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Hi, guys.


It's Tony Robbins. You're listening to habits and hustle. Crush it.


Your very special Monday, because we never do it like this. We never really do zoom.


So thank you for doing that. I appreciate it.


No, it's my pleasure. It's my pleasure. I think you're fantastic. I love your music. I'm a big fan of yours. And I went to see you in LA. I think it was a few, I guess by now, probably a month ago. That's right. Right. And you are so good.


Thank you.


You're so welcome. Do you do podcasts a lot? Because I was, like, when I was googling around to see, you know, some stuff on you. There hasn't been very many.


No, I've only done a few.


You've only done a few? Okay. So I feel very honored to have you. So thank you for joining us today.




Well, where to begin? Let's start with, like, you know, maybe my lot of my audience may or may not be very familiar with you, so let's just start with just saying who you are. You are an exceptional artist who blends reggae, hip hop, rock, and very inspiring music. Very spiritual, exceptionally talented. Your name is obviously Matus. Yahoo. Where did you even get that name? Was that like a nickname when you were a child? What was. How did that kind of even start?


That was my name in hebrew school because my english name is Matthew. And so that's just what they said, like, okay, Matthew is Matzet. Yahoo.


Are you. Can I just ask you, because I know that you were an orthodox jew and you, did you leave it and come back? Are you still an orthodox jew?


Yeah, I wasn't raised orthodox, and then I became orthodox when I was, like, 20 or 21 and was, like, hasidic for maybe 1012 years and then kind of, like, became, I guess, not religious. And. Yeah, so I'm no longer religious.


You're not at all?


Not like, maybe it becomes like, you know, question, what is religious? What is religion? And all of those things, but with just. Just, you know, just, it's like, pretty, pretty. Like, I don't, like, believe that. I don't believe in, like, any dogmas, and I don't. I, like, I love aspects of tradition and spirituality and blah, blah, blah and Judaism and all of that, but I don't. I don't ascribe to the idea that, like, that there's, like, a. Something that, like, specific that God really wants from us.


That's so interesting because, like you said, you weren't born an orthodox Jew, but you're but is that called batshuva?




When you become Baal Shuva, what made you change after becoming an orthodox jew? What made you reverse back to or become. Would you say you're atheist now? Then what would be your.


No, I'm not atheist. Like, I believe in God, but I just don't believe that. I don't. I don't really believe in, like, if. I guess if you're religious, you believe that. Like, if you're a religious jew, for example, you believe that the Torah was given to Moses on Mount Sinai, and you believe that the rabbis, the original rabbis who made, like, laws around that Torah, you ascribe to those particular rules. And so that's what I don't necessarily believe. When I say that I don't believe, like, God wants something from us, I don't mean that he doesn't want something. I mean, but I think that it's a. It's up for grabs, it's up for interpretation. Always, when it comes to God, it's like, you know, what does God want? Does he want. Does he not want. Is it he, is it she? Is it, like all these very ethereal questions, but when you bring them down into the practicality of religion and they're like, they're basically rules that are, you know, just there. Whatever laws and such, you know, that's where I kind of, like, don't. I believe that there's, like, a discord between, like, man and God, and that's specifically what religion comes to try to do, is, like, make that connection between man and God through, mainly through laws and rules.


Was there, like, was there, like, a particular incident that kind of happened in your life that made you that kind of gave you that evolution where you wanted to go back or stop practicing to that level? Or is it just, like, an overall evolution and lots of little things happen?


