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No. You know what's so funny? Is that, like, now trends last a day.


No, it's kind of sad because some shit is really good, and you're like, this should have lasted a year. And then some stuff is so stupid. And you're like, no, everything's pretty good. All the trends are pretty good.


No, it's just crazy. Like, now I feel, you know, it's really nuts. That happened to me the other day. I described someone as being millennial. I was like, they're just so millennial.


You've turned on your own. The call is coming from inside the house.


I literally. I've had seven Gen Z gigglers being like, you don't give millennial. And all of a sudden, I'm like.


Ew, we think we're millennial. And, like, we should be checked into a facility, because that's not okay. I will. I identify as Gen Z. And I came for the gen Z's yesterday on Instagram. Did you see?


Well, no. What did you do?


I had a wild post on Instagram yesterday. So I've been trying to be quiet and demure on Instagram since Netflix special. Cause I was like, let's calm down. Like, you've been in everyone's face promoting. I'm like, let's try to be more page. Like. Just disappear. No, I haven't posted. And then last night, I was posting about shout out, radio City.


No, shout out the New York.


I love how we've changed subjects 80 times in one sentence.


We're having really bad adhd today.


The New York gigglers were like, hey, how y'all doing? Like, why don't you have a show for us yet? And I'm like, girls, how dare you think that we forgot about you? We just. We're dealing with some admin. It's actually so hard to get a New York City venue. You have to book it, like, 42 months in advance.


No, it's. People talk about, like, trying to book something for their wedding.


This is harder. Literally.


I'm like, this is why I can't get married. I have a tour to book.


No. And everything's always booked, so you have to, like, fight with other people to, like, book. Whatever. Anyway, long story short, Radio city is on sale, pre sale, code giggly. It's in January. Let's fucking go. It's gonna be insane. I think we need.


No. I'm so excited. I literally feel like a rocket.


Should we get the rockets to come?


I mean, if they're not busy, they might be having an off show.


They're also. Yeah, they're like women in StEm. They're very busy and flexible.


I'd like a documentary on them next.


Oh, that's actually so good. That's so true. It's basically northern Dallas cowboy cheerleaders.


Yeah, it's the northeast version. And I feel like it would be kind of crazy because also, I always wondered, did the rockets beef with the ballerinas?


Like, that's what I wanted.


The New York City ballet.


Also, not to make it negative, but apparently all their bodies have to be the same, which. How the fuck do you even do that? Like, they have to be the same height and, like.


And they all have to be. Yeah. And then, like, their legs probably have to be the same lens.


Do you know the only reason I can't be a rocket is because I have a long torso? Clearly, that torso ratio is fucked up. Get out of here. I also can't touch my toes.


No, I was just gonna say you're literally the least flexible person I've ever met. There are gumby on that stage.


I can't even touch my shin.


No. That's kind of crazy. Have you always been like that? Yeah.


And my brother could palm the floor without stretching.


I can. Yeah.


Men being flexible is, like, not okay.


No, it's definite. I feel like we've spoken about this. Like, who was the guy that did the splits? And I just.


Wait, that was Ariana's boyfriend.


Yeah. I want them to, like, literally have to go to the chiropractor because they're so unflexible.


So anyway, I'm posing at Radio City, and I go to the fonts and, like, not to brag. Cause I feel like I was a little late to it. I got the new Instagram fonts, which no one wants. No one wants an update.


Wait, wait, a minuto.


Everyone's like, I want the update. And then you get it, and everyone freaks out. And I know there's real issues going on in the world, but I projected them all into the fact that there's no Instagram font that I feel like fits me.


Why can I not tell if I have the new ones or not? Oh, yeah, I think I do.


Do all of them seem insane? Do all of them seem like someone took ecstasy and was like, not?


I don't know if I can't tell if I have the update or not.


Honestly, you were too focused on outfits. You don't care about font. I'm very fixated on font. Cause the font affects how people read what you say.


So true.


So, like, there's one that I kind of thin that I think is creepy. And if you say something like, cute outfit today, it reads as, like, cute outfit today.


Yes. No. Anything that looks like crayons, I'm like, that's for children.




I'm like, that's a little creepy.


And then they have a full script one. So then I was like, gen Z, legit. Can't read script. And I didn't. The Gen Z got. Actually, Grace commented. That's how you know she was offended. She's offended. I said, gen Z's can't read script, which they can't. That's just a fact. I thought that was a fact.


Yeah, they don't. They didn't learn it. They didn't have, like, a writing class. Yeah, they didn't have, like, cursive class.


So anyway, then there's, like, the true crime one, which is, like, the typewriter font, which looks, like, about to announce a murder.


Yeah, it's very. It's very millennial.


Everyone stay safe.


Literally, I've been filming at the mouth all week, and I've been bringing it. No, I've been trying to bring it up to anyone.


You know what's crazy? It's not really on my algorithm if.


You don't know what we're talking about. Molly Mae and Tommy fury broke up, and here's why it was so significant to me. Oh, my God. Can I stop getting emails? Here's why it was so significant to me. Wait.


I love it. You're like, this is why it's about me.


That season of love saved our lives. Explain when that. When me and Hannah really first started getting into Love island, we were filming summer house season five, which was the end. Covid season, the beginning of the end.


Which was probably the scariest summer of our lives.


No, it was an insane asylum. Like, I actually, like, called my mom at one point and was like, I think we're all having nervous breakdowns. Like, I want to pull my hair out. I don't know. What that means I quit three times. That season of Love island saved our lives because we sat there and watched the full season in, like, three days.


