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Acast rules of, like, old books and, honestlyto talk to me on a red eye flight. I get on this. No, no, no. Just wait, no, no.Illegal. That's illegal.I actually almost turned to him and was like, I'm calling the police. Like, this is so violating and so fucking.You don't even give, like, talk to me energy. That's something that would happen to me.I don't think it happened to me.I would say sorry after.Now I may have given a little bit of talk to me energy on this because it was common.Imagine common. Ruins your red eye flight. You're like, I have a gripe to pick.So. Because my mom was on the flight with me, so I was. She was standing behind me, and I went to, like, put her bag up first. And then I walked back to my seat. So I was, like, interacting with another human.No, that's not like it. No, whatever.So I sit down and this man says, who's. I'm sitting in the middle. Okay? So two people in the middle. I sit down, he's already sitting. He says, where are you coming from?No.And I look around, I'm like, well, we're. We're on. We're on the same plane at LAX. So I'm coming from LA, and I. We both have tickets to go to New York. So, like, I wasn't understanding the question.How old was he?Probably, like, late forties. Had an australian accent.Okay, so he's a spy.So he's, like, asking me where I'm going, whatever. And then he goes, do you fly Delta a lot? And I'm like, oh, yeah, sometimes. Then he starts asking me about the menu, and I'm like, it's 1130. I'm skipping dinner, and I'm going to sleep. We're on a red eye flight. They're literally turning the lights off. I put my headphones on. He starts talking to me again, being like, I'm gonna have your dessert. I say nothing. I just look over at him. I'm like, okay, dude, now I'm done. I fall asleep. I sleep through the whole flight. I literally am sleeping so hard that the flight attendant has to come over, wake me up and say, put your seat up, like we're landing.Oh, that's the best.Headphones still on. I, like, can't see. I'm putting my seat up. I'm putting my seat up.You're deaf and blind.No, literally, you could jump me in this moment and I'd give you everything. Like, there's. I have no fucks given at this point. I hear him talking and I don't even move my head. I just move my eyes. Cause I'm like, there's no fucking way. And he goes, tell me the story about your shoes. And I was putting my sil. I had flats on, like, little ballet flats. I'm putting, like, my silver ballet flats back on. I had, like, taking my socks off. That I pack. Taking my socks off, put my ballet flats on. I just ignored him. I was like, it's 06:00 a.m. you sick fuck.It's always these middle aged men who want to talk. Find a friend. Like, find a friend.Send a text. Literally send someone a text message in this moment.I've been the victim of this too many times to the point that I have to go to therapy about it. How do I keep getting stuck in these situations? How do I get out of it? I do have to say one thing happened on a red eye where a dude was snoring in front of me so loud that I couldn't sleep. And part of me was like, do we have a community moment where, like, we off this man?There are so many times I'm looking for a community moment. Like, I'm not fucking kidding you.I was like, can we vote him off? Like, everyone's upset. He's outnumbered. I'll put a pillow on his face. Just don't tell anyone. What do we do?I recently had a community moment. I was sitting at a dinner, and there was a guy sitting at the dinner making our waitress uncomfortable. And I locked eyes with the waitress, and telepathically I said, if you punch him in the face, I've got your fucking back. And, like, at that moment, I'm looking for a community moment.I do have to say New York City is really good at community moments. Yes, because something will happen, and, you know, someone will be having a slightly worse day than you and be like, shut the fuck up. And you're like, we got her back. We got her back.No, support her. It needed to be said.It needed to be said. I did something stupid. Well, Des was like, did you download anything on the plane? Cause I was complaining how American Airlines didn't have a tv on the back of the seat because I'm a monster. No, it was like a five hour flight. You raw dogged it, basically. Well, you know what happened? So this is so embarrassing. But he's like, did you download anything? And in my head, for some reason, like, airpods, I'm like, I feel like downloading. Downloading must take 4 hours, like, to download a full show. I was like, I don't have time to download. Where do you live?What farm? Are you living on where you've just, like. You've excommunicate? You're like, wi fi is a figment of your imagination. Downloading is not real.I'm gonna blame ADHD on this. Cause I think, like, some things, I get too overwhelmed with, and I thought, okay, downloading means