Yeah, my life has been, like, evolution and every. Every aspect in every stage of it from the time I was a teenager. my 13 year old is like, you know, just going through what 13 year old, I guess boys and girls go through just all the emotional stuff.It's like, that's pretty. That's a lot. But he's kind of the middle child, so. And then I have a four and a two year old and. Yeah, so I have all that and then.Oh, my God.And, like, yeah, so I tore my, like, Acl in my mediscus on, like, the third day of the tour, and I just haven't had time to go to a doctor. So, like, so I've been, like, hobbling around for six months.Are you joking me right now? Oh, my God. Let me help you let me. Okay. First of all, there's lots of stuff here. I mean, I can unpack.No, no, no. I'm good. I don't need help. Actually, you don't.It sounds like you're pretty. It sounds like you have a couple. You got a lot. A lot on your hand. So you have six kids. Does that mean you have two that live in Israel? Because I heard that some live.My 18 year old lives in Israel. And then I have a ten year old daughter of thing back, you know, that was a struggle for me, and I got through it and, you know, I'm not perfect. I'm not like, you know. You know where I was in, say, 2000? What was that, 2014? Maybe 14, something like that. But I have a family and, like, incredible relationship with my wife, and I feel like I'm a really fucking kick ass dad, so. And trying to handle my business and be, like, inspiration for jewish people and make good. Fucking. Make good fucking music at the same time. So, yeah, I mean, I feel like I'm doing all right, but you're very likable.I have not perfect, by the way. Nobody is perfect. And what makes you so perfect is your imperfections. Because what's so. Honestly, I was going to say you're very likable. I mean, you're so honest, and I love that. Like, you know, you come. People come on these things a lot, and they say what they're supposed to say, and there's a lot of, like, pop and circumstance, you know, and you can see it and you can feel it. I think part of your charm and your success, honestly, is that, like, you kind of wear your heart on your sleeve and people, you know, you can feel your honesty. I think it's a really nice thing.Thank you. Thank you. That's awesome. I mean, that means a lot to me because that's definitely. Someone said that to me recently, especially, like, in Israel, they don't. They don't, because they don't. They're used to, like, people, like, you present yourself a certain way, like, yeah. And I'm like, the opposite of that. And people are always like, how is this gonna work? Yeah. People walk away feeling usually like, some kind of feeling of, like they were like some. They got something good, like a good meal.I feel that way. Like, I'm actually kind of sad because I actually genuinely like you. I'm like, am I ever going to see you again? Because I thought. I actually thought you lived in LA.Yeah, I'm coming back. I'm coming back for the Jewish Film Festival on June 24. And I'm going to be coming to LA, I think, on the 20th for a few days to work on some music. And so I'll be hanging out. Let's hang out. Let's do something.Let's get coffee, and we'll do like a collaboration. I actually have something I want you to come to that I think you'd be amazing for. It's in New York. It's through. I'm going to tell you after this podcast, I think that you would be like. Like I said, I think you'd be great at it. And wait, I'm just so. I have to say, I just really like you. You're so likable.Thank you. You know, GQ in like 2000, 2006 had me listed as America's most lovable oddball.Really?Yes.This interview, I'm going to wrap it. This is with Matsusiahu, who is so darling. Tell everybody where they can find you on this podcast. If you don't know who he is, just tell us. Tell them your handle.And then like, oh, it's Matesiagu, which is m a t I s y a h u. Matus. Yahoo. One word. Instagram.He's amazing. Thank you so much for being on this podcast. We're actually for sure doing a part two when you're in LA, but thank you.You're welcome.


my 13 year old is like, you know, just going through what 13 year old, I guess boys and girls go through just all the emotional stuff.


It's like, that's pretty. That's a lot. But he's kind of the middle child, so. And then I have a four and a two year old and. Yeah, so I have all that and then.


Oh, my God.


And, like, yeah, so I tore my, like, Acl in my mediscus on, like, the third day of the tour, and I just haven't had time to go to a doctor. So, like, so I've been, like, hobbling around for six months.


Are you joking me right now? Oh, my God. Let me help you let me. Okay. First of all, there's lots of stuff here. I mean, I can unpack.


No, no, no. I'm good. I don't need help. Actually, you don't.


It sounds like you're pretty. It sounds like you have a couple. You got a lot. A lot on your hand. So you have six kids. Does that mean you have two that live in Israel? Because I heard that some live.


