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How do you know if you have an overactive bladder? What are the surprising signs?


It's usually you're going more often, more than eight times a day. Eight is considered technically normal. If you're going more than eight times a day, going urgently, so usually you get an urge. Everyone gets an urge to pee, right? But can you delay it and then waking up at night to urinate? That's more complex because a lot of factors at night time that wake you up, but certainly waking up at night to urinate. That's usually one or more times. If you're above the age of 55 to 65, usually people will wake up once. Before that, usually not. The reason for that is because your body starts making about a third of your urine at night because of changes in your hormones and things and signals from your brain. You'll start making about a third of your urine at night. You will have to wake up once because your blood just can't hold that much.