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At just east. Sometimes it's not about staying in. It's all about coming out. We're sponsoring Dublin's 50th pride. You'll spot us at the parade and in Merriam Square Food Village, where we'll be joined by the amazing chimac and urban health and our charity partner outhouse LGBTQ center. And listen up. From the parade's kickoff at twelve, we'll be donating 50 cent of every order to outhouse. So don't stay in. Come out. T's and c supply. See justy Jody e for details.


Did somebody say just eat hold. Primates listening. It is I, numitor 479. According to our studies of your puny mammalian race, we discovered you like very good coffee. And while it is our evolutionary purpose to cause you psychic torment, we want you awake and vivacious. You give it. So try our new blend from spring heeled jack coffee reptilian. In the morning, our proprietary blend of lightly roasted cacao husks will have you immediately energized upon emerging from the pain coacca with all your slippery new eggs. Thanks, javity.


Hot out.


I'm cold blooded. Gah. Mmm. Thanks to Spring Hill Jack and last hot cast on the left, I'm ready to get out there and eat some babies. Get out of the way, Hillary Clinton.


There's no place to escape to.


This is the lost on the left.


That's when the cannibalism started. What was that? Ow. Man. Nothing has to be as disappointing as finding out that you don't even have enough dick for lunch.


I know I don't.


I know I don't.


No, nobody does.


Well, if you could have. For me, you can have one ball for one lunch and another for dinner.


That's different.


But that's why, if you want to eat the same thing twice.


Absolutely. And that's the type of german eggs that I don't want. I don't want your german eggs. I just. It's just weird, the idea of big, bouncy eggs. I love Germany. What a great day today's gonna be.


Welcome to last podcast on the left. Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Marcus Sparks. I'm here with Henry Zabrowski.


Hungry, hungry Henry Zabrowski.


Oh, man.


I honestly, I did eat lunch.


What'd you have?


I had. I had my gert. I had berries and Gert.


I had that for breakfast.


Yeah, that was my lunch.


Not a green smoothie for lunch today, knowing that we were gonna have this episode.


But I'm excited about today. Yeah. Because today it's time for dude. To be on the menu.




We did it. We made it.


We made it. And of course, making it with us is Ed Larson.


For years I worked at a cheesesteak restaurant. Years. 99 miles to philly, do you think?


One of the saddest things.


We passed us 99 miles to Frankfurt.


Do you have to shave the meat? Like, when you do a.


It comes pretty pre shaven, but we kind of half cook it and then put it with some juice on the side and then freeze it and then unfreeze it.


But it doesn't come in a big frozen block that you shave sections off. Cause I wonder how he'd make cheese dick. Like, how would he make human cheesesteak?


I would imagine he'd probably use the back and shave it.




But, you know, we never went through. I didn't. You know, it was a storefront. You know, we're not shaving legs of cow and like that.


No, no.


They're giving us the meat and it's got a little deli paper in between it. We're flapping on the grill.


Yeah, it's a tiny little place in the east village. And, man, I miss that place.


I miss that place. R I P. But, guys, today it's getting romantic. But just remember, Tone's gonna shift. Because last week you remember, like, again. It does. Again. It gets very romantic, but it gets a little intense. That's why we're going from old school. Hey.






And of course, that is Romstein. Romstein. Rom. Steen. With their song about. Well, actually, it's not necess. It's not necessarily about armin meivas. It's more about. It's from the perspective of the man Armin Mavis ate.


The man who came to dinner and was dinner.


Yeah. Appropriately named Burnt.


Hey, it was medium rare.


Well, not the penis. We'll get into it. You know what's interesting about Romstein? I didn't realize they're named after the town. Cause I went to Romstein Air Force Base. I don't know if it was Steiner. Steen.




Stein. I went to Rammstein Air Force Base when I did Uso.


Oh, wow.


So they're like Germany. Chicago.


That's amazing.


Chicago is that version of Saturday in the park.


I love that song.


Love that song.


So when we last left Armin Meevus, his fantasies of killing and eating another man were about to come true.


Lucky boy.


After spending months on various cannibal forums searching for a potential willing victim and coming up empty, Armin had finally found a man who was pathologically obsessed with being annihilated by another human being, culinarily.


Speaking, as is called epicurean cannibalism. Did you know that there's a whole world of cannibalism that's called epicurean cannibalism, which means to eat for the taste.




Oh, yeah.


Just not for survival. You should distinct the two.


Well, we do. We covered it when we covered the alive. We're talking about the rugby team. That's technically anthropophagy, which is they eating for survival. It's called survival cannibalism. But yeah, he just liked it.


I wonder if they think he's like a poser or the best.


He actually did become a minor folk hero in his little community.


Oh, interesting.


Well, the man who was annihilated was named Ben Brandis. And his desire. Cause it's more. It's burned instead of burnt. Yeah, it's burned. And his desire to be consumed and Armin's desire to feast upon flesh matched about as perfectly as one could hope in situations such as this.


Yeah, man, it's just kind of incredible.




You never know when you're going to meet your soulmate.


It wasn't a perfect match. We're going to get into it. It wasn't a perfect match. But hey, what's perfect.


Is our marriage is perfect. No, with a great.


Yes. Yeah.


So they found it. They found themselves.


It's like Jack and Rose.


Jack and Joe went up the hill to fetch a pail of blood.


What are you doing in here?


So after a period of back and forth on email, Bernd arrived at Armin's local train station with an aggressive attitude towards being killed and eaten as soon as possible, but not necessarily in that order.


What if Bernd did show up with just two hamburger buns? Just like, what does this look like? Is it my new hat?


Well, as far as how a specimen such as Bernd Brandis came to be, he was born in Berlin in 1958 as the perfect, perfectly normal, middle class son of two doctors.


Now, those doctors, they spend a lot of time massaging his body with nice, delicious herbs and, like, a sake in order to sort of like marble them through, like to get.


We're gonna do this the whole time.


I'm just saying.


You're starting at the very beginning. You're starting with his birth.


You're just saying that when he was first marinated. Exactly. That's where they start these Kobe beasts. That's where they start them straight out the pussy.


But when Bernd was five years old, his mother accidentally killed a patient during.


A procedure, dropped an anvil on him.


That anvil therapy is so dangerous, it's only in your.


Soon after, while on vacation, his mother crashed her car into a tree, which killed her instantly while it was ruled an accident. Barron's father always believed it to be a suicide because she couldn't live with the guilt of a patient's death. But the stress of Baron's mother's death at such a young age and the subsequent transference of his mother's guilt, this became a pathology in which Barron believed that he had to atone for his mother's failings and her death through his own annihilation and suffering. Or at least that's what's speculated.


There really is. Seems to be, I don't know, but a pretty big connection to mommy issues and cannibalism.


Well, I mean, most.


Kemper, I mean, really also did weird cannibalistic acts. He had problems with mommy, right?


I would say that most, what do you call them? Not fetishes. A lot of them are associated with mommy cannibalism because mommy's got the tits.


But sometimes daddy's got the dicks. And if you like the dicks, then. Then Daddy might give you the fetishes.


But remember, Daddy wasn't around.






It didn't help him, but he. Yeah, a lot of mommies around are really not doing their best.




Yeah. Especially if you're like, yeah, like Jeffrey Dahmer. He had issues.


He had a bad mommy.


Yeah, he had bad mommy.


Well, he had, like, but a distant mommy.


Well, he had a mommy that was incredibly depressive, and that affected him in many ways. And his parents had a horrible relationship, and then they just abandoned him when he was about 16, and that's when he started killing men.


But that's because he sucked. See, and that's the thing, is that the kids suck. So, yeah, they were right.


Yeah, my parents pretty much abandoned me at 17.


I didn't kill anybody except for audiences around this country. Go to Eddie and go and have him come to your local church, your local funeral home, anywhere.


But what's most interesting about this is that both Bernd and Armin developed their fantasies at around the same age, although Armin seemed to have been born with it while Behrend was created by outside forces. But we got a really interesting email on the sides at side stories this week from a person who actually does have this, like, cannibalism fetish. And they said that through speaking with other people who have the same fetish. They're like, you're kind of just born with it.


Yeah, exactly.


They just all say, like. And they said, a lot of people get it, though. Like, when it does get kind of baked in later on, a lot of people get it from the. From Pinocchio. Like, Pinocchio gets swallowed by the whale. Some of them say, like, yeah, that. When I watched that when I was a kid, it made me really horny. What, that swallowed by the whale?


Yeah, that's vore. Then we're in the world of vore too. Is something else entirely. Vor is the idea that you're. You are sexually attracted to the idea of being entirely consumed. That's burned kinda.




In his own way, he does like that kinda. Cause his is the opposite swing right where Armin's is all about. The kind about looking at people as food, but burned. Looked in the mirror and sees pizza.




Like, he literally is like, I'm hot. I'm so hot, I shouldn't exist.




And he had no strings to hold him down.


Great Pinocchio joke. Fantastic.


You know, he only lies once.


Nevertheless, while Armin was obsessed with consuming his entire life, Baron had a lifelong obsession with being consumed. And it wasn't like, we'll get into it later. It wasn't just that it made him horny. It was a lot of shit going on with Baron, including not being okay with being. Having a lot of issues with being gay, having issues with self love and self hatred and all that. Baron was a fascinating individual. But, you know, he's got some problems.


He's got problems.


Yeah, he seems oddly self aware.


He's, I think, one of the most incredibly self aware people that I've ever read about. Yeah, very in touch with himself. But just like Armin, Bernd was an average human being to most outside observers. He was the head of his department at Germany's largest engineering firm, and he had a string of unsuccessful relationships with women. Finally, though, at the age of 40, he accepted that he was gay. By the end of 1999, two years before his fateful meeting with Armin, Behrend was even in a healthy relationship with a man named Rene. And together they built a happy life in Berlin, even though Bernd chose to keep his sexuality a secret from his coworkers. But what's fascinating about Bernd, and I do find Bernd an absolutely fascinating individual.


Yes, we are very sickenly curious about.


Bernd, is that while many people with a pathological need for self destruction sometimes channel that into addiction or risky behavior. Baron channeled his need completely into sexual fetishes.


It was all day. And I get it. I'm horny too. I'm horny as a damn jackrabbit, and I'm not this horny.


So him and Renee were just banging and banging and banging and banging and banging?


Well, I mean, he engaged in the services of various sex workers. He would go up to three times a day.


Three times a day.


Expensive. I mean, well, he was the head of his fucking team.


You never know who's doing what.




Yeah, do you think he had to have one of those mouse twitchers to keep and let them know that he was at work while he was, like, going and getting sounded and getting his butthole destroyed?


Or you would go to play out his extreme bdsm urges in which he would be whipped and his fantasies could be taken to their limits. Eventually, though, the play acting wasn't enough. His biggest fantasy, the one that came ahead of total annihilation, was castration.


But not the old school castration. Not like, not the balls.


No. I mean, it's the full magilla.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


It's the guillotine.


Was a mouth his hope that one day he would watch himself be castrated by another man, before that man consumed him completely. Now, at first, Baron tried paying sex workers to bite off his penis once, even going so far as to offer a man named Victor 10,000 marks to do so. Victor, of course, declined. So Baron turned to the Internet in the hopes that he could find someone willing to go all the way.


Let's say you're in that scenario, right? At this point, you're spanking this guy. What else are we doing to this guy, right? We're doing a bunch of weird shit. Beating your shirt out of.


