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Hello. Talk the Thrones is back. We are here to break down every episode of Season 2 of House of the Dragon. It's me, Chris Ryan, with Joanna Robinson and Mallory Rubin. Joe, where can they watch us?


Oh, my gosh. I'm so glad you asked. Brand new this year. We are on the RingerVerse YouTube channel, and we will be up the minute a new House of the Dragon episode finishes.


Mal, what else do people need to know?


Well, you can also watch us on Spotify, but you don't want to see our faces?


I understand.


You don't want to see this splendend set. I can't imagine, but just in case, you can listen on Spotify or wherever you get your podcast. Once again, we will be with you the second the latest Hot D episode concludes. God's be good.