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Sorry to interrupt your podcast enjoyment, but somethings coming that can interrupt life even more. Your babies poon hand me at night a monstrous snappy leak destroying sleep. Or theres pampers poonami proof pants. The clever back pocket stops the horror of messy leaks at night. Dont fear the poonami with pampers poonami proof pants.


Sup gigglers? Gary, fix the wifi. Manifest that shit. We can't be managed.


It is full.


I mean, the day just got away from me. Oh God. Okay, what's up, my gassed up gigglers? It's too hot in New York.


I thought you're gonna say gaslighting because I feel like that's all I do to myself.


Wait, are you okay?


Cause, no, I'm like, I'm having like, vision issues. I feel like. And I don't know, I thought you.


Were gonna say, like, my stomach hurt. And she's like, I don't feel well. Like, I can't see. And I was like, I feel like we should call someone.


Yeah. Like, I'm not dizzy, but like, I have to blink a tonic.


Not to like, be dramatic, but this is where my mind always goes. I think it's mental. I think it's anxiety.


I think that's what it is. I think, like, honestly, you making me leave my apartment on a Saturday evening.


Honestly, Grace being gone has thrown me. I'm scared. I don't know what to do.


And when she texts in the group chat, I'm like, oh, my God.


Well, for everyone wondering, Grace as of today, is kind of out of her drug induced coco, which is probably fun, honestly. Sounds freeing. A little bit jealous, but she posted a clip today. We've been chatting.


No, she's been making jokes.


Yes, well, we made her laugh too hard and she said it almost like popped her jaw. Wait, how could you be, like, feeling off when you were in a peplum?


I freaking knew you were gonna say something about my peplum.


It's so cute, though.


It's so freaking cute. Okay, I found this brand on Instagram called line by K. Okay. I think it's like they're in LA and they just had like, cute stuff. And I saw this little peplum top and I was like, you look so adorable.


Like, she walked in and stopped for me to, like, look at her outfit to be like, you look so cute.


I love cosplaying. As a ballerina, you look so cute.


But I'm a little jealous because my long torso, if I wear a peplum, it just.


No, my whole outfit right now is a hate crime against you. I'm wearing Capris and a peplum and.


You know, I can't wear my hair back like that because I have a. What it would be.


I wasn't saying. I was just finishing your sentence.


How was your week?


Oh, my God. What even happened this week? I feel like I'm so.


We voice noted a lot.


We voice noted a lot. And here's the other thing. Like, Juan, I ghosted my therapist. I just. She didn't do anything. I didn't do anything.


Was that the problem? She didn't do anything?


No, no, she's amazing. I just, like, you never get so busy and you're just like, I literally can't do.


You know when you start getting so stressed about therapy? Yeah, because you're like, I'm so busy and it almost feels like you have to do another podcast.


No, like, it feels like a job. Cause I'm like, okay, I'm about to talk to her and like, yeah, what's going on this week? Like, I have to come up with a docket.


It's like, if you don't come up with something that's like an issue, it's like you failed therapy. Sometimes you try to make a problem and there's not. Or you're harping on something that you're like, I'm kind of over it, but I'll talk about it more because I'm.


Like, I'm not gonna waste this lady's.


I get so prepared for therapy. Like, we sit down in a medium, I'm like, this is what's on the docket. Yeah, sometimes I need to just shut the fuck up. Yeah. Like, sometimes for me, I actually need to be physical. Like hitting a tennis ball. And a lot of girls have been wearing tennis outfits. Tennis is so therapeutic. Cause you're literally hitting something.


No, I think I genuinely need more human to human contact.


When you're stuck alone or just, like, talking about your problems all the time or thinking about your wellness, it's like, unhealthy.


I'm really sick of myself. Not in a self loathing situation. I'm sick of all day. It's all about me.


Be careful.


Sometimes I wish I annoy myself.


Do you ever get interviewed? And everything you say, you're like, I'm so annoying all the time.


I'll see podcast clips of myself not on giggly squad. And I'm like, first of all, who is she? Second of all.


Or when you see a quote written down, you're like, that sounded. That didn't sound good?


You wait a few things. One, I got my period.




Thank you so much. I'm gonna put in the. Whenever Grace comes back and does the newsletter, I'm gonna put in the newsletter. Like, what the vitamins were that I took because I didn't wanna give it to the gigglers prior to me getting my period. Cause again, we're not doctors. We have no idea who we're talking.


But you're gonna give it to them now.


I'm gonna give it to them now. Cause I know it worked for me.


She's a doctor.


But again, this is what my doctor gave me, so it could be different for you.




I'm still gonna give them all the names of everything. And you humbled me so badly this week that I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. I've told everyone that I've talked to this week. I could. You wanna know what Hannah said to me? And it was, like, so humbling. I was, like, complaining about an array of things in a voice note. And I said to Hannah, whatever. I'm just really anxious and emotional. It's probably because I just got my period. And Hannah listed everything that was wrong in my life. I mean, there were, like, ten things. And she just went down a list and she goes, no, but it's definitely your period, for sure. And it took me a minute and I was like, you know what? I have to apologize to all women. But the men made me think that Hannah was like, maybe it's because you're on one of the most insane reality shows. Your boyfriend's in a public feud. You don't leave your apartment. You have debilitating anxiety. You broke her jaw. Grace literally chucked herself down.


Blame your poor period, who's just a woman in the arts trying to exist.


I literally haven't been here for a year, and you're already complaining.


I'm like, also, what was the excuse when you couldn't get your period for the last two years?




But the second she comes back, we bring it up. But you know what? That's part of girlhood, is that whatever happens, you go, but I don't know. It's cause I'm on my period. Even though you're not on your period, literally. Cause my period was either two weeks ago, a week after. I don't care. It had happened.


Girls really get one week where they can, like, know what their personality truly is. And that's like that. It's really. It's hard.


Think about PM's. I don't know who that is, period? Week. I don't know how that is.




I am so horny the next week. Cause we're. Whatever it's called.


Yeah, we're like, we're ovulating. Yeah.


You're just like, there's just white shit everywhere. And then the fourth week, I'm too tired to.


Yeah, I'm like, don't look at me. Don't act like I'm invisible.


So the next time you come for someone for having a bad day, ask.


What week she's in. So people don't bring attention enough that, like, we're in different weeks. Like.


