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Hi, guys. It's Tony Robbins. You're listening to Habits & Hustle. Fresh it.


Hey, friends. You're listening to Fitness Friday on the Habits & Hustle podcast, where myself and my friends share quick and very actionable advice for you becoming your healthiest self. So stay tuned and let me know how you leveled up. Before Before we dive into today's episode, I first want to thank our sponsor, Therisage. Their Trilight Panel has become my favorite biohacking thing for healing my body. It's a portable red light panel that I simply cannot live without. I literally bring it with me everywhere I go, and I personally use their red light therapy to help reduce inflammations in places in my body where, honestly, I have pain. You can use it on a sore back, stomach cramps, shoulder, ankle. Red light therapy is my go-to. Plus, it also has amazing anti-aging benefits, including reducing signs of fine lines and wrinkles on your face, which I also use it for. I personally use their Asage highlight everywhere and all the time. It's small, it's affordable, it's portable, and it's really effective. Head over to therassage. Com right now and use code B BOLD for 15% off. This code will work site-wide. Again, head over to therasage, T-H-H-E-R-A-S-A-G-E.


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It's not about what diet you're following. It's about, again, what I said, and that's why if I were sitting where you were and you were interviewing me, I would say that it does make a difference about the amount you eat and what you eat, is what I would say. Not necessarily the time you're eating it and all that other stuff that goes with it. Yeah.


All of the time you're eating it has... Bodybuilders do multiple meals. Right.


What I'm saying the time, if you don't eat until noon or whatever I'm saying. I think those are also based on your body can't break down food. Exactly. We over eat, and therefore we're stuck with all this food in us because we're not digesting it because we're eating so much of it. Having enough time to digest your food is really good for your system.


Yeah. It's interesting because to bring the conversation full circle, that's intermittent fasting is part of where you get the whole calories and calories as an idea because it's like, Oh, I'm going to take my calories. I'm going I take all my calories in two meals, based in whatever it is, four hours, right? Yeah, four.


I think eight is the beginning. I think eight for beginners or most people.


Yeah, I believe it's eight. And so that gets reduced to calories in. I think calories in, calories out was a very mean... It's a well-meaning idea. And it was basically the way people are telling you to eat is so complicated. So it's like, let's just reduce it to this. But then we get so reductive with it that it becomes counterproductive in a somewhere.


How about... Not about this. What's the best way to eat if we want to build muscle and lose fat and just feel better and look better. What would be in your opinion?


I would say you want to have four meals a day, and each meal, you want to aim for 20 grams of protein, and try to get this from a natural source. Make sure to get something green on your plate, and then get three to four ounces of a carb. And if you do that, and then you want to ideally have some water on the side. And if you do that-Not some water.


I have this water. Blk BLK water.


Blk water. And BLK water is actually perfect. I think if you do that, it checks a lot of boxes. And again, there's a variety in there because your 20 grams of protein can be eggs or chicken or fish. And your green vegetable can be something different every time. You're checking a lot of boxes in terms of getting fiber in your system, which is really good. You're checking a lot of boxes with the protein, which your body needs.


We're not eating enough fiber, though, as as a society. How do we... I mean, we should up that for sure.


Yeah, I think it's interesting because I think we've come a long way in the fiber conversation. And it's funny because I love white rice. Which is... I can't remember.


I know. You've had it five times since we've been here.


To be fair, I don't know if they have brown rice. They probably have brown rice. I probably could ask for it. I've enjoyed just getting away from brown rice. By the way, white rice is supposed to be better than brown rice.


Did you I know that?


I haven't heard this.


You should Google it. You should do a story on it. I heard that there's a whole myth about brown rice versus white rice. I don't remember what the myth exactly is. I can Google it right now and tell you. But I had someone on here recently who told me about this, and it's pretty amazing, actually. I'm going to Google it. White rice versus brown rice. I was a brown rice person, too.


I have heard the thing that brown rice is overrated compared to white rice. It's not markedly better.


It's not markedly better. It's not.


Yeah, white rice tastes so much better, too. I'm also Asian, so I'm like- I know.


Well, I was going to say, you're naturally going to probably live to 177 because of just all the rice you're eating. But hold on, brown rice versus white rice. If you look at the breakdown, it's actually the fiber content in brown rice is minusculely higher. But yeah, it's basically a little bit higher, between one gram and two grams more fiber. I'm not finding it properly right now. I'm going to look it up and then get back to you on But from what I heard, it's not that much different. White rice is... See, again, there's another... I think what happens is something gets traction, and then everyone just follows that. That's going to be happening right now. I heard something about white rice, and now I'm following that whole thing. So don't take my word for it. I think I could have sworn I heard someone mention that to me, and they were a leading nutritionist. I'm trying to find that information.


But that's That's, again, why I'm big into... It's like if you loosely follow... If everybody loosely followed what I'm saying, they're covered. But choose your own carb. Don't let the Internet choose it for you. Choose your own mixed vegetable.


Like a sweet potato versus a white potato.