My 18 year old lives in Israel. And then I have a ten year old daughter of thing back, you know, that was a struggle for me, and I got through it and, you know, I'm not perfect. I'm not like, you know. You know where I was in, say, 2000? What was that, 2014? Maybe 14, something like that. But I have a family and, like, incredible relationship with my wife, and I feel like I'm a really fucking kick ass dad, so. And trying to handle my business and be, like, inspiration for jewish people and make good. Fucking. Make good fucking music at the same time. So, yeah, I mean, I feel like I'm doing all right, but you're very likable.I have not perfect, by the way. Nobody is perfect. And what makes you so perfect is your imperfections. Because what's so. Honestly, I was going to say you're very likable. I mean, you're so honest, and I love that. Like, you know, you come. People come on these things a lot, and they say what they're supposed to say, and there's a lot of, like, pop and circumstance, you know, and you can see it and you can feel it. I think part of your charm and your success, honestly, is that, like, you kind of wear your heart on your sleeve and people, you know, you can feel your honesty. I think it's a really nice thing.Thank you. Thank you. That's awesome. I mean, that means a lot to me because that's definitely. Someone said that to me recently, especially, like, in Israel, they don't. They don't, because they don't. They're used to, like, people, like, you present yourself a certain way, like, yeah. And I'm like, the opposite of that. And people are always like, how is this gonna work? Yeah. People walk away feeling usually like, some kind of feeling of, like they were like some. They got something good, like a good meal.I feel that way. Like, I'm actually kind of sad because I actually genuinely like you. I'm like, am I ever going to see you again? Because I thought. I actually thought you lived in LA.Yeah, I'm coming back. I'm coming back for the Jewish Film Festival on June 24. And I'm going to be coming to LA, I think, on the 20th for a few days to work on some music. And so I'll be hanging out. Let's hang out. Let's do something.Let's get coffee, and we'll do like a collaboration. I actually have something I want you to come to that I think you'd be amazing for. It's in New York. It's through. I'm going to tell you after this podcast, I think that you would be like. Like I said, I think you'd be great at it. And wait, I'm just so. I have to say, I just really like you. You're so likable.Thank you. You know, GQ in like 2000, 2006 had me listed as America's most lovable oddball.Really?Yes.This interview, I'm going to wrap it. This is with Matsusiahu, who is so darling. Tell everybody where they can find you on this podcast. If you don't know who he is, just tell us. Tell them your handle.And then like, oh, it's Matesiagu, which is m a t I s y a h u. Matus. Yahoo. One word. Instagram.He's amazing. Thank you so much for being on this podcast. We're actually for sure doing a part two when you're in LA, but thank you.You're welcome.


of thing back, you know, that was a struggle for me, and I got through it and, you know, I'm not perfect. I'm not like, you know. You know where I was in, say, 2000? What was that, 2014? Maybe 14, something like that. But I have a family and, like, incredible relationship with my wife, and I feel like I'm a really fucking kick ass dad, so. And trying to handle my business and be, like, inspiration for jewish people and make good. Fucking. Make good fucking music at the same time. So, yeah, I mean, I feel like I'm doing all right, but you're very likable.


I have not perfect, by the way. Nobody is perfect. And what makes you so perfect is your imperfections. Because what's so. Honestly, I was going to say you're very likable. I mean, you're so honest, and I love that. Like, you know, you come. People come on these things a lot, and they say what they're supposed to say, and there's a lot of, like, pop and circumstance, you know, and you can see it and you can feel it. I think part of your charm and your success, honestly, is that, like, you kind of wear your heart on your sleeve and people, you know, you can feel your honesty. I think it's a really nice thing.


Thank you. Thank you. That's awesome. I mean, that means a lot to me because that's definitely. Someone said that to me recently, especially, like, in Israel, they don't. They don't, because they don't. They're used to, like, people, like, you present yourself a certain way, like, yeah. And I'm like, the opposite of that. And people are always like, how is this gonna work? Yeah. People walk away feeling usually like, some kind of feeling of, like they were like some. They got something good, like a good meal.


I feel that way. Like, I'm actually kind of sad because I actually genuinely like you. I'm like, am I ever going to see you again? Because I thought. I actually thought you lived in LA.


Yeah, I'm coming back. I'm coming back for the Jewish Film Festival on June 24. And I'm going to be coming to LA, I think, on the 20th for a few days to work on some music. And so I'll be hanging out. Let's hang out. Let's do something.


Let's get coffee, and we'll do like a collaboration. I actually have something I want you to come to that I think you'd be amazing for. It's in New York. It's through. I'm going to tell you after this podcast, I think that you would be like. Like I said, I think you'd be great at it. And wait, I'm just so. I have to say, I just really like you. You're so likable.


Thank you. You know, GQ in like 2000, 2006 had me listed as America's most lovable oddball.






This interview, I'm going to wrap it. This is with Matsusiahu, who is so darling. Tell everybody where they can find you on this podcast. If you don't know who he is, just tell us. Tell them your handle.


And then like, oh, it's Matesiagu, which is m a t I s y a h u. Matus. Yahoo. One word. Instagram.


He's amazing. Thank you so much for being on this podcast. We're actually for sure doing a part two when you're in LA, but thank you.


You're welcome.