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What's up, gigglers?


Gary, fix the WiFi.


Manifest that shit. We can't be managed.


I mean, the day just got away from me.


Hello, my... I always want to say Galapa Ghost, gigglers.


It's so funny because I always want... Whenever you started, in my head, I say gargantuan every week, every time.


Gargantuan's? Insane. That is the insane. That is the Insane. Crazier word I've ever heard in my life.




I have a gargantuan ass.


Do you have a diffuser?


I feel like I did, but it was a liquid one, and then butter knocked it over, and it was like, smelled like fucking- No, no, no.


I'm sorry. No, sorry.




No. Diffuser for your blow dryer for your hair.


I have no idea what that is.


Okay, cool.


Good chat. Good podcast episode.


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Thanks for gig me with that. Okay.


I've been recently on TikTok, and I've just been seeing girls using diffusers. And I have a thought. I think that I actually have curly hair. I identify with I don't, though. But in my brain, I'm like, Oh, I identify with girls with curly hair, but yet I don't use hair products for curly hair because I don't have curly hair, but I've always wanted it.


Are you going through something right now?


No. As I get older, in the back, it's so crinkly. So I'm like, wait, do I low-key have curly hair, but I've straightened it my whole life that I... Because my mom has curly hair. I'm thinking about buying a diffuser and buying a bunch of curly hair products and seeing if I can have curly hair.


Maybe just go to therapy. Maybe. Just go to therapy.


No, that is the girl equivalent. I'm like, Maybe I should change my hair texture.


But I also love that you think that you've tricked everyone, that you actually have straight hair. You fooled the world, or you fooled yourself.


No, because my mom has the curliest hair that she's straightened and blow dry.


Your hair texture does change over time.


Yeah, I feel like it does. I feel like I'm a wavy hair, curly hair girl.


I don't want to get into it, but my gray hair has main character energy. They only grow straight up. They're like, Hello.


I've heard that they're so much harder to die. I need to get a gloss or something because I'm starting to get some grays.


Can you gloss your hair? That would be so fun for not just me, but for the gigglers because you've got bangs, you got short hair. You've done all these fun things. I've got bangs.


Is glossing, though? I'd have to look into glossing.


I have a gloss.


So do you sit there for the same amount of times that you are dyeing your hair, or is it a quicker procedure?


No, it's so quick. It's literally 15 minutes, and it's healthy for your hair.


Oh, okay. Because my whole thing is like...


The only way to really fuck up your hair is bleach it. But also, I don't know what I'm talking about. This is literally... There's no knowledge behind this. But just if you bleach your hair, it'll fuck it up. That's all I know. But you putting highlights, you putting ombre. Is that what it's called? No, Bali ombre.


Putting ombre.


Do you remember ombre? When the girls would get green on the bottom of their hair, and I'm like, She's a freak.


I think it's ombre, but I'm into your pronunciation.


I think it's spelled O-M-B-R-E with an accent mark the E.


I think you're right.


But you can say ombre. I don't know what you're saying. But get balayage. Do you know how to spell balayage?


No. Actually, B-A-L-A Why?






You were so close. You're literally the female Montana boys. You're the Italian Montana boys. Albany girls.


Wait, Hannah. I'm literally the girl Montana Boys.


Oh, God.


You're like, What's your favorite date? And I'm like, April 14th. It's not too hot, not too cold.


Can I go dark for a second. Sure. I have to tell the gigglers I had a really bad experience before I left for my flight. I came home and I was really hungry. I think it was after the podcast. We We recorded it late. I got back at 9:00 PM, and I was really hungry. And my mom was like, Just go to sleep. I'm like, Life is too short. I need to eat. So then I was like, I'm just going to get something on Uber. I don't even look at my fridge. There's nothing in my fridge. Nothing's going What does that happen? When I'm hungry, everyone's against me. The world's against me. I'm uncomfortable in my own skin. I just feel like I'd rather... I don't want to sleep. I want to eat. You'd rather not. No. Just everything everyone says. I'm like, What? Then I go, I'm going to order Uber, and I order- It's really hard to go to bed hungry as an adult. I've told myself that it helps put me to sleep when my stomach's full.


Same. That's why I always have cereal before bed because I'm like, The milk is going to soothe me.


I feel like because as you're older and you're more anxious, I don't need to also have an anxious tummy. I want at least to be happy. One of us needs to be happy.


Someone needs to be full and content, and it's not going to be me. It's not going to be my Not the brain.


So I get rice and beans and a quesadilla, as I do from one of my favorite places, Tacombi. And it says it's like 30 minutes away. I'm like, Fine. It's worth it. Wait.


This is such a sidebar, but do you ever order from POPO?


I love POPO. I used to live in Murray Hill back in the day when I was a frat star.


Okay. It's single-handedly saving lives because it's literally just... It's so cheap and it's just chicken and rice.


And it's the best chicken you I've never had. It's Peruvian, so it's the green sauce that they put some crack cocaine in it, and it's so good.


It's the best chicken you'll ever have.


Wait, is this podcast sponsored by POPI?


I mean, it should be, but I was just thinking that is my I go to and I'm like, I'm really hungry. Nothing else is open, or what time is it? What do I feel like? I'm always.


You're so right. I should have done POPO. Instead, I get a little crazy or it's a combi. I've had moments where they'll call 20 minutes in. Oh, sorry, we closed. No, they said it was getting picked up, but the guy was just hovering around the restaurant. I'm like, This is weird, but it's fine. Talking to Dez. The guy finally picks it up.


What time is it now?


He finally picks it up after 40 minutes. So it's long, but I'm like, It's happening. It's fine. And then the guy gets towards our apartment. My apartment's a little complicated to find, and I keep calling him, and he keeps going, One minute, miss. One minute. And he hangs up. And he's like, he definitely doesn't speak English, and that's just what he says. So he's been hovering around my building for... It's 20 minutes now. So I say, Fuck it. I'm going downstairs. I'm finding this man.


Yeah, I'm going to help this guy out.