Not weird, BDSM. Totally normal.


Do you think you. Yes, that's right. But I mean, like, at this point, you're Victor.




You're tired, he's hot, he's hard. No, when someone says, bite on your penis, could bite on it.


Yeah. Now bite on it and bite it, I think, are two different way. Proposition is really important.


You start with bite my dick off. You know, it starts with kiss it. You ever see corner the copper? See american film? Corner the cop? American film, american blue Gene, right? And then he goes like, yeah, yeah, you know, I know.




Yeah, Matrix. Nipple on the outside. Nipple outside. And so it starts like, ha ha. He's like this, he's like, oh, yeah. Now, you know, american. Big man, big man, big gun, big buckle, right? He said, bite into it now. Like a hot dog. Like a frankfurter. Like they do, you know? And then the guy has to go like, what? Like, no, no, dude, I'll suck the hell out of this. Like, I will suck this, dude, what.


I'm here for, bro.


Dude, I'm here, man. I've been probably sucking.


Here's. But how many licks does it take to get to the center?


Center of a what? Center of a. Huh? But yeah, it's got to be really tough. And then. Cause a guy like. Cause 10,000 deutsche marks is a lot.


Yeah, I mean, I would imagine it was a negotiation. 20 00, 40 00, 70 00, 10,000, 10,000.


Bite it off.


Yeah, I probably said yes at first, and then, you know, and then you.


Realize it's not just saying it.


Well, that's the thing. Is it a cop?




Cops go in there, how fucking sick.


Tommy, trying to cover food.


The guy's already gotten full bdsm for hours. And then he says, bite your dick off. And he's like, this is the police. I'm gonna run a suit. Jesus Christ.


What investigative reporter found Victor?


Will Victor decline? So Baron turned to the Internet in the hopes that he could find someone willing to go all the way. This pathological need was so strong that Behrend was actually the one who contacted Armin Meivus after seeing Arman's post, looking for a young, well built man who wanted to be eaten. Behrend replied to see if Armand was truly serious about the offer. Thing Baron fibbed about was that he told Armin he was 36 when he was actually 43.


And we do have a little snippet of their conversation.




Yeah. Because it was actually released in Harper's, which is fucked, where he sorts of. They do a lot of play. And first it talks about. Because he's going as Anthropogus and Bernd is going as cater 99. Now, we know that anthropogus, he was talking about how he would like to focus, he would like to taste his own blood. He would poke himself, needle taste in his own blood. And he said it was delicious. But then it got. It did get more advanced.


Catana nine. I hope you won't wilt that you can really see it through without a problem.


Anthrophagus to bite into your penis will certainly not be easy. Living flesh is somewhat more resistant than fried. But one thing, Saturn. Our dream will be fulfilled.


But there's not so much in it as there's in muscles.


No, but the penis is principally a spongy material filled with blood.


For both our sakes, I hope that's true.


Hit her up. Get her out.


And so, after he and Armin agreed that Friday, March 9, 2001. Would be the day Bern spent the preceding weeks wiping his hard drive of anything that might lead police or his boyfriend Renee, to Armin.


Because a part of their conversations were obviously Armin being like, what is real? Issues were, which is, I don't want to kill somebody against their will. And Burns is like, great. Love that with you. And then he's like, my main issue, truly, is that, like, how do I do this without getting in trouble? I'm definitely gonna get in trouble. It's why I didn't want to do this in first place. And essentially burned is like, that's why we gotta make it sure that there ain't nothing left of me, baby. Yeah. Because he wanted to go bones and all. Looks like the Timothy Chamolay ding dong movie, which is actually pretty good.


It was fine.


I liked it.


Byron then wrote a will, leaving everything to Renee as his only clue. That he was probably dead and not just missing. After he left home on March 9. Knowing full well that if all went according to plan, if Armin were to truly wipe every vestige of Baron's physical presence off this earth, Renee would never have any idea what really happened. And it wasn't just, like, covering Armin's ass. It was also a part of Baron's wishes, his fantasy that he be completely erased from earth.


He wanted to disappear.


How would you get rid of the bones?


How would I get rid of the bones? You know what? I was actually thinking about this. And he talked a little bit about, like, grinding the bones down. And one thing that I've never figured out, why no one has ever really done this. You know, a dremel? Yeah.




Like, you get. Why don't you just get a dremel and just, little by little, just shave all the bones down. It is a lot of time. You gotta wear an n 95.


Yes, absolutely. It's a lot of fucking. It's a lot of noise.


It's a fair amount of noise, but it's not as much time as you'd think. Remember, I used to work with bones all the time. I used to shave them up for the Patreon. Not as much time as you'd think I would do.


Honestly, what I would do is I. If I'm already cooking them, I'd boil up as many bones I could in big batches. I'd boil them up into kind of, honestly, sort of a broth to soften them up as much as I possibly could. And then, yeah, I would probably break them a little sections and then slowly but surely grind them up into dust. And then you kind of, you litter them out into the forest.


Well, you got to be careful when you're littering it. You don't want a situation. Who was the guy in Indiana again?


Herbal meister.


Herbal meister. He, he broke them up pretty good, but he still got.


Honestly, it's probably best to put him out in the city then. Yeah, you take it to Berlin Club in Berlin. Those people don't know what they take. These guys fucking, they don't know what they're snorting. Just fucking start selling that shit as fucking yay, yo. And they asked me like, oh, what kind of cocaine is this? You can be like, oh, it's my brand new. It's called Joergen.


You know, like, it's a vampire club in Berlin.


That's huge.


Yeah, go and Ryan river cruise and start dumping now.


After, beyond. And Armin met at the train station and had their immediate moment of connection.


Kiss me. Just seeing each other that first time, that must have been so romantic.


They fell into planning how Baron's slaughter was gonna go, step by step, almost from the minute they got into Armin's car. But while Armin was understandably focused on getting to the cannibalism as soon as possible, Baron was more interested in the castration aspect and the following action of not only having his penis eaten, but for him to also eat his own penis.


All right.


Yeah, I hear that.


You know, it's in the contract, as we will see.


That's the job. That's the writer. We know. This was the negotiation. The negotiation begins now.


Yeah. Cause just like Armin needed the person he ate to consent to the act fully, Baron needed someone else to castrate and destroy him to fulfill his fantasy.


He must have read the order of negotiation.


Yeah. Doing it himself, it seemed, would be no better than masturbation. It's, you know, it's like how you can't give yourself a massage.


Yeah, absolutely not.


It's so aggravating. Cause I try and it just doesn't work.


Doesn't work at all.


No. And it even works less with the cut off, disembodied hands of a dead woman. Like, it's just not the same. I flop them and I slap them.


It doesn't work.




Just put them on the ground, roll around a bunch.


Nothing works.


Nothing's not doing.


It well, furthermore, Baron seemed to see this entire scenario as a sort of reverse domination, which played with Armin's intense need to eat him. As we'll see, Beren was in charge of every moment leading up to his eventual demise, even goading Armin along when Armin faltered. In fact, Armin never wanted to participate in any sort of conscious castration or anything that felt as if he was hurting baron unnecessarily. After all, Armin wouldn't torture a pig before slaughtering it for meat. And he saw that death, in practice at least, was the same thing.


I feel like we're like, at the DNC, like, arguing about different forms of leftism. This is what it's like fighting on the inside. What does it mean? Who is the more pure cannibal?


I'm a good guy.


I don't want to do this, buddy. This is where it gets. This is why this case has caught so much interest and why everybody's really like, honestly, there's so many people interested in this because of this very. The center of their relationship is so interesting. They did sort of find the perfect quote, unquote, the give and take, because it really, like, Armin did not want to hurt him. He was really anti. The idea of, it's what his whole thing was before about how, like, I wish I could just get the meat. I just want the meat. And it's hard to just get the meat. It's actually possible. It's a possible very, very difficult to.


Get for such a black and white issue. It's incredibly murky.


Yes, this is hot. No, this story is incredibly murky. Like, I mean, it even, like, it goes into issues of, like, consent and like, you know, and like, euthanasia. Yeah, euthanasia. Like, who deserve, like, who can do that? You know, it's, it's very, very, very fascinating. You know, and like, how they're like fantasies, like, match up kinda, but not really like. Cause since Baron was in charge of everything from beginning to end, he made a stipulation before they even met that none of this could happen unless Armin agreed to castrate him first before killing him. And Armin still used to taking orders, just like from his mother. He agreed.


It also was his sexual, that was a part of the game, that of the, the negotiation and all of the allowances are part of the game Armin was obsessed with. Remember we talked about last episode, the idea that he has, wants to be chosen. He wants to be needed.




He wants someone to need and want him to do a thing. For him, he wants the meat to say, eat me. And they only do it in the arby's commercials. It doesn't really work like that.


He wants.


He's desperate for the thing to go, eat me. And the thing is going, eat me. But Albert saying, eat me. But first things first, the dick. Eat a master. Go. You know, I mean, like. And so he's like, he has to do it.


He's like, all right, yeah, because it's. It's a different sort of, like, fetish. Because, like, Armin wants to see another man as livestock. He wants to see him as a.


Pig, but also in love with him.




Wanting it. He wants to. Want. The pig has to want to die.


Now, that's not to say that Baron was a selfish lover. He had fully complied with Armin's request to fast for the two days prior to their meeting because, as Baron put it, he wanted to be the best meal Armin ever had.


Fly from your grave at just east sometimes it's not about staying in. It's all about coming out. We're sponsoring Dublin's 50th pride. You'll spot us at the parade and in Merriam Square Food Village, where we'll be joined by the amazing chimac and urban health and our charity partner, Outhouse LGBTQ center. And listen up. From the parades kickoff at twelve. We'll be donating 50 cent of every order to outhouse. So don't stay in, come out teas, and see supply. See justy Jody. He for details.


Did somebody say just eat.


Now? On the way home from the train station, Armin and Bernd picked up painkillers and a bottle of schnapps as a part of their plan. After the castration, Bernd would take a cocktail of sleeping pills, cough medicine, and schnapps. Then Armin would stab Bernd's throat to bleed him out.




Yeah, after fucking thumbs up, bro. After Baron's body was drained, Armin would butcher the body in such a way where the maximum amount of burns, body could be consumed, while the inedible parts, like the skin, bones, and innards, would be destroyed completely.


You don't think you need the skin?


No, no.


Char it up, you know, have a guy beaten some pork skin.


We've all eaten pork rinds. I mean, they're fantastic. I don't think pork rinds, like, that's such a. That's a very southern thing. I don't think that made it over to Germany.


Side stories do we believe that human skin is something that can cheat children on?


I think so, yeah. And as we know, the whole thing would be filmed on videotape from beginning to end. So Armin could relive the experience whenever he wanted.




If you're feeling especially wild and wooly today, a couple of extraordinarily graphic stills that are said to be from the video can be found from a quick Google search. Although I can neither confirm nor deny their authenticity, all I know is that I couldn't find an alternative explanation as to where these still are from. If they're not from Armin's video, nobody's out saying, like, oh, that's from this movie, or, yeah, it's from, like, you know, it's a repet or it's just a drawing or whatever. They look very, very real.


Do we have them? Can I see you?


The pictures are in the book. These are all in the book too.




I was reading a book on Chef's head. He is. That's one. Yeah, that's more of a. That's more of a funny card, a kind of a character thing there. But the meat laying on its side there and the dudes slit in half. Yeah, that's, uh. That's.