But we're also normalizing that men are hormonal. Like, whenever a man does something, you're.


Normalizing that it's hormonal.


I am.


Oh, okay.


So you're starting, like, when a guy, like, shoots up a mall, that's a.


Great way to piss them off.


It's hormonal imbalance.


Talk about a way to really piss off your boyfriend. Like, if he does something and, like, with a straight face, you're just like, are you hormonal?


Is it going to be a little strong?


They're going to lose their fucking mind.


Is the testosterone. Oh, my God. I can't say testosterone.




Testosterone. Testosterone. Yeah. I feel like the testosterone's a little off today.






Because also, I feel like men are very, like, you don't have anxiety. You're being crazy. You don't have anxiety if you just don't think about it. It's not real. And I'm like, no, I think it's real.


I also love when men get emotional. They act like, oh, sorry, I was emotional. Everything I said didn't count. But when girls are emotional, they're crazy.


Yes. There's just so much wrong. That was lame, and it's not the least with me.


Speaking of hot rodent boyfriend. Craig is not a hot rodent boyfriend. Craig's a Labrador boyfriend.


Yeah. Craig would def. Well, but I would say Craig is not frog. I think maybe he's rat. Hot Rodin is totally different.


We're getting all of our animals confused right now. Hot Rodin boyfriend is like Jeremy on white. Yep. It's basically short guys who don't have.


Who aren't that non conventionally hot men. They're calling it rodent boyfriend Summer.


I'm just kind of sick of, like, when men are ugly, them getting rebranded into a trend. No, no. Why can't we do that for girls? Why can't be, like, long torso never in my kinkle cuties. Double chin divas. Big, big calf, big foot. Okay, Meg, thee stallion. Don't cover Meg.


Bigfoot, babies.


I was coming for me on all those buds. No, I was coming for me.


Such a great observation. They never rebrand us.


We grew up with dad bods being cool, which is basically like, hey, all the lazy guys can be funny who drink too much beer are hot. You can't, but they can. And now. Now they can be short and ugly. Then, like, short king is literally.


We never get. We never get a bone.


The PR on the men's side is so good, which is crazy because PR, I thought, was a woman run business.


It's really strong on their side, and, like, they're coming for hot girl summer. Like, all of a sudden it's hot. Rodent boyfriend Summer. No, I was with. Summer was our thing.


I was with a fuck boy last week shooting a video. He was, like, self proclaimed fuck boy. He was like a. He called himself a bad boy bar bartender, and he said, it's white boy summer.


And I was like, okay, not ever. I saw a thing on TikTok that said, it's fat funny boy summer. I'm like, that's just not fair. That's not fair. It's never greasy hair girl summer. It's never, like, slightly depressed, possibly anxiety.


Sweaty, dehydrated girl sexy summer.


Never. We can never just live in our own bodies.


But also, I think we're in on it. We have internalized misogyny. Like last episode. No, I literally thought Doctor Pepper was. We assumed, and I apologize.


I blamed my period instead of blaming my boyfriend this week.


So we are the ones enabling them, calling them hot boy rodents or whatever they are.


Daddy, we want to make them feel good about themselves.


I know, but I think what the truth is is that most women actually don't care what men look like. We just want them to be nice.




I did this, like, dating thing. I was in Minnesota shooting this funny dating show thing, and it was all people in their early twenties, and my job was to navigate the date.


So, like, match them up or just, like, have them ask questions to each other.


I was asking the questions. I basically got to. You know when you're, like, listening to your first date? Yes.


You got to. If you're at a restaurant, you're watching people on a blind first date. You got to actually participate.


Participate. I was like, I need to follow up. I don't understand that. And also, like, you know, when you hear a conversation, you're like, let's spice it up.




So I was asking all the questions I wanted to ask. When you're not in your early twenties, you, like, can see it from an outside perspective. And, like, these girls are literal angels. Like, they're sweet. They don't really know themselves yet, but they're so pure, so beautiful.


They just want a good time to make it.


And they just want to, like, meet a guy to have, like, a nice relationship with. And then you look at the man and talk about hormonal. He is just like, they're always rock hard. Just like, all the blood's in their dick. They have no thoughts going on. And I'm like, this poor girl has to navigate him, and it's not his fault. But, like, that's why dating in your twenties, like, don't even try to settle down until you're, like, 27, until you're, like, 47.


No, literally, until you're 40.


But it's like you're younger and you think you're doing something wrong when it's like, he literally is just thinking about.


Bitcoin and who would win in a fight?


A bear or a chicken. Yeah, he's laughing because it's true. It's true. So anyway, if you're in your early twenties, do not feel any pressure to make anything work in any capacity. Cause that's just not how things happen. I had a bad thought that I. My intrusive thought of the week is obviously, we don't want to be pick me girls, right? Is having a boyfriend, like the ultimate pick me move? Like, be fucking?


No. I mean, you're married.


Like, I'm married.


You were like, okay. You told him that you loved him so much that he literally proposed.


Like, he picked me. Like, I am the final boss of pick me girl. Like you. If you're with someone, you're a picky.


You meet all the other girls.


I'm the pickiest me.




So, like, how do you not be pick me? You can be like, I don't want a man to pick me. When a man, I think you kind.


Of have to just be like me and be really mean to them. And then people are like, are they even dating?


Or you pick them.


You know what? It's so funny. My very first therapist. How many ghosts ago, she said, and I never forgot it. This was like, the only thing I feel like I ever really took from her was girls are so used to being picked by the guy. And she was like, an all you do is wait to get picked. She's like, have you ever picked your boyfriend? And I was like, oh, my God.


In my head, I'm fully picking my boyfriend, but I'm picking the guy who likes me because I'm like, he's fucking awesome.


Think about the ones like you pick. They're the ones that, like, don't like you. Like, you don't ever really end up dating.


That's why sometimes they say the guy who likes you a little more than you like him in the beginning is better. Like, I do have to say, I've heard a lot of stories where, like, people end up getting married. It's always like, the guy knew before her. Yeah, because when you go in full, when you think you know, you don't.


Know, and I just don't feel like girls can ever, ever be the one that's a little bit more obsessed with it.


I do have to say, with the dez situation when I first met him.


You mean your marriage?




That's the ultimate decentric. You know, that entanglement I'm in with Des, that you're married?


I was like, you know that side note.


