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Sup, gigglers? Darius, fix your wifi. Manifest that shit. We can't be managed. I mean, the day just got away from me. What's up, my gassy gigglers? You about to get gassed up. Gas doesn't always mean fart. Sometimes it means we're about to pop off, and that's what's gonna happen this episode. What are you texting?


I was.


Yeah, I was trying to get people pumped up. I'm pumped.




Chris is pumped. That's all it matters. Chris is pumped.


I actually wasn't listening to any of that because I did get a text message that I literally had to respond to.


Honestly, it was so unimportant, everything I said, like, I wasted everyone's time. Oh, 30 seconds. What happened? What. What text did you get?


Just, like, a working. A work tax. Nothing like fun. But I just had to, you know, say yes. You know, this.


I know this girl. And you have to work.




And then they come. This is the thing about work.


I hate work.


No, but, like, there's. When you're an entrepreneur, there's. Your texts are either, like, a sweet text from your friend or, like, something really important.


No, everything is always, like, code red. Like, we need your answer now. I'm like, guys, I talk about, like, makeup and beauty products. What could be the problem? What could really be so pressing?


Oh, my God. Speaking of work, I was in a work brunch this morning. I got, like, brunch with someone, and, you know when you, like, get a.


Like, I hate a work brunch because it's like, okay, so, like, you couldn't fit me in for lunch, which is, like, the most important meeting of the day, obviously.


Say what it is. It could have been a zoom, and that zoom could have been an email.


I rarely want to meet in person.


No, no. It was like an interview type thing. And for some reason, when you're eating and you also feel like you have to talk, which is how I eat. It's very easy to choke.


No, you going on any sort of eating meeting is just fighting for your. People don't know you. Those people don't know you. Don't go on business with them. They don't know you. Like, if you're sitting down to a table, you're munching, you're looking at the menu.


We ordered pancakes, and they looked at me funny. I was like, it's brunch.




And then I was like, can you see?


Everyone probably got, like, a boiled egg.


They were actually talking. I was like, hold on, hold on. Hold that thought. I have a side of bacon, and.


They'Re like, sorry, I would need. I need special sauce. Do you guys have a special sauce?


Like, do you guys want bacon, too? Do we all want bacon? And they're like, can we just focus on task at hand?


One time I went on a brunch meeting, and I walked in and I was so excited because I was like, oh, it's so cute in here. I'm, like, gonna actually get, like, a really cute little breakfast. And then it was a vegan place. I looked around at the people, and I was like, why would you bring me here?


Once I went to a vegan place and I ordered eggs, and I didn't know it was vegan, and that was violence.


What are the vegans doing for breakfast? It's literally not their meal.


There has to be a warning outside. That's like a con.


Eggs, a bacon. Like, what else is breakfast?


It was. I mean, look, we support the vegan community.


Is yogurt vegan? Dairy free?


Is butter vegan? Butter carb?


That's how I feel.


Long story short.


Oh, right.


When you're in a meeting and you're like, look, it's a high risk for a choking moment, but you know when you choke and you're like, I can handle this one.




Like, you're like, this is gonna be really quick. And you're like, I'm joking.




You get there. But then, you know when it. It hits the wrong something, and you're like, this is gonna take at least 50.


I'm actually choking, but you're not actually choking. You're just, like, something scratching.


If I could, I would love to, like, cough my brains out for, like, three minutes. Instead. I'm gonna go for the next 20 minutes.


No. And you have to, like, take a sip of water. Like, no, I'm fine. And you have to, like, move your neck, because you're like, maybe if I just move, it'll go down. That seems to happen to me a lot with, like, chips. Like, tostitos. People don't talk about the actual death hazard, that they get wedged. They get wedged, and you're like, sorry.


Also, popcorn.


Yeah. Popcorn is a choking hazard.


You know what it is? It's. I talk and I eat too fast. I heard on TikTok that you're a quick eater, but I realized I'm actually quick with everything. And this came up on my TikTok. They were like, are you a girl with high cortisol levels? And I was like, yes.


And everyone.


And they go, try to slow down. So I was like, okay. And then I was trying to do things, but you're like, are you okay?


Like, you just turned into a slob.


Cause I actually do do, like, little tasks.


Like, wait, this is how different our algorithm is. Because I recently got a TikTok that was like, if you want to appear more confident in a room, make all your movements slower. So I'm, like, practicing, like, putting my hair behind my ear. I'm like, how confident does that look? Because it's so slow.


No, I'm just always a bull in a china shop. Like, always energy I bring.


Yeah. Like. Like, no one would mistake that you took ballet classes when you were little. No.


Like, even little things, like, just pouring milk into my cereal.


Nothing dainty.


It's gonna spill. Like, I just. I'll bust open this, and that's, like, it's a mess. And then they were like. And then I'm like, can I do things slow? Cause my dad would always be like, slow down, slow down. And I'm like, why? So I think I might.


You sometimes have, like, a nervous energy when you want to get something done. You're like, okay, well, this is my you too.


I need to eat. And I feel like I'm either 100 or zero.


No, like, you've always. You've literally are always just coming back from war. You're like, no, I haven't eaten.


I'm also so embarrassing when I'm famished. Cause you're like, have you not eaten all day? And I'm like, I've had four meals, but I really hungry. No.


The other day, I literally got in bed, and I was like, I didn't eat. Like, I have to get up and eat. Like, this is crazy. We're just different.


No, I've, like, will be. While I'm eating, I'm thinking about what.


I should eat next meal.


So anyway, there are definitely different forms of choking.


And we're just raising awareness.


Just raising awareness.


So your friend might say she's not choking, but if she's humming for the next 20 minutes, she in fact has a tostito lodged in her throat.


I've definitely talked about this before, but Andrew Collin, my favorite story he ever told was how he thought he was choking to death.


And he drove himself and he drove.


Himself to the hospital. And he got there and they're like, are you okay? And he goes, I think I'm choking to death.


And they're like, that's not like you're talking.


Like, you drove 20 minutes here. No, because you're joking.


There's this, like, tool that, like, every mom has now. That's like a suction cup that you can put in your kid's mouth if they are choking. And honestly, I might get it for toys just for you. Like, I feel like I shovel in my shoes. I'm just not in my bag. Sorry. My friend's choking.


Also, now that I'm around some moms, like, I also wait.


I feel like your face would turn blue before you disrupted or interjected to anyone.


It's such a.


People think Hannah's passed out. I think she's fine. She's literally. She'll come back.


Um, so my sister in law has a newborn, and she learned that, like, sometimes the baby's uncomfortable, like, all babies do is eat and poop. And sometimes they get kind of, like, I guess, backed up or they have to fart. So she bought this thing that you just stick in the butt and it's like an air thing. And then you pull it out and then they just, like, blast out.


