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Hi, guys. It's Tony Robbins. You're listening to Habits and Hustle. Crush it.


Hey, friends, you're listening to Fitness Friday on the Habits and Hustle podcast, where myself and my friends share quick and very actionable advice for you becoming your healthiest self. So stay tuned and let me know how you leveled Before we dive into today's episode, I first want to thank our sponsor, Therisage.


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When I was in the insurance industry and we would see early onset Alzheimer's patients, not Once in 22 years did I see an early onset Alzheimer's or demented patient, for that matter, that did not have 10 years of elevated blood sugar prior to. Now, there's a lot of clinical studies. You can get them at the National Library Medicine, National Institute of Health and Pubmed, and other big places where you can search journal articles. We're calling Alzheimer's type 3 diabetes, insulin resistance in the brain. The big lie about Alzheimer's is that people are losing their memory. That's actually not true. They're losing access to their memory. Access can be restored. How? Blood flow, hypoxia. I mean, if you look at the neural entanglement in Alzheimer's, we used to say, Well, this is all related to amyloid plaques, but we haven't. We've actually seen brains where entanglements in these amyloid plaquing are significantly more progressive than patients that have Alzheimer's, and they have no exacerbation of the disease. It has to do with blood flow. It has to do with the way the brain communicates with other hemispheres of the brain. When people have a lot of these neuropathic conditions, like Alzheimer's, they'll have periods where they do something It's called sputter.


If you've ever had the misfortune of having a loved one that has Alzheimer's, they'll all of a sudden have this recall of an incident with such a level of clarity. You're like, Wait a second. That was my fifth birthday. You remember the birthday cake, the color of the balloons? Who was there? Totally. You recognize me? So that proves that the memory is not gone. The access to the memory is gone. When we start to reduce blood flow in the body, this is why I say the presence of oxygen is the absence of disease, we get the expression of disease that is not that disease. We get the expression of disease that is not that disease. So for example, if I put a tourniquet around your calf and I restricted the blood flow to your foot, pretty soon you would have to have some serious neurological signs. You'd have tingling, numbness, eventually pain, it would go completely numb. You'd have burning, itching. You'd have all of these neurological sensations. I would say you have peripheral neuropathy. You don't have peripheral neuropathy. You have a decrease in blood flow that's causing you to have peripheral neuropathy symptoms.


This happens in thyroid. Very few physicians that I'm aware of even realize that the thyroid only makes... We diagnose people with hypothyroid because they're low on T3 very often. Really? The thyroid only makes 20% of the T3 in our bloodstream. When T3 is low, and we call it hypothyroid, there's an 80% chance it's something else because the other 80% of the thyroid hormone is methylated in the gut. We actually convert T4 into T3 in the gut. If you don't know if you have a gene mutation that impairs that conversion, then you spend a whole lifetime on thyroid medication for a condition that you don't have. We hold organs in the human body responsible for crimes they don't commit all the time. This is why we have the definition called idiopathic, meaning of unknown origin. Because I say your thyroid is low, but there's nothing wrong with your thyroid, I'm still going to medicate the thyroid. Your blood pressure is high, but there's nothing wrong with your heart, I'm still going to medicate the heart. We do this over and over again because we don't go down into the roots below the soil and we say, what nutrients could be missing from this person's body that could be causing this condition to exist?


Right before we got on this podcast, I told you if you had something go wrong in that tree that's outside that window, and you called an arborist, a botanist over here, they wouldn't touch the leaves or the trunk. The first thing they would do is core test the soil, and they'd say, Hey, that soil is deficient in nitrogen. Then they'd add nitrogen to the soil and the leaf would heal. But we don't think about human beings this way. We go straight to pathology, disease, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, synthetics. The truth is that optimal health will never be found in a laboratory. It will be found on mother earth a lot of entrepreneurs, and they'll tell me their income statement, their balance sheet, their PnL, but they know nothing about their blood sugar. They don't know what vitamins they should be taking. They have no idea what's going on in their jeans. It's astounding to me that this is the temple that's going to take you where you want to go, and we don't spend any time getting information on it.I think the problem, I think it's a little bit even different now. I think the problem is there's too much information, and people are now are confused. I think it's not a lack of information. I think it's an abundance of information. I'll tell you what you need.You need to do a gene test and you need to look at five major genes of methylation. This is a test you do once in your lifetime. You'll never repeat this test. It's called the Genetic Methylation Test or Genetic Methylation Profile. Once you have that information, you'll never guess again on what you need to supplement with. You'll be supplementing for deficiency, not the sake of supplement.Then where do we... Then do you sell the supplements?I also designed my own supplements. It took me two and a half years to design a supplement to fix these genetic breaks. I make multivitamins that are specific to these gene breaks. To gene breaks.Because I want to explain. Basically, you started this company, wellness company, with your wife, Sage. Hello, Sage. It was obviously like you're getting a lot of traction because people were seeing a lot of results, right? And then, how long was it going on for? It's been you left the- Yeah, it was five years.Five years. Five years.So five years, you were just trucking along doing your thing, minding your own business.We were trucking along. We actually sold our primary residence to make payroll and build out this office and hire PAs and physicians because, again, I'm not licensed to practice medicine. And then I train them on the blood testing. I believe there's 74 biomarkers we need to look at in the blood and five genetic markers we need to look at in the body. That's where you start. Seventy-four biomarkers. You look at glycemic control, how well you're controlling your blood sugar, your hormone balance, and your nutrient deficiencies. You need to know those things. You have to know those things so that you can address them. They're very simple, easy things to address, but they're catastrophic if they go unchecked.This That's amazing.I watched what happens when people have no idea what's going on with their blood sugar. They have no idea what nutrient deficients they have, and they don't know what's going on with their hormones. Those three things are a must. Then you get a genetic test that you do once in your lifetime, and you should do it on your kids as soon as they can chew and swallow, because so goes puberty, so goes the adult. If we can get kids in their prepubescent years, there's a much more significant chance that they don't have any of these ailments when they get older.Really? I have an eight-year-old and a 10-year-old.Oh, that's a great to do it. They're both prepubescent.Then I would give them a genetic- You do a cheek swab.I mean, you'll have a different child around the house. If your child has this MTHFR gene mutation, it is a full contact support to get them in the car to go to school in the morning. If you're feeding them anything with folic acid, which, by the way, is an entirely manmade chemical, you can't find folic acid What you're trying to do is increase that amplitude by having the pituitary naturally increase its pulse of growth hormone. I'm a huge fan of I mean, I think peptides is the next rage in anti-aging because there's peptides for healing, there's peptides for anxiety, there's anti-anxiolytic peptides like Solenc, there's healing peptides like BPC-157.We talked about that one. Do you think they work?Oh, I know that they work. I think they're phenomenally effective. Bpc-157, it's a gastric pentadecapeptide. It's synthesized from gastric juice. It's tolerative.


