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Hey, this is Red Band, and you're listening to the Death Squad podcast Network. This episode of Kill Tony and every episode of Kill Tony can be found at Deathsquad TV and now on Spotify and Apple podcasts. If you want to check out Tony Hinchcliffe's website, go to everything golden Pony, including his tour if you want to check out the sunset Strip or get some death squad merch, go to Deathsquad TV.


And now here's a brand new episode of Kill Tony.


Hey, this is Redback coming to you live from the comedy mothership here in Austin, Texas, for a brand new episode of Kill Tony. Give it up for Tony X class.


Who's ready for the best fucking night of their lives, huh?


Yeah. Yippee. Make some noise for Brian Redband, everybody. And how about one more time for the best damn band in the land? Bare bones.


Tonight, d madness woke up with a backache. So no d, no horn players, but we have the great Michael Gonzalez here tonight. Powerful Matt Mewling on the electric guitar, and the one and only John D's on the keys, the absolute bare Bones band. Tonight, they have a new instagram il Tony Band. There you go.


The kill Tony Band. Look out. There you go. We're gonna have a lot of fun tonight. A lot of exciting stuff in store to weighs to, well, weighs the number two well, a lot of great stuff happening over there.


Stem cells, iv drips, absolutely everything you can imagine. Exciting stuff going on. So with no further ado, here's a little bit more from the amazing sponsors that made it all possible.


The Sunset Strip comedy club in Austin, Texas, is now open. Check out Red Band's secret show every Thursday. Go to for tickets.


You guys ready to start tonight's show?


Every single week, I have two of the funniest comedians on. One of these guests was just on very recently, and I love him so goddamn much that I had to have him back because he's in town and he's one of the best in the world. The other guest tonight, it is his first time ever being on panel. You know these guys. You love them.