No, wet.


I kind of won't. I was like, that looks like it feels fucking good. The release.


The release. Oh, my God. I like, I wish you remember being.


A baby, but nowadays, that was a crazy high thought. Are you high?


No. Like, there was a time in your life where you did nothing. Like, you. Someone did every single thing for you. I wish you could remember, like, a little bit of it being like, I'm hungry. And then all of a sudden it's just like a bottle in your face.


I just think kids are so funny. I want to hear myself talk when I was three. Like, how was I working out situations when I was three? Because I know I had opinions 100%. Do you ever just envision yourself when you were little? You see yourself walking around the house and just seeing the bottom of chairs, kind of, do you have any memories? And you're running around looking at shins, and then big people are like, I.


Think when you have kids, I feel like you probably see them do something, and you get this rush of, like, that was me.


Nostalgia. Did I tell the story about spraining my ankle?


No. You've kept this one to yourself. When was this?


I think it was, like, the day after one of our recordings, and then I blocked it.


Were you. What shoes were you wearing?


I'm not. I'm not.


You're not at liberty to say.


How dare you?


Are you under contract?


I refuse to say. Cause butter needs me. Butter needs to get.


No, I get it.


Butter has a lot of gifts coming in the mail.


Um, butter knee ski you were wearing rhymes with rocks.


You son of a bitch.


Hannah walked in here today and goes, look at my high heeled crocs. And I'm like, just get out of my face.


Tell them what you really said.


They were really comfortable when I put.


Them on, and you looked cute.


I wouldn't go that far, but they were comfortable. Way lighter. I did not like.


They're so.


I was not what you said.


I did not like that. No.


I didn't mean to say that.


I did not have sexual relations with those.


That's how I feel like you sound with a tie.


So I actually. I did the Daily show, which was so much fun.


Cause how can we go from laughing hysterically to be. We do it so often. It's like. It's actually not normally, like, okay, this is the thing for, like, it's really important that you and your friend, like, laugh at the same time. But it's also extremely important that you stop laughing at the same time. An uncomfortable situation.


I hate when someone laughs for, like, 5 seconds too long. Save, like, I would off myself. Like, what do you do during that time when they're just locked in and.


Just smile.


And you're like, the moment's over, babe.


No, I know.


So I do the Daily show, and it's actually a really cute, full circle moment because it was with Michael Costa, who I played tennis with when I was starting comedy.


Oh, wow.


And he's a tennis player. And I remember being like, you know, do you have any advice for, like, a tennis player to get into comedy? Whatever. So what a niche. So niche.


If you were a tennis player. Funny all here.


He basically was like, you know, they're both individual, you know, things. Whatever. I haven't done that many, like, tv type stuff. So it was kind of cool. And it was like a set with five people, whatever. So I shoot it, and I was very hungry, but I had to drive to West Hampton.




From the city, which is a sturdy, like.


Yeah, a two.


Almost two.




So I'm starving. Yeah, classic. I'm foaming from the mouth.


We're in pure Hannah.


Cause I didn't. I wasn't really eat beforehand, so I had to eat a. Basically, I had lunch, but I hadn't had dinner yet. I just hadn't had dinner yet. But I was losing my fucking mind. And it was like, 08:00.


Yeah, that's a late dinner. What are we, European?


It was the potato famine, and so I ubered myself.


Whenever you're hungry, it's literally like the potato famine. It's like my family hasn't eaten. It's like, what, since noon?


I haven't had dinner yet. So I go on Uber, and I love planning an uber. This is girl math. Getting uber eats so that when you get to the house, it's there. So it was like, I found a mexican restaurant. I wanted enchiladas, and it was like, it's gonna take 50 minutes. And I was like, take your time.


Take your time, babe.


You put that enchiladas verdes together. You put the sour cream on. Nice. Cut that in avocado.


Don't rush for me, honey.






So I'm sitting back and I'm watching the guy, and I'm like, we're going together. So excited. I get there, and Des is like, you wanna go to bed? And I was like, I have dinner. I have dinner coming.


Am I in trouble? I have not had dinner.


I'm like, you go to bed. I'm waiting for my enchiladas. That'll be here in approximately five minutes. And he's like, oh, I would have made you something or heated up something. And I'm like, I want my enchiladas. I had a long work day. This is my little reward for myself.


Yeah. Cause now you're in it. You're preparing to have enchiladas.


I go, this is the only thing I have to look forward to in my life right now. So he goes to bed, and it's also, like, pitch black right now. Cause it's 10:00 so I'm, like, starving.


Yeah, no, Robin is. That's actually such a long time. Couldn't stop and get a snack for the car? Like a bag of chips?


No. Cause it was like a driver. Yeah, like an Uber guy. So then. And he's. I wasn't gonna disrupt him.


Right? He could've been starving too. He's trying to get home.


That's so valid. Imagine you're like, do you want a snack?


No, actually, I took an Uber home from the Hamptons a couple weekends ago, and my driver was like, do you mind if I stop and get a coffee?


I said, babe.


I'm like, let's stop it.




When we're in there, he's like, do you want to come in with me? I'm like, of course I do.


Like, salty, savory, sweet. What are we doing?


Do you like TikTok? I go sit in the front.


So I love telling long stories for no reason. The guy comes.


No, we started with, like, full circle moment just for you to end it with, like, you didn't get the enchiladas. Is that what we're getting to at.


Oh, no, the enchiladas.


They came. Okay.


But. So the guy. It was raining outside, and I had to go, like, downstairs.




So I immediately am like, I know myself. I do stuff too fast. I'm gonna, like, break my neck.


Are you wearing shoes or your bare foot?


I'm wearing shoes.


Okay. And it's raining.


We shall not speak about.




And it's raining like a drizzle. Like, just annoying. Like a spit.




Do you have any other detailed questions?


Not at the moment.


What tone of the wood was the deck?


No, like, I'm thinking, like, was it really wet outside? Had it just started raining? Like, are you slipping?


It was, like, just started raining, like, annoying.


Is that why when I came over, you said, be careful of those stairs. I was like, what?


So. But I was like, we're going slow. We're keeping our cortisol levels down. And I took out my flashlight. So my flashlight, I'm going down, and I'm also ravenous, so I'm. But I'm like, breathe. Breathe in through your nose, out of your mouth. And I get to the bottom, and there's one more little, tiny, like, lip before the driveway. Like, it's not a stare.


Yeah, it's a lick. I don't need it.


Didn't see it.




I tell you my ankle snapped.


Are you on the ground? Are you fully on the ground?


If I had fella, I wouldn't have snapped my ankle. Like, you know when it turns and you kind of go with it?




