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Hi, we're Chris and Rosie from our podcast, Shagged, Married, annoyed, and we're currently sponsored by Disney. There's loads of stuff on there for adults. We've just watched the bear on there.




Very stressful, very tense. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.


Watching it is what it must feel like working in a high pressure restaurant. It's incredible. Star wars and Marvel are part of Disney too, so Star wars in the Star wars universe. The acolyte is on there now. Full series streaming now on Disney.


If you're a Kardashian fan, the Kardashians is on Disney now. Genuinely, there's tons on there.


So many incredible things streaming this summer. Only murders in the building, the Kardashians, the Acolyte, the bear, all streaming this summer on Disney.


Sup, gigglers?


Gary, fix the wifi.


Manifest that shirt. We can't be managed.


It is fun.


I mean, the day just got away from me. What's up, my delightful gigglers?


Wholesome, sweet, nice for a Sunday.


How is my goddaughter?


She's doing good. I had, like, such mom guilt. No, this weekend, I was, like, getting picture and text updates of, like, what she was doing all weekend. She's, like, growing, and I'm like, does she know I'm coming back, though?


The thing is, when she does see you, you're gonna realize how, like, cats are so excited to see you when people think cats aren't. It's like, she's gonna be so happy. I'm gonna meet her after this pod. Not to make it about me, but she has to meet her godmother.


Yeah. What if she likes you more? Cause she just knows.


Well, that's why I let you guys bond for a week. Cause I didn't want to have to take her.


No. I'm, like, so obsessed with her.


No, but she's literally. So you coded. She's gonna see me in, like, barf.


Can I say something, though? This is, like, a bit. This might be a bit off putting, but here we are. So the first day, I got her, obviously. You're like, this thing is so cute. And then the second day, I was like, okay, I like her, obviously, but I'm not in love with her.


