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Hello, everybody. Welcome back to the Garabody Red podcast, a Nottingham Forest podcast. I'm Max Sage, your host. And well, this week we continue the chat on Forest signing Elliot Anderson for 35 million, which saw a switch deal involving Forest and Newcastle United. And it meant that Vlackadimos, the Forest goalkeeper, goes the other way. Joining us to give us a bit more of an insight on Elliot Anderson. I'm going to call him an Elliot Anderson expert. That is Andrew Musgrove, the host of the Everything Black and White, Newcastle United podcast. Andrew, good to see you. Thanks for taking the time. And we've literally just recorded a podcast about me talking about Vlackadimos and probably not being that positive. So hopefully this will be a bit more of a positive chat about a professional football player. First of all, then, let's just get your on the actual deal and it being a bit odd with how Vlackadimos went the other way and just your summary on it, really.


First off, absolutely good. Absolutely good that Ellie Anderson has left New Castle United, partly because He is a jody, and I'm sure many listeners and viewers of your podcast will have that dream of seeing a local lad make it in the big time, but also partly because he's a very, very talented player and he will have a big future in the Premier League. I think he'll be a top six player. I think he'll be in England and National. He played 55 times for Newcastle United, but from what I saw, great touch, great strength, want to go forward, can pick a pass, lacking goals. I'm sure a lot of your viewers will remember the goal he rightly scored at Notting Forest at the City Ground, which was ruled out. That'll haunt me forever because that would have, I think, start him onto the road to more goals. But as it is, he hasn't scored. I don't think he scored any, actually, for Newcastle.


No, he hasn't.


Which is one negative. But look, he's a young lad. He's going to get better and better and better. And I actually think £35 million is probably a fair price. I think it'll end up being a bargain for you guys, because I think if he's given a fair run in the team, if he avoids injury, he's going to be worth a lot more in the years to come. And if you look around the Premier League, and I said this on our episode on Monday, the chap that signed for Chelsea from Aston Villa, the midfielder whose name completely has escaped my memory, but he's 18 years of age. He's played six times for Aston Villa in the first team, and Chelsea paid something like 18, 19 million for him. So when you compare that to Elliot Anderson, just a couple of years older, the amount of games he's played, the experience he's got, I think £35 million is definitely a fair market bear price for him.


And before we get into Anderson and talk about his strengths, weaknesses and really his career as a whole at Newcastle. What was your reaction to the almost, Forrest scratch Newcastle's back and Newcastle scratch back in a way and Forest doing this deal and the whole PSR deadline, we The rules and the argument for those is another topic of conversation. But it almost created this mini transfer deadline day in a way that was clubs rushing around. And I just wonder what your take on the deal was and obviously then you getting It's like a Dimos out of it as well.


Well, I'd rather it be Anthony Alanga, to be totally honest with you then. The goalkeeper, but here we are. Look, I think the PSR restrictions and whatever you want to call them, it's just absolute nonsense. I don't see the benefit of them A benefit of them at all. I don't want the rules ripped up to such an extent where Newcastle United can pay anything they want for a sponsor linked to their parent company and bring in unfair amounts of revenue. I just want something that is fair for all teams. I think having teams having to either sell their best players, like Astonvill have sold Louise to Juventus or Newcastle having to sell academy products like Arnison, I think it's wholly unfair. It makes the Premier League a worse place, in my opinion. Look, I was a little bit surprised. I think we had a look at it at first. One of the first thoughts I thought was, Is it worth just taking the point deduction? Because here we have Forest having a four point deduction last season and somehow now being able to spend £35 million on one of our best young talents. In my head, I was like, I wonder, actually, in a weird way, if you Russell were offered four points off their tally or the chance to keep Ali Anderson, what would they rather take?


I just think the sooner the rules are changed for the better, it just can't come quick enough, really.


So what do you make of earlier, Anderson as well, Andrew. Let's talk about his career. Obviously, had that injury last season, was probably going to feature in the first team, but didn't. What do you make him as a player? And you talk about it, obviously, being a great deal for Forest and impossibly even playing in the top six in a few years time. Just give us a bit of insight into his ability, really, in the midfield and what he really offers to a game.


