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If you're reading people, you just want to look at what they do with their body. You get their baseline. You can get somebody's baseline in just a couple of minutes. You can see, do they like to have their arms crossed? Even how when they're talking to you, are they frontally aligned? So we're frontally aligned right now.


Meaning we're squared off against each other. Yes.


Okay. Frontally aligned, shoulder to shoulder. That's a good way when you talk to someone to have that. You don't want to talk to people like this, or like this, or like that, or on our phone.


So it's almost common sense. If somebody's not looking you in the eye or their body is pointed toward the door as you're trying to have a serious conversation.


That's called a fleeing position, by the way. That's called a who? Fleeing position. So when you're speaking to someone and they're leaning. So right now, the door is here to my left. We were doing the interview, Mel, and I'm like this the whole time, and I'm just sitting at the edge like this. Mel, you know, and like, everybody doesn't want to be here. That's fleeing position.