You're not a man a compliment, especially for Craig. But it's.That's one thing that I'm like, that's a good man right there.Right?Because cats require consent.Do they? Like, you can't just, like, go up and pet, right? You can't just, like, go up and pet, like, dogs.You can literally just, like, put their face.You can steal a dog for sure.And the dog will say, thank you.Yeah, the dog's like, of course I'm gonna come true friendship, though.It is.So talk. And it's like no time has passed.And she knows that. Like, I know what's going on through you. If I need to get information, I.Forget where I saw this. Where did I see this? I don't actually think it was TikTok. I think it was Instagram reels. I don't know where it was. But someone said, like, the sign of a good friend is if you haven't seen them in a long time or, like, talked to them in a long time, and then you see them, it's like they had just come back from the bathroom.Yes.And that, I feel like, is so true.And you can't, like, fake that or force that. It's just there or not. I also hate when, like, you feel like you should know more stuff about a person. Cause they are online, but they're not in your algorithm, so they expect you to know things. And you're like, I don't know why you're not in my algorithm. You should be. And I should know. But I'm like, did they get married? Did they get married? Or did they just go on a long vacation? Like, did they have a honeymoon? And that's confusing. And then some people, you know too much when you see them, and you're like, I need it. I'm freaking out.And I need to, like, not say that I know that you just went, like, here, here, and here with your boyfriend, and then you broke up, and then, like. Yeah.Also, I haven't been following too closely, but did you see Brooke Schofield got a cat?I didn't see Brooke.She got a kitten.But I thought she had a cat.She has a cat, but she got a kitten.Oh, my gosh.Yeah. And I don't want to, like, make it about us, but everything goes back to giggly. I was texting her, and I was like, by the way, Paige got a cat. Don't tell anyone. Cause it wasn't out yet, but I was obviously telling everyone I knew, right? And she was like, oh, my God, this is so cute. So maybe I inspired her to get a cat.What kind of cat did she get?She got a Bengal from the side of the road.She says, oh, my God.But Bengal cats are known to be really feral.Aren't they big, too?They will grow big. And they also talkative.No one. That's huge.Oh, I was gonna say a monsoon. Man coon. Is it man coon?Yeah, yeah. But they're like, when you said monsoon, then I popped in my head. See, that's why we're friends, because I. That is a perfect example of our friendship. Monsoon. And then I thought of it. Man Coon got it. Led me there.Hang out with your man, though, and you say something really stupid, but obviously I'm gonna get there. I'm just taking my time. And they're like, there's not the word.Yeah. Sometimes when I'm with Craig, I'll say something and he'll just look at me or continue doing what he's doing. And under my breath, I'll be like, Hannah would have laughed. Hannah would have gotten it not to.Talk about men again, but I'm trying not to talk about cats. I do have to do a shout out to my husband, though, for just being, like, really cool during a time of his girl doing something big.I'm so happy you're bringing attention, because.I thought, I was talking to my mom this morning, and I was like, let's wait a second. Cause we were talking about previous men in my life who've tried to destroy my life.Yeah.And I was like, is it a miracle?Past boyfriends would have cut the cameras when you were filming Netflix and been like, shoot a technical difficulty.Like, the amount of men that have actually tried to ruin my career go out of their way to blackball me. I've dealt with so much shit. Really. The girls have been amazing. It's truly just been men. And I was like, how the. Not to reward men for doing nothing, but thank God he's doing nothing right now.Well, here's the other thing that sometimes I get a little bit annoyed with the Mendez.Now we're mad at him.That lasted all of 30 seconds. We were like, you know what? Actually, sorry. You're doing the right thing. One time, Craig was like, well, yeah, like, I don't have the reputation of, like, cheating. I don't cheat on you. And I'm like, okay, so you want, like, a literal. You want me to be so happy that you don't do the thing you're not supposed to do.Taylor Tomlinson. Shout out to Taylor. An amazing friend and comedian has this hilarious joke where a guy would tell her every time a girl hit on him, and she was like, thank you so much for holding to, like, the one thing of this arrangement that you have to do is not cheat on me.The literal disclaimer before you get into it.And it's, like, the only thing you had to do. And also, she's like, do you not realize that we could fuck any guy we want at any time?Literally. Literally.We're fighting off men all the time. When I'm at my ugliest, there's a man in the lower east side that ready is ready for me.Beyond ready.Sweaty and disgusting. Whoa.It's also like, ugh. I mean, I don't even. Anyway, so.So anyways, you got spit rose to.Do, which was, like, on brand. Yeah. And then des getting messages. But not all guys are bad.No, that's true.I realize if you're a girl listening, who you've been having trouble find. Trying to find, like, a guy who's not intimidated or who can handle you, that kind of shit.Well, I feel like I do always get more nervous in front of people I know, like, doing anything and, like, stop looking at me. Like, it's all about the process.Like, it's every single day that, like, we've been helping each other with our stuff. The actual day of filming, it's like, I did my work. You're ready. I supported you up to this point. I don't need to distract you because I'm so beautiful. When you're on stage, you're like, oh, my God. Sorry. My wife. The police are coming for me. Can we talk about bikinis for a second?Yeah. It's a gripe.Yes.Okay.It's not really gripe. Cause I support all women in the arts, but, like, have you seen the new trend where the girls are wearing a normal bikini, but suddenly everyone's showing their under boob?No, I haven't seen