One thing I will say, and I forgot, I was going to put my last answer to you just about the price tag. I will say I was slightly surprised that Norton Forest didn't try and undercut Newcastle. I had known how desperate they were. So fair play to Forest for actually playing the going rate. So thank you for that. But in terms of what he offers and his ability look, when he first came into the first team thinking, he had gone away to Bristol Robiles on loan and he'd excelled. He'd helped them with promotion. He was absolutely brilliant. I can't quite remember if it was League One or League Two. I think it was League Two. He was absolutely fantastic. He came back and you could see He had something about him. There was something special about it, but he needs to go away and he needed to go into the gym and bulk up. And he spent that preseason working so hard. He didn't go and have a holiday or he did. He was in the gym for most of it. He went away and he was on the wait and he came back like an absolute different man.


He was a beast when he came back. Preseason hit the ground running, Newcastle over in America. He was one of the standout performers for Newcastle United. And there was a real belief that he would start last season as one of the first names on the team sheet. It didn't happen. His game time was limited. And then he picked up this injury, which is one of my biggest regrets about last season because the Castle had a host of injuries. And what it meant was that Eddie Al had to turn to fourth, fifth, sixth choice, seventh choice in some instances. And Arnison would have had the opportunity to play so many games, to start so many games. But he picked up an injury which ruled him out for five, six months. And I meant young Lewis Miley, 17 years of age, was the boy who took his place and he did really well. But I would have loved to see now that Arnison got a proper run in the team. When he eventually came back from injury, you could see just what he has been missing, Great touch, he can pick a pass, always wants to go forward.


Great in the challenges, physical. Those hours that he put in the gym last summer have paid off. Very, very quick thinking, good footballing brain. And he can get goals. I know he hasn't, but he's not been far off nabbing a goal or two for Newcastle Night. It's just been either off the wood work, dodge, you have three decisions, great saves. He's been close to breaking or getting that goal for Newcastle Unfortunately, he won't get it for at least a few years until he returns, hopefully. But he's a brilliant player, honestly. And you guys have got such a talent there. And if he gets sustained run of games, Void's injury, he will be a top player for Nottingham Forest. And I think alongside the likes of Morgan Gims, White, he's just going to Excel. When you've got talented players around you, as Forrest have, I think they could be the underdogs this season, the surprise package. Arnison He has a key role to play in that, I think, and he will learn. He will relish learning from the players who you guys have got, those talented players who are the core part of your team.


Yeah, and he's quite a versatile player, isn't he? He can play anywhere. Just talk to us about that. When you When he did feature for Newcastle, where was his main position?


Yeah, he can play anywhere across the midfield, out on the flanks. He can play up top as well. I think he prefers to play in the center of midfield. He didn't do that too often for Newcastle United. I'm just trying to look here at the stats to see just where he played the majority of his games. But look, wherever he is put, he seems to do a job. I think for Bristol, Rovers, he played the majority of his time as an attacking midfielder or in center mid. So that shows you probably where he's most at home. And with that strength he's now got, I think he could do that in the Premier League. I think maybe when he first came on the scene in New Castle, he wasn't maybe strong enough to do that. Seeing that, I'm just looking at the stats there and according to transfer mark, and this doesn't quite tally with what I remember, but probably 16 appearances in center midfield. But I do remember him being more Out on the flank, out on that left. And just running it players, he gets the ball, he's very quick with the ball. It seems to stick to his feet a bit like Velcro, and that terrifies defenders.


When you've got a midfielder willing to run at you who's got close control. Defenders do not want to face up to that. And if you remember Langer's performance against Dan Burn, back on Boxing Day, if anything went up against Dan Burn this time around, I'm sure he would have similar success.


I mean, were there any negatives, really, for Elliot Anderson, would you say there's any negatives there?


I think people would say the lack of goals, and maybe he was not as selfish as he should be, but that comes in time. He's a young lad. I think that's just part of growing into the game. The injury was a bit of a freak injury, so I don't think you can look at his injury record and count that as a negative. If I'm being totally honest, no. I can't really think of anything negative that I say about Eli Anderson, which will make you guys go, what have we spent £35 million on? Because I've seen enough to suggest he's going to be a top, top player. Just needs to add goals to his game. But as I've said, it's not like he's not firing on goal or not trying his best. He's just been unlucky. So I think to stay in the run of games, I think he'll get a goal pretty early on and then you'll see him 8, 10 goals, probably next season.