I don't know. I just felt it snap. And, you know, I haven't snapped my ankle. Not to brag. I have tiny baby ankles, but, like, a massive calves. So I think I'm prone to ankle sprains. Yeah, I might have made that up, but I think you did. I actually think that.


Okay. Like, well, who are we to say.


I have a dainty ankle? She's weak. She's, um, demure. So I snap it, and, you know. And you're in so much pain, but, like, this is not the time.


Yeah. Like, there's something going. There's, like, a strange man.


A strange man is, like, in the driveway, like, lost, holding my adrenaline.


This is my last delivery.


So when you first sprain your ankle, like, adrenaline hits. Like, it feels like it's hanging by.


Like, my foot is hanging here. You know what I mean? No, I've never snapped my ankle.


No one sprained an ankle.


Is no one here athletic? Not a sprained ankle in the house.


That's such a sport thing to me. I snapped on.


No, knock on wood. Never sprained an ankle. Never. You already did it. Never broken a bone. You really never had an activity related injury?


All my injuries happen off the court. Like, on the court.


I thought you were gonna say off the cuff. I was like, yeah, obviously you're not planning them.


So I'm, like, fighting for my life.


So are you standing? Yeah, but I'm like, you're teetering.


I'm pretending I'm not hurt. Walking. I have, like, one tear. Thank you. And I walk back up the stairs.


This is a prime example of your friend is laughing too long. And you're like, I walk in bed, you.


But I go, I've been shot.


I've been shot. I've been shot.


No, I go, I sprained my ankle really bad. And Des goes, no, you didn't.


That is so dead. No, you didn't.


He goes, no, you're walking. You didn't sprain it very bad. And I go, no, like, I think it's gonna swell up really quick. And he goes, you're fine. Yeah, you're fine. Cause we had friends visiting, and, like, the main reason they were visiting was to play tennis with me.


Oh, my.


From Ireland, and it's in Dallas.


Wait, I just have to say this. The other day, I'm at Hannah's house, and we were talking about something, and she was like, oh, yeah, the people from Ireland are coming. I, like, sit for a second. I'm like, the people from Ireland. I'm like, your family, your in laws.


The Irish are coming.


The Irish are coming.


The Irish. So we've been planning this, like, whole tennis irish people coming over before they were coming in, like, 6 hours. They were like, on the plane coming from Ireland, and I snap my ankle, and he's like, you're fucking fine. It's in your head. You're good.


It's in your head.


So then I'm, like, limping around alone while he's in bed eating my enchiladas. Wake up.


How were they worth it?


So my mexican uber eats was the reason I snapped my ankle. 100% worth it. Would do it again. Ten out of ten, next day, wake up. Can't put weight on my.


You're kidding.


But that's like, some ankle sprains. Like, give it 24 hours, and then it's fine. But, like.


And how are you doing now?


In what way? No, it's a lot better.


Like, can you walk? Are you walking fine, or you're still.


Like, I'm walking fine, but I had to get one of those, like, little ankle sleeves, and then I tied it up. I was like, a little injured bird.


This is supposed to be your month of rest, and you've had so many crazy things.


I feel like, no, I need to go back on the road, and that's where I'm safe. Like, I thrive in chaos.


I was actually gonna say, I feel like maybe you thrive more in, like, being regimented because, you know, when you're on tour, you know, like, I'm doing this this day. This that day.


Yes. Well, it's like, get on the plane, sleep at the hotel, perform on stage, where now, when there's nothing going on, it's like, I create chaos.


Literally. You've also been shopping a lot. I know you're bored. When you send me, you start shopping for sconces. No, literally, like, things from revolve. I'm like, how many hours have you been sitting there?


You know I'm shopping. When I start sending you things that.


You should buy, I'm like.


I'm like, I wouldn't, but this is so Paige. I think that I could dress you immaculately.


Wait, I would love for. We should pick one show.


Yeah. That I dress you.


That I dress you and you dress me.


Do you think you can dress me?


I think I could, because you have.


To really go off script.


Okay, so then maybe we do it for, like, a later YouTube video.




Like, we do it in, like, December so we can really plan it out. Get our sizes.


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Can I come for something right now?




No one actually wears slip dresses like you buy it. You're like, I'm gonna be that, like, goddess in the summer with this, like, white slip dress or like, the lingerie dress. I've never once picked it to wear it. Cause I know I'm never like, oh, I'd rather be morning.


I'm gonna stand with you. I'm gonna stand with you.


It's cute, but you never choose it for the night.


Is it even that cute?


It's not, no. It doesn't show your curves.


Sometimes it's really matronly, I feel like.


And sometimes it'll be sweaty or there's always a crease in it.


I just feel like it doesn't hit the way. And here's the other thing I know. Like, midi is really in. I like midi if it's like a very trad wife outfit where, like, the skirt is like, fuller, but midi, like tight sometimes, or like, not even tight, like kind of loose.


If you're gonna go trad life, like, go full trad wife, like, lean in.


I just ordered a dress that's full trad wife, but I have no idea where I'm wearing it. But I was like, I need it.


You're just waiting to become a trad wife.


God, no.


What does it look like?


It's like, straight down to my hips and then it poofs out. But it's polka dotted.


Oh, I love that.


It's ivory with black polka dots. I got it from self portrait.


I love that.


I love it. But I'm like, here's my vision was that I would wear it somewhere in Europe, but when am I going there?


When you shop, do you immediately think, like, what shoes you're gonna wear with it, or like, what bag or what? Like, jewelry or just like, I like that dress, or, I like that top?


No, I just do, like, I like that dress.


Okay, good.


I used to be like, where am I wearing this, though? Like, I'm not wearing, like, I'm not. I don't have an occasion to wear this. And I've stopped doing that because every single time, like, that occasion would come up and I'd be like, I should have ordered that dress.


I do have to do a quick shout out for burnerphone. And it was about dumbest purchases. And you know how you buy stuff for, like, who the person you want to be?




Like the trampoline. Yes, but, like, I will buy clothes based on, like, if I was more interesting.




Or like, the woman I wish I was. But, like, you never actually will wear it.


You know what I just bought from Zara? A pair of, like, low rise suit pant shorts that are like, long drawings. Yeah, but they're like, suit pant material. But I feel like, like, with a little kitten he on, it'll look so cute on. I think it'll be so cute.


Yeah, and it's comfortable. My thing is, like, I will buy, like, the sexiest dress to be like, she's a vixen, but you'll never wear it. Never wear it.


Or like, well, yeah, you can't be like, you can't be uncomfortable in something, like, tight or, like, a zipper. Like, I could be getting impaled by a literal zipper and I'd be like, this is fine, this is fine. It looks great.


Me doing a fitting is me just being like, too tight, too scratchy, too loose. I don't like that.


