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Yeah, we got a new show for ya. You got a damn good shot. Don't be a damn good show. Good show. Yeah. Before we start a show, remember, everybody can always support us. That official harsh twins, dotcom, keep this conservative movement going strong. That's how we pay the bills. Make sure use discount, call Chinese vase, get 20 percent off, pick you up a patriotic T-shirt or hat today.


Yeah, I know why we call it the Chinese vase. Because it comes from China.


Yeah, that's the discount. Cold fact checkers can fact check that. But anyway, back, Jack, you certainly don't, but that's a fact, Jack. All right. What was the house of the House of Representatives, they voted for the new House speaker and of course, majority of people in the House of Representatives are morons. Yeah, they voted for evil Wicked Witch of the West. They voted for her. Yeah. And I'll say it, man.


Yeah. It's really sad. So sad, man. When I was speaker of the House, I'm thinking of somebody who is neutral and they can actually combine and use their leadership leadership to bring both parties together. Cause the speaker the House is so very important that Speaker House is biases and divisive and ripping up speeches. And it's just it's just it's just bad for our government. And when she got reappoint, I was like, man, I wish we can have somebody as our speaker house.


Somebody is a true leader to bring both parties together. Yeah, but she's a she's a scumbag, I think. Yeah. But anyway, after that vote was done, well, actually, before they even got into that, they sent somebody up at it to pray, which was surprising. It was actually a Democrat. Is that right? But he, as a Democrat, knew about go. I think I know more about pitchfork pitchforks more than you have any way, time, read tight leather suit with some horns.


That's all all about. You ain't got no damn God.


Yeah. So that just to give them got to see this video, it's, it's just when you think you couldn't see anything more amazing from a Democrat. Yeah. Then they just, they just keep, they keep exceeding expectations. That's why they call them Democrats. But check this out.


We asked on the name of the monotheistic God, Rama and God, known by many names, by many different faiths. A man and a woman, Dumex, a man and a woman, dead word, a man has nothing to do with gender just because it has the letters in in in that sequence. Does it mean it has anything to do with gender? What does a man mean? It means so be to agree. When you say a man is like you agreeing with what they say it is to validate.


What somebody just saying, like I said, President Trump, greatest president of all time. Oh, Tom, can I get Amy? Amy. Can I get Amy? Amy. Chuck Schumer. He's a sucker. Can I get Amy? Hey, man, you have a minute? You got to Amy. Elsie. She's a birdbrain. Amy, Amy, Amy, Amy, Amy, I wish there was a character around like that, man, I would put all kinds of money in a collection plate.


I'll be doing fittings and hundreds in that collection plate. He has nothing to do with gender. Nothing. Absolutely nothing, man. Hey, I wonder what this dude thinks the word menstruate means.


Is there something only a man goes through? Hey, how about I got one for you? Well, how about monopoles?


That's a good one. Is that something only a man goes through?


That's the type of logic you just used. Yeah, that's based on your logic, not mine.


You don't get all pissed and offended because I'm pointing out how stupid you are, a man and a woman.


You know what's sad? You know what makes this situation all the more tragic and pathetic and what makes this do look like a dumbass?


This guy knows his way around the church. He's actually a Methodist minister, pastor.


He has a degree in theology. He has a college degree in theology. Where did he go to school? How did you get the diploma? Did they fax it to you or did they email it to you? Yeah, well, you had to have gone online. Like, I can see how a person this ignorant can make this mistake. A person is not religious. Yeah. Don't have a degree in theology. Don't know its way around. Trust a person is not very religious.


I can see how that person could make a mistake. But how can somebody who's got got a degree in theology theology calls himself a preacher, a minister, a minister, a pastor, a pastor, make this stupid mistake. Yeah. You know why he made this mistake? Because he's just virtue signalling in front his minions. Yeah. They don't want to stand it. Say they're not going to point out anything. A man. Oh, look, you said a woman to.


Oh, man, he cares about women. Yeah. See, that's that's the thing. I must start meeting every video. Yeah. What what's so wrong about Democrats? They are not objective. They have a narrative to push. So it makes them sound stupid. It makes them look like hypocrites. Yeah. But when you're not objective. Yeah. You're going to it's just horrible because you got it's OK to be a thinker, but you've got to be objective.


You can't be biased. This dude is bias, pushing his narrative. And that's why you say stupid stuff is why you vote for stupid policies, because you have to stick to a narrative. Your thinking is they put your thinking inside of a box. You have to stick to that. So that's the best thing can. That's why they make so much mistakes, because they have a narrative they have to stick to and they can't go outside that narrative.


Yeah, that's why they make such stupid mistakes like that. And he just talked to the Kansas City Star, I guess, is the newspaper that we. Yeah, because that's his district. Right. Right. And this is what he said. He told the Kansas City Star, here's a woman reference on Sunday was intended to recognize the record number of women serving in the new Congress. There are 144 women serving in the House and Senate. The previous House was 29.


