
Leading Up With Udemy

Leading Up is a top-ranking leadership podcast to help you work, lead, and live differently. In season 5, we’re focusing on unlocking the power of generative AI and multigenerational leadership, breaking free from old leadership paradigms. Alan Todd, VP of Leadership Development at Udemy, sits down with some of the most thoughtful and exciting leaders, practitioners, and thinkers. Together, we’ll help you unlock your potential and become an even better leader.

New episodes drop every Wednesday, so be sure to follow the podcast to never miss an episode. Leave us a rating and review if you like what you hear. 

Learn more about Udemy Business at https://bit.ly/udemy-podcast.

Identify Your Leadership Wobble to Work Faster and Better

Leading Up With Udemy

  • 5 months ago
  • 38:51

In our first episode of Leading Up’s sixth season, Alan Todd sits down with Dr. Frances X. Frei of Harvard Business School. Frances’s new book with her wife and research partner Anne Morriss is called Move Fast and Fix Things, and she walks Alan through the steps every organization or team must take before they can realize explosive growth. Listeners will take away valuable lessons about building trust within an organization, and how to make sure you’re diagnosing the root of your business problems, rather than just their symptoms. Learn more about Udemy Business at https://bit.ly/udemy-podcast.

RERUN: How to Lead Authentically and Build High-Trust Environments

Leading Up With Udemy

  • 5 months ago
  • 21:04

Who are you as a leader? This is the critically important question we revisit on this week’s podcast episode. Our podcast guest, Lisa Dahms, encourages all of her new managers to reflect on this question, as it can help them lead authentically, purposefully, and effectively. Dahms is the Global Head of People Development IT at TUI Group, one of the world’s leading tourism companies based in Hanover, Germany, with over 13 million customers and $16.5 billion in annual revenues. Dahms shares valuable lessons from accelerating her career, navigating burnout, and fostering talent at TUI Group. Season Six of Leading Up With Udemy returns on Wednesday, April 17. Learn more about Udemy Business at https://bit.ly/udemy-podcast.

Make the GenAI Revolution Work for You

Leading Up With Udemy

  • 7 months ago
  • 32:42

Udemy Chief Product Officer Prasad Raje has been at the forefront of many technological shifts in his career, from the dawn of the internet, when content transmission became free and lightning-fast, to the latest revolution in content creation and synthesis. He joins Alan Todd to explore how we got to the cusp of the generative AI revolution, and how knowledge workers have an opportunity to radically upskill themselves in order to move with the pace of change. Listeners will also gain an appreciation for how Udemy is leveraging GenAI to make learning better. Learn more about Udemy Business at https://bit.ly/udemy-podcast.

To Reach Workers of Different Generations, Understand Their Technological Preferences

Leading Up With Udemy

  • 7 months ago
  • 30:04

Social psychologist and generational expert Jean Twenge has written nearly half a dozen books about the psychological profile of young people — first Millennials, and now Gen Z. In her new book, Generations: The Real Differences Between Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Boomers, and Silents – and What They Mean for America’s Future, Twenge seeks to define generational differences by highlighting the major technological shifts that occurred during each generation’s youth. She joins Alan Todd for a rousing discussion about how different generations behave in the workplace, and how to manage across generational lines. Learn more about Udemy Business at https://bit.ly/udemy-podcast.

Deep Curiosity Can Transform the Way You Lead

Leading Up With Udemy

  • 7 months ago
  • 39:24

Curiosity expert Scott Shigeoka, author of SEEK: How Curiosity Can Transform Your Life and Change the World, has spent years researching curiosity’s impact on our social connections and empathy.  He joins Alan Todd to dig into the difference between deep and shallow curiosity, and how keeping an open mind and a spirit of intellectual humility can make you and your team feel more connected. Learn more about Udemy Business at https://bit.ly/udemy-podcast.