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It's now about 17:30, and we're finishing up the day here at a observation post. Right now, for about the last 10, 15 minutes, you can hear in the background, the evening singing from the minarets. Believe it or not, sooner or later, we will kill some of these folks who need to be killed. That's the beautiful thing about this world, is that there's always someone who needs to be killed, and we're the folks to do it. I spent the past four years investigating a crime. A crime that most people have long forgotten. He heard the sound of A really strong bombing. I heard M16. A crime that for almost 20 years has gone unpunished. They went into the room and they were just taking shots.. Me and Anur, we were under the bed. He got his rifle and started shooting at us. How did they not perceive that these were children? I remember I opened a Humvee and I just see bodies stacked up. I open another one, the same thing. I'm like, Shit. A four-year investigation, hundreds of interviews, thousands of documents, all in an effort to see what the US military has kept from the public for years.


I don't know what's to be gained by this investigative journalism. I'm not interested in talking about that. That was a long time ago, and I tried to move past all that, so no thank you on all that. He was saying it was so dramatic. You couldn't talk about it. You and you and you. And you and you. They wanted each one to go inside the house. Can I help you? Wait there, Mr. Chesani. My name's Parker. I'm a radio reporter working in- Parker what? What did I think? I assumed it meant that he had fucking shot someone. It's not a big deal. Fucking everyday shit. No more day in Hadita. Season 3 of In the Dark, nine new episodes beginning July 30th. To get the first two episodes early, visit newyorker. Com/dark, and follow In the Dark wherever you get your podcast, so you don't miss a single episode.