But that reference has nothing to do with gender. Yeah, it's it's nothing. I mean, it's a beautiful thing. We got more women in Congress. Yeah. We've ever had. That's a bit of a shame because human right. We're about equality, too. But the way you went about it was moronic. You are a pastor. You are a man of God.


You of all people should know what the word a man means.


And it's obvious that you don't you think it has something to do with gender. You kind of took it on yourself.


There are Cleaver. Is Cleaver right? It's not clever right now. You can't be clever. Yeah. Cleaver. Yeah. Because he ain't you. His name is Emanuel Cleaver. Emanuel Cleaver. He kind a tolerance for everybody because by his own statements, he's acknowledging that there are only two genders. There's man and there's woman. Yes.


A good point because you definitely didn't say trans. You know, that's what I'm saying. They they are not objective. Yeah. And if you just let them talk and if you just listen, they they are they're hypocrites. Yeah. They they contradict what they say three minutes ago if you just listen to them. But they're people that constituents. They they don't listen, they just go by wherever they go, they say, yeah, you know, and they make things worse.


The reason why he went with a man and a woman, because they want to then following it, that that moronic prayer he just gave, they want to do away with words. That has to do anything with gender. Yeah. Yeah. This is what it is. Do an about face that he does a man and a woman and they they want to move forward using phrases avoidant. Yeah. Yeah. He uses gender. Yeah. This is what's going on in her.


Right. There's this new proposal. They want to use genderless neutral words. That's why he did what he did. So going forward in Congress. Right. I don't know if this has been enacted yet, but Pelosi brought this proposal and going forward, they want everybody in the House, Congress, whatever, to use genderless words like they don't want you saying father, mother, they want to use the word parent. They don't want you saying son, daughter.


They want you to say your kids or sibling. Like you can't say brother. You got to say sibling or whatever. Yeah. You can't irritate with gender. But this is right after he said a man and a woman. Yeah, yeah. This is why would you say a man and a woman casazza and I'm saying they got a narrative to push. Yeah. And when they keep talking they contradict themselves because that net narrative doesn't make sense to it just doesn't make sense to make mistakes because they have to stick to a certain narrative.


Yeah. That's why they say the stupidest things, because they, they stop thinking and they did try to get they're not even take it. They know they got to stick with the narrative. Yeah. And they're not they did just just stick just ramesses robots.


Hey Cleaver. Gottlieb, Yeah, I got another word for you, meningitis, that something only a man goes through, what is meningitis like some Daylin?


Oh, no, I think you'll see that in the brain.


There's something else I want to say about this whole thing, it's like, yeah, I don't see how anybody can support people on the left. I mean, if you just sit and listen and analyze what they say and how they think, if you just look at you people on the left, if you just analyze your your politicians as much as your analyze Trump and the right wing, right. Yeah. Yeah. We'll see you on the wrong side.


You will see that man.


But you don't remain objective. Yeah. I mean, I wish I would wake up one day and we could come together as Republicans and conservatives and put all these Democrats out of business because we don't need them.


This is not important to this country. Yeah. Gender going generalises like I mean, you're disrespecting the people that want that. That's you disrespecting that man who wants to live his life as a woman and be seen as a woman and you disrespect and vice versa. You disrespected that woman who wants to live her life as man. Gender is important to them. But now all of a sudden y'all want to go genderless. I mean, when you have a train, when you have a woman who wants to live a life, it's the opposite.


Opposite sex is does this apply to them, too? They have to go with genderless, whereas they want to be referred to as a man. Yeah, this is just faulty thinking. That's why this circular reasoning, it's just it's just it's that's why you have in high schools and colleges, you have been living our lives as women, race and women. Right. I mean, it's just bad. It's just horrible logic. That's that kind of logic is what led to white supremacy.


It's just horrible logic. Yeah, it's a different situation, but the same stupid logic.


Yeah. If we could just drop drop race. I mean, if you want to go I can understand going away from race. Yeah. Worked out going away from gender. I'm like y'all want to go generals' but you don't want to go race now. But see if they go Christless. Yeah. They lose that. They'd lose that because they. How many black people you think ran to the poll and voted for Biden because they think Trump is a white supremacist.


You know, why do you think that? Because the Democrats labeled him as such. Yeah. They would never want to society go racist because they would lose. They will lose. Yes, yeah, people say people start catching O'May drops, keep it cool, just go. But he has really nothing cool to say. He's just it's like I think sometimes, man, these Democrats, these Democrats, man. I mean, I'm not saying everybody's going right now, but they are a whole lot better than people on the left.


It feels like to me, man, one day behind closed doors, when they have a meeting, just a Democrat, they come off these horrible ideas. They come up with these evil plans, man.


And at the end of the meeting, they come, you distorted evil laugh like, ha ha ha ha. Dr.. Now, you look demonic, you say that's how the Democrats feel like they've been they'd be in a room with just the Democrats. Now they throw everybody out like they did in Atlanta. When he was counting the votes they threw out the old Republicans start doing the counting when it's just them talking committee's evil ideas that divide this country to divide this country.


And they start laughing like that together.


It was a damn good show.


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