That's a dude slit in half.


A dude slit in half.


Oh, my God.


See, humans are just me. That's kind of the worst part about this story. Yeah. The head is actually in the corner watching him. We'll get there.




And then what's that? And what's that there at the bottom?


Is that a leg, arm, and a chest?


Yeah, that's an arm. You can see his nipple there.


Oh, yeah.


Yeah. I mean, honestly, no problems with this, but you almost threw up from the chorizo video is fucking disgusting. I can't believe that you were looking at an action human.


If he was eating it and throwing it up, I would have a problem with that.


To know what we're talking about, please go see the latest Marcus mandate on the latest episode of last stream on the left, which I think is now posted to our YouTube channel.






Now, it seems like Baron's desires came not only from a sexual urge, but also from a deep well of self hatred. It's as if you take them down, Rob, take down the pitches, please take him down.


Oh. I made him identify desktop.


Like I said, his desires also came from a deep well of self hatred, as if the governor on his freudian death drive had popped a gasket while also becoming fused with his sex drive.


It's a bad combo. Yeah, whatever it is, man.


For example, when Armin asked Berend why he wanted to do this, I mean, really why, behrend said that it was because he hated himself, hated his sexuality, and hated his extremely high sex trauma. He called himself a worthless piece of meat and bones, adding that he just had it. But even though his need to be consumed came from a very negative place, the hours berend and Armin shared before Berend was killed sounds like the nervous beginnings of an intense relationship that has begun online, then suddenly jumps to real life. It feels like an episode, like, have you ever seen before the 90 days, the 90 day fiance spinoff? Yes. It's basically a show about online dating where, like, people see, like, you know, they start meeting each other on the Internet, and then they meet for the first time. It feels a lot like that.


Yeah. If you have one of those things where you're calling it, you've never met, but you're calling each other, like, pookie bud or doing that, you're being really, really romantic.


My love. Yes, my love.


Yes, my love. And then you meet in real life, and then you got to meet, like, burns fucking co workers. You know, that's always, like, a problem. And you got to meet Armin's mom because Armin's mom doesn't like you.


Armin's mom lives in the closet.




You got too many guinea pigs in.


The house where it is. Because I guess also when Burnt came in the room, the one of the first things he did is that he took off all of his clothes and he says, cause I want you to admire your dinner, which is, again, it's very. In a very bad way. Yeah, it's bad.


But he seemed like he was having a great time.


Yeah, it's romantic. Yeah. And then he's just sitting there going, like, just so excited.


And that's really kind of the crux of it.




Is that the entire time, this entire, like, this all happens over the course of. It seems about 14 hours.


This is the notebook.


Yeah. It really does seem like Baron, the entire time, is loving it.


He's in love.


He is absolutely. Like, this is what he's always wanted. But on the other hand. But you also sometimes get that with people who just finally decide that they're going to die by suicide. Is that like the days? Oh, you know, he was so. You know, he seemed to be fine. It's because he's finally made the decision, man.


Just thinking about Renee, like, it's already bad enough when your significant other cheats on you.


Yay. He wanted going so bad, he went and became somebody's dinner. It's worse than going like. Imagine if he had went straight. That would almost be worse.


Once they got back to the house, Armin gave Behrend a tour of the farmhouse and made him coffee, using the fine china meant only for special occasions that had not been touched since Voltroud's death.


I must tell you something, Bernd. You will find this most exciting. I haven't used these plates since my blessed mother's funeral. Awesome. If you're in his house, if you're in that tudor house, it's only. Nothing is not served on a dead mother's items.


After coffee, they retired to the bedroom where they had sex and explored each other's bodies.


Give you the lick. This is salty. This is sweet. You were down here. I kiss your feet.


So they were being clean though the whole time, and he wasn't allowed to eat anything. But then he gave him a bunch of coffee, and I just gotta make him fucking shit.


Hey, buddy. He's gotta stay awake to get his dick tunnel. It's a long. Honestly, it was a long train trip, and they're really very distracted, so I imagine he's very tired.


This, of course, is when events left 90 day fiance territory and entered into something closer to a chapter from the book Apocalypse culture.




Armin began asking for reassurance again and again that Berend wanted to be eaten.


You can get out of it any time you want to go. You got. Here's the pot. Do you want it? Does it look delicious to you?




Seems oddly responsible.


He is very responsible with this from beginning to end. And Bernd, of course, told Armin that he not only wanted to be eaten, he needed to be eaten.


Look at these chicken legs. Look at these sausage arms.


They then fell into a conversation, not unlike two men who share an off kilter hobby, but moaning the fact that cannibalism was illegal while discussing their favorite cannibals. Barron's favorite was Colorado's own Alfred Packer, who ate the remains of five compatriots after getting stranded in the San Juan mountains in the winter of 1874.


America, boy, you see America's still inspiring people across the world.


Yeah. Even old school America.




You remember cannibal the musical?


Yeah, that would.


That's Alfred Packer. Yeah. Yeah.


He might be my favorite.


The sun is full as a big potato.


Horse is a horse.


Of course.


Exactly what I mean when I say.


It'S a spuroinkle day, and this is their biggest spadoinkle day. This is big spadoinkle day. He's so excited about today. I'm the happy man.


Let's build a snowman. We can make him tall. We can make him not so tall. Oh, I love that fucking movie. The conversation about cannibalism turned romantic. Quickly, Armin remembered that. He looked into Baron's eyes and said.


Quote, I want to stab you to death, gut you and carve you up. Zen. I'll eat you.


And before long, from soup to poop.


That's it.




I make you sorted as a man. But soon you'll be a little fart.


It definitely gives new meaning to the phrase soup to nuts.


Yes, it does.


Yeah. Yeah.


Well, before long, they decided that it was time to get down to business.


Oh, yeah.


They made their way to the slaughter room.


Oh, yeah. It's time to get funky.


You're so excited.


You're incredibly excited about this. You're, like, you're convinced that this is, like, a romantic getaway, instead of, like. Like, a man is, like committing suicide, and you're like, this isn't a trip to the fucking Bahamas.


Don't you want to eat the man? Whoa, whoa. Don't be scared. I just see all of this, like, all of the haunted. We're like the weird, dumb shit in his mom's house, all singing, like, anthropomorphized, like wigs.


The beauty and the beast. Yeah, you got a little teacup and everything.


They're like, oh, he's finally found love. The rose will be complete.


But see? Eats every inch of him. I will not be a clock anymore.


I can finally go back to being a full grown pedophile, man. Yeah. And I go back to what I like to do, which is ruining a lot of children instead of being this stupid.


Plot some candle lights.


There's my buddy, the cantalouperer. He's also used to be a pedophile.


Well, they made their way to the slaughter room, where Armin turned on the video camera. That, by the way, is why we know so much about this story. And what transpired between Armin and Bern. Quite a bit of their interactions that day were taped, and not just the nasty parts. In the beginning, Armin and Bern sat in the slaughter room and looked at the shadows, the lighting in the room created on the walls. And, like, two kids staring at clouds, they called out what animals they saw in the forms created by the meat hooks and various other accouterments that would soon be used to butcher Bern.


Tell me, what does this remind you of Bernd.


Is it a seahorse?


No. Guess again.




Yeah, you're funny. What does this look like? Burnt? It looks like your face might be the artist.


And so, after just a few hours of getting to know you time and sporadic sexual contact.


Bing bing bing bing bing bing.


Touch, they decided that it was time to begin the event that both of them had wanted for almost their entire lives. Now, naturally, Baron's castration fantasy had to come first. So he looked Armin in the eyes and told him that he wanted to give him an appetizer for the feast ahead. In other words, it was finally time for Armin to bite and chew Barents penis off his body until nothing remained, not even a stump.


And you know, Armin was definitely nervous because he didn't want to fuck it up.


No, well, he didn't want to do it.


No, he had a hard time. I get it. It's hard to rip a penis off with your mouth.


And so Armin knelt before Baron's extraordinarily erect penis and opened his mouth while Byrne shouted, on camera, camera. Bite into it, please. Just bite it. But when it came time. Yeah, when it came time for Armin to do what band asked of him, he found that he didn't have the stomach for it, so to speak.


You were telling me about the corn nibble before. Can I start with a little nibble?


Yeah, because he's more of a butcher.




No, he just wants to meet.


He just wants the meat. It's not like hurting someone else is not in his pathology at all. Baron continued to scream, saying, no, you have to do it, damn it. You can't stop now.


By day, I am biting. I am biting burnt. Is this our first fight? Are you yelling at me? Are you yelling at the situation? You know what they say, couples need to not fight each other. Fight the problem.


At that point, Baron got physically aggressive, grabbing Armin's hair so he could force Armin's head back towards his penis. Now, Armin was able to give him a gentle bite, but even while Bernd urged him on, Armin could not bite hard enough to even draw blood. That's when Baron fell into despair and decided, this just isn't gonna happen. He's like, armin, you're too nice, you're too weak. I should have realized this earlier.


This is.


I'm gonna go.


This is like when you've been dating somebody for six or seven and you think they're like, oh, we're going on this big fancy vacation. He's gonna ask me to marry me. This whole time, he's gonna ask me to marry me. And each time he, like, kneels over you. Oh, you think that's gonna be the moment he doesn't do it?




Yeah. And then you're finally in the last dinner, and he brings you a little box of jewelry, and you open it up and it's a fucking necklace. That's a feeling. It's just a. You're just never gonna commit. You're just never gonna be a real man.


Oh, well, I'm down there. I'll just wash your knees.


My knees are clean.


Where shame and disappointment filled both of them. Behrend weakly said he just wanted to feel his penis being mutilated. That was it. Is that really too much to ask?


No, it's really not. No, it's not your partner. It's like, I mean, what you give is what you get back.


And for the first time, these two men found that their fantasies were somewhat at odds. And there seemed to be no way to solve it. Their fantasies were just different. I mean, for Baron, it was all about being destroyed. He hated himself. He hated his sexuality. He wanted himself gone on off the face of the earth. Eating was just, like a part of it.




That was how he could see himself being completely and utterly destroyed. But for Armin, he wanted a pig. Yeah. And this.


He wanted me burned as Willem Dafoe and Armin as Christoph waltz.


Yep, that's exactly it. That is exactly. And so after Barron decided that it just wasn't gonna work, he asked Armin to give him a ride to the train station so he could buy a ticket back to Berlin. Always the pleaser, Armin turned off the video recorder and drove Baron to the train station in silence.


I know you were saying that you don't want to listen to anything, but would you want to listen to the shins?


It's just. It's a mood. And it's the mood I'm in right now.


It's the mood I'm in right now.


Things here.


Da da da. I love this song. I wish they would change the national anthem to the song.


Or they're just sitting there driving in silence, and all of a sudden on the radios, nine annoying balloons, and they just start singing along together. But just after Baron bought his, Armin pled his case and convinced bent to give him another chance.


Take me in, baby.


Yes. Saying that he could absolutely castrate him and eat his penis while he was still conscious. If only he'd let him prove it.


In your eyes.


And feel complete and let him. He did. The compromise they came to was that Baron would take a ton of sleeping pills and cough syrup to make himself pass out. And while he was unconscious, Armin would be able to psych himself up so he could do what Berend asked. And that would have to be good enough for Baron.


It will be easier to bite off a flaccid penis than a hard one too.


Well, it's no longer biting, it's cutting now.


That's the compromise.


