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What begins as a tragic discovery of a female body in a creek unravels a tale of an international kidnapping, toxic relationships, and a breakthrough that changes everything.


There's only three ways you can enter any environment. One is purposeful, one is accidental, and the third way is by the hands of another.


Was it an accident or my mom on Saturday, you know, as I need my morning mental health call with my mom. And it's really loud in the background, like, what's going on? And she goes, can I call you back? I'm watching your special.I'm like, mom, no, I love that.And she came to my place and she's like, why is your special not on? And I was like, you're so fucking right. Because every view counts. like, jump out of bed?I don't know what it was. You want to know what I really think it was? I think it was. I was laying with my adjustable base bed in, like, a quirky position and I laid in it for too long.This is the thing about these high tech beds.Yeah. I literally folded myself into a bathtub.You became a kiss.Idiot. I am one with the bed. Like, I tried to melt into it. And so when I got up, I, like, bent down too quick and it was just like. And I literally couldn't move.Welcome to your thirties, baby.So Saturday, I'm in bed all day. I like, I can't move. I can't do anything. And I'm like, you know what's fucking bullshit? Is that I don't have a cat. Because I. I should have.I submitted the form.I literally, someone should have reached out to me. And all the, like, all the people.That send me form of rejection. Cause it's really far and few between.Well, because I was like, hello.But that is so cat we literally didn't talk about it. I have two things I need to talk about. One, the poisonous tampons. Why aren't more people talking about it?Okay, so I have this thing where, like, if something upsets me, I just ignore it. Can you explain what it is? Cause I, like, didn't want to read it.Okay, well, I didn't really read it. No, I did.I did.So tampons are bad for you?Basically, they did this whole test and it was like, tampax, which is owns so many different, like, brands or whatever. Tampon brands. It's like. It was like 82% of all the tampons that are sold are owned by Tampax. And they had arsenic, lead, all these heavy metals. They're supposed to be made of cotton. Why did that get passed? No, why would that even be there? Why would that even be there?Why is the FDIC.FDIC.Why is the CIA.All of that?Why is the CDC allowing this?Who is this?I think that's for rappers. The FCC.FCC won't let me be. Let you, Eminem. I just think it's so crazy. I think it's too late that nobody's talking.Is it too late for us?No. Well, I'm gonna be honest. I've been using organic tampons since forever because I always thought that was, like, why I was getting utis.So we like the underwear with the stuff in it.Thanks.Thanks. Tanks.No, I love them.What is it called? Tanks.Thanks.Thanks. There's another one. There's another one, too.No, I love it. So anyway, I'm, like, annoyed about the tampons. And then also I hit a new level of gossip. And here's the thing. I had exercised all my rights and all of the things that I wanted to say to you pertaining a topic, and I was like, what? What can I do to talk about this topic more but also not annoy Hannah?Wait, you never annoy me.So I texted your mom. I said, do you want to chat about stuff?Wait.And we took gossiping to a different level that at one point, nobody used the word fuck before. 09:00 a.m. i think you were like.Whatever dopamine hit I'm getting from Hannah, it's not enough.Not enough.And I need to go.I need a greater source.Do you know who's even better than my mom but gossiping?Your dad. Nanak.Nana.I should have texted.You know Nana. She gets on the phone.Yeah.What is she possibly gossiping about? All your friends are dead. Sorry. She's, like, one friend. Rosemarie.No, that's not my family.What are they gossiping about?You only talk to each other. How could you have any other information? Every single day, just to each other?Who?How are you even getting in?Or something will happen with my cousin. Yeah, and my nana will know immediately. And I'm like, who told you?No, it's so true. Like that whole Sebastian maniscalco thing where he does how his family knows everything about everything and then his wife's family is just a normal family and they don't know anything. And that's. I can't. Everyone knows everything in my family also.But you have to be prepared, mom. Texting is different. Cause every now and then she will just say k, and you'll think she's mad.No. At one point, your mom said, sorry that I used the word fuck. I hadn't gone to Pilates yet, but now I feel better. I said, damn, Lenore, should I go to Pilates? Cause I'm throwing fucks out there this morning. No.My mom is so iconic and, like, the greatest almond mom ever.The greatest.Like, she literally felt a little tension and was like, we need to go to Pilates to work this out. I'm obsessed with her. Also, shout out to the gigglers. The gigglers are so amazing because I've been post. You know, I have to post stuff to promote the special, right? And I don't look at the comments right now, but, like, the gigglers are incredible. And I saw one guy wrote something like, girls aren't funny.Yeah.The gigglers eviscerated him. First of all, they said the line, they go, talk to us when your frontal lobe is formed. Because it was like a twelve year old boy and it was like, a bit about sex. And they were like, you haven't even had sex ed yet. And they just kept going so hard that I was like. And I can't like it because I don't want to be in the drama. I see you. I'm pretending I'm above the drama. I'm not.Here's what I do.I'm rooting for you all when, like.People want to make a rude comment online, like, I totally get it. If you're, like, on Twitter, I feel like that's, like, you and you're never gonna see it. Like, if you want to make a mean comment, go do it on Twitter. Absolute freaks. When people go to your personal Instagram page that's owned by hand, even follow me. Like, right? Watching your clip and then going into your comments, this isn't a safe space. What did you think was gonna happen to you?No, the gigglers were having none of it. And this poor boy, I think he needs to go to therapy. Yeah, but he should.No. Like, he literally should be showing up thinking, like, this is gonna get them going. We're psychotic.It's like coming for family. Like, we're fucking family.Yeah, like, we're.So I just want you guys to know. I see you guys. I hear you guys. Have you heard of renegade beauty?No.Okay.It's basically to make a joke, but I. That I. You don't know. At first, I thought it was something to do with ice spice.Wait, ice spice is.What's going on?Trying to say two things. I am a Brooke Schofield Stan day I die. No, I can't. I'm not watching those man's videos.I wouldn't even think of watching that man's.I don't need to watch him.People saying, like, oh, he might have a. No, he lied about someone dying. I can't even say but also scary.It's also, like, a girl is allowed to post a thousand videos of who I dated. A guy's not. I don't. I think that's illegal.I also just, like, I'm feeling weird because people being like, oh, I get what he's saying. Or, like, him even giving, like, receipts. It's like, okay, yeah, she mixed up the dates. You killed someone with your mind.And.Like, they're not dead. That's insane. That's insane. And everyone that's acting like. It's not insane. You're scaring me. That's scary.I can barely read a caption.Yeah.I'm not watching a man's 18 part.Series, especially when he needs chapsticks.Oh, so you know what? It's giving defensive when Brooke does it. It's feminist. It's iconic. It's art.It's the moment she got new boobs. Give her a minute.Give her a minute.She's gonna do a.Her boobs look so good.Stunning.But at renegade, beauty is on TikTok, basically saying, like, doing what our skin has always done in the past.Okay, like, wait. One thing I want to say about the ice base thing.Oh, yeah. That's what we were talking about.What's going on? Rg r g. And say it again. Rg. Rg.R g. R g. Madeleine. Rg. It's rg.Ice Spice and central C. This is the first time there was drama that I really wanted to know what was going on, that I felt too old.Yes.I was like, I know that she's posting in real time that her boyfriend is out with ice spice right now, and this is insane, and I want to know every little detail, but I'm too old.Well, there's a part of me where, like, you feel like you're just listening to drama of.But I like Madeline. Like, she is very captivating. Well, she never does this on TikTok.That's why people are freaking out. Cause she never.She's very on the low, interesting chamberlain vibe. Yes.She doesn't talk about drama. She doesn't talk about her relationship. She's, like, really, like, people decipher stuff. Like, I think he wrote about her. She doesn't show him ever. So her basically, like, putting him on.Blast was like, he's not cute.No.And then here's the other thing. And then that's when I was like, wow, I really am, like, turning into my mom. I'm like, what are we doing here? This man, is. Why are we even doing this? This man is not cute. Not cute. Move along.I do think, though, I want to put out as an older sister to these women a warning. We also don't want to give them an attention. So, like, it's fun, but, like, at some point, the ultimate win is, like, don't even feed the fire.No, just get a cat.Just get a cat. Literally, when in doubt, get a cat. Yeah. It kind of solves everything.I'm a changed woman. Devil wears Prada two is coming out. I'm going to manifest this. I need a small role and his small role in the devil wears product.You need to be one of the cunty assistants. Or not assistants, like editors, editors.No, one of the. Her assistant. The whole cast is coming back. I made the devil wears Prada to my entire personality. I remember the day I got the movie. My dad bought it for me on Canal street. It was a bootleg version of the movie because it had just come out, and we, the original product, we had just gotten tvs in the headrests of his car. And I was like, I'm so happy.I brought that up. What happened to tv?What happened to them?What happened. Do you remember when he was going and everyone's like, the scariest thing ever?Bring them back. What happened to them?No, not limp Bizkit. Who's the guy from pimp my ride exhibit?Biscuit.Two totally different people. Did they realize that everyone was getting, like, carsick or something? Because, like, there's never. Have you ever seen a tv in the head suv. He had it. Where'd they go?You didn't think it was cool, like, growing up?Oh, you know, but, like, where are they? What happened?I don't know. It's like one of those Mandela effects, I think. Just no one's talking about