The second I go outside, it's 11:15 at this point, unsafe. In my crocs. And he cancels the order the second I go outside. So then I'm looking around like, I'm going to find this motherfucker because he has my food. And I can't find him. So I go back inside and I go up to Dez, I go, He canceled the order.


And he's like, okay- How did he cancel it, though?


He basically said that it got delivered. So then I had to report it, which I did. Don't worry, everyone. I got my $36 back. But I'm still starving.


I will say I will give Uber Eats their roses and crowns. True. They have a similar model to Amazon. They're like, Oh, sorry, bitch. You need your money back? Here it is. You broke-ass bitch. Immediately returned to you. We're so sorry for that. They do make it easy when shit gets fucked up.


When they fuck up, they're cool with it. So I'm basically really starving. It's 11:30 at this point, and I go, Okay, I'm going to be a normal person, and I'm going to open up my fridge. Nothing in my fridge but some soy sauce. So then I go to my freezer. And I have this thing where I'll go to Trader Joe's once a year and grab 40 frozen meals because I think that I'm going to be a health queen making salmon burgers and chicken bowls.


You're like, Oh, my God. I love a miso glazed. How have I not lived with having a miso glazed cod?


Ca cauliflower gnocci. That is me. That is her. I look and I have all this stuff. And I was like, And Dez just bought an air fryer because he's going through a midlife crisis. So I grab one of these chicken bowls and I heat it up. It takes 10 minutes. And I start eating it and it tastes fucking weird. And for the first time in my life, I realized, do you know frozen food goes bad?


No, it doesn't.


Apparently? Apparently? So then Des is like, It's probably bad. It's been in there forever. And I'm like, It's frozen. That's the whole point of freezing it, that it lives forever. Like Walt Disney.


Wait, that's in my brain, too. If it's frozen, it's good.


I don't care how long it's been in there. You know when you go to your grandma's and she just pulls out something frozen and fucking cooks it. So then I realized this is bad. This chicken is bad. So then I'm even more panicking. I'm hungry, and I think I'm poisoning myself.


How much had you eaten?


Three bites. Because the first two you don't taste because you're hungry. And then I was like, That's not right. So then I'm like, What else is in here? And I pull out a tilapia filet that I've never eaten, but I bought for some reason. And Dez is like, Do not put that in. That's definitely bad. And then I realize everything in it is bad.


So then I'm like- Was there an expiration date?


You know it's hard to look, but I found it, and I was like, Yeah, that's a year old. But I I haven't gotten new stuff because my freezer is full of shit, so I haven't bought more. And then I have tons of Dumpling. Why did I buy frozen? Anyway, I'm actually starting to panic at this point, and Dez is looking at me, and he could tell that I'm not myself. I need a Snickers. I also, most people, I guess, could be like, Oh, have a cookie. I want Savory. I want a fucking meal. So he goes, Do you want me to go across the street and get Chinese for you? And that was really cute of him.


That's so nice.


I said, Well, you could have done this two hours ago.


Where were you? Where were you?


And I'm searching for this fucking guy on the street. I knew I was going to go to Europe and not see him for a while. So I said, I'll go with you. We're going to go on a little date across the street to get Chinese.


So what time is it now? It's 11:30.


This is 11:45. So we go down and the place is closed.


Which has never happened in the history of New York City Chinese food restaurants.


This is when I was like, My enemies are fucking on their shit right now. So then he's like, Let's go to a deli. Let's go to a deli. We go to one deli. The deli is like, Oh, we closed our food. You can have a granola bar. And I was like, There's no fucking possible way. I'm paying so much money in rent, and I can't get a meal at 11: in New York City.


This is New York City.


It's why we live there. This is the only reason why we live there. So then we go across the street because obviously this bodega across the street from the other bodega. We walk in. There's food. I said, Thank God. Thank God. And I'm panicking. And I'm like, Just give me whatever's fast. And I said, Can I please have a bagel with Scalian cream cheese? He goes, Yes. And I'm looking at Dez. I'm starting to dance a little. I'm humming. I'm excited. The world is looking okay again. The rainbow's butterfly guys. And I'm going to the guy to pay, and the guy goes, Cream cheese and jelly? And I was like, No. I look over, and he made a bagel with cream cheese and jelly.


And I said, Scalian cream cheese and jelly?


Well, I think he I didn't know what Scalian was, and he just thought I said jelly. And I look at Des and I said, Did I say jelly? Because I'm off right now. I don't trust myself. I don't trust anyone around me. I look at him, I said, No. Just give me regular cream cheese, please. And he's like, Yeah, I thought that was weird. You asked for jelly. And I was like, I don't know what's happening. I did not ask for jelly. So then I look at Des. I was holding the bread. I'm not eating the jelly. I don't want jelly. I want savory. So fast forward another 10 minutes, I finally get my bagel. But I actually, I think a tear. I cried during this process. But I was fed and I went to bed. I almost had a full breakdown.


When you're hungry and frustrated, that's when I start crying. Yeah.


No, Des was like, Are you joking or not? And I'm like, I don't know.


I don't know. Yeah, like when you don't know, being frustrated over anything is the number one feeling I hate more than anything I think. I'd rather be so mad that I'm going to burn down an entire town than ever feel frustrated. Also, not to just totally hate the jelly community. I will Give a quick bagel order that I think you might really like if you try at some point because you do like a savory. Regular plain cream cheese on a toast bagel with jelly and bacon.


Like, I think I'd bite it and be like, Oh, that's fun. I wouldn't hate it, but I wouldn't order it on purpose. It's giving a date, like an appetizer, like a date with goat cheese and bacon. Yes.


It's giving the trash version of a French breakfast.


No, I actually do like bagels with cream cheese and jelly. Just in that moment, that was not what I needed. It was not my journey. It was not what I wanted. But I actually also, not to brag about myself, one thing I am good at is I know exactly what the fuck I want to eat. You know how men will be like, Girls never know what they want to eat. I wake up in the morning, I know what my friends want to eat. I know what everyone wants to eat. All I know is we're fucking eating, and I'm going to find it. I'm going to know where.