Yeah. But once they got back to the house at around 06:00 p.m. and Baron washed down 20 sleeping pills with a bottle of cough syrup and half a bottle of schnapps, all on an empty stomach.


He's lucky he lived.


He was still awake. Yeah. Yeah. I think Ben had a bit of a substance abuse problem.


Me think so as well, because burn took all of this down and still got to almost totally enjoy getting his penis cut off. And that was not the game.


So Baron ended up getting what he wanted. And he was led to the slaughter room and laid down on the bed as Armin prepared for the castration. Now Armin knew that he couldn't bring himself to chew the penis off, but he figured he could probably cut it off with a knife.




So after grabbing a kitchen knife and a cutting board, Armin, it's good to.


Make sure he protect the table. These are nice tables. Yeah, these are all, everything's antique. Seeks him.


Armin turned on the video camera as Baron became erect with anticipation.


Something about like a guy tied to a chair.


He's not tied, he's just fucking.


I know, he's just sit, yeah, he is just sitting there just naked in a chair. And then Armin comes out with the chef's hat on and he's got the kitchen knife. And just, there's something about a guy like smiling and going, oop. Like just sitting in a chair. Like, like, I've never done this.


As soon as the camera comes on, he's ready to perform.


Yeah, he's like, I'm ready to fuck. Ready to fuck now.


But again, Armin was unable to sever it. But not for lack of trying. Armin swung his knife down to chop off Baron's penis, but it bounced off because the knife wasn't sharp enough.


The penis is so strong.


And as we know, there's nothing more dangerous than a dull knife.


Oh my God. Once it gets in, you got to pull it out.


Yep. So after Baron screamed at him to go get a sharper knife, Armin tried again.


I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Okay, this one will do.


This time, however, Baron got exactly what he wanted. As Armin swung the knife down successfully again and again on the tough penile tissue, Baron viggled, screamed and literally squealed like a pig.


Oh, so it's hard to cut a cock off.


It's not easy. No, it's tough tissue.


You really cartilage in there.


Yeah, yeah. I do honestly feel like it's a lot about Will.




Because Lorraine Bobbitt did it with scissors. Scissors are actually much easier to do it deeply.


They're here for.


He was doing it. And I feel like this might not be an exaggeration. He kind of sort of did it when he covered his eyes. I went like, oh, he was just kind of chopping.


So much worse than fucking doing it. Right.


Well, I think you're supposed to honestly pull it taught, then go at it. Like, you really need to pull it tight and then go at the very, very base.


Yeah. But if you're. It's really hard just pulling it out, it's not going to be good. What you're going to have to do is you're going to have to get like two fingers and press it down on the cutting board. And then I would say a serrated knife is going to be a lot better than just a regular kitchen knife, like a bread knife.


He prepared so much.




But he didn't sharpen the knife.


I think so much work there is like, it's called the gaps in the lead from fantasy to reality.




And this is what you're talking about is a thing that's going to come up later on, because right now, this is at the very, very peak of a very esoteric idea that they thought would never happen. And so, yes, up to this point, the sexual game has really just led up to an arm and mind. He. Yes, he's been fantasizing about butchering a body, but he's never really thought about the a to z of how do I get to that point? And so now we're in it. We're in the reality of it. And it's like kind of what Ed Kemper talked about. Kemper said that one of the things that first changed his mind about once he first killed somebody was that he thought that killing somebody was really easy. He thought that you'd stab somebody, they fall over and they die. But humans are bags of liquid, so you stab somebody full of bunch of holes, it actually takes a really long, long time for you to die, like longer than you think, and it's more physically difficult than you think. And so that changed his mind. So now Armin's living it. And so what he gets to do from now on is tell everybody what he's learned along the way.




Well, finally, Armin managed to sever Baron's penis completely. And as blood gushed from the open wound, Baron looked down in ecstasy, having finally realized his dream after all these years. So after Armin wrapped Baron's lower body in bandages, they rushed downstairs to together with Baron's severed penis so they could engage in the second half of Baron's ultimate fantasy. And yeah, I do actually. I imagine them both like giddy little boys that are kind of like they're doing something in secret. You know, they're doing like. And Baron's waddling along with his diaper or fucking bandages, and they're just having a great time. It's like it has the same feeling as a couple of boys, like at a sleepover. Yeah, I feel like mom and dad's gone.


They're about to eat too much pizza hut and drink too much soda.


Oh, yeah, we used to do the past Saturday. I'm sure it's similar to that.


No, this is literally the bath out game now.


Armin cut the penis tissue in half.


Oh. Did we never give any warnings about this episode or.


I mean, they knew what was common.


Yeah, I'm just saying. Yeah, whatever, you know.


I mean, it's the cannibal of Rottenberg. I don't know. What if you didn't expect it to be fucking nasty? I don't know what you're here for.


I don't know.


Yeah, you want to give a trigger warning.


Hey, just so you know, we might have some alternative imagery in this series.


Armin cut the penis tissue in half and tossed.


This might be something.


Last moment for a trigger warning.


And he tossed each half on its own plate. And you know what I didn't realize and what I didn't really think about from here? Do you think like one guy got the shaft and the other guy got the head? Or do you think he sliced it? No, sliced on the middle. Like sliced on the middle.


That's what I would do.


Yeah, that's what I would do too.


Yeah. Is he a good cook?




Well, I mean, he knows how to follow a recipe.


Yeah. But he fucked up this dick.


Well, I don't think you, I don't think anyone can really cook dick.


That's the whole point. I've seen cook dick. That japanese artist that cooked his own dick. Well, he did it, but there was enough of that dick to serve, which shows that he did it correctly. And I'm pretty certain he braised it, which is a lot of times that, honestly, they talked about this. This is very similar to eating tripe. It has to be cooked in liquid and has to be cooked slowly, and the cartilage needs to be broken down. If you're eating dick, it has to be in a slow maragu. Yeah, yeah.


Meragoo. Well, Baron was so excited that he tried gobbling it up raw. But both of them soon discovered that penises are not meant to be eaten, at least when they're prepared in this fashion.


You know, Merriman felt vindicated. He's like, see, it's.


You keep going with your back. Penis striving. No, penises are not meant to be even meant to be respected. All right? So you remember that they're meant to be sucked and fucked. These aren't meant to be eaten. They're meant to be supreme court judges. Yeah, yeah. Come on, guys.


Yeah. I got a little cavanaugh myself.


And so Armin tossed it in a hot pan with some oil, garlic and pepper to make it more palatable. But that's when he found the tissue wasn't meant to be pan fried. No, because the penis halves shriveled in the frying pan and turned black like a shrimp. Yep. Both men tried chewing the charred remains of Baron's penis, finally gave up and threw them away. And really, you're training as a chef here, really is coming in handy, to be honest.


And if I was them, I wouldn't be disappointed, because at least you did. You got to chew on it. You did it. And I feel like, more so, like, they have to understand that this really wasn't about eating the penis. This was about the night they got to spend together.


Also, what do they think was going to happen with a penis? It's not going to. Once you. It's not going to stay hard.


It's exactly what I'm saying. I think that there's a fantasy, and now they're seeing what that's really coming out of it.


Yeah, I think, you know. Well, I mean, they. If you look at their conversation, you know, they very much knew all the ends and outs of, like, what penis tissue was like, but they still kind.


Of thought, in a way, that he'd go, like, I need rip it off like a dog, and it would blood splurt, and it would come out really hard. I know. Again, this is difficult. And that the penis would sort of stay hard. Yeah, I actually do think that the issue was that he was hard in the first place. I think that if he was flaccid, they would have actually been easier for them because the sponge would have been inflated and then have all the blood drop out of it.


This, I think flaccid would be harder.


Side stories think about like someone's.


Biceps, like after they work out, like they're getting inflamed and pumped and they're hard and shit. It seems like so much easier to just rip off your biceps. It's not actually difficult, actually.


Okay, well, you know, we can maybe semantics, but. Always wanted to see the broad. Armin tried cheering Behrend up by saying.


Quote, maybe we can eat your eggs for breakfast.


He did actually tell them that. Eggs meaning his balls.


His balls, yeah, testicles.


So now that the whole castration thing was said and done, Barron trigger warning, Baron sort of settled into his own impending death. Armin drew him a bath in his grimy old bathtub. And Baron lowered himself in quickly turning the brownish water red with the blood flowing from the gaping wound where his penis used to be. This, however, did not bother bernd at all. Almost like a child, he would amuse himself by fiddling with the hole to keep the fatal flow of blood coming. And all the while, he wanted Armin to assure him that he would eat every part of his body. And whatever he didn't eat, he had to promise to grind it up so no traces would be left of band brandis.


Hey, Armin, does it look like without my dick? That's my ball. So sad. Does it look like my ball? So lonely.


I'm surprised you didn't go into shock or anything.




Oh, no, buddy. He wasn't shocked. He wanted this. I think it's because he wanted it. And this is a literal fantasy. He was experiencing sexual pleasure as it went through, according to him, but in sound like it. But it did. But he said it was.


Yeah, and that's the thing too, is that it's not just Armin saying that. This is what he told me. It's videotaped? Yeah.


Oh, they brought the camera into the bathroom.


No, it's just the conversations. They have no, videotapes, everything.


He videotaped as much as he could. And they did the butchering. And then he did talk with burned, and then he also did like a little weird little video diary. And he had journals.


I wonder if did he. How was it lit? I guess we saw a picture he had lighting. It looked pretty good. Yeah, yeah. Probably on a tripod.


It was bright. Yeah, it was definitely on a tripod.




No, he didn't just, you know, put it on the table.


Technically, it was easier to light with the VHS cameras.


Oh, nice.


Now, after about an hour in the bath, Baron passed out and Armin thought that it would finally be his turn to fulfill his fantasy. But it would take a while for Baron to finally bleed out. After a few hours in the bathtub, Armin moved Baron to the bed in the slaughter room. There, Baron continued to bleed out while Armin nervously read a Star Trek novel in another room.


Do you think that you'd be able to talk with him about Deep Space Nine? Are you happy that he's a Trekkie? Anybody who reads Star Trek novelizations.


Well, he's reading Star Trek novelizations. You know what? That's funny. I did. I forget that. It's like 2001. So, yeah, it could be a deep space Nine novelization. I hear some of those are actually pretty good.


We should write him a letter. They probably enjoy Picard.


Dear Armin.


Yeah, I don't want to talk about this.


The Dominion War, the best Trek storyline ever. Or are you wrong? Gabra, what do you think about Dominion War? Is it the best or is it the fucking best?


Yeah, he's like, dominion War can fucking eat a dick.


The founders versus the Borg. Oh, fuck you, the Borg. Or cooler. Fuck you, Armin.


I was reading this crazy version with Star Trek, and it was absolutely crazy. It's amazing. Captain Kirk and Spock, they were in showers together, and all they did was like, it was so funny what they did. It was crazy. It was just like, you guys have been crazy. And they started, like, kissing and having sex with each other. And I was like, you guys are being funny. This is the funniest shit. Holy shit. And I was like, this is hilarious.


Well, after another half hour, Bernd asked to go to the bathroom to urinate. And no, I have no idea how that worked. But after helping a fire hydrant, it's.


Like when they kick over a fire hydrant, it just starts going everywhere.


Yeah, I mean, maybe he just pointed him. He probably just pointed him towards the bathtub, actually.


Yeah, he was already in it.


Yeah, no, he was. He had been moved to the bed, so he had to help him back to the bed.


