Transcribe your podcast

Welcome to the Ghost Bunny podcast. I'm your host, Bridget Marcourt. You may know me from the Girls Next Door on E, Bridget's Sexiest Speaches on the Travel channel, or my web series, Animal Nation on Yahoo. As touched on in all of those shows, I have a passion for the paranormal. Ever since I was a little kid and had my first experience, I love scary movies, ghost stories, Halloween, and haunted houses. Throughout my life, I have made it my goal to explore haunted locations in an attempt to justify to myself the existence ghosts. I've been told that I'm a conduit and have had many unexplained incidences, yet I still find myself longing for more. That's what made me want to start a Paranormal podcast. What's the show about? I enjoy meeting people that also find the Paranormal fascinating. I love hearing their stories, sharing experiences, and learning about new paranormal equipment, theories on the supernatural, and new haunted locations. I'm super excited to be hosting this Paranormal podcast to interact with others that share a similar passion for the Paranormal. In future I'll be inviting lots of people to come on the show to chat about their experiences from celebrity friends, historians, representatives from haunted locations, paranormal investigators, and other experts in the field.


I want to use this podcast as an opportunity to chat with people about their paranormal experiences, explore haunted locations that I've always dreamed of going to, and revisiting legendary location with a new perspective, all while infusing these explorations with expert commentary and insight from industry professionals. I hope you enjoy listening to the Ghost Bunny podcast as much as I enjoy recording it. Subscribe now and join me as I explore the uncharded realms of the paranormal. Don't miss out. Tune in for my first episode on September 10th, and let the adventure begin.