Actually, this is really one of my favorite things to do, and we don't do it a lot, but I savor it when we do, is going out to eat just with you. I really I enjoy.


That's like when we're on the road.


There's nothing better than eating with someone who enjoys eating. You give eating the roses that it deserves. You're talking about it. You're in it. You're in the moment. You're like, This is really good. You should try this. I love this. I need more ketchup. Where's the waiter? You're never... When When you're eating, you're never not present. I think it's a really beautiful moment.


Wait, so you're thinking about every regret you've ever had in your life. I'm like, If I don't get sour cream with this burrito, I'm going to lose my mind.


Yeah. I can take away my own appetite so quickly because I'll think of something like I said two weeks ago, and I'm like, I can't even freaking finish this. I hate myself. Where you are so in the moment, and I think it's I just love it so much because my family is like that. When we're eating, we're talking about it. We're cutting pieces up, putting it on other plates, talking about what the next meal is. And so it's very comforting for me when you're like, I love what I'm eating.


Some would say I'm a little bit of an emotional leader. I'm like, You know what makes this day better? Bacon. That I'm not addressing my real problems, and I'm just thinking about- You always have a little snack, and that is also something that's very comforting to me.


I know that at any moment, you have a little snack in your bag. It'll be fun.


But the snacks are purely emergencies. They're not for joy. They're for those moments where I've realized I'm really losing my mind. Then I go, I just need a Snickers. I literally just need a Snickers. It's also just people are built differently where some people just need more food faster at all times.


Maybe you have a mild blood sugar problem where when your blood sugar dips low, you do get like, No, I need to eat.


I love when you diagnose me, and I'm going to believe it.


I'm like, maybe you have diabetes.


I'm going to tell Des, I have a mild blood sugar problem, Paige told me. So I need dessert now. I need a cheeseburger now. I have a mild blood sugar problem.


I feel like at any moment, if you bring up someone's blood sugar, you can't say anything back.


No, you're so right.


Who are you I'm not going to fight about someone else's blood sugar?


If someone brings up their period or their blood sugar, get the fuck away from them. Let them live. But I think it's so real. I definitely think I have blood sugar levels. My thing is I also have a phobia of being hungry. Like, literally that scene in train wreck, I'm always like, oh, my God, I'm so hungry or I need a snack because I haven't eaten anything today, except I did have an omelet and then I did have a whole fruit salad and yogurt in between. And then I did I have lunch and I had two dinners, but I am really- There's a couple of things that you can count on, and it's literally taxes, and that Hannah's had breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Just know that when she says anything, she's had three meals. I hate when I'm with other people who don't respect the art of breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Where it's 2:00 PM, and they're like, Oh, we had a big breakfast. And I go, Oh, oh, oh.


But there's a time change, so that doesn't matter to me.


I do think eating is actually very romantic, too. I think Des and I are very compatible eaters. Some people eating literally starts fights. I have one friend who he gets annoyed when his girlfriend and him disagree about what to eat. It takes forever. And it's like, That happens three times a day. That's divorce-worthy.


One time, a boyfriend made me go to couples therapy.


You are such a meme of you are the problem.


Okay. I never understood When people weren't compatible in terms of eating because I just had never met anyone that didn't... Because also we're Italian, so we're only offering the best food on the planet. Always. So I never understood it. One time I had this boyfriend who made me go to couples therapy in the first couple months of us dating, which I should have known then that it was a red flag. But anyway, you know me. I show up to therapy. I'm like, I'm so ready for this. I'm in a cardigan. Let's do it. Let's break it down.


And you lied the whole time. The whole time.


The entire time. I was like, What is going on here? How did I get here? How am I sitting on this couch with terracotta walls talking to a therapist who I later found out was not a licensed therapist. So that's a whole different situation and category. It was just his friend.


His friend named Jeremy.


Yeah, that I found myself in. But one of our biggest fights that we ever had was there was a pint of ice cream in the freezer, and I ate half of the pint one night. And then the following day, a full 24 hours later, I was like, Oh, my second half of my pint is in the freezer. I'm going to clean I'm eating this right up. I got this. And I felt like I was in a time warp because my boyfriend at the time was shocked, appalled, couldn't believe that I would have the audacity to eat ice cream two nights in a row. And so that was the first time I was ever like, Oh, okay, people have issues with food, and it's not always me. But I took that on where I was like, wait, is this crazy? I'm 28. Am I not allowed to eat I have ice cream two nights in a row?


Am I not allowed to have depression?


No. Excuse me, sir. Don't bring up my blood sugar. It seems like a HIPAA violation. I need this ice cream.


If you're bringing up ice cream, I have to say our Italian ancestors, my family, even my mom, She has ice cream every single night. It's calcium.


Every night- So it's an Apertivo.


Yes. Every night, she has one or two scoops of ice cream just to keep the calcium levels up.


No, you need a little sweet. You need It's a little something. I'm not letting my Ben and Jerry's half a pint be sad in the freezer because only half of it was eaten.


He's jealous you're having a threesome with Ben and Jerry. Yeah.


If anyone ever makes you feel bad about food, find yourself a Des who will go to a Chinese food restaurant when it's closed, knock on the doors, and then take you to a deli.


Well, it's so funny. The one difference is Des loves sweets, and I don't. But it works because we'll both get ice cream, I'll have two bites, and then I'll give it to him. But no, I've said this before in the pod, and this is still a thing that upsets me, is the one thing Des does is he doesn't ever want my food besides ice cream. So when we eat, I see his plate, and I'm like, Okay, I want that. I want that. I want that. And he'll give it to me. And then I'm like, Okay, what do you want for mine? And he'll be like, I ordered what I wanted. And I'm like, So you don't want anything for me?


So when you're with me, you don't need me. So when you're with me and does, it's being with the same person because I've never taken off of your plate ever. I feel like I ordered knowing, is this big enough for Hannah to have the rest?


