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When you think about friendship, think about two P's. The first p is patterns. When you have overlapping patterns in your life, you tend to become friends with people. For example, work. You show up at work every single day. That's a pattern. You tend to become friends with people at work because you have an overlapping pattern. Your kids are playing on the same sports team. There's a pattern. You frequent the same coffee shop. There's another pattern. It makes it easier for you to become friends. Now that brings me to the second p. You're only going to see the people and become friends with people that you prioritize. Period. End of story. Because even if you have all these patterns in your life and you bump into people at the coffee shop or at work, or you stand next to them on the sidelines, unless you prioritize it, it doesn't happen. What are the patterns in your life? And who are you making it a priority to spend time with? Take the initiative. Make a day eight and make it happen. Close.