It was actually so weird and should be. It was so meta. Cause when we were not filming summer house, we would go in our bed and just binge Love island to pretend we weren't filming summer house. And they'd be like, you have to go to the kitchen. I was like, I don't want to fight with someone right now. I'm trying to see Molly Mae. And Tommy Mae got a hot tub.


Yeah. I'm like, molly Mae just walked in with red lipstick on. What do you want me to do?


So, did you know Molly Mae before Love Island?


I didn't, but I. But she was famous already in the UK. Like, she was already an influencer, but it was. I didn't know anything about anyone famous in the UK until I, like, really got deep into Love island, so. But right when she, like, appeared on the screen, you know how people just have. You can't teach it. It's just this energy where you're like, I'm obsessed with that.


She also was, like, kind. I like. She was nice.


So sweet. She was so sweet, and she was so pretty, and she was just cute. And you, like, wanted to be her.


Because it's easy to villainize the new girl that comes on being like, who wants to be with me? All you girls don't know what's coming.


Wait, Hannah, can we make a show that's, like. Because sitcom about, like, love island, but it's like, we hire actors, but, like, people watching think it's, like, real people, and we're like, your accent's, like, not good enough.


Like, wait, what?


That be such a funny show. Like, we're the producers, and we're like, cut, cut. Like, you need to have a thicker accent.


Okay, put that on the docket.


Wait, but put that on the.


Before you even give your hot take that you've been, like, foaming at the mouth to give. Can I give a hot take?




This is the least surprising breakup I've ever heard. I feel nothing.


That's so insensitive of you. I'm.


What made you think this is gonna work out?


Because he's so dumb that, like, I literally thought I was like, he can't even get across the street without her. Like, where's he go?


That's the thing. She deserves better.


When I first heard it, I was, dare I say, gutted for her, because I was like. Because the way it happened, I was like, oh, she found out some shit and was like, nope, I'm putting it on Instagram to, like, make you know I'm serious. We're done. And so, like, every girl I feel like has felt that deep pit in their stomach where something happens, and you're like, and now I have to throw up. Like, I'm.


You think she posted it before he posted anything to be like, don't try to fucking get me back. Like, it's public now. Like, you're fucking done? Yeah.


That's powerful serious. I am.


I like that.


So I was, like, very proud of her in that. But when. Then when I was thinking about it, he's weird. Like, he didn't want their kid to go to school. Like, he's weird. She deserves someone so much cooler. And so I'm actually so happy that they're broken up.


And I'm not saying he's bad. Cause I don't know him, but again, like, the way he looks, you just know he's been treated differently. He has those, like, wild ass shoulders. Like, people immediately are like, you're good. Like, you're good.


No, we need to bring more awareness to men that have wide ass shoulders and don't trust them.


Don't trust a wide shoulder, man.


If they have a broad. A broad shoulder, keep an eye on it.


I feel like men with broad shoulders don't know how to eat you out. I feel like a guy with narrow shoulders. He's going down there. He's putting his little narrow shoulders up inside your pussy.


Small. Very small tidbit that, like, you gotta look out for when someone's, like, going down on you. If their whole body isn't on the bed, I'm not into it.


You're saying if he looks like he's gonna receive doggy?


Yes. I have to remove myself from the situation.


Wow. We just went from zero to 100 so quick. Wait, you. Will you say anything to him? Will you be like, hey, can you.


Like, I try and move so that he has to move because I'm like, I can't look at you.


Like, do you want more room? See, I have a long torso, so I don't know if any guy has enough room to lay down fully. I'm. My torso hits the end of the bed, he's on the floor.


The last thing I want to say about Tommy Fury and Molly Mae, they're 25. They have a whole life to live. She could get engaged again and divorced before she even meets her soulmate. They're like, fine.


What's with reality? Shows being obsessed with people, getting engaged. Obsessed, obsessed. And it's like, that is above your pay grade. That's when paperwork gets involved.


No, if there's admin involved, I'm like, maybe we should take a second look. Like, I have to get someone appointed by the court.


Also, they, like, they treat it like a storyline where, like, if these people get engaged or married, it's like a bow. And, like, then they're in touch, untouchable. And, like, everything's perfect. And I'm like, this is the beginning.


Of a nightmare, the beginning of a horror film. And to be end also, like, because Love island and some of the other ones, like, they're getting people and they're fucking young. They're signing on to do a reality show because they don't. Because they're young and they're, like, experiencing things and they don't really know. And so, like, to expect them to get engaged and stay together forever, it's.


Like brainwashed at the end. Like, you know, have you ever watched bachelor in paradise?


No. That's the thing. That's crazy. Like, with all the love island people coming out and being like, the Internet is crazy and the edits are crazy.


It's like, yeah, I do have to say something. And I wasn't going to lean into this, but there's a crazy chicks in the office interview with Leah where they, it's the first interview out of the house and they're basically like, queen Leah. And she was like, what do you mean? And they're like, you're the star. And she's like, what do you mean? And it was like, a perfect example of, like, when you're filming, you cannot tell that someone is, like, such a hero versus, like, it's way more. And everyone's saying shit that you're like, oop, that could be bad. Oop, that could be bad. Ooh, I don't love that. And she was like, what? And they're like, why are you shocked? And she's like, what are you talking about?


Because the producers were also probably like, if people are gonna not like you, if you, like, say this, I also.


Think back to the marriage thing, like bachelor in paradise. At the end, they have to decide if they wanna leave the island with the person. And there's always one couple that succumbs to the pressure of them being like, you guys, everyone loves you. If you propose right now, you're gonna be the biggest couple in America. And they're just like, fuck it, let's go. And then, oh, that's so scary.


No, I know, because also, I feel like getting engaged. Look, obviously, things happen and people get divorced, but, like, getting engaged, I don't want to feel it too many times.