Your food is my food, but my food is also your food. His thing is he's just like, If I would have wanted your food, I would have gotten your food. I don't want your food. But my dad is Mr. Eats Everything. I just was like, Why are we not? But also a guy should never get upset at a girl for eating too much because we're eventually going to have babies for you if we do, and we need enough nutrients to have the Right.


And also, I know men are our number one killer, but starvation is not how I'm going. I just refuse. It's not how I'm going. It's not my journey.


Oh, God. Anywho, so you're in Charleston for the Memorial... You're the Memorial Day party at Craig's house, which I thought just happened. I swear to God, you just did this.


Craig is very Craig wants to be known, I feel, as- The Memorial Day party guy?




He loves being known in his group of friends, where he has the Memorial Day party. And then this year, he was like, I really want us to be known as the people that have a New Year's Eve party. And I just didn't sign up for any of this.


He likes having a community, which is cute, but the word community gives us hives.


No, he loves having a community. And here's Where's the other difference, I think, between New York and the South is if you went to college in... If you actually went to college in New York City, I didn't. But it's not a... Just again, my college got canceled, but that's a different story. It's not as camaraderie. Do you know what I mean? Craig is still friends with everyone he lived with in college. From College of Chose. Yes. That's cute. Now, they're all married. They all have kids, so they still want to fuck around the same way. So they all come to Craig's house.




Like, old times. Where I don't know that college camaraderie. And also, girls are just different in general. I have a group of girlfriends, but they don't all know each other, or they don't all fuck around with each other. Yeah.


You don't let your friends know each other. That's crazy.


No, because I also feel like girls are just different in general.


I need different opinions. I can't have them all sharing. I need to keep... They can't gossip with each other.


Right. And then you have your You have your going out friends. You have your friends you call when you really need advice. You have different people, but they're boys, so they're whatever.


Also, when you graduate from somewhere and then live there. If I stayed in Wisconsin, I would have so many college friends.


All their wives went to school with them.


Do they tell college stories in Charleston? Then what do you say when they're telling their college stories? What do you do?


I just say, Ha ha.


Why do you feel like when people are having inside jokes that you don't know that everyone's looking at you during it?


Yeah, seeing how I react.


Yeah. I'm like, I don't... Everyone can tell that I'm not understanding. But I actually feel like they don't give a fuck, and you're just in your own head. But this is also my thing. When I throw a party, I feel so much pressure that I made people come to my party that I need everyone to have so much fun that I actually don't have any fun. And I've realized this about myself, and I'm okay with it. Yeah.


Craig definitely has fun at it, for sure. But where we differ is if you're coming to my house for a party, I want you to wonder who lives in that home. Do I? I might not. Who knows? I don't want anything that gives a sign of life to be shown in the home where Craig's like, It's okay if there's things on the counter, where I'm like, There can't be anything on the counter. They can't know we get mail here. Sanitize. So that's where we're different. And so I like to prep more before a party where he's like, Oh, everyone's just going to come over. It's going to be fine. So we throw parties, I think, in a different way.


Do his friends have kids yet? Because I feel like he's getting that awkward age where some do.


Okay, so they do, but this is a no kids party, which I had nothing to do with it. No, you made that rule for sure. I had no skin in the game. I actually did it. I would have said kids were fine. But there was a debate between their friend group of, should the kids come, should the kids not? And no kids ended up winning. Yeah.


It's funny. We were talking about airplanes, how it's no smoking, but should there also be no kids area, like in cruises and stuff, where there's a no kids pool. Should there be no kids areas in the city?


Yeah, specifically on the Upper West Side. Here's what I'll say. I think there should be no kids in certain situations, and I'm very much going to be a no kids person for different situations. But growing up, my parents never went somewhere without me. I can never remember there being a holiday party and my parents being like, Okay, we're going to our friends for a holiday party. You're staying home. That just never happened.


Yeah, but I feel like you were perfect. I feel like everyone saw you and they were like, Oh, my God, is that a matching set on her? And she's only three. And then you spun around.


Actually, speaking of Alma and Mom, my mom said that I was such a good child because I didn't care about anything, specifically eating other kids. If kids were doing something in the corner, I didn't care. I was like, I don't really need to go over with them. And I would just sit with my mom and be like, Okay, we're sitting now. You're so cute.


I mean, that's like you No, no, literally.


She would be like, We're sitting here, and I'd be like, Okay. Who am I to go against what my mom would say?


My poor mom, I remember there was an Easter, and she got a really cute dress for me with socks and sandals and a really cute matching hat. And I did not fuck with hats. I was like, Mom, I have one rule. I don't do the hats. And she's like, Just for the photo, can you keep the hat on? I'm throwing the hat. I'm hiding the hat. I'm trying to burn the hat, burn the house down.


This is so good because you were so opposite.


I also was furious that one of my socks, that line on the socks was going over one of my toes, and I couldn't fucking keep the socks on my feet. Next to you know, I've chucked myself in the pool. It's a miracle I ever got a photo as a child that looked decent. Or if I did get it, I'd have a demonic face on because I did not want to be there.


Do you remember the store when we were little? It was called the Children's Place. Yes.


I think it's still there.


Really? You think they're still in business? We need to look that up. I died for the Children's Place.


That place was lit.


That place was my favorite. I would beg my mom, Can we please go to the Children's Place? And any outfit that had a matching hat in the car. As if mom has a hat in the car. If it had a matching accessory, a matching sock and hat, I was like, And we need it. We're buying it. We're getting it.


See, I I wanted to go to Chuckie Cheese's. I thought that shit was lit. I wanted to chuck myself into a bunch of plastic balls with bacteria and get an infection.