that. They were my whole life, and I.Recently thought about that. I was like, wait, where's the tv on the headrest? Where'd they go?Yeah. Like, they're just like, I think I.Watched Spice Girls on it once.I remember we were in New York City. I saw it on the street. I was like, dad, you have to buy this for me. I think was like, literally, like, he pulled over $20. No, we were walking down the street.Yeah.And we're like, canal street.Was it, like, a guy in the back of this theater, like, jerking off?Literally, a guy with a camera in the back of a theater and, like, was filming.Grace, you don't even know what these times were. Like, what year?This would have been 2006. No, maybe 2004. I don't know what year this even would have been. And I watched it over and over and over and over again. And I would like to say that we went through a really rough time in this country. And people. Chris, this is important. And people completely turned on Anne Hathaway. I don't know what it was. I don't know why, but all of a sudden, everyone was like, we hate Anne Hathaway. I would like to. To formally say here on the giggly squad podcast, I never went through that phase.Oh, I never did either.I always thought she was that. But she's Mia Thermopolis. You're gonna turn your back on her.She was the queen of starting a movie, being ugly, and then becoming gorgeous.She was the princess of Genovia.Prince of Genovia.Respect on her fucking name.She was everything.She ages backwards.It also was just a concept of, like, she was getting too much. Enough. People were jealous.That's what it was.And it was giving, like, Taylor Swift.She's also really funny.She's smart. She's. There's a reason she was in some of the most incredible cultural shifting movies of the decades.And people say that she's a reincarnation of you.And conspiracy tiktoks, too, are of who.That her husband looks like William Shakespeare, and that she looks like the wife and Hathaway, and that they are like vampires and that they never died, actually.That makes sense. That actually makes sense. Literally, complete sense. So, renegade beauty, basically, it means, like, you're doing to your face what people in the olden days would do. Like, just soap, actually. I have no idea what renegade beauty is, but it's basically, like, minimalism and just being as natural and minimal as possible with your skin. It's called the lazy girl.I'm currently on a twelve stepper right now.We know you normally, you don't do minimum. Minimum's ten. I feel like, for you, it's working. Your skin looks great.Thank you.What is it?It's called face reality. I'm fucking obsessed with it.It looks so good.No, I really feel. I don't have any of those little bumps that I used to have that used to really piss me off in the summer. I mean, I have one pimple right here, but I have my period right now. I'm also in all white, which I don't know why I did that.Because you like to live life on the edge.Yeah, I'm just.You're crazy. Um, one note. Oh. I also wanted to yell at you this weekend while I was in voice rest. Well, I want to say your full name. Do you remember? You know, when you have someone, you're mad at someone, so you have to say, like, their full name. And I was like, for a second, I couldn't remember your middle name. And I was like, wait, it's a car? And I go, Paige. Honda. Desorbo.My mom thought it was the best thing she's ever. She was like, now that's funny. That is so funny.She goes, I don't know about a special, but that was funny.Now, that is so funny.So your name is? Audi.Audi. I have no relation to the car.I don't think anyone thought you were related to a car.No, I. It's my second cousin. I thought, like, my family pronounces it Audie, but it's say car, like Audi or like Audi, but page Honda. I'm just making sure if anybody was wondering. I'm not really.Do you know, I actually wanted to say hiyande, but I didn't know how to pronounce it, so I just said Hyundai.Are you saying Hyundai? Hyundai.Hyundai. Hyundai.Hyundai. Hyundai Sonata.Yeah.Yeah.Wait, that sounds like.I don't know why.That sounds like a famous person's child. Hyundai Sonata.It looks like they could have gone Surrey, cruise or Hyundai.She's walking in the Chanel show. She is five'two Brooke shields watches special. I'm freaking out. And her daughter's really cool.She commented on giggly insta.Brooke Shields.Yeah.Honestly, she's so funny. Shout out to Brooke. You're incredible. Also, Christy Brinkley's daughter, sailor, followed me.No, it's a lot of Gen Z, and I'm.How do you feel?I'm not nervous because I see my head's huge.I'm like, I am Gen Z leader.No, because I know that they don't see us as, like, oh, they're possibly close to our age. They're Gen Z, too. I think they see us more as like, oh, they're millennials. But they're actually not bad. They're kind of cool.Gracious. Do you think that's how they're thinking? What are they thinking?How are they thinking?She said, we're not cringey millennials.It's because I have a kid.Put it on my fucking tombstone. Wait, so apparently, what is the rollout for this cat announcement? Do you need to do a photo shoot?Okay, well, I will say that my real estate agent was like, hey, keep it on the DL. Don't want anything to happen. I do need to run it by your building, because originally I texted him, and I said, hey, can I get a cat? And he said, did you already get it? And I said, no. And then I posted the cat on TikTok, and he said, so you got it? And I was like, oh, sorry. I was on voice.Wait, what are you doing for Instagram? Like, what's the vibe?I don't know.You know what I think you're gonna do? I know what you're gonna do. You're gonna do an outfit photo, and she's just gonna be in the background. I do subtle. I want her to live a normal life. Live a normal life. Wait, I love how you, like, she's so innocent right now, and you don't want.She's not getting her own Instagram handle. No, you can't. Literally. She doesn't. She just came home from the hospital. She's a baby. She has to literally nestle.And, like, honestly. And butter's kind of just used to this life. Like, she's on phase. And butter was older, so the fame didn't hit her. Like, she's the same butter.And Daphne's like, she doesn't know many people. You know, she's four days old. Yeah.She's just like, do you know cats know when you're talking to them? Cause you. Naturally. This just happens as a cat, mon.Yeah.You start going, hello, baby boo boo boo. And they know it's to them.No. Daphne's the prettiest girl that's ever walked the planet. I told her about 100.I told her every day, which is one day.One day. I told her once an hour.So do you want to apologize to me?I do. I sent a formal apology to Hannah and Sierra, but you really deserve a bigger one, because from the moment I've met you, you've been like, you're a cat. You would love a cat. And I went from like, you're insane to being like, I got a cat. I need another one. I'm like, but if Daphne does feel a little lonely, well, that's what happens.People will be like, I think my cat's lonely. Some cats don't fuck with other cats. And just. They're just obsessed with you. And I feel like you do not need two cats.I don't need to.I love how this is the conversation. It's turned to, how many cats should.I definitely don't need two cats because there's some man on the Internet somewhere being like, see, she's just gonna be an old cat lady. And I'm like, hopefully.Well, think about it.God willing.Brooke has a cat. You have a cat. I have a cat. Kate Beckinsale has a cat. Taylor Swift has cats. I feel like it's catgirl summer.No, it's catgirl summer.And if you want to adopt a cat from Southampton animal shelter, there's a ton available right now. So get a cat. This is a cat podcast.This is a cat podcast. And we'll see you next week.Housekeeping.Housekeeping. Oh, I have an espresso drink. That's so freaking good.You didn't tell me anything about this.Sorry. I have an espresso drink. Okay, so basically, it's like. Like coffee.Yes.Hazelnut.You know, I fuck with hazelnut.So it's kind of, like, giving, like, a little bit of a nutella vibe. Hazelnut. And then just, like, chocolate syrup. No, I forgot.Wait, did you, like, try a bunch of different flavors?So when I moved into my new apartment, I was like, I drink espresso now. Like, she lives on the Upper west side. She has espresso.Yeah.So I started, like, making them, and, like, my assistant would, like, come every morning, and we would, like. That was, like, what we looked forward to in the morning. Like, making coffee? Yes, basically. And I'm a barista, and so then nespresso came to me, and I was like, I actually already know what I would want my drink to be, and now we have it. So until August 15. And you can get a free one.It's available now.Yeah, if you go into the store.Did you send me any?I did. Well, it's iced coffee. How am I gonna send it to you?Oh, you have to make it in the thing.You have to make it.No, but that's so fun.At the Nespresso stores. They have them.By the way, Paige sent me flowers because you're really good at that.You know, I actually didn't send you flowers because I have, like, the most gorgeous flower shop across from my apartment. So I went and got them, and then I made my assistant bring them to your apartment.You grew flowers? Picked them, nurtured them. She did knock on my door, and I was like, did I order indian food again? And then she opened the door, and.I was like, oh, yeah. And I. That was. I went to the CV's on the corner, got that cardinal wrote it, and then I said, I need you to personally deliver this to Hannah, because I knew if I brought something to your special, it would have been left there. Oh, to the party.Yeah. So everyone stream the special at least one more time tonight. It means the world to me. I love you guys so much, and thank you for all your fucking kind words. Also, have you seen the repost? Everyone has the cutest animals and the cutest little tv setups, like, wall art. And, like, everyone has the cutest little living rooms. For what? That they're posting when they watch the special.Oh, I was like, for.I feel like I'm on an HGTV show of, like, how to decorate your tv.No, that was good esthetics.And the girls are going up, or they're, like, eating macaroni or tacos. Honestly, I'm very entertained by all the stories. Keep tagging me. Our book is available, and we love you guys.And subscribe to the newsletter. I'm gonna put Daphne's photos in the newsletter because she's just not ready for social media yet.I kind of love.Yeah, she's a giggler thing for right now.Yes.So I'm going to put exclusive photos in the newsletter.She's our only fans. Love you guys. Bye.


my mom on Saturday, you know, as I need my morning mental health call with my mom. And it's really loud in the background, like, what's going on? And she goes, can I call you back? I'm watching your special.