I feel like at this point we're just conjecturing.


Yeah, I don't have facts here.


But after helping Baron to the bathroom and back, Baron told Armin that he was sure to pass out soon. And. And when he did, Armin should slash his throat and finally end his life. Armin agreed. And when Baron finally lost consciousness around 03:30 a.m. armin changed into the slaughter outfit. He'd prepared. Wellington boots, dark blue pajamas, and his mother's bed sheet wrapped around him like an apron. Which is certainly a statement, but not one that I can figure out.


It is. Yeah. It's layered to be there.




Yeah. She'd be so proud. I knew you'd be impenetrably weird. That's why I raised you this way.


Please supervise.


After turning the video camera on, Armin walked up to Baron and kissed him before saying a prayer. He then pulled out a seven inch knife and stabbed Barron's throat several times. It had been nine and a half hours since Barron's penis had been been cut off. And it had been less than a day since they'd finally met in person.


Babies having babies.


That doesn't make any fucking sense at all.


It's hard, man.


They are. They are two men in their forties.


Wise men.


They're older than us.




And they did rush in.


Yes, that's what I'm saying.




Now, after finally killing another human being, Armin was filled with emotions. And none of of them were good. First, he was repulsed at himself. Then he despised Baron for consenting and pushing.


You make me do this.


Yeah. Then he felt anger. Furious about how much he had needed to fulfill his fantasy, and at how he'd been unable to ignore it. And finally, of course, came guilt. But after all that passed, he moved on to the next emotion. Horny.


There we go. About 15 minutes and I'm back to horny. There you go.




I can't. For a second there, I was worried about myself.


Maybe all of this had been for nothing. But then I looked down and I was hot as a dick in the pip.


Time for daddies.




Dinner time. Wait a second. Burgers and meatballs and ribs, and we've got all sorts of things, and you've.


Got old custard pancakes just turned into Homer Simpson.


Well, Armin was filled with satisfaction because he believed that Baron's flesh would survive inside him after he'd assimilated it. Just like Armin had been imagining ever since he became obsessed with the Sandy Ricks character on Flipper. And so when you. I'm wondering how you're gonna work Flipper back into it. Yeah, yeah. No, no, you gotta get. We're gonna talk. Arvin Meivas. You gotta mention Flipper every single episode.


If Sandy Ricks is still alive and does cons, can someone, for the love of fucking Satan, bring this up to him? If there is anybody from Flipper still alive.


Is Luke still alive? Yeah, he's still.


Oh, wow.


He's from Astoria.


Oh, my God. Dude, we gotta let him fucking know. Luke Halpern has to know that he inspired Armin Mavis. Someone has told him. No way. I think that they have kept this from the guy that. Oh, God, now he's making out with Flipper. Like that disgusting picture out of there.


What is this pornography talking about? That's fine. It's a boy loves a dolphin.


Yeah, it's fine. It's fine.


You know, he doesn't know what the dolphins think.


Well, you never had pets growing up, so you don't know many pets.




Dogs killed the hamster.


Yeah, we had. We had a dog to live long time. I had plenty of pets.


You had dogs?




Well, dogs.


We'd get Valentine with the one I grew up with. And then we had beauty, and then we had raven. And the raven had. We had to give raven back because Raven had attack the family. But then we had beauty, and then beauty came with us. But, yeah, then we had birds. We had lovebirds that. My father got sexed wrong. And then they, instead of being a female and a male, it was two males, and they pecked each other to death. They literally ate each other.


Yeah, that's a bad day. At the pet store.


They were having a hard time. They tried to make a go at it for a while, but it was hard. It didn't take. Yeah.


Just show up and say, I want to return these dead birds.


Well, when Armin realized that he was finally going to climax with his biggest fantasy ever, he looked at Baron's corpse and said, quote, and this is a direct quote. This is on video.


I bet you can't wait for me to eat you, can you? Oh, you lucky thing. You lucky, lucky man. This is the best thing ever. He's like. He's at the arrows tour.


Yeah, yeah. I mean, and actually, well, he said it in Germany, and so it would be. Ig werther du konst. Komme vaaten das. Ik dieg esse order or do klugsbilds do glue klicker. Glue klickermann. Das is best. I know I didn't get that perfect, but, you know, it is so much worse in German.


Like, it feels more. I feel like I'm more in the room when you do the German oh, do.


Do. Click a glue.


Click a.


Man. You lucky, lucky man.


Did you watch the video?


There is no video you get. There's only the stills.


Do you think they erased? Do you think they just destroyed it?


I think they probably did, because they made. Made sure. They made sure.




Yeah, it might be somewhere.


There has to be a copy of it. Probably somewhere in some archive. Like, I bet that we could. If we went and did some form of whatever their version of a foia is in Germany, we could probably.


I think if someone could have gotten it by now. They would have gotten it by now.


Well, or it's just difficult to find because it's got. It's literal. It's literally a snuff film. So I don't think that it's available in normal avenues. I think you'd have to go to tour. You'd have to go to the deep web to get it.


Yeah, well, those sills came from somewhere. Netflix. After caressing Baron's body, trying to memorize the features of what was no doubt his soulmate, Armin hung the corpse feet first in the game configuration to put the body in a position where it could be emptied of fluid. If you've ever seen the. The crime scene photos of the body of Bernie Warden. Just like that.


I've seen a pig thing.


You see?


Same as an animal getting.


Look up Bernice Warden real quick.


It's literally halal style butchering. So what he did is he hangs it up. So you try to slip it through. So the blood can come out into a bucket.


Yeah. And then he made a cut in the neck from ear to ear so it could all drain out into buckets upon buckets of blood.




Yeah, yeah. She was hung up like that.




It's not good.


That makes sense.


No, if you go down a little bit.


That's it.


Oh, that one.






Same. The same way.




Yeah, exactly.


This photo available to him?


Yeah, maybe. Yeah, he read all. He was completely obsessed with true crime, and he's on the Internet, so it was utterly. There was definitely available.


When they say, like, the gin configuration, I think that was. I'm not 100% sure, but I think that was like, kind of a term. And the cannibal, like, it was like, kind of like. Well, if you're gonna. If you're gonna kill someone, you're gonna use the geen configuration.


Oh, see, I thought that was something you made.


No, no.


That is unfortunate. The Internet did do that. They also. We found out what dull set girls means. I completely forgot that it's when you take a woman and you spit roast her, you stick a. You put her on her rotisserie. It's normally artistic representations of this. Normally, huh? Normally, yeah. And then you put this spit through her vagina out of her mouth and she's supposed to like it?


Yeah. Oh, yeah, that's right. Amber was obsessed with it for a bit, right? Yes. Yeah, go figure. Well, once the body stopped bleeding, Armin sliced at the neck muscle and ligament, then twisted the head off where the spinal cord met the skull. Deciding that Barent would want to, quote, join in on the fun, Armin placed Baron's head on the butcher table, getting very comfortable with the macabre nature of his task. Very quickly, after skinning the corpse, shivering in pleasure as the tissue made a pronounced ripping noise when it was pulled off, Berndt finished his joke from earlier in the kitchen. After tearing Bernd's scrotum away, he addressed Bernd's head and said, quote, I bet.


You'Re sorry you won't be able to join me eating these for breakfast, aren't you? Burned. Funny guy. Yeah.


You know, sometimes they don't always. You know, it's like when I write a joke before the show and then I try to do it during the show and it falls flat.


Yeah. You know, again.


German makes it so much worse.


It really does. Yeah. I mean, I know I'm getting all the intonations wrong, you know, like. But it's.


No, it works.


Such a strict language.


It is strict people.


Not these guys from your grave at just east. Sometimes it's not about staying in, it's all about coming out. We're sponsoring Dublin's 50th pride. You'll spot us at the parade and in Merriam Square food village, where we'll be joined by the amazing chimac and urban health and our charity partner, Outhouse LGBTQ center. And listen up from the parades kickoff at twelve. We'll be donating 50 cent of every order to outhouse. So don't stay in, come out. T's and C's apply. See justy Jody E for details.


Did somebody say just eat.


Well? Next, Armin tied off the anus with twine to prevent.


Hey, hey.


Just so everyone knows, we just came back from a break. And that's it. No, no, no.


My anus is still loose. It's just empty.


Yeah, yeah. To prevent it from contaminating the rest of the body. Then let out sighs of pleasure as he began removing baron's innards.


Can I ask, how would you tie an anus with twine, basically, you cut.


It, and then when you do, at the very end, you cut the butt.


Meat off and tied it.


You cut the tube out, and then you pull it up and you tie it off.






Like a water balloon.


Yeah, exactly.


Separate it from the end, because the sphincter is what connects it to the end of the skin. So you pull out the two, you cut her a hole around, and you pull it out and you tie it off, and then you cut the whole thing in half, the whole body in half.


Cause remember, you know that when you, something from your mouth to your butthole is one continuous tube.


That's why you can eat a marble and shit it out. It's that easy down the tube. Yep, that's what I did.


There you go. But just as Armin was really getting into it, he heard something click behind him. The video recorder had run out of tape, so right in the middle of butchering a human being, Armin had had to stop, change, and get showered before driving into Rothenburg to buy another.


Dude, can you, how many of us who've worked at various, like, I worked at eckerds, I've worked at other things. Like when you work at a retail store or a late night gas station or a pharmacy, you've met five of these guys a day. Like, these guys are. It is wild to me to think that he's just. Cause then he's like, he's just like covered in sweat. I need these tapes, honestly. I could use some gum.


Did you know that you are meeting me on the best day of my life?


Do you know how much of a happy boy I am? Do you want to give $1 to save children with hair, lips?


I'll give ten.


You know, about 20. Everybody, it's great. I'm excused. Christmas Day, buy the biggest goose. Buy the biggest goose you can find. I love it. A wonderful. A boy named Goose.


This is definitely a good advertisement for digital.




So after buying the tape and returning home, it was finally time to butcher the meat. After removing the arms from the shoulder blade, he chopped the hands off and broke apart the elbow tape.


It really would be the funniest icloud commercial.


I'm just like, oh, ain't it better in the cloud? Yeah, like, sorry. Yeah. He comes back, a bunch of ravens are eating his.


He then split the body and removed the backbone, which seems to be the step shown in the supposed stills that leaked. But after chopping off the feet, armin cut the meat from the torso, pelvis, and legs into filets, steaks, bacon and a big rump roast.


This wasn't that big.


Big enough. I mean, could you eat the entire thing in one sitting?


I'm just saying. I saw that meat, dude. I saw that cattle. It won't got, ain't got that badonkadonk.


You wouldn't think I would have one, but I got one.


Oh, we talked about this. Yes, but I saw the other man's butt.


You saw his butt?


Yeah, it's not that big.


How did you see his butt?


It's in all the fucking horrible pictures of his dismembered bodies.


You only see it from the front?


Yeah, and it looks a lot different. You know, when it's all. When it's just on a plate.


Yeah, I guess you're right. I'm sorry, guys, just take this all back.


But after every bit of edible flesh was removed, all while Armin literally salivated over every cut, he broke his final promise to Bernd. Instead of disintegrating every inedible bit of Bernd's body, armin dug a hole in his garden and buried Beren's skin, bones and inedible innards. The head would eventually be buried as well, but for the time being, it was kept in the freezer.


He was chilling out.


God damn it.