Make some noise for Sam Tallon andalso by your everything else. Yeah, exactly. What relatives?Virginia. What relatives had to fuck for you to end up like this? Who knows? Long, long line. You know, it is incredible.Oh, no. My dad, his family misses hippie, so I think that. I think we solved it there. So that was people. Yeah.There's a porn band following you around? Yeah. Yeah. Be careful. Yep.No doubt about it. You must jerk off crazy, bro. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Only if I use this hand.Oh, yeah, the old lasso. Look at him go.I love it. Get the magic wand and bless it.There it is. Whip it good. I love it. Is your dick also bent every wacky direction? Uh oh.No. I'd imagine your dick is shaped like the letter s. Uh oh. I knew I didn't. That's the sound.That's what I picture you jerking off, sounding like when he gets a boner. It looks like an applause meter.I love it, Martin. What else? What have you been doing for fun in beautiful Austin, Texas? Stop taking the stairs. No, actually, I don't.Surprisingly, I don't like elevators because I don't. I have a fear of getting stuck, so I make it worse for myself, actually, by taking stairs, but. Wow, your calves are cut, though. Yeah. Yeah, everywhere.Anyway. Okay, you're segwaying us out of our own questions. Very good. Moving things along here. Would you like to ask us some questions, perhaps?I guess you don't take the stairs either.Holy shit. Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit. Oh, my goodness. Wow. The squiggly versus the jiggly.It's a battle of the titans we have here tonight. Absolutely incredible. Martin Phillips. I love it, man. I fucking love it.You're out here killing it. You have a Taylor Swift shirt on. Have you seen her live? I bring this shirt because I didn't have $900 thing around. I was at the last concert I saw Taylor Swift before.It cost thousands of dollars. So I'm an OG. I was there. You're a swifty. Yeah.Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're a shifty swifty, yeah.Now, Ari, in your home country of Estonia, he would have been euthanized. In Berkeley, they would have left him on a rock and let the crows eat him. They would have stoned him. Not destiny, not Disney. No, thanks.And, Martin, you're doing comedy full time now, at least for the summer. You know, school is out. But I've been doing a lot of them out of town, so. It's true. I forgot you're a substitute teacher.Yeah. Yeah. So I always Tony and discover the perfect blend of summer vibes and timeless elegance with true classic. Shop. Now elevate your wardrobe today. You're going to absolutely love it.That's kill tony. Who knows? Your next bucket pull could be the next future superstar of the show. We're going to meet them all together. Make some noise for Dallas Urban, everybody.The debut of Dallas Urban. Oh, he's been on before. The return of Dallas Urban. What's up, Bobby? Oh, yeah.I went from 230 pounds to 185 pounds in a year and a half, cuz. Yeah. Working my ass off of stuff. And the best thing that's happened to me is fucking all those beautiful little fat white girls and mixed race kids over Pflugerville, y'all. That's all I can tell you, man.I'm telling you, little Trayvon McAllister needs a dad, and I'm here for it. He's gonna be a left tackle for a Super bowl winning team, and I'm here for it. Yo, I don't even give a fuck if they have yellow teeth. Just saying.Oh, man. I don't understand how incels exist, man, when those women exist. I'm just saying, dude, like, I had one trust fund girl here, and my dick is not a block of cheese. It's more of a little smokey of anything like that. Why are you grading it?Oh, God damn. I suck.Shit, this sucks, Tony. I suck, man. I absolutely suck, man. Oh, good Lord. I will, I will, I will, I will.You don't know how. Sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry. This sucks, man. I am horrible, dude.All right, I'm gonna stop you there because you're over a minute now. You started repeating I suck at 47 seconds. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. That's my bad.No, sir. No, sir. Dallas, what makes you even attempt this? I really don't know. I guess I'm just not a kill Tony guy because, like, I've done this my fourth time, and I am very ashamed of myself right now.Are you? When you say you're not a kill Tony guy, does that mean funny? Sorry. Right? Yes, sir.Okay. He's stepping on your punchline, too. It's incredible. These. These guys, they just come in, and really.He's apologizing silently now. He just mouthed the words I'm sorry to me. Dallas, have you considered getting fat again? It would help, dude. It would fucking help.It seems like it's worked for me.Thanks, man. You too, buddy. Wow. Dallas. Yes, sir?What's. What do you think? How long you been doing this now? Like three years now. Three years most of the time here and stuff like that.And, like, when you say here, where do you mean? In Austin, Texas. Right. Okay, so three years. Why don't we hear the best joke you've ever written?My best joke I ever written. Okay. On this show, multiple times, you say you're not a kill Tony guy. Let's hear your very best joke. Here it is.Three years in the game. Yes, sir. Okay. I found out I was adopted, and I got to meet my biological mom when I was 20 years old, 14 years ago. And she gave me five numbers to look up, and they were all black dudes.Yeah. That's it. Yeah. Yes, sir. Yes, sir.Yes, sir. That's not even a. That's not even a joke. It's just a sobering reality. I mean, like, they called her salad tosser, and I'm just like, oh, that explains everything about me.Sexy, so. That explains so much, man. Dallas, I'm gonna let you off easy tonight. There goes more gray during the set. He had a lot of confidence.When he came out, I thought was gonna go. Well, he did. I thought so, too. Dallas, you're gone. Goodbye, Dallas Urban.There he goes. Put the mic in the mic, Stan. Can you guys. Boo. Dallas, Irvin.There you go. Get it. Go, Dallas, go. Get the fuck out. There you go.Very good. That was a true bomb. That is a no joke book. Do not pass go, do not collect $200 bomb. Luckily, we have a solution.Now. When somebody bombs, we call in the fucking bomb squad. We have a superhero that specializes in performing after somebody bombs. Ladies and gentlemen, this is 60 seconds from the great and powerful true nicknames.All right. Ever since I've been made a regular by Tony, my DM's have been popping. I'm talking short, I'm talking tall, I'm talking skinny, I'm talking wild. It's crazy. Some of them are young and fresh.Some are a little old reliable. They're amazing. And some are good and healthy for me. Some are dangerous and toxic. But they make me feel so alive.They all want me to. They love my energy. They even want to be with me. They'll do whatever it takes. They'll even pay me.I mean, these energy drink companies are really thirsty for me, man. Thirsty as hell. And they all want to recruit me like I'm the next Billy Mays. But wait, there's more.There was this health influencer. She slid in my DM's. She said, drew, I love you. You're so cute, but I'm worried about your heart. I said, baby is safe with me.She said, no, Drew, I'm worried about your heart. It's going to explode. That's when I shotgun an energy drink. And then I blocked that bitch. Thank you so much, Drew nickens.He loves energy drinks, ladies and gentlemen. I love it. So, Drew, welcome. Another new minute for you. How's life going?It's amazing, Tony. Everybody's been so supportive. Everybody's been so kind. There's some funny duddies, but fuck them. We're having a good time, right?Yeah, you're damn right. So, Drew, he's the new regular? Yeah, one of the new rotating regulars. All it took was a guy with a head injury to replace Hans. Yeah.I love it. So, Drew, are there really a lot of girls in your DM's? Hell, no, Tony.I swear there's four girls in my DM's at seven energy drink companies, dog. The ratio is crazy. Four girls, Drew. You're doing great, dog. Yeah, dude, I got nothing you like girls, right? Yes, I love girls. You get like women? Yes. I like women, too.Hell yeah. Sam. Nice. You been on any dates or anything other than the taco bell? In the car that I ate with a girl.I got friend zoned over spicy nuggets. Tony. Ooh, that was an Uber driver, Drew.She didn't have red hair.Drew, what else have you been doing? Have you checked out Austin, Texas at all? Have you gone out? Gone around. I like to go to malls and go to the outlet malls and find shoes.And then I like to go to the arcade and play big buck hunter. I had the time of my life. I went to one of your ghetto malls here in Austin. I think it's called lakeway or something. It was amazing.Fuck yeah. have as good of a set in interview as you had here tonight. Incredible stuff, Chloe.Very, very amazing. And, you know, I said it earlier but we have all different types of people that come here. There's nothing I think is cooler than when a real comedy vet that knows the fucking ins and outs and their way around an actual improvised interview and following a lead and taking the ball and running with it. And you just did that for eleven and a half minutes. Here's the big joke book.It's made of real Texas leather.There you go, Chloe. There she goes. Chloe Lebranche making her kill Tony debut. A chance signing up. Getting pulled out of the bucket.Amazing. And now we have a very special treat. Ladies and gentlemen, a golden ticket winner. A legend of the show. You know him from this show, from going on.Being found by Howie Mandel on this show. Brought over to America's got Talent. Made it all the way to the semifinals. They screwed him. They had to mess up his microphone and his phone in order for to eliminate him.Or else I think he would have won the whole goddamn thing. He's back. The canadian crippler. Make some noise for Aaron Belisle, everybody.Come on. You can do better than that. It's the return of Aaron Belisle.One more time for Aaron Balal.Being disabled, I often run into people who tried to recruit Jesus to the interview, you fed us your mother on a hot platter. I'm gonna give you a big joke book. There he goes. Jacob Marshall, everybody. All right, one more bucket pull.You guys still having fun? All right.Okay, make some noise for Tom. Feedback, everybody. Your final bucket pull of the night. Tom Feeback.What's up, guys? It's good to be here. I grew up playing football, and football coaches never have anything nice to say. My coach would always be like, you suck. You're a pussy.Your mom's a whore. Yeah. And that would always hurt my feelings because my dad was the coach and we weren't even at a game. I'm like, dad, I'm nine. Christmas, you know, so let me.I don't know. My dad was tough on me growing up. I feel like dads aren't tough anymore. Dads now are complete pussies. It's true, you know?Cause I was at the store the other day, I saw this dad with this kid, and the kid was being bad, and the dad just said all the time, he's like, Carson, Carson, Carson. One, two, one. I was like, dude, you fucking suck, dude, you. My dad would never have to say my name that many times growing up. My dad would go like, hey, the fuck?And that was it. That's all I got.Dads have to be scared. I'm not saying, like, hit your kids or anything, but they should be a little intimidated, you know? Cause, like, the scariest thing that my mom can tell me growing up is I'm gonna tell your dad. Yeah, you tell a kid in 2024, you're gonna tell his dad, he'd be like, who? Bill?How about this? Fuck bill. How about that? All right, guys. Thank you.Tom. Feedback welcome to the show, Tom. How you doing, Tony? Good minute. Thank you.First time on, right? First time on. How long you been doing stand up? Like three and a half years. Where at?Chicago. And you visit here often? I just moved here, like, three weeks ago. Congratulations. Thank you.Set of curiosity, what made you move to Austin, Texas, for comedy? Man, I was doing comedy in Chicago and, you know, I was doing a lot there, so I was like, I want to expand a little bit. You could have gone anywhere. You could have gone to New York. You could have gone to LA.And you picked Austin? Yes. Yeah. 100%, dude. Yep.Smart move. Just want to make sure people listening from New York and LA hear that.Anyway, really good, man. Oh, thank you. How do you make a living, Tom? Right now I'm doing Uber eats. Uber eats?Yeah. Terrible job. Okay. Yeah, that's the great job. No, you don't have any creeps in your car?Uber eats is easy, bro. No, you're thinking of Uber, Alice. You could have had a different job, you know that? If you lived in Estonia, you would be euthanizing people.He looks european. He looks good. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. Yeah.He's got dominant features, blue eyes. I like it. German, Italian.Is that. Was that an estonian gang sign you just threw up right there? Hello. Hello. This is the biggest thing to ever happen to Estonia.Dude, you on this show. Oh, yeah, yeah, I know. Yeah, ever since the wall fell or whatever. Was Latke Gravis? Did he say, did he claim Estonia?I can't remember Latke Gravis, Andy Kaufman's alter ego character. At one point he did. I think it was Estonia. Yeah, yeah. He picked, like, some.And then our famous claim to fame, enchino, man. Where? Pauly Shore. That the caveman is from Estonia. Dude.National news in Estonia. Wow. 1996, four years into our country. Hollywood are coming. Brendan Fraser.Brendan Fraser winning. Brendan Fraser. That is your boy. Okay, uber eats. So what's the craziest thing that's happened in your Uber Eats career?Craziest thing that's ever happened? One time I went to take a delivery and the guy told me to come in the house. And, yeah, he was completely naked. Oh. Sores all over his body.He just had pill bottles everywhere and piss jugs everywhere.You bastard. He didn't have to come in the house, but, you know, he came on the porch instead. Why did he invite you in? Did he want you to put the bag somewhere? Yeah, he wanted me to put the bag on his bed.Well, he was, like, 700 pounds, so he couldn't get up. Oh, jesus.That was when I was Brendan Fraser.I love it. So you went in there and was it. So you dropped the bag and was he, like, insinuating something happening or what was. Well, he was completely naked. Yeah, but what was the vibe?He had a towel over his dick. Was the vibe? The vibe? It was a good vibe. I liked it.That was a good vibe. I'm into it. He tried to tip, but he couldn't see it through his belly fat. Did you see his dick or was it. No, mushed.Yeah, I watched 600 pound life. There's nothing there, dude. Yeah, it's like inverted in his body, dude. Sure, bro. Absolutely amazing.Tom, what do you do for fun? For fun? Others stand up, hang out with my girlfriend. Hang out with the dog. Oh, okay.You have a girlfriend? Yeah, yeah. Where'd you meet her? At high school. What does she do?She's a nurse. She actually just got a job down here. So she's a nurse in Austin, Texas? Yes. Do you have her.You ever have her dress up as a nurse and you guys role play? She orders Uber eats and calls you into the house. She only has a towel. There's piss jugs everywhere. She has her good dance goes on.No, we don't really. She's not really that adventurous, you know? But I do like the scrubs. The scrubs are pretty hot. Tell us more about the non adventurous sex.Yeah, that was a bad comment, dude, to millions of people about your girlfriend. I'm just being honest. Just being honest, dude. Oh, my God. You're so fucked, dude.If I was a girlfriend and my boyfriend is on the biggest podcast in not that adventurous. It's perfect. So let's talk more about it. You guys have the same type of sex regularly, or is the sex regular? Do you.Yeah, sex is regular, but it. But it's also. But it's also. It seems very plain. You missionary position?Yeah, missionary doggy. That's pretty much like missionary doggy. That's it. Nothing else. Does she ever get on top?Yeah, she gets on top. She gets on top sometimes. She's so tired from work, though, though. Yeah, from providing, from carrying the relationship's finances on her back. My boyfriend's an open mic.I'm doing 16 hours shifts. My girlfriend's not adventurous enough.Dude, I'm tired. You asshole.Ari Matty, opening up the playbook here in the late innings. I love it. Getting involved in the fourth quarter. Yeah, I love it. I fucking love it.Ari Matty, one of the most fun people to drink with and hang out with at this club. I'm very excited about this first panel appearance for you, Ari. Oh, back to Tom Feback. That's your real name? Feedback.Feedback. E a c k? Yep. Why would he choose that as his stage name? I know.It's very bizarre. Okay. And you've been with the same girl since high school? Yeah. How old are you now?26. 26 years old. So is that the only girl you've ever had sex with? You've never been blown? I've been blown before.Huh? Blown blown. Like blown blown. Like blowjob, right? Yes. off your hand all over your shirt. You're getting very close to me. I want to give you a raspberry.Do you really want to? I can't think of a better way to. Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Sim.Hey. Yeah, there you go. Thank you. There you go. A true raspberry on one of the greatest red berries I've ever trans gingers had on the show.You're really sweating that toffee, buddy. Yeah, no, it's not good. I mean, it's getting worse by the midst. You taste the blizzard. Animal cookies.Tasted like Patrice O'Neal's piss. I love this. Run for president. Are you going to go all the way through with it? Yeah.Oh, my gosh. I mean, Tony, I think I probably. William Montgomery has done it again. And that is another episode of Kill Tony. with two l's, the man is on tour.I swear to God, one of the most fun, hilarious stand up comedians. If you love him on this show, wait till you see what he does all by himself with a microphone. Is a stand up a true, true monster out there? Sam anything else?Sam Pittsburgh in Detroit this month. Yep. Subscribe to my YouTube. I have a cool travel show. Oh, yeah.Subscribe to this YouTube as well. That'd be great. I always forget to say that my producer Yoni always yells at me for not saying. Subscribe to the button right now also. There you go.Sure. Re Maddie. Plug something. Ari. Matty.Comedy. Ari. M a t t I comedy on Instagram. Everything there. Thank you, Ari.M a t t I comedy on Instagram. Everything's there. We needs the followers we have to get him, and I need to make it quick. How many you want to see Ari as an american citizen?There you go. The drawing from Ryan Jebel is in of sam Tallon. Absolutely incredible shout outs to the horn players in deep madness who couldn't be with us here tonight? A lot of fun stuff coming up on this show. Incredible, incredible stuff.Thanks to all of our regulars and golden ticket winners and bucket pools tonight. And to you guys, the live audience that comes every week bills it to the gills. Ticket in town. Anything else? Check out the Sunset Strip comedy club, you guys. A lot of fun announcements coming around the corner from me. I'm gonna finish my touring schedule strong, so that's gonna be announced very, very soon here. It's gonna be an easy rest of the year. Madison square garden and a very couple other special things coming around the corner.Thank you to our live audience. Audience, go have fun. Austin, Texas, we love you. Good night, everybody. Thank you.The Sunset Strip Comedy club in Austin, Texas is now open. Check out red band's secret show every Thursday. for tickets.


also by your everything else. Yeah, exactly. What relatives?


Virginia. What relatives had to fuck for you to end up like this? Who knows? Long, long line. You know, it is incredible.


Oh, no. My dad, his family misses hippie, so I think that. I think we solved it there. So that was people. Yeah.


There's a porn band following you around? Yeah. Yeah. Be careful. Yep.


No doubt about it. You must jerk off crazy, bro. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Only if I use this hand.


Oh, yeah, the old lasso. Look at him go.


I love it. Get the magic wand and bless it.


There it is. Whip it good. I love it. Is your dick also bent every wacky direction? Uh oh.


No. I'd imagine your dick is shaped like the letter s. Uh oh. I knew I didn't. That's the sound.


That's what I picture you jerking off, sounding like when he gets a boner. It looks like an applause meter.


I love it, Martin. What else? What have you been doing for fun in beautiful Austin, Texas? Stop taking the stairs. No, actually, I don't.


Surprisingly, I don't like elevators because I don't. I have a fear of getting stuck, so I make it worse for myself, actually, by taking stairs, but. Wow, your calves are cut, though. Yeah. Yeah, everywhere.


Anyway. Okay, you're segwaying us out of our own questions. Very good. Moving things along here. Would you like to ask us some questions, perhaps?


I guess you don't take the stairs either.


Holy shit. Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit. Oh, my goodness. Wow. The squiggly versus the jiggly.


It's a battle of the titans we have here tonight. Absolutely incredible. Martin Phillips. I love it, man. I fucking love it.


You're out here killing it. You have a Taylor Swift shirt on. Have you seen her live? I bring this shirt because I didn't have $900 thing around. I was at the last concert I saw Taylor Swift before.


