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Hey, it's your friend Mel. If you're trying to lose some weight or get in better shape and you're starting to get frustrated because you're not that motivated and you're struggling to stay consistent, I totally get it. I feel it, too. I want to share three steps that Dr. K, a Harvard-trained psychiatrist, just shared on the Mel Robbins podcast, blew my mind. Totally works. Step one, when you wake up in the morning, tell yourself this is going to be hard. The reason this works is because according to Dr. K, your brain and body are wired to move away from things that are hard and painful. So when you say it's going to be hard, your resistance to it lowers. It's magic. It works. Number two, stop focusing on the outcome. Dr. K says it is demotivating. Don't look at the scale. Don't count how many days you've done it. Just focus on the action you, when you're done, take a minute and reflect. How did it go? How did I feel? What was that like? That simple moment of reflection helps your brain and body lock in the new pattern and the behavior change. How freaking cool is that?