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Here's the thing. When you're trying to control everything, you can't focus on anything that's truly important. And the first thing that I want you to stop wasting mental stress and energy on is the weather. You can't control the weather, but you can control whether or not it bothers you. Let me give you an example.


So I live in southern Vermont, and it's April, technically supposed to be spring up here. My daffodils and tulips are starting to poke through and come up, and I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I put our winter coats awake. Well, guess what happened a few days ago.


I woke up and there was freaking snow outside. Oh, here's the thing. Why would you waste any mental energy on that? Why cause stress? Why get frustrated?


You can't control the weather. feel like you're losing control of your time. You thought this was going to take five minutes? 15 minutes have passed by. I get it.You got somewhere to be. You got to get back to work. You squeeze this in on your lunch break, and now your lunch break is evaporating before your eyes. We've all been there. You can for you or that may cause you harm. Do you see how that now puts you into control?So, as you slow down, sip your coffee and look at this as an opportunity to be grateful for this time and to practice having patience. And if it's at nighttime and this happens, just imagine that this truck is running point for you, lighting up the way. Isn't that a beautiful way to take control? Because you can't control the times where life slows you down, but you can control what you do with that time. And when you look at it like a gift, you take the control back.And there's so many things you could do. You could turn on Rosetta Stone, one of the sponsors of this podcast and listen to that french lesson that you started but you haven't had time to finish. Or you could call a friend. This is one of my favorite things to do when I'm driving hands free and just talk to somebody. While you're driving behind that guardian angel truck, you could start to see this as not lost time, but time that's been given back to you as an opportunity.You can even do this at the post office. So let's go back to the line at the post office instead of standing there getting frustrated and flustered, which only makes you feel like you're losing control, it only makes the time go by faster. What if you use this found time and you take a moment to text someone that you've been thinking about just to say hi? You know, one goal of mine this year is to be more closely connected to my family, so I could use that time waiting in line as a sign from the universe that I just gained a moment to reach out to my nephews. They were in a water polo tournament all weekend long and I want to congratulate them on their wins.How cool is that? Or have an audiobook or a podcast like this one queued up so that you got something that is your go to in those moments. Because you can't control the time when you're going to be forced to slow down or to wait. But you can control what you do with your time while you're waiting. So make something important happen.That's what you can control. Even if what you make happen in those moments is just practice staying calm or being in the moment, or practicing gratitude. And the more that you do that, the more you'll realize how much time and energy you do have at your disposal to use in small and big ways. Why does this stupid stuff get to us? There's that one friend that's always late.You know that your roommate is not going to take the trash out. They haven't done it for a year. So why do you get upset when they don't do it? You know that your significant other is going to start snoring as soon as they fall asleep. So why am I trying to control this?And more importantly, why am I getting upset about it?


feel like you're losing control of your time. You thought this was going to take five minutes? 15 minutes have passed by. I get it.


You got somewhere to be. You got to get back to work. You squeeze this in on your lunch break, and now your lunch break is evaporating before your eyes. We've all been there. You can for you or that may cause you harm. Do you see how that now puts you into control?So, as you slow down, sip your coffee and look at this as an opportunity to be grateful for this time and to practice having patience. And if it's at nighttime and this happens, just imagine that this truck is running point for you, lighting up the way. Isn't that a beautiful way to take control? Because you can't control the times where life slows you down, but you can control what you do with that time. And when you look at it like a gift, you take the control back.And there's so many things you could do. You could turn on Rosetta Stone, one of the sponsors of this podcast and listen to that french lesson that you started but you haven't had time to finish. Or you could call a friend. This is one of my favorite things to do when I'm driving hands free and just talk to somebody. While you're driving behind that guardian angel truck, you could start to see this as not lost time, but time that's been given back to you as an opportunity.You can even do this at the post office. So let's go back to the line at the post office instead of standing there getting frustrated and flustered, which only makes you feel like you're losing control, it only makes the time go by faster. What if you use this found time and you take a moment to text someone that you've been thinking about just to say hi? You know, one goal of mine this year is to be more closely connected to my family, so I could use that time waiting in line as a sign from the universe that I just gained a moment to reach out to my nephews. They were in a water polo tournament all weekend long and I want to congratulate them on their wins.How cool is that? Or have an audiobook or a podcast like this one queued up so that you got something that is your go to in those moments. Because you can't control the time when you're going to be forced to slow down or to wait. But you can control what you do with your time while you're waiting. So make something important happen.That's what you can control. Even if what you make happen in those moments is just practice staying calm or being in the moment, or practicing gratitude. And the more that you do that, the more you'll realize how much time and energy you do have at your disposal to use in small and big ways. Why does this stupid stuff get to us? There's that one friend that's always late.You know that your roommate is not going to take the trash out. They haven't done it for a year. So why do you get upset when they don't do it? You know that your significant other is going to start snoring as soon as they fall asleep. So why am I trying to control this?And more importantly, why am I getting upset about it?


for you or that may cause you harm. Do you see how that now puts you into control?


So, as you slow down, sip your coffee and look at this as an opportunity to be grateful for this time and to practice having patience. And if it's at nighttime and this happens, just imagine that this truck is running point for you, lighting up the way. Isn't that a beautiful way to take control? Because you can't control the times where life slows you down, but you can control what you do with that time. And when you look at it like a gift, you take the control back.


And there's so many things you could do. You could turn on Rosetta Stone, one of the sponsors of this podcast and listen to that french lesson that you started but you haven't had time to finish. Or you could call a friend. This is one of my favorite things to do when I'm driving hands free and just talk to somebody. While you're driving behind that guardian angel truck, you could start to see this as not lost time, but time that's been given back to you as an opportunity.


You can even do this at the post office. So let's go back to the line at the post office instead of standing there getting frustrated and flustered, which only makes you feel like you're losing control, it only makes the time go by faster. What if you use this found time and you take a moment to text someone that you've been thinking about just to say hi? You know, one goal of mine this year is to be more closely connected to my family, so I could use that time waiting in line as a sign from the universe that I just gained a moment to reach out to my nephews. They were in a water polo tournament all weekend long and I want to congratulate them on their wins.


How cool is that? Or have an audiobook or a podcast like this one queued up so that you got something that is your go to in those moments. Because you can't control the time when you're going to be forced to slow down or to wait. But you can control what you do with your time while you're waiting. So make something important happen.


That's what you can control. Even if what you make happen in those moments is just practice staying calm or being in the moment, or practicing gratitude. And the more that you do that, the more you'll realize how much time and energy you do have at your disposal to use in small and big ways. Why does this stupid stuff get to us? There's that one friend that's always late.


You know that your roommate is not going to take the trash out. They haven't done it for a year. So why do you get upset when they don't do it? You know that your significant other is going to start snoring as soon as they fall asleep. So why am I trying to control this?


And more importantly, why am I getting upset about it?