It cost thousands of dollars. So I'm an OG. I was there. You're a swifty. Yeah.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're a shifty swifty, yeah.


Now, Ari, in your home country of Estonia, he would have been euthanized. In Berkeley, they would have left him on a rock and let the crows eat him. They would have stoned him. Not destiny, not Disney. No, thanks.


And, Martin, you're doing comedy full time now, at least for the summer. You know, school is out. But I've been doing a lot of them out of town, so. It's true. I forgot you're a substitute teacher.


Yeah. Yeah. So I always Tony and discover the perfect blend of summer vibes and timeless elegance with true classic. Shop. Now elevate your wardrobe today. You're going to absolutely love it.That's kill tony. Who knows? Your next bucket pull could be the next future superstar of the show. We're going to meet them all together. Make some noise for Dallas Urban, everybody.The debut of Dallas Urban. Oh, he's been on before. The return of Dallas Urban. What's up, Bobby? Oh, yeah.I went from 230 pounds to 185 pounds in a year and a half, cuz. Yeah. Working my ass off of stuff. And the best thing that's happened to me is fucking all those beautiful little fat white girls and mixed race kids over Pflugerville, y'all. That's all I can tell you, man.I'm telling you, little Trayvon McAllister needs a dad, and I'm here for it. He's gonna be a left tackle for a Super bowl winning team, and I'm here for it. Yo, I don't even give a fuck if they have yellow teeth. Just saying.Oh, man. I don't understand how incels exist, man, when those women exist. I'm just saying, dude, like, I had one trust fund girl here, and my dick is not a block of cheese. It's more of a little smokey of anything like that. Why are you grading it?Oh, God damn. I suck.Shit, this sucks, Tony. I suck, man. I absolutely suck, man. Oh, good Lord. I will, I will, I will, I will.You don't know how. Sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry. This sucks, man. I am horrible, dude.All right, I'm gonna stop you there because you're over a minute now. You started repeating I suck at 47 seconds. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. That's my bad.No, sir. No, sir. Dallas, what makes you even attempt this? I really don't know. I guess I'm just not a kill Tony guy because, like, I've done this my fourth time, and I am very ashamed of myself right now.Are you? When you say you're not a kill Tony guy, does that mean funny? Sorry. Right? Yes, sir.Okay. He's stepping on your punchline, too. It's incredible. These. These guys, they just come in, and really.He's apologizing silently now. He just mouthed the words I'm sorry to me. Dallas, have you considered getting fat again? It would help, dude. It would fucking help.It seems like it's worked for me.Thanks, man. You too, buddy. Wow. Dallas. Yes, sir?What's. What do you think? How long you been doing this now? Like three years now. Three years most of the time here and stuff like that.And, like, when you say here, where do you mean? In Austin, Texas. Right. Okay, so three years. Why don't we hear the best joke you've ever written?My best joke I ever written. Okay. On this show, multiple times, you say you're not a kill Tony guy. Let's hear your very best joke. Here it is.Three years in the game. Yes, sir. Okay. I found out I was adopted, and I got to meet my biological mom when I was 20 years old, 14 years ago. And she gave me five numbers to look up, and they were all black dudes.Yeah. That's it. Yeah. Yes, sir. Yes, sir.Yes, sir. That's not even a. That's not even a joke. It's just a sobering reality. I mean, like, they called her salad tosser, and I'm just like, oh, that explains everything about me.Sexy, so. That explains so much, man. Dallas, I'm gonna let you off easy tonight. There goes more gray during the set. He had a lot of confidence.When he came out, I thought was gonna go. Well, he did. I thought so, too. Dallas, you're gone. Goodbye, Dallas Urban.There he goes. Put the mic in the mic, Stan. Can you guys. Boo. Dallas, Irvin.There you go. Get it. Go, Dallas, go. Get the fuck out. There you go.Very good. That was a true bomb. That is a no joke book. Do not pass go, do not collect $200 bomb. Luckily, we have a solution.Now. When somebody bombs, we call in the fucking bomb squad. We have a superhero that specializes in performing after somebody bombs. Ladies and gentlemen, this is 60 seconds from the great and powerful true nicknames.All right. Ever since I've been made a regular by Tony, my DM's have been popping. I'm talking short, I'm talking tall, I'm talking skinny, I'm talking wild. It's crazy. Some of them are young and fresh.Some are a little old reliable. They're amazing. And some are good and healthy for me. Some are dangerous and toxic. But they make me feel so alive.They all want me to. They love my energy. They even want to be with me. They'll do whatever it takes. They'll even pay me.I mean, these energy drink companies are really thirsty for me, man. Thirsty as hell. And they all want to recruit me like I'm the next Billy Mays. But wait, there's more.There was this health influencer. She slid in my DM's. She said, drew, I love you. You're so cute, but I'm worried about your heart. I said, baby is safe with me.She said, no, Drew, I'm worried about your heart. It's going to explode. That's when I shotgun an energy drink. And then I blocked that bitch. Thank you so much, Drew nickens.He loves energy drinks, ladies and gentlemen. I love it. So, Drew, welcome. Another new minute for you. How's life going?It's amazing, Tony. Everybody's been so supportive. Everybody's been so kind. There's some funny duddies, but fuck them. We're having a good time, right?Yeah, you're damn right. So, Drew, he's the new regular? Yeah, one of the new rotating regulars. All it took was a guy with a head injury to replace Hans. Yeah.I love it. So, Drew, are there really a lot of girls in your DM's? Hell, no, Tony.I swear there's four girls in my DM's at seven energy drink companies, dog. The ratio is crazy. Four girls, Drew. You're doing great, dog. Yeah, dude, I got nothing you like girls, right? Yes, I love girls. You get like women? Yes. I like women, too.Hell yeah. Sam. Nice. You been on any dates or anything other than the taco bell? In the car that I ate with a girl.I got friend zoned over spicy nuggets. Tony. Ooh, that was an Uber driver, Drew.She didn't have red hair.Drew, what else have you been doing? Have you checked out Austin, Texas at all? Have you gone out? Gone around. I like to go to malls and go to the outlet malls and find shoes.And then I like to go to the arcade and play big buck hunter. I had the time of my life. I went to one of your ghetto malls here in Austin. I think it's called lakeway or something. It was amazing.Fuck yeah. have as good of a set in interview as you had here tonight. Incredible stuff, Chloe.Very, very amazing. And, you know, I said it earlier but we have all different types of people that come here. There's nothing I think is cooler than when a real comedy vet that knows the fucking ins and outs and their way around an actual improvised interview and following a lead and taking the ball and running with it. And you just did that for eleven and a half minutes. Here's the big joke book.It's made of real Texas leather.There you go, Chloe. There she goes. Chloe Lebranche making her kill Tony debut. A chance signing up. Getting pulled out of the bucket.Amazing. And now we have a very special treat. Ladies and gentlemen, a golden ticket winner. A legend of the show. You know him from this show, from going on.Being found by Howie Mandel on this show. Brought over to America's got Talent. Made it all the way to the semifinals. They screwed him. They had to mess up his microphone and his phone in order for to eliminate him.Or else I think he would have won the whole goddamn thing. He's back. The canadian crippler. Make some noise for Aaron Belisle, everybody.Come on. You can do better than that. It's the return of Aaron Belisle.One more time for Aaron Balal.Being disabled, I often run into people who tried to recruit Jesus to the interview, you fed us your mother on a hot platter. I'm gonna give you a big joke book. There he goes. Jacob Marshall, everybody. All right, one more bucket pull.You guys still having fun? All right.Okay, make some noise for Tom. Feedback, everybody. Your final bucket pull of the night. Tom Feeback.What's up, guys? It's good to be here. I grew up playing football, and football coaches never have anything nice to say. My coach would always be like, you suck. You're a pussy.Your mom's a whore. Yeah. And that would always hurt my feelings because my dad was the coach and we weren't even at a game. I'm like, dad, I'm nine. Christmas, you know, so let me.I don't know. My dad was tough on me growing up. I feel like dads aren't tough anymore. Dads now are complete pussies. It's true, you know?Cause I was at the store the other day, I saw this dad with this kid, and the kid was being bad, and the dad just said all the time, he's like, Carson, Carson, Carson. One, two, one. I was like, dude, you fucking suck, dude, you. My dad would never have to say my name that many times growing up. My dad would go like, hey, the fuck?And that was it. That's all I got.Dads have to be scared. I'm not saying, like, hit your kids or anything, but they should be a little intimidated, you know? Cause, like, the scariest thing that my mom can tell me growing up is I'm gonna tell your dad. Yeah, you tell a kid in 2024, you're gonna tell his dad, he'd be like, who? Bill?How about this? Fuck bill. How about that? All right, guys. Thank you.Tom. Feedback welcome to the show, Tom. How you doing, Tony? Good minute. Thank you.First time on, right? First time on. How long you been doing stand up? Like three and a half years. Where at?Chicago. And you visit here often? I just moved here, like, three weeks ago. Congratulations. Thank you.Set of curiosity, what made you move to Austin, Texas, for comedy? Man, I was doing comedy in Chicago and, you know, I was doing a lot there, so I was like, I want to expand a little bit. You could have gone anywhere. You could have gone to New York. You could have gone to LA.And you picked Austin? Yes. Yeah. 100%, dude. Yep.Smart move. Just want to make sure people listening from New York and LA hear that.Anyway, really good, man. Oh, thank you. How do you make a living, Tom? Right now I'm doing Uber eats. Uber eats?Yeah. Terrible job. Okay. Yeah, that's the great job. No, you don't have any creeps in your car?Uber eats is easy, bro. No, you're thinking of Uber, Alice. You could have had a different job, you know that? If you lived in Estonia, you would be euthanizing people.He looks european. He looks good. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. Yeah.He's got dominant features, blue eyes. I like it. German, Italian.Is that. Was that an estonian gang sign you just threw up right there? Hello. Hello. This is the biggest thing to ever happen to Estonia.Dude, you on this show. Oh, yeah, yeah, I know. Yeah, ever since the wall fell or whatever. Was Latke Gravis? Did he say, did he claim Estonia?I can't remember Latke Gravis, Andy Kaufman's alter ego character. At one point he did. I think it was Estonia. Yeah, yeah. He picked, like, some.And then our famous claim to fame, enchino, man. Where? Pauly Shore. That the caveman is from Estonia. Dude.National news in Estonia. Wow. 1996, four years into our country. Hollywood are coming. Brendan Fraser.Brendan Fraser winning. Brendan Fraser. That is your boy. Okay, uber eats. So what's the craziest thing that's happened in your Uber Eats career?Craziest thing that's ever happened? One time I went to take a delivery and the guy told me to come in the house. And, yeah, he was completely naked. Oh. Sores all over his body.He just had pill bottles everywhere and piss jugs everywhere.You bastard. He didn't have to come in the house, but, you know, he came on the porch instead. Why did he invite you in? Did he want you to put the bag somewhere? Yeah, he wanted me to put the bag on his bed.Well, he was, like, 700 pounds, so he couldn't get up. Oh, jesus.That was when I was Brendan Fraser.I love it. So you went in there and was it. So you dropped the bag and was he, like, insinuating something happening or what was. Well, he was completely naked. Yeah, but what was the vibe?He had a towel over his dick. Was the vibe? The vibe? It was a good vibe. I liked it.That was a good vibe. I'm into it. He tried to tip, but he couldn't see it through his belly fat. Did you see his dick or was it. No, mushed.Yeah, I watched 600 pound life. There's nothing there, dude. Yeah, it's like inverted in his body, dude. Sure, bro. Absolutely amazing.Tom, what do you do for fun? For fun? Others stand up, hang out with my girlfriend. Hang out with the dog. Oh, okay.You have a girlfriend? Yeah, yeah. Where'd you meet her? At high school. What does she do?She's a nurse. She actually just got a job down here. So she's a nurse in Austin, Texas? Yes. Do you have her.You ever have her dress up as a nurse and you guys role play? She orders Uber eats and calls you into the house. She only has a towel. There's piss jugs everywhere. She has her good dance goes on.No, we don't really. She's not really that adventurous, you know? But I do like the scrubs. The scrubs are pretty hot. Tell us more about the non adventurous sex.Yeah, that was a bad comment, dude, to millions of people about your girlfriend. I'm just being honest. Just being honest, dude. Oh, my God. You're so fucked, dude.If I was a girlfriend and my boyfriend is on the biggest podcast in not that adventurous. It's perfect. So let's talk more about it. You guys have the same type of sex regularly, or is the sex regular? Do you.Yeah, sex is regular, but it. But it's also. But it's also. It seems very plain. You missionary position?Yeah, missionary doggy. That's pretty much like missionary doggy. That's it. Nothing else. Does she ever get on top?Yeah, she gets on top. She gets on top sometimes. She's so tired from work, though, though. Yeah, from providing, from carrying the relationship's finances on her back. My boyfriend's an open mic.I'm doing 16 hours shifts. My girlfriend's not adventurous enough.Dude, I'm tired. You asshole.Ari Matty, opening up the playbook here in the late innings. I love it. Getting involved in the fourth quarter. Yeah, I love it. I fucking love it.Ari Matty, one of the most fun people to drink with and hang out with at this club. I'm very excited about this first panel appearance for you, Ari. Oh, back to Tom Feback. That's your real name? Feedback.Feedback. E a c k? Yep. Why would he choose that as his stage name? I know.It's very bizarre. Okay. And you've been with the same girl since high school? Yeah. How old are you now?26. 26 years old. So is that the only girl you've ever had sex with? You've never been blown? I've been blown before.Huh? Blown blown. Like blown blown. Like blowjob, right? Yes. off your hand all over your shirt. You're getting very close to me. I want to give you a raspberry.Do you really want to? I can't think of a better way to. Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Sim.Hey. Yeah, there you go. Thank you. There you go. A true raspberry on one of the greatest red berries I've ever trans gingers had on the show.You're really sweating that toffee, buddy. Yeah, no, it's not good. I mean, it's getting worse by the midst. You taste the blizzard. Animal cookies.Tasted like Patrice O'Neal's piss. I love this. Run for president. Are you going to go all the way through with it? Yeah.Oh, my gosh. I mean, Tony, I think I probably. William Montgomery has done it again. And that is another episode of Kill Tony. with two l's, the man is on tour.I swear to God, one of the most fun, hilarious stand up comedians. If you love him on this show, wait till you see what he does all by himself with a microphone. Is a stand up a true, true monster out there? Sam anything else?Sam Pittsburgh in Detroit this month. Yep. Subscribe to my YouTube. I have a cool travel show. Oh, yeah.Subscribe to this YouTube as well. That'd be great. I always forget to say that my producer Yoni always yells at me for not saying. Subscribe to the button right now also. There you go.Sure. Re Maddie. Plug something. Ari. Matty.Comedy. Ari. M a t t I comedy on Instagram. Everything there. Thank you, Ari.M a t t I comedy on Instagram. Everything's there. We needs the followers we have to get him, and I need to make it quick. How many you want to see Ari as an american citizen?There you go. The drawing from Ryan Jebel is in of sam Tallon. Absolutely incredible shout outs to the horn players in deep madness who couldn't be with us here tonight? A lot of fun stuff coming up on this show. Incredible, incredible stuff.Thanks to all of our regulars and golden ticket winners and bucket pools tonight. And to you guys, the live audience that comes every week bills it to the gills. Ticket in town. Anything else? Check out the Sunset Strip comedy club, you guys. A lot of fun announcements coming around the corner from me. I'm gonna finish my touring schedule strong, so that's gonna be announced very, very soon here. It's gonna be an easy rest of the year. Madison square garden and a very couple other special things coming around the corner.Thank you to our live audience. Audience, go have fun. Austin, Texas, we love you. Good night, everybody. Thank you.The Sunset Strip Comedy club in Austin, Texas is now open. Check out red band's secret show every Thursday. for tickets.


