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In the aftermath of a shocking crime, people always ask, why? Why would someone do something like that? What could possibly push them to commit such a horrible act? Was it about power, money, revenge? Was it impulse? Was it obsession? What makes people like that tick? Join Candice DeLong, host of the podcast, Killer Psychy, as she dissects the thoughts and behaviors of the most violent figures in history. Using her decades of experience as a former FBI agent and criminal profiler, Candice digs deeper into the complex psychology and the unsettling motivations behind the most disturbing criminal cases, some of which she worked on. Recently, Candice did an episode profiling Nancy Brophy, diving deep into the psychology and motivations behind why she killed Dan. If you enjoyed Happily Never After, I highly recommend checking out the episode she did as it provides another perspective on this case that you won't want to miss. I'm about to play you a clip from Killer Psyche. Follow Killer Psyche on the WNDRI app or wherever you get your podcasts.


A listener note. This episode contains adult content and is not suitable for everyone, please be advised. If you have dined at any high-end restaurant lately, you will likely see a dish that contains truffles. Truffles, an edible fungus shaped like small potatoes, are considered a delicacy and have been one of the most sought-after foods throughout history. The ancient Greeks believed that they were magical and healed minds and bodies, while the Egyptians believed truffles were plants of immortality. Part of the truffle's draw is its smell. That aroma is what makes the flavor of the truffle so intense. That scent comes from a combination of chemicals and pheromones, the primary one being androstenon, a sex pheromone for pigs. However, the shelf life of the truffle is only 7-10 days. After that, the scent is gone. The short window of time that you are able to use the truffle, the inability to easily grow them, and the effort it takes to find them as they only grow underground in specific areas makes obtaining them very difficult, which makes them very rare. And rare, normally translates to expensive. In 2007, Luciano and Cristiano Savini entered the Guinness Book of World Records after they unearthed a 2-pound, 13-ounce truffle.


Truffle. That truffle sold at auction for $330,000. Obviously, not many can afford that, and people have now taken on the hobby or career of truffle hunting. Chef Daniel Brophy was one of those people who loved to hunt and cook with the fungus. He taught at an Oregon culinary school and would take his students out often to forage for them. It was his favorite thing to do, and it was what he did with the majority of his free time. So when Dan was tragically murdered by his wife, Nancy, his son knew exactly where to put his ashes. Near his favorite truffle spot where his value would always be appreciated. 63-year-old Daniel, Dan Dan Brophy had a routine. Every morning, he would wake up at dawn, feed the chickens, and then walk his dogs over to Starbucks to buy his wife, 68-year-old Nancy, a cup of coffee. He would then take a shower and get dressed. And after kissing his wife goodbye, he'd head to his teaching job at the Oregon Culinary Institute. On Saturday, June second, 2018, Dan's day reportedly began as it normally did, but it took an unexpected and deadly turn after he arrived at work at 7:20 AM.


Dan was the first one there that morning, and he set to work preparing coffee and ice water for his students. Five minutes after he arrived, Dan stood at a large industrial sink preparing for his class and did not see an armed intruder enter the kitchen, sneaking up behind him. The intruder fired into Dan's back. The bullet pierced his spine and heart. Then he collapsed to the floor. To make certain Dan was dead, the shooter stood over him and fired a second bullet into his chest. Then, fled the scene, leaving Dan to bleed out on the floor. At approximately 7:29 AM, another faculty member arrived, entered the building and went straight to her classroom. Ten minutes later, she heard students outside and let them into the building. As the students began to pour into the kitchen classroom, they found Dan lying on the floor. Believing their teacher suffered a heart attack, one student began CPR while another called 911. It took a few seconds for them to realize that blood was seeping through his chest onto his chef's uniform. By the time first responders arrived, it was too late. Dan Brophy was pronounced dead at the scene.


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