it has to. How much many terabytes is that on my phone? And I just don't want to break my phone.And I'm like, well, this is why you need a freaking iPad.Okay, let's not go. That I'm not. That's social suicide.Okay, you know what? You worked tirelessly to get me a cat. And by the end of 2024, you will have an iPad and a. Stanley.What do you do with the iPad when you're not on a plane?Put it on his charger. I color with it.You color with it? Okay.Sometimes if craig is, like, watching a show and I want to watch something on my computer, but I don't want to grab my computer, I just grab my iPad, okay. And I'll watch on my iPad. What else do I do on my iPad? That's pretty much it. It's really for travel. And then, like, sometimes when you are traveling for a long time, you're like, I don't need to bring my computer. I have my iPad.Do you ever feel embarrassed that people can look over and see what you're watching on your iPad?Not embarrassed, but sometimes I'll watch something, and I'm like, I don't know if I can watch a sex scene on a flight.True. It'll. Yeah, I was watching dirty pop on Netflix, which is about Lou Perlman, who created the NSYnC.Yeah. Yeah.Backstreet boys. Who are you, backstreet or NSYNC?NSYNC.Okay, good. So long story short, I was like, what if I just press download? It took literally 6 seconds to download.Yeah, Hannah, it's 2024.How have I been traveling this long? So then I get there, but obviously I only have, like, 10% battery, so I have to charge my phone, and then I don't have Airpods, so I can't watch it while the phone is charging. And that's when I said, you know what? You know what? I'm not meant for this life. I'm becoming a trod wife. I have to become a trauma.I'm lucky on. When we go on tour, I'm gonna change your freaking life because I'm buying you an iPad before we go on tour, because I'm not. I'm not dealing with you.Mm hmm.Two, I have all the cords, all the headphones, all the chargers, all labeled, all in, like, as little anything you need. It's just gonna. It's just gonna appear. And I'm getting you a stanley for the tour.Should I wear the same outfit all of tour? I love playing it. Like, dare me.Do you already are planning on wearing the same travel outfit?So what I kind of want to do with my outfits for tours, I kind of want to wear, like, that sports jersey everywhere. But I think I might save that for my stand up tour and have more respect for, like, the giggly squad esthetic. Like, I can do that on my own time.Yeah, yeah, yeah.Because we're gonna do, like, photo shoots.But, like, be you.I'll be me. But I want to.Maybe I'll go, like, a little funky.I would love you to go funky. You know? I love. I want you to go baggy.No, I really want to make giggly squad tour. Like. Like, I want to wear weird things.Yes. I think we have to be fashionable.I want to, like, experiment with, like, different things. Oh, like, what if I just pop out in a wig?Oh, my God, that would be great.Like, if you're thinking of getting extensions, you can try it out at giggly squad tour. Like, try it out for the night. Like this. It's a try.How would you describe what the girl should wear to club giggly?I feel like it's, like, something that you have been wanting to wear out, but you're like, no one's gonna get it. Or, like, he's not gonna think I look hot in it. Or take a risk. So you can take a risk and be like, I wanna see if this.Looks cool for me. I wanna see ties. I wanna see jorts. I wanna see sparkles. I wanna see Capris. I want to see tube tops. I want to see two tops in the crowd. Anything else you want to see in the crowd? You want to see flowers?No, I don't want to see. No, I mean, I want to just.See, like, you want to see effort.Yeah. I want to feel like we all are going to the same function. Like, there's nothing worse than feeling like you're overdressed or underdressed.I want no one to feel like they're overdressed because I want everyone to.Go too hard underdressed either.But if they're just wearing, like, giggly squad merch, which is going to come out soon. Oh, shout out. Because we had things we were supposed to say. We're coming out with, like, a merch drop, but we first wanted to come up with a little teaser merch of, like, something that was really relevant, that we love, that you guys were like, we want you to make this into a shirt. So we're gonna do that first, and then we're gonna have more, like giggly squad Jono merch coming out. I feel like we had another announcement, too. We added a second Chicago show. You guys, thank you so much for giggling with us. We love you so much, and best of luck surviving this week, and I hope you get a lot of gold medals.No, best of luck.Best of luck.No good luck out there because it's. It's been hard recently. I don't know why, but it.Download some movies.Yeah. Wi Fi is real. Don't forget it.Also, it's August. Like, how was it August already?We got to go. Goodbye.Got to go. Bye.