Okay. Don't come for J. Lo like that.


No, I don't want to be like this again. Okay?


J. Lo's had a hard enough year. You don't have to come for her like that. Is J.


Lo with Ben to be the only time?


Has anyone checked on them?


I don't believe so. I don't believe so at all. I will say we haven't, like, touched on any of the Blake lively stuff, because I just feel like it's so overdone. It's so, like. Okay, we get it. Everyone hates everyone. Everyone sucks. Like, here's the thing. If you had listened to giggly squad from the beginning, we would have told you this. Like, look at this, kitty.


Like, Daphne's joined. Daphne's looking at me. Yes. It's your godmother, Daphne. It's your godmother. I think about you every day, Daphne.


Like, the media will never let a woman be too on top for too long. But I will say I started watching Jane the virgin because I didn't know who Justin Baldoni was until all of this.


Yeah. I don't know.


I didn't know how everyone knew who he was. Yeah, I'm obsessed with Jane the virgin now.


Oh, that's one of those shows that everyone loved that I didn't get into.


Me neither.


Cause we're sluts.


I was like, none of this could be for me.


Someone said that I looked like Ray Gunn the breakdancer yesterday.




That really made me laugh. Yeah, that really made me laugh for a good three minutes. I was like, that's hilarious. We didn't talk about Ray Gunn.


We didn't. We didn't talk about the break dancing of it all.


I do support women in the arts.


Here's the thing. We do support women in the arts, but we're not blind, and we have braids on us. So we're not just blindly supporting all women in the arts. Cause some of them are insane.


So apparently, she studies the culture of breakdancing. I think she is obsessed with it.


Well, I saw all these people saying that she stopped other people from being able to go to the Olympics who were way more qualified. And here's the other thing. When I was watching the breakdancing, I was like, I've seen better breakdancing on the subway. Like, I was like, I live in New York City. Which I would think is the capital of the break dancing world. I'm like, at any given moment, I could go on the corner and see seven people better than you. Like, this is why.


Easily. And we would still, like, not be impressed.


Yeah. No, literally. Have you ever gone to Times Square once in your life. Elmo can break it the fuck down.


They're doing insane things, and they're like, they're tying themselves up and breakdancing and getting out of, like, a belt. A belted situation.


My thing is, like, I want to know what the qualifications to, like, get a sport into the Olympics are.


I think that's the thing. It was definitely hard, and I think they took it away after that. Like, it got so much bad press.


But if breakdancing was getting that much, that many, like, eyes on it to be like, oh, maybe this should be an Olympic sport. I feel like. Have you ever watched any dance team on TikTok?


Oh, my God. It's incredible.


Why would dance teams not be an Olympic sport? Like, those people are insane. I literally fall asleep to, like, world dance team tournaments.


Yeah. Who's making these decisions? I think it is the country. Like.


Us. If we were in office. So, like, I just think it's the country, you know? Like, it's not us.


I'm calling it. I think pickleball is the next Olympic sport.


Yeah. Or, like, handball, which I.


Everyone's been asking, Hannah, what do you think about pickleball? I support it, but I haven't played it yet. Cause I'm really afraid that I'm gonna get the bug, and then I'm gonna want to go pro, and I'm gonna quit all my jobs and then just, like, be on tour as a pickleball crazy professional.


It's literally why you've never tried cocaine. It's the same reason on why you've never tried cocaine.


But you get me.


You would get obsessed with it. You'd have to be the best at it. Then I'd have a drug addict for a friend.


Wait. I'm so scared of myself. I'm so scared.


So here's the thing. Here's the thing with pickleball. You would be so fucking good, it would actually be frightening.


No, I know.


And, like, you would. That's why you haven't tried it. You don't want to beat out everyone else. You're actually extremely humble.


And then I have my cute friends who are like, hey, do you want to play pickleball with me this Sunday? And I go, do you want to have a massacre? Do you want to have a bloody massacre in your sweet country club. Can I just say, I don't have mercy. It's not in my gut.


I went to see Hannah on a non giggly squad day, like, a real friend day, and there was a moment where I was like, we would have been such good friends as little girls.


You made me cry.


There was a moment where Hannah goes, do you want to watch me play tennis? And I was like, okay. And she literally ran, put her sneakers on, and I grabbed my blankie, like, sit on the chair to watch her play tennis. And I was, like, in my head, I was like, oh, my God. We would have vibed so hard as little girls because I wanted to, like, sit and play with something, and you would have been, like, doing something active, but we would have still, like, been together and vibing on our own.


I'm that kid who's like, you want to see me do this flip? And then I just, like, trip on myself. And you're like, okay, yeah, that's so.


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You don't have to worry about it rolling down, which is unheard of in shapewear. And thanks to their flexible boning that's hidden in the side seams, it's also perfect to give you a little bit of shape and also, no costume change required when you have to use the bathroom. Treat yourself to the best bras and shapewear on the market and save 20% giggly. Use our exclusive link to get 20% off. That's giggly. After you purchase, they'll ask where you heard about them. And please support our podcast by telling them that giggly squad sent you. Say yes to every adventure with honey love.


Hello, everyone. It's Sophie and Jamie from Newlyweds podcast, and we are currently sponsored by Disney. Yeah, that's totally right. By the way, it's been making our summers even better. We've been hooked on the brand new season of FX's the Bear, following Kami and his team through the chaos of their fine dining adventures. It is so intense. Don't forget the Kardashians because you know how much I love it.


I love it. Their drama's next level.


It's so addictive. Oh, and also, we're obsessed with only.


Marders in the building, too. That's an amazing show.


A show. It's unbelievable. Now you guys have to check it out. All of these and so much more are streaming on Disney this summer. Summer is better with Disney. Also, people are mad at me because I made hot dog pasta the other.


