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Your greatest wealth building tool is not winning the lottery or hoping your rich uncle with no legitimate errors meets an untimely death. No, it's not happening. Your greatest wealth building tool is your income, from working and stuff. I know some of you don't think you make enough right now to do things like save up an emergency fund or invest or buy a house. But as the saying goes, it's not the size of your paycheck that matters, it's how you use it. No one says that. And That's why today we're looking at America's average incomeyou realize that time is one of the essential ingredients in building wealth. So your goal is to start investing ASAP. But there's two prerequisites here. Number one, all of consumer debt is paid off, and two, you've got an emergency fund of three to six months of expenses saved. All right, we clear on that? Capiche? Roll tight. Now, when you saw those income averages, you may have thought they felt a little off. Averages can sometimes be misleading since they include every single data point, from the devastatingly low to the unrealistically high. So let's use a little thing called percentiles to break down all this income data a little better. First up, the 25th percentile. What that means is 25% of the population makes less this income, and 75% of the population makes more than this income.So 25-year-olds in the 25th percentile are making about $25,000 per year. 35-year-olds make about $30,000 a year. 45-year-olds make $32,000. 55-year-olds bring in $33,000. And finally, 65-year-olds make $35,000. Now, if you're in this camp, don't panic. And whatever you do, don't income shame yourself. All right? I hate to go full Brené Brown on you, but how much you make and data about how much everyone else makes, does not define your self-worth. In fact, you are priceless. You are made in the image of God, and that's all that matters. And I believe that. Now, the thing I want to highlight here is that if your income is on par with these numbers and your household has no other income, then everything you make is probably going toward essential expenses right now, like housing, transportation, food, clothing, and keeping up with your minimum debt payments if you haven't. In this situation, that's the right move. You got to survive before you can thrive. I'm I got lost at $95,000. Our 55 and 65-year-old friends are hovering around $100,000. Now, if you're in this percentile, that budget margin should be getting nice and spacious, so it's time to start dreaming bigger. I mean, why not max out that 401k? Why not pay off that mortgage? I promise that if you pick one financial goal and you stay focused, your progress will be so inspiring, you'll never have to listen to Stronger by Kelly Clarkson again. You'll only listen to it like I do for fun. But it doesn't kill you, make just longer. Love Kelly. Kelly, have me on your show if you're watching. Great show. Big fan. No, it's a no for me knowing your deposits are FDIC-insured. So if you want your savings to work as hard as you do, go to laurelroad. Com/george, or click the link in the description to get started. Equally as impressive is Delete Me, another sponsor of today's video. Think of them as the Dawn dish soap of personal data.And boy, do you need it? You've been spilling your personal data like a punctured oil tanker in the Internet Atlantic for years now. And that's why Delete Me is standing by to swoop in and clean up your data mess before the bad guys get their hands on it and try to use it against you. They find and remove your personal data all over the web to save you time and spare you the God. So help protect yourself from the risks of online scams and other tomfoolery and check out delete me today. Right now, you can get 20% off any of their plans by going to join delete me. Com/george, or just click the link in the description. All right, back to the moment you've been waiting for, the 90th percentile income, folks. The 25-year-olds in this group make about $82,000. 35-year-olds make $135,000. 45-year-olds bring in $150,000. 55-year-olds make $163,000. And at 65, we're looking at a whopping $157,000. Now, if you're bringing home this much bacon, congratulations. That is a Ron Swanson amount of bacon. Give me all the bacon and eggs you have. But also with great power comes great responsibility disability. And here's what I mean.If you're doing the right things with that income, your wealth building momentum will be off the charts. And momentum is the best feeling ever. Just look at those guys in the 1993 Masterpiece, Cool Runnings. They had momentum. But here's the problem. It's also really easy to let lifestyle creep slow you down and steal the incredible opportunity you have to set you and your family up for financial success. And I know you think you would never waste your income on creep of any variety, but the data says 45 % of people earning over $100,000 annually are still living paycheck to paycheck. So how do you avoid that fate or turn things around if that's already you? Well, you got to go back to the basics. You have to make and stick to a budget. Figure out where your money has been going and start giving every dollar a job again. Learn to live on less than you make, and as you make more, don't inflate your lifestyle much, and instead, use that extra income to build wealth and be more generous. Now, I hope you work your way up the percentile chart, not as a flexor comparison, but because I want you to live your best financial life with as much money margin as possible.And if you love seeing this income breakdown by age, then this video about how much you should have in your 401k by age will be a real treat. I'll link it in the description as well. Thanks for watching. We'll see you next time.


you realize that time is one of the essential ingredients in building wealth. So your goal is to start investing ASAP. But there's two prerequisites here. Number one, all of consumer debt is paid off, and two, you've got an emergency fund of three to six months of expenses saved. All right, we clear on that? Capiche? Roll tight. Now, when you saw those income averages, you may have thought they felt a little off. Averages can sometimes be misleading since they include every single data point, from the devastatingly low to the unrealistically high. So let's use a little thing called percentiles to break down all this income data a little better. First up, the 25th percentile. What that means is 25% of the population makes less this income, and 75% of the population makes more than this income.


