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You need a positivity shield, and let me tell you why. There's a lot of negative energy that can come at you through the day, and you have the ability from the inside out to protect yourself from it. It's like this energetic force field that you build around yourself. Every smile, positive outlook. Just this morning, I came walking around the corner here in Boston, and this woman comes flying out of a Starbucks, almost bumps into me, but I got my positivity shield up. I just smile at her. She needed that positivity because let me tell you what happened. Her negativity was incredible. Her face changed, her body changed. She got all… You know those folks. Well, your positivity shield protects you from negative energy bringing you down. Here's the other thing. It's contagious to other people, too. If you're positive, if you're smiling going, Hey, have a great day. You can feel something lifting them, too. Positivity shield up, okay? Every smile, every outlook, create it. Trust me, it'll change your day and your life.