that. I thought tankinis were coming back.I would love tankinis to come back.No, I think tankinis are, like, about to have them. Like, are having a little bit of a moment in Gen Z.Wait, that's so exciting. Cancel all your plans are coming back. Cause my thing is limited to.Listen up.Why are you not the face of it?Because it's four kids, and it's sold in Kohl's.Okay. Don't come for Kohl's.Even Chris was offended by it.Don't come for Kohl's.I'm not coming for Kohl's. But, I mean, it's for kids. It's for. It's. They brought it back for Queens.It's a missed opportunity.It was a missed opportunity, and we could have done a whole tankini line.Huh. Well, I just want to do a shout out to Lindsay Palas, who started the whole, like, bikini on half her boob, and she's been doing it for, like, a decade.Like, getting a smaller top and it's underneath.Yeah. And it's like, you don't have to have big boobs. Like, all girls are doing it.Yeah, it's just. Would you rather an under boob or a side boob?I've actually never done an under boob. I think side boob is like, cun.Yeah, I actually. I like an under boob. I'm trying to think if I ever really.It's just like, have you ever done it on purpose? Like, I feel like, not on purpose.I've done a side boob on purpose, obviously, but I've never done an under boob on purpose. But I feel like it does look hot.I have some fun, like, summer themes that I wrote down, and I was like, I have to ask. Pages on giggly squad. Cause we went to snowflake, which is the best homemade ice cream in Long island in Riverhead.That sounds so fucking good right now.It's literally like, you know what Ia mental block about.Something, you destroy them.Yeah. Are you, like, purposely playing into it?The way I would win was cause I was insane. Like, I had so many mental blocks. The only way to win was to be like, I have issues, but this girl has even more issues.Yeah.So, like, let's say, like, you slice it to their back in and they miss, you go. And now we're gonna do that a thousand times until she wants to, like, chuck a racket out of the court. So tennis is just like.It sounds a little culty.It's a little culty.They did make you wear a ponytail. They didn't make you dye it or cut it, but you did have to wear it back.So I tell you, I got in huge trouble when I dyed my hair blonde.From your shinness team.Yeah, we, like, I think I lost a match, and my coach was really mad, and he goes, and instead of practicing, Hannah's over here dyeing her hair platinum blonde. And I was like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.Wait. That's so inappropriate.No. And, like, obviously I didn't do it during practice, but he basically was saying that I wasn't focused enough. Cause I, like, dyed my hair. And I was like, I dyed my hair. Cause I'm having a fucking mental breakdown and I've lost my identity.Sorry. My friend just got a job at supercuts, and she was practicing. Okay. Sorry forwhen they're going through a really dark time. It's like, when you're going through, you have nothing left. You're going through an ego death. You have nothing. I always say, when I met Dez, I was crying every night, and this man was like, that's gonna be the mother of my children. But it's like, I've never cried in front of a man since then. I haven't really cried. But he met me in a time where I was dealing with really intense.I feel like that's. The universe does that. And it's like, here, I'm gonna help you out a little.Yeah. But it's like, there's something about being, like, metaphorically naked.Oh, my God.Like, you're actually raw. Cause you're, like, going through something. Wait, should we start saying that?No, absolutely. Wait a second. Should we do a t shirt? I think we might lose the. We may lose a few people on that one.Oh, my God. Um, okay, one final question I had for you.Okay.Spanx. Yeah, I love Spanx.Mm hmm.People wear it.Yep.How the fuck are you supposed to pee?Okay, a couple years ago, I said, what? What do we need Spanx for? Who's wearing what? Like, who cares now? I love them. I don't think I will ever wear a dress without them, because I don't know if it's just getting older. I just feel secure. Secure. That's what it is. I feel secure.Like a hug. It's like a hug you didn't have when you were a kid.Yeah, like, I just feel secure. And so I'm gonna say something that might be a little controversial.And you don't drink liquids?No, I drink a full Stanley. Sometimes I'm a pull to the side girl.Well, this is my question. When it's the shorts, you're on your own. Because I, for Fallon, put on the shorts.Yeah.That goes up to your rib cage. Yeah. And the second I put it on, I go, how am I gonna get this off?Are you saying that they should cut a little hole?Well, skims. Do you know what they have?No.They have this thing that, like, it's. I don't know how to describe it for people, but it'sit down.Cause when you sausage yourself up, like, yeah, part of me is like, someone give me a scissor.No, full sausage up.I'll give myself a labiaplasty if I need a pee.No. Undergarments are so interesting because I just can't believe I'm here and I'm wearing them, you know? Like, I thought never. I was like, I'll never have to. I'll never wear that. Like, that's crazy. Like, I remember seeing my mom, like, put stuff on and then, like, putting on a dress and, like, putting her Spanx on. I'm just like, how uncomfy. And now I'm like, this is who I am now.Literally, just like, modern day corset.It literally is. Oh, my God.But you can do levels. Like, there's, like, medium. Extra tight.Yeah, loose. No, I can't do extra tight.Once my mom took off her Spanx and gave it to me before a show.I know. I was there. I'll never forget it. One of the highlights of my life. She was like, you can't wear that underwear here.And that's girlhood. You guys, thank you so much for giggling with us. We love you. Sign up for our newsletter rate, subscribe, review, swipe up anything else going on. I mean, we've been promoting, we've been asking the gigglers to do a lot of heavy lifting.Literally, the president stepped down today, and we're like. And that's it.Forgetting.Yeah.Love you guys.Literally, nothing going on in the world.So bored. Bye.


a man a compliment, especially for Craig. But it's.