That's funny. That's funny. But yeah, he's Henry toons, doc. Come on. But he. Because it takes an extreme heat to burn bones, and I think that's what it was.


It's like 3000 degrees.


I don't think he did it to hurt burns. I think that he just was very, very difficult for him to do. And he realized he had to bury them.


Yeah. Now, after the burial, Armin returned to the slaughter room to cut the hunks of human flesh into reasonable portions. He wrapped each piece in butcher paper and neatly labeled them rump steak, bacon, or filet. But besides just the sheer joy of achieving his lifelong fantasy, Armin said that he was also excited that he'd be saving big on his grocery bill.


Oh yes, that's where my head goes.


It's hitting all of us. Yeah, it's in all of us.


He can't afford not to do it.


Because the only thing he'd have to buy for a long time, vegetables and pots. Pasta. That's it. Now, while Armin waited a couple of days for the meat to cure properly before he cooked his first human steak, because he had researched the best way to do this, he fantasized about the meals he would make with Baron's flesh. Hamburgers, ribs, meatballs, stir fry. Really? Anything you could do with pork, there's.


A lot of you can do. Yeah. Yeah, Armin. Yeah, there's a lot of stuff. Okay.


He also experimented with the pieces that didn't really have an animal counterpart. Like the hands and feet.


Oh, yeah, they do. Chicken feet.




Hog foot.


Yeah, but those are chickens. Way different.


Way different. Way different.


You don't fuck cook it up.


You're just. You're being deliberately obtuse.


I don't think so. I am just. I'm helping.


A human foot is way different than a fucking pig hoof or a chicken.


Foot, you fucking idiot.


Chicken foot. People eat chicken foot.


No, I mean, like, you have to look up recipes, because, like.




You could look up like, a monkey meat recipe to see how you could cook a hand.


Oh, yeah, I bet. But also, did you see that guy that lost his foot? There was a guy that ate the meat off of his foot and stripped the meat from between the.




That. Not the tendrils called. Sure. What are the things?


Yeah, but that was in 2012.


I forgot that was pre cancel culture.




This is all old days back.


You can do whatever, but the human foot is unique in the animal kingdom. The nearest thing, strangely enough, is the elephant, whose bone structure closely resembles that of a human.


But you wouldn't turn a human foot into, like, a side table like you did with an elephant.


Nope, couldn't do that. You could turn it into a paperweight.




I would imagine skinning it and putting it in a slow cooker would be the best way to get a human foot.


Yeah. I think all human meat would be best braced.


There's gonna be a lot of bones, though. There's so many bones in the foot.


You made a broth out of it.


Yeah. But, you know, we eat bony fish. We eat fish with. Full of bones.


And I would like goat kind of, maybe.


Yeah, like goat. I actually thought of it more as, like, a frog's leg. Oh, sure. Yeah. I'm hungry.


I'm actually starting like this. It's crazy. And I like meat, but when it.


Came to meat, Armin made the closest comparison he could. He thought it'd be kind of like curing a parma ham.




So Armin tried drying a hand and foot in the oven, but when they shriveled, he ground them into flour. Like an actual ogre.


Yeah. In the ogre's house.


Yeah. And you can do that? You can grind human bones to make your bread?




Yeah. There was a famine in the 15 hundreds in which people did that.


It's not good.




No, it's not good for you, but you can do it. Wow.


That's so impressive.


Humans are amazing.


Yeah. The other foot, he boiled whole, then plated it with ketchup and herbs.




Placing the presentation. Mustard.


We're in Germany. The guy's a fucking weirdo.


He wants the blood.




He wants it to look like blood.


He's a fucking. He's. Again, he's weird.


Well, he's not. He's not doing it to eat it. He's placing the presentation. You know, he put it in front of a pot of boiling water because he wanted to make it look like steam was rising from the foot.




This is an artistic effort. Had no desire to eat the foot, but just being able to play with fresh human remains was pleasure enough.


You never placed all respect for him.


Yeah, I know.




I honestly do feel like now we're just playing with your food.


Well, yeah, I mean, he's, you know, doing what he can until the meat's cured.


Yeah. And he's jerking off a lot. Boil it.


And beer. That'd be fucking good.


Yes. Well, to the point of pleasure. Armin masturbated endlessly about the slaughter room experience, watching the tape over and over again while he did.


So all of this was while he was masturbating? You can pretty much assume that.


Well, hopefully he washed his hands.


Hey, man, it's his own supply.


Yeah. But after two days passed, Armin decided that Behrend was finally ready to eat. Now Armin obsessed over the details of how his first meal of human flesh would go. After setting the table with candles, a vase of flowers, and his mother's fine china, Armin briefly considered playing music, but decided against it because he wanted to focus completely on the meal. Using a recipe he found on one of his cannibal sites, Armin seared the human steak to medium rare, then plated it with porcini mushrooms, brussels sprouts, and some. And he called it princess potatoes.


Oh, okay.


I don't know what that is.


Tiny little fingerlings, probably.


They're probably a very macabre german way of saying fingerling potatoes.


Oh, those are my favorite potatoes.


Me too.


Roasted. They're incredible.


Yeah, I love them. I love chicken.


Yeah. Well, the pairing wine was a south african merlot. He always had red wine.


He loved it. Yeah, he was a vampire.


Yeah. And just before Armin dug in, he said a prayer.


Thank you for serve. Thank you for the food we eat. Thank you for the birds that sing. Thank you, God for everything. Amen. Rubber dub dub.


Thanks for the crop.


Yeah, he got.


Do you think he believed in God?


Uh, yeah. Wow. Yeah.




Only God would have provided this bountiful meal for him.


Dunker fer diz dissolce. Dunker ferda das essen. Das ver essen. Danke. Ver de vogel de singen. Danke. Gott ver alles. Amen. And as expected, Armin found the steak to be absolutely delicious. He said that, as expected, it tasted like pork, but he was surprised that it tasted somehow, in his words, strong.


Yeah. He said harsher.


Mm hmm. But Armin was not having this meal alone for company. He brought Baron's head out of the freezer, and he talked to it as he ate his meal.


I'm gonna say, for our audience, he was still alone.


No, he didn't feed anyone.


That's alone. That's actually, like, more alone than being by yourself, actually.


It really is.




And when he was finished, Armin decided that nothing had ever been so delicious. And of course, the more he ate, the more sexual satisfaction action he gained. By the time he was done with the meal, he was panting with sexual tension, on the verge of orgasm just from the act of eating. But after the first meal was said and done, Armin said he felt powerful, as if he'd absorbed all of Berndt's skills, attributes, and character. It's just how he had imagined it being. He felt stronger and more intelligent. He was the recipient of a true religious experience. But from what his neighbors said, Armin remained the same weird, lonely dork he'd always been throughout the ten months he ate Ben's flesh.


But think about it, on his inside.




He really is walking around like he is Super Saiyan. Like, there's energy, like, flowing out of him and everywhere he goes, that's why there's a little bit of, is the brain reacting to human meat in a way that we're not really supposed to eat it? Because a lot of camels talk about euphoria that they experience when they eat human meat, but also kind of sounds like they're on drugs. And a lot of times it leads to other massive issues in your body. We're not supposed to eat it. It's bad for us.


You're not supposed to eat dolphin meat either.


No, but the key is which, which is, honestly, he's extremely lucky in the fact that if you are going to eat human meat, it must be cooked well done. Like, you cannot eat raw or even medium rare. But yes, he's very lucky because you can get a thing called kuru or any one of the other type of prion diseases, which leaves you. It takes about a decade to kill you. And it leaves you completely immobile, covering your own shit, laughing yourself into maniacal. So basically, you. It's rabies plus locked in syndrome.




It's not good.


What's the pork one trickle cenos trichinosis.


But that was. I believe that that was play by big chicken. No, big chicken came for pork. No, big chicken. Big chicken came for pork. Pork is not as bad for you as we think it is, because big chicken set up a bunch of shit because they wanted to sink pork, because chicken wanted to be the number one white meat. And then you don't need me.


I'm not your doctor.


But I'm telling you this. Technically, pork is not white meat. Pork is red meat to us. I'm saying that all came from the chicken industry. All of this comes from beef and chicken lying on pork.


All right, all right.


Bumper pollock.


Now, Armin used Ben's meat in every meal, eating strips of bacon with his eggs in the morning, steaks and roasts at night, and worst of all, meatballs at work for lunch.


That's the worst. Yeah.


Yeah, you don't want to. Someone had to smell it.


Yeah, someone had to smell it. He sat right next to another guy that fucking serviced ATM's.


And then what is he? Fucking hard as the dickens, eating burned meatballs while he's in the fucking lunch room, while everybody's just sitting around him. And he says, going.


I would imagine after a while, it just became normal.


A secret smile.


Like, a secret smile.


Yeah, it.


Yeah, well, he was a computer technician. He serviced ATM.


Yeah. So he was probably next to a guy who was also eating human meatballs. And, yeah, I'm sad the other guy has just got done killing his daughter. You never know.


And he told. He also knew a lot about computers, actually. There was a listener, another one listener who wrote in, that said that Armin Maivis, like his. Like his. One of his relatives knew Armand Mevis. Like, he was the guy in Ruttenberg. Like, if your computer broke, you call up Armin, and Armin will come over to your house. He'll stay for way longer than you want him to.


Clicking through and meandering on.


Yeah, he'll just sit and, you know, until you kind of go, like, well, time, I guess I'm gonna let you go.


I'm gonna let you go. But now this. So this is let me let you go. Let me let you go. Is literally the nicest way to say, get the fuck out of my house.


I'm gonna let you go now that's a very texas thing. I'm gonna let you go.


I'm gonna let you go. But his is now really where it turns exactly what we were saying, that now the fantasy has been completely realized, and he's been eating it to the point. Truly what you're saying. It got boring. Not boring, but run of the mill. It's now his life. But he also, like, his fantasy was fulfilled and he kind of just, this all went away in his own mind. Oh, burned, just disappeared. But now we're gonna see that, that now reality is going to come fiercely rushing into Armin's life.


Okay, well, not for another year and.


A half, but I mean, the idea of, like, it's going to, this is the beginning of what's going to happen.


How long did he eat, Bernd?


For ten months.




Yeah. But while Baron Brandis, the meal was making Armin the happiest boy in Rottenberg. Baron Brandis, the man had been missed right away. See, Baron hadn't told his boyfriend Renee, about any sort of trip out of town, business or otherwise, anything that might explain his sudden disappearance on Friday, March 9, 2001. Finally, Renee called the police on Monday, who were, as usual, not concerned about a missing gay man. Renee spent the next few days calling the cops, but was consistently told that they were sure Bernd would be home soon, hitting a dead end with the police. Renee called a Berlin newspaper who recognized there might be something to Bernd's disappearance. Especially after Renee found the will. That's when he knew. Something's fucking. Something's weird here.




I don't know what this is, but something is fucking weird. Soon after, a photo was run in die Berliner Zeitung. I think it's the Berlin time. The Berliner Times. A missing persons report was finally filed. Meanwhile, Armin was starting to slip when it came to keeping his mouth shut.


He's proud.


While everyone else still saw him as the same old boring weirdo, he nevertheless developed a strange kind of confidence that almost got him in trouble.


This is a common theme among cannibals. So the reason why, because like, you know, every video is watching. So it's the final taboo according to all, every british thing. Because the final taboo, the final cannibalism. Yeah. And so it's like this idea of, on one hand, you have a secret shame. A lot of cannibals, it's different, is that they truly have a sense of superiority as that in some ways, Armin believes that his born pathology meant that he was always a step outside of humanity and evolved like he kind of viewed himself as I am. I just understand a pleasure that no one else can understand. Very cenobite like.




