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Hello, this is the global news podcast from the BBC World Service with reports and Analysis from across the world. The latest news 7 days a week BBC World Service Podcast advertising. This is the global news podcast from the BBC World Service.


I know I'm overcome way in this Edition is published in the early hours of Thursday the 11th of March one of the biggest Financial rescue packages in history gets the Green Knight in the US. We have pro-democracy campaign Myanmar help elderly people escaped a police raid in the former Brazilian leader Lewiston as you let yourself with his back, will he challenged the current president?.


Also in the podcast.


The first time ever we hear the sound of lasers being fun on another planet.


The Grimsley titled American Rescue plan, which is now part of the House of Representatives comes in at the wapping 1.9 trillion dollars. When added to the funding approved during the Trump Administration. It means the US Financial response to the pandemic is costing more than 5 trillion dollars equivalent to about a quarter and you'll u.s. GDP. But according to President Biden it is essential this bill represents historic historic victory for the American people and look forward to signing it later this week everything in the American Rescue plan addresses a real nice good Investments to find her anti-vaccination effort more vaccines more vaccinators and more vaccinations sites Millions.


More Americans will get tested including home. Testing schools will soon have the funding and resources reopened safely on National imperative together. We're going to get through this pandemic.


And I sure and a healthier and more hopeful future. So there is real reason for Hope folks is real reason for hope I promise you. Republicans have booked it would cost and voted against the building by the Senate and the House of Representatives House minority leader. Kevin McCarthy said the Democrats were using the package to introduce a quote very liberal agenda some of which predated the pandemic even house.


Embarrassed by what is in it.


I just this week one of their own member said there is no question. There's some waste in there, but they'll still vote for it. Anyways and Maxine distribution as well as one of payments of $1,400 for most Americans. I had more for my correspondence Gary O'Donoghue inside Congress is pretty wide-ranging beyond the shoe bench quite a lot of the the elements in it that's going to be around a third of a trillion dollars Uso gang to individual states and localities to try and help them put that finances right off the panda me.


That's one of the very controversial elements. The Republicans didn't like one little bit as though so the unemployment insurance Provisions that will give you an extra $300 a week until September for people drawing unemployment insurance and the current Arrangements run out to the weekend. So this is pretty timely for them to provide.


The money to schools that don't sound quite a lot of money in here a couple of hundred billion dollars going towards tax credits for poor households. And they are quite wide-ranging to Administration is suggesting. I will see where this x Albert suggesting that it will cop child poverty and 1/2 which is an enormous playing really quite interesting the public seems to like it and yet Republicans completely opposed send it and I think there's some reasons for this is politics in some ways getting back to normal. This is trying to read re-establish some ground is the soda policy of physical probity despite the fact that she had a presided over around four trillion dollars worth of spending during the pandemic themselves who said it was the tax bill before that increase the deficit to a trillion dollars.


America's national debt is 28 trillion dollars, which is substantially more than a hundred percent of GDP before they have to face the electrical safety. I think in some ways this was something they were always going to do at the beginning of a Biden presidency to try and actually, you know prove by Pabst Administration. They won't get any credit for getting any bypass sensor pull and I was reading it to the Democrats are Keen to sell this package and they don't want to repeat the mistakes. They think they made during the Obama administration were they had a similar kind of deal?.


Chemicals that was in response to the financial crisis in 2018. There's a huge amounts of spending back then they the top legislation cetera. And that was sort of in some ways. It's what time do the coffee review the national tour on Air Force One selling the benefits of of this package promotes against people look at the poles. He'll be talking to an audience that that is already persuaded about in large pot even significant numbers Republicans hell in Washington.


In recent days and weeks the armed forces in Myanmar have tried a range of tactics to try to quell opposition to the coup more than 60 protest has to be shot dead and many hundreds detained now soldiers have been expelling the families of Railway workers from that state and accommodation to try to break a general strike this activist to country named for that own safety helped some of those wackos escape from soldiers of the compound in the main city Yangon my colleague Matthew Andretti what I asked him how scared they were.


The people was so frightened me at the first of all they know what they have to leave as soon as possible there were others who can't even walk so we have to move down with her not Weezer.


Ain't they were so scared that they don't know what to do. If you've been protecting virtually every day and every day the situation looks to the outside world like it is getting more and more dangerous with li-fi with regular arrest overnight. Do you still go out and protest?.