You know that guy that you see sometimes in my apartment, a man in my house? You know that guy that you saw leaving the other day? His shoes were in the corner.


You know, the man that keeps calling me?


Remember when you came to that party? I was in the white dress, and the guy was next to me. He had the tucks on that guy.


His knee was hurting, so he couldn't dance that much when you were black out. But he was there.


Was his knee hurting at the wedding?


Yeah, he couldn't dance as much as he wanted to.


I don't remember that, but it's fine.


Anyway, shout out. I remember I was obviously in a place where I didn't want. I wasn't about to be like, yeah, there's my husband. Like, I was dealing with so much crap, and I just remember him being the one who actually put the foot down, who was like, you know, I like you.


This is actually. I've never asked you this. When you started talking to him, dating him, and then you were, like, fully with him, so say, like, September, October, like, you were fully living with him. When did you know you were gonna marry him?


Prior to that, or you think when I was moving in with him, I ready in my head was like, he has married. He has. Like, this could be game over.


I also can't ever tell, like, do I like you just because you really like me?


Long story short is, honestly, I just played a lot of games because I never trusted anyone.




And I just was like, you were.


You needed, like, a real adult.


I also, deep down, just felt like I haven't met my husband material yet.


And then you manifested it. I actually got a really funny text message from one of my girlfriends today that was. And then she followed it up with, I swear I'm not on drugs. She said, do you ever meet with an astrologer, an energy worker? Because I feel like you have really strong manifestation powers. And then she said, I swear I'm not on drugs today with my weird questions. I don't know why. That just made me think of it, but I feel like you're good at manifest. Like, you manifested destiny.


And a lot of things. It is timing. A lot of these timing.


My thing is, I've tried to. I've wanted to do everything too soon. And I feel like the universe is, like, not yet. Like, where you're gonna get to it, but not yet. So, like, when it comes to marriage and children, like, I feel like in my twenties, that was all I cared about. Like, I was really focused on, like, okay, but who the fuck am I gonna marry? And then I kind of had a switch. I feel like when I was, like, 28, 27, 28. And I was like, everyone fucking sucks, and I need to just, like, take a minute. And that's when I really focused on my career. And then I was like, wait, I don't need to get married or have a baby yet at all. And so I feel like. I feel like we're always, like, rushing our lives, especially, like, young women, because society does put that, like, okay, our 30 marker is, like, crazy. You're either thriving or you're dead.


Yes. You know what's fucking crazy? I was the exact opposite. I walked around always being like, I'm gonna be the last friend to get married, the last friend to have kids. And I was almost like. I think when we met, I was really hungry with my career. Almost like, I wanted it too bad. And then I think you wanted the relationship too bad. And I saw you deal with career pressure situations better than me. Cause I was like, I wanted it so fucking bad, so it's almost the opposite of my.


And we switch.


And we switched where, like, my thing just fell in my lap. Cause I think. I don't know. But sometimes when you. You force things, the universe backs up and goes, you're not ready, bitch.




Isn't that crazy? Wow.


We're having, like, such a deep, deep Saturday conversation. Yeah. Hannah's making us record on a Saturday.


I know. I'm sorry.


No, I'm not, like, mad about it.


Because we didn't have a.


We had plans. Where was I going?


I, like, care about the time and the energy. We record and the Sunday Times were not the vibe. It was, like, really early or really late. One more deep thing about that. I saw a tennis quote. Cause this is a sports podcast about the top tennis players. And they said they looked at the top five tennis players and the top.


100 tennis players, women or men, are all of them.


Honestly, I don't know any details about where the stat came from, but we love a stat. Like, I don't even know how they possibly got this information. So that means, you know, it's real. But like they said, their ground strokes were the same, their nutrition was the same, how hard they worked was the same. Everything was the same. But the difference between the top players and the top 100 players, they were married. No.


That was gonna really freak me out.


No, it was that they. The top players, after they lose a point, their brain would get back to being happy much quicker than the other players. So basically, it's kind of fucked up, but it's like the top players were enjoying the process more and overall had more positive thoughts.




They didn't get to that part. Okay, well, but it makes me think about, like, when you're putting a lot of pressure on yourself for, like, marriage or something, like, you're actually not having fun, you're not putting good energy out in the world. You're overthinking everything.


You're not enjoying the journey.


You're not enjoying the journey where, like, I think us, with our careers, even, like, when I was like, I wanna do well, I wanna do well. And you were more like, does that guy even like me? But you were, like, doing well with your career because you were being yourself and you were effortless and you weren't questioning yourself.


So it's like, well, I think giggly squad's a great example of that.


Well, giggly squad's our safe haven, right?


No, I would die without.


And it's not a coincidence that the thing that makes us the most happy flows easier.




Where, like, some other things is more difficult for us, like, existing.


Anything. No, I was like. I mean, you could name. You could insert anything there. And I'm aligned with her also.


Just. I have to shout out one more time for the gigglers. Why are the gigglers so pretty?


Who did you meet this week?


Just every time I meet, like, I'll look at a room and hot girl sees me, I'm a giggler. I go, I know.


Also, isn't it funny that you can, like, sense their energy? Like, when I was at that 95th birthday party, I made eye contact with grandma Giggler with one of the women waitresses and, like, telepathically, I think. I was like, do you listen to my podcast? And she was like, yeah, I do. And then we started chatting, but, like, I knew. And she came over to me, and she was like, hi. And I was like, no, I know you're a giglar. I felt the energy.


But how do we. How does this podcast, our dumb shit, attract only hot, successful, smart girls?


Secret cults? And I do feel like the illuminati is, like, catching on to it.


Yeah. No, I'm scared.


Lock your door. You know what I'm scared about?




This has never happened to me, and I've heard rumors of it, and I've heard other people speak of it, and I was just like, it'll never be me, Jill. I, like, can't eat chicken recently.


Oh, no. That happened to me once.


And I'm eating chicken the other night, and I'm just like, ah.


It started tasting like chicken.


I was like, this tastes like, you know, the chicken started chickening, and I couldn't.


Did you bite on, like, a tendon?


I don't know what it was. I was just chewing, and I was just like, this is just really being chickeny.


But it's not enough for you to become a vegan.


Well, no, I have ancestors, and I have some.


You're not gonna have the veal mana goati.


Wait. It's so funny because my dad does always call me and is always like, do you ever order a steak? Do you ever have a nice steak? I'm like, really?


