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As a doctor at Harvard, what do you do for exercise?


Exercise is like E, the dreaded E word. No one likes to talk about it. When I was a stressed medical resident working 80 hours a week and I was running on fumes and so depleted, I focused on a couple of days a week of yoga, gentle, stretching, nothing much, and a few walks. So I used to walk every single day. Walking, even if it's five or 10 minutes, you might say, What's a walk going to do? It's going to do nothing. Because it's not about the promise of physical fitness. This is the promise of mental fitness. It is about making things small and tangible and decreasing the barriers to taking that step. So fine, you don't want to put on your sneakers. Take a walk up and down your hallway in your house. Walk up and down a set of stairs.


You heard the doctor, get your walk on every day. Ten minutes, that's all she's saying, and it's going to lower your stress.