Yeah. And I was about to touch on, can you see him almost being a starter for Forest? Can you see Eli Anderson playing most games for Forest, Andrew?


I'll be honest, as much as I've talked to Forest and I'm looking forward to seeing them next season, because I really do think they're a talented side, I can't say for certain what you're midfield and what it looks like. If Ali Anderson wants to play in center midfield, who would he be part of? Would it be Morgan games right?


Or is he more pushed up a little bit? Yeah, it depends. Morgan's often pushed up and can be played as a number 10. We saw Cooper obviously playing on right, which sparked a big debate on the wings. So I'd imagine, I think that Anderson will start on the bench for the first few games. I wouldn't be surprised if that happened. You obviously got Ryan Yates to throw into contention. Forrester actually got quite a bit of depth in midfield, Ibrahamsangare players like that, and Dominguez, and I'm probably forgetting a few. Obviously, Forrester have recently lost Oral Mangala after he had a loan and then now a transfer to Lyon. So Forrester have almost needed an attack in midfielder. And as you say there with Elliot Anderson, he's played as an attacking midfielder, and he featured obviously a lot for Bristol Rovers in that position. So I can imagine that Forest will utilize for him. And just finally then, Andrew, to close. And I suppose this is a bit of an interesting one. And just taking it away from the whole Elliot Anderson chat. Newcastle has been in the Premier League for a while, a lot longer than Forest have certainly been back.


What would you make of Forest's chances this You talked about it as being a bit of a surprise package since the addition now of Elliott Anderson, since Nuno, a Premier League manager, Morgan Gibbs, White, Murillo, if we can keep hold of him. These are strong Premier League players. How can you see Forest shaping up almost this season from a neutral point of view?


I think top 10. I am a big fan of Nottingham Forest. I love the way they play. I think Alanga on one wing, Hudson Adai on the other wing. Absolutely brilliant. Big fan of Morgan Gibbs. Look, fans of my podcast know if I could go and raid Forest now, I'll be bringing back three or four players with me. Murillo, Morgan Gibbs-White, Alanga, Hudson Adoy. They would be my four picks to come back with me. I think you've got a real strong core there. And I would love to see you guys hold on to them. I know probably one, Murillo, as you mentioned on our podcast, is probably the most likely to go, I think, if a big team comes in for Morgan Gibbs-White and pays 85, 90 million, how easy is it going to be for Forest to turn that down? Newcastle still like the looks of Anthony De Lange. If they go to Forest and say, Double your money on what you pay in Manchester night, again, how easy is it going to be to say no to that? That's always the risk when you're still a relatively new team returning to the Premier League and you haven't got European football or the money behind you.


So if they keep their stars, top 10, I hope they do, unless Newcastle United want them, then I'll take all of them. But if they hold on to them, I think top 10, I think they're just really exciting. I am surprised Nuno is still manager. I didn't think he'd stay on. That has surprised me.


For us, fans are surprised as well with Andrew.


We spoke about it actually off there last season about them. But look, top 10 for me. I think they've been a really good addition to the Premier League since they were turning and long may they stay here on the top Yeah, exactly.


Where would the drama be in the Premier League without Forest after the last season with all the statements? That fills me with optimism. So thank you, Andrew. And best of luck to Newcastle. I'm sure we'll get you on for the Forrest-Newcastle previews, which will be twice, even maybe more, if we get you in the Cup competition. You never know, we could be talking about, I don't know, a big FA Cup game. Forest Newcastle in the FA Cup final. That would be a good final instead of sitting and all the usual top six. Right, Andrew, thanks for your time. Really appreciate it. And as always, if you did enjoy this episode of Garibaldi Red, give us a like, share and subscribe on YouTube. If you're listening on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or any other audio platform, then give us a follow across there and leave us a review. If you did enjoy, we will see you very soon from me and Andrew. Bye bye.