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Hey, it's Mel, and I have something I want to say to every one of you who's graduating this year. So 33 years ago, my parents dropped me off, and I was a freshman here at Dartmouth College, and that was my dorm room right there. And first of all, stop worrying about what you're going to do with your life. You have one thing to do with your life, and that is to live it and to enjoy it, and to learn, and to love. That's all you need to worry about. You're going to change your job. You're going to change your friend group. You're going to change so much. And so what I want you to focus on, instead of, What am I going to do? Don't figure it out. Lean into it. Love and learn and live as much as you can. That is all you've got to do right now. So congratulations on graduating and enjoy it because 33 years goes by like that.