I'm like, mom, no, I love that.


And she came to my place and she's like, why is your special not on? And I was like, you're so fucking right. Because every view counts. like, jump out of bed?I don't know what it was. You want to know what I really think it was? I think it was. I was laying with my adjustable base bed in, like, a quirky position and I laid in it for too long.This is the thing about these high tech beds.Yeah. I literally folded myself into a bathtub.You became a kiss.Idiot. I am one with the bed. Like, I tried to melt into it. And so when I got up, I, like, bent down too quick and it was just like. And I literally couldn't move.Welcome to your thirties, baby.So Saturday, I'm in bed all day. I like, I can't move. I can't do anything. And I'm like, you know what's fucking bullshit? Is that I don't have a cat. Because I. I should have.I submitted the form.I literally, someone should have reached out to me. And all the, like, all the people.That send me form of rejection. Cause it's really far and few between.Well, because I was like, hello.But that is so cat we literally didn't talk about it. I have two things I need to talk about. One, the poisonous tampons. Why aren't more people talking about it?Okay, so I have this thing where, like, if something upsets me, I just ignore it. Can you explain what it is? Cause I, like, didn't want to read it.Okay, well, I didn't really read it. No, I did.I did.So tampons are bad for you?Basically, they did this whole test and it was like, tampax, which is owns so many different, like, brands or whatever. Tampon brands. It's like. It was like 82% of all the tampons that are sold are owned by Tampax. And they had arsenic, lead, all these heavy metals. They're supposed to be made of cotton. Why did that get passed? No, why would that even be there? Why would that even be there?Why is the FDIC.FDIC.Why is the CIA.All of that?Why is the CDC allowing this?Who is this?I think that's for rappers. The FCC.FCC won't let me be. Let you, Eminem. I just think it's so crazy. I think it's too late that nobody's talking.Is it too late for us?No. Well, I'm gonna be honest. I've been using organic tampons since forever because I always thought that was, like, why I was getting utis.So we like the underwear with the stuff in it.Thanks.Thanks. Tanks.No, I love them.What is it called? Tanks.Thanks.Thanks. There's another one. There's another one, too.No, I love it. So anyway, I'm, like, annoyed about the tampons. And then also I hit a new level of gossip. And here's the thing. I had exercised all my rights and all of the things that I wanted to say to you pertaining a topic, and I was like, what? What can I do to talk about this topic more but also not annoy Hannah?Wait, you never annoy me.So I texted your mom. I said, do you want to chat about stuff?Wait.And we took gossiping to a different level that at one point, nobody used the word fuck before. 09:00 a.m. i think you were like.Whatever dopamine hit I'm getting from Hannah, it's not enough.Not enough.And I need to go.I need a greater source.Do you know who's even better than my mom but gossiping?Your dad. Nanak.Nana.I should have texted.You know Nana. She gets on the phone.Yeah.What is she possibly gossiping about? All your friends are dead. Sorry. She's, like, one friend. Rosemarie.No, that's not my family.What are they gossiping about?You only talk to each other. How could you have any other information? Every single day, just to each other?Who?How are you even getting in?Or something will happen with my cousin. Yeah, and my nana will know immediately. And I'm like, who told you?No, it's so true. Like that whole Sebastian maniscalco thing where he does how his family knows everything about everything and then his wife's family is just a normal family and they don't know anything. And that's. I can't. Everyone knows everything in my family also.But you have to be prepared, mom. Texting is different. Cause every now and then she will just say k, and you'll think she's mad.No. At one point, your mom said, sorry that I used the word fuck. I hadn't gone to Pilates yet, but now I feel better. I said, damn, Lenore, should I go to Pilates? Cause I'm throwing fucks out there this morning. No.My mom is so iconic and, like, the greatest almond mom ever.The greatest.Like, she literally felt a little tension and was like, we need to go to Pilates to work this out. I'm obsessed with her. Also, shout out to the gigglers. The gigglers are so amazing because I've been post. You know, I have to post stuff to promote the special, right? And I don't look at the comments right now, but, like, the gigglers are incredible. And I saw one guy wrote something like, girls aren't funny.Yeah.The gigglers eviscerated him. First of all, they said the line, they go, talk to us when your frontal lobe is formed. Because it was like a twelve year old boy and it was like, a bit about sex. And they were like, you haven't even had sex ed yet. And they just kept going so hard that I was like. And I can't like it because I don't want to be in the drama. I see you. I'm pretending I'm above the drama. I'm not.Here's what I do.I'm rooting for you all when, like.People want to make a rude comment online, like, I totally get it. If you're, like, on Twitter, I feel like that's, like, you and you're never gonna see it. Like, if you want to make a mean comment, go do it on Twitter. Absolute freaks. When people go to your personal Instagram page that's owned by hand, even follow me. Like, right? Watching your clip and then going into your comments, this isn't a safe space. What did you think was gonna happen to you?No, the gigglers were having none of it. And this poor boy, I think he needs to go to therapy. Yeah, but he should.No. Like, he literally should be showing up thinking, like, this is gonna get them going. We're psychotic.It's like coming for family. Like, we're fucking family.Yeah, like, we're.So I just want you guys to know. I see you guys. I hear you guys. Have you heard of renegade beauty?No.Okay.It's basically to make a joke, but I. That I. You don't know. At first, I thought it was something to do with ice spice.Wait, ice spice is.What's going on?Trying to say two things. I am a Brooke Schofield Stan day I die. No, I can't. I'm not watching those man's videos.I wouldn't even think of watching that man's.I don't need to watch him.People saying, like, oh, he might have a. No, he lied about someone dying. I can't even say but also scary.It's also, like, a girl is allowed to post a thousand videos of who I dated. A guy's not. I don't. I think that's illegal.I also just, like, I'm feeling weird because people being like, oh, I get what he's saying. Or, like, him even giving, like, receipts. It's like, okay, yeah, she mixed up the dates. You killed someone with your mind.And.Like, they're not dead. That's insane. That's insane. And everyone that's acting like. It's not insane. You're scaring me. That's scary.I can barely read a caption.Yeah.I'm not watching a man's 18 part.Series, especially when he needs chapsticks.Oh, so you know what? It's giving defensive when Brooke does it. It's feminist. It's iconic. It's art.It's the moment she got new boobs. Give her a minute.Give her a minute.She's gonna do a.Her boobs look so good.Stunning.But at renegade, beauty is on TikTok, basically saying, like, doing what our skin has always done in the past.Okay, like, wait. One thing I want to say about the ice base thing.Oh, yeah. That's what we were talking about.What's going on? Rg r g. And say it again. Rg. Rg.R g. R g. Madeleine. Rg. It's rg.Ice Spice and central C. This is the first time there was drama that I really wanted to know what was going on, that I felt too old.Yes.I was like, I know that she's posting in real time that her boyfriend is out with ice spice right now, and this is insane, and I want to know every little detail, but I'm too old.Well, there's a part of me where, like, you feel like you're just listening to drama of.But I like Madeline. Like, she is very captivating. Well, she never does this on TikTok.That's why people are freaking out. Cause she never.She's very on the low, interesting chamberlain vibe. Yes.She doesn't talk about drama. She doesn't talk about her relationship. She's, like, really, like, people decipher stuff. Like, I think he wrote about her. She doesn't show him ever. So her basically, like, putting him on.Blast was like, he's not cute.No.And then here's the other thing. And then that's when I was like, wow, I really am, like, turning into my mom. I'm like, what are we doing here? This man, is. Why are we even doing this? This man is not cute. Not cute. Move along.I do think, though, I want to put out as an older sister to these women a warning. We also don't want to give them an attention. So, like, it's fun, but, like, at some point, the ultimate win is, like, don't even feed the fire.No, just get a cat.Just get a cat. Literally, when in doubt, get a cat. Yeah. It kind of solves everything.I'm a changed woman. Devil wears Prada two is coming out. I'm going to manifest this. I need a small role and his small role in the devil wears product.You need to be one of the cunty assistants. Or not assistants, like editors, editors.No, one of the. Her assistant. The whole cast is coming back. I made the devil wears Prada to my entire personality. I remember the day I got the movie. My dad bought it for me on Canal street. It was a bootleg version of the movie because it had just come out, and we, the original product, we had just gotten tvs in the headrests of his car. And I was like, I'm so happy.I brought that up. What happened to tv?What happened to them?What happened. Do you remember when he was going and everyone's like, the scariest thing ever?Bring them back. What happened to them?No, not limp Bizkit. Who's the guy from pimp my ride exhibit?Biscuit.Two totally different people. Did they realize that everyone was getting, like, carsick or something? Because, like, there's never. Have you ever seen a tv in the head suv. He had it. Where'd they go?You didn't think it was cool, like, growing up?Oh, you know, but, like, where are they? What happened?I don't know. It's like one of those Mandela effects, I think. Just no one's talking about that. They were my whole life, and I.Recently thought about that. I was like, wait, where's the tv on the headrest? Where'd they go?Yeah. Like, they're just like, I think I.Watched Spice Girls on it once.I