We we want to let the whole country know what the truth is many people especially the people from rural areas or brainwashed into believing military Haunter is Justice. We are fighting for our future and or lice. That's what they want. But that's what we want to know them. So that's why we are protecting everyday. It's we want people to be United. It's been going on for almost 6 weeks now almost immediately after the military coup people that are on the ground with pleading with the outside world to intervene to help has actually happened.


Does it feel to you that fit in a sentient being.


It just it's been 6 weeks are on the international government center trying to get back to hop up yesterday. We heard about the United Nations security Council be able to come down to two. That was really hurt for us. Then I'll most of us probably all of that were expecting from the United Nations International governments. We need your help right now, talking to the BBC after failing to agree statements on Tuesday. The UN Security Council has now cool down the Army in Myanmar to show restraint but China and Russia in Asia correspondent.


Jonathan head is in Bangkok and has been monitoring the situation in Myanmar. It's difficult to come up with any other word for.


Terrorizing neighborhood for those who try to capture as many people as possible. We've got around 2,000 people now to tell you since the coup as we speak, they're running confrontations going on in two hotspots in Yangon and North Oak Township and also in San Chong weather Seabrook Place a couple of nights ago. It looks like the military and police are trying to go in and arrest people and they're being confronted by local residents die trying to dismantle barriers to see this guy all day off today and you were wondering which side will become exhausted first, but the gradual ramping off of violence will have to take its toll.


I'm sure the mother-tree of calculating they more violence they inflict on people the movie commence them with these 90 raise the more likely it is that some people will just say we've had enough we can't go on any of the language we seen the police use and the Army the way they've treated people they've captured I'm always saying the police some early execute one man. They courts in front of the distance. We seen them beat people.


Redfli, I'm in a way where they must have been awfully injured and we simply don't know what's going on Behind the Walls where these people are being detained, but we are getting steadily increasing number of people who are going into into detention and their families are being told to come and pick up that bodies the next day and that kind of environment. It's inevitable. Some people will resist but of course, it's very difficult for either the police or military to resist those who do a punished very severely enough time is a punished too.


So, I don't expect we'll see that many defections spread through North Africa and the Middle East the Arab Spring as it became known eventually reach Syria with huge crowds taking to the streets calling for change, but after 10 years of conflict hundreds of thousands of people dead president Bashar al-assad remains in power in Damascus and the dream of democracy that seems as far away as ever responded Lina sinjab herself.


Assyrian has been speaking to some of the women she met in the early days if you're out Rising.


In March 2011 process calling for Freedom spread across Syria.


The government led by Bashar al-assad the clampdown would ever increasing violence.




It's sort of a civil war more than half a million dead Millions more forced to flee among them 40 year old has that he has to do in Beirut Lebanon. She stopped in front of a half-completed canvas scattered around her are pieces that depict Syria as she remembers it mean when I arrive to Lebanon I decide to draw and to explain what's happening in Syria During the Revolution and it was very hard like a decision and then promise between me and the revolution that I was going to make the artwork and they were going to tell the story is her activism.


And the reason why she was arrested she Drew graffiti on the walls of homes a message of resistance against the government. Its forces had besieged the city starving people in surrender.


So I drove a woman with her children and we wrote on the wall. I wrote I don't or we will back she was imprisoned. You know, they don't want people like us to stay in Syria. We are more dangerous than the weapon.


Striking black and white etching stores for women on the floor close holding each other. Well, this is the moment when we were inside that security brush. So we feel very fear at this moment and we like crowded together as I says not knowing what happened to The Other Woman activist. She met in prison still haunts her.


The Syrian word for smaller than 6 million people to leave but many syrians still live in fear inside the country. One of them is Tema a 35 year-old mother of one child and a translator. She lives in Damascus and also took part in the protest in 2011, like for millions of others life is hard for her nearly 90% of the population live in poverty people Q4 up to 8 hours Delta planer bread ration, the seven or eight hours a day to get some bread this evening of people's dreams and interest have been marked by the suffocating details.


It's made people helpless and dysfunctional. We are enslaved. We are enslaved to get what we need.


Cambiar brasabana.


What attaches to the ruling in the mosque is over the Detroit Country it maybe Generations before the likes of eyes that I hadn't seen her see this area. They dream of.


