham on a Tuesday. No disrespect if you live in Rotherham. Right, that does us nicely before we just keep talking about kits. David, thank you for coming on at 5:00 in the morning making your debut. I hope you enjoyed. I hope you're going to come back.


I'll definitely come back, Max. I'm a big fan of Forest, and I just don't know what I'm doing with my... God, Saturday night, the other night, I'd normally watch Forest at 2:00 AM. I was like, Oh, guess I don't have to wake up in the middle of the night. I didn't know what to do with myself. It's back soon.


Yes, definitely. It is. It will be here before we know it. Dave, thank you as always, mate.


Pleasure, mate. Great to see you, lads. Great to see my Antipodean friend. He is down under, we're at the top and he's down under. Yeah, I've got a lot Yeah, before the Chelsea game, he stood with us at the Burnley game and it was just lovely for him that he came so far and he saw a Forest win and he was right in the middle of it. And it was a great experience for him. And it was a privilege to meet him.


You don't realize being an international fan, just the impact of being at the ground. I'm sorry, I'm going a little bit longer on you, Max. Just the impact of being at the stadium and, Marlind Kintyre and seeing the movement of the players and the passion of the group and the pubs beforehand and the store shop and the bus coming in and all this thing. There's a whole bunch of stuff you don't see. And it's just absolute brilliant club to be a part And I'm just proud to be a little fan down under a fly in the Garibaldi red pink purple polka dot flag.


I love it. That's going to be the name of the podcast. Right. That does us nice. That does us nice. That does us nice. Dave's. Both Dave's. Thank you. I am David out. I am going for a lie down, whereas you've got your whole day ahead, David, because it's five in the morning. So enjoy. Right. We'll see you next time. Give us a like, share and subscribe on YouTube. Follow us across Spotify and Apple podcasts from the two Dave's and Max, nominating the Forest 21 to 22 Awakeit. Thanks for watching. We'll see you next time. Bye-bye.