rules of, like, old books and, honestlyto talk to me on a red eye flight. I get on this. No, no, no. Just wait, no, no.Illegal. That's illegal.I actually almost turned to him and was like, I'm calling the police. Like, this is so violating and so fucking.You don't even give, like, talk to me energy. That's something that would happen to me.I don't think it happened to me.I would say sorry after.Now I may have given a little bit of talk to me energy on this because it was common.Imagine common. Ruins your red eye flight. You're like, I have a gripe to pick.So. Because my mom was on the flight with me, so I was. She was standing behind me, and I went to, like, put her bag up first. And then I walked back to my seat. So I was, like, interacting with another human.No, that's not like it. No, whatever.So I sit down and this man says, who's. I'm sitting in the middle. Okay? So two people in the middle. I sit down, he's already sitting. He says, where are you coming from?No.And I look around, I'm like, well, we're. We're on. We're on the same plane at LAX. So I'm coming from LA, and I. We both have tickets to go to New York. So, like, I wasn't understanding the question.How old was he?Probably, like, late forties. Had an australian accent.Okay, so he's a spy.So he's, like, asking me where I'm going, whatever. And then he goes, do you fly Delta a lot? And I'm like, oh, yeah, sometimes. Then he starts asking me about the menu, and I'm like, it's 1130. I'm skipping dinner, and I'm going to sleep. We're on a red eye flight. They're literally turning the lights off. I put my headphones on. He starts talking to me again, being like, I'm gonna have your dessert. I say nothing. I just look over at him. I'm like, okay, dude, now I'm done. I fall asleep. I sleep through the whole flight. I literally am sleeping so hard that the flight attendant has to come over, wake me up and say, put your seat up, like we're landing.Oh, that's the best.Headphones still on. I, like, can't see. I'm putting my seat up. I'm putting my seat up.You're deaf and blind.No, literally, you could jump me in this moment and I'd give you everything. Like, there's. I have no fucks given at this point. I hear him talking and I don't even move my head. I just move my eyes. Cause I'm like, there's no fucking way. And he goes, tell me the story about your shoes. And I was putting my sil. I had flats on, like, little ballet flats. I'm putting, like, my silver ballet flats back on. I had, like, taking my socks off. That I pack. Taking my socks off, put my ballet flats on. I just ignored him. I was like, it's 06:00 a.m. you sick fuck.It's always these middle aged men who want to talk. Find a friend. Like, find a friend.Send a text. Literally send someone a text message in this moment.I've been the victim of this too many times to the point that I have to go to therapy about it. How do I keep getting stuck in these situations? How do I get out of it? I do have to say one thing happened on a red eye where a dude was snoring in front of me so loud that I couldn't sleep. And part of me was like, do we have a community moment where, like, we off this man?There are so many times I'm looking for a community moment. Like, I'm not fucking kidding you.I was like, can we vote him off? Like, everyone's upset. He's outnumbered. I'll put a pillow on his face. Just don't tell anyone. What do we do?I recently had a community moment. I was sitting at a dinner, and there was a guy sitting at the dinner making our waitress uncomfortable. And I locked eyes with the waitress, and telepathically I said, if you punch him in the face, I've got your fucking back. And, like, at that moment, I'm looking for a community moment.I do have to say New York City is really good at community moments. Yes, because something will happen, and, you know, someone will be having a slightly worse day than you and be like, shut the fuck up. And you're like, we got her back. We got her back.No, support her. It needed to be said.It needed to be said. I did something stupid. Well, Des was like, did you download anything on the plane? Cause I was complaining how American Airlines didn't have a tv on the back of the seat because I'm a monster. No, it was like a five hour flight. You raw dogged it, basically. Well, you know what happened? So this is so embarrassing. But he's like, did you download anything? And in my head, for some reason, like, airpods, I'm like, I feel like downloading. Downloading must take 4 hours, like, to download a full show. I was like, I don't have time to download. Where do you live?What farm? Are you living on where you've just, like. You've excommunicate? You're like, wi fi is a figment of your imagination. Downloading is not real.I'm gonna blame ADHD on this. Cause I think, like, some things, I get too overwhelmed with, and I thought, okay, downloading means it has to. How much many terabytes