Yes. And that he walks around with this confidence, like, with, like, you know, a pepp in his step. Like he just slept with Pete Davidson. But it's like. It's not really. But then we find out, no, it's actually gross.


On one night, while he was out drinking with an old school friend, Armand said that he was looking for a man who was, quote, ripe for slaughter. Understandably confused and shaken by the statement, the friend called Armin the next day and asked what he meant by the whole man ripe for the slaughter thing. Armin, of course.


You'Re crazy. I say anything at night. I like saying crazy shit, man.


And of course he told him, forget I said anything.


I met big tapes on a man.


Now, after five months, Armin had gone through two thirds of what he'd butchered off Baron's body. So he was anxious to make sure he got another man lined up so he wouldn't have to go a day without a meal featuring human flesh.


I'm like that with weed.




I don't like to run out. I get real mad when I run out.




I don't want to run out. I just want to make. Yeah. Make sure I have it. Even if I'm not smoking, I want to make sure it's there.


Yeah, I'm like that with nicotine patches and gum.




So he returned to the cannibal chat rooms to search for a new candidate, posting ads very similar to what had caught Bernd. This time, however, he narrowed the age bracket by five years, no longer up to 30. It's now 25. Because I think he was a little miffed that Bernd had fudged his age. One of those ads read, quote, well.


He also, one thing he said is that he does believe the meat was worse because the. He was older than he thought he was. So he does want him. He wants him tight.




So here's the ad. Slaughter boy, salt all you between 18 and 25. Five years old, healthy and visa normal build. Do you want to end your life? But do you want something decent to come out of you? Then come to me. I will slaughter you and worship your body in delicious schnitzel and steaks. Those interested should apply with details of age, height, und weight, ideally with a photo. Frankie Zamasa, butcher.


Demetsuke meister Meister.




Now, Armin did get a couple of responses, but none were willing to agree to a meeting. Deciding that a bigger net catches more fish, Armin again raised the age ceiling to 30.


It's hard to be single.


Yeah. Too much to live for at a young age.


Yeah. This brought responses from multiple men who came very close to being Armin's next meal plan. And they definitely would have been killed if Armin was a more aggressively violent person.


He was waiting for another burned. He was waiting for somebody else who was just as aggressive about it as. Cause it really was a. We were not blaming him, but there was a 50 50 edge here.


Well, it wasn't even aggressive. It was more submit.


And that dude created urgency. Yeah. He was like, I want it and I want it now. And Armin wanted to feel that pressure because that was giving him sexual drive.


And also, he probably figured they were everywhere since first time out was burnt.


Yeah, he got one.


Well, actually, before that, he had met a couple of guys in hotel rooms.


Yeah. They just were not serious. Guys aren't serious.


Yeah. Well, the first guy after Byrne, his name was Stefan.




Stefan, yeah. Yeah, Stefan, yeah. He came to the farmhouse where Armin stripped him naked, strapped him to the slaughter bench and marked his skin with lines to signify different cuts, like ham and filet. Like it was a fucking looney tune short.


And again, it's all fun and games until the saws come out.




Cause, yeah, this sounds like kind of fun.


Yeah. But then it finally dawned on Stefan that Armin was for real.


Oh, shit.




He immediately became Steven Urkel.


He went back, he changed, he begged to be set, and Armin did so. And after they shared a frozen pizza, Stefan went home and never talked to Armin again. Fucking chug it up.


I like it crunchy. Now, do you think that, like, how do you go on with your life? How does Stefan, like, literally, like, go back to work next day and be like, what'd you do last night, Stefan? He's just been like, well, you know, we played a little game of fake operation and like, what do you do? How do you just. You just say, like, you know what? Friday was nuts.


Yeah. What do you do later on? You testify at his trial.


Yeah, it's a secret.


Until then, the next guy to come out was also a bust. Although this one was more interested in the bdsm side of things.




Armin locked him in the wooden cage he'd built in the slaughter room to.


Make him a veal.


Yeah. And tossed the guy scraps of meat. All while the captive man again squealed like a pig.


I didn't think he fed him.


No, no, that's his me.


Yeah, that's his meat. No, he's not gonna. He's not gonna waste that.




Eventually, the man asked to be set free, and he also went home.


The next guy being in the dog cage, you know, he's going, oh, I'm a piggy. I'm a fucking piggy. And eventually, like, I'm tired. I got, oh, I'm finished. Hey, you know what? Actually, I could get out of here.


The next two who visited the house were rejected by Armin because one was too fat.


Fuck you.


Well, that spoiled his fantasy of a lean cut of me.


I know, but, hey, bro, fucking guess what happens when you throw out whatever bait you got. You get whatever fish gets in the boat.


Wish you could have this fucking brisket armor man.


You wish you could fucking eat my dick. I dare you to try to eat my dick.


And he said the other one was too stupid, and that spoiled the idea. Yeah, well, he, you know, he loved the idea that he's absorbing something positive from the other person. He's absorbing their attributes. And I think he truly believed that if he ate stupid person, he would himself become stupid.


I actually have a weird theory about cannibalism. That I do think that there is something to the concept of DNA memory and that there is something to the concept of. There is something that can get passed if you do eat human meat. Because Armin Meivas did say that his burned was much better in English than him and his kids. Saying that. Am I english? Improved a massive amount after I ate him was like, that's from all the flippers.


But you know what? I did notice that his first posting and his second posting, it got better. English is so much better in the second one. The first one's, like, broken and, like, you barely understand what he's trying to say.


No, he worked it out. Yeah, he's learning.


If you're eating people, you can't be this choosy.


Yeah, no, actually, I think it's the opposite. If you're not gonna get caught, you gotta be choosy.


Yeah, I mean, you got. That's the thing, is that if you're gonna do this, it's gotta be worth it. Yet another guy was rejected because he wanted Armin to incinerate his genitals with a flamethrower. Well, I don't know this for sure. I think it's probable that Armin didn't want to get in the whole rigmarole of another guy who had a castration fantasy.


It reminds me of my ex, but also, I honestly think it was about the flamethrower.


Yeah, that's really intense for Armin.


Yeah, the barn's very flammable.


Well, the one who came the closest to going through with the slaughter was a guy named Dirk who took the fantasy. Who took the fantasy all the way to being strapped to the slaughter table with the knives out. But at the last second, Dirk backed out, and since Armin needed the person to want to be killed, he let Dirk go.


Do you think that makes him, like, his dick go down? Do you think that they're in this.


When the guy starts? Of course it does.


Do you think that he just then doesn't come? Like, he won't just. They won't just jerk each other off or suck each other off?


I think. No, they have frozen pizza and they go home.




It's the same reason you like having sex with a woman who enjoys it.


Yeah, I do.




Yes. Meanwhile, Armin had been bragging on his cannibal forums again, using the name of Frankie, writing that he'd actually eaten a person, unlike all you fucking posers.


Fucking goddamn Reddit strikes again. Another one.


I've actually eaten human flesh.


The rest of you, just shammables in this.


I'd imagine Armin figured he was safe because his confessions were mixed in with so much obvious fantasy. And really, if not for one person, Armin would have been safe. As I said, it took ten months for Armin to make his way through. 44 pounds of meat, human meat. And no one's it, huh? Yeah, 44 pounds, that's you get.


Well, that's what he got, and that's what he got through.


How much did he weigh before he killed him?


I don't know, but he seemed to be about my size. Actually, I think he was about 160, if I remember correctly.




Yeah. And no one even came close to connecting Armin to Baron's disappearance. It wouldn't be until December of 2002, more than a year and a half after Bern's death, that di Podizai would come knocking on Armin's door.


Not even a mention of the 911 by these guys didn't knock his burner down a second. He's eating human meat on 911. He's sitting watching 911, eating burned, and just going like, God damn, we might get into a real bit of a ruckus with that goddamn Saddam Hussein.


Wow. Intellise aunt. See, the police have been led to Armin through a curious university student who came along one of Frankie's posts and emailed the student, however, was soon met with extremely elaborate descriptions of cannibalism that seemed realistic enough where the student deleted his account out of fear. With these emails in his possession, the student informed the federal criminal police of Hesse. And quite suddenly, the cannibal forums had an uptick in new users that were all, of course, undercover cops.


This is the only time I feel bad for police when they have to do shit like this, when they're just like, yeah, eat me, daddy. Yep.




I'm your freshly shook turkey. I'm ready to be stuffed, filled with stuff, filled with spices, and I'm ready to be consumed.


I feel like you would have been such a good cop.


Oh, I would have been great for this being like, then we'll get the gravy big pie on me. Don't you want. Aren't you ready for it? Just so. Oh, yeah, that'd be a slut for this.


Well, many cops answered Armin's ad. They're going at him from all angles.


Oh, yeah. But now he's just been like, okay, now you guys are just lying.


And it took them two months to identify Frankie the cannibal as Armin Meivus, the computer guy. After identifying Armin, police arrived at his farmhouse in Worcesterfeld to ask him a few questions and search the house. Armin, of course, cross cracked after just 20 minutes.


20 minutes.


When the police straight up asked Armin if he'd ever eaten human flesh, Armin said, and this is true.


I may have.


Following Armin's confession, I may have.


I may have.


And that's when you beat him to.


Death with a shovel. Following Armin's confession, police searched the disgusting farmhouse and discovered the remaining packages of Baron's meat in a false bottom in Armin's freezer.


And how they knew it was different was that according to the police, there was like, one of them was a lady police officer, and she was like, I am a housewife and I know what meat is, and this is not normal meat.


Yeah, cool. They did not, however, find the videotape of ban's slaughter and butchery. Now, incredibly, the police did not arrest Armin on the spot. Instead, they took his 16 computers, 200 hard drives, and 300 videotapes, all just. Just chalk full to the brim with pornography and torture.




And just like gore, just the worst shit.


Like, ah, yes, it's in there somewhere.


Yeah. They had to see what they could see they had to watch all of it.


Oh, yeah, yeah.


And they also took the frozen meat. Armin, meanwhile, was left alone to panic. After a while, he called his half brother Ingbert just to talk it through. But it was his sister in law, Ingbert's wife, who answered the phone. Since Ingbert wasn't home, Armin decided that the first person he was gonna confess to was this poor woman he barely knew.


Honestly, that does make sense.


Okay, listen, the cops are here. They took all my human needs.


I know we only met once at the wedding.


Who is this?


I haven't updated my contacts.


Now, at first, this woman figured that Armin had been caught with child pornography.


Definitely guess child porn.


The cops took all your hard drives. Tell me more. But when she asked him straight up, did they catch you looking at child pornography? He instead said, oh, no, I killed someone.


That's a relief. Much rather you be a murderer.


And then he hung up the phone.


As long as it's not a child murderer.


Yeah, sure.


There you go.


I still. Again. Is that weird? I'd rather you kill them than eat them or been fuck em.


That's real fucked up. Yeah. Yeah.


Well, I guess I don't have a preference.


I'm gonna go ahead and say I don't have to choose.


I think that's right. I just do.


Well, realizing that he now immediately needed legal representation, Armin drove into Rothenberg and found the lawyer who'd formerly represented him in his DWI cases. But the thing is, dude wasn't even a crazy. He was a divorce lawyer.