That's one thing that I'm like, that's a good man right there.




Because cats require consent.


Do they? Like, you can't just, like, go up and pet, right? You can't just, like, go up and pet, like, dogs.


You can literally just, like, put their face.


You can steal a dog for sure.


And the dog will say, thank you.


Yeah, the dog's like, of course I'm gonna come true friendship, though.It is.So talk. And it's like no time has passed.And she knows that. Like, I know what's going on through you. If I need to get information, I.Forget where I saw this. Where did I see this? I don't actually think it was TikTok. I think it was Instagram reels. I don't know where it was. But someone said, like, the sign of a good friend is if you haven't seen them in a long time or, like, talked to them in a long time, and then you see them, it's like they had just come back from the bathroom.Yes.And that, I feel like, is so true.And you can't, like, fake that or force that. It's just there or not. I also hate when, like, you feel like you should know more stuff about a person. Cause they are online, but they're not in your algorithm, so they expect you to know things. And you're like, I don't know why you're not in my algorithm. You should be. And I should know. But I'm like, did they get married? Did they get married? Or did they just go on a long vacation? Like, did they have a honeymoon? And that's confusing. And then some people, you know too much when you see them, and you're like, I need it. I'm freaking out.And I need to, like, not say that I know that you just went, like, here, here, and here with your boyfriend, and then you broke up, and then, like. Yeah.Also, I haven't been following too closely, but did you see Brooke Schofield got a cat?I didn't see Brooke.She got a kitten.But I thought she had a cat.She has a cat, but she got a kitten.Oh, my gosh.Yeah. And I don't want to, like, make it about us, but everything goes back to giggly. I was texting her, and I was like, by the way, Paige got a cat. Don't tell anyone. Cause it wasn't out yet, but I was obviously telling everyone I knew, right? And she was like, oh, my God, this is so cute. So maybe I inspired her to get a cat.What kind of cat did she get?She got a Bengal from the side of the road.She says, oh, my God.But Bengal cats are known to be really feral.Aren't they big, too?They will grow big. And they also talkative.No one. That's huge.Oh, I was gonna say a monsoon. Man coon. Is it man coon?Yeah, yeah. But they're like, when you said monsoon, then I popped in my head. See, that's why we're friends, because I. That is a perfect example of our friendship. Monsoon. And then I thought of it. Man Coon got it. Led me there.Hang out with your man, though, and you say something really stupid, but obviously I'm gonna get there. I'm just taking my time. And they're like, there's not the word.Yeah. Sometimes when I'm with Craig, I'll say something and he'll just look at me or continue doing what he's doing. And under my breath, I'll be like, Hannah would have laughed. Hannah would have gotten it not to.Talk about men again, but I'm trying not to talk about cats. I do have to do a shout out to my husband, though, for just being, like, really cool during a time of his girl doing something big.I'm so happy you're bringing attention, because.I thought, I was talking to my mom this morning, and I was like, let's wait a second. Cause we were talking about previous men in my life who've tried to destroy my life.Yeah.And I was like, is it a miracle?Past boyfriends would have cut the cameras when you were filming Netflix and been like, shoot a technical difficulty.Like, the amount of men that have actually tried to ruin my career go out of their way to blackball me. I've dealt with so much shit. Really. The girls have been amazing. It's truly just been men. And I was like, how the. Not to reward men for doing nothing, but thank God he's doing nothing right now.Well, here's the other thing that sometimes I get a little bit annoyed with the Mendez.Now we're mad at him.That lasted all of 30 seconds. We were like, you know what? Actually, sorry. You're doing the right thing. One time, Craig was like, well, yeah, like, I don't have the reputation of, like, cheating. I don't cheat on you. And I'm like, okay, so you want, like, a literal. You want me to be so happy that you don't do the thing you're not supposed to do.Taylor Tomlinson. Shout out to Taylor. An amazing friend and comedian has this hilarious joke where a guy would tell her every time a girl hit on him, and she was like, thank you so much for holding to, like, the one thing of this arrangement that you have to do is not cheat on me.The literal disclaimer before you get into it.And it's, like, the only thing you had to do. And also, she's like, do you not realize that we could fuck any guy we want at any time?Literally. Literally.We're fighting off men all the time. When I'm at my ugliest, there's a man in the lower east side that ready is ready for me.Beyond ready.Sweaty and disgusting. Whoa.It's also like, ugh. I mean, I don't even. Anyway, so.So anyways, you got spit rose to.Do, which was, like, on brand. Yeah. And then des getting messages. But not all guys are bad.No, that's true.I realize if you're a girl listening, who you've been having trouble find. Trying to find, like, a guy who's not intimidated or who can handle you, that kind of shit.Well, I feel like I do always get more nervous in front of people I know, like, doing anything and, like, stop looking at me. Like, it's all about the process.Like, it's every single day that, like, we've been helping each other with our stuff. The actual day of filming, it's like, I did my work. You're ready. I supported you up to this point. I don't need to distract you because I'm so beautiful. When you're on stage, you're like, oh, my God. Sorry. My wife. The police are coming for me. Can we talk about bikinis for a second?Yeah. It's a gripe.Yes.Okay.It's not really gripe. Cause I support all women in the arts, but, like, have you seen the new trend where the girls are wearing a normal bikini, but suddenly everyone's showing their under boob?No, I haven't seen that. I thought tankinis were coming back.I would love tankinis to come back.No, I think tankinis are, like, about to have them. Like, are having a little bit of a moment in Gen Z.Wait, that's so exciting. Cancel all your plans are coming back. Cause my thing is limited to.Listen up.Why are you not the face of it?Because it's four kids, and it's sold in Kohl's.Okay. Don't come for Kohl's.Even Chris was offended by it.Don't come for Kohl's.I'm not coming for Kohl's. But, I mean, it's for kids. It's for. It's. They brought it back for Queens.It's a missed opportunity.It was a missed opportunity, and we could have done a whole tankini line.Huh. Well, I just want to do a shout out to Lindsay Palas, who started the whole, like, bikini on half her boob, and she's been doing it for, like, a decade.Like, getting a smaller top and it's underneath.Yeah. And it's like, you don't have to have big boobs. Like, all girls are doing it.Yeah, it's just. Would you rather an under boob or a side boob?I've actually never done an under boob. I think side boob is like, cun.Yeah, I actually. I like an under boob. I'm trying to think if I ever really.It's just like, have you ever done it on purpose? Like, I feel like, not on purpose.I've done a side boob on purpose, obviously, but I've never done an under boob on purpose. But I feel like it does look hot.I have some fun, like, summer themes that I wrote down, and I was like, I have to ask. Pages on giggly squad. Cause we went to snowflake, which is the best homemade ice cream in Long island in Riverhead.That sounds so fucking good right now.It's literally like, you know what Ia mental block about.Something, you destroy them.Yeah. Are you, like, purposely playing into it?The way I would win was cause I was insane. Like, I had so many mental blocks. The only way to win was to be like, I have issues, but this girl has even more issues.Yeah.So, like, let's say, like, you slice it to their back in and they miss, you go. And now we're gonna do that a thousand times until she wants to, like, chuck a racket out of the court. So tennis is just like.It sounds a little culty.It's a little culty.They did make you wear a ponytail. They didn't make you dye it or cut it, but you did have to wear it back.So I tell you, I got in huge trouble when I dyed my hair blonde.From your shinness team.Yeah, we, like, I think I lost a match, and my coach was really mad, and he goes, and instead of practicing, Hannah's over here dyeing her hair platinum blonde. And I was like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.Wait. That's so inappropriate.No. And, like, obviously I didn't do it during practice, but he basically was saying that I wasn't focused enough. Cause I, like, dyed my hair. And I was like, I dyed my hair. Cause I'm having a fucking mental breakdown and I've lost my identity.Sorry. My friend just got a job at supercuts, and she was practicing. Okay. Sorry forwhen they're going through a really dark time. It's like, when you're going through, you have nothing left. You're going through an ego death. You have nothing. I always say, when I met Dez, I was crying every night, and this man was like, that's gonna be the mother of my children. But it's like, I've never cried in front of a man since then. I haven't really cried. But he met me in a time where I was dealing with really intense.I feel like that's. The universe does that. And it's like, here, I'm gonna help you out a little.Yeah. But it's like, there's something about being, like, metaphorically naked.Oh, my God.Like, you're actually raw. Cause you're, like, going through something. Wait, should we start saying that?No, absolutely. Wait a second. Should we do a t shirt? I think we might lose the. We may lose a few people on that one.Oh, my God. Um, okay, one final question I had for you.Okay.Spanx. Yeah, I love Spanx.Mm hmm.People wear it.Yep.How the fuck are you supposed to pee?Okay, a couple years ago, I said, what? What do we need Spanx for? Who's wearing what? Like, who cares now? I love them. I don't think I will ever wear a dress without them, because I don't know if it's just getting older. I just feel secure. Secure. That's what it is. I feel secure.Like a hug. It's like a hug you didn't have when you were a kid.Yeah, like, I just feel secure. And so I'm gonna say something that might be a little controversial.And you don't drink liquids?No, I drink a full Stanley. Sometimes I'm a pull to the side girl.Well, this is my question. When it's the shorts, you're on your own. Because I, for Fallon, put on the shorts.Yeah.That goes up to your rib cage. Yeah. And the second I put it on, I go, how am I gonna get this off?Are you saying that they should cut a little hole?Well, skims. Do you know what they have?No.They have this thing that, like, it's. I don't know how to describe it for people, but it'sit down.Cause when you sausage yourself up, like, yeah, part of me is like, someone give me a scissor.No, full sausage up.I'll give myself a labiaplasty if I need a pee.No. Undergarments are so interesting because I just can't believe I'm here and I'm wearing them, you know? Like, I thought never. I was like, I'll never have to. I'll never wear that. Like, that's crazy. Like, I remember seeing my mom, like, put stuff on and then, like, putting on a dress and, like, putting her Spanx on. I'm just like, how uncomfy. And now I'm like, this is who I am now.Literally, just like, modern day corset.It literally is. Oh, my God.But you can do levels. Like, there's, like, medium. Extra tight.Yeah, loose. No, I can't do extra tight.Once my mom took off her Spanx and gave it to me before a show.I know. I was there. I'll never forget it. One of the highlights of my life. She was like, you can't wear that underwear here.And that's girlhood. You guys, thank you so much for giggling with us. We love you. Sign up for our newsletter rate, subscribe, review, swipe up anything else going on. I mean, we've been promoting, we've been asking the gigglers to do a lot of heavy lifting.Literally, the president stepped down today, and we're like. And that's it.Forgetting.Yeah.Love you guys.Literally, nothing going on in the world.So bored. Bye.