Anna Wintour eats a steak for lunch every day.


Really? I do crave, like. Like, red meat sometimes.


Okay, but you can't eat chicken and eggs. Those are the two things.


I'm not bad with eggs right now, but chicken is. Me and chicken are taking a little bit of a break. Like, I ordered salmon last night.


Oh, yeah.


I was like, I don't know. I can't eat chicken. I didn't do, like, a burger.


One bad chicken to ruin your whole fricking day. It's normally the chicken on a salad that does it for me, and I hate salad. But then you bite into one of these rubbery pieces of chicken that they like. Who knows alien chickens.


Well, I hate a warm salad. I hate when they put warm chicken on lettuce and then it warms up that lettuce yeah. That'll make me. That'll make me punch a wall. That'll make me turn into a man.


That's true.


Yeah. I'll get hormonal over that.


I do feel like I go in chicken. Like, I'm obsessed with chicken, and then I, like, can't eat chicken, and then I'm obsessed with it. Or I can only do breaded chicken.


We can only do it fried.


Sorry, you ever, like, can only eat fried foods?


You know, it's funny, like, when you go to weddings or, like, any dietary restrictions, and it's always, like, super healthy. Imagine me and you being like, sorry, I do have a dietary restriction. Like, if there's no focaccia bread, I will be hypoglycalia.


Are there any allergies at the table? I need garlic bread or I'm gonna fucking lose it.


I need an assortment of cheeses immediately.


People don't talk about enough, how people have gotten a little too serious with the allergy stuff. I know people are like, hen I. People have allergies the way they scare the fuck out of you, and they get to the table and they go, does anyone have any allergies here? And you're like, nope. They come back 2 seconds later. They're like, are you sure that no one's. And I'm like, how many people have died at this restaurant?


Or have you ever had the opposite where, like, food's coming out and, like, you know, people have allergies there? And you're just. And they're, like, kind of nonchalant about it. And they'll be like, oh, my God. Any nuts in here? And you're like, no, this is, like a pine nut dessert.


My friend is, like, very gluten intolerant. And she'll be like, is there gluten in it? And you could tell when the person's like, I don't give a fuck. And I'm like, oh, this is gonna end badly.


My mom hosting Thanksgiving and having people that aren't in our family. She's one of the funniest people. Because she'll look you dead in the eye and say, I got nothing here for you. I got nothing. I don't know what you want me to do. I have nothing here. You're gonna have to bring your own. No, that's not like people will come with their own stuff.


This is the thing in the italian culture. It's disrespectful to not eat the food. I don't care if you're gonna have an allergic reaction. I once had a boyfriend who, for religious reasons, could not eat.


Why did that just sound so funny?


Like, also, he didn't even go to temple.


He's like, I'm wiccan. He just.


He couldn't eat. He couldn't eat. He was kosher. So he couldn't eat shrimps or crustaceans.


Yep. Which, like, they don't eat any, like, bottom feeder food.


Yeah, yeah.


Or I guess pork or, like, meat with cheese.


And I think we went to get chinese with my parents for, like, the first thing. And my dad's all about, we got fried rice. We got fried rice, and it's like, shrimp fried rice.


I'm getting chinese food tonight.


No, I know. And he didn't eat it. And my dad was, like, offended.


The first time I ever realized what kosher was, I was out on a date, and I was like, 22, 23. And this guy, he took me to an italian restaurant, and they bring out a meat and cheese board, and I'm the only one. One snacking. And I'm like, you have to try this. He's like, no, no, I can't eat it. And I'm like, okay, but, like, eat it. And then I started to get pissed off because I was like, no. Like, now I feel uncomfortable. Then he explained to me that he was jewish and kosher. And he was like, that he could never have lobster. And that really was the day that, like, my dreams of being Charlotte York, like, went right down the toilet. Because I was like, I can't live my life never having a sandwich with cheese and meat on it.


Well, that's the thing. I loved bacon, egg and cheeses. Cause I live in New York City, and that's the religion, right? So my religion and his religion were, like, clashing, crashing. And I remember I ordered bacon, egg and cheese. And he went. And I was like.


He scoffed.


He scoffed. I said, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm from Brooklyn, New York. This is like. This is how I. What? This is what I do.


I hate a scoff.


He scoffed. And then we had dinner once, and then I was like, let's go to get ice cream. Cause again, religion, right?


You're human.


And he was like, no. And I'm like, no, but, like, they can't have dairy after meat. Are you kosher? No.




I thought he was. Cause he could explain it. There's a lot of rules.


Yeah, there's a lot of rules.


There's a lot of rules. And as you know, we can't be.


Managed and I hand it to people that really stick to the rules, but I feel like most of my friends don't. They're like, I have to try it. I'm having the bacon. I'm not gonna tell anyone.


I actually wrote this down, and I might have manifested this, but I felt like you needed. You were. I just felt, like, mentally, you were, like, in a place. And I wrote down, paige needs music.


Okay. And I saw your note, and I was like. And I noted your note. I mental noted the note that you noted, and I was like, are Hannah and my mom in cahoots together? Because that same day, my mom sent me a classical. Classical music from, like, Chopin or something. No. I don't even know. I have to find what it was.


Jonathan. Chopin?


No, it was like, bach. It was like the shoot. My phone died.


Your phone?


My phone's dead. Some, like, italian. Some, like, italian concerto is the name of it. Italian concerto by Bach. And she said, they say that people who are depressed should listen to this. So you should listen.


Look, I'm not saying you're depressed.


It was like, a stat. It was like, people are less depressed if they listen to this, like, italian concertos. The other day, I'm like, in my.


Kitchen, they do that to babies to make their brain.


No, I'm simulated. I'm unloading my dishwasher, doing something, and I just turned it on. And then I saw your note, and I was like, what is going on?


That's so weird. Also, people who are full depressed aren't unloading their dishwasher.


That's true.


So that's a good thing. So that's a plus as your new therapist, since you go to them. But what happened is I had one of those days where, like, I added some new songs, and I was excited about them, and I put my little earbuds in, and there was something about, like, it was like, a beautiful day. And you know those moments in life where for a second, I was like, oh, I'm happy. Everything's perfect.




And then you get scared. You're like. And then you think of something, but, like, for a moment, you're like, oh.


This is really bad.