Tony and discover the perfect blend of summer vibes and timeless elegance with true classic. Shop. Now elevate your wardrobe today. You're going to absolutely love it.


That's kill tony. Who knows? Your next bucket pull could be the next future superstar of the show. We're going to meet them all together. Make some noise for Dallas Urban, everybody.


The debut of Dallas Urban. Oh, he's been on before. The return of Dallas Urban. What's up, Bobby? Oh, yeah.


I went from 230 pounds to 185 pounds in a year and a half, cuz. Yeah. Working my ass off of stuff. And the best thing that's happened to me is fucking all those beautiful little fat white girls and mixed race kids over Pflugerville, y'all. That's all I can tell you, man.


I'm telling you, little Trayvon McAllister needs a dad, and I'm here for it. He's gonna be a left tackle for a Super bowl winning team, and I'm here for it. Yo, I don't even give a fuck if they have yellow teeth. Just saying.


Oh, man. I don't understand how incels exist, man, when those women exist. I'm just saying, dude, like, I had one trust fund girl here, and my dick is not a block of cheese. It's more of a little smokey of anything like that. Why are you grading it?


Oh, God damn. I suck.


Shit, this sucks, Tony. I suck, man. I absolutely suck, man. Oh, good Lord. I will, I will, I will, I will.


You don't know how. Sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry. This sucks, man. I am horrible, dude.


All right, I'm gonna stop you there because you're over a minute now. You started repeating I suck at 47 seconds. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. That's my bad.


No, sir. No, sir. Dallas, what makes you even attempt this? I really don't know. I guess I'm just not a kill Tony guy because, like, I've done this my fourth time, and I am very ashamed of myself right now.


Are you? When you say you're not a kill Tony guy, does that mean funny? Sorry. Right? Yes, sir.


Okay. He's stepping on your punchline, too. It's incredible. These. These guys, they just come in, and really.


He's apologizing silently now. He just mouthed the words I'm sorry to me. Dallas, have you considered getting fat again? It would help, dude. It would fucking help.


It seems like it's worked for me.


Thanks, man. You too, buddy. Wow. Dallas. Yes, sir?


What's. What do you think? How long you been doing this now? Like three years now. Three years most of the time here and stuff like that.


And, like, when you say here, where do you mean? In Austin, Texas. Right. Okay, so three years. Why don't we hear the best joke you've ever written?


My best joke I ever written. Okay. On this show, multiple times, you say you're not a kill Tony guy. Let's hear your very best joke. Here it is.


Three years in the game. Yes, sir. Okay. I found out I was adopted, and I got to meet my biological mom when I was 20 years old, 14 years ago. And she gave me five numbers to look up, and they were all black dudes.


Yeah. That's it. Yeah. Yes, sir. Yes, sir.


Yes, sir. That's not even a. That's not even a joke. It's just a sobering reality. I mean, like, they called her salad tosser, and I'm just like, oh, that explains everything about me.


Sexy, so. That explains so much, man. Dallas, I'm gonna let you off easy tonight. There goes more gray during the set. He had a lot of confidence.


When he came out, I thought was gonna go. Well, he did. I thought so, too. Dallas, you're gone. Goodbye, Dallas Urban.


There he goes. Put the mic in the mic, Stan. Can you guys. Boo. Dallas, Irvin.


There you go. Get it. Go, Dallas, go. Get the fuck out. There you go.


Very good. That was a true bomb. That is a no joke book. Do not pass go, do not collect $200 bomb. Luckily, we have a solution.


Now. When somebody bombs, we call in the fucking bomb squad. We have a superhero that specializes in performing after somebody bombs. Ladies and gentlemen, this is 60 seconds from the great and powerful true nicknames.


All right. Ever since I've been made a regular by Tony, my DM's have been popping. I'm talking short, I'm talking tall, I'm talking skinny, I'm talking wild. It's crazy. Some of them are young and fresh.


Some are a little old reliable. They're amazing. And some are good and healthy for me. Some are dangerous and toxic. But they make me feel so alive.


They all want me to. They love my energy. They even want to be with me. They'll do whatever it takes. They'll even pay me.


I mean, these energy drink companies are really thirsty for me, man. Thirsty as hell. And they all want to recruit me like I'm the next Billy Mays. But wait, there's more.


There was this health influencer. She slid in my DM's. She said, drew, I love you. You're so cute, but I'm worried about your heart. I said, baby is safe with me.


She said, no, Drew, I'm worried about your heart. It's going to explode. That's when I shotgun an energy drink. And then I blocked that bitch. Thank you so much, Drew nickens.


He loves energy drinks, ladies and gentlemen. I love it. So, Drew, welcome. Another new minute for you. How's life going?


It's amazing, Tony. Everybody's been so supportive. Everybody's been so kind. There's some funny duddies, but fuck them. We're having a good time, right?


Yeah, you're damn right. So, Drew, he's the new regular? Yeah, one of the new rotating regulars. All it took was a guy with a head injury to replace Hans. Yeah.