true friendship, though.


It is.


So talk. And it's like no time has passed.


And she knows that. Like, I know what's going on through you. If I need to get information, I.


Forget where I saw this. Where did I see this? I don't actually think it was TikTok. I think it was Instagram reels. I don't know where it was. But someone said, like, the sign of a good friend is if you haven't seen them in a long time or, like, talked to them in a long time, and then you see them, it's like they had just come back from the bathroom.




And that, I feel like, is so true.


And you can't, like, fake that or force that. It's just there or not. I also hate when, like, you feel like you should know more stuff about a person. Cause they are online, but they're not in your algorithm, so they expect you to know things. And you're like, I don't know why you're not in my algorithm. You should be. And I should know. But I'm like, did they get married? Did they get married? Or did they just go on a long vacation? Like, did they have a honeymoon? And that's confusing. And then some people, you know too much when you see them, and you're like, I need it. I'm freaking out.


And I need to, like, not say that I know that you just went, like, here, here, and here with your boyfriend, and then you broke up, and then, like. Yeah.


Also, I haven't been following too closely, but did you see Brooke Schofield got a cat?


I didn't see Brooke.


She got a kitten.


But I thought she had a cat.


She has a cat, but she got a kitten.


Oh, my gosh.


Yeah. And I don't want to, like, make it about us, but everything goes back to giggly. I was texting her, and I was like, by the way, Paige got a cat. Don't tell anyone. Cause it wasn't out yet, but I was obviously telling everyone I knew, right? And she was like, oh, my God, this is so cute. So maybe I inspired her to get a cat.


What kind of cat did she get?


She got a Bengal from the side of the road.


She says, oh, my God.


But Bengal cats are known to be really feral.


Aren't they big, too?


They will grow big. And they also talkative.


No one. That's huge.


Oh, I was gonna say a monsoon. Man coon. Is it man coon?


Yeah, yeah. But they're like, when you said monsoon, then I popped in my head. See, that's why we're friends, because I. That is a perfect example of our friendship. Monsoon. And then I thought of it. Man Coon got it. Led me there.


Hang out with your man, though, and you say something really stupid, but obviously I'm gonna get there. I'm just taking my time. And they're like, there's not the word.


Yeah. Sometimes when I'm with Craig, I'll say something and he'll just look at me or continue doing what he's doing. And under my breath, I'll be like, Hannah would have laughed. Hannah would have gotten it not to.


Talk about men again, but I'm trying not to talk about cats. I do have to do a shout out to my husband, though, for just being, like, really cool during a time of his girl doing something big.


I'm so happy you're bringing attention, because.


I thought, I was talking to my mom this morning, and I was like, let's wait a second. Cause we were talking about previous men in my life who've tried to destroy my life.




And I was like, is it a miracle?


Past boyfriends would have cut the cameras when you were filming Netflix and been like, shoot a technical difficulty.


Like, the amount of men that have actually tried to ruin my career go out of their way to blackball me. I've dealt with so much shit. Really. The girls have been amazing. It's truly just been men. And I was like, how the. Not to reward men for doing nothing, but thank God he's doing nothing right now.


Well, here's the other thing that sometimes I get a little bit annoyed with the Mendez.


Now we're mad at him.


That lasted all of 30 seconds. We were like, you know what? Actually, sorry. You're doing the right thing. One time, Craig was like, well, yeah, like, I don't have the reputation of, like, cheating. I don't cheat on you. And I'm like, okay, so you want, like, a literal. You want me to be so happy that you don't do the thing you're not supposed to do.


Taylor Tomlinson. Shout out to Taylor. An amazing friend and comedian has this hilarious joke where a guy would tell her every time a girl hit on him, and she was like, thank you so much for holding to, like, the one thing of this arrangement that you have to do is not cheat on me.


The literal disclaimer before you get into it.


And it's, like, the only thing you had to do. And also, she's like, do you not realize that we could fuck any guy we want at any time?


Literally. Literally.


We're fighting off men all the time. When I'm at my ugliest, there's a man in the lower east side that ready is ready for me.


Beyond ready.