So 25-year-olds in the 25th percentile are making about $25,000 per year. 35-year-olds make about $30,000 a year. 45-year-olds make $32,000. 55-year-olds bring in $33,000. And finally, 65-year-olds make $35,000. Now, if you're in this camp, don't panic. And whatever you do, don't income shame yourself. All right? I hate to go full Brené Brown on you, but how much you make and data about how much everyone else makes, does not define your self-worth. In fact, you are priceless. You are made in the image of God, and that's all that matters. And I believe that. Now, the thing I want to highlight here is that if your income is on par with these numbers and your household has no other income, then everything you make is probably going toward essential expenses right now, like housing, transportation, food, clothing, and keeping up with your minimum debt payments if you haven't. In this situation, that's the right move. You got to survive before you can thrive. I'm I got lost at $95,000. Our 55 and 65-year-old friends are hovering around $100,000. Now, if you're in this percentile, that budget margin should be getting nice and spacious, so it's time to start dreaming bigger. I mean, why not max out that 401k? Why not pay off that mortgage? I promise that if you pick one financial goal and you stay focused, your progress will be so inspiring, you'll never have to listen to Stronger by Kelly Clarkson again. You'll only listen to it like I do for fun. But it doesn't kill you, make just longer. Love Kelly. Kelly, have me on your show if you're watching. Great show. Big fan. No, it's a no for me knowing your deposits are FDIC-insured. So if you want your savings to work as hard as you do, go to laurelroad. Com/george, or click the link in the description to get started. Equally as impressive is Delete Me, another sponsor of today's video. Think of them as the Dawn dish soap of personal data.And boy, do you need it? You've been spilling your personal data like a punctured oil tanker in the Internet Atlantic for years now. And that's why Delete Me is standing by to swoop in and clean up your data mess before the bad guys get their hands on it and try to use it against you. They find and remove your personal data all over the web to save you time and spare you the God. So help protect yourself from the risks of online scams and other tomfoolery and check out delete me today. Right now, you can get 20% off any of their plans by going to join delete me. Com/george, or just click the link in the description. All right, back to the moment you've been waiting for, the 90th percentile income, folks. The 25-year-olds in this group make about $82,000. 35-year-olds make $135,000. 45-year-olds bring in $150,000. 55-year-olds make $163,000. And at 65, we're looking at a whopping $157,000. Now, if you're bringing home this much bacon, congratulations. That is a Ron Swanson amount of bacon. Give me all the bacon and eggs you have. But also with great power comes great responsibility disability. And here's what I mean.If you're doing the right things with that income, your wealth building momentum will be off the charts. And momentum is the best feeling ever. Just look at those guys in the 1993 Masterpiece, Cool Runnings. They had momentum. But here's the problem. It's also really easy to let lifestyle creep slow you down and steal the incredible opportunity you have to set you and your family up for financial success. And I know you think you would never waste your income on creep of any variety, but the data says 45 % of people earning over $100,000 annually are still living paycheck to paycheck. So how do you avoid that fate or turn things around if that's already you? Well, you got to go back to the basics. You have to make and stick to a budget. Figure out where your money has been going and start giving every dollar a job again. Learn to live on less than you make, and as you make more, don't inflate your lifestyle much, and instead, use that extra income to build wealth and be more generous. Now, I hope you work your way up the percentile chart, not as a flexor comparison, but because I want you to live your best financial life with as much money margin as possible.And if you love seeing this income breakdown by age, then this video about how much you should have in your 401k by age will be a real treat. I'll link it in the description as well. Thanks for watching. We'll see you next time.