We would have been such good friends as little kids because we would have been just so We would have just played. We would have been so opposite, but we would have just played. Okay, I have been an AG1 girly now for about a year. I feel like I've always talked about the travel packs, which if you've watched any video where I've unpacked my bag. Ag1 travel packs are always in there. I've gotten all my friends onto it, got Craig onto it. Now he travels with them. When I first started them, what I was really looking for was something to build up my immune system. So the vitamin C and Zinc to support your immune system is my favorite part. Ag1 has a team of doctors and scientists to make sure they're giving you the right things for your body. If there's one product I had to recommend to elevate your health, it's AG1, and that's why I'm excited to welcome them as a new partner. If you want to take ownership of your health, it starts with AG1. Try AG1 and get a free one year supply of vitamin D3K2 and five free AG1 travel packs with your first purchase at drinkag1.


Com. Giggly. That's drinkag1. Com/giggly. Check it out. Baby's skin can be fragile. Wetness and mess can irritate us. Wraps your Baby and Pampers premium protection are number one to help keep baby skin protected, thanks to the new Derma comfort layer, which absorbs up to two times faster than the next best competitor on size 4 nappy, instantly pulling wetness away from Baby Skin. Help keep Baby Skin protected with pampers. Happy Skin, Happy Baby.


I am going to Dublin tomorrow, which I'm so fucking excited But Dez showed me there's this YouTube going viral of this children's rap group. They are so cute. It's called my Spark or something. Actually, I'm going to add it right here. I'm going to play it for people. It is such a fucking bop. I wish I was a rapper when I was a kid. You can stop what we do. I doubt it. We thought the energy would tell you all about it. How old are they? They're maybe like 9, 8, 9, 10. Like, really cute.


And it's boys All Boys.


Boys and Girls, and they have a thick Irish accent.


Wait, you should have them open for you.


No, I'm trying to figure that out. I'm just going to have the song as my opening song. Also in London. So my pre-show, angry Woman Playlist is arguably too It's important to me. I'll walk in a venue and they're like, Okay, what's going on for the show? And I go, Are you playing the angry Woman Playlist right now? Because when girls walk in, that's the vibe. That's the energy. We do it on the Giggly Squad shows, too, and I'm always updating it.


So I go out- No, people I feel people don't know this very niche thing about you. You love a Spotify playlist.


But only one.


You only like adding to your one Spotify playlist, but you're always adding. You're taking away, you're adding. You're taking away, you're adding.


It's this moment of all these girls who remember these songs from the 2000s. So we're about to start, and the guy's like, Do you want to start right now? I'm like, Yes. And then the Cher song comes on, and I realized that the whole theater of 1,300 girls is harmonizing to it. I go, Wait, we need to finish this song.


There's nothing women can do.


Live without you strong enough. It was Cher. And all backstage, we're dancing. The crew starts dancing. And then I was like, Is this just the show? Do we end it here? So the girls are harmonizing. The girls are having a great time. I don't know where this story was going. Oh, but long story short, I'm in Europe. Okay.


Have you done any shopping?


So I'm driving my mom literally insane because all I do when I go to places is search vintage shops, which is honestly choosing violence because vintage shops have such a wide range. It's either you're going to get bit by something or you can't afford anything in the store. And there's this in between that you sometimes find that is so fucking perfect. Everything is clean and nice and not too expensive. But that's part of the fun, right? We're exploring.


Okay, this is a crazy thing. I love Vintage Designer. I've never gone. I've bought Vintage I'm a designer online, but I've never gone to a store and found it and sourced it. We need to make a plan within the next year. Paris.


We're going to Paris. I know the shops already. I'm taking you to. I've written it down.


Okay. I also would really like to go to Monaco and do it.




Because they have something where... Okay, you know Morgs?


Yes. Taylor Fritz's girlfriend and my friend.


Yes. Tennis Girlfriend. She has such cute style. And a couple of months ago, they had a tennis tournament in Monaco, and she was there, and she did this shopping haul, and she bought, I'm not kidding, seven designer vintage things for $1,000.


She also went to Tokyo once and found a place where it was 300 bucks for this stuff. And it's not DHGate, you guys. It's real. But this is the thing about this vintage stuff. I don't love when a designer thing comes out that's cool, and then everyone and their mom is fucking wearing it. So when you go vintage shopping, you find a Fendi bag that you've never seen before. No one's going to have. Great for conversation. It's your taste. You selected it for you. I just fucking love that. Also, Monaco, what the fuck is Monaco? Do you know it's a country? It's literally a small, very rich country just full of yachts, and it's three yards long. And if you live there, there's tax breaks, but no one can afford to live there. I don't think they have a language. They're just in between France and Italy.


They're just like, Yeah, whatever. We're rich. But they don't include us in anything. It's crazy.


They do that.


They're like, Don't look at us.


But it's so chic. So I've gone to some places, and I just was like, Paige would lose her fucking mind. But It is... You feel like you earned it. You have to work for it sometimes. Just going to just a Prada store and buying whatever the latest Prada is is boring for me. It gives me- I get that. It gets me just sad.


There's nothing You want more creativity in it.


You're right. I want a challenge. I want to make things difficult.


You like a challenge. Yeah.


I want to complicate things.


Because if you're spending a significant amount of money, you need to die for it.


And it needs to be special. And you know When you see a girl with a bag that you're like, I've never seen that bag before, and it's so fucking cool. That's what I want people to do when they look at me every day.


I get that. I have this vision of my daughter leaving for college or something, and her coming in my closet and just all the vintage stuff I've had for years. I have this one Prada dress that I'm like, I can't wait for her to wear it. And the day that she's like, Oh, my God, you have a Prada vintage dress? Like, Yeah, bitch. I do.


Or it wasn't vintage, but by the time she wants it, it's vintage.


By the time she wants it, it is. I'm like, Yeah, you can have it.


Also, side note, I feel like all over Instagram and TikTok, everyone's in Europe, and it's so fucking annoying. I'm like, Oh, my God, this person's also in Europe. And then I'm like, Wait, I'm in Europe. I'm being such a hypocrite.


Can we please talk about what's happening in Cannes?


Oh, my God.


First of all, First of all, what is it?


What's everyone on the stairs for? Is it Cannes? Is it cane? Is it Raising Cannes? Raising Cannes?


Is it multiple days of film festivals? Is it one day? I'm so confused.