Yeah, no, I'll wear something if it hurts.




I actually prefer it. You're a fucking freak.


You're a little fucking freak. Oh, other hot take. Yeah, actually, I'm not gonna give a take. I want you to give the take. How do you feel about being able to put, like, 20 posts per Instagram story?


I think 20 is excessive. 20 is excessive.


I agree. I think it's too much. I spent 3 hours on someone's dump the other day.


Like, I was like, 20 is like, that's a Facebook album.


Grace, do you know what a Facebook album is? Okay, just checking. Obviously ten was restricting, but sometimes we need some boundaries in life. No.


And that's one of them.


Give me some boundaries. Like, make me pick between some of the photos. I like that. Don't give me freedom.


No, that's some bad things happen. It's also just like, I don't take any pictures. Like, I wish I was more esthetic where in my own life, I wish I could see something like food on a table and be like, oh, so cute. I'm gonna take a picture of that. My brain just doesn't go there.


But also it's like, do you want your brain to constantly see something and be like, that would be good for the grid?




It goes back to when I see someone on vacation posting a ton of shit. I'm like, they hate this vacation.


Yeah, they're bored.


They're bored.


Well, I'm like, how did they get. How do they get it in? How do they get all the outfits with the perfect hair, with the perfect makeup? Like, when I'm on vacation, I do, like, really think about my outfits. But then, like, when it comes time to get ready for dinner, I'm like, it's just my parents.


Who gives a fuck if I don't get the shot? We didn't get the shot, babe.


Yeah, like, we didn't do it.


I'll try a couple times, and then I'm like, it's not for me.


It's not for me.


Sometimes. Don't force it.




The shot's not happening.


It's not happening. And, like, enjoy your time with the people you're with. You don't need to get all the shots.


Are we buddhist?


It does feel that way.


It's giving Buddhism. It's giving Buddhism.


It's giving. Just being aware and living in the moment.


No, I know I'm adult right now because I did search for a sconce. I don't know how to put a sconce up.


What type of sconce? No, that's funny. I have two sconces in my apartment right now. I know where to put them.


No, I don't know how. There's so many.


You need an electrician, and that's where they lose me.


Get an electrician that's trustworthy and knows what to do. That's an electrician. He's here. He's here.


You know, it's funny growing up with a dad that, like, it was handy. Well, was handy, but also very, like, he didn't, like, go into an office. So, like, I didn't know that. Like, I didn't know that your job could be an electrician or, like, you are the plumber. I just thought, like, my dad had all these friends, like, knew you got a guy.




Because it would always be like, pete's coming over.


Pete's gonna fix the sink.


You know, like, things like that. So then when I got older, I realized I was like, oh, these are, like, professional people.


The world isn't just run by my dad's friends, but that's so New York to be.


Like, I got a guy, like, until, like, age eight, I thought the whole world was run by my dad and his guys.


The Mafia Valley?


No, literally. I remember one time we were going, my dad had to go to the dentist, and the dentist was like, okay, you're gonna need, like, a crown. And my dad said like, okay, well, I have a guy that can make it if you put it in. And the dentist was like, not how this place works. He's like, no, no, no.


I got a guy. He goes, how much are you gonna charge? Yeah, I got a guy who'll do.


It for half, and I'll bring it in. You put it in my mouth. The dentist is like, I don't. Okay.


So I feel like with my parents, the home was just a. Like, I don't remember anything being put in it. Just like, that was the house.


That's how it was.


That's the house. Yeah. So now that I have to, like, get stuff, it's crazy. And then, like, Des does actually have a lot of cousins.




We got a plumber. Yeah, he's an electrician. And I'm like, we'll get him to come over. And he's like, he's fucking. He's got the family. He's busy.


Is Des Handy?


So. He is not handy. But I didn't know. Cause I'm don't even know enough. No, he's not handy.


Got it. You're so unhandy.


I thought he was handy the other day.


He's like, well, that's a beautiful marriage.


The other day he was like, I'm not, like a handy guy. And I was like, you're not. And he was like, babe, have you seen me do anything? And I'm like, be a man, okay? You've done more than me.


Let me say something. Being handy is very important to me because I would put myself on the handier side of the spectrum.


Wait, I totally forgot that you are. What do you happen? You go to push the bar, and she's like, zzz.


Oh, my drill bit. I definitely have a drill bit. What? A drill bit.


What's a. Oh, a drill bit. What is a drill bit?


But sometimes you gotta drill things. I've drilled plenty of things. And my wire cutters, my bolt cutters.


Did you watch Bob the builder growing up?


No, it was after my time. What was I saying?


You were saying you need a guy who's handy.


I need a guy who's handy because I'm very handy. Like, you want that painting up? Yeah, I can fuck it in. I'll put that up on the wall. I have a level. I can do all of those things.


You saw my place. I literally just have paintings against the wall where I want them to go.


Yeah, I could come over and fix those.


So this is the thing. Does if you give him instructions.


He can.


If I get stuff from Ikea or Amazon, he'll put it together.


I think because growing up, my dad, if I came home and my hair clip broke, my dad would fix it. Thought in my brain, like, oh, I'm not gonna be able to get this fixed by my dad. Like, whole. No, like, he'll come to my apartment now, and I'll be like, this broke on my bag, and then he'll fix it.


This is fucked up. But, like, men fixing things is important because they break a lot of doings.


Yeah, no, but, like, what else they should know?


What are they doing?


So being handy is really big on my list, and I feel like I dated a lot of guys in New York City that couldn't fix things. And I got the ickley.




I was like, if I can fix it and you can't, that's, like, grossing me out.


The thing is, Des is, like, a genius, so he figures it out. Yeah, but, like, in, like, a smart person way, not in a, like, you just take this wrench, and then you gotta pull. Like, he'll be like, he'll, like, google it and shit. But I also. For. For me, like, if a guy's too handy, I don't like it.


Mm. You don't want them to have a tool belt?


No, that turns me off. Like, if he knows too much about toilets, I'm like, what? It?


Yeah, get in it.




I've always wanted to put someone.


I also think it's like, it gets to the point where it's a little mansplaining too, with it. Like, oh, you delight. I'll fuck. I got this. And, like, it's fine. I just don't want him to be mine. Like, I want to be my guy's friend.


See, I would like, if they could fix certain things. Like, I will say Craig is, like, kind of a nerd, so he can fix, like, all my electronic stuff. Like that. I have no. Oh, that's cool. Like, I don't know any of that. I'm like, just throw it out the window. It doesn't work.


It is fun when you could tell they get joy from, like, fixing stuff and doing stuff around the house, you know?


They really do. And that's another problem. I'm like. I'm like, this is just basic living. Like, yeah, fix the ice maker.