I love it. So, Drew, are there really a lot of girls in your DM's? Hell, no, Tony.


I swear there's four girls in my DM's at seven energy drink companies, dog. The ratio is crazy. Four girls, Drew. You're doing great, dog. Yeah, dude, I got nothing you like girls, right? Yes, I love girls. You get like women? Yes. I like women, too.Hell yeah. Sam. Nice. You been on any dates or anything other than the taco bell? In the car that I ate with a girl.I got friend zoned over spicy nuggets. Tony. Ooh, that was an Uber driver, Drew.She didn't have red hair.Drew, what else have you been doing? Have you checked out Austin, Texas at all? Have you gone out? Gone around. I like to go to malls and go to the outlet malls and find shoes.And then I like to go to the arcade and play big buck hunter. I had the time of my life. I went to one of your ghetto malls here in Austin. I think it's called lakeway or something. It was amazing.Fuck yeah. have as good of a set in interview as you had here tonight. Incredible stuff, Chloe.Very, very amazing. And, you know, I said it earlier but we have all different types of people that come here. There's nothing I think is cooler than when a real comedy vet that knows the fucking ins and outs and their way around an actual improvised interview and following a lead and taking the ball and running with it. And you just did that for eleven and a half minutes. Here's the big joke book.It's made of real Texas leather.There you go, Chloe. There she goes. Chloe Lebranche making her kill Tony debut. A chance signing up. Getting pulled out of the bucket.Amazing. And now we have a very special treat. Ladies and gentlemen, a golden ticket winner. A legend of the show. You know him from this show, from going on.Being found by Howie Mandel on this show. Brought over to America's got Talent. Made it all the way to the semifinals. They screwed him. They had to mess up his microphone and his phone in order for to eliminate him.Or else I think he would have won the whole goddamn thing. He's back. The canadian crippler. Make some noise for Aaron Belisle, everybody.Come on. You can do better than that. It's the return of Aaron Belisle.One more time for Aaron Balal.Being disabled, I often run into people who tried to recruit Jesus to the interview, you fed us your mother on a hot platter. I'm gonna give you a big joke book. There he goes. Jacob Marshall, everybody. All right, one more bucket pull.You guys still having fun? All right.Okay, make some noise for Tom. Feedback, everybody. Your final bucket pull of the night. Tom Feeback.What's up, guys? It's good to be here. I grew up playing football, and football coaches never have anything nice to say. My coach would always be like, you suck. You're a pussy.Your mom's a whore. Yeah. And that would always hurt my feelings because my dad was the coach and we weren't even at a game. I'm like, dad, I'm nine. Christmas, you know, so let me.I don't know. My dad was tough on me growing up. I feel like dads aren't tough anymore. Dads now are complete pussies. It's true, you know?Cause I was at the store the other day, I saw this dad with this kid, and the kid was being bad, and the dad just said all the time, he's like, Carson, Carson, Carson. One, two, one. I was like, dude, you fucking suck, dude, you. My dad would never have to say my name that many times growing up. My dad would go like, hey, the fuck?And that was it. That's all I got.Dads have to be scared. I'm not saying, like, hit your kids or anything, but they should be a little intimidated, you know? Cause, like, the scariest thing that my mom can tell me growing up is I'm gonna tell your dad. Yeah, you tell a kid in 2024, you're gonna tell his dad, he'd be like, who? Bill?How about this? Fuck bill. How about that? All right, guys. Thank you.Tom. Feedback welcome to the show, Tom. How you doing, Tony? Good minute. Thank you.First time on, right? First time on. How long you been doing stand up? Like three and a half years. Where at?Chicago. And you visit here often? I just moved here, like, three weeks ago. Congratulations. Thank you.Set of curiosity, what made you move to Austin, Texas, for comedy? Man, I was doing comedy in Chicago and, you know, I was doing a lot there, so I was like, I want to expand a little bit. You could have gone anywhere. You could have gone to New York. You could have gone to LA.And you picked Austin? Yes. Yeah. 100%, dude. Yep.Smart move. Just want to make sure people listening from New York and LA hear that.Anyway, really good, man. Oh, thank you. How do you make a living, Tom? Right now I'm doing Uber eats. Uber eats?Yeah. Terrible job. Okay. Yeah, that's the great job. No, you don't have any creeps in your car?Uber eats is easy, bro. No, you're thinking of Uber, Alice. You could have had a different job, you know that? If you lived in Estonia, you would be euthanizing people.He looks european. He looks good. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. Yeah.He's got dominant features, blue eyes. I like it. German, Italian.Is that. Was that an estonian gang sign you just threw up right there? Hello. Hello. This is the biggest thing to ever happen to Estonia.Dude, you on this show. Oh, yeah, yeah, I know. Yeah, ever since the wall fell or whatever. Was Latke Gravis? Did he say, did he claim Estonia?I can't remember Latke Gravis, Andy Kaufman's alter ego character. At one point he did. I think it was Estonia. Yeah, yeah. He picked, like, some.And then our famous claim to fame, enchino, man. Where? Pauly Shore. That the caveman is from Estonia. Dude.National news in Estonia. Wow. 1996, four years into our country. Hollywood are coming. Brendan Fraser.Brendan Fraser winning. Brendan Fraser. That is your boy. Okay, uber eats. So what's the craziest thing that's happened in your Uber Eats career?Craziest thing that's ever happened? One time I went to take a delivery and the guy told me to come in the house. And, yeah, he was completely naked. Oh. Sores all over his body.He just had pill bottles everywhere and piss jugs everywhere.You bastard. He didn't have to come in the house, but, you know, he came on the porch instead. Why did he invite you in? Did he want you to put the bag somewhere? Yeah, he wanted me to put the bag on his bed.Well, he was, like, 700 pounds, so he couldn't get up. Oh, jesus.That was when I was Brendan Fraser.I love it. So you went in there and was it. So you dropped the bag and was he, like, insinuating something happening or what was. Well, he was completely naked. Yeah, but what was the vibe?He had a towel over his dick. Was the vibe? The vibe? It was a good vibe. I liked it.That was a good vibe. I'm into it. He tried to tip, but he couldn't see it through his belly fat. Did you see his dick or was it. No, mushed.Yeah, I watched 600 pound life. There's nothing there, dude. Yeah, it's like inverted in his body, dude. Sure, bro. Absolutely amazing.Tom, what do you do for fun? For fun? Others stand up, hang out with my girlfriend. Hang out with the dog. Oh, okay.You have a girlfriend? Yeah, yeah. Where'd you meet her? At high school. What does she do?She's a nurse. She actually just got a job down here. So she's a nurse in Austin, Texas? Yes. Do you have her.You ever have her dress up as a nurse and you guys role play? She orders Uber eats and calls you into the house. She only has a towel. There's piss jugs everywhere. She has her good dance goes on.No, we don't really. She's not really that adventurous, you know? But I do like the scrubs. The scrubs are pretty hot. Tell us more about the non adventurous sex.Yeah, that was a bad comment, dude, to millions of people about your girlfriend. I'm just being honest. Just being honest, dude. Oh, my God. You're so fucked, dude.If I was a girlfriend and my boyfriend is on the biggest podcast in not that adventurous. It's perfect. So let's talk more about it. You guys have the same type of sex regularly, or is the sex regular? Do you.Yeah, sex is regular, but it. But it's also. But it's also. It seems very plain. You missionary position?Yeah, missionary doggy. That's pretty much like missionary doggy. That's it. Nothing else. Does she ever get on top?Yeah, she gets on top. She gets on top sometimes. She's so tired from work, though, though. Yeah, from providing, from carrying the relationship's finances on her back. My boyfriend's an open mic.I'm doing 16 hours shifts. My girlfriend's not adventurous enough.Dude, I'm tired. You asshole.Ari Matty, opening up the playbook here in the late innings. I love it. Getting involved in the fourth quarter. Yeah, I love it. I fucking love it.Ari Matty, one of the most fun people to drink with and hang out with at this club. I'm very excited about this first panel appearance for you, Ari. Oh, back to Tom Feback. That's your real name? Feedback.Feedback. E a c k? Yep. Why would he choose that as his stage name? I know.It's very bizarre. Okay. And you've been with the same girl since high school? Yeah. How old are you now?26. 26 years old. So is that the only girl you've ever had sex with? You've never been blown? I've been blown before.Huh? Blown blown. Like blown blown. Like blowjob, right? Yes. off your hand all over your shirt. You're getting very close to me. I want to give you a raspberry.Do you really want to? I can't think of a better way to. Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Sim.Hey. Yeah, there you go. Thank you. There you go. A true raspberry on one of the greatest red berries I've ever trans gingers had on the show.You're really sweating that toffee, buddy. Yeah, no, it's not good. I mean, it's getting worse by the midst. You taste the blizzard. Animal cookies.Tasted like Patrice O'Neal's piss. I love this. Run for president. Are you going to go all the way through with it? Yeah.Oh, my gosh. I mean, Tony, I think I probably. William Montgomery has done it again. And that is another episode of Kill Tony. with two l's, the man is on tour.I swear to God, one of the most fun, hilarious stand up comedians. If you love him on this show, wait till you see what he does all by himself with a microphone. Is a stand up a true, true monster out there? Sam anything else?Sam Pittsburgh in Detroit this month. Yep. Subscribe to my YouTube. I have a cool travel show. Oh, yeah.Subscribe to this YouTube as well. That'd be great. I always forget to say that my producer Yoni always yells at me for not saying. Subscribe to the button right now also. There you go.Sure. Re Maddie. Plug something. Ari. Matty.Comedy. Ari. M a t t I comedy on Instagram. Everything there. Thank you, Ari.M a t t I comedy on Instagram. Everything's there. We needs the followers we have to get him, and I need to make it quick. How many you want to see Ari as an american citizen?There you go. The drawing from Ryan Jebel is in of sam Tallon. Absolutely incredible shout outs to the horn players in deep madness who couldn't be with us here tonight? A lot of fun stuff coming up on this show. Incredible, incredible stuff.Thanks to all of our regulars and golden ticket winners and bucket pools tonight. And to you guys, the live audience that comes every week bills it to the gills. Ticket in town. Anything else? Check out the Sunset Strip comedy club, you guys. A lot of fun announcements coming around the corner from me. I'm gonna finish my touring schedule strong, so that's gonna be announced very, very soon here. It's gonna be an easy rest of the year. Madison square garden and a very couple other special things coming around the corner.Thank you to our live audience. Audience, go have fun. Austin, Texas, we love you. Good night, everybody. Thank you.The Sunset Strip Comedy club in Austin, Texas is now open. Check out red band's secret show every Thursday. for tickets.


you like girls, right? Yes, I love girls. You get like women? Yes. I like women, too.