I think it's multiple days. But the thing is also then there's just random people there who aren't part of any of the movies. It'll just be influencers and stuff that go to. So it's fashion. But I don't know. Clearly, no one knows the rules.


My PR was just like, We'd really love to get you to go to Cann, like film festival. And I was like, I would absolutely love to. I couldn't this year with my schedule. But I was like, What is it? And then they didn't respond. They were like, Okay, we'll do it next year.


I'm like, That is the most fashion shit ever, though. Just being like, I should literally do one of those made on the streets where you go around. You just say, Have you been to? And just a fancy French-sounding name.


Why they haven't let us just take over the country? I just don't know yet because we're so smart and we have so many good takes. Why they haven't put Giggly Squad on the Met Gala red carpet just asking the most insane questions is beyond me. But you at a really intense fashion moment asking if they've heard of a designer that you made up is my Roman Empire. I need it. I just need a full show of you in the fashion community asking ridiculous questions.


This is the thing, do I become a prankster? I don't know if I have it in me. I have seen a girl, though, who went around during Fashion Week to be like, Are you going to the Westuava show? Everyone was like, Yeah, I am. And it's a fake show.


You know what? I was at the Brandon Maxwell Fashion Show this year, and Moda Operanti hired this TikToker to ask all these crazy questions. And before we did the interview, he was like, You can either go along with what I'm about to say or you can be normal. And so I didn't know. And he asked one of those questions where I was like, I actually really don't know this. But I leaned into it and was like, I don't know what you're saying. I wasn't going to try and act like I knew because I knew he was kidding.


So instead of being outed for being dumb, you pretended you were being dumb on purpose, like the Montana Boys. Yeah. Yet again.


Yet again. We have so many similarities. It's actually terrifying.


No, but Paris was amazing. I went for two days with my mom.


Sorry, I'm just thinking of the Montana boys when they get nervous and they clench their jaws. And I feel like that makes people stop talking to them because they're blindsided by their bone structure. I feel like, what's the equivalent to girls? And it's like, I'll just start flashing people Okay, anyway, what were you saying?


That I went to Paris. Sorry. No, I was in Paris with my mom. It was so much fun. We did so much walking. It was crazy. And then we went to London. And this is the first time I've ever been to London. Have you been to London?


I have been to London. Do what? I've been a couple of times. One time I was there and I went through my boyfriend's cell phone. I found out that he was cheating on me, but we were in a gorgeous hotel in London, so I just kept it to myself for a hot minute. I was like, I'm going to enjoy this dinner, though, first, and then we'll deal with this back in America.


Don't you hate that when you're supposed to be having fun, but you need to truly destroy someone's life? And you're like, Can I have fun for five more minutes? Can I just finish my steak?


No. Also, feeling trapped in a five-star hotel in a different country is a different feeling.


It's giving the beast scenario.


The what?


It's giving Rapunzel.


Yeah. And so it's like you find yourself in really odd situations in your 20s. And so the first time I ever went to London, I was so excited. And then I realized my boyfriend had been cheating on me for months while I'm standing doing my makeup in the bathroom hotel. But I loved it. I had a great time.


This is a mental health moment for all the girlies who are seeing all these people in Europe. It doesn't matter where you are. Their mind is a prison. Our minds are a prison.


Someone could have just found out they're cheating.


No one is actually happy.


They're fighting. They take this in They're demons, but they just happen to be in Rome.


Do you have any advice for girls who have been cheated on in the past? Sorry, I'm going full Barbara Walters, but I feel like you've dealt with a lot of cheating scandals, surprisingly, in your short life. Not on you. It's all their fault. It's all them. Cheating is literally always them. How have you kept your confidence up or trust in relationships?


I think, honestly, that's where my love of revenge came from. And it was really the first... I would say more than half of the relationships I've been in have ended because of cheating. And obviously, when you're in college and you're in your early 20s, no one should be cheating. But I almost get that more where it's like, okay, you're in college. You made out with someone like, okay, big deal, whatever.


It wasn't that serious.


I truly feel like anyone I dated before 25, I'm like, we were both children. I don't care about anything you did to me then. It's fine.


Our brains aren't fully formed.


Right. But in terms... And the last time I was cheated on where it really broke me, hurt me, couldn't believe it was happening to me, I was 25. And literally, the next thing I did was go on a reality TV show. Yeah.


You fucking took that ammo and was like, Okay, well, you're never going to be able to talk to me again.


Yeah. And I think revenge is truly... And not revenge in terms of like, Oh, go sleep with this friend, which I have done. I love that revenge, too. I'm not opposed to it. I'm really not.


I'm not going to yuck your yum.


Yeah, but that's a petty type of revenge, and I've partaken, and it does feel great.


I've dabbled.


Yeah, but long term revenge. Oh, honey, there's nothing like it. And I realized that I did get long term revenge on this one particular man when one of his best friends, years later, texted me and said, I just want to let you know we still all talk about you and watch your Instagram and watch everything you're doing, and we still love you, and we wish he ended up with you, but he's an idiot. And then I let it go. And that was a couple of years later. And then I was like, now I can release this.


And then you found a new victim. And then I was like, who's next? You're going, now I found peace. I do think, though, sometimes you look at people and you're like, how are they so driven? Some of the most successful people have been through some of the most horrible things have been hard done by, is what Des calls it, fucked over by people so that they want to do it because when they do succeed, success feels so much better when people tried to tear you down or people people underestimated you or people tried to hurt you. That's what success is for. Success is boring if there's not a fucking good storyline with it.


When you watch a sports movie or if you've ever been on a sports team, and before you go out to play some big game or something, they're like, You have to get mad. This is a sports podcast. You have to get really... This is a sports podcast. You have to get mad at the other team, be so mad, go out there with all your emotions whatever. That's how I feel in life, getting back at boyfriends. You're like, no, you have to get mad, figure out what is really going to set them off, and then do that.


And that's how life guides you. It really My friend, getting out of relationships guides your life so well because you always level up. You always get closer to who you are.