Day, and I'm one of those people.


I think, look, some nights are hard. Some nights are hard.


Nana's somewhere.


Well, Reyos sent me a bunch of pasta.


I saw that huge box in your foyer.


Hey, not to brag. So I was like, does. Do you want a home cooked meal tonight? This also. You get out of home cooked meals, make them hot dog pods, and they'll never ask you to cook.


So were you just having, like, a side hot dog? And you're like, what if I just.


I'm gonna be honest. I've done this many times before. It's kind of like. It's like sausage. It's a little salty. I have to say, for the pasta, it's also disgusting. This is the thing. I like hot dogs. I like pasta. It's a protein. Is there even protein in hot dogs?


Your nana is probably beside hot dogs.


She comments on all my stuff. The silence was deafening. On that, I think she actually. She was like, I'm not processing this.


She was like, I've been alive for too long. I shouldn't have seen this. I wasn't ready.


But I also just love seeing people's reactions. Also, do you know that hot girl walks are over?




Well, they've been replaced.


With what?












The PR.


The farting PR. The Ib's PR is doing well. What?


Why? Because it's, like, good for your digestive system.


Yeah. So basically, after you eat, you go for a walk and just, like, let it fly. So it's not only polite to your guess, because I'm saying.


Because after I eat, I have to lay down.


Apparently it's good for your digestion.


Okay. So what, do you do it? You're doing that with your boyfriend?


That's disgusting. That's called intimacy, page.


No, I've never farted in front of a boyfriend ever. And I really. I really don't.


You've never accidentally, like, laughed too hard.


And it came out maybe once?


And do you own it or do you, like. That was the chair.


No, I would never. I honestly wouldn't. I don't even know. That's probably definitely happened. But I probably blacked it out because I know I've never, like, maybe he caught on, but I never said anything like, no, I never.


And you have that quick decision you have to make of if you go oops or if you go never, you don't address it. Or if you blame something, it's a split second decision you have to make. It's game time decision.


I hate that we're talking about this, because I feel like now it's gonna happen to me.


Oh, no, I didn't mean to message you. I do have to say we talk about, like, our bodies and all this stuff. But, like, people don't talk about the farting and pooping enough, and Nana hates when I talk about it. But, like, do you ever have such good of a poop you want to tell someone?


Never. Never.


That's crazy, because this morning I almost texted you, and I was like, has your soul ever left your body? Then you almost feel like you want to congratulate yourself. You're like, that was good.


Here's the thing I will say after, like, being away for a weekend or, like, being away on a trip when I come home, I think because I'm such an anxious person, like, physically, my body really does, like, hold on to so much. So, like, even if I didn't have to go to the bathroom, when I'm, like, pulling up in the uber to my apartment, I feel like my body's like, we're home. Like, thank God. We've been literally holding everything in for 13 days. We didn't know if we were ever coming back. Like, the inside of my body is so dramatic. I'm like, guys, calm the fuck down. We're gonna come home. But, like, subconsciously I'm like, are we ever going home?


No. It's like, when you're about to go home with a guy to hook up the first time, that's how I feel when it's been, like, a long night out and you're about to poop, you're like, we're about to get back. It's about to get crazy.


I haven't felt that sensation in years. Years. Thinking about how I used to run to a Starbucks across the street because I refused to go to the bathroom at a guy's house.


I was, like, obsessed with my breath. Like, I had, like, breath, bad breath phobia where I was, like, the whole time, I'd be like, you can't kiss me right now. I just ate this. Or, you can't kiss me right now. I am, like, a little bit thirsty. And then it's, like, weird to put gum in your mouth, like, a fucking second.


Mine would be like, we just, like, smoked a cig at the club. Like, we can't make out.


Me, I'm like, I just had chicken parmesan. Like, I think there was garlic in that. So I would be obsessed. Like, I wouldn't kiss a guy if I wasn't, like, 100% sure. I feel like I put too much weight on that.




I was, like, obsessed with the fact he might be like, no, I don't like her breath.


Yeah, no, there's, like, different things that, like, now I don't even, like, think about.


I feel like I should consider that every now and then.


No, I do always think about, like, okay, if I was single right now, I'd be the worst. I'd be like, I don't care about you. Like, I'll do this on my own. Goodbye. Like, I would be just so different than what I was used to being.


You mean changing everything for a man?


Literally changing everything. And, like, going clubbing. Like, I don't think. I don't think I would club again.




That would be so scary.


Clubbing's violence.


No, it incites violence. It truly does.


It does. Speaking of violence, I had a crazy purchase the other day, and I briefly talked about it on burner phone, but I want your perspective. I bought a trampoline. Have you seen these videos of these girls jumping up and down on trampoline being like, it's so good.


Like, a personal size?


Yes. Like, a little one. They're like, it's so good for your lymphatic drainage, which I still don't know if it's real. And they're like, it just helps with your digestion. It's a great workout. And is it a great workout? I'll do anything to nothing. Jog. Like, anything. Jogging. I'm like, sign me up. I do some research. They call it rebounding. So it's not like jumping on a trampoline. It's called rebounding. And cool girls in New York City are doing it. There's, like, a place called ness. Ness, where, like, cool girls bop on trampolines, which. So I bought it.


This feels very 1950s. And I'm, like, almost kind of here for it.


I know. And Des is like, what the fuck is there trampoline outside? And I was like, it's my workout. So I did it for, like, 4 seconds, and immediately I had to shit myself.


No way.


It's like taking a baby and shaking a baby. So I want to get into it, but I just haven't been in the right digestion place. It's like shaking a fucking diet coke and being like, oh, no.