I mean, that's what you call. I feel like if there's a divorce lawyer that's gonna handle you being again, like, I just feel like that's who I would call.


So this guy did not take it well when Armin told him that he'd killed and eaten someone.


God damn it, Armin. I just, you know, I. You know, I can't get involved in something like this.


Once the lawyer recovered from the shock of the confession, he told Armin to turn himself in. Because everyone here, everyone's way out of their depth. Armin? Yeah.


Please understand. I'm. I'm an expert level case. I'm me.


I'm unique.


And Armin agreed. After showing up to the police station, Armin gave a full statement admitting to killing and eating a person named Bernd Brandis. And news of his unnatural acts soon spread throughout Rottenberg and eventually the entire world. This was a worldwide case. Everyone knew about Armin minus billboards. Now Armin's trial began about a year after he confessed. And as in all german trials involving a death, this is interesting. Their justice system is very different. Yeah. A panel made up of three judges and two civilians who decide Armin's fate. You know, we. How we, you know, we just got jury system for basically everything. Yeah. Jury, your peers, Germany, different crimes, different panel.


Could it be like two guys? Could it be like carrot top and, like, at somebody? Is it just randoms or is it.


I imagine it could be.


I mean, I didn't really look into it.


Yeah, we don't know how this works.


Armin's defense, of course, was that he was enacting a kind of euthanasia, killing on demand for a person who desperately wanted to die. Basically, it was the Kevorkian argument, except that while Kevorkian was all about dying with dignity, Brandis was explicitly asking to die without dignity.


Yeah. What if I want this bad? Way to go. What if I want everyone to go frown when they hear my name?


What if dignity went out the window? Yeah, this is it.


That's where I am. That's where I lie.


I wonder how many people kevorkeonate.


Oh, God.


Armin had been studying the law in jail and found that his earlier assumption that cannibalism was illegal, he found that was wrong. There was no law specifically against cannibalism in Germany. And Armand spoke about this subject for hours and opened court. In fact, Armin spoke more than his lawyer.


It's almost like it's what he's always wanted.


Yes. As far as witnesses went, Armin's failed second attempts at cannibalism testified about their near misses with Armin. And Armin's half brother Ingbert also testified his other half brother Wolfgang. He'd since become a priest, so he didn't want anything to do with that.


Listen, I'm already in three other trials, okay? I cannot be there. I am full. I am full. Armin.


They call me Wolfgang suck.


Besides Armin's own admission, there was of course, the videotape of the slaughter and butchery, which had to be viewed by the jury panel, as well as two attorneys, a few expert witnesses, and the poor court reporter who had to both watch and type out all of the conversations between Armin and Ben.


So this is where in last podcast in left history, we see that the juries experienced two extreme dreams in this life. One is the incredible day on one extreme when a group of people all got to go look for work at Jodi Arias's butthole and see great pictures of her naked body. And that must have been awesome for them. That's a great day to be a juror.




This is the exact opposite of the spectrum, because you have a bunch of people that obviously have never seen somebody be murdered openly on film before. But never mind the fact you're watching murder, and that's bad enough is that's bad. But then you have the guy who's getting murdered screaming, I wish I could feel it. I wish I could. And he's going, yes. Yeah. And he's like, you're watching the guy unbe able to bite the dick off a hard dick off a man. It's a long day.


Yeah. And it's two video tapes.


Yeah, it's a longer.


He had to go to the store and buy a second one thing where.


Everybody'S coming out, like, you know, with a handkerchief.


No, fast forwarding, man. It's like eight track.


No, you got to watch each minute of it. Yeah. Because it's hard. That was like. They talk about the. It's traumatizing. They watched a guy beg to be murdered, and it's extremely confusing.


Never be the same.




And then not only watched him get murdered, but then watch the guy, the.


Other guy, butcher him like he's a fucking lamb that you got at the store.


Yes. But after watching the tape and interviewing armon, the expert witnesses came away with pretty much the same opinion. They were all, you know, psychiatrists. One determined that Armin was mentally well and unstable, but he needed therapy, you know.




He could use a place to talk. Yeah. He could get a little adjustment.


A sexologist named Klaus Byer, who had a degree in sexual medicine. He agreed. Is that cum?


That's cum. That's all I know.


Sexual medicine. Yeah, it's cum.


Yeah, it's.


Come, come. He said that Armin was not technically mentally ill, and so Armin was pronounced fully sick by the jurist panel. Now, by the time the second week of the trial was wrapping up, Armin thought that things were going extremely well for him.


I am crushing everybody's love, though.


As far as a cannibal trial goes.


It'S definitely going better than Dahmer's trial. Armin loved being the center of attention, and he was the face of cannibalism, and he believed that he'd made his case that he was innocent because Ben had wanted to die. And really, I wonder if it would have made any difference if Barron had been the one to take the action that ended his own life and was videotaped doing so.


I agree.


Yeah. But in the end, all that mattered was that Armin was the one who'd stuck the knife in Barron's throat. And he was convicted of manslaughter on January 30, 2004, one of the judges declared that legally, this was manslaughter and not murder because, quote, the famous lust for murder, the lust mode was not a part of Armin's motivation.


And he would have killed all the other people, too.


Yeah, of course. Well, that was the big argument. He's like, look, I didn't kill all these guys. Yeah, it's fine. In other words, this judge essentially agreed that Armin's cannibalistic desires were an inescapable trait of his personality.


It's just me.


But he did not kill anyone against their will in order to feed those desires.


It's not illegal to be me.


Yeah. Legalize almond. Well, as such, Armin was sentenced to eight years, six months. But with good behavior, he could have expected to return to his farmhouse in less than five. This, however, was not a satisfying conclusion for the german people. Now, Germany does have a double jeopardy law in place in which a person cannot be tried for the same crime twice. But unlike the double jeopardy law in America, which I found out is, like, the most, I guess, strict in the entire world, are double jeopardy our double jeopardy? Nobody does double double like with us. It's like you. If you are fucking convicted, you cannot be tried for the same crime twice.


Yeah. Even if the fucking murder weapon shows up the day after the trial shows that you did it, there's nothing they can do.


Yeah. It can do anything. But in Germany, both the defense and the prosecution can appeal against the judgment if they disagree with it. And so, after Armin sentence was deemed too lenient and a retrial was had in 2006, he got life in prison.


It's probably best.




Because he was just going to cook and eat more people.


I don't think he would have.


Buddy. I think. Buddy.


I don't think he would. I don't think he would have found another guy.


I think that.




I actually think that the boost of the trial would have brought the guys to him.


Brings all this milkshake, all the boys to the yard. Yeah.


Or did he just move?


He could move. Why?


Yeah. He's got a beautiful house.




No, he doesn't. It's disgusting.


Now, while this seems a little unfair by american standards.


Yeah, that's unfair. Yeah.


Marcus, bear in mind that Armin is perfectly happy in prison.




He enjoys the structure, he enjoys the fame, and he likes that. Other inmates call him Der Kanebala.


Yeah, this is my boyfriend, salt lick.


Fellow inmates find Armin intelligent and even admirable because he regularly takes the time to help inmates with legal matters or in writing letters when they need help. He's like the Bernie Madoff of cannibals. He's a nice guy, as Armin put it. He feels the best and most stable he's ever felt in his life in prison.


I'm here, I'm in my lane. Moisturized living life.


It's like it provided him with the family he'd always yearn for. In other words, Armin finally got the hug in prison.


Interesting. And he doesn't have to fix ATM's anymore.


No, but not without a sense of humor. Armin once requested for Christmas an eight inch buckwurst banger and garlic and white vine prepared with one of the recipes he'd used to braise burnt Brandis flesh. Also not without humor. And this is very funny. You know, the german prison officials did give him the sausage, but did not prepare it in the way Armin requested.


It's very funny, but not all the.


Way that you like.


Today, Armin says he regrets killing and eating Ben Brandis and even wanted to write a biography, trying to deter anyone else from doing what he did.


Sure. God, that's fucking. He's foolish fucking shit.


He was gonna make it wonderful.


Yeah. He was just gonna jerk off while writing the fucking book. I think that he is a full predator.


By his estimation, though, there are about 800 cannibals in Germany, which seems high.


Not for Germany.


Arman, however, did not say whether those are active. Cannibals are merely people with intense cannibalistic fetishes just like him who are all waiting for someone to say yes.


You know what they say. There's a lid for every puppy with.


The world and in love with a girl.


Oh, yeah, they love. Nevermind. What is that song say?




Oh, yes. Well, what a wonderful story. I've loved every fucking second of this. Thank you, Marcus. Good work, Eddie. Good work, Rob. Sorry for making you look at a bunch of horrible shit.


Thank you, Rob.


Thank you to our research team, Joel and Shaw, who also had to read a bunch of horrible shit.


That did great.


But welcome. Thank you, guys. Next week, beginning a big series. Can't wait.


Huge four part series. It's a history series. This. It's one of the. I can't fucking wait for this. I've been waiting so long to do this story. And, man, like this story, it is so much more than you think it is.


Yes. I love this story. I am kind of bowled over about how big this story is.


Yeah, it's great. So can't wait to come back with that story next week. Don't forget to go to our Patreon. lastpodcast on the left. You can go and watch all of the video episodes there. Follow us at LP on the left at Tick Tock on Instagram. Be sure to check us out at twitch TV, LpNTv for all the streams we do. And you can also check out our YouTube channel for all the streams where they're posted after the fact and come see us on tour. Go to lastpodcast on to see all the shows. We're coming to Washington, DC in July.


July 13.


Can't wait.


Warner Theater. Come on with it, you fuckers.


Gonna be coming to New York City, and we're gonna be doing a show here in LA, but we're also gonna be going to London and Reykjavik in October. And of course, we have our big australian tour coming up here in just a couple of months in August. Can't wait to fucking see it.


Yeah. And then hopefully we get to meet some willing people ready to be eaten, so we can try that, quite possibly Australia.


I bet there's a couple.


Oh, I really want to. I think it'd be nice. At least meet some. And then we could just all hang out.


Actually, when we ate raw kangaroo the last time, we were in kind of remote, like, I remember thinking, like, this might be what it's like to eat human flesh because it was fucking disgusting.


Was it ground up?


No, it was just like, filets, really.


It kind of was, like, served, like sashimi.


Yeah, that's not the way to do it. I'd do it like tartar.


It was seared. Yeah, it was seared and then cold.


Oh, yeah, good one, actually.


Where do we get good kangaroo? Email a side stories yeah, in.


One of the cities that we're gonna be in.


Yeah, well, I'm sure Adelaide.


I was about to say Adelaide's gonna be the town, probably kangaroo.


No, no, I'm not getting fucking kangaroo from Adelaide after watching do the snow down.


What's wrong with you? They got a bunch extra meat going around there anymore?


I'm just saying. That's the place.


All right, bye, everybody. How's it again?


I got no one to.


Come on, man. Julia Child.




Julia Child. Hail child Julia Child.


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Ah, just east sometimes it's not about staying in, it's all about coming out. Sponsoring Dublin's 50th pride. You'll spot us at the parade and in Merrion Square Food Village, where we'll be joined by the amazing Chimac and urban health and our charity partner, Outhouse LGBTQ Center. And listen up. From the parade's kickoff at twelve, we'll be donating 50 cent of every order to outhouse. So don't stay in, come out. T's and C's. Apply. See justy Jody E for details.


Did somebody say just eat.