No, I'm so happy I was cheated on the amount of times I was cheated on because it changed my brain chemistry in terms dealing with men. And then it literally made me so mad.


Well, it's you got wiser. And I think that's why older people are so wise because so many fucked up things have happened to them that they've seen it all and they know what to expect. Where the worst thing is when you're 22 years old and you trust everyone and you think everyone has the best intentions. That's when bad shit happens. But you need that bad shit to happen. So we support you.


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Wait, I have to address this.


No, literally, I have to address this off the pot.


We have to address what just happened.


No, I'm doing my craft, my job.


My boyfriend just walked in and asked- Mom is working.


One of the most insane questions I've ever been asked, never been asked this question in my life. Do you know how to throw a frisby? Sorry, is this pressing? This question must be answered right now.


And it wasn't like it just came out of his mouth. He had to go upstairs to ask it.


He He was just standing there in a towel. He must have been in the shower being like, I wonder if she knows how to do this. I'm going to ask her immediately when I get out.


Also, that's a trigger for me because I actually am extremely athletic but cannot throw a frisbie. I'll kill an entire family in Central Park with one frisbie throw, the dog's dead, too. I don't just hook it all the way to the right.


No. Whoever invented the frisbie is an actual idiot. What a stupid fucking game and toy.


In my high school, there was a thing called Ultimate Frisbie Where it was for all the podhead guys who were tall but were nerdy and didn't want to play a real sport. So they just played Ultimate Frisby, and they got really into it. And the things when men will do not to go to therapy.


No, I think men are good at frisbee because it's on the wrist, and all they do is jerk themselves off.


No, my wrist does not know what to do. Tell me it's not correct. Where is the lie?


Where is the lie? I'm like, How do you get that range? I've been working on this for years. It's like...


So my favorite comedian, Rory Scoville. Everyone should watch his Netflix special called Rory Scoville Does Stand Up For The First Time, and he just came up with a HBO one. Max, sorry. He has a whole joke about when guys throw the frisbee the other way, not the discus way, the other way. And he's like, who's going to see that and be like, there you go, ladies. Who wants some pussy? Look at how I can throw a frisbee. Calm the fuck down. That's such an ick that you can throw the frisbee multiple ways.


I've never seen a man a frisbee and me say, I wonder what that guy's name is. If anything, I'm like, We should leave this area. It's unsafe.


No, literally. When I go to a park and there's a frisbee going around, I go, I don't want to get decapitated today. I'm not in the mood. Some days I am. I'm not in the mood. Oh, God. Anyway, I'm in London town.


When do you get back?


I'm going to Dublin tomorrow, which I'm so excited for because I consider myself part of the Irish. I'm there for a full week. I'm doing two shows in Dublin. But you know what I realized after being here? We have to do giggly shows in London and Dublin.


No, we have to.


Because when you do stand-up comedy, it's funny because of specific cultural references and niche jokes. So I was a little nervous in London, are they going to get everything? They got every... I made a Spongebob reference and they got it. Every reference I said... I literally said, Cash me outside, how about that? And they laughed. They knew everything.


And then I realized- Well, the Internet is universal.


You're 100 % right. We live in a global world. But I just... I mean, yeah, they call maybe little things differently, but we're fine. Basically, there's so many gigglers in London. It was crazy. And when British people think you're funny, it's like...


I was just going to say that. I was just going to ask, is it when you get applauded on stage and you're in Ireland or England, does it almost feel a little better? Because I think that their humor is a little bit more high brow than America. So whenever someone British is like, Oh, you're funny. I'm like, Oh, my God. Thank you.


Well, they're so dry. And the British are also obsessed with language and talking correctly and stuff. And the girls said that they loved my American accent. But then this one guy in the front was like, I don't really like American accents. And I was like, No, he goes, I don't really like American accents. At least I open my fucking mouth when I speak. So I got in one of those fights. And then I said something about the Revolutionary War, but it went over okay. I just I get intrusive thoughts on stage, and I have to let it out. But the gigglers get it. They're like, She went for it. I'm like, Look, I don't even understand wars, revolution, whatever.


We're from Sicily. We obviously don't understand wars. We don't know what's going on? Sure, you can have it. Do you need extra sauce?


Do you need sauce?


Do you want some of my- You can take that land.


Dip bread in it, too. Dip some bread in it. Oh, also, whenever I see bread, I think of Craig, so that's annoying.


No, That's so annoying.


So annoying. Like, literally, I'm having such a good day. Also, I fully called Craig out on Instagram. Did you see?


No. What did you do?


Well, I got a tag from Paige. So I'm always like, What is this bitch saying? And I look And you posted all the Polaroids of us from our photoshoot day, and it was the first photo. And I was like, so that means not only does she like me, second of all, she thinks that I looked good on her grid esthetically, which is like, I can't really I can process that right now.


You look stunning in those photos.


Third, it's just she's proud of me. And then immediately I'm like, oh, no, Craig is jelly. And then I had to write it down and I wrote, oh, my God, I'm on the grid at Craig is jelly. I think he liked it, but I can't always tell because we're joking, but we're not.


No. Hannah, try dating him. I can never fucking tell. I'm like, Are we joking or are we not? I feel like that is our relationship where sometimes I'm just like, Did you take that as a joke? Because I meant it as a joke. And that's just how our relationship is, so don't worry about it.


Yeah, thanks for putting me on the grid. It means a lot. Because that's all what friendship really is about is social media likes and shares.


You're essentially in my top eight. I wouldn't even be able to have a top eight now.


Eight people- That's called having a bachelorette party where it just starts fights.


If you genuinely have eight people in your life that you know- Well, also- No, there's no way there's eight people in your life that are genuinely rooting for you. You got one in there that's at least a spy.


Yeah, for your enemies. Yeah. Also, first of all, when you're an adult, who has time for eight friends? Also, I don't want people to know who the eight people are that I fuck with. I like to keep my circle quiet. I like to be like, who's she with? I like to move in silence.