Waiting for you to get into the right digestion place, though, could take years.


No, it could be literally the next. Like, mercury needs to be in retrograde. So I'm. But I just want to let people know rebounding is a thing. I haven't been able to do it yet, but I'll keep people posted on my rebounds.


I hope I get this in my algorithm now, because I've never even. I've never even thought about it.


I just also hope that, like, people don't hurt themselves. Cause it's not a big one. You're just, like, jumping, and they're like, raise your leg, raise your leg.




Raise your leg. So I'm gonna try it.




But I also could have just wasted $400.


$400, Hannah for personal Tripoli.


Well, I had to make sure it wasn't gonna break. It was like, $350 on Amazon.


Literally in my head. I was like, oh, it's like a $100. She got it on.


Like, I don't know if it might even. 350. I'll put it in the newsletter. My thing is I will buy stuff that I think will make me a better person and not use it and think that there's some kind of, like, trickle down effect. Like, I'll buy, like, mental health books and not read it, but be like, but I have these books, so I'm bad.


I literally just did that. And I bought a prayer journal. I was like, I need to, like.


Are you becoming a born again? What the fuck is going on over there? What does is make it fun to me, because in our house, I have a book that just says how to set boundaries. And he's like, this is in the middle of. Oh, my God. People need to work on their boundaries. He's like, can you not put your weird self help books in the middle of the living room?


Wait, that's actually, like, a really funny, quirky thing that I think more people should do. Just have, like, the weirdest book titles, like, in their home. What a conversation starter. Like, imagine having, like, imagine coming home to your husband and just putting a book in the bookshelf that said, divorce for dummies.


How did that get there? Hilarious. My favorite, though, is, like, the millennial book trend that everyone had to put, like, fuck in the title. It's like, how to be a fucking girl boss. Fuck you, bitch.


No. Okay, well, actually, that's funny that you bring that up, because I have two big bookshelves in my bedroom, and I've been trying to decorate them, and I was like, wait, is. I want, like, I want a, like, row of books, but I want them to be all the same color. So, like, I don't give a shit what the books are, but they need to be all the same color. So one side I have, they're, like, all blue, and on the other side, they're all white. And so they came in, and I, like, put them up, and then I was like, is this so fucking millennial? I was like, is this so millennial and weird. I need to take a picture and put it in the newsletter because I don't know if it looks cool or if it looks horrible.


Did you run a bike, Grace?


I didn't. I was too scared.


I think that's your answer if you're too scared to ask Grace, it's millennial. I do think.


No, that's true.


Like, a stereotypical coffee table book could be millennial. Like, too thick of one.


Yeah. Fuck.


I do think our giggly squad book is a perfect one, though.


No, it is perfect because it is so freaking cute. Imagine if we had a handbook for giggly squad employees. And one of the things was like, and if you have to ask Grace, it's a no.


Oh, God. I want to talk personal style for a second.




I think I know how I want to describe my style in three words. Actually, it is three words, but you're just found an esthetic on TikTok. Okay, Tom boy. Femme Berlin. That's what I want to be for fall.


Okay. Okay. You're gonna need a trench coat.


I need this thing, though. I don't wear sambas.


You don't have to wear sambas.


Are sambas for people with flat feet? Because I just feel like they're not. Why would I wear a samba when I could wear something more comfortable? They're so flat to me. It's like. They're like a fucking ballet flat.


I have pink and blue platform sambas that are cute.


Are they comfortable?


I think so.


You don't even process comfortability when it comes to fashion.


You don't even know when it comes to a shoe. I don't know.


The second I put it on, I'm like, could I run in this?




Like, could I jog the track?


I should. I should think of that more often, because, like, we do live in New York City, and it's like, I probably should run more times, like, when someone's chasing me, but if something is uncomfortable but it looks really good, I'll suck it up. Yeah, but I don't like to be uncomfortable. Yeah, but, like, if I have to be for a specific event, I will be.


Have you thought of your three words to describe your style? I feel like you've been waiting for someone to ask you that, like, my whole life.


I actually don't know what would describe my style. I would say I'm a little bit of a juxtaposition, because I would say that I do like a very classic look, but also I love a fucking trend.


You do? And I do have something to say about trends. Someone had a good quote about, like, you can't just keep buying trends whenever they come out. Like, capitalism can't keep winning like that. It's more like, use the trend to influence your personal style. Like, just take from the trend. What is good with your style?


Well, a lot of times, like, when I do Amazon lives and we talk about, like, trends because I do, like, think it's fun to try them. A lot of the trends, like, you already have in your closet that you could. Okay, so, like, one of the trends for fall is, like, obviously big fall coats and, like, statement coats, like, voluminous, like, big sleeved coats, but also shawls. So, like, wrapping your own scarf in a different way where it looks like it's, like, wrapped in the front and the ends are in the back. You don't have to go out and buy a coat that's, like, has a built in shawl. Like, you can do it at home. And, like, there you've, like, done the trend one time and you didn't buy a whole new coat with a shawl.


We just saved, like, $150.


No, literally math. Like, a lot of trends, like, I feel like people do have at home. Like, and also, like, now it's like a de ox blood is more in style. What actual red oxblood color is that.


What they chose to call it? Jesus Christ.


PETA's somewhere being like, I'm sorry.


Pete is like, we just stopped fighting with Pete Davidson. Now we have to come for the whole fashion community. Oxblood. It's chose violence. Oh, my God.


Well, but it's like a deeper red. But, like, you can still wear the red cardigan that you bought last fall and, like, still be achieving the same look.


Are you going to go through your clothes and, like, donate a shit tonight?


It's so funny, Hannah, because that's on.


My to do list.


I love a list. I. We should talk about our list more often. I have, like, a master's list. It's called my long to do list.