is that on my phone? And I just don't want to break my phone.And I'm like, well, this is why you need a freaking iPad.Okay, let's not go. That I'm not. That's social suicide.Okay, you know what? You worked tirelessly to get me a cat. And by the end of 2024, you will have an iPad and a. Stanley.What do you do with the iPad when you're not on a plane?Put it on his charger. I color with it.You color with it? Okay.Sometimes if craig is, like, watching a show and I want to watch something on my computer, but I don't want to grab my computer, I just grab my iPad, okay. And I'll watch on my iPad. What else do I do on my iPad? That's pretty much it. It's really for travel. And then, like, sometimes when you are traveling for a long time, you're like, I don't need to bring my computer. I have my iPad.Do you ever feel embarrassed that people can look over and see what you're watching on your iPad?Not embarrassed, but sometimes I'll watch something, and I'm like, I don't know if I can watch a sex scene on a flight.True. It'll. Yeah, I was watching dirty pop on Netflix, which is about Lou Perlman, who created the NSYnC.Yeah. Yeah.Backstreet boys. Who are you, backstreet or NSYNC?NSYNC.Okay, good. So long story short, I was like, what if I just press download? It took literally 6 seconds to download.Yeah, Hannah, it's 2024.How have I been traveling this long? So then I get there, but obviously I only have, like, 10% battery, so I have to charge my phone, and then I don't have Airpods, so I can't watch it while the phone is charging. And that's when I said, you know what? You know what? I'm not meant for this life. I'm becoming a trod wife. I have to become a trauma.I'm lucky on. When we go on tour, I'm gonna change your freaking life because I'm buying you an iPad before we go on tour, because I'm not. I'm not dealing with you.Mm hmm.Two, I have all the cords, all the headphones, all the chargers, all labeled, all in, like, as little anything you need. It's just gonna. It's just gonna appear. And I'm getting you a stanley for the tour.Should I wear the same outfit all of tour? I love playing it. Like, dare me.Do you already are planning on wearing the same travel outfit?So what I kind of want to do with my outfits for tours, I kind of want to wear, like, that sports jersey everywhere. But I think I might save that for my stand up tour and have more respect for, like, the giggly squad esthetic. Like, I can do that on my own time.Yeah, yeah, yeah.Because we're gonna do, like, photo shoots.But, like, be you.I'll be me. But I want to.Maybe I'll go, like, a little funky.I would love you to go funky. You know? I love. I want you to go baggy.No, I really want to make giggly squad tour. Like. Like, I want to wear weird things.Yes. I think we have to be fashionable.I want to, like, experiment with, like, different things. Oh, like, what if I just pop out in a wig?Oh, my God, that would be great.Like, if you're thinking of getting extensions, you can try it out at giggly squad tour. Like, try it out for the night. Like this. It's a try.How would you describe what the girl should wear to club giggly?I feel like it's, like, something that you have been wanting to wear out, but you're like, no one's gonna get it. Or, like, he's not gonna think I look hot in it. Or take a risk. So you can take a risk and be like, I wanna see if this.Looks cool for me. I wanna see ties. I wanna see jorts. I wanna see sparkles. I wanna see Capris. I want to see tube tops. I want to see two tops in the crowd. Anything else you want to see in the crowd? You want to see flowers?No, I don't want to see. No, I mean, I want to just.See, like, you want to see effort.Yeah. I want to feel like we all are going to the same function. Like, there's nothing worse than feeling like you're overdressed or underdressed.I want no one to feel like they're overdressed because I want everyone to.Go too hard underdressed either.But if they're just wearing, like, giggly squad merch, which is going to come out soon. Oh, shout out. Because we had things we were supposed to say. We're coming out with, like, a merch drop, but we first wanted to come up with a little teaser merch of, like, something that was really relevant, that we love, that you guys were like, we want you to make this into a shirt. So we're gonna do that first, and then we're gonna have more, like giggly squad Jono merch coming out. I feel like we had another announcement, too. We added a second Chicago show. You guys, thank you so much for giggling with us. We love you so much, and best of luck surviving this week, and I hope you get a lot of gold medals.No, best of luck.Best of luck.No good luck out there because it's. It's been hard recently. I don't know why, but it.Download some movies.Yeah. Wi Fi is real. Don't forget it.Also, it's August. Like, how was it August already?We got to go. Goodbye.Got to go. Bye.