Des does get obsessed with certain things. Like a bush. He'll be like, we need to make sure this bush stays healthy. And he's checking on the bush and making sure that certain things are he'll get passionate about. He was obsessed with the tree at one point, and I thought that was so cute.


I recently got passionate about a plant.


Which plant? What's his name?


It's a girl. I don't let men live in my home. That's freaking crazy. No. Actually thinking, like, almost getting a boy cat. I was like, no, that will throw the whole guy off. I've had a plant for three years that I've kept alive, and I recently had to repot her.


Wait, I'm stressed. See, immediately I'm. Nope, I'm stressed. Oh, I'm getting a new plant.


I can't get rid of this plant. It's. I think it's, like a lucky tree. Yeah, I think it's, like a lucky. My lucky plant. And so I had to get, like, all. I had to get, like, potting soil. That was, like, four transferring plants. I had to get, like. And I got, like, all organic, and then Craig, like, helped me take it out of the original pot and put it in. So, like, I was very passionate about it. She's gorgeous now. I love that she's now has, like, a new white, like, big vase that she lives in. It's stunning.


How's Daphne?


She's just perfect. She's just the most perfect thing I've ever encountered in my life. And here's the other thing. Yeah, she likes other people, but if other people are at my apartment, she's following me around to different rooms, and.


I'm like, she knows who mom is.


Yeah. She's like, that's my mom.


She knows who mom is. I did want to add, I'm very into Diet Pepsi by Addison Rae right now. Did you watch the video?


No, I didn't even know. I didn't even know.


You know, a lot of not people. People don't know. Not enough people know about it.


I feel like they don't. But wait, I did see a clip, and the guy who's in the music video, who is that?


He's just really hot.


No, he's from some.


He's an actor. Yeah, but he's, like, a hot. He's just all jawline. Like, he, like, clinches. All he does is sit and clinch his job.


He was, like, pretty little liars or something.


Yeah, one of those, like, shows of just, like, hot people that, like, they don't even have to put words together, and you're like, this show's really good.


Those are my favorite kind of shows. No, literally, that's like, you just described all of the CW growing up, I was like, pop the fuck off.


So it's called Diet Pepsi. And I played it and, like, it's fucking good.


Yeah, I love her.


Like, and it. I just, like, got emotional from it. Like, I literally got emotional because she's been through, like, a lot of. Just, like.


Are you getting your period? No, we just had.


No, but I'm sensitive right now. But she's just, like, been through a lot of doubt. Doubters.


I wonder what her crazy parents are up to.


Her crazy parents that almost took down her whole fucking career.


What's the song about? Like, what's the sentiment?


Leave losing all your innocence in the backseat.


Oh, my God. That is so not what I thought. You got emotional. Yeah.




It's. Ever since I'm just being a whore.


Well, I thought it was so cool because I was like, wait, what the.


Hell does that have to do with Diet Pepsi?


I love when people call the title of songs, like, random words in the song and not the chorus.




Like, Diet Pepsi is just, like, one of the lines. But she. Because she could have said in the backseat. But Diet Pepsi is more interesting, I think. But I just. I love when people, like, reinvent themselves. I love when, like, literally no one is rooting for them. And they're like, fuck you. Like, I love doing this show.


And she's young.


She's young. And this is a fucking great video.




It's a great song.


Giggly squad. Stamp of.


Stamp of approval to girl boss town. Yeah. And it's all about losing all my innocence in the backseat. And I was like, oh, my God. This is what Paige was talking about in Albany, you know? Like. No. Cause, like, what? As a city girl, like, no one had a car, so I'm like, oh, this is how, like, normal people, as.


A suburb, we were having sex in them.


You're having sex car. Well, I did once, but, like, older. Yeah, but, like, I. We were like. You'd be in your bedroom.


That's so intense.


No, like, it's really.


I feel like, in a.


Your parents are, like, upstairs.


You had to, like. I mean, my high school boyfriend, like, did have, like, a basement.




Like, house.




But even still, like, he would drive me home, so we would like. Yeah, you know you're not gonna, like, have sex when his parents are, like, up in the kitchen.


Yeah, but her song was just so cute about, like, the moment of your girl, and then I. I mean, one.


Day you're just, like, a woman.


Well, it's fucked up because we're experiencing, like, oh, whatever. Happens. I am losing something. Like, I'm losing this innocent side of me where men are, like, gaining respect. Chris, did you ever afterwards, you ever afterwards.


How old were you virginity?


What do you think? Okay. Intrusive. Oh, I love this game.


Like, 16.




Yeah. I'm great at pinpointing.


Did you know that?


Did you take it? That would be literally illegal.




Wait, wait. When you were 16, how old was I?


I don't know. I don't know how old you are now.




31. Oh, there's a lot of math right now. Chris, after you lost your virginity, was there a moment where you were, like, where I went to all of my friends. I wasn't a little boy anymore.


I'm a man, and I.


And I just, like, lost being pure. Yeah.


Like, what is a guy's perspective?


I went to all my friends, and they were like. We were all like, yeah, yeah.


Remember the first ever taken anyone's virginity?


Yeah. Yeah. I think the first guy I was with, we both were. But, like, I don't recommend that at all. We were lost. We were scared.




And it was like a half virginity thing. Like, I was like, it's not gonna work. Everyone lost their virginity, half at first, right?




I think if you go full on in the beginning, you're not. Okay.


You should call your mom because you got something real. No, I feel like every girl is.


Like, oh, no, no, no.


Maybe next weekend. Like, I'm just like. I feel like it kind of hurts. And, like, maybe next weekend. I feel like I used to do that all the time.


I still do that. I still do that.


Yeah. Like, actually, no.


I remember when I realized I was first getting boobs. I got really emotional. Like, I was looking in the mirror.


And I was like, I thought I had cancer.


Was it when you first get the hard bump?


Yeah, I'm like, something's really wrong, and it hurts. Yeah, it hurts so bad. And then, like, here's the craziest thing, though. I was so pumped. I was like, oh, my God, I'm getting boobs.


And then they just never came.


And I was like, what a mind fuck. Can I tell you?


It's so fucked up. I didn't have boobs. And then at 18, I got boobs.




It was like.


I, like, just got them. Like, in the last three years, people.


Were saying that you had a boob. There was a boob job room.


There was. I loved when that rumor was going around.


People were coming.


I think you started it.


Well, I go, I mean, I can't say she hasn't. I can't say she hasn't. I don't know anything. I don't know for sure. I'm, like, staring the pod.


That's my favorite voice you've ever done. And I can't say she hasn't.


I can't say she doesn't. I don't know. Also, sometimes we tic tac algorithms so weird, because something will come up about you.


