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Hey, it's your friend, Mel. Do you ever feel like that fish, Dory, where you're swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, but you're not quite sure where you're going? That's really common. It's a reason why it's so easy to get stuck in life, that you never stop and just ask yourself, What do I really want? And it's a hard question to answer. I want to help you. What do you really want? For where you are in your life right now, stop and ask yourself, What do I really want? And I'm going to teach you using a science-back method how to get to the heart, the core of what's true for you. Because once you answer that question, What do I really want? You have the ability to make it happen. And so this is free. You to melrobbins. Com/what because it's time to stop swimming in circles and to answer the question, What do I really want? Because once you know what direction to head, you, my friend, can go for it.