to talk to me on a red eye flight. I get on this. No, no, no. Just wait, no, no.


Illegal. That's illegal.


I actually almost turned to him and was like, I'm calling the police. Like, this is so violating and so fucking.


You don't even give, like, talk to me energy. That's something that would happen to me.


I don't think it happened to me.


I would say sorry after.


Now I may have given a little bit of talk to me energy on this because it was common.


Imagine common. Ruins your red eye flight. You're like, I have a gripe to pick.


So. Because my mom was on the flight with me, so I was. She was standing behind me, and I went to, like, put her bag up first. And then I walked back to my seat. So I was, like, interacting with another human.


No, that's not like it. No, whatever.


So I sit down and this man says, who's. I'm sitting in the middle. Okay? So two people in the middle. I sit down, he's already sitting. He says, where are you coming from?




And I look around, I'm like, well, we're. We're on. We're on the same plane at LAX. So I'm coming from LA, and I. We both have tickets to go to New York. So, like, I wasn't understanding the question.


How old was he?


Probably, like, late forties. Had an australian accent.


Okay, so he's a spy.


So he's, like, asking me where I'm going, whatever. And then he goes, do you fly Delta a lot? And I'm like, oh, yeah, sometimes. Then he starts asking me about the menu, and I'm like, it's 1130. I'm skipping dinner, and I'm going to sleep. We're on a red eye flight. They're literally turning the lights off. I put my headphones on. He starts talking to me again, being like, I'm gonna have your dessert. I say nothing. I just look over at him. I'm like, okay, dude, now I'm done. I fall asleep. I sleep through the whole flight. I literally am sleeping so hard that the flight attendant has to come over, wake me up and say, put your seat up, like we're landing.


Oh, that's the best.


Headphones still on. I, like, can't see. I'm putting my seat up. I'm putting my seat up.


You're deaf and blind.


No, literally, you could jump me in this moment and I'd give you everything. Like, there's. I have no fucks given at this point. I hear him talking and I don't even move my head. I just move my eyes. Cause I'm like, there's no fucking way. And he goes, tell me the story about your shoes. And I was putting my sil. I had flats on, like, little ballet flats. I'm putting, like, my silver ballet flats back on. I had, like, taking my socks off. That I pack. Taking my socks off, put my ballet flats on. I just ignored him. I was like, it's 06:00 a.m. you sick fuck.


It's always these middle aged men who want to talk. Find a friend. Like, find a friend.


Send a text. Literally send someone a text message in this moment.


I've been the victim of this too many times to the point that I have to go to therapy about it. How do I keep getting stuck in these situations? How do I get out of it? I do have to say one thing happened on a red eye where a dude was snoring in front of me so loud that I couldn't sleep. And part of me was like, do we have a community moment where, like, we off this man?


There are so many times I'm looking for a community moment. Like, I'm not fucking kidding you.


I was like, can we vote him off? Like, everyone's upset. He's outnumbered. I'll put a pillow on his face. Just don't tell anyone. What do we do?


I recently had a community moment. I was sitting at a dinner, and there was a guy sitting at the dinner making our waitress uncomfortable. And I locked eyes with the waitress, and telepathically I said, if you punch him in the face, I've got your fucking back. And, like, at that moment, I'm looking for a community moment.


I do have to say New York City is really good at community moments. Yes, because something will happen, and, you know, someone will be having a slightly worse day than you and be like, shut the fuck up. And you're like, we got her back. We got her back.


No, support her. It needed to be said.


It needed to be said. I did something stupid. Well, Des was like, did you download anything on the plane? Cause I was complaining how American Airlines didn't have a tv on the back of the seat because I'm a monster. No, it was like a five hour flight. You raw dogged it, basically. Well, you know what happened? So this is so embarrassing. But he's like, did you download anything? And in my head, for some reason, like, airpods, I'm like, I feel like downloading. Downloading must take 4 hours, like, to download a full show. I was like, I don't have time to download. Where do you live?


What farm? Are you living on where you've just, like. You've excommunicate? You're like, wi fi is a figment of your imagination. Downloading is not real.


I'm gonna blame ADHD on this. Cause I think, like, some things, I get too overwhelmed with, and I thought, okay, downloading means it has to. How much many terabytes is that on my phone? And I just don't want to break my phone.


And I'm like, well, this is why you need a freaking iPad.