I saw me the other day. That was so interesting. It I survived that one girlfriend who was secretly a hater that tried to sabotage me, but I didn't find out until later. And now we're not friends anymore. And that's girlhood.


Oh, my God. I saw something that was like, the friend who tells you when people are talking bad about you is the friend you can't trust because she's a safe space.


For the people to talk shit about you.


And it's so funny because actually me and you, I will try to get info from you or you'll try to get info from me. And people know that we tell each other everything. So it's actually really fucking difficult.


It actually hit a point where I was like, I feel like people actively... I mean, years ago, but people actively stopped talking about you when I would walk into a room and I'd be like, no, What were you saying? What were you saying? No, say it again. Sorry.


I know that I've definitely been guilty of playing two sides of something, but it's never that dramatic. It's like, Yeah, how did you feel when that happened? But when someone's saying fucked up shit people said about you, I'm like, Oh, that was you. I'm like, Oh, that was you. You made them feel comfortable.


I'm trying to think if I've ever had a friend call me and say, All these people were talking about you. I feel like no not into that huge extreme, but I've definitely had girls... I've had friends start it. I've had a friend who aren't that close call me and be like, Your best friend said this. And I was like, Wait, what?


That's great.


That's actually really scary.


Then, yeah, sometimes the people closest to you are the ones who are evil obsessed with you. I feel like, what?


This I wanted to ask you about so bad, because anytime I see anything sports, I'm like, oh, my friend's a professional athlete. I wonder what her take is on it. Did you see the TikTok video of the woman running a marathon, and she's about to go through the rope and win first place, and her husband goes in front of the finish line, pushes the kids in front of the finish line for her to hug them first, obviously slowing down her time and could potentially make her get in second place because there's someone right behind her. And she runs around the kids to go through the finish line and the husband standing in the back being like, Oh, my God, I can't believe she didn't hug our kids. Everyone was stitching the video being like, Sometimes you marry your biggest fucking hater. And so many women who were marathon runners and legit runners, and then other women who were just college athletes or whatever, were saying how... If you do a sport and you're an adult, she runs marathons, she takes that to heart. She's trying to beat her own time. And he was purposely trying to slow her time down.


And I just found it so fucking interesting.


That is so fascinating because I was in one relationship where it's almost like they want to keep their enemies close, where he wanted to know what I was doing at all times, and he was very controlling. And when I got out of it, he kept wanting to get coffee every couple of weeks. And I was like, he literally is trying to just keep a pulse on my life and I leave tabs on what I'm doing. And it's a weird thing of love an obsession. Or it's like, do you love me or do you want to be me?




Do you want to fuck me or do you want to wear my skin?


There are so many times where I ask myself that. I'm like, are you my friend or are you secretly praying on my downfall, and then you're going to come in and take my spot.


No. And this is just speaking from we are type A. Not really. No, we're not type A. I just lied to everyone. But we're driven, and we want to value things, and you want a partner that adds value.


Yeah. Well, you want to know that your partner is not secretly rooting against you and happy when... Because I just feel like when you have a partner and you are legitimately married in that, it literally is an extension of you. You are the same person. So if someone fucks up your race or your sport, I would take it personally like, They fucked up mine.


Can I actually give an example from today? And I feel like I don't talk about this that much on the pod. But basically, I sold out my first show in Dublin, which is where he's from. He's talked about Vicar Street, that he's played there. It's my dream to play there. And I I want to add another show. But obviously, it's hard. It's a lot of tickets. And the second show, we're still trying to sell more tickets. And then today, his good friend, Joanne Mcnally, who's an amazing, amazing comedian and has a hilarious podcast of her own called My Therapist Ghosted Me, posted a promotion basically being like, Hey, go get tickets to Hannah's show. So I messaged Des, and I was like, Oh, my God, Joanne's so cute for promoting the show. And he goes, I or may not have given her a little...


Older, too. No, I don't get emotional, and that is making me emotional. But that's what it should be.


Well, because he knows I'm busy, I'm running around, and he has a friend who... And he just did it without me even asking because he's thinking about me. And I would do the same for him. And you just feel more powerful when you have someone behind you who's fucking rooting for you. You know how you feel weaker when someone's just out to get you? I Imagine flipping that feeling and feeling like someone is your protector who's just protecting you with things you don't even know what's going on. And that's the energy.


And a lot of people are dating and marrying people that put them in situations. I don't even know what I was about to say.


You know what? People do get in situations, though. People don't talk about that enough. And that's what we have to remember.


People get in situations.


Okay, Kylie Jenner. I'm realizing things that situations happen.


Situations happen and people find themselves in them.


And once I was in a situation.


Yeah. And it's scary.


And if you find yourself in a situation, just know, Paige told you it was going to happen. Oh, one more thing about friends I'm obsessed with. I love when someone's annoyed at you. I have an ex who whatever, and then he starts ignoring my friend, too. And she's like, I didn't even do anything. But he knows that we're so close that he's mad at her, too.


Yeah. No, that's definitely a thing. I feel like I have a lot of beef with men that I've literally never met. I know. And that's genuinely from the Giggly Squad.


You've never even said anything to them, but they know that there's beef.


I feel like I've had so many girls DM me certain situationship scenarios just to get my take on it. And I've responded and been like, Why do I hate this man so much? I have a lot of hate towards men that I've never met.


Oh, I heard one more thing that's crazy. I saw a TikTok on New York Times about how incels historically have always been the problem of societies. How back in the day, the incels were the people they would put on boats to go find new land. Because men who were socially not able to have sex with women and weird were the ones who would be violent and bad things would happen. And that they said the Viking Wings, even though on Netflix, they make them look so sexy and hot, they were just a bunch of crazy incels. We need to do something with the incels. And we haven't figured it out yet in this generation.


No, it's so terrifying.


We have to ship them. We have to ship them somewhere.


Send them to Jupiter to get more Jupiter.


With that said, thank you so much for giggling with us this week. We love you so much. Sign up for the newsletter. Check out our live shows coming up in the fall. Okay, we love you guys. Talk to you later. Bye.