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If you want to get control of your technology, what you need to learn how to do is nothing. