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You know what? Most advice is trash. Let me tell you why. Because nobody tells you that before you can get what you want, you have to know what you want. I want to help you answer that question. What do you really want? Based on 10 years of working with people, it is the number one reason why people stay stuck. It's why they don't achieve their goals because they never take the time to actually answer the question, What do you really want? Inside this free workbook, I'm going to walk you through a proven science-back method that will help you get to the heart of what you want. I use this in my business. I use this in my marriage. I use this in my life to help me get clear about what is in my heart. What do I actually want? Because once you do that, you will be unstable. Why would you not take advantage of this? Not doing it is trash. Figuring out what you want is freaking gold. Melrobbins. Com/what. Boom.