a lot of entrepreneurs, and they'll tell me their income statement, their balance sheet, their PnL, but they know nothing about their blood sugar. They don't know what vitamins they should be taking. They have no idea what's going on in their jeans. It's astounding to me that this is the temple that's going to take you where you want to go, and we don't spend any time getting information on it.


I think the problem, I think it's a little bit even different now. I think the problem is there's too much information, and people are now are confused. I think it's not a lack of information. I think it's an abundance of information. I'll tell you what you need.


You need to do a gene test and you need to look at five major genes of methylation. This is a test you do once in your lifetime. You'll never repeat this test. It's called the Genetic Methylation Test or Genetic Methylation Profile. Once you have that information, you'll never guess again on what you need to supplement with. You'll be supplementing for deficiency, not the sake of supplement.


Then where do we... Then do you sell the supplements?


I also designed my own supplements. It took me two and a half years to design a supplement to fix these genetic breaks. I make multivitamins that are specific to these gene breaks. To gene breaks.


Because I want to explain. Basically, you started this company, wellness company, with your wife, Sage. Hello, Sage. It was obviously like you're getting a lot of traction because people were seeing a lot of results, right? And then, how long was it going on for? It's been you left the- Yeah, it was five years.


Five years. Five years.


So five years, you were just trucking along doing your thing, minding your own business.


We were trucking along. We actually sold our primary residence to make payroll and build out this office and hire PAs and physicians because, again, I'm not licensed to practice medicine. And then I train them on the blood testing. I believe there's 74 biomarkers we need to look at in the blood and five genetic markers we need to look at in the body. That's where you start. Seventy-four biomarkers. You look at glycemic control, how well you're controlling your blood sugar, your hormone balance, and your nutrient deficiencies. You need to know those things. You have to know those things so that you can address them. They're very simple, easy things to address, but they're catastrophic if they go unchecked.


This That's amazing.


I watched what happens when people have no idea what's going on with their blood sugar. They have no idea what nutrient deficients they have, and they don't know what's going on with their hormones. Those three things are a must. Then you get a genetic test that you do once in your lifetime, and you should do it on your kids as soon as they can chew and swallow, because so goes puberty, so goes the adult. If we can get kids in their prepubescent years, there's a much more significant chance that they don't have any of these ailments when they get older.


Really? I have an eight-year-old and a 10-year-old.


Oh, that's a great to do it. They're both prepubescent.


Then I would give them a genetic- You do a cheek swab.


I mean, you'll have a different child around the house. If your child has this MTHFR gene mutation, it is a full contact support to get them in the car to go to school in the morning. If you're feeding them anything with folic acid, which, by the way, is an entirely manmade chemical, you can't find folic acid What you're trying to do is increase that amplitude by having the pituitary naturally increase its pulse of growth hormone. I'm a huge fan of I mean, I think peptides is the next rage in anti-aging because there's peptides for healing, there's peptides for anxiety, there's anti-anxiolytic peptides like Solenc, there's healing peptides like BPC-157.We talked about that one. Do you think they work?Oh, I know that they work. I think they're phenomenally effective. Bpc-157, it's a gastric pentadecapeptide. It's synthesized from gastric juice. It's tolerative.


What you're trying to do is increase that amplitude by having the pituitary naturally increase its pulse of growth hormone. I'm a huge fan of I mean, I think peptides is the next rage in anti-aging because there's peptides for healing, there's peptides for anxiety, there's anti-anxiolytic peptides like Solenc, there's healing peptides like BPC-157.


We talked about that one. Do you think they work?


Oh, I know that they work. I think they're phenomenally effective. Bpc-157, it's a gastric pentadecapeptide. It's synthesized from gastric juice. It's tolerative.