Transcribe your podcast

As a mom, I'm thinking back to the fact that our son, Oakley, was a profoundly picky eater. If I am being honest with you, Dr. Palmer, I fed that kid chicken nuggets three meals a day because it was the only thing that I could get into that kid's mouth, and so now I'm sitting here going, Oh, God, I gave my kid ADHD because I fed him process crap. They told us you had to have three or four different types of medication. I watched him turn into the Hulk when they put him on Vivance, and then I watched him drop off the Adderall Cliff at the end of the day. I saw our 12-year-old literally, I'm going to start crying when I think about this. I literally saw the light going out in him.


The heartbreaking thing is that kids internalize the message that they are a problem. They're not getting the message that there is a problem with your brain metabolism, honey. We can fix this.