Hell yeah. Sam. Nice. You been on any dates or anything other than the taco bell? In the car that I ate with a girl.


I got friend zoned over spicy nuggets. Tony. Ooh, that was an Uber driver, Drew.


She didn't have red hair.


Drew, what else have you been doing? Have you checked out Austin, Texas at all? Have you gone out? Gone around. I like to go to malls and go to the outlet malls and find shoes.


And then I like to go to the arcade and play big buck hunter. I had the time of my life. I went to one of your ghetto malls here in Austin. I think it's called lakeway or something. It was amazing.


Fuck yeah. have as good of a set in interview as you had here tonight. Incredible stuff, Chloe.Very, very amazing. And, you know, I said it earlier but we have all different types of people that come here. There's nothing I think is cooler than when a real comedy vet that knows the fucking ins and outs and their way around an actual improvised interview and following a lead and taking the ball and running with it. And you just did that for eleven and a half minutes. Here's the big joke book.It's made of real Texas leather.There you go, Chloe. There she goes. Chloe Lebranche making her kill Tony debut. A chance signing up. Getting pulled out of the bucket.Amazing. And now we have a very special treat. Ladies and gentlemen, a golden ticket winner. A legend of the show. You know him from this show, from going on.Being found by Howie Mandel on this show. Brought over to America's got Talent. Made it all the way to the semifinals. They screwed him. They had to mess up his microphone and his phone in order for to eliminate him.Or else I think he would have won the whole goddamn thing. He's back. The canadian crippler. Make some noise for Aaron Belisle, everybody.Come on. You can do better than that. It's the return of Aaron Belisle.One more time for Aaron Balal.Being disabled, I often run into people who tried to recruit Jesus to the interview, you fed us your mother on a hot platter. I'm gonna give you a big joke book. There he goes. Jacob Marshall, everybody. All right, one more bucket pull.You guys still having fun? All right.Okay, make some noise for Tom. Feedback, everybody. Your final bucket pull of the night. Tom Feeback.What's up, guys? It's good to be here. I grew up playing football, and football coaches never have anything nice to say. My coach would always be like, you suck. You're a pussy.Your mom's a whore. Yeah. And that would always hurt my feelings because my dad was the coach and we weren't even at a game. I'm like, dad, I'm nine. Christmas, you know, so let me.I don't know. My dad was tough on me growing up. I feel like dads aren't tough anymore. Dads now are complete pussies. It's true, you know?Cause I was at the store the other day, I saw this dad with this kid, and the kid was being bad, and the dad just said all the time, he's like, Carson, Carson, Carson. One, two, one. I was like, dude, you fucking suck, dude, you. My dad would never have to say my name that many times growing up. My dad would go like, hey, the fuck?And that was it. That's all I got.Dads have to be scared. I'm not saying, like, hit your kids or anything, but they should be a little intimidated, you know? Cause, like, the scariest thing that my mom can tell me growing up is I'm gonna tell your dad. Yeah, you tell a kid in 2024, you're gonna tell his dad, he'd be like, who? Bill?How about this? Fuck bill. How about that? All right, guys. Thank you.Tom. Feedback welcome to the show, Tom. How you doing, Tony? Good minute. Thank you.First time on, right? First time on. How long you been doing stand up? Like three and a half years. Where at?Chicago. And you visit here often? I just moved here, like, three weeks ago. Congratulations. Thank you.Set of curiosity, what made you move to Austin, Texas, for comedy? Man, I was doing comedy in Chicago and, you know, I was doing a lot there, so I was like, I want to expand a little bit. You could have gone anywhere. You could have gone to New York. You could have gone to LA.And you picked Austin? Yes. Yeah. 100%, dude. Yep.Smart move. Just want to make sure people listening from New York and LA hear that.Anyway, really good, man. Oh, thank you. How do you make a living, Tom? Right now I'm doing Uber eats. Uber eats?Yeah. Terrible job. Okay. Yeah, that's the great job. No, you don't have any creeps in your car?Uber eats is easy, bro. No, you're thinking of Uber, Alice. You could have had a different job, you know that? If you lived in Estonia, you would be euthanizing people.He looks european. He looks good. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. Yeah.He's got dominant features, blue eyes. I like it. German, Italian.Is that. Was that an estonian gang sign you just threw up right there? Hello. Hello. This is the biggest thing to ever happen to Estonia.Dude, you on this show. Oh, yeah, yeah, I know. Yeah, ever since the wall fell or whatever. Was Latke Gravis? Did he say, did he claim Estonia?I can't remember Latke Gravis, Andy Kaufman's alter ego character. At one point he did. I think it was Estonia. Yeah, yeah. He picked, like, some.And then our famous claim to fame, enchino, man. Where? Pauly Shore. That the caveman is from Estonia. Dude.National news in Estonia. Wow. 1996, four years into our country. Hollywood are coming. Brendan Fraser.Brendan Fraser winning. Brendan Fraser. That is your boy. Okay, uber eats. So what's the craziest thing that's happened in your Uber Eats career?Craziest thing that's ever happened? One time I went to take a delivery and the guy told me to come in the house. And, yeah, he was completely naked. Oh. Sores all over his body.He just had pill bottles everywhere and piss jugs everywhere.You bastard. He didn't have to come in the house, but, you know, he came on the porch instead. Why did he invite you in? Did he want you to put the bag somewhere? Yeah, he wanted me to put the bag on his bed.Well, he was, like, 700 pounds, so he couldn't get up. Oh, jesus.That was when I was Brendan Fraser.I love it. So you went in there and was it. So you dropped the bag and was he, like, insinuating something happening or what was. Well, he was completely naked. Yeah, but what was the vibe?He had a towel over his dick. Was the vibe? The vibe? It was a good vibe. I liked it.That was a good vibe. I'm into it. He tried to tip, but he couldn't see it through his belly fat. Did you see his dick or was it. No, mushed.Yeah, I watched 600 pound life. There's nothing there, dude. Yeah, it's like inverted in his body, dude. Sure, bro. Absolutely amazing.Tom, what do you do for fun? For fun? Others stand up, hang out with my girlfriend. Hang out with the dog. Oh, okay.You have a girlfriend? Yeah, yeah. Where'd you meet her? At high school. What does she do?She's a nurse. She actually just got a job down here. So she's a nurse in Austin, Texas? Yes. Do you have her.You ever have her dress up as a nurse and you guys role play? She orders Uber eats and calls you into the house. She only has a towel. There's piss jugs everywhere. She has her good dance goes on.No, we don't really. She's not really that adventurous, you know? But I do like the scrubs. The scrubs are pretty hot. Tell us more about the non adventurous sex.Yeah, that was a bad comment, dude, to millions of people about your girlfriend. I'm just being honest. Just being honest, dude. Oh, my God. You're so fucked, dude.If I was a girlfriend and my boyfriend is on the biggest podcast in not that adventurous. It's perfect. So let's talk more about it. You guys have the same type of sex regularly, or is the sex regular? Do you.Yeah, sex is regular, but it. But it's also. But it's also. It seems very plain. You missionary position?Yeah, missionary doggy. That's pretty much like missionary doggy. That's it. Nothing else. Does she ever get on top?Yeah, she gets on top. She gets on top sometimes. She's so tired from work, though, though. Yeah, from providing, from carrying the relationship's finances on her back. My boyfriend's an open mic.I'm doing 16 hours shifts. My girlfriend's not adventurous enough.Dude, I'm tired. You asshole.Ari Matty, opening up the playbook here in the late innings. I love it. Getting involved in the fourth quarter. Yeah, I love it. I fucking love it.Ari Matty, one of the most fun people to drink with and hang out with at this club. I'm very excited about this first panel appearance for you, Ari. Oh, back to Tom Feback. That's your real name? Feedback.Feedback. E a c k? Yep. Why would he choose that as his stage name? I know.It's very bizarre. Okay. And you've been with the same girl since high school? Yeah. How old are you now?26. 26 years old. So is that the only girl you've ever had sex with? You've never been blown? I've been blown before.Huh? Blown blown. Like blown blown. Like blowjob, right? Yes. off your hand all over your shirt. You're getting very close to me. I want to give you a raspberry.Do you really want to? I can't think of a better way to. Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Sim.Hey. Yeah, there you go. Thank you. There you go. A true raspberry on one of the greatest red berries I've ever trans gingers had on the show.You're really sweating that toffee, buddy. Yeah, no, it's not good. I mean, it's getting worse by the midst. You taste the blizzard. Animal cookies.Tasted like Patrice O'Neal's piss. I love this. Run for president. Are you going to go all the way through with it? Yeah.Oh, my gosh. I mean, Tony, I think I probably. William Montgomery has done it again. And that is another episode of Kill Tony. with two l's, the man is on tour.I swear to God, one of the most fun, hilarious stand up comedians. If you love him on this show, wait till you see what he does all by himself with a microphone. Is a stand up a true, true monster out there? Sam anything else?Sam Pittsburgh in Detroit this month. Yep. Subscribe to my YouTube. I have a cool travel show. Oh, yeah.Subscribe to this YouTube as well. That'd be great. I always forget to say that my producer Yoni always yells at me for not saying. Subscribe to the button right now also. There you go.Sure. Re Maddie. Plug something. Ari. Matty.Comedy. Ari. M a t t I comedy on Instagram. Everything there. Thank you, Ari.M a t t I comedy on Instagram. Everything's there. We needs the followers we have to get him, and I need to make it quick. How many you want to see Ari as an american citizen?There you go. The drawing from Ryan Jebel is in of sam Tallon. Absolutely incredible shout outs to the horn players in deep madness who couldn't be with us here tonight? A lot of fun stuff coming up on this show. Incredible, incredible stuff.Thanks to all of our regulars and golden ticket winners and bucket pools tonight. And to you guys, the live audience that comes every week bills it to the gills. Ticket in town. Anything else? Check out the Sunset Strip comedy club, you guys. A lot of fun announcements coming around the corner from me. I'm gonna finish my touring schedule strong, so that's gonna be announced very, very soon here. It's gonna be an easy rest of the year. Madison square garden and a very couple other special things coming around the corner.Thank you to our live audience. Audience, go have fun. Austin, Texas, we love you. Good night, everybody. Thank you.The Sunset Strip Comedy club in Austin, Texas is now open. Check out red band's secret show every Thursday. for tickets.


have as good of a set in interview as you had here tonight. Incredible stuff, Chloe.