I was like. I was bouncing, I was looking. I felt like I was in a and I was just like, she is the working girl.


You're like, no. I'm like, having fun. It's a great.


Things are going well for her in this time of the movie before everything goes to shit. And then I just remembered you being like, I don't like music.


I don't not like it, but, like, let's.


Let's be honest. You're never like, you know what would make this better? Music?


You know what? It's funny. Cause you're right. Because when there are times where, like, it's normal, there should be music playing. Like, a perfect example is when I'm getting glammed, when I'm getting glam, or I'm getting ready for anything to, like, go anywhere, normal people put music on. I don't. Because I'm goss, goss, goss, goss gossiping. Honey, I got to talk. I'm talking.


It's true, actually. I would. My teammates in college would want to go for runs with me. Cause I like to talk, and they wouldn't talk, but they like that I.


Would talk while they're running.


Yeah. Cause it would, like, entertain them. And I'd just be like, you were.


Probably so much more fit because you were, like, working. Your lungs were so unstructured.


Literally, they'd be like, go for. For a jog. And I want to, like, hear what's going on in your life. And I be like. But because I don't want to be stuck with my own thoughts, I want to either be expressing them or listening to music. But there's, like, stats that show, like, you work out better when you're listening to music. Like, it gives you these natural endorphins. I never fully understood when musicians were, like, music changed my life. I was always like, okay, yeah.


Like, a little dramatic.


Like, Mary had a little lamb. Calm down.




But then I realized it's just, like, scientific.


That helps, but that it changes your mood.


It helps your mood. Like, getting ready playlists.




Like, when you're with your girls and you just put it on. Like, that's the most fun part of the night before you go outside and have to deal with, like, creepos here.


Is I feel like why I don't ever is because I do have so much anxiety that, like, I love being in silence.


Well, it's like, you want to figure out your problems.




And you're like, I figure I can't.


Listen to something else. Like, that's gonna distract me. Like, I have to, like, do my box breathing.


I can't box breathe to ice spice right now. I do have to say, Meg, thee stallion hiss got me through the anxiety of shooting my special. I had it on repeat. Cause I needed my thoughts to shut up. And it was just like, was this.


From your musical therapist or this was your own accord?


It was both.


Is that really what your therapist was like?


She was trying everything. She was like. She was just throwing stuff to see what's up. She was like, why don't you just fucking.


She's like, what if we just sang.


A song, abcs, happy birthday, anything that makes you feel comfortable. But, yeah, I think just, like, listening to music, to some of those moments that you end up spiraling could be helpful.


Well, I've taken up classical music.


Imagine going to your house. It's just booming. Bach. I did date a jazz musician back in my day. You guys remember him? And if you're. No giggles. And I'd go in his car. And we were, like, early twenties, and he was always just playing jazz, but, like, not even with words. Like, just jazz, obviously, but, like, you.


Know, does any jazz have words?


Yeah, like, really holiday? So he was literally just musicians. Like, and, like, he didn't even know, like, top 40. And I thought he was so cool. I thought he was so fucking cool. I was like, do you know who neo is? And he's like, no.


You know, it's funny. I've never been attracted to, like, any musicians.


He was my only musician, but he also was a great athlete, so he tricked me and he. I haven't dated a musician since.


Yeah, I feel like they're not to be trusted.


I've dated people who think they're musicians.




And that's.


If I had a nickel.


That's even worse.


Yeah. No, that's ten times worse.


I do love a rapper. Any level of rapper, too?


No, there's, like, something really niche and, like, lovable about your hometown rapper that never made it. And, like. Like, someday you're gonna do something great. But, like, I love a hometown rapper.


Are they gonna do something great?


No, but, like, I just, like, love thinking about them.


I wanna do a documentary of where is your hometown rapper now.


It would be on MTV, and it would almost be like a version of, like, made, like, we're gonna make you into. And it's like, really a follow series. Like a follow up from, like, all those people.


I'm hometown rapper. The way I was invested in these people's glow ups.


When you talk about things 20 years ago, that wouldn't be cool. Now I feel like, definitely stuff on that show.


Maybe they would be like, I want to be a gymnast. And they would just torture this poor kid.


Great. Then you have to work out for 7000 hours and they would just do it.


And the kid's crying and they're throwing up and you're like, okay, if you want to be a gymnast, this is what you have to do. I want to do a maid of where all these made people are now. And they're like. Like, the trauma I dealt with from that show has never left me.


No. I used to love it, and I wanted to always be made into a cheerleader or something.


Weren't you a cheerleader?


Yeah, but this was like, I was little. I feel like when this came out, we were younger.


We were the brigadon generation, though, so cheerleading was cool.


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I had a free day today up until this point, and I'm like, what do I do? What do I do? So I went to my documentaries, and I watched two of, like, the most disturbing documentaries I've ever seen.


Which ones?


Kevin Spacey has a new documentary on what Spacey unmaxed, unmasked on Max I didn't, like. I didn't watch House of cards. Sorry for kind of judge. I didn't watch that. I didn't watch american beauty.


I watched american beauty.


I just haven't watched anything. He was in, really? And he just.


He's always done, like. Like, weirder stuff, like thrillers or, like.


He was always just like, an old mole rat looking dude to me.


Yeah, american beauty is weird.


I need to watch it.


He's in love with.


Am I allowed to watch it now? I don't even know what the rules are.


You're allowed to watch it. He is in love with his daughter's friend, who's 17 years old.


Don't give it away.


She's a high school girl.


Don't give away what happens. My nana would always be like, I'm not gonna tell you what happens, but everyone dies. And I'm like, oh, my God.


I feel like that's every time she'd.


Be like, I'm not gonna do it. But when he does get cancer, it's not great.


I feel like that is me because I'm always like, I don't think that's the movie for you because you're not gonna like it because this is what happens. But I'm like, I'm trying to warn you.


Yeah, you're not gonna like it until she becomes homecoming queen. I'm not gonna give you what happens, though. That didn't matter, though. That is the whole story, though.


Here's the other thing I do. Like, craig always wants to watch shows together because he, like, wants to bond. Yeah. He's, like, a nice human.


He's, like a normal person trying to have a mutual experience with you, trying.