Sweaty and disgusting. Whoa.It's also like, ugh. I mean, I don't even. Anyway, so.So anyways, you got spit rose to.Do, which was, like, on brand. Yeah. And then des getting messages. But not all guys are bad.No, that's true.I realize if you're a girl listening, who you've been having trouble find. Trying to find, like, a guy who's not intimidated or who can handle you, that kind of shit.Well, I feel like I do always get more nervous in front of people I know, like, doing anything and, like, stop looking at me. Like, it's all about the process.Like, it's every single day that, like, we've been helping each other with our stuff. The actual day of filming, it's like, I did my work. You're ready. I supported you up to this point. I don't need to distract you because I'm so beautiful. When you're on stage, you're like, oh, my God. Sorry. My wife. The police are coming for me. Can we talk about bikinis for a second?Yeah. It's a gripe.Yes.Okay.It's not really gripe. Cause I support all women in the arts, but, like, have you seen the new trend where the girls are wearing a normal bikini, but suddenly everyone's showing their under boob?No, I haven't seen that. I thought tankinis were coming back.I would love tankinis to come back.No, I think tankinis are, like, about to have them. Like, are having a little bit of a moment in Gen Z.Wait, that's so exciting. Cancel all your plans are coming back. Cause my thing is limited to.Listen up.Why are you not the face of it?Because it's four kids, and it's sold in Kohl's.Okay. Don't come for Kohl's.Even Chris was offended by it.Don't come for Kohl's.I'm not coming for Kohl's. But, I mean, it's for kids. It's for. It's. They brought it back for Queens.It's a missed opportunity.It was a missed opportunity, and we could have done a whole tankini line.Huh. Well, I just want to do a shout out to Lindsay Palas, who started the whole, like, bikini on half her boob, and she's been doing it for, like, a decade.Like, getting a smaller top and it's underneath.Yeah. And it's like, you don't have to have big boobs. Like, all girls are doing it.Yeah, it's just. Would you rather an under boob or a side boob?I've actually never done an under boob. I think side boob is like, cun.Yeah, I actually. I like an under boob. I'm trying to think if I ever really.It's just like, have you ever done it on purpose? Like, I feel like, not on purpose.I've done a side boob on purpose, obviously, but I've never done an under boob on purpose. But I feel like it does look hot.I have some fun, like, summer themes that I wrote down, and I was like, I have to ask. Pages on giggly squad. Cause we went to snowflake, which is the best homemade ice cream in Long island in Riverhead.That sounds so fucking good right now.It's literally like, you know what Ia mental block about.Something, you destroy them.Yeah. Are you, like, purposely playing into it?The way I would win was cause I was insane. Like, I had so many mental blocks. The only way to win was to be like, I have issues, but this girl has even more issues.Yeah.So, like, let's say, like, you slice it to their back in and they miss, you go. And now we're gonna do that a thousand times until she wants to, like, chuck a racket out of the court. So tennis is just like.It sounds a little culty.It's a little culty.They did make you wear a ponytail. They didn't make you dye it or cut it, but you did have to wear it back.So I tell you, I got in huge trouble when I dyed my hair blonde.From your shinness team.Yeah, we, like, I think I lost a match, and my coach was really mad, and he goes, and instead of practicing, Hannah's over here dyeing her hair platinum blonde. And I was like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.Wait. That's so inappropriate.No. And, like, obviously I didn't do it during practice, but he basically was saying that I wasn't focused enough. Cause I, like, dyed my hair. And I was like, I dyed my hair. Cause I'm having a fucking mental breakdown and I've lost my identity.Sorry. My friend just got a job at supercuts, and she was practicing. Okay. Sorry forwhen they're going through a really dark time. It's like, when you're going through, you have nothing left. You're going through an ego death. You have nothing. I always say, when I met Dez, I was crying every night, and this man was like, that's gonna be the mother of my children. But it's like, I've never cried in front of a man since then. I haven't really cried. But he met me in a time where I was dealing with really intense.I feel like that's. The universe does that. And it's like, here, I'm gonna help you out a little.Yeah. But it's like, there's something about being, like, metaphorically naked.Oh, my God.Like, you're actually raw. Cause you're, like, going through something. Wait, should we start saying that?No, absolutely. Wait a second. Should we do a t shirt? I think we might lose the. We may lose a few people on that one.Oh, my God. Um, okay, one final question I had for you.Okay.Spanx. Yeah, I love Spanx.Mm hmm.People wear it.Yep.How the fuck are you supposed to pee?Okay, a couple years ago, I said, what? What do we need Spanx for? Who's wearing what? Like, who cares now? I love them. I don't think I will ever wear a dress without them, because I don't know if it's just getting older. I just feel secure. Secure. That's what it is. I feel secure.Like a hug. It's like a hug you didn't have when you were a kid.Yeah, like, I just feel secure. And so I'm gonna say something that might be a little controversial.And you don't drink liquids?No, I drink a full Stanley. Sometimes I'm a pull to the side girl.Well, this is my question. When it's the shorts, you're on your own. Because I, for Fallon, put on the shorts.Yeah.That goes up to your rib cage. Yeah. And the second I put it on, I go, how am I gonna get this off?Are you saying that they should cut a little hole?Well, skims. Do you know what they have?No.They have this thing that, like, it's. I don't know how to describe it for people, but it'sit down.Cause when you sausage yourself up, like, yeah, part of me is like, someone give me a scissor.No, full sausage up.I'll give myself a labiaplasty if I need a pee.No. Undergarments are so interesting because I just can't believe I'm here and I'm wearing them, you know? Like, I thought never. I was like, I'll never have to. I'll never wear that. Like, that's crazy. Like, I remember seeing my mom, like, put stuff on and then, like, putting on a dress and, like, putting her Spanx on. I'm just like, how uncomfy. And now I'm like, this is who I am now.Literally, just like, modern day corset.It literally is. Oh, my God.But you can do levels. Like, there's, like, medium. Extra tight.Yeah, loose. No, I can't do extra tight.Once my mom took off her Spanx and gave it to me before a show.I know. I was there. I'll never forget it. One of the highlights of my life. She was like, you can't wear that underwear here.And that's girlhood. You guys, thank you so much for giggling with us. We love you. Sign up for our newsletter rate, subscribe, review, swipe up anything else going on. I mean, we've been promoting, we've been asking the gigglers to do a lot of heavy lifting.Literally, the president stepped down today, and we're like. And that's it.Forgetting.Yeah.Love you guys.Literally, nothing going on in the world.So bored. Bye.


. Whoa.


It's also like, ugh. I mean, I don't even. Anyway, so.


So anyways, you got spit rose to.


Do, which was, like, on brand. Yeah. And then des getting messages. But not all guys are bad.


No, that's true.


I realize if you're a girl listening, who you've been having trouble find. Trying to find, like, a guy who's not intimidated or who can handle you, that kind of shit.


Well, I feel like I do always get more nervous in front of people I know, like, doing anything and, like, stop looking at me. Like, it's all about the process.


Like, it's every single day that, like, we've been helping each other with our stuff. The actual day of filming, it's like, I did my work. You're ready. I supported you up to this point. I don't need to distract you because I'm so beautiful. When you're on stage, you're like, oh, my God. Sorry. My wife. The police are coming for me. Can we talk about bikinis for a second?


Yeah. It's a gripe.






It's not really gripe. Cause I support all women in the arts, but, like, have you seen the new trend where the girls are wearing a normal bikini, but suddenly everyone's showing their under boob?


No, I haven't seen that. I thought tankinis were coming back.


I would love tankinis to come back.


No, I think tankinis are, like, about to have them. Like, are having a little bit of a moment in Gen Z.


Wait, that's so exciting. Cancel all your plans are coming back. Cause my thing is limited to.


Listen up.


Why are you not the face of it?


Because it's four kids, and it's sold in Kohl's.


Okay. Don't come for Kohl's.


Even Chris was offended by it.


Don't come for Kohl's.


I'm not coming for Kohl's. But, I mean, it's for kids. It's for. It's. They brought it back for Queens.


It's a missed opportunity.


It was a missed opportunity, and we could have done a whole tankini line.


Huh. Well, I just want to do a shout out to Lindsay Palas, who started the whole, like, bikini on half her boob, and she's been doing it for, like, a decade.


Like, getting a smaller top and it's underneath.


Yeah. And it's like, you don't have to have big boobs. Like, all girls are doing it.


Yeah, it's just. Would you rather an under boob or a side boob?


I've actually never done an under boob. I think side boob is like, cun.


Yeah, I actually. I like an under boob. I'm trying to think if I ever really.


It's just like, have you ever done it on purpose? Like, I feel like, not on purpose.


I've done a side boob on purpose, obviously, but I've never done an under boob on purpose. But I feel like it does look hot.


I have some fun, like, summer themes that I wrote down, and I was like, I have to ask. Pages on giggly squad. Cause we went to snowflake, which is the best homemade ice cream in Long island in Riverhead.


That sounds so fucking good right now.


