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Today, we're answering the age-old question, is it better to pay off your mortgage early or to invest that money instead? Listen, it's no secret. I'm a big fan of paying off your house early. The way I see it, a mortgage is like diarrhea. As soon as you get it, you should want to get rid of it ASAP. Stop pooping. And that's exactly what my wife and I did with our mortgage. We knocked out our 15-year mortgage in just 26 months. Now, why am I measuring in months like a newborn baby? I don't know. Can we stop doing that, by the way? Don't tell me you have a 31-month-old and make me do the math. And that's not a baby, that's an elder toddler. He's got molars and a big boy bed for crying out loud. I've had enough of this nonsense. Anyway, we paid off our super competitive. Plus, the perks don't end there. There's no minimum balance required to open an account. Your deposits are FDIC-insured, and there's no sneaky maintenance fees. And if you want to talk to a real human being, Laurel Road's premium care team will take great care of you. No chat bots required. So make your money, make more money by going to laurelroad. Com/george, or just click the link in the description. And before we talk about the next perk of living mortgage-free, I want to tell you how to keep your personal info away from data brokers who sell it for a profit. And for that, be sure to check out DeleteMe, one of the sponsors of today's video. Deleteme finds and removes your info from hundreds of data broker sites and sends you an easy to read report. Look, scammers don't need much of your info to get your money these days.In some cases, all they need is a phone number and a convincing story. And we've all got that one friend who sent money to his new long distance girlfriend, Jessica, whose real name is Steve, and is currently catfishing 16 other people. So help protect yourself from the risks of online scams with DeleteMe. Right now, you can get 20% off any of their plans by going to joindeleteme. Com/george, or just click the link in the description. Okay, back to the perks of having a paid-for home. Another cool thing about living mortgage-free is that you have more money to give. And before you roll your eyes at me, Jerry, don't knock until you try it, because I promise you, giving is the most fun you can ever have with money. And you can give in a whole lot of ways. You can give to your local church if that's part of your faith tradition. You can give to organizations organizations and nonprofits that are doing good work in your community and around the world. Hey, maybe you leave a shockingly large tip for that server at Outback who hooked you up with a free bloom and onion because you had to wait 49 minutes for a table due to unforeseen circumstances.What the heck is going on back of house, guys? Get it together. Foresee them. Foresee the circumcision. I don't know how I could have missed that. But seriously, whatever this looks like for you, real financial piece doesn't happen until you're giving back. And side note, I believe you should be cheerfully giving no matter where you are on your money journey. And like my friend, Rachel Cruz says, Give a little until you can give a lot. And when you don't have a mortgage payment, it's amazing how much more you can give. Those are just some of the things I've learned and experienced having a paid-for house, and it's why I will always aim to be and stay mortgage-free. But you know what else I've learned in the process? Your life doesn't change all that much once you send your final payment in. I didn't wake up the next day and buy a yacht. I waited a week. I'm kidding. The only watercraft I own are my daughter's bath toys. That doesn't count. I'm still frugal. I still go to work every day. I still have utility bills and property taxes and insurance to pay for. I just have a lot more financial margin, and I never have to worry about paying interest to anyone ever again.And by the way, I'm not the only one who thinks paying off your mortgage early is a good idea. And apparently, a lot of wealthy people do, too. According to our National Study of Millionaires, the average millionaire pays off their home in 10.2 years. And here's another crazy fact. Those following the Ramsey Baby steps, the plan that I teach on this channel, they end up paying off their homes in about seven years. So if living mortgage-free sounds good to you, be sure to check out this video to learn how to pay off your house in 10 years or less. I'll also drop a link in the description below. Thanks for watching. We'll see you next time.


super competitive. Plus, the perks don't end there. There's no minimum balance required to open an account. Your deposits are FDIC-insured, and there's no sneaky maintenance fees. And if you want to talk to a real human being, Laurel Road's premium care team will take great care of you. No chat bots required. So make your money, make more money by going to laurelroad. Com/george, or just click the link in the description. And before we talk about the next perk of living mortgage-free, I want to tell you how to keep your personal info away from data brokers who sell it for a profit. And for that, be sure to check out DeleteMe, one of the sponsors of today's video. Deleteme finds and removes your info from hundreds of data broker sites and sends you an easy to read report. Look, scammers don't need much of your info to get your money these days.


In some cases, all they need is a phone number and a convincing story. And we've all got that one friend who sent money to his new long distance girlfriend, Jessica, whose real name is Steve, and is currently catfishing 16 other people. So help protect yourself from the risks of online scams with DeleteMe. Right now, you can get 20% off any of their plans by going to joindeleteme. Com/george, or just click the link in the description. Okay, back to the perks of having a paid-for home. Another cool thing about living mortgage-free is that you have more money to give. And before you roll your eyes at me, Jerry, don't knock until you try it, because I promise you, giving is the most fun you can ever have with money. And you can give in a whole lot of ways. You can give to your local church if that's part of your faith tradition. You can give to organizations organizations and nonprofits that are doing good work in your community and around the world. Hey, maybe you leave a shockingly large tip for that server at Outback who hooked you up with a free bloom and onion because you had to wait 49 minutes for a table due to unforeseen circumstances.


What the heck is going on back of house, guys? Get it together. Foresee them. Foresee the circumcision. I don't know how I could have missed that. But seriously, whatever this looks like for you, real financial piece doesn't happen until you're giving back. And side note, I believe you should be cheerfully giving no matter where you are on your money journey. And like my friend, Rachel Cruz says, Give a little until you can give a lot. And when you don't have a mortgage payment, it's amazing how much more you can give. Those are just some of the things I've learned and experienced having a paid-for house, and it's why I will always aim to be and stay mortgage-free. But you know what else I've learned in the process? Your life doesn't change all that much once you send your final payment in. I didn't wake up the next day and buy a yacht. I waited a week. I'm kidding. The only watercraft I own are my daughter's bath toys. That doesn't count. I'm still frugal. I still go to work every day. I still have utility bills and property taxes and insurance to pay for. I just have a lot more financial margin, and I never have to worry about paying interest to anyone ever again.


And by the way, I'm not the only one who thinks paying off your mortgage early is a good idea. And apparently, a lot of wealthy people do, too. According to our National Study of Millionaires, the average millionaire pays off their home in 10.2 years. And here's another crazy fact. Those following the Ramsey Baby steps, the plan that I teach on this channel, they end up paying off their homes in about seven years. So if living mortgage-free sounds good to you, be sure to check out this video to learn how to pay off your house in 10 years or less. I'll also drop a link in the description below. Thanks for watching. We'll see you next time.