Yeah. Oh, God.


And I don't like, if it's anything, like, opinion, I'm like, I don't want to know. Do not talk. Like, I'm not. I don't want to hear anyone talk. But it's. It's.


Whenever I hear my own voice on a TikTok, I go, oh, that wasn't for me.


Well, sometimes I'll, like, be enjoying a TikTok. I'm like, that's Paige's voice. But there's a recent one. Do you see the lesbian one that you commented on?


No. Wait, which one?


It was a girl being like, Paige Sorbo as a lesbian?




And you wrote, I'm so honored. That video was such a compliment.


No, it was such a. Actually, I got scared because I was like, wait, are the lesbians talking about me? Because now I feel like if I don't go over, it's rude.


There was this really pretty picture of you looking powerful, and they were like, Paige in a power lesbian relationship would be so sick, and everyone was going nuts.


And I was just like, I am deep in. I think if we had to ask our phones, who are we? Based on the information, mine would say possibly a lesbian. I really just think my phone thinks that, because I'm always in lesbian TikTok.


Well, let's be honest. Lesbian TikTok drama is so much better than straight people drama.


No, it's light years.


Which is why the WNBA is amazing.


Have you been seeing that TikTok where girls are asking their boyfriends, like, when somebody says, the NBA, how do you know if they're talking about the WNBA or, like, men's NBA? And boyfriends are getting so confused, and girlfriends are just like, yeah, but when you say the NBA, how do you know you're not talking about women's? And the guys are like, what? Like, why? It's so good. I love it. I love just, like, really confusing the men sometimes.


I love how boyfriends are just TikTok accessories. They're like, hey, I need you for this trend. And so it's funny.


It's just us trying things on them.


And some of the guys go with it so easily. And then some you could tell, like, we're begged. And then some you could tell do not want to be there. Yeah.


Like, they don't know what's happening.


I know. I respect the guys that don't want to be always on camera. I don't like when they want to be on camera.


No, I don't either.


I don't.


Get your boyfriend off camera.


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I saw something crazy on TikTok. No. This is gonna blow your mind more.


Than you choking at a brunch meeting.


So basically, this person said, fuck, I wanna credit them, but it'll probably come up on all your algorithms. Now, she said, control is all an illusion. But, like, literally, she said that in laden, you know, the street buttons for the walking sign? She said, they don't do anything, but they just make people feel like they're.


In control, so they don't think they do anything anywhere.


I thought you press it and then you're, like, in the queue, Chris.


Google. Yeah, Google.


If in the queue, then, yeah, that's very european of.


You're like, this is an aux cord.


Yeah. Then they said that a lot of elevators, if you press the shut button, it doesn't do anything to you. Okay.


Now that I have a problem with.


It'S just there to make people not annoyed. They're literally called placebo buttons. I don't think. It's all fucking simulation.


Yeah. No, I'm gonna have a word with the mayor.


Get that on my calendar.


No, honestly, I would love. We should run for mayor. At some point in our lives, we.


Want to be sitting in the elevators. Well, but also, if buttons in the elevators close actually worked, people would be losing limbs. I'd be like, no, sorry, Shannon.


Also, like, if you accidentally press an elevator floor, you should be able to unpress it. And that's not a crazy ask.


No, that's. That would have, like, saved so many relationships. Or, you know when that, like, annoying kid, it starts pressing everything and you're like, oh, my God. Once I think someone got in a fight and, like, pressed all the buttons and then left.


One of my biggest fears is being stuck in an elevator.


See, I.


And I think about it a lot.


Knock on wood.


Living in New York, I feel like.


It would be peaceful and I'd get, like, a really funny story out of it.


I. Okay, great thought process on that. Way to look at the bright side. As long as I knew they were coming to get me out and there wasn't a possibility that I could drop.


Oh, I didn't think about the drop part.


Then I would be. I'd find, I'll stay in there for 5 hours.


You know what's so fucked up? I was like, that's such a good excuse to cancel your plans. Like, would you rather go to your.


Plan, sorry, I'm stuck in an elevator.


Or get stuck in an elevator.


Get suck in an elevator.


So maybe let's have some gratitude first. A fucking second. Let's be positive for that.


As long as my phone was 100% charged.


Like, do you ever look around and you're like, would I fuck with this group?




Is this the third time? Actually? She looks interesting.


Sometimes I'm like, I can't get stuck on the elevator with these. Not these people. No. I think about it all the time.


I wonder if anyone ever fell in love with getting stuck in an elevator with a finance bro.


I'm sure there's a lot of elevator meet cutes in New York City.


You know what would be hot? If you got stuck in an elevator with a guy and then he fixed it.


And we're all about Handy Mendez and full fucking circle.


But New York City has no handy men.


No, they really don't.


They don't.


I've dated a lot of guys, and they're like, I've dated a lot of jewish men. And they said like, no, I'm jewish. I'm not fixing things. I don't know why that's. And I'm like, okay. But then I dated non jewish guys.


They can't either.


And they can't fix things either. And they, like, grew up in New York. So I wonder if it's like, oh, you literally just called. Well, probably like, you called maintenance in your building.


Yeah, I mean, I'm still not handy when something breaks. I'm like, we need a new apartment?


Yeah. No, I. Like. I love moving furniture on my own. This is one of my favorite things, is to just rearrange furniture with your.


Like, little long fingers. How do you even move?


No, I have crazy strength. Like, I moved.


You're such a cat.


I moved a crazy table the other day, and my assistant walked in and was like, how did you move this table? And I was like, just pure willpower. You got it with my mind.


You got. Mom.


Yeah. I need this table moved. So I'm moving it.


I'm blown away. Chris, were you gonna say something? Not at all.


Great. Good.


Keep it that way. I was actually testing you to see if you were gonna overstep. Oh. Do you have anything to say? No, we have some good questions. We have some good questions from the gigglers that we didn't get before. If you had to choose an athlete today, which sport?


Golf or tennis?




One? I feel like it's, like, very chic. I'm into matches. It doesn't seem like they are. They're not going to camp prior to. They're not having a big win with their team and going out after. My outfits could be way better than my outfits could be for basketball.


I'm gonna say tennis. Not golf for you. Cause golf, you have to stand. I don't see you standing.


No, I'm not standing. And you walk like, you know, not for my.


Tennis would be so good. You'd be such a good tennis wag.


I would be a great tennis wag.


I could see you getting into it, too, like the other person. It's a winner.


And you're like, I would be very competitive.


And you'd be the. Like, they. The player would look at you and be. You'd be like, get it together.


No, if I dated a professional athlete, we would have talks after.


You'd be like, what the fuck was that?


Yeah. Like, yeah, you're better than this, and you're embarrassing us.