It's literally like, you know what Ia mental block about.Something, you destroy them.Yeah. Are you, like, purposely playing into it?The way I would win was cause I was insane. Like, I had so many mental blocks. The only way to win was to be like, I have issues, but this girl has even more issues.Yeah.So, like, let's say, like, you slice it to their back in and they miss, you go. And now we're gonna do that a thousand times until she wants to, like, chuck a racket out of the court. So tennis is just like.It sounds a little culty.It's a little culty.They did make you wear a ponytail. They didn't make you dye it or cut it, but you did have to wear it back.So I tell you, I got in huge trouble when I dyed my hair blonde.From your shinness team.Yeah, we, like, I think I lost a match, and my coach was really mad, and he goes, and instead of practicing, Hannah's over here dyeing her hair platinum blonde. And I was like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.Wait. That's so inappropriate.No. And, like, obviously I didn't do it during practice, but he basically was saying that I wasn't focused enough. Cause I, like, dyed my hair. And I was like, I dyed my hair. Cause I'm having a fucking mental breakdown and I've lost my identity.Sorry. My friend just got a job at supercuts, and she was practicing. Okay. Sorry forwhen they're going through a really dark time. It's like, when you're going through, you have nothing left. You're going through an ego death. You have nothing. I always say, when I met Dez, I was crying every night, and this man was like, that's gonna be the mother of my children. But it's like, I've never cried in front of a man since then. I haven't really cried. But he met me in a time where I was dealing with really intense.I feel like that's. The universe does that. And it's like, here, I'm gonna help you out a little.Yeah. But it's like, there's something about being, like, metaphorically naked.Oh, my God.Like, you're actually raw. Cause you're, like, going through something. Wait, should we start saying that?No, absolutely. Wait a second. Should we do a t shirt? I think we might lose the. We may lose a few people on that one.Oh, my God. Um, okay, one final question I had for you.Okay.Spanx. Yeah, I love Spanx.Mm hmm.People wear it.Yep.How the fuck are you supposed to pee?Okay, a couple years ago, I said, what? What do we need Spanx for? Who's wearing what? Like, who cares now? I love them. I don't think I will ever wear a dress without them, because I don't know if it's just getting older. I just feel secure. Secure. That's what it is. I feel secure.Like a hug. It's like a hug you didn't have when you were a kid.Yeah, like, I just feel secure. And so I'm gonna say something that might be a little controversial.And you don't drink liquids?No, I drink a full Stanley. Sometimes I'm a pull to the side girl.Well, this is my question. When it's the shorts, you're on your own. Because I, for Fallon, put on the shorts.Yeah.That goes up to your rib cage. Yeah. And the second I put it on, I go, how am I gonna get this off?Are you saying that they should cut a little hole?Well, skims. Do you know what they have?No.They have this thing that, like, it's. I don't know how to describe it for people, but it'sit down.Cause when you sausage yourself up, like, yeah, part of me is like, someone give me a scissor.No, full sausage up.I'll give myself a labiaplasty if I need a pee.No. Undergarments are so interesting because I just can't believe I'm here and I'm wearing them, you know? Like, I thought never. I was like, I'll never have to. I'll never wear that. Like, that's crazy. Like, I remember seeing my mom, like, put stuff on and then, like, putting on a dress and, like, putting her Spanx on. I'm just like, how uncomfy. And now I'm like, this is who I am now.Literally, just like, modern day corset.It literally is. Oh, my God.But you can do levels. Like, there's, like, medium. Extra tight.Yeah, loose. No, I can't do extra tight.Once my mom took off her Spanx and gave it to me before a show.I know. I was there. I'll never forget it. One of the highlights of my life. She was like, you can't wear that underwear here.And that's girlhood. You guys, thank you so much for giggling with us. We love you. Sign up for our newsletter rate, subscribe, review, swipe up anything else going on. I mean, we've been promoting, we've been asking the gigglers to do a lot of heavy lifting.Literally, the president stepped down today, and we're like. And that's it.Forgetting.Yeah.Love you guys.Literally, nothing going on in the world.So bored. Bye.


a mental block about.


Something, you destroy them.


Yeah. Are you, like, purposely playing into it?


The way I would win was cause I was insane. Like, I had so many mental blocks. The only way to win was to be like, I have issues, but this girl has even more issues.




So, like, let's say, like, you slice it to their back in and they miss, you go. And now we're gonna do that a thousand times until she wants to, like, chuck a racket out of the court. So tennis is just like.


It sounds a little culty.


It's a little culty.


They did make you wear a ponytail. They didn't make you dye it or cut it, but you did have to wear it back.


So I tell you, I got in huge trouble when I dyed my hair blonde.


From your shinness team.


Yeah, we, like, I think I lost a match, and my coach was really mad, and he goes, and instead of practicing, Hannah's over here dyeing her hair platinum blonde. And I was like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.


Wait. That's so inappropriate.


No. And, like, obviously I didn't do it during practice, but he basically was saying that I wasn't focused enough. Cause I, like, dyed my hair. And I was like, I dyed my hair. Cause I'm having a fucking mental breakdown and I've lost my identity.