It's like- Like a russet potato. Yeah. It's like at a high level, if you're planning to try out for the Olympics- Or like a competition or something.


Exactly. Exactly. Then that matters. For the average person who wants to look a little bit more lean and healthy and fit, have white rice or brown rice. It's so nominally different. It doesn't make a difference. Okay, let's talk about aging and muscle. How do we do this and do it well? Because we do break down more muscle as we age. How do we...


That's interesting because the older we get, the more precise we have to get with all this stuff, the healthier we have to eat. Building muscle when we're older, I believe after 40, especially for men, sarcopenia becomes a major issue. I think the two things we want to do, or there are three things we want to do. First off, and this is one of those things we're told by modern fitness, is you've got to do the big exercises. You have to lift heavy. And older people should definitely try to lift heavy. I think every human on the planet should work up to being able to deadlift their body weight plus at least 50 pounds. And that's not unattainable. And you have to take your time to work out there. So I think older people shouldn't be afraid to lift heavy. They should do that at least twice a week.


When you say heavy, though, the fear is that, especially as you get older, you're going to put your back out, or you're going to injure your sofa injury prevention. So you're saying that shouldn't be something that we focus on?


Yeah, I think two things. One, I think for a lot of-Do challenging stuff, go ahead. Yeah, it's mainly challenge yourself. Again, working up to that heavy part, working up to, say, your body weight plus 50 pounds on a deadlift, you You might want a trainer for that. You want somebody around who can help you master your form, or you want to watch a clinic I'll give on the deadlift online with you in three weeks. But I just think don't be afraid of heavier weights. The key is the rep scheme. It's like you learn with legger weights how to get your form down. But then you've got... At some point, you want to challenge yourself. And you're going to keep the reps low. You're going to do one or two reps, and that's fine. I think a lot of people get caught up in, again, more work. So it's like, Oh, I'm going to do sets of 12 and 15 reps. I'm going to tone. Except toning really doesn't... Toning doesn't really exist, right?


And it's like, again-Don't talk about that. I think people don't... You and I may think that, but most people don't realize that. So why don't you talk about that? This whole toning myth. That's a myth.


Yeah. I honestly I barely even know what the word means, right? It's funny because when you read-Women's magazines. Do women's magazine say it?


I don't read that. That's all they say. It's like, tone your upper body, toning your arms. The word tone or toning is synonymous with abs. You know what I mean? It's a very common word.


It's interesting because we literally... I'm actually trying to think back to the last time I used it in men's health. I've been in men's health for four and a half years now. And the answer is never.


Because women use the word toning. I don't think men ever use the word toning.


Yeah, I think it's almost I feel like it got caught up in societal because of that whole, Oh, well, we can't say build muscle to women, and bulking feeds them out. So here, we're going to It's not going to get them lifting weights because it's going to tone them, whatever. I honestly don't know what the word means.


It means, again, the opposite of flabby would be toned, I guess. I don't know. This is exactly my point. That's why I wanted to talk to you and have you on. It's because I think so much of everything is all marketing and branding. It's not necessarily accurate or true. It's just what we've been conditioned to think because we see it and hear about it all the time, and especially with social media. And every ding-dong now on social media is a fitness expert, which is a problem because most people are getting paid for everything that they're doing, or they have no clue what they're doing. So either option is terrible. So having someone who's a trusted resource, like you, who actually takes it super seriously and learns about this constantly is, I think, a really important thing to talk about because you get analysis, paralysis, and overwhelmed at all the different information that's out there.


Yeah. I think that is what it... Yeah, you're right. It is so much marketing and spin, and it gets confusing for people.


That's why I-I'm confused. This is what I do for a living, practically. You know what I mean? I don't even know anymore. I'm like, I don't know, maybe that. Maybe Coming up, the brown rice, white rice thing. I'm even confused because I'm like, Okay, well, this trusted resource told me, and then I look, and now I can't find it. But then I'm sure if I don't have the time, right this second. But if you dig around long enough for anything, you can back up that resource, right?


Yeah, exactly. Because the Internet is a treasure trove of confirmation bias, which is really cool.


Exactly. Yeah.


It's in toning. But I think toning It's like, toning is the woman way. And don't take that the wrong way. How rude.


Get off my podcast. I'm just joking.


It sounds like it's in all the women's magazine. It is. Because I feel like guys try to cut, rip, shred. It's basically the equivalent to that.


It is. Cut, rip, so for guys, it's cut, rip, shred, build. Yeah. Women, it's tone.


What else?


Chisel, maybe.


It's mostly just tone, isn't it? Tone.


Tone. Tone or burn?




Burn is a big one.




Like burn fat, tone your midsection. Yeah.


The guy terms, if you will, are just edgier versions. Yes.


But the men's magazines do have way better workouts that are more effective. I will say that. That's why I have you here today, because the truth of the matter is I do know enough to know that women are shown and taught to be lifting very lightweight or no weight, and they believe that's actually going to get them to their goal. When the truth of the matter is, you do need to lift heavy and heavier and challenge yourself because that's how you get results.


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