To be in a relationship with me. So I'm like, it was tough. So every time I watch something without him, I just go, craig, you would have literally hated him. I guess, like, the. He's like, oh, really? Like, is it, like, scary? And, like, I'm like, yeah. And there's like, they cheat on each other, and it's, like, not nice, and they're mean to each other. Really? You would have a. You wouldn't like it? And he's like, oh, thanks. He's like, okay, good. Now I'm not gonna watch. I'm like, I'm already, like, five episodes indeed.


Does gets mad at me because he'll sometimes go ahead, but he'll be like, oh, like, I'll rewatch it again with you.


I'm so down to rewatch.


Yeah, that's how it does. Like, you guys are the same. But my thing is, I go, actually, I didn't really even care to watch in the first place. I was watching it cuz you were into, like, there's some shows that you will only watch with Des. And he's like, you could watch it when I'm gone. We could watch it separately.


I don't give a shit about it.


Like, breaking bad. I'm gonna say that's it.


You don't care about it.


Oh, my God. It's just like, yeah, I can acknowledge a good show, but, like, it's so much stress everywhere.


It's a lot of anxiety. Yeah.


And then the violence on top of it. That scares me. I'm like. I'm like a empath. So, like, I feel like, see everything.


I feel like I like those shows because it makes me feel better about my anxiety.


That's why I went to murder.


You're running from the cops. Yeah, but I'm just running from, like, outfits. Like, I just don't want to pick out seven outfits this week. You're worried about getting blown up. So I feel like that makes me. It does my anxiety.


But he gets mad at me. Cause he's like, did you finish it? And I'm like, no. And he's like, you have, like, two episodes left. And I'm like, I don't care.


Yeah, that's the thing about you. You and Craig do the same thing. You'll just never watch the season finale.


No one can make me like, craig.


Still hasn't watched the yellowstone season finale. And it drives me up a fucking wall.


See, this is America. We're freedom to do not do whatever we want. Okay?


But there's no order in it. That's, I think, why me and Des, like, there has to be some type of order. You watch the whole first season, you finish it.


Like, for me, it's a fuck you to the system. Also, you know what it is? I don't want to be disappointed.


And I feel like you're like, I could have wrote that episode. I could have written the end of that. Like, I know it's happening. I know it's gonna happen.


Game of Thrones never watched the ending. Cause people said it was shit. So why would I put myself through that?


I never really even watched that show.


It was just, like, a lot emotionally.


That's a lot emotional.


So Kevin Spacey's okay.


So that documentary basically, like, he's basically.


Was scared to come out, had a really fucked up home life and is, like, super touchy feely with a lot of men throughout his life.




In, like, a not consensual way.




And then I was like, okay, that was just a warm up. I went to. It's called, like, fallen idols, and it's about Nick Carter and Aaron Carter. And that's unmatched. And I'm. Where have I been with, like, the Nick Carter stuff.


Oh, and how he's, like, a literal psychopath.


Well, it's all alleged, but, like, multiple girls are just coming out being like, he just, like, bad, bad things. And they kind of made it scary. They made it, like, Aaron Carter was trying to be, like, a whistleblower, to be, like, my older brother's fucked up.




And their whole family dynamics.


Remember he, like, dated Paris Hilton for, like, 2 seconds.


Yeah. And then, like, she. It showed that she had been, like, hurt.




So anyway, I do not want to spread stuff, but, like, I always liked nsyNc, and I knew there was a reason. Yeah, I knew there was a reason.


No, but also, I know. I don't know. Well, we don't have the time.


This is the thing.


At the end of the day, we hate em all.


Lance bass can do no wrong.


Right. We love lance bass.


There are two types of girls. Girls who had a crush on lance bass.


That. I was one of them.


That is so funny. You did?


Yeah, that is. And I feel like that shaped a lot of, like, my next boyfriends. I was like, you're a guy, and I should have known. Cause I used to have a crush on Lance past, and I should have known. I did it to myself.


You like guys who are ten percenters or more.


I like to keep myself on my toes.


Like, is it cause, like, you're so girly?


No, Hannah, any time in my twenties that I ever had the thought of, oh, he might be gay, I never went into it thinking he was gay. It just, you know, one time you find yourself at dinner, and then the next minute you find yourself with someone putting a pillow over your face saying, I can't look at you. Like, you don't know how you get in those situations. But, no, I didn't actively seek gay men.


Not to, like, brag, not to overanalyze it, but, like, maybe you went for guys who were kind of gay because you were emotionally unavailable. Unavailable?




And a gay man's the ultimate emotionally unavailable. And if he was hot and dressed well, you were, like, done easy. I think that's what it was. Cause I would go for emotionally unavailable men who had just horrible personalities, and I would carry the conversation cause I can.


I think I went for men that use a lot of hair product. And I don't know why that is so funny, but if I pinpoint it back to something, they all had similar hair products.


They would blow dry their hair.


All had blow dry.


Two types of men. Many blow dry types of men who.


Blow dry and men who don't. Wait, Hannah, that needs to be written down somewhere.


Write it.


No, someone can write.


Write it down.


Write that down.


Write that down in your notes.


Because that's so fucking true. Because I could go through all of my boyfriends who used a blow dryer, and, like, it was their idea to use a blow dryer. They're not right.


And also, it's alarming the moment you realize you hear it and you go, that's coming from my boyfriend. That's not my roommate. That's not me. Wait, there's a moment where you go, oh, he's one of those. And then you're like, you get the egg.


You get for a second, and then.


You'Re like, that's what men. Hair dryer. Men must always do that.


Yeah, it's like they're jet. They have hair gel. They're just drying it. Like, it's not like a full. You gaslight yourself out of it. We just cracked a really big code.


Blow dryer boyfriends.


Blow dryer boyfriend.


Red flag it.


I think it is.


Yeah, I think it is. I'm fine with gel.


I'm fine with gel. Here's the thing I'm fine with. I'm actually fine with Craig because I brought a blow dryer into the home. He never had one. I brought one in for myself. He doesn't use it unless I'm there because it's out. And then he sees it. I'll be, can I use it? How do you know that and he doesn't know.


How do you know when you're not there, what he does.


Because I know.


I feel like you're making excuses for help.


Because here's the only reason why I know it's tied up. He's not putting it back. Tied up.


Okay, good.


So he's only using it when he sees it. So we're half. We're not completely happy.