That's so.


Yeah, like, my masters to do list. Those are like, my long to do list. Things like that. I could. I'd like to get done within the year.




Okay. Then I have my everyday to do list. Currently on my everyday to do list to clean out. My closet is tomorrow night.




But. But it's always getting pushed.


Actually. My life is run by a note that says shit I need to do. And the top is, like, things I should do that day. And then I have, like, ones at the bottom of other things. It's funny. I wrote ob gyn. When is the next time? I mean, you go to the.


No, I have to go to the dentist. That is on my freaking list.


I have a dentist, girl.


No, I have a dentist.


Oh, sorry.


It's just hard going.


Do you guys know that we, like, barely have health insurance?


Hannah, we have health insurance.


I know, but it's not good. It's not good in these streets.


No. When anyone brings up health insurance, I immediately retreat to a baby. I'm like, I don't know.


Isn't it crazy? Like, reality tv and comedians have no health insurance. Should we start a union?


Health insurance for the girlies.


I just. You just have to be a girly.


After you turn 26, people are hitting you with all these really weird words. You're like, I have no idea. I just want to know that if I have to go to the ER, I'm gonna be okay.


Oh, my God. I had a freak out. I remember I was 26 in an office. Cause they're basically like, you don't have to worry about it if you're under 26. But it's like, give me a little prep to know what's coming. Because then they put, like, a book in front of you with all these words, and no one gives you the definition of the words. And they're just like, okay, I've never.


Seen this alleged book.


I think it's because you, at 26, were already doing reality tv. Hi, we're Chris and Rosie from our podcast, shagged, married, annoyed, and we're currently sponsored by Disney plus. There's loads of stuff on there for adults. We just watched the bear on there. Very stressful, very tense. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. Watching it is what it must feel like working in a high pressure restaurant. Yeah. Incredible. Star wars and Marvel are part of Disney too, so Star wars in the Star wars universe. The acolyte is on there now. Full series streaming now on Disney plus. If you're Kardashian fan, the Kardashians is on Disney plus now. Genuinely, there's tons on there. So many incredible things streaming this summer only. Murders in the building, the Kardashians, the acolyte, the bear, all streaming this summer on Disney Plus. I have mormonism drama on TikTok.


Oh, my God. Wait, did you see that hulu shows coming out? I can't freaking about the Mormon moms.


Well, it's funny because I thought they were gonna try to do real housewives of. Oh, I guess they already have that. Salt Lake City.


Yeah, some of them are Mormon.


I do believe some of them are Mormon. So there's this guy. I forgot his first name, but his last name was, like, flipakowski or something.




Flip a cow Flipakowski. And he played for Duke, and he was, like, really good. And everyone was excited to see him get drafted, and for some reason, he wasn't drafted in the first round or whatever, and people were really surprised by it. And it turns out they give you interviews if you're gonna go pro about your life. They ask, what's going on in your life? And someone in a podcast was like, it could be because of his girlfriend. And everyone was like, what do you mean, girlfriend? They found out that he's dating a girl who's six years older than him. Six or more. Who used to be his babysitter. And apparently they started dating when he was 18, so she went to his prom. Oh, no. When she was 26. He went to his prom at 18. And apparently he's cut off his family because of her and mormonism. And his family's been on Twitter being like, this girl captured our son through mormonism.


Oh, she's Mormon. He's not.


But I think he's been converted. And they think that she saw at a young age, like, she was his babysitter and was like, this guy's incredible at basketball. He's gonna go pro. I'm gonna lock him in and then, like, use God.


But now he never went pro.


I think he. So he got picked up. Guess by who. The Utah jazz. The Mormon state.


Okay. And so is he playing this year?


Yes, but people are, like, worried that they're basically like, was she grooming this kid?


You know, it's interesting as much as, like, we obviously, like, ride for the girls. It doesn't really get talked about enough when, like, this, it, like, it's the reverse. And, like, a woman finds, like, a young guy and kind of, like, molds him. Like, no, if that was reversed and that was a man and he was 26 and he was the babysitter and started dating her, the girl, at 18, we'd be like, shit was going on prior to.


Women are so much more mature than men. So, like, a 26 year old woman with an 18 year old boy is, like, uncomprehendable.


I actually can't talk to men that are my age. I'm even struggling with them being 35, 36.


No, men my age. I sit them down, and I'm like, hi, what are we trying to do? What's going on? Have you been to therapy?


It's so crazy. How men our age get treated so differently than, like, women our age. Like, my number one question is, like, when you're getting married, when you're having a baby, any guy friends that are, like, 30, 31, no one would want.


To bring it up.


They're like, don't get a girlfriend. You're only 31.


It's like, we're literally with us, they're like, I think you have time. You don't have a geriatric pregnancy for another three years, which is. Is that enough to fall in love and get married and get pregnant? Ooh, I don't know. Freeze your aches. Start injecting yourself with hormones ASAP.


I literally do have to freeze my ass.


I had that moment with Trevor Wallace, who's my age, because I was looking at him, and I was like, we're in a similar place with, like, stand up. We just had our first special come out, and I was like, you don't feel any pressure to, like, choose career or family right now? And he was like, what? And I was like, yeah, I literally am like, do I shoot another special? Do I try to have a kid? Like, we're in such different positions.


It's crazy. And just not even the sacrifices, the rhetoric around, like, having to say as a woman, like, oh, well, yeah. Like, I want to have a family, but I also want to do my career. And it being, like, a crazy people take sides in that.


Trevor Wallace and I are a great example of two comedians that we have our careers going, but if I have a kid, like, we're suddenly gonna be on a different path.


Yours will take a drastic, and it.