at $95,000. Our 55 and 65-year-old friends are hovering around $100,000. Now, if you're in this percentile, that budget margin should be getting nice and spacious, so it's time to start dreaming bigger. I mean, why not max out that 401k? Why not pay off that mortgage? I promise that if you pick one financial goal and you stay focused, your progress will be so inspiring, you'll never have to listen to Stronger by Kelly Clarkson again. You'll only listen to it like I do for fun. But it doesn't kill you, make just longer. Love Kelly. Kelly, have me on your show if you're watching. Great show. Big fan. No, it's a no for me knowing your deposits are FDIC-insured. So if you want your savings to work as hard as you do, go to laurelroad. Com/george, or click the link in the description to get started. Equally as impressive is Delete Me, another sponsor of today's video. Think of them as the Dawn dish soap of personal data.And boy, do you need it? You've been spilling your personal data like a punctured oil tanker in the Internet Atlantic for years now. And that's why Delete Me is standing by to swoop in and clean up your data mess before the bad guys get their hands on it and try to use it against you. They find and remove your personal data all over the web to save you time and spare you the God. So help protect yourself from the risks of online scams and other tomfoolery and check out delete me today. Right now, you can get 20% off any of their plans by going to join delete me. Com/george, or just click the link in the description. All right, back to the moment you've been waiting for, the 90th percentile income, folks. The 25-year-olds in this group make about $82,000. 35-year-olds make $135,000. 45-year-olds bring in $150,000. 55-year-olds make $163,000. And at 65, we're looking at a whopping $157,000. Now, if you're bringing home this much bacon, congratulations. That is a Ron Swanson amount of bacon. Give me all the bacon and eggs you have. But also with great power comes great responsibility disability. And here's what I mean.If you're doing the right things with that income, your wealth building momentum will be off the charts. And momentum is the best feeling ever. Just look at those guys in the 1993 Masterpiece, Cool Runnings. They had momentum. But here's the problem. It's also really easy to let lifestyle creep slow you down and steal the incredible opportunity you have to set you and your family up for financial success. And I know you think you would never waste your income on creep of any variety, but the data says 45 % of people earning over $100,000 annually are still living paycheck to paycheck. So how do you avoid that fate or turn things around if that's already you? Well, you got to go back to the basics. You have to make and stick to a budget. Figure out where your money has been going and start giving every dollar a job again. Learn to live on less than you make, and as you make more, don't inflate your lifestyle much, and instead, use that extra income to build wealth and be more generous. Now, I hope you work your way up the percentile chart, not as a flexor comparison, but because I want you to live your best financial life with as much money margin as possible.And if you love seeing this income breakdown by age, then this video about how much you should have in your 401k by age will be a real treat. I'll link it in the description as well. Thanks for watching. We'll see you next time.


knowing your deposits are FDIC-insured. So if you want your savings to work as hard as you do, go to laurelroad. Com/george, or click the link in the description to get started. Equally as impressive is Delete Me, another sponsor of today's video. Think of them as the Dawn dish soap of personal data.


And boy, do you need it? You've been spilling your personal data like a punctured oil tanker in the Internet Atlantic for years now. And that's why Delete Me is standing by to swoop in and clean up your data mess before the bad guys get their hands on it and try to use it against you. They find and remove your personal data all over the web to save you time and spare you the God. So help protect yourself from the risks of online scams and other tomfoolery and check out delete me today. Right now, you can get 20% off any of their plans by going to join delete me. Com/george, or just click the link in the description. All right, back to the moment you've been waiting for, the 90th percentile income, folks. The 25-year-olds in this group make about $82,000. 35-year-olds make $135,000. 45-year-olds bring in $150,000. 55-year-olds make $163,000. And at 65, we're looking at a whopping $157,000. Now, if you're bringing home this much bacon, congratulations. That is a Ron Swanson amount of bacon. Give me all the bacon and eggs you have. But also with great power comes great responsibility disability. And here's what I mean.


If you're doing the right things with that income, your wealth building momentum will be off the charts. And momentum is the best feeling ever. Just look at those guys in the 1993 Masterpiece, Cool Runnings. They had momentum. But here's the problem. It's also really easy to let lifestyle creep slow you down and steal the incredible opportunity you have to set you and your family up for financial success. And I know you think you would never waste your income on creep of any variety, but the data says 45 % of people earning over $100,000 annually are still living paycheck to paycheck. So how do you avoid that fate or turn things around if that's already you? Well, you got to go back to the basics. You have to make and stick to a budget. Figure out where your money has been going and start giving every dollar a job again. Learn to live on less than you make, and as you make more, don't inflate your lifestyle much, and instead, use that extra income to build wealth and be more generous. Now, I hope you work your way up the percentile chart, not as a flexor comparison, but because I want you to live your best financial life with as much money margin as possible.


And if you love seeing this income breakdown by age, then this video about how much you should have in your 401k by age will be a real treat. I'll link it in the description as well. Thanks for watching. We'll see you next time.