Men are so funny with their hair. I had this guido roommate shout out to Cory. Dave was bald. Otherwise he would be doing it, too. But Corey. Corey would get his hair done every Thursday. We'd be texting, like, hey, do you want to, like, meet up? And he'd be like, I met the hair guy. And he'd go all the way to the Bronx for his hair guy. Stop. Corey was actually so iconic. People don't talk about him enough. Yeah, he had that fuck. He was, like, the ultimate fuckboy. And I like to keep fuckboys close. That's why he was my roommate. I wanted to understand the fuckboy brain. Doing research for the.


I feel like every time I've ever been out with him, I've, like, at some point in the night, he's been in the corner just, like, smiling with a different girl. Like.


But he had that fuckboy haircut that was, like, to the side. And then they shaved that line.


It was, like, very peaky blinders, kind of.


Yeah, and, like, the fade. Yeah, kind of like Travis Kelsey, kind of. But this was years ago. And I said, corey, like, where'd you get that hairdo idea? And he goes, you know, I actually started it. It was, like, copying me. He goes, in the Bronx, I did it. My boy did it, then he did it it, then they did it. He's, like, the kind of guy that'll just call you a name, and it's the wrong name. He'll just call you the whole night, and you'll be like, okay, you're Harriet. Come over here. I like you, but the sweetest. The sweetest.


Is he married now?


I think so, yeah. He didn't have a wedding. That's why I think he had, like, a little, like, Covid thing. But anyway, every Thursday, he got his boy. And, like, that's, I think, where the men gossiped.


That is where the men gossip or.


They at least hear other situations.


I also don't trust men. That's it. I'm actually gonna stop there.


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Um, nylon came up with a list of, like, hair trends for the summer.




And I felt super attacked. Cause I don't think my jawline could pull off any of them.


What are they? What's, like, the number one? And if you say a pixie cut, I'll freakin scream.


The seven biggest hair trends of summer 2024. The new wet look. So it's like, when your hair's wet.




And pulled back, which, like, let's be honest, does anyone really pull it off. No, but everyone would be like, oh, my God, you slayed.


It's hard to do a wet look. Pulled back.


Yeah. Like, to the side looks good. You can pull it off to the side. I can camp. But when it's just fully back, that's just, like.


I just, like, immediately think Yolanda Hadid. I don't know why Yolanda Hadid. And also, when I think of birthday cake, I think of Yolanda Hadid. That's very niche. Extremely niche.


Side note, I was on a flight yesterday, and I got some chocolate cake because I love myself.




And I'm, like, loving the moment. Listen to music, feeling myself, like, three hour plane ride. Get off the plane, saying hi to everyone, whatever. Go to the bathroom. I have a full chocolate cake crusted on my lip. Cause it was one of those thick chocolate cakes. I'm like, no literal toddler.


I can't believe they even let you fly by yourself. That is.


They need a chaperone. I know you. No, but, like, so many times, I'll be like, how many people did I just talk to with a huge thing of. Cause? Also, did I eat it by just.


Throwing it, shoving it in your mouth?


I shoved it. So, anyway, watch out for chocolate cake. Okay, next one, they said, is shoulder skimming bobs, which is, like, what you've been doing for a while, which I would look so bad. I would look not. Good side slicked bangs.


Let me see that one. Yeah, okay. I meant that.


Yeah, I couldn't. I see platinum.


Ooh, let me see. I'm gonna get a wig.




I'm gonna make Mitchell make me a blonde wig, because I just feel like there are a lot of times where I'm like, I just want to go somewhere blonde and see what it's like.


Okay, lady Gaga.


Like, I just want to go out to dinner one time, like a normal dinner. Like, I'll go with you and Des. I just want to go out to dinner one time, like, with a blonde wig and see people acting. See, like, what's the vibe?


You want to see if blonde. So more fun. Yeah.


Like, what is the vibe? I'm like, do you know when people.


Get bangs, which is what you just did, and everyone's like, when someone goes, I want someone to make a wig for me, that's another level of, like, distress. Like, what you're like, I actually don't want to be myself anymore. Like, the stuff you're spewing is wild.


I can't see.


You're in your King Kylie era.


I'm making guy. Liar.


What color wigs would you do?


I want, like, plat. I want, like, platinum blonde. Like, blonde. I'm going blonde. Blonde.


And you'd leave the eyebrows.


And I'd leave the eyebrows.


Okay. Did you do red?


Yeah, like, if he could make me a red one. Yeah, I would do red. Like, I would want, like, a red bob, I think.


Why don't you just. Okay. Shave your head if we're gonna get.


I don't need to shave my head because I don't want to put a wig on every day. I just want. It's kind of like my baby bump that. Like, I'm gonna use as an accessory. Like, on a Saturday night, if I'm going out to dinner, I want to have the option to be. Be blonde with my outfit.


I also feel like you've had so many good looks that you keep trying to, like, outdo yourself. Yeah.


Cause it's, like, fun.


And at some point, you're like, I've done all the looks I can as a brunette. And you wanna go harder?


No, like, I enjoy the creative process of, like, if I like my outfit, then, like, what's my hair and makeup gonna be? And I feel like I'm obsessed with Taylor and Mitchell so much that we're always, like, we did brainstorming. We love this look. Like, this is so good.




So we're always texting each other, like, different hair looks and makeup artist. You're an artist to, like, save for a day, a rainy day.


Quick, shout out your photo shoot for glamor with the taxi. You're, like, in the taxi with glasses.


Oh, for Cosmo.






So thank you so much. High fashion, cool vibe.


We had a day that day.


Have you ever been in a taxi before?


How dare you?


Were you, like, I needed a breakthrough.


Wait, how am I gonna get home? My phone's dead.


I'll get you home.


No, I'm not getting it over there. You got me. I'm going all the way to the Upper west side. I can't be in a Prius the whole time. It's so far.


You'd be lucky to be in a Prius. It's environmentally friendly. Oh. Continue. Pumped up volume.


No, I hate that hair.


I do have to say, some people try to do my hair with volume, and I look like a dance mom.


No, I don't like. I like volume, but I don't like it the way that Miley Cyrus has it. And from the hair, you love this.


You look good. Flirty flips.


I love that.


I feel like me with a flip. Doesn't make sense.




Because it's not the energy I'm giving to this world.


Okay. Cause it's the energy you don't wanna give. But, like, if you wanted to try it, you could. I'm getting you a wig made. That's it.


Next episode, we're in wigs and we don't acknowledge it. We very seriously do the pod as we do.