What are we practicing for? Do you think this is a joke to you? Did I wear.


I do my job. Why don't you do yours?


I looked great today, and you're making me look bad. How is this gonna work, right? Hit your fucking forehand the way we.


Actually maybe, like, I'll have a son, and he'll be a professional athlete, and I can.


I can so see you becoming, like, an intense sports mom.


Sports mom. Absolutely. I also want to be a girl scout troop leader.


I feel like girl scouts are canceled.


Are they? No, the Girl scouts aren't. You can't cancel the Girl scouts? No, they just had a cookie collection. I bought some. I don't think they're canceled.


But you know how guys would be, like, I could tie a knot. Cause I was in boy scouts. I hate that shit.


I hate that.


Can you.




I don't know.


On my honor, I will try to serve God and my country. Like, what are you saying? We're eating brownies. Serve your country. Get another scoop of ice cream, bitch.


No, I would choose basketball.




I think basketball is hot.


Basketball is hot.


Like, you have to have so much swag to play basketball. I love seeing court.


College. I feel like you had to be cool to get invited to the basketball house.


That's. Yeah, I mean. But also, basketball guys were fewer. There was only, like, like 20 of them where, like, football. There was, like, 400 of them. Like, everyone was fucking a football guy were the basketball team. And you also see all their faces.




So, like, they were very known.


I remember one freshman year. Freshman year, I did love this one basketball player, and it traumatized to me. And then I never. I could never. I could never date another basketball player.


What happened?


He just, like, didn't know I existed.


So did you date him?


For, like, a minute?




And then it was really sad. And then I was like. Because also, if you think about it, the age difference in college actually is wild. A freshman in college, hanging out with a senior in college.


It's crazy.


That's crazy. That's crazy. And that's why there's nothing in common, really.


Also, for all the girls in college, do not trust any of these men.




As an 18 year old girl, you should not be around these wild. And they're so fucking horny and weird. And you are such a perfect angel. At 18.


No, 18. Some of them are like. And if they play a sport, they could be, like, 20 fucking three. Yeah.


Cause they're, like, super seniors. And you're just like. You barely kissed a guy, and you're just like.


And then you're worried about your fake id. It's like. It's a whole.


Just, like, stay away from, like, boys. So anyway, actually, I had this one basketball player, and I, like, we got along really well, and I think he would occasionally be like, are we? And once I was out with him and he gave me his coat, I think I told the story. And then he was like, can I have it back? And that was a low point in my life. But then once we, like, he was like, can we stop at my place? And we were, like, walking to a bar, and I was like, sure. And we went in. He's like, I'm gonna go to the bathroom. Came out just wearing his boxers, and it was, like, really cold out. So I was wearing, like, layers. And I was like, what are you doing? And he's like, sorry. Goes back in, puts his clothes on, comes out, and we just continue the night. What?


That is so weird.


Well, we were very close friends, and he was six, seven. We had a good personality in his head.


In the bathroom, he's like, you know what I might do with no pants on and see if she's dead?


How so?


Why did he think that you were.


Gonna be like, oh, my cool boxer, run onto him? Yeah.


Girls are just like, you were like, what's going on?


But then we ended up months later, like, hooking up, and he was the first uncircumcised dick I saw.




And it was really funny.


And that's a moment people don't think about it.


That will change you. Because in the flesh, it is unintended. It is an anteater, and you don't.


Know it until sometimes you're done and you're like, what?


You are? Yeah.


I'll never forget one time my my girlfriend at the time, she had slept with some guy, and she was telling me about it, and she was like, and he was uncircumcised. And I was like, oh, my God, that's crazy. Was he european? She was like, no, he's from Florida. And I was like, that's crazy.


No, this guy was so. He was from Minnesota. There was no reason.


Yeah. I'm like, where could you even find that guy? The next night, I'm not kidding. 24 hours later, I sleep with this guy. I'm literally getting up, putting my clothes on. I'm like, wait a minute. And I literally run to my friend and I'm like, you'll have no idea what just happened to me.


Post sex, uncircumcised guys. It's a turtleneck.


Yeah, and you're not ready. You're not expecting it.


This is my. Cause I was good friends with him, and I'm an inquisitive young lady.


You're asking the question.


I pause. I said, how do we work with this? Is there something that I need to formula before I dive in? What do I need? I remember, like. And he looked at me and he was like, it's just like any other penis. And I said, and that's where. That's where I'm gonna have to disagree.


Somebody standing in front of me saying, it's just like any other penis. I'm filing. I'm filing a police report. I'm literally speechless.


Yeah. Treat it like any other penis. If you have to say that. I feel like there's something wrong.




I go, I'll just go along. My usual business.


Well, thank you. That's what I was gonna do. I was actually. And first on the checklist. Yep. Let's get to it. No, that's insane.


Let's go back to our regular schedule.


Programming all before, like, Gavin's talk, you're like. He's like, well, here's the thing. You can treat it just like the other ones.


But that's the thing. Like, when you're trying to give bad hand jobs, it's different. But what I've learned is, one, it's a little barbaric that we just cut the skin off of. Yeah. What?


I don't know. The background on it.


Some people say it prevents disease. It hasn't truly been proven. And that guys who do have the skin still on actually have better blow jobs. Cause they have more sensory, more nerves. Nerves. Why'd I look at Chris from nerves?


We love personal preference.


Now they were talking about college hookup stories. College hookups were so much fun with the chase. Like, I loved. I was obsessed with getting crushes, and I like to do it from afar. I didn't like to meet the guy. I like to be like, look at the, like, the roster on, like, the track team. Be like, that sprinter is hot.




Let's see if we run into him.




Study hall.


No, that's, like, a fun game.


Oh, I love that game. And then, like, three weeks later, when we're suddenly talking, it's like, how did this happen? Yeah, I've been trying.


I would do it at schools that were not mine, so that made it a little sticky, you know, because I'm like, I don't have a key card, but I need to be in that library.


She doesn't even go. She doesn't even go here.


You know, I'm like, running across the quad. They're like, she's not a student.


Security is chasing me.


I'm like, guys, come on.


But this one track guy, we so many times would happen, like, I would get such a big crush, and then I started talking to him, and I'd be like, I didn't see that for you. I didn't see that. Oh, wow.


We don't have anything in common.


It's like, sometimes their energy can be so bad.




And I remember something was just off about him, but I was like, no, we've committed three weeks to this. He has really nice blue eyes. And we started hooking up, and he got. You know when they get weird. Yeah, you start hooking up. I hate when guys start hooking up and they become, like, different.


Mm hmm.


You know when they get this, like, crazy eye and they're like, yeah.


And you're just like, oh, my God. I've actually, like. I'm saying. I'm agreeing, but I'm frightened.