remember we were in New York City. I saw it on the street. I was like, dad, you have to buy this for me. I think was like, literally, like, he pulled over $20. No, we were walking down the street.Yeah.And we're like, canal street.Was it, like, a guy in the back of this theater, like, jerking off?Literally, a guy with a camera in the back of a theater and, like, was filming.Grace, you don't even know what these times were. Like, what year?This would have been 2006. No, maybe 2004. I don't know what year this even would have been. And I watched it over and over and over and over again. And I would like to say that we went through a really rough time in this country. And people. Chris, this is important. And people completely turned on Anne Hathaway. I don't know what it was. I don't know why, but all of a sudden, everyone was like, we hate Anne Hathaway. I would like to. To formally say here on the giggly squad podcast, I never went through that phase.Oh, I never did either.I always thought she was that. But she's Mia Thermopolis. You're gonna turn your back on her.She was the queen of starting a movie, being ugly, and then becoming gorgeous.She was the princess of Genovia.Prince of Genovia.Respect on her fucking name.She was everything.She ages backwards.It also was just a concept of, like, she was getting too much. Enough. People were jealous.That's what it was.And it was giving, like, Taylor Swift.She's also really funny.She's smart. She's. There's a reason she was in some of the most incredible cultural shifting movies of the decades.And people say that she's a reincarnation of you.And conspiracy tiktoks, too, are of who.That her husband looks like William Shakespeare, and that she looks like the wife and Hathaway, and that they are like vampires and that they never died, actually.That makes sense. That actually makes sense. Literally, complete sense. So, renegade beauty, basically, it means, like, you're doing to your face what people in the olden days would do. Like, just soap, actually. I have no idea what renegade beauty is, but it's basically, like, minimalism and just being as natural and minimal as possible with your skin. It's called the lazy girl.I'm currently on a twelve stepper right now.We know you normally, you don't do minimum. Minimum's ten. I feel like, for you, it's working. Your skin looks great.Thank you.What is it?It's called face reality. I'm fucking obsessed with it.It looks so good.No, I really feel. I don't have any of those little bumps that I used to have that used to really piss me off in the summer. I mean, I have one pimple right here, but I have my period right now. I'm also in all white, which I don't know why I did that.Because you like to live life on the edge.Yeah, I'm just.You're crazy. Um, one note. Oh. I also wanted to yell at you this weekend while I was in voice rest. Well, I want to say your full name. Do you remember? You know, when you have someone, you're mad at someone, so you have to say, like, their full name. And I was like, for a second, I couldn't remember your middle name. And I was like, wait, it's a car? And I go, Paige. Honda. Desorbo.My mom thought it was the best thing she's ever. She was like, now that's funny. That is so funny.She goes, I don't know about a special, but that was funny.Now, that is so funny.So your name is? Audi.Audi. I have no relation to the car.I don't think anyone thought you were related to a car.No, I. It's my second cousin. I thought, like, my family pronounces it Audie, but it's say car, like Audi or like Audi, but page Honda. I'm just making sure if anybody was wondering. I'm not really.Do you know, I actually wanted to say hiyande, but I didn't know how to pronounce it, so I just said Hyundai.Are you saying Hyundai? Hyundai.Hyundai. Hyundai.Hyundai. Hyundai Sonata.Yeah.Yeah.Wait, that sounds like.I don't know why.That sounds like a famous person's child. Hyundai Sonata.It looks like they could have gone Surrey, cruise or Hyundai.She's walking in the Chanel show. She is five'two Brooke shields watches special. I'm freaking out. And her daughter's really cool.She commented on giggly insta.Brooke Shields.Yeah.Honestly, she's so funny. Shout out to Brooke. You're incredible. Also, Christy Brinkley's daughter, sailor, followed me.No, it's a lot of Gen Z, and I'm.How do you feel?I'm not nervous because I see my head's huge.I'm like, I am Gen Z leader.No, because I know that they don't see us as, like, oh, they're possibly close to our age. They're Gen Z, too. I think they see us more as like, oh, they're millennials. But they're actually not bad. They're kind of cool.Gracious. Do you think that's how they're thinking? What are they thinking?How are they thinking?She said, we're not cringey millennials.It's because I have a kid.Put it on my fucking tombstone. Wait, so apparently, what is the rollout for this cat announcement? Do you need to do a photo shoot?Okay, well, I will say that my real estate agent was like, hey, keep it on the DL. Don't want anything to happen. I do need to run it by your building, because originally I texted him, and I said, hey, can I get a cat? And he said, did you already get it? And I said, no. And then I posted the cat on TikTok, and he said, so you got it? And I was like, oh, sorry. I was on voice.Wait, what are you doing for Instagram? Like, what's the vibe?I don't know.You know what I think you're gonna do? I know what you're gonna do. You're gonna do an outfit photo, and she's just gonna be in the background. I do subtle. I want her to live a normal life. Live a normal life. Wait, I love how you, like, she's so innocent right now, and you don't want.She's not getting her own Instagram handle. No, you can't. Literally. She doesn't. She just came home from the hospital. She's a baby. She has to literally nestle.And, like, honestly. And butter's kind of just used to this life. Like, she's on phase. And butter was older, so the fame didn't hit her. Like, she's the same butter.And Daphne's like, she doesn't know many people. You know, she's four days old. Yeah.She's just like, do you know cats know when you're talking to them? Cause you. Naturally. This just happens as a cat, mon.Yeah.You start going, hello, baby boo boo boo. And they know it's to them.No. Daphne's the prettiest girl that's ever walked the planet. I told her about 100.I told her every day, which is one day.One day. I told her once an hour.So do you want to apologize to me?I do. I sent a formal apology to Hannah and Sierra, but you really deserve a bigger one, because from the moment I've met you, you've been like, you're a cat. You would love a cat. And I went from like, you're insane to being like, I got a cat. I need another one. I'm like, but if Daphne does feel a little lonely, well, that's what happens.People will be like, I think my cat's lonely. Some cats don't fuck with other cats. And just. They're just obsessed with you. And I feel like you do not need two cats.I don't need to.I love how this is the conversation. It's turned to, how many cats should.I definitely don't need two cats because there's some man on the Internet somewhere being like, see, she's just gonna be an old cat lady. And I'm like, hopefully.Well, think about it.God willing.Brooke has a cat. You have a cat. I have a cat. Kate Beckinsale has a cat. Taylor Swift has cats. I feel like it's catgirl summer.No, it's catgirl summer.And if you want to adopt a cat from Southampton animal shelter, there's a ton available right now. So get a cat. This is a cat podcast.This is a cat podcast. And we'll see you next week.Housekeeping.Housekeeping. Oh, I have an espresso drink. That's so freaking good.You didn't tell me anything about this.Sorry. I have an espresso drink. Okay, so basically, it's like. Like coffee.Yes.Hazelnut.You know, I fuck with hazelnut.So it's kind of, like, giving, like, a little bit of a nutella vibe. Hazelnut. And then just, like, chocolate syrup. No, I forgot.Wait, did you, like, try a bunch of different flavors?So when I moved into my new apartment, I was like, I drink espresso now. Like, she lives on the Upper west side. She has espresso.Yeah.So I started, like, making them, and, like, my assistant would, like, come every morning, and we would, like. That was, like, what we looked forward to in the morning. Like, making coffee? Yes, basically. And I'm a barista, and so then nespresso came to me, and I was like, I actually already know what I would want my drink to be, and now we have it. So until August 15. And you can get a free one.It's available now.Yeah, if you go into the store.Did you send me any?I did. Well, it's iced coffee. How am I gonna send it to you?Oh, you have to make it in the thing.You have to make it.No, but that's so fun.At the Nespresso stores. They have them.By the way, Paige sent me flowers because you're really good at that.You know, I actually didn't send you flowers because I have, like, the most gorgeous flower shop across from my apartment. So I went and got them, and then I made my assistant bring them to your apartment.You grew flowers? Picked them, nurtured them. She did knock on my door, and I was like, did I order indian food again? And then she opened the door, and.I was like, oh, yeah. And I. That was. I went to the CV's on the corner, got that cardinal wrote it, and then I said, I need you to personally deliver this to Hannah, because I knew if I brought something to your special, it would have been left there. Oh, to the party.Yeah. So everyone stream the special at least one more time tonight. It means the world to me. I love you guys so much, and thank you for all your fucking kind words. Also, have you seen the repost? Everyone has the cutest animals and the cutest little tv setups, like, wall art. And, like, everyone has the cutest little living rooms. For what? That they're posting when they watch the special.Oh, I was like, for.I feel like I'm on an HGTV show of, like, how to decorate your tv.No, that was good esthetics.And the girls are going up, or they're, like, eating macaroni or tacos. Honestly, I'm very entertained by all the stories. Keep tagging me. Our book is available, and we love you guys.And subscribe to the newsletter. I'm gonna put Daphne's photos in the newsletter because she's just not ready for social media yet.I kind of love.Yeah, she's a giggler thing for right now.Yes.So I'm going to put exclusive photos in the newsletter.She's our only fans. Love you guys. Bye.


like, jump out of bed?