Yes. And we just.


Next is super long bangs. Like Sabrina Carpenter. Yeah. Did you see her music video?




What do you think?


I think that they. Nobody's talking about how freaking tiny they are. Why is no one dude the cutest little freaking pipsqueak couple I've ever seen in my life?


My little puppy.


No. I get cute aggression when I see them squiggly. Why do I feel like they're 3ft tall? Fell in the bed.


No, he was trying to sit on the car, but he, like, couldn't get onto the car.


He can't reach it. And she's so freaking tiny, too. Like, she gives me Ariana grande vibes. Like, when Ariana Grande first, like, came.




On the scene.


It's funny because some people are so tiny. Like Kim Kardashian's five one or five three. Something small. Yeah, but doesn't look like.


Does it read that short, like, on tv? And in certain things, Sabrina Carpenter reads like mini mouse.


Yes. So adorable. But. And then he. That is a little man.


That's. That's a little baby.


That's baby boy. Put him on your back. Like a backpack.


No, that's a toddler. That's toddlers and tiaras right there. But I love them. I feel like they're freaky.


But the whole concept of the song was basically like, okay, if I'm gonna go public with you, don't fucking embarrass me.


And if I had a freaking nickel.


But I do have to say, I do think that's a red flag if that's the first thought. Going into the relationship is just a.


Reminder, don't be who you are, because.


It actually is cringeworthy as fuck, and you can really ruin my whole brand. And I have a lot riding on this.


I feel like once a month, Craig gets a text from me being like, well, just a reminder. I'll kill you. Okay.


But honestly, it's good for the men.


No, it's good for them.


They need actually. It's so reverse in my relationship. It's Des being like, hey, just a reminder.


These are the rules that keeps me.


In fucking lying, that man. Thank you. So, yeah, I can't pull off bangs is another thing. I can't. And not to bring negativity, but I just don't believe in myself.


But you're a redhead, so, like, you don't need to do anything else but be a redhead like that.




That's your journey right now.


Des said he likes how I look natural. I said, I.


This is just for fun.


I said, it's a bit.


Also, wood is natural.


Also. It's not, like going platinum, right?


You're literally the same color also.


He didn't even notice it until I said something, and then he goes, I like you natural.


Yeah. He doesn't know.


He doesn't know. No, I think he's colorblind.


I think he's pretending to know people with blue eyes. I feel like are. Yeah, I just made that up.


Well, no, I think it's.


Is it true?


I don't know, but I know people's blue eyes are, like, sensitive to the sun, which is kind of like, how did you make it this far? Like, on a sunny day? You can't. You're just weak. You can't make it. How did we get.


Imagine you're somewhere and your boyfriend's like, I can't.


No. Like, the ick I get from him being like, sorry, my eyes are.


Yeah, my eyes are so piercing blue that they hurt if my boyfriend.


Oh, this is the thing. I love a piercing blue man. A piercing eye blue man.




And they are weak. I'll tell you. They're weak. But maybe that's why I like them. Oh, and speaking of Des, we just had a fun episode of Burner phone where we talk about people submitted movies that we should see. Have you ever seen drop dead gorgeous?




I've never seen it.


You would like.


And everyone recommended it.


That's so funny that everyone recommended it. Cause it's. I feel like no one ever talks about it.


No one talks about it. But the cast is incredible.


The only reason I know about it is because I used to date a guy in my early twenties, and his dad was in, like, screen Actors Guild and, like, wrote kay.


Humble brag.


Yeah, I don't. Honestly. He was, like, his dad was very funny, and so he would always get, like, movies, and they always just had really good movies, and they all knew, like, funny movies, and they had seen them all. So when I met him, my movie repertoire completely changed, and that was one of the first movies I watched.


I have to watch it also.




I have to announce to the academy. Something embarrassing. I've never seen Romeo and Michelle.


Me neither.


And everyone tells us that. I didn't mind that. We just.


I've never watched it. I've seen, like, parts. I've never watched it start different.


I've seen memes of it.


Me too. And I've seen, like, their outfits, and.


People are like, you guys are so Romy and Michelle. And I go, I know.


I think it's because they're blondes that I never, like, identified with it because I was like, I don't see myself in this representation in this movie, so I don't care.


Also, who do you think hurt me that I love blonde men? My brother.


That's too much to unpack for.


My brother's blonde, is he?


Not really.


He's, like, dirty brown.


He's, like, mousy brown.


Yeah, he was blonde. People don't talk enough about people who don't shut up about how they used to be blonde as a kid.


Yeah. Like, I was born blonde.


It's like, I don't care. I don't care what your hair.


Well, because they have, like, a real struggle with it because, like, they're born blonde, and then one day they're just not blonde anymore. And so I think that's, like, an internal thing they're dealing with.


It's really difficult.




Their identity.


Even if they have blue eyes, they can't even see. But who am I to speak? Because I literally lost vision 20 minutes ago.


I love how you lost your vision, but so casually, just walking around the city, like, yeah.


I'm just like, I don't think this is the way I should be seeing. I'm like, this. Something's wrong. And I'm always like, my first thought is, like, you're having a stroke, so figure it out. And Grace broke her face. Just a reminder, we sent her juice.


She's juicing right now.


I saw that. Did you see her? Instagram was like, I'm calling HR. She was like, I'm calling HR. Hannah. Paige. Let me juice. You sent her a fuck ton of juice.


I know. Cause I don't know how long this is gonna be. Yeah, I mean, I hope she's like, we don't even know where you are. What's going on? I just clicked, like, do you want a shit ton of juice? Or do you just want, like, the day I said a shit ton, she goes, you sent a year worth of juice. That's gonna expire in two days. Anyway, you guys, thank you for getting with us. We are gonna announce some new shows this week. Week?




Actually, I kind of want to announce it on the pod right now. Pre sale code is going to be giggly. And we're announcing it on Wednesday. And we're announcing Washington, DC, Atlantic City, Seattle, San Francisco, and Tempe, Arizona. And then we added additional shows to cities that were already announced, too. So go get it.


Okay. So don't yell at us because we are coming to Seattle. Seattle was.


Seattle. Was that.


No. I didn't know they could go so hard.


They went so fucking hard. You know what? We hear you. We see you. We're sorry.


We're coming.


We're coming. Love you. Thanks for getting with us. Talk to you later. Bye.