Have you ever had that where, like, you're like. They just turn into, like. And this is me now.


Like, whilst having sex.


Yeah. Like, once you start the hookup, one time, normal guy. Like, they're, like, chilling. Then they're like, oh, one time I.


Had a guy that really loved biting his own bottom lip, and I was like, it's not gonna work for me. It's not gonna work for me. And it was a full performance that was being had in front of me, and I was like. I literally felt like I was looking behind me. I was like, who are you doing this for?


Kevin, James and Hitch? Just like, yeah.


Like, I'm like, this is not a burlesque show. We're in the lower east side.


It's like a dad at a wedding. I don't like that at all. No, I don't like when they. Yeah, their mannerisms change and, like, suddenly they have, like, a different eye. Like a villain in a movie.


Yeah. No, I don't like when men are too into sex.


That's an ick.


Yeah, it's like.


That is such an ick.


Like, w two into it.


Yeah. Don't act like you've been there before.


Yeah, don't, like, just be happy to be involved.


Like, jerk off before the date.




Why are you looking at me?


Raleigh, every advice to men, we want you to write it down and write it down.


So you have this track guy got, like. He got, like, veins in his head. Like. It was like, fuck.


Look, I have a question. Because you were a college athlete.




When athletes would be like, I can't come before a game.


I was that.


Was that true?


That was literally what I was about to say. So he's like, I'm being all crazy. And I was like, what's going on? Like, are you okay? And he was like, I haven't jerked off in, like, five weeks.


Oh, my God.


Because it's bad for my. It's bad for my track where you.


Like, let it out.


I literally was like, you have a loaded gun in my apartment right now. You came in here.


How dare you come here juiced up.


Juice the fuck up. You came in here with a fucking machine gun.


We have candles lit.


Make them real. This is a place of peace, tranquility, and a safe space that you just came in with that fucked up energy.




And he's like, sorry I haven't turned.


Off in a while.


And I was just like, oh, my. This is a you problem. And I don't want to be a part of this, like, weird philosophy. And then I guess we, like, hooked. But again, you're just like, this is like.


This is turned off.


It was so turned off and also, like, weird. And then I remember he woke up and he was like, I have to go duck hunting.


No. Goodbye. See ya.


First I was like, you killed. Why would you kill duck? You just killed all my preacher babies.


Have you ever had duck, like, eaten duck?


I do it, like, very good Peking duck house in Chinatown.


When your boyfriend kills it.


Not. No. And that was very. That was a Brooklyn, Wisconsin culture shock. Like, the guys would duck Huntley and they'd ice fish. Two things that are derogatory.


No, ice fishing is.


That seems like something that the Olympics would do. It's giving. Breakdancing.


No, ice fishing is just. I don't see one joy in it. Ice. No. Fishing? No. Why would you put them together? No, that's insane.


Cold. Safe.


Unsafe. Truly unsafe, I will say. You know when people are like, oh, I thought we were gonna run into, like, quicksand more. I thought I was gonna run into. To thinner ice more. Like, I thought I was gonna have to go on my stomach at, like, at least once in my life and evenly distribute my weight.


This is fucked up. But I really thought I would have to stop, drop and roll more often. At least once.


At once. At least once. You know, I actually saw someone stop, drop and roll once. They were on fire. When this happened a couple summers ago, a guy was at a restaurant and a candle lit his shirt on fire. Was. I mean, he was on fire. And I, like, I was honestly in shock, and he.


Where was this Applebee's?


That, like, a restaurant in the Hamptons? And he stopped, dropped, and he rolled. And I was like, you know, I didn't know if they were being serious about that, but I guess they were.


That's crazy, because that's the last thing I would do if I was on fire.


Meaning, same, I would have come up.


With a fucking dance move and be like, 85678. I feel it.


Be like, if someone was like, there's a spider on you. I'd be like, get it off. Get the fire off.


I would probably. Yeah, I would chuck myself.


Yeah. But no, he stopped, dropped, and rolled, and he was fine.


And he was fine. He just went about, walked it off.


And he just continued. I mean, it was a.


Do what you normally do, you would.


Do with any other penis. I'm gonna start saying that a lot. Well, just do what you would do with any other penis. Us, we need to do that TikTok where it's like, things we say when, but, like, I can never think of them in the moment.


No, we have to. I feel like giggly squad. We have so many.


So many.


It'd be so easy. Anyway, guys, thank you so much for giggling with us. Sorry, we just got to one question. What athlete would you hook up? I literally came with so many questions.


What athletes would we hook up with? Oh, it was just sport. They didn't want spizzle.






Do you want to give specifics?


I'm just trying to think if I have any specifics.


Mateo Baruchini.


Oh, I think he's so good looking. Jimmy Grabalo is always at the top of my list. I think that's it, really. Or any other athletes I've seen recently that I'm like.


Cause this is a sports podcast. Real quick, if you're in New York City, it's the qualifying week of the US Open. Go. I don't know if this comes up basically in the future, the qualifying, is it gonna. I don't know. I don't know what we can do.


Just do what you would do to any other business. I wish we could put that on a shirt, but Nana would and my mom would scream.


But anyway, it's free and it's really fun. And you go and you see everyone practice. That's, like the best time actually to go than, like, paying for expensive tickets. Anyway, speaking of tickets, you guys sold out Radio City basically in pre sale, which is insane to. But we knew.


I think we have to do a kick.


We need New York City girls. We're gonna come through and you know what? We're adding another fucking show. And even ask you, do you, should we add another show?


Yeah, we're adding another show. Well, I think it's because we have to. Because all the New York City girls really? Guys coming to fucking.


I love when they bully.


No, that we were getting fully bullied.


They were like, you know what's fucking hilarious? That we made you. Yeah.


And then you're not gonna do a.


Show with the greatest fucking city in the world. You'll fucking acknowledge New York? That's hilarious.


I was like, Newark, New Jersey?


Really derogatory. So a giggler dmed me, and I don't think I responded yet because I got nervous and excited. She said, my sister is a Rockette. Let me know if you guys want. Should we do a video with the Rockettes?


No, we need to meet them.


My thing is my kick. They're going to be upset. It's going to ruin their day. I can't even get above my knee.


Oh, I thought you were saying because it was going to be so good. I was like, yeah, I feel like you're not that bad flexible. No, but we need to meet that.


Like, I might tear an aco. Yeah, but it'll be funny for the content. We love you guys. Thanks for giggling with us. And sign up for our newsletter subscribe rate review.


Love you, gigglers. We have a big announcement. We have all new merch dropping Friday, and we have an added Radio City giggly squad show. You guys sold out the first show, and we're so beyond excited. We're basically rockets now. So make sure you get tickets to the second radio City show out.