Doesn'T mean that it's gonna be less successful. Like, arguably, you know, I don't want to, like, I could get a lot of likes with a kidde. Yeah, but, like, I don't.


No, I mean, look, I said I was keeping Daphne off instagram, and then I was like, but she's gorgeous.


But I'm telling people I do not want to post my kid for content. But with. With that, just. You have such different situations. I also have to say. Cause I turned 33 last week, or the other week, I was like, oh, my God. Like, because, you know, when you're 29, people are like, you're a baby. And then when you turn 30, they're like, you're still basically 29. And then when you're 31, they're like, you're still 29. And then when you're 32, they're like, you're still. You're like, you're 30. Then when you're 33. They're like, you're 40.




So I. It hit me, like, okay, I'm not in my twenties anymore. And then I realized that I always have wanted to be, like, an older, cool aunt with some gray hair, and, like, that's who I want to identify with. Like, I feel like so many girls, their whole identity is, like, being young and hot and, like, I actually never felt comfortable being, like, young and sexualized and people thinking that I was stupid, and I'm kind of over it, and I can't wait to be older.


Oh, my God, you're really taking back the narrative and, like, twisting it, and I love it.


No, I. And I never felt comfortable when, like, men were like, she's young and hot, and I never felt comfortable walking into, like, a meeting and having to be like, hey, like, you can. Can you guys please respect what I'm saying? Do I have to repeat myself again? Like, I'm just annoyed with all that. And that's what comes with being in your twenties. And I just think that there's so many negativities with it. I'm excited to be, like, I feel like everyone is someone different at heart. Like, in my heart, I'm 44.


I will say on the plus side of being in your thirties now, when I am in certain meetings or zooms, I feel like I kind of fucked myself, because sometimes people are really looking to me to say something, and I'm like, oh, sorry, I forgot I turned 30. And, like, now you're kind of taking me a little bit more seriously. I still don't know. Like, I like when you become a really important part at work, it's like, oh, shoot. You have to listen to what people.


Are saying on zooms. The con of getting older is you have to listen.


No, there's so many times they're like, Paige, obviously you got the brief. Like, you looked through it, and I'm like, yup, sure did. Like, no, no, I didn't.


And my mom has talked about, like, when you get older, sometimes you feel like you disappear. Sometimes a little bit. But, like, that sounds so peaceful. Like, to just, like, walk outside and not be like, is someone gonna try to, like, grab my ass cheek?


Okay, very interesting. Because I think I struggle. This is, like, getting so deep now. I think I struggle with the opposite. I think I struggle with the thought of getting older and becoming more and more invisible when, like, for a while, the norm was in your twenties. You are so young and hot and so, like, that's in your brain. Like, oh, I'm young and hot. I'm gonna be young and hot. And then as you get older, it's like. Like, I feel like I first noticed it when TikTok really came out because, like, I would see younger hot guys and in my head, I'd be like, oh, you can't date them anymore. They wouldn't want to date you. You're old. You're older than them.


You know what's so funny? And we're not talking about 18 year olds, we're talking about like 25, 26 year old guys, right? Yeah.




Which we wouldn't want to date anyway. But like. No, but like, I would be like, how lucky would they be to, like, sit with me and I would like the conversation. And also they think I'm hot and I'm smart and I'm successful. Like, I don't. I think it's a. You have been so pretty and like, it's got. It's part of your value intrinsically.




And it's not your. It's literally not your fault. Like, talk about not. It's really not your fault. You're not. It's not your fault. You're hot. And everyone's told you you're hot your whole life. For me, like, being hot has never helped me with anything. It probably has in some ways, like, getting our reality, but, like, it was never part of my ego identity.


My ego.


Yeah, like, I never was, like, felt better about myself. Cause I was pretty. It was more like, you have to be athletic. You have to be.


Well, I think I was at like a young age put in your model, even just your child model style. I was put in a box where it was like, oh, she's pretty, so she must also be stupid. Which, like, it was just a coincidence I couldn't read, but that's not my fault. That was just a really bad coincidence. So, like, she must be these other things. So I think that's why I took it so seriously when I got older. Like, dating where I was like, if you don't think I'm funny, like, that is my basic.


Well, that's the thing. The people who fall in love with you are not gonna fall in love with you cuz you're hot.


Right. There's a bazillion that takes a long time to, like, I feel like as a woman, like, learn that you have so many more things to like, offer.


Than your husband is not choosing you because you're hot. Your husband is falling in love with you, which makes you hot, period.


No, I've dated some of the ugliest guys in America, but I do have to say loved them.


It's not. It is different with girls because, like, men, it's like, oh, they bring all these other things, which do they? But with you, your ego and your value has been attached to your looks. So it's like, okay, if my looks change a little bit, do I lose everything? And that's how I felt. Like when I stopped playing tennis, I was like, who the fuck am I? Cause all people liked me for was being a tennis player, right?


And I think that's why, like, Botox is so rampant and plastic surgery. Cause it's like, well, I can't. This is the one. This is me. I can't lose this. But it's really not. You like, your looks really, aren't you.


Also, isn't there something so hot about someone who you is comfortable in their own skin? Can we talk about that?


Yeah. Like, I always say, I think especially living in New York City, because, like, our nightlife is a little bit different and you're exposed to so many different types of people. I have been at parties, like, when I was in my early twenties, and, like, seen girls who are, like, a little bit older than me walk in and, like, their confidence was so crazy. And they were not the prettiest girl in the room. No, where, like, a model who was by far the prettiest girl in the room. So insecure, like, standing in the corner. Her body language, so you, like, almost don't notice her.


People are not factoring in energies when energies are, like, everything. And also, first of all, pretty. Like, depends on.


So it's very subjective.