Sorry. My friend just got a job at supercuts, and she was practicing. Okay. Sorry forwhen they're going through a really dark time. It's like, when you're going through, you have nothing left. You're going through an ego death. You have nothing. I always say, when I met Dez, I was crying every night, and this man was like, that's gonna be the mother of my children. But it's like, I've never cried in front of a man since then. I haven't really cried. But he met me in a time where I was dealing with really intense.I feel like that's. The universe does that. And it's like, here, I'm gonna help you out a little.Yeah. But it's like, there's something about being, like, metaphorically naked.Oh, my God.Like, you're actually raw. Cause you're, like, going through something. Wait, should we start saying that?No, absolutely. Wait a second. Should we do a t shirt? I think we might lose the. We may lose a few people on that one.Oh, my God. Um, okay, one final question I had for you.Okay.Spanx. Yeah, I love Spanx.Mm hmm.People wear it.Yep.How the fuck are you supposed to pee?Okay, a couple years ago, I said, what? What do we need Spanx for? Who's wearing what? Like, who cares now? I love them. I don't think I will ever wear a dress without them, because I don't know if it's just getting older. I just feel secure. Secure. That's what it is. I feel secure.Like a hug. It's like a hug you didn't have when you were a kid.Yeah, like, I just feel secure. And so I'm gonna say something that might be a little controversial.And you don't drink liquids?No, I drink a full Stanley. Sometimes I'm a pull to the side girl.Well, this is my question. When it's the shorts, you're on your own. Because I, for Fallon, put on the shorts.Yeah.That goes up to your rib cage. Yeah. And the second I put it on, I go, how am I gonna get this off?Are you saying that they should cut a little hole?Well, skims. Do you know what they have?No.They have this thing that, like, it's. I don't know how to describe it for people, but it'sit down.Cause when you sausage yourself up, like, yeah, part of me is like, someone give me a scissor.No, full sausage up.I'll give myself a labiaplasty if I need a pee.No. Undergarments are so interesting because I just can't believe I'm here and I'm wearing them, you know? Like, I thought never. I was like, I'll never have to. I'll never wear that. Like, that's crazy. Like, I remember seeing my mom, like, put stuff on and then, like, putting on a dress and, like, putting her Spanx on. I'm just like, how uncomfy. And now I'm like, this is who I am now.Literally, just like, modern day corset.It literally is. Oh, my God.But you can do levels. Like, there's, like, medium. Extra tight.Yeah, loose. No, I can't do extra tight.Once my mom took off her Spanx and gave it to me before a show.I know. I was there. I'll never forget it. One of the highlights of my life. She was like, you can't wear that underwear here.And that's girlhood. You guys, thank you so much for giggling with us. We love you. Sign up for our newsletter rate, subscribe, review, swipe up anything else going on. I mean, we've been promoting, we've been asking the gigglers to do a lot of heavy lifting.Literally, the president stepped down today, and we're like. And that's it.Forgetting.Yeah.Love you guys.Literally, nothing going on in the world.So bored. Bye.


when they're going through a really dark time. It's like, when you're going through, you have nothing left. You're going through an ego death. You have nothing. I always say, when I met Dez, I was crying every night, and this man was like, that's gonna be the mother of my children. But it's like, I've never cried in front of a man since then. I haven't really cried. But he met me in a time where I was dealing with really intense.


I feel like that's. The universe does that. And it's like, here, I'm gonna help you out a little.


Yeah. But it's like, there's something about being, like, metaphorically naked.


Oh, my God.


Like, you're actually raw. Cause you're, like, going through something. Wait, should we start saying that?


No, absolutely. Wait a second. Should we do a t shirt? I think we might lose the. We may lose a few people on that one.


Oh, my God. Um, okay, one final question I had for you.




Spanx. Yeah, I love Spanx.


Mm hmm.


People wear it.




How the fuck are you supposed to pee?


Okay, a couple years ago, I said, what? What do we need Spanx for? Who's wearing what? Like, who cares now? I love them. I don't think I will ever wear a dress without them, because I don't know if it's just getting older. I just feel secure. Secure. That's what it is. I feel secure.


Like a hug. It's like a hug you didn't have when you were a kid.


Yeah, like, I just feel secure. And so I'm gonna say something that might be a little controversial.


And you don't drink liquids?


No, I drink a full Stanley. Sometimes I'm a pull to the side girl.


Well, this is my question. When it's the shorts, you're on your own. Because I, for Fallon, put on the shorts.




That goes up to your rib cage. Yeah. And the second I put it on, I go, how am I gonna get this off?


Are you saying that they should cut a little hole?


Well, skims. Do you know what they have?




They have this thing that, like, it's. I don't know how to describe it for people, but it'sit down.Cause when you sausage yourself up, like, yeah, part of me is like, someone give me a scissor.No, full sausage up.I'll give myself a labiaplasty if I need a pee.No. Undergarments are so interesting because I just can't believe I'm here and I'm wearing them, you know? Like, I thought never. I was like, I'll never have to. I'll never wear that. Like, that's crazy. Like, I remember seeing my mom, like, put stuff on and then, like, putting on a dress and, like, putting her Spanx on. I'm just like, how uncomfy. And now I'm like, this is who I am now.Literally, just like, modern day corset.It literally is. Oh, my God.But you can do levels. Like, there's, like, medium. Extra tight.Yeah, loose. No, I can't do extra tight.Once my mom took off her Spanx and gave it to me before a show.I know. I was there. I'll never forget it. One of the highlights of my life. She was like, you can't wear that underwear here.And that's girlhood. You guys, thank you so much for giggling with us. We love you. Sign up for our newsletter rate, subscribe, review, swipe up anything else going on. I mean, we've been promoting, we've been asking the gigglers to do a lot of heavy lifting.Literally, the president stepped down today, and we're like. And that's it.Forgetting.Yeah.Love you guys.Literally, nothing going on in the world.So bored. Bye.


it down.


Cause when you sausage yourself up, like, yeah, part of me is like, someone give me a scissor.


No, full sausage up.


I'll give myself a labiaplasty if I need a pee.


No. Undergarments are so interesting because I just can't believe I'm here and I'm wearing them, you know? Like, I thought never. I was like, I'll never have to. I'll never wear that. Like, that's crazy. Like, I remember seeing my mom, like, put stuff on and then, like, putting on a dress and, like, putting her Spanx on. I'm just like, how uncomfy. And now I'm like, this is who I am now.


Literally, just like, modern day corset.


It literally is. Oh, my God.


But you can do levels. Like, there's, like, medium. Extra tight.


Yeah, loose. No, I can't do extra tight.


Once my mom took off her Spanx and gave it to me before a show.


I know. I was there. I'll never forget it. One of the highlights of my life. She was like, you can't wear that underwear here.


And that's girlhood. You guys, thank you so much for giggling with us. We love you. Sign up for our newsletter rate, subscribe, review, swipe up anything else going on. I mean, we've been promoting, we've been asking the gigglers to do a lot of heavy lifting.


Literally, the president stepped down today, and we're like. And that's it.






Love you guys.


Literally, nothing going on in the world.


So bored. Bye.