They not send job reporting tanzania's main opposition leader tundu lissu as claimed that the country's President John magufuli is critically ill in hospital in neighbouring Kenya with covid-19 play down. The stretch of coronavirus hasn't been seen in public from us 2 weeks speaking to the BBC from Exile and Belgium. Mr. Li's. You said the government's refusal to comment on the president's Health was irresponsible and damaging that he was seriously ill and there a VA hospital with coronavirus and it suffered a cardiac arrest the baby. She has not been able to independently confirm this that has been no official response from the government, which is warned against publishing.


I'm verified information about the time. Is it in leader in the Ruby Hospital also said it could not comment president magufuli was last seen at an official event in the city of Dora.


Alarm on the 27th of February 10th, Alyssa, you told the BBC that the government silence was fueling rumors out in the health and well-being of the presidents was not A Private Matter president make after she has courted controversy over his approach to covid-19 hidup had tons and it was free from the virus. Last June has promoted Hubble treatments steam inhalation and prized ways of tackling it and rejected vaccine program the sound of a laser being fired on another planet been worried. It's north War breaking out on Monster laser was fined by an instruments on NASA's perseverance regular which landed on the Red Planet 3 weeks ago American space agency says that by listening through an on-board microphone with such as additional insights into Martian rocks that supports my science correspondent Jonathan Davis.


Granted it's not the most exciting sound but they stuck on toe pumps were recorded a hundred and fifty million miles from Earth on Mars NASA's new perseverance Rover has a laser that will fire up rocks of the distance and determine what band made of its critical information is the robot goes about its mission to search for signs of ancient life on the red planet. But while the laser will reveal chemical composition the rest of the details about the physical properties that scientists want and that's why the road was microphone comes in the zapping noise will be different depending on the hardness of rocks.


For example chokin marble may be chemically the same but they're very different to the touch since the first surface missions in the 1970s with bench and thousands of still images of Mars. But perseverance is bringing us a new multimedia experience with short videos and sounds like that of the wind which almost make us believe we could be that.


Jonathan Amos for voting.


I'm still to come on the podcast remember this sound.


Adventure of the audio cassette new Austin's has died at the age of 94.


Two days off of his corruption convictions were over tons. The former president of Brazil has returned to the political stage. Assuming the decision by Supreme Court Judge to know the buttocks isn't reversed the popular left-wing lead-up will be able to run for office in 2022 most likely setting up a divisive battle with the card nationalist presidential have also all right in a passionate speech Luna wasted no time in blasting his Rivals handling of the pandemic so they don't follow any imbecile decision by the presidents were the health Minister get vaccinated get vaccinated because it's one of the things that can free us from covid-19.


Living through the worst moment of this crisis right now and during his speech. He took every opportunity to put himself as the antithesis of Wilson are praising Science And scientists defending the freedom of press arguing that result doesn't need more guns on the heads up, I'm Brazilian so on and so on citywoods, what do you expect? He didn't he said it is too early to think about 2022 when the presidential elections will be held here in Brazil, but we can definitely say that he spoke like a candidate that he used this conciliatory tone highlighting.


He was not angry even though he felt he was a victim of political persecution and he even said people shouldn't be scared of him and his left-wing ideology arguing. He's radical only because he wants to get to the roots of Brazil's problems. And if we had any reaction to the space show the public oil from the.


Oh, yes men, since I'm off work, the speech was criticised by the bright Sand by bolsonaro supporters who to the corruption cases linked to the workers party as for the left. They are somewhat divided some believe Lula should step down and make way for new leadership because his name even those two very popular also carries High rejection was part of the constituents whilst others are thrilled that Lily regain his political rice and things that he's up to the task to run against Wilson Auto and when it come out on top.


Well written poll released actually a few days ago point out that Lula could win if elections held right now with 50% off the boat, but we know that a lot can change on the current scenario until we get to 2022 that's valid for most countries and specially for Brazil in the past couple of hours Brazil has announced yet another record number of daily covid-19.


Sports now from Chuck Sarah south of Kampala.


Frustration hopelessness there about 30 people at this meeting and each one is missing at least one family member on the night of January 8th, 2021 and masked man in police uniforms descended on Kissimmee The Village just outside of each other a town. They went from house to house corrino terrorist 18 young men while taking that night and none of them has been seen or heard from since they did not a sweater and a husband Ronald Malanga heard a loud bang going to do at around 3 a.m. That my husband open up.


He said he couldn't open without knowing who was on the other side the band on the do they say they were police Irish. Do they do told him to get dressed the only managed to get trousers on the door flung open and one of the men push that.


