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Do not manage consistency or behavior or attitude change up here in your noggin. I want you to put it right in front of your face. I love post-it notes for this regard. Reminders on my mirror. I put reminders in my phone. If you're trying to stop doing things like stop eating junk food or stop drinking alcohol. You're going to do dry January. You're going to be consistent about that. Remove the stuff that you're not supposed to do from the cabinet. Here's the second thing that you need. You ready? Self-compassion. This is where everybody gets consistency wrong. If you've been exercising for 17 days, you don't lose all of that programming in your body. It is a huge mistake for you to just throw out the towel because you missed a week. You want to be consistent. Be consistent at being kind to yourself, being consistent at being encouraging to yourself, be consistent at being resilient. That's where you will make these changes stick, and you will make consistency a habit.