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I all of a sudden felt this complete. And you're going to go into these many relationships to try to create this sensation of fullness or wholeness. We want to be seen so badly, and that's why relationships struggle so much as we keep expecting that other human to see us and feel us. They cannot. It's not possible. No human on the planet that can see you, but you're surrounded by a cosmos that has been seeing you since before you were in the moon. You are an energy field that has felt at a deeper level than any human sense. You're a very unique vibration as a soul, as a physical phenomenon. At this moment, you've stepped into an experience of a human body. To get there to that wholeness before you die, go out into nature, lie down below a tree, and look up to the branches of the tree, and watch the way in which the leaves shake in a little bit of a breeze and those white clouds float by, and let your body be seen.For a while, it's going to just be you being overwhelmed by the beauty of the tree. It's going to be you being overwhelmed by the beauty and peace of the cloud floating over top. And you're going to have to go through that, feel that. It's extremely important. See the beauty of nature, no question. But the healing won't really begin until you let the tree see you. And you can only be seen by a tree as the whole you because it doesn't have eyes that will convince it that you're everything that you're not. Only humans will do that. And so this is our time to realize that our eyes are tricking us. Every being is whole, and there's no need for a performance.Dr. Zack, what are your parting words?I gain hope every time I meet one human. And so I would encourage all of you to meet yourself because you can ultimately be your own tree as well through breathwork, through cold plunge, through your treks outside in nature, take yourself into those experiences. And so I hope that one of you falls deeply in love with your state as a being that is whole at every step of life. As soon as you do, we will all follow you into a very beautiful reality.Amazing parting word.What is that?Wow. Thankthank you.It's a pleasure.Thank you. I want to make sure that I also thank you. Thank you for being here with me and Dr. Zack. In case nobody else tells you, I wanted to be sure to tell you that I love you. I can tell Dr. Zack does, too.Each of you are in a very unique moment. So you are here on purpose, and you are equipped with everything you need for the journey. You need nothing from me. You are already complete. I hope that this whole thing was basically a tuning fork to remind you and let you feel what it feels like to already be a complete symphony in and of yourself. We are tuned together on purpose, and we all came in to play right now. You got everything you need.You heard him. Go play, and I'll I'll talk to you in a few days. For you sitting here watching with me on YouTube, I just want to say, please share this with somebody. Don't just sit and watch. Please do something. Take a minute and subscribe to this channel because it's really a way that you can support me in bringing you new videos every single day. I'm sure you're looking for something really inspiring to watch, to really move you. I want you to check out this video next.


complete. And you're going to go into these many relationships to try to create this sensation of fullness or wholeness. We want to be seen so badly, and that's why relationships struggle so much as we keep expecting that other human to see us and feel us. They cannot. It's not possible. No human on the planet that can see you, but you're surrounded by a cosmos that has been seeing you since before you were in the moon. You are an energy field that has felt at a deeper level than any human sense. You're a very unique vibration as a soul, as a physical phenomenon. At this moment, you've stepped into an experience of a human body. To get there to that wholeness before you die, go out into nature, lie down below a tree, and look up to the branches of the tree, and watch the way in which the leaves shake in a little bit of a breeze and those white clouds float by, and let your body be seen.


For a while, it's going to just be you being overwhelmed by the beauty of the tree. It's going to be you being overwhelmed by the beauty and peace of the cloud floating over top. And you're going to have to go through that, feel that. It's extremely important. See the beauty of nature, no question. But the healing won't really begin until you let the tree see you. And you can only be seen by a tree as the whole you because it doesn't have eyes that will convince it that you're everything that you're not. Only humans will do that. And so this is our time to realize that our eyes are tricking us. Every being is whole, and there's no need for a performance.


Dr. Zack, what are your parting words?


I gain hope every time I meet one human. And so I would encourage all of you to meet yourself because you can ultimately be your own tree as well through breathwork, through cold plunge, through your treks outside in nature, take yourself into those experiences. And so I hope that one of you falls deeply in love with your state as a being that is whole at every step of life. As soon as you do, we will all follow you into a very beautiful reality.


Amazing parting word.


What is that?


Wow. Thankthank you.


It's a pleasure.


Thank you. I want to make sure that I also thank you. Thank you for being here with me and Dr. Zack. In case nobody else tells you, I wanted to be sure to tell you that I love you. I can tell Dr. Zack does, too.


Each of you are in a very unique moment. So you are here on purpose, and you are equipped with everything you need for the journey. You need nothing from me. You are already complete. I hope that this whole thing was basically a tuning fork to remind you and let you feel what it feels like to already be a complete symphony in and of yourself. We are tuned together on purpose, and we all came in to play right now. You got everything you need.


You heard him. Go play, and I'll I'll talk to you in a few days. For you sitting here watching with me on YouTube, I just want to say, please share this with somebody. Don't just sit and watch. Please do something. Take a minute and subscribe to this channel because it's really a way that you can support me in bringing you new videos every single day. I'm sure you're looking for something really inspiring to watch, to really move you. I want you to check out this video next.