Very, very amazing. And, you know, I said it earlier but we have all different types of people that come here. There's nothing I think is cooler than when a real comedy vet that knows the fucking ins and outs and their way around an actual improvised interview and following a lead and taking the ball and running with it. And you just did that for eleven and a half minutes. Here's the big joke book.


It's made of real Texas leather.


There you go, Chloe. There she goes. Chloe Lebranche making her kill Tony debut. A chance signing up. Getting pulled out of the bucket.


Amazing. And now we have a very special treat. Ladies and gentlemen, a golden ticket winner. A legend of the show. You know him from this show, from going on.


Being found by Howie Mandel on this show. Brought over to America's got Talent. Made it all the way to the semifinals. They screwed him. They had to mess up his microphone and his phone in order for to eliminate him.


Or else I think he would have won the whole goddamn thing. He's back. The canadian crippler. Make some noise for Aaron Belisle, everybody.


Come on. You can do better than that. It's the return of Aaron Belisle.


One more time for Aaron Balal.


Being disabled, I often run into people who tried to recruit Jesus to the interview, you fed us your mother on a hot platter. I'm gonna give you a big joke book. There he goes. Jacob Marshall, everybody. All right, one more bucket pull.You guys still having fun? All right.Okay, make some noise for Tom. Feedback, everybody. Your final bucket pull of the night. Tom Feeback.What's up, guys? It's good to be here. I grew up playing football, and football coaches never have anything nice to say. My coach would always be like, you suck. You're a pussy.Your mom's a whore. Yeah. And that would always hurt my feelings because my dad was the coach and we weren't even at a game. I'm like, dad, I'm nine. Christmas, you know, so let me.I don't know. My dad was tough on me growing up. I feel like dads aren't tough anymore. Dads now are complete pussies. It's true, you know?Cause I was at the store the other day, I saw this dad with this kid, and the kid was being bad, and the dad just said all the time, he's like, Carson, Carson, Carson. One, two, one. I was like, dude, you fucking suck, dude, you. My dad would never have to say my name that many times growing up. My dad would go like, hey, the fuck?And that was it. That's all I got.Dads have to be scared. I'm not saying, like, hit your kids or anything, but they should be a little intimidated, you know? Cause, like, the scariest thing that my mom can tell me growing up is I'm gonna tell your dad. Yeah, you tell a kid in 2024, you're gonna tell his dad, he'd be like, who? Bill?How about this? Fuck bill. How about that? All right, guys. Thank you.Tom. Feedback welcome to the show, Tom. How you doing, Tony? Good minute. Thank you.First time on, right? First time on. How long you been doing stand up? Like three and a half years. Where at?Chicago. And you visit here often? I just moved here, like, three weeks ago. Congratulations. Thank you.Set of curiosity, what made you move to Austin, Texas, for comedy? Man, I was doing comedy in Chicago and, you know, I was doing a lot there, so I was like, I want to expand a little bit. You could have gone anywhere. You could have gone to New York. You could have gone to LA.And you picked Austin? Yes. Yeah. 100%, dude. Yep.Smart move. Just want to make sure people listening from New York and LA hear that.Anyway, really good, man. Oh, thank you. How do you make a living, Tom? Right now I'm doing Uber eats. Uber eats?Yeah. Terrible job. Okay. Yeah, that's the great job. No, you don't have any creeps in your car?Uber eats is easy, bro. No, you're thinking of Uber, Alice. You could have had a different job, you know that? If you lived in Estonia, you would be euthanizing people.He looks european. He looks good. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. Yeah.He's got dominant features, blue eyes. I like it. German, Italian.Is that. Was that an estonian gang sign you just threw up right there? Hello. Hello. This is the biggest thing to ever happen to Estonia.Dude, you on this show. Oh, yeah, yeah, I know. Yeah, ever since the wall fell or whatever. Was Latke Gravis? Did he say, did he claim Estonia?I can't remember Latke Gravis, Andy Kaufman's alter ego character. At one point he did. I think it was Estonia. Yeah, yeah. He picked, like, some.And then our famous claim to fame, enchino, man. Where? Pauly Shore. That the caveman is from Estonia. Dude.National news in Estonia. Wow. 1996, four years into our country. Hollywood are coming. Brendan Fraser.Brendan Fraser winning. Brendan Fraser. That is your boy. Okay, uber eats. So what's the craziest thing that's happened in your Uber Eats career?Craziest thing that's ever happened? One time I went to take a delivery and the guy told me to come in the house. And, yeah, he was completely naked. Oh. Sores all over his body.He just had pill bottles everywhere and piss jugs everywhere.You bastard. He didn't have to come in the house, but, you know, he came on the porch instead. Why did he invite you in? Did he want you to put the bag somewhere? Yeah, he wanted me to put the bag on his bed.Well, he was, like, 700 pounds, so he couldn't get up. Oh, jesus.That was when I was Brendan Fraser.I love it. So you went in there and was it. So you dropped the bag and was he, like, insinuating something happening or what was. Well, he was completely naked. Yeah, but what was the vibe?He had a towel over his dick. Was the vibe? The vibe? It was a good vibe. I liked it.That was a good vibe. I'm into it. He tried to tip, but he couldn't see it through his belly fat. Did you see his dick or was it. No, mushed.Yeah, I watched 600 pound life. There's nothing there, dude. Yeah, it's like inverted in his body, dude. Sure, bro. Absolutely amazing.Tom, what do you do for fun? For fun? Others stand up, hang out with my girlfriend. Hang out with the dog. Oh, okay.You have a girlfriend? Yeah, yeah. Where'd you meet her? At high school. What does she do?She's a nurse. She actually just got a job down here. So she's a nurse in Austin, Texas? Yes. Do you have her.You ever have her dress up as a nurse and you guys role play? She orders Uber eats and calls you into the house. She only has a towel. There's piss jugs everywhere. She has her good dance goes on.No, we don't really. She's not really that adventurous, you know? But I do like the scrubs. The scrubs are pretty hot. Tell us more about the non adventurous sex.Yeah, that was a bad comment, dude, to millions of people about your girlfriend. I'm just being honest. Just being honest, dude. Oh, my God. You're so fucked, dude.If I was a girlfriend and my boyfriend is on the biggest podcast in not that adventurous. It's perfect. So let's talk more about it. You guys have the same type of sex regularly, or is the sex regular? Do you.Yeah, sex is regular, but it. But it's also. But it's also. It seems very plain. You missionary position?Yeah, missionary doggy. That's pretty much like missionary doggy. That's it. Nothing else. Does she ever get on top?Yeah, she gets on top. She gets on top sometimes. She's so tired from work, though, though. Yeah, from providing, from carrying the relationship's finances on her back. My boyfriend's an open mic.I'm doing 16 hours shifts. My girlfriend's not adventurous enough.Dude, I'm tired. You asshole.Ari Matty, opening up the playbook here in the late innings. I love it. Getting involved in the fourth quarter. Yeah, I love it. I fucking love it.Ari Matty, one of the most fun people to drink with and hang out with at this club. I'm very excited about this first panel appearance for you, Ari. Oh, back to Tom Feback. That's your real name? Feedback.Feedback. E a c k? Yep. Why would he choose that as his stage name? I know.It's very bizarre. Okay. And you've been with the same girl since high school? Yeah. How old are you now?26. 26 years old. So is that the only girl you've ever had sex with? You've never been blown? I've been blown before.Huh? Blown blown. Like blown blown. Like blowjob, right? Yes. off your hand all over your shirt. You're getting very close to me. I want to give you a raspberry.Do you really want to? I can't think of a better way to. Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Sim.Hey. Yeah, there you go. Thank you. There you go. A true raspberry on one of the greatest red berries I've ever trans gingers had on the show.You're really sweating that toffee, buddy. Yeah, no, it's not good. I mean, it's getting worse by the midst. You taste the blizzard. Animal cookies.Tasted like Patrice O'Neal's piss. I love this. Run for president. Are you going to go all the way through with it? Yeah.Oh, my gosh. I mean, Tony, I think I probably. William Montgomery has done it again. And that is another episode of Kill Tony. with two l's, the man is on tour.I swear to God, one of the most fun, hilarious stand up comedians. If you love him on this show, wait till you see what he does all by himself with a microphone. Is a stand up a true, true monster out there? Sam anything else?Sam Pittsburgh in Detroit this month. Yep. Subscribe to my YouTube. I have a cool travel show. Oh, yeah.Subscribe to this YouTube as well. That'd be great. I always forget to say that my producer Yoni always yells at me for not saying. Subscribe to the button right now also. There you go.Sure. Re Maddie. Plug something. Ari. Matty.Comedy. Ari. M a t t I comedy on Instagram. Everything there. Thank you, Ari.M a t t I comedy on Instagram. Everything's there. We needs the followers we have to get him, and I need to make it quick. How many you want to see Ari as an american citizen?There you go. The drawing from Ryan Jebel is in of sam Tallon. Absolutely incredible shout outs to the horn players in deep madness who couldn't be with us here tonight? A lot of fun stuff coming up on this show. Incredible, incredible stuff.Thanks to all of our regulars and golden ticket winners and bucket pools tonight. And to you guys, the live audience that comes every week bills it to the gills. Ticket in town. Anything else? Check out the Sunset Strip comedy club, you guys. A lot of fun announcements coming around the corner from me. I'm gonna finish my touring schedule strong, so that's gonna be announced very, very soon here. It's gonna be an easy rest of the year. Madison square garden and a very couple other special things coming around the corner.Thank you to our live audience. Audience, go have fun. Austin, Texas, we love you. Good night, everybody. Thank you.The Sunset Strip Comedy club in Austin, Texas is now open. Check out red band's secret show every Thursday. for tickets.


the interview, you fed us your mother on a hot platter. I'm gonna give you a big joke book. There he goes. Jacob Marshall, everybody. All right, one more bucket pull.


You guys still having fun? All right.


Okay, make some noise for Tom. Feedback, everybody. Your final bucket pull of the night. Tom Feeback.


What's up, guys? It's good to be here. I grew up playing football, and football coaches never have anything nice to say. My coach would always be like, you suck. You're a pussy.


Your mom's a whore. Yeah. And that would always hurt my feelings because my dad was the coach and we weren't even at a game. I'm like, dad, I'm nine. Christmas, you know, so let me.


