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Hello, everybody, and welcome back to the Garibaldi Red podcast, a Nottingham Forest podcast. I'm Max Sayes, your host, and on this Monday we thought we would do why not a bit of a standalone episode dedicated to one of our favorite players, probably on the podcast, Ryan Yates. As we all know, the last few days he signed a new contract for Forest, which means he put pen to paper and has signed the deal until 2028. He has. So such an influential player. He's been at the club since aged eight. He really is a forest legend, I'd say. And he splits opinions sometimes in the fan base, but we've all got something positive, I think, to say about Yatesy, which sums him up. It's not just a footballer, but an all round good bloke. To discuss all of this and probably a few other bits coming from the city ground. Aaron Ramsdale being LinkedIn, which is a bit of a mad one, and a few other bits and pieces, is the one and only Mark Turner. Mark, good to see you, mate, how are you?


Hello, fella. Yeah, good to see you as always. And delighted to cover one of my favorite topics with you today.


Yes, it will be. I was going to say it will be probably a Ryan Yates praise podcast. Not because I look like him or because he's my brother, which still some Forest fans actually come up to me, you know, Mark, and say, is Ryan Yates your brother? And I guess we'll never know the answer. I wish he was because we'll be able to get him on the podcast a lot easier. But he's a good bloke. Let's start then, Mark, with your thoughts on the deal 2028 he signed until. And I just think when you look at Yates as a player and we talk about him and he was that player that was one of the only players, if not the only player a lot of the time in the starting eleven last season that featured in that promotion win inside that playoff final at Wembley, he really, really does bleed Forest, doesn't he?


Yeah, he really. Well, I'm just going to say very quickly, I've been likened to Ian Boya in the past. Don't know if I relate to him at all, can't get straight out strap my mother, but, you know, nice to be likened to a forest legend and European cup winner. Anyway, but no talking of legends, Rylan Yates certainly has become that. You know, it's interesting, I remember Max when he broke onto scene and maybe you do too. He kind of came out of nowhere, you know, obviously, as you mentioned at the academy you know, broke into the team with very low expectation and if you remember, was on a bit of a goal tear when it, when he first started out for the Reds and I think we all thought, wow, what do we have on our hands here? It was a bit of a false dawn because, you know, he isn't really a goal scoring midfielder per se. He has other attributes I think that outweigh his abilities in front of goal, but he certainly has grown into that mantle of being a forest legend and I think, you know, we could sit here and wax lyrical for you and I think you'd fill a solid hour talking about Ryan Yates and what he brings to this team.


But at the end of the day, it comes down to one thing and that's his willingness to die for the cause. I mean, I don't know if there's another player in the Premier League who is as committed to his team, his hometown team as Ryan Yates is. And I think he's the kind of player who just be prepared to do whatever it takes to do what the manager needs and to help his team. You know, he play any position. I think if you handed him a pair of gloves before kickoff, he'd get between the sticks for you. That's just, that's just his mentality and I think in. Because he operates that way. Max, certainly for me, he kind of acts as an avatar, like, and I happen to play the same position as him on the field, clearly not the same quality, but he kind of is that kind of additional layer of being an avatar for me and I kind of walked watch him and play a similar position and try, try and play similarly. But outside of that, you know, because he does appear to be sort of a fan living our dream right out there, giving it all for the shirt.


For me, at least, it's very easy to kind of connect with that emotionally and to wish him all the best. So, you know, when he stuck in his first Premier League goal the back end of last season, nobody was screaming louder than I was. I'm just delighted to see him get the new contract.


Yeah, me too. Me too. We are live on Facebook and YouTube, by the way, I will ads or if you listen, back on Spotify or Apple Podcast. Mark has got in touch via YouTube and says the fact that every forest manager since Yates debut has picked him is so telling about his career as he's opposed to the views of his critic. I mean, critics. I mean, that. That is a very interesting. Say that again, Mark managers, is that.


Now you must be getting on for about eight or nine managers miss Mike.


Yeah, I'd be more inclined to say, yeah, six or seven, I reckon managers that have definitely been in charge of the club since Yates made his debut, which puts us on to actually quite a nice point. So I wanted to talk about kind of that fact in a way, really. And I always remember Roy Keane spoke very, very highly of Ryan Yates when he had that brief, brief stint as assistant manager back at the club saying this. I'll send you the script for when you turn to presenting duty. It's almost like autopilot, right? And we will see you very soon from me and Mark. Come on, you heads.


saying this. I'll send you the script for when you turn to presenting duty. It's almost like autopilot, right? And we will see you very soon from me and Mark. Come on, you heads.