And to my ribs and told me to get out of the way, they drugged movie out and threw them down in the draft beating him. She arrived at the police station in the morning and found friends and neighbors. Also waiting there with similar stories many of those arrested across the country. I said to have been supporters of popular politician robot stronger than you known as bobi wine by the national Unity platform has published a list of 423 of his supporters who they say was supposedly disappeared.


The security Personnel that came to join to Anna's house got through the metal door at the front. No king of some of the looks no king of a beat of the war on the side of a door that glass windows cracked and crashed to the ground is also a hole in the ceiling the vs. They broke into the ceiling as part of their search after John had been taken the next morning friends and relatives who came to his house found a pool of blood on the floor of his bedroom last week that many stuff.


We Internal Affairs General JJ, we don't go presented to Parliament a list of names of 176 people in Ministry detention, but activists believe the figure to be much higher none of those missing from Jodha whose families. We spoke to Aaron. List the minister told Parliament that investigations will continue but admitted to the BBC that's the security forces are at 4.


The acts that were being allergic to have been performed could easily have been performed by official operating but who acted in a manner that is not permissible Bi-Lo. That's why I pulled you over zilla's when you do not get the privilege to exercise the velocities In the Heat of the Moment and Men of these cases have occurred in that Amanda was no time to say I am so and so I am arresting you for these in the middle of operation by the government to crack down on the opposition for hundreds of relatives of the Disappeared across the country the actions of the security agencies during these months have left lifelong scars.


Patient reporting from Uganda has highest number of new coronavirus cases in more than three months in the past 24 hours Health officials. Say the third wave to hit the country is accelerating with more people ending up in hospital cases of ulcer Rising among some of Poland's Neighbors from Wausau Adam Easton reports. The number of new cases has the highest since late November just after the second wave peaked in the past week new daily infections have risen by 10% and deaths by almost 30% restaurants cafes in schools about from for the youngest pupils remain closed and heightened Regional restrictions of being introduced new cases are expected to rise throughout the month was hoping to celebrate Easter with their extended family may be disappointed for a second year running.


Hungary's third wave is its most serious surpassing the previous peak in December? I'm good by vaccine Supply delay.


Hungry and so lucky I have decided to use Russian Sputnik 5 job. Although it hasn't been approved by the EU the 10th president has goal for the dismissal of the country's Health Minister and another senior official saying that decision to block the Russian vaccine was costing Lives who creates his invention sold hundreds of millions of copies and transform the way music with listen to tum Horrigan looks like it is life. But that case these sounds heard in homes across the world. Thanks to The Waltons. He was working at B-Dubs electronics company Phillips when he was honest to come up with a replacement of a huge reel to reel tape machines that fill the coolant isn't he designed the Prototype until his new type was small enough to fit in his pocket because that was launched in 1963.


It's a huge Acclaim online coupon.


Wrinkle wish you could rewind it without moving a fiddly needle and you could record over it. You are 20 years later for the first time people could listen to music on the move as well as it home. But little since was modest about his invention commentry cool cassette produced by the independent filmmaker, which ultimately led to the decline. He replies who am I to say I'm open million. See that's how old is.


Tom Horgan on live Austin sees died at the age of 94.


Has become an understandable Obsession during the pandemic now several hotels in China a trial in technology to make sure rigorous hygiene standards are maintained it schools to start on social media because it involves microchips in hotel room furniture and even bed sheets. I'll try not to be cold Hangzhou in the east of China and this project involves supervising how clean hotel rooms are using Smart Technologies. So cleaning tools and bed frames of being installed with an electronic chip this registered if they're being used correctly. So they're sick and chips on certain tools and if a cloth has been used on say the toilet and then it's used in another area that will be a warning sound and the global Times newspaper says that this day so we'll be kept on record.


That's a lot of debate about this obviously has received some Christians in the cleanest who are on a low pay to find themselves under increased.


Anyone that doing the work on some people in Chinese social media say they feel nervous about staying in a hotel room that use this technology because of their own concerns about privacy will surveillance. How do we know as well? Technology comes sometimes go wrong? Some people think that in principle fisstech is a good thing. They think it could be used to ensure that hotels. It's safe and clean and Twitter is pretty much free at the coronavirus. It would mean the quarantine hotels have a system in place.


That means that they can stay clean and covid-19 doesn't react to the country version of the global news podcast later sedation was produced by Daniel man and mix by Mike Conway until next time. Goodbye.


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