I don't know. My dad was tough on me growing up. I feel like dads aren't tough anymore. Dads now are complete pussies. It's true, you know?


Cause I was at the store the other day, I saw this dad with this kid, and the kid was being bad, and the dad just said all the time, he's like, Carson, Carson, Carson. One, two, one. I was like, dude, you fucking suck, dude, you. My dad would never have to say my name that many times growing up. My dad would go like, hey, the fuck?


And that was it. That's all I got.


Dads have to be scared. I'm not saying, like, hit your kids or anything, but they should be a little intimidated, you know? Cause, like, the scariest thing that my mom can tell me growing up is I'm gonna tell your dad. Yeah, you tell a kid in 2024, you're gonna tell his dad, he'd be like, who? Bill?


How about this? Fuck bill. How about that? All right, guys. Thank you.


Tom. Feedback welcome to the show, Tom. How you doing, Tony? Good minute. Thank you.


First time on, right? First time on. How long you been doing stand up? Like three and a half years. Where at?


Chicago. And you visit here often? I just moved here, like, three weeks ago. Congratulations. Thank you.


Set of curiosity, what made you move to Austin, Texas, for comedy? Man, I was doing comedy in Chicago and, you know, I was doing a lot there, so I was like, I want to expand a little bit. You could have gone anywhere. You could have gone to New York. You could have gone to LA.


And you picked Austin? Yes. Yeah. 100%, dude. Yep.


Smart move. Just want to make sure people listening from New York and LA hear that.


Anyway, really good, man. Oh, thank you. How do you make a living, Tom? Right now I'm doing Uber eats. Uber eats?


Yeah. Terrible job. Okay. Yeah, that's the great job. No, you don't have any creeps in your car?


Uber eats is easy, bro. No, you're thinking of Uber, Alice. You could have had a different job, you know that? If you lived in Estonia, you would be euthanizing people.


He looks european. He looks good. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. Yeah.


He's got dominant features, blue eyes. I like it. German, Italian.


Is that. Was that an estonian gang sign you just threw up right there? Hello. Hello. This is the biggest thing to ever happen to Estonia.


Dude, you on this show. Oh, yeah, yeah, I know. Yeah, ever since the wall fell or whatever. Was Latke Gravis? Did he say, did he claim Estonia?


I can't remember Latke Gravis, Andy Kaufman's alter ego character. At one point he did. I think it was Estonia. Yeah, yeah. He picked, like, some.


And then our famous claim to fame, enchino, man. Where? Pauly Shore. That the caveman is from Estonia. Dude.


National news in Estonia. Wow. 1996, four years into our country. Hollywood are coming. Brendan Fraser.


Brendan Fraser winning. Brendan Fraser. That is your boy. Okay, uber eats. So what's the craziest thing that's happened in your Uber Eats career?


Craziest thing that's ever happened? One time I went to take a delivery and the guy told me to come in the house. And, yeah, he was completely naked. Oh. Sores all over his body.


He just had pill bottles everywhere and piss jugs everywhere.


You bastard. He didn't have to come in the house, but, you know, he came on the porch instead. Why did he invite you in? Did he want you to put the bag somewhere? Yeah, he wanted me to put the bag on his bed.


Well, he was, like, 700 pounds, so he couldn't get up. Oh, jesus.


That was when I was Brendan Fraser.


I love it. So you went in there and was it. So you dropped the bag and was he, like, insinuating something happening or what was. Well, he was completely naked. Yeah, but what was the vibe?


He had a towel over his dick. Was the vibe? The vibe? It was a good vibe. I liked it.


That was a good vibe. I'm into it. He tried to tip, but he couldn't see it through his belly fat. Did you see his dick or was it. No, mushed.


Yeah, I watched 600 pound life. There's nothing there, dude. Yeah, it's like inverted in his body, dude. Sure, bro. Absolutely amazing.


Tom, what do you do for fun? For fun? Others stand up, hang out with my girlfriend. Hang out with the dog. Oh, okay.


You have a girlfriend? Yeah, yeah. Where'd you meet her? At high school. What does she do?


She's a nurse. She actually just got a job down here. So she's a nurse in Austin, Texas? Yes. Do you have her.


You ever have her dress up as a nurse and you guys role play? She orders Uber eats and calls you into the house. She only has a towel. There's piss jugs everywhere. She has her good dance goes on.


No, we don't really. She's not really that adventurous, you know? But I do like the scrubs. The scrubs are pretty hot. Tell us more about the non adventurous sex.


Yeah, that was a bad comment, dude, to millions of people about your girlfriend. I'm just being honest. Just being honest, dude. Oh, my God. You're so fucked, dude.


If I was a girlfriend and my boyfriend is on the biggest podcast in not that adventurous. It's perfect. So let's talk more about it. You guys have the same type of sex regularly, or is the sex regular? Do you.


Yeah, sex is regular, but it. But it's also. But it's also. It seems very plain. You missionary position?


Yeah, missionary doggy. That's pretty much like missionary doggy. That's it. Nothing else. Does she ever get on top?


Yeah, she gets on top. She gets on top sometimes. She's so tired from work, though, though. Yeah, from providing, from carrying the relationship's finances on her back. My boyfriend's an open mic.


I'm doing 16 hours shifts. My girlfriend's not adventurous enough.


Dude, I'm tired. You asshole.


Ari Matty, opening up the playbook here in the late innings. I love it. Getting involved in the fourth quarter. Yeah, I love it. I fucking love it.


Ari Matty, one of the most fun people to drink with and hang out with at this club. I'm very excited about this first panel appearance for you, Ari. Oh, back to Tom Feback. That's your real name? Feedback.


Feedback. E a c k? Yep. Why would he choose that as his stage name? I know.


It's very bizarre. Okay. And you've been with the same girl since high school? Yeah. How old are you now?


26. 26 years old. So is that the only girl you've ever had sex with? You've never been blown? I've been blown before.


Huh? Blown blown. Like blown blown. Like blowjob, right? Yes. off your hand all over your shirt. You're getting very close to me. I want to give you a raspberry.Do you really want to? I can't think of a better way to. Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Sim.Hey. Yeah, there you go. Thank you. There you go. A true raspberry on one of the greatest red berries I've ever trans gingers had on the show.You're really sweating that toffee, buddy. Yeah, no, it's not good. I mean, it's getting worse by the midst. You taste the blizzard. Animal cookies.Tasted like Patrice O'Neal's piss. I love this. Run for president. Are you going to go all the way through with it? Yeah.Oh, my gosh. I mean, Tony, I think I probably. William Montgomery has done it again. And that is another episode of Kill Tony. with two l's, the man is on tour.I swear to God, one of the most fun, hilarious stand up comedians. If you love him on this show, wait till you see what he does all by himself with a microphone. Is a stand up a true, true monster out there? Sam anything else?Sam Pittsburgh in Detroit this month. Yep. Subscribe to my YouTube. I have a cool travel show. Oh, yeah.Subscribe to this YouTube as well. That'd be great. I always forget to say that my producer Yoni always yells at me for not saying. Subscribe to the button right now also. There you go.Sure. Re Maddie. Plug something. Ari. Matty.Comedy. Ari. M a t t I comedy on Instagram. Everything there. Thank you, Ari.M a t t I comedy on Instagram. Everything's there. We needs the followers we have to get him, and I need to make it quick. How many you want to see Ari as an american citizen?There you go. The drawing from Ryan Jebel is in of sam Tallon. Absolutely incredible shout outs to the horn players in deep madness who couldn't be with us here tonight? A lot of fun stuff coming up on this show. Incredible, incredible stuff.Thanks to all of our regulars and golden ticket winners and bucket pools tonight. And to you guys, the live audience that comes every week bills it to the gills. Ticket in town. Anything else? Check out the Sunset Strip comedy club, you guys. A lot of fun announcements coming around the corner from me. I'm gonna finish my touring schedule strong, so that's gonna be announced very, very soon here. It's gonna be an easy rest of the year. Madison square garden and a very couple other special things coming around the corner.Thank you to our live audience. Audience, go have fun. Austin, Texas, we love you. Good night, everybody. Thank you.The Sunset Strip Comedy club in Austin, Texas is now open. Check out red band's secret show every Thursday. for tickets.


off your hand all over your shirt. You're getting very close to me. I want to give you a raspberry.


Do you really want to? I can't think of a better way to. Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Sim.


Hey. Yeah, there you go. Thank you. There you go. A true raspberry on one of the greatest red berries I've ever trans gingers had on the show.


You're really sweating that toffee, buddy. Yeah, no, it's not good. I mean, it's getting worse by the midst. You taste the blizzard. Animal cookies.


Tasted like Patrice O'Neal's piss. I love this. Run for president. Are you going to go all the way through with it? Yeah.


Oh, my gosh. I mean, Tony, I think I probably. William Montgomery has done it again. And that is another episode of Kill Tony. with two l's, the man is on tour.


I swear to God, one of the most fun, hilarious stand up comedians. If you love him on this show, wait till you see what he does all by himself with a microphone. Is a stand up a true, true monster out there? Sam anything else?


Sam Pittsburgh in Detroit this month. Yep. Subscribe to my YouTube. I have a cool travel show. Oh, yeah.


Subscribe to this YouTube as well. That'd be great. I always forget to say that my producer Yoni always yells at me for not saying. Subscribe to the button right now also. There you go.


Sure. Re Maddie. Plug something. Ari. Matty.


Comedy. Ari. M a t t I comedy on Instagram. Everything there. Thank you, Ari.


M a t t I comedy on Instagram. Everything's there. We needs the followers we have to get him, and I need to make it quick. How many you want to see Ari as an american citizen?


There you go. The drawing from Ryan Jebel is in of sam Tallon. Absolutely incredible shout outs to the horn players in deep madness who couldn't be with us here tonight? A lot of fun stuff coming up on this show. Incredible, incredible stuff.


Thanks to all of our regulars and golden ticket winners and bucket pools tonight. And to you guys, the live audience that comes every week bills it to the gills. Ticket in town. Anything else? Check out the Sunset Strip comedy club,


love you guys. A lot of fun announcements coming around the corner from me. I'm gonna finish my touring schedule strong, so that's gonna be announced very, very soon here. It's gonna be an easy rest of the year. Madison square garden and a very couple other special things coming around the corner.


Thank you to our live audience. Audience, go have fun. Austin, Texas, we love you. Good night, everybody. Thank you.


The Sunset Strip Comedy club in Austin, Texas is now open. Check out red band's secret show every Thursday. for tickets.