Okay, let's not go. That I'm not. That's social suicide.


Okay, you know what? You worked tirelessly to get me a cat. And by the end of 2024, you will have an iPad and a. Stanley.


What do you do with the iPad when you're not on a plane?


Put it on his charger. I color with it.


You color with it? Okay.


Sometimes if craig is, like, watching a show and I want to watch something on my computer, but I don't want to grab my computer, I just grab my iPad, okay. And I'll watch on my iPad. What else do I do on my iPad? That's pretty much it. It's really for travel. And then, like, sometimes when you are traveling for a long time, you're like, I don't need to bring my computer. I have my iPad.


Do you ever feel embarrassed that people can look over and see what you're watching on your iPad?


Not embarrassed, but sometimes I'll watch something, and I'm like, I don't know if I can watch a sex scene on a flight.


True. It'll. Yeah, I was watching dirty pop on Netflix, which is about Lou Perlman, who created the NSYnC.


Yeah. Yeah.


Backstreet boys. Who are you, backstreet or NSYNC?




Okay, good. So long story short, I was like, what if I just press download? It took literally 6 seconds to download.


Yeah, Hannah, it's 2024.


How have I been traveling this long? So then I get there, but obviously I only have, like, 10% battery, so I have to charge my phone, and then I don't have Airpods, so I can't watch it while the phone is charging. And that's when I said, you know what? You know what? I'm not meant for this life. I'm becoming a trod wife. I have to become a trauma.


I'm lucky on. When we go on tour, I'm gonna change your freaking life because I'm buying you an iPad before we go on tour, because I'm not. I'm not dealing with you.


Mm hmm.


Two, I have all the cords, all the headphones, all the chargers, all labeled, all in, like, as little anything you need. It's just gonna. It's just gonna appear. And I'm getting you a stanley for the tour.


Should I wear the same outfit all of tour? I love playing it. Like, dare me.


Do you already are planning on wearing the same travel outfit?


So what I kind of want to do with my outfits for tours, I kind of want to wear, like, that sports jersey everywhere. But I think I might save that for my stand up tour and have more respect for, like, the giggly squad esthetic. Like, I can do that on my own time.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Because we're gonna do, like, photo shoots.


But, like, be you.


I'll be me. But I want to.


Maybe I'll go, like, a little funky.


I would love you to go funky. You know? I love. I want you to go baggy.


No, I really want to make giggly squad tour. Like. Like, I want to wear weird things.


Yes. I think we have to be fashionable.


I want to, like, experiment with, like, different things. Oh, like, what if I just pop out in a wig?


Oh, my God, that would be great.


Like, if you're thinking of getting extensions, you can try it out at giggly squad tour. Like, try it out for the night. Like this. It's a try.


How would you describe what the girl should wear to club giggly?


I feel like it's, like, something that you have been wanting to wear out, but you're like, no one's gonna get it. Or, like, he's not gonna think I look hot in it. Or take a risk. So you can take a risk and be like, I wanna see if this.


Looks cool for me. I wanna see ties. I wanna see jorts. I wanna see sparkles. I wanna see Capris. I want to see tube tops. I want to see two tops in the crowd. Anything else you want to see in the crowd? You want to see flowers?


No, I don't want to see. No, I mean, I want to just.


See, like, you want to see effort.


Yeah. I want to feel like we all are going to the same function. Like, there's nothing worse than feeling like you're overdressed or underdressed.


I want no one to feel like they're overdressed because I want everyone to.


Go too hard underdressed either.


But if they're just wearing, like, giggly squad merch, which is going to come out soon. Oh, shout out. Because we had things we were supposed to say. We're coming out with, like, a merch drop, but we first wanted to come up with a little teaser merch of, like, something that was really relevant, that we love, that you guys were like, we want you to make this into a shirt. So we're gonna do that first, and then we're gonna have more, like giggly squad Jono merch coming out. I feel like we had another announcement, too. We added a second Chicago show. You guys, thank you so much for giggling with us. We love you so much, and best of luck surviving this week, and I hope you get a lot of gold medals.


No, best of luck.


Best of luck.


No good luck out there because it's. It's been hard recently. I don't know why, but it.


Download some movies.


Yeah. Wi Fi is real. Don't forget it.


Also, it's August. Like, how was it August already?


We got to go. Goodbye.


Got to go. Bye.