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So I saw online that if I eat pineapple, that my vagina is going to smell better. Is that true?


Yeah, no, that's a load of garbage. And I think it's really important for people to know that anytime they hear someone saying that, the underlying message is they want you to believe that your vagina stinks. You can't change the odor of your vagina with any food.


What if you don't like the odor?


It's a vagina, not a pina colada. Like your vulva shouldn't be smelling like a tropical fruit drink, right? It should smell like a body part.


But I want my husband Chris to go down and drink the piña colada. You know what I mean?


Yeah, but you know what? He should think that your normal body is like that, that you don't need this artificial smell to make you enticing.


I had never thought about it that way.