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Oh my God, don't you get sick of your own routine at times? When did I become so boring? It feels like you're just sleepwalking through your life. You're going through the motions. You're on autopilot. Based on the research, simply putting a plan in place to explore your own backyard will bring more excitement into your day-to-day life because you and I get so stuck in the day-to-day slump. I know I do. But when you're in that ho-hum, nothing new, everything's Everything's, there's nothing going on here. You don't notice a beautiful view. You don't hear the birds chirping. You don't stop and smell the roses or check out the flowers blooming. This is why we crave a vacation. We want to escape. You think, I got to go to Bali. I got to go on a retreat. I got to get on a vacation. Yeah, you do need to get away. Simply shaking up your routine is all that research says you need to do.