It's very subjective. Like, it's also, like, what girls think is pretty. Sometimes guys do not think is pretty.


Like, that's actually so crazy. I feel like there was just a TikTok trend where people were, like, showing their boyfriends, like, a girl that, like, we thought it was pretty girl things is so hot. They're like, yeah. She's like, okay.


It's so, like, you can't control how people view you, how people see you through their lens, but you can control your fucking energy. And that's why I think, like, confidence is just so hot. And, like, how you carry yourself. There's so many people online who get so many likes, and people are obsessed with them. And then you're in the room with them and you were like, their energy is so bad.


So bad.


And I think that's why the Internet can be hurtful and harmful because you're like, wow, this person looks like an angel. And everyone must be obsessed with them. Look how many likes they get. But when they're in the room, no one wants to talk to them. They have weird energy. They ruin people's day.


And I think there's also, like, the opposite effect too. Like, there are some people that it's like, oh, my God, everyone hated them. And then you're like, they literally just have anxiety.


Yeah. Like, even celebrities and stuff and reality tv people especially. I love hearing, like, someone that you think everyone hates. Then you're like, they're fucking hilarious. They're the realest people. They speak their mind. They stand up for people. And you're like, oh, my God, I I fuck with that person hard. Cause sometimes the people who are curating so hard online are the people who are hiding shit.


It's also just such a weird world because we are able to see what people younger than us are doing and what people older than us are doing. And I feel like before the Internet, you just knew what people your age were kind of doing. Cause when were you ever around?


Well, even at the beginning of the Internet, MySpace was just the people our age. And then when the parents came, we moved to Facebook.


I'm never around 23 year old girl, but online, everyday life, but online, I'm seeing everything they're doing. So, like, like, two girls fighting. 224 year old girls fighting on TikTok. I'm not taking sides. Cause I'm 31 years old. Like, I I'm not taking sides because these are like little girls to me.


No, you're right.


And they're doing very 23 year old girl things. Yeah, but it's just getting put on the Internet for everyone to see. Like, wish, like, oh, my God, the shit I would do at 23 if I put it on the Internet. And now looking at it at 31, I'd be like, I will freak the fuck out. So, like, I would never be able to take sides with two young girls because I'm like, they're both have emotions. They're both going through it. They're both in expressing themselves. You can't take a side. They're kids. But, like, other 23 year old girls on TikTok are obviously, like, I'm on this one side, I'm on this one side. But, like, being able to see it is all very, like, that also makes me feel much older. Cause I'm like, ugh, I get it. But, like, again, it's the girls fighting and where's the guy?


And it's funny because some people are getting. Some people are getting mad, and they're just like, when girls fight on TikTok about a man, it's like another girl on girl crime. But I'm like, or are they both geniuses and they're both getting more clout and more followers?


Neither of them are probably evil. Like, you know, they're just being girls. They're just, like, they have emotions.


But also, like, this is reality tv. We're just watching reality tv. But, like, edited through their own TikToks, where you're seeing there, you're seeing their own green screen interviews.


Yeah. And there's no, like, guy sitting on a computer being like, cut that part out.


Yeah, but they're also, like, not able to show, like, actual footage of what happened. It's just two girls being like, this is what happened that night. 20. What was I doing when I was 20?


No, I wouldn't go back to 23 years old. No.


It's so scary. It's so. What was I doing? I was 23. Where was I? Who was I? Oh, I was, um, co calling sales.


I was working at ABC News.


I was co calling sales, and I was obsessed with this one guy in the office who was tall, painfully shy. Never spoke to him. Like, he was shy. Like, I would talk to him, and he would be so shy. And that was my dating life.


When I was 23, I would actively watch my boyfriend leave the club with other girls, and I'd be like, this is. This is fine. This is so fine. This is okay. I'm strong. And then him be like, the universe is testing me. Bringing her to her uber. What are you talking. I'm like, yep, you're a gentleman.


The universe is testing me in a lot of ways. Ooh. Perfect mental health moment. This girl, Julia Messi. M a c e y. I don't know where I saw it. I wrote it in the notes. Said, the world won't let you get comfortable where you don't belong to. The world will not let you find peace or settle where you shouldn't be.


No. The. Honestly, the astrologers on TikTok this week have really been freaking me the fuck out, actually.


Some are going too hard.


Some are going way too hard.


Some are like, your life's ending. And I was like, is that allowed? Is that loud?


They're like, if you're a scorpio, your whole life is changing. I'm like, can we not? I just got settled.


Also, if you get a bad one, you keep scrolling for a good one.


Yeah, I'm like, I don't resonate with that one. Thank you. They're like, you're just like, really? You're shedding things. You're changing your whole life. I'm like, I don't wanna, but let's normalize.


Instead of taking, like, bad experiences or being uncomfortable or bad things happening to you, as, like, my life sucks. Being like, oh, I'm listening to this energy. I'm not comfortable in this space. I'm not saying to, like, quit all your jobs and break up all your boyfriends, even though that's a good idea. I'm saying there's a reason. You're not at fault. There's nothing wrong with you. You're not finding peace because this isn't the place for you. And let's keep moving. Let's keep swimming.


No, your gut always knows.


Well, that is. Thanks for giggling with us.


Thanks for giggling. Crying. Figuring out the world's problem.


That was an insane episode. We love you guys so much. We're starting to make outfits for tour.


No, we're so excited. Especially for Radio City. That's like. I actually can't even say it out loud. It doesn't feel real. So I don't think it's actually hit me yet. But the tour is freaking starting.


Tour is starting in like, two weeks, three weeks. I don't know. We don't know. We're living life day to day. But we love you guys so much and we'll talk to you soon. Bye.