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Everybody's going to want to know what is in Judy Robin's smoothie. Okay.


I put in ice, a whole package of Metrix.


So meaning the protein brand Metrix? Yes. Is there a flavor you like? Vanilla. Okay. Vanilla Metrix. I love that you're taking a bodybuilder protein mix and pouring it in as an '86, soon to be '87-year-old woman.


I didn't know it was. Is that what it is, the bodybuilder?


I think so.


I've been taking Metrix for years.


Okay, so you have a protein smoothie. What do you put in there?






And if I can, sprouts, and then strawberries and strawberries. Yum. And coconut water. Okay.


Then you blend that sucker up.


Oh, I have one other thing to add.


Tell me.


With my smoothies, I always have at least four ginger snaps. Four? Well, sometimes more.


See, this is why you enjoy your life.


Well, yeah. I mean, why not?