I don't know what it was. You want to know what I really think it was? I think it was. I was laying with my adjustable base bed in, like, a quirky position and I laid in it for too long.


This is the thing about these high tech beds.


Yeah. I literally folded myself into a bathtub.


You became a kiss.


Idiot. I am one with the bed. Like, I tried to melt into it. And so when I got up, I, like, bent down too quick and it was just like. And I literally couldn't move.


Welcome to your thirties, baby.


So Saturday, I'm in bed all day. I like, I can't move. I can't do anything. And I'm like, you know what's fucking bullshit? Is that I don't have a cat. Because I. I should have.


I submitted the form.


I literally, someone should have reached out to me. And all the, like, all the people.


That send me form of rejection. Cause it's really far and few between.


Well, because I was like, hello.


But that is so cat we literally didn't talk about it. I have two things I need to talk about. One, the poisonous tampons. Why aren't more people talking about it?Okay, so I have this thing where, like, if something upsets me, I just ignore it. Can you explain what it is? Cause I, like, didn't want to read it.Okay, well, I didn't really read it. No, I did.I did.So tampons are bad for you?Basically, they did this whole test and it was like, tampax, which is owns so many different, like, brands or whatever. Tampon brands. It's like. It was like 82% of all the tampons that are sold are owned by Tampax. And they had arsenic, lead, all these heavy metals. They're supposed to be made of cotton. Why did that get passed? No, why would that even be there? Why would that even be there?Why is the FDIC.FDIC.Why is the CIA.All of that?Why is the CDC allowing this?Who is this?I think that's for rappers. The FCC.FCC won't let me be. Let you, Eminem. I just think it's so crazy. I think it's too late that nobody's talking.Is it too late for us?No. Well, I'm gonna be honest. I've been using organic tampons since forever because I always thought that was, like, why I was getting utis.So we like the underwear with the stuff in it.Thanks.Thanks. Tanks.No, I love them.What is it called? Tanks.Thanks.Thanks. There's another one. There's another one, too.No, I love it. So anyway, I'm, like, annoyed about the tampons. And then also I hit a new level of gossip. And here's the thing. I had exercised all my rights and all of the things that I wanted to say to you pertaining a topic, and I was like, what? What can I do to talk about this topic more but also not annoy Hannah?Wait, you never annoy me.So I texted your mom. I said, do you want to chat about stuff?Wait.And we took gossiping to a different level that at one point, nobody used the word fuck before. 09:00 a.m. i think you were like.Whatever dopamine hit I'm getting from Hannah, it's not enough.Not enough.And I need to go.I need a greater source.Do you know who's even better than my mom but gossiping?Your dad. Nanak.Nana.I should have texted.You know Nana. She gets on the phone.Yeah.What is she possibly gossiping about? All your friends are dead. Sorry. She's, like, one friend. Rosemarie.No, that's not my family.What are they gossiping about?You only talk to each other. How could you have any other information? Every single day, just to each other?Who?How are you even getting in?Or something will happen with my cousin. Yeah, and my nana will know immediately. And I'm like, who told you?No, it's so true. Like that whole Sebastian maniscalco thing where he does how his family knows everything about everything and then his wife's family is just a normal family and they don't know anything. And that's. I can't. Everyone knows everything in my family also.But you have to be prepared, mom. Texting is different. Cause every now and then she will just say k, and you'll think she's mad.No. At one point, your mom said, sorry that I used the word fuck. I hadn't gone to Pilates yet, but now I feel better. I said, damn, Lenore, should I go to Pilates? Cause I'm throwing fucks out there this morning. No.My mom is so iconic and, like, the greatest almond mom ever.The greatest.Like, she literally felt a little tension and was like, we need to go to Pilates to work this out. I'm obsessed with her. Also, shout out to the gigglers. The gigglers are so amazing because I've been post. You know, I have to post stuff to promote the special, right? And I don't look at the comments right now, but, like, the gigglers are incredible. And I saw one guy wrote something like, girls aren't funny.Yeah.The gigglers eviscerated him. First of all, they said the line, they go, talk to us when your frontal lobe is formed. Because it was like a twelve year old boy and it was like, a bit about sex. And they were like, you haven't even had sex ed yet. And they just kept going so hard that I was like. And I can't like it because I don't want to be in the drama. I see you. I'm pretending I'm above the drama. I'm not.Here's what I do.I'm rooting for you all when, like.People want to make a rude comment online, like, I totally get it. If you're, like, on Twitter, I feel like that's, like, you and you're never gonna see it. Like, if you want to make a mean comment, go do it on Twitter. Absolute freaks. When people go to your personal Instagram page that's owned by hand, even follow me. Like, right? Watching your clip and then going into your comments, this isn't a safe space. What did you think was gonna happen to you?No, the gigglers were having none of it. And this poor boy, I think he needs to go to therapy. Yeah, but he should.No. Like, he literally should be showing up thinking, like, this is gonna get them going. We're psychotic.It's like coming for family. Like, we're fucking family.Yeah, like, we're.So I just want you guys to know. I see you guys. I hear you guys. Have you heard of renegade beauty?No.Okay.It's basically to make a joke, but I. That I. You don't know. At first, I thought it was something to do with ice spice.Wait, ice spice is.What's going on?Trying to say two things. I am a Brooke Schofield Stan day I die. No, I can't. I'm not watching those man's videos.I wouldn't even think of watching that man's.I don't need to watch him.People saying, like, oh, he might have a. No, he lied about someone dying. I can't even say but also scary.It's also, like, a girl is allowed to post a thousand videos of who I dated. A guy's not. I don't. I think that's illegal.I also just, like, I'm feeling weird because people being like, oh, I get what he's saying. Or, like, him even giving, like, receipts. It's like, okay, yeah, she mixed up the dates. You killed someone with your mind.And.Like, they're not dead. That's insane. That's insane. And everyone that's acting like. It's not insane. You're scaring me. That's scary.I can barely read a caption.Yeah.I'm not watching a man's 18 part.Series, especially when he needs chapsticks.Oh, so you know what? It's giving defensive when Brooke does it. It's feminist. It's iconic. It's art.It's the moment she got new boobs. Give her a minute.Give her a minute.She's gonna do a.Her boobs look so good.Stunning.But at renegade, beauty is on TikTok, basically saying, like, doing what our skin has always done in the past.Okay, like, wait. One thing I want to say about the ice base thing.Oh, yeah. That's what we were talking about.What's going on? Rg r g. And say it again. Rg. Rg.R g. R g. Madeleine. Rg. It's rg.Ice Spice and central C. This is the first time there was drama that I really wanted to know what was going on, that I felt too old.Yes.I was like, I know that she's posting in real time that her boyfriend is out with ice spice right now, and this is insane, and I want to know every little detail, but I'm too old.Well, there's a part of me where, like, you feel like you're just listening to drama of.But I like Madeline. Like, she is very captivating. Well, she never does this on TikTok.That's why people are freaking out. Cause she never.She's very on the low, interesting chamberlain vibe. Yes.She doesn't talk about drama. She doesn't talk about her relationship. She's, like, really, like, people decipher stuff. Like, I think he wrote about her. She doesn't show him ever. So her basically, like, putting him on.Blast was like, he's not cute.No.And then here's the other thing. And then that's when I was like, wow, I really am, like, turning into my mom. I'm like, what are we doing here? This man, is. Why are we even doing this? This man is not cute. Not cute. Move along.I do think, though, I want to put out as an older sister to these women a warning. We also don't want to give them an attention. So, like, it's fun, but, like, at some point, the ultimate win is, like, don't even feed the fire.No, just get a cat.Just get a cat. Literally, when in doubt, get a cat. Yeah. It kind of solves everything.I'm a changed woman. Devil wears Prada two is coming out. I'm going to manifest this. I need a small role and his small role in the devil wears product.You need to be one of the cunty assistants. Or not assistants, like editors, editors.No, one of the. Her assistant. The whole cast is coming back. I made the devil wears Prada to my entire personality. I remember the day I got the movie. My dad bought it for me on Canal street. It was a bootleg version of the movie because it had just come out, and we, the original product, we had just gotten tvs in the headrests of his car. And I was like, I'm so happy.I brought that up. What happened to tv?What happened to them?What happened. Do you remember when he was going and everyone's like, the scariest thing ever?Bring them back. What happened to them?No, not limp Bizkit. Who's the guy from pimp my ride exhibit?Biscuit.Two totally different people. Did they realize that everyone was getting, like, carsick or something? Because, like, there's never. Have you ever seen a tv in the head suv. He had it. Where'd they go?You didn't think it was cool, like, growing up?Oh, you know, but, like, where are they? What happened?I don't know. It's like one of those Mandela effects, I think. Just no one's talking about that. They were my whole life, and I.Recently thought about that. I was like, wait, where's the tv on the headrest? Where'd they go?Yeah. Like, they're just like, I think I.Watched Spice Girls on it once.I remember we were in New York City. I saw it on the street. I was like, dad, you have to buy this for me. I think was like, literally, like, he pulled over $20. No, we were walking down the street.Yeah.And we're like, canal street.Was it, like, a guy in the back of this theater, like, jerking off?Literally, a guy with a camera in the back of a theater and, like, was filming.Grace, you don't even know what these times were. Like, what year?This would have been 2006. No, maybe 2004. I don't know what year this even would have been. And I watched it over and over and over and over again. And I would like to say that we went through a really rough time in this country. And people. Chris, this is important. And people completely turned on Anne Hathaway. I don't know what it was. I don't know why, but all of a sudden, everyone was like, we hate Anne Hathaway. I would like to. To formally say here on the giggly squad podcast, I never went through that phase.Oh, I never did either.I always thought she was that. But she's Mia Thermopolis. You're gonna turn your back on her.She was the queen of starting a movie, being ugly, and then becoming gorgeous.She was the princess of Genovia.Prince of Genovia.Respect on her fucking name.She was everything.She ages backwards.It also was just a concept of, like, she was getting too much. Enough. People were jealous.That's what it was.And it was giving, like, Taylor Swift.She's also really funny.She's smart. She's. There's a reason she was in some of the most incredible cultural shifting movies of the decades.And people say that she's a reincarnation of you.And conspiracy tiktoks, too, are of who.That her husband looks like William Shakespeare, and that she looks like the wife and Hathaway, and that they are like vampires and that they never died, actually.That makes sense. That actually makes sense. Literally, complete sense. So, renegade beauty, basically, it means, like, you're doing to your face what people in the olden days would do. Like, just soap, actually. I have no idea what renegade beauty is, but it's basically, like, minimalism and just being as natural and minimal as possible with your skin. It's called the lazy girl.I'm currently on a twelve stepper right now.We know you normally, you don't do minimum. Minimum's ten. I feel like, for you, it's working. Your skin looks great.Thank you.What is it?It's called face reality. I'm fucking obsessed with it.It looks so good.No, I really feel. I don't have any of those little bumps that I used to have that used to really piss me off in the summer. I mean, I have one pimple right here, but I have my period right now. I'm also in all white, which I don't know why I did that.Because you like to live life on the edge.Yeah, I'm just.You're crazy. Um, one note. Oh. I also wanted to yell at you this weekend while I was in voice rest. Well, I want to say your full name. Do you remember? You know, when you have someone, you're mad at someone, so you have to say, like, their full name. And I was like, for a second, I couldn't remember your middle name. And I was like, wait, it's a car? And I go, Paige. Honda. Desorbo.My mom thought it was the best thing she's ever. She was like, now that's funny. That is so funny.She goes, I don't know about a special, but that was funny.Now, that is so funny.So your name is? Audi.Audi. I have no relation to the car.I don't think anyone thought you were related to a car.No, I. It's my second cousin. I thought, like, my family pronounces it Audie, but it's say car, like Audi or like Audi, but page Honda. I'm just making sure if anybody was wondering. I'm not really.Do you know, I actually wanted to say hiyande, but I didn't know how to pronounce it, so I just said Hyundai.Are you saying Hyundai? Hyundai.Hyundai. Hyundai.Hyundai. Hyundai Sonata.Yeah.Yeah.Wait, that sounds like.I don't know why.That sounds like a famous person's child. Hyundai Sonata.It looks like they could have gone Surrey, cruise or Hyundai.She's walking in the Chanel show. She is five'two Brooke shields watches special. I'm freaking out. And her daughter's really cool.She commented on giggly insta.Brooke Shields.Yeah.Honestly, she's so funny. Shout out to Brooke. You're incredible. Also, Christy Brinkley's daughter, sailor, followed me.No, it's a lot of Gen Z, and I'm.How do you feel?I'm not nervous because I see my head's huge.I'm like, I am Gen Z leader.No, because I know that they don't see us as, like, oh, they're possibly close to our age. They're Gen Z, too. I think they see us more as like, oh, they're millennials. But they're actually not bad. They're kind of cool.Gracious. Do you think that's how they're thinking? What are they thinking?How are they thinking?She said, we're not cringey millennials.It's because I have a kid.Put it on my fucking tombstone. Wait, so apparently, what is the rollout for this cat announcement? Do you need to do a photo shoot?Okay, well, I will say that my real estate agent was like, hey, keep it on the DL. Don't want anything to happen. I do need to run it by your building, because originally I texted him, and I said, hey, can I get a cat? And he said, did you already get it? And I said, no. And then I posted the cat on TikTok, and he said, so you got it? And I was like, oh, sorry. I was on voice.Wait, what are you doing for Instagram? Like, what's the vibe?I don't know.You know what I think you're gonna do? I know what you're gonna do. You're gonna do an outfit photo, and she's just gonna be in the background. I do subtle. I want her to live a normal life. Live a normal life. Wait, I love how you, like, she's so innocent right now, and you don't want.She's not getting her own Instagram handle. No, you can't. Literally. She doesn't. She just came home from the hospital. She's a baby. She has to literally nestle.And, like, honestly. And butter's kind of just used to this life. Like, she's on phase. And butter was older, so the fame didn't hit her. Like, she's the same butter.And Daphne's like, she doesn't know many people. You know, she's four days old. Yeah.She's just like, do you know cats know when you're talking to them? Cause you. Naturally. This just happens as a cat, mon.Yeah.You start going, hello, baby boo boo boo. And they know it's to them.No. Daphne's the prettiest girl that's ever walked the planet. I told her about 100.I told her every day, which is one day.One day. I told her once an hour.So do you want to apologize to me?I do. I sent a formal apology to Hannah and Sierra, but you really deserve a bigger one, because from the moment I've met you, you've been like, you're a cat. You would love a cat. And I went from like, you're insane to being like, I got a cat. I need another one. I'm like, but if Daphne does feel a little lonely, well, that's what happens.People will be like, I think my cat's lonely. Some cats don't fuck with other cats. And just. They're just obsessed with you. And I feel like you do not need two cats.I don't need to.I love how this is the conversation. It's turned to, how many cats should.I definitely don't need two cats because there's some man on the Internet somewhere being like, see, she's just gonna be an old cat lady. And I'm like, hopefully.Well, think about it.God willing.Brooke has a cat. You have a cat. I have a cat. Kate Beckinsale has a cat. Taylor Swift has cats. I feel like it's catgirl summer.No, it's catgirl summer.And if you want to adopt a cat from Southampton animal shelter, there's a ton available right now. So get a cat. This is a cat podcast.This is a cat podcast. And we'll see you next week.Housekeeping.Housekeeping. Oh, I have an espresso drink. That's so freaking good.You didn't tell me anything about this.Sorry. I have an espresso drink. Okay, so basically, it's like. Like coffee.Yes.Hazelnut.You know, I fuck with hazelnut.So it's kind of, like, giving, like, a little bit of a nutella vibe. Hazelnut. And then just, like, chocolate syrup. No, I forgot.Wait, did you, like, try a bunch of different flavors?So when I moved into my new apartment, I was like, I drink espresso now. Like, she lives on the Upper west side. She has espresso.Yeah.So I started, like, making them, and, like, my assistant would, like, come every morning, and we would, like. That was, like, what we looked forward to in the morning. Like, making coffee? Yes, basically. And I'm a barista, and so then nespresso came to me, and I was like, I actually already know what I would want my drink to be, and now we have it. So until August 15. And you can get a free one.It's available now.Yeah, if you go into the store.Did you send me any?I did. Well, it's iced coffee. How am I gonna send it to you?Oh, you have to make it in the thing.You have to make it.No, but that's so fun.At the Nespresso stores. They have them.By the way, Paige sent me flowers because you're really good at that.You know, I actually didn't send you flowers because I have, like, the most gorgeous flower shop across from my apartment. So I went and got them, and then I made my assistant bring them to your apartment.You grew flowers? Picked them, nurtured them. She did knock on my door, and I was like, did I order indian food again? And then she opened the door, and.I was like, oh, yeah. And I. That was. I went to the CV's on the corner, got that cardinal wrote it, and then I said, I need you to personally deliver this to Hannah, because I knew if I brought something to your special, it would have been left there. Oh, to the party.Yeah. So everyone stream the special at least one more time tonight. It means the world to me. I love you guys so much, and thank you for all your fucking kind words. Also, have you seen the repost? Everyone has the cutest animals and the cutest little tv setups, like, wall art. And, like, everyone has the cutest little living rooms. For what? That they're posting when they watch the special.Oh, I was like, for.I feel like I'm on an HGTV show of, like, how to decorate your tv.No, that was good esthetics.And the girls are going up, or they're, like, eating macaroni or tacos. Honestly, I'm very entertained by all the stories. Keep tagging me. Our book is available, and we love you guys.And subscribe to the newsletter. I'm gonna put Daphne's photos in the newsletter because she's just not ready for social media yet.I kind of love.Yeah, she's a giggler thing for right now.Yes.So I'm going to put exclusive photos in the newsletter.She's our only fans. Love you guys. Bye.


we literally didn't talk about it. I have two things I need to talk about. One, the poisonous tampons. Why aren't more people talking about it?


Okay, so I have this thing where, like, if something upsets me, I just ignore it. Can you explain what it is? Cause I, like, didn't want to read it.


Okay, well, I didn't really read it. No, I did.


I did.


So tampons are bad for you?


Basically, they did this whole test and it was like, tampax, which is owns so many different, like, brands or whatever. Tampon brands. It's like. It was like 82% of all the tampons that are sold are owned by Tampax. And they had arsenic, lead, all these heavy metals. They're supposed to be made of cotton. Why did that get passed? No, why would that even be there? Why would that even be there?


Why is the FDIC.




Why is the CIA.


All of that?


Why is the CDC allowing this?


Who is this?


I think that's for rappers. The FCC.


FCC won't let me be. Let you, Eminem. I just think it's so crazy. I think it's too late that nobody's talking.


Is it too late for us?


No. Well, I'm gonna be honest. I've been using organic tampons since forever because I always thought that was, like, why I was getting utis.


So we like the underwear with the stuff in it.




Thanks. Tanks.


No, I love them.


What is it called? Tanks.




Thanks. There's another one. There's another one, too.


No, I love it. So anyway, I'm, like, annoyed about the tampons. And then also I hit a new level of gossip. And here's the thing. I had exercised all my rights and all of the things that I wanted to say to you pertaining a topic, and I was like, what? What can I do to talk about this topic more but also not annoy Hannah?


Wait, you never annoy me.


So I texted your mom. I said, do you want to chat about stuff?




And we took gossiping to a different level that at one point, nobody used the word fuck before. 09:00 a.m. i think you were like.


Whatever dopamine hit I'm getting from Hannah, it's not enough.


Not enough.


And I need to go.


I need a greater source.


Do you know who's even better than my mom but gossiping?


Your dad. Nanak.




I should have texted.


You know Nana. She gets on the phone.




What is she possibly gossiping about? All your friends are dead. Sorry. She's, like, one friend. Rosemarie.


No, that's not my family.


What are they gossiping about?


You only talk to each other. How could you have any other information? Every single day, just to each other?




How are you even getting in?


Or something will happen with my cousin. Yeah, and my nana will know immediately. And I'm like, who told you?


No, it's so true. Like that whole Sebastian maniscalco thing where he does how his family knows everything about everything and then his wife's family is just a normal family and they don't know anything. And that's. I can't. Everyone knows everything in my family also.


But you have to be prepared, mom. Texting is different. Cause every now and then she will just say k, and you'll think she's mad.


No. At one point, your mom said, sorry that I used the word fuck. I hadn't gone to Pilates yet, but now I feel better. I said, damn, Lenore, should I go to Pilates? Cause I'm throwing fucks out there this morning. No.


My mom is so iconic and, like, the greatest almond mom ever.


The greatest.


Like, she literally felt a little tension and was like, we need to go to Pilates to work this out. I'm obsessed with her. Also, shout out to the gigglers. The gigglers are so amazing because I've been post. You know, I have to post stuff to promote the special, right? And I don't look at the comments right now, but, like, the gigglers are incredible. And I saw one guy wrote something like, girls aren't funny.




The gigglers eviscerated him. First of all, they said the line, they go, talk to us when your frontal lobe is formed. Because it was like a twelve year old boy and it was like, a bit about sex. And they were like, you haven't even had sex ed yet. And they just kept going so hard that I was like. And I can't like it because I don't want to be in the drama. I see you. I'm pretending I'm above the drama. I'm not.


Here's what I do.


I'm rooting for you all when, like.


People want to make a rude comment online, like, I totally get it. If you're, like, on Twitter, I feel like that's, like, you and you're never gonna see it. Like, if you want to make a mean comment, go do it on Twitter. Absolute freaks. When people go to your personal Instagram page that's owned by hand, even follow me. Like, right? Watching your clip and then going into your comments, this isn't a safe space. What did you think was gonna happen to you?


No, the gigglers were having none of it. And this poor boy, I think he needs to go to therapy. Yeah, but he should.


No. Like, he literally should be showing up thinking, like, this is gonna get them going. We're psychotic.


It's like coming for family. Like, we're fucking family.


Yeah, like, we're.


So I just want you guys to know. I see you guys. I hear you guys. Have you heard of renegade beauty?






It's basically to make a joke, but I. That I. You don't know. At first, I thought it was something to do with ice spice.


Wait, ice spice is.


What's going on?


Trying to say two things. I am a Brooke Schofield Stan day I die. No, I can't. I'm not watching those man's videos.


I wouldn't even think of watching that man's.


I don't need to watch him.


People saying, like, oh, he might have a. No, he lied about someone dying. I can't even say but also scary.


It's also, like, a girl is allowed to post a thousand videos of who I dated. A guy's not. I don't. I think that's illegal.


I also just, like, I'm feeling weird because people being like, oh, I get what he's saying. Or, like, him even giving, like, receipts. It's like, okay, yeah, she mixed up the dates. You killed someone with your mind.




Like, they're not dead. That's insane. That's insane. And everyone that's acting like. It's not insane. You're scaring me. That's scary.


I can barely read a caption.




I'm not watching a man's 18 part.


Series, especially when he needs chapsticks.


Oh, so you know what? It's giving defensive when Brooke does it. It's feminist. It's iconic. It's art.


It's the moment she got new boobs. Give her a minute.


Give her a minute.


She's gonna do a.


Her boobs look so good.




But at renegade, beauty is on TikTok, basically saying, like, doing what our skin has always done in the past.


Okay, like, wait. One thing I want to say about the ice base thing.


Oh, yeah. That's what we were talking about.


What's going on? Rg r g. And say it again. Rg. Rg.


R g. R g. Madeleine. Rg. It's rg.


Ice Spice and central C. This is the first time there was drama that I really wanted to know what was going on, that I felt too old.




I was like, I know that she's posting in real time that her boyfriend is out with ice spice right now, and this is insane, and I want to know every little detail, but I'm too old.


Well, there's a part of me where, like, you feel like you're just listening to drama of.


But I like Madeline. Like, she is very captivating. Well, she never does this on TikTok.


That's why people are freaking out. Cause she never.


She's very on the low, interesting chamberlain vibe. Yes.


She doesn't talk about drama. She doesn't talk about her relationship. She's, like, really, like, people decipher stuff. Like, I think he wrote about her. She doesn't show him ever. So her basically, like, putting him on.


Blast was like, he's not cute.




And then here's the other thing. And then that's when I was like, wow, I really am, like, turning into my mom. I'm like, what are we doing here? This man, is. Why are we even doing this? This man is not cute. Not cute. Move along.


I do think, though, I want to put out as an older sister to these women a warning. We also don't want to give them an attention. So, like, it's fun, but, like, at some point, the ultimate win is, like, don't even feed the fire.


No, just get a cat.


Just get a cat. Literally, when in doubt, get a cat. Yeah. It kind of solves everything.


I'm a changed woman. Devil wears Prada two is coming out. I'm going to manifest this. I need a small role and his small role in the devil wears product.


You need to be one of the cunty assistants. Or not assistants, like editors, editors.


No, one of the. Her assistant. The whole cast is coming back. I made the devil wears Prada to my entire personality. I remember the day I got the movie. My dad bought it for me on Canal street. It was a bootleg version of the movie because it had just come out, and we, the original product, we had just gotten tvs in the headrests of his car. And I was like, I'm so happy.


I brought that up. What happened to tv?


What happened to them?


What happened. Do you remember when he was going and everyone's like, the scariest thing ever?


Bring them back. What happened to them?


No, not limp Bizkit. Who's the guy from pimp my ride exhibit?




Two totally different people. Did they realize that everyone was getting, like, carsick or something? Because, like, there's never. Have you ever seen a tv in the head suv. He had it. Where'd they go?


You didn't think it was cool, like, growing up?


Oh, you know, but, like, where are they? What happened?


I don't know. It's like one of those Mandela effects, I think. Just no one's talking about that. They were my whole life, and I.


Recently thought about that. I was like, wait, where's the tv on the headrest? Where'd they go?


Yeah. Like, they're just like, I think I.


Watched Spice Girls on it once.


I remember we were in New York City. I saw it on the street. I was like, dad, you have to buy this for me. I think was like, literally, like, he pulled over $20. No, we were walking down the street.




And we're like, canal street.


Was it, like, a guy in the back of this theater, like, jerking off?


Literally, a guy with a camera in the back of a theater and, like, was filming.


Grace, you don't even know what these times were. Like, what year?


This would have been 2006. No, maybe 2004. I don't know what year this even would have been. And I watched it over and over and over and over again. And I would like to say that we went through a really rough time in this country. And people. Chris, this is important. And people completely turned on Anne Hathaway. I don't know what it was. I don't know why, but all of a sudden, everyone was like, we hate Anne Hathaway. I would like to. To formally say here on the giggly squad podcast, I never went through that phase.


Oh, I never did either.


I always thought she was that. But she's Mia Thermopolis. You're gonna turn your back on her.


She was the queen of starting a movie, being ugly, and then becoming gorgeous.


She was the princess of Genovia.


Prince of Genovia.


Respect on her fucking name.


She was everything.


She ages backwards.


It also was just a concept of, like, she was getting too much. Enough. People were jealous.


That's what it was.


And it was giving, like, Taylor Swift.


She's also really funny.


She's smart. She's. There's a reason she was in some of the most incredible cultural shifting movies of the decades.


And people say that she's a reincarnation of you.


And conspiracy tiktoks, too, are of who.


That her husband looks like William Shakespeare, and that she looks like the wife and Hathaway, and that they are like vampires and that they never died, actually.


That makes sense. That actually makes sense. Literally, complete sense. So, renegade beauty, basically, it means, like, you're doing to your face what people in the olden days would do. Like, just soap, actually. I have no idea what renegade beauty is, but it's basically, like, minimalism and just being as natural and minimal as possible with your skin. It's called the lazy girl.


I'm currently on a twelve stepper right now.


We know you normally, you don't do minimum. Minimum's ten. I feel like, for you, it's working. Your skin looks great.


Thank you.


What is it?


It's called face reality. I'm fucking obsessed with it.


It looks so good.


No, I really feel. I don't have any of those little bumps that I used to have that used to really piss me off in the summer. I mean, I have one pimple right here, but I have my period right now. I'm also in all white, which I don't know why I did that.


Because you like to live life on the edge.


Yeah, I'm just.


You're crazy. Um, one note. Oh. I also wanted to yell at you this weekend while I was in voice rest. Well, I want to say your full name. Do you remember? You know, when you have someone, you're mad at someone, so you have to say, like, their full name. And I was like, for a second, I couldn't remember your middle name. And I was like, wait, it's a car? And I go, Paige. Honda. Desorbo.


My mom thought it was the best thing she's ever. She was like, now that's funny. That is so funny.


She goes, I don't know about a special, but that was funny.


Now, that is so funny.


So your name is? Audi.


Audi. I have no relation to the car.


I don't think anyone thought you were related to a car.


No, I. It's my second cousin. I thought, like, my family pronounces it Audie, but it's say car, like Audi or like Audi, but page Honda. I'm just making sure if anybody was wondering. I'm not really.


Do you know, I actually wanted to say hiyande, but I didn't know how to pronounce it, so I just said Hyundai.


Are you saying Hyundai? Hyundai.


Hyundai. Hyundai.


Hyundai. Hyundai Sonata.






Wait, that sounds like.


I don't know why.


That sounds like a famous person's child. Hyundai Sonata.


It looks like they could have gone Surrey, cruise or Hyundai.


She's walking in the Chanel show. She is five'two Brooke shields watches special. I'm freaking out. And her daughter's really cool.


She commented on giggly insta.


Brooke Shields.




Honestly, she's so funny. Shout out to Brooke. You're incredible. Also, Christy Brinkley's daughter, sailor, followed me.


No, it's a lot of Gen Z, and I'm.


How do you feel?


I'm not nervous because I see my head's huge.


I'm like, I am Gen Z leader.


No, because I know that they don't see us as, like, oh, they're possibly close to our age. They're Gen Z, too. I think they see us more as like, oh, they're millennials. But they're actually not bad. They're kind of cool.


Gracious. Do you think that's how they're thinking? What are they thinking?


How are they thinking?


She said, we're not cringey millennials.


It's because I have a kid.


Put it on my fucking tombstone. Wait, so apparently, what is the rollout for this cat announcement? Do you need to do a photo shoot?


Okay, well, I will say that my real estate agent was like, hey, keep it on the DL. Don't want anything to happen. I do need to run it by your building, because originally I texted him, and I said, hey, can I get a cat? And he said, did you already get it? And I said, no. And then I posted the cat on TikTok, and he said, so you got it? And I was like, oh, sorry. I was on voice.


Wait, what are you doing for Instagram? Like, what's the vibe?


I don't know.


You know what I think you're gonna do? I know what you're gonna do. You're gonna do an outfit photo, and she's just gonna be in the background. I do subtle. I want her to live a normal life. Live a normal life. Wait, I love how you, like, she's so innocent right now, and you don't want.


She's not getting her own Instagram handle. No, you can't. Literally. She doesn't. She just came home from the hospital. She's a baby. She has to literally nestle.


And, like, honestly. And butter's kind of just used to this life. Like, she's on phase. And butter was older, so the fame didn't hit her. Like, she's the same butter.


And Daphne's like, she doesn't know many people. You know, she's four days old. Yeah.


She's just like, do you know cats know when you're talking to them? Cause you. Naturally. This just happens as a cat, mon.




You start going, hello, baby boo boo boo. And they know it's to them.


No. Daphne's the prettiest girl that's ever walked the planet. I told her about 100.


I told her every day, which is one day.


One day. I told her once an hour.


So do you want to apologize to me?


I do. I sent a formal apology to Hannah and Sierra, but you really deserve a bigger one, because from the moment I've met you, you've been like, you're a cat. You would love a cat. And I went from like, you're insane to being like, I got a cat. I need another one. I'm like, but if Daphne does feel a little lonely, well, that's what happens.


People will be like, I think my cat's lonely. Some cats don't fuck with other cats. And just. They're just obsessed with you. And I feel like you do not need two cats.


I don't need to.


I love how this is the conversation. It's turned to, how many cats should.


I definitely don't need two cats because there's some man on the Internet somewhere being like, see, she's just gonna be an old cat lady. And I'm like, hopefully.


Well, think about it.


God willing.


Brooke has a cat. You have a cat. I have a cat. Kate Beckinsale has a cat. Taylor Swift has cats. I feel like it's catgirl summer.


No, it's catgirl summer.


And if you want to adopt a cat from Southampton animal shelter, there's a ton available right now. So get a cat. This is a cat podcast.


This is a cat podcast. And we'll see you next week.




Housekeeping. Oh, I have an espresso drink. That's so freaking good.


You didn't tell me anything about this.


Sorry. I have an espresso drink. Okay, so basically, it's like. Like coffee.






You know, I fuck with hazelnut.


So it's kind of, like, giving, like, a little bit of a nutella vibe. Hazelnut. And then just, like, chocolate syrup. No, I forgot.


Wait, did you, like, try a bunch of different flavors?


So when I moved into my new apartment, I was like, I drink espresso now. Like, she lives on the Upper west side. She has espresso.




So I started, like, making them, and, like, my assistant would, like, come every morning, and we would, like. That was, like, what we looked forward to in the morning. Like, making coffee? Yes, basically. And I'm a barista, and so then nespresso came to me, and I was like, I actually already know what I would want my drink to be, and now we have it. So until August 15. And you can get a free one.


It's available now.


Yeah, if you go into the store.


Did you send me any?


I did. Well, it's iced coffee. How am I gonna send it to you?


Oh, you have to make it in the thing.


You have to make it.


No, but that's so fun.


At the Nespresso stores. They have them.


By the way, Paige sent me flowers because you're really good at that.


You know, I actually didn't send you flowers because I have, like, the most gorgeous flower shop across from my apartment. So I went and got them, and then I made my assistant bring them to your apartment.


You grew flowers? Picked them, nurtured them. She did knock on my door, and I was like, did I order indian food again? And then she opened the door, and.


I was like, oh, yeah. And I. That was. I went to the CV's on the corner, got that cardinal wrote it, and then I said, I need you to personally deliver this to Hannah, because I knew if I brought something to your special, it would have been left there. Oh, to the party.


Yeah. So everyone stream the special at least one more time tonight. It means the world to me. I love you guys so much, and thank you for all your fucking kind words. Also, have you seen the repost? Everyone has the cutest animals and the cutest little tv setups, like, wall art. And, like, everyone has the cutest little living rooms. For what? That they're posting when they watch the special.


Oh, I was like, for.


I feel like I'm on an HGTV show of, like, how to decorate your tv.


No, that was good esthetics.


And the girls are going up, or they're, like, eating macaroni or tacos. Honestly, I'm very entertained by all the stories. Keep tagging me. Our book is available, and we love you guys.


And subscribe to the newsletter. I'm gonna put Daphne's photos in the newsletter because she's just not ready for social media yet.


I kind of love.


Yeah, she's a giggler thing for right now.




So I'm going to put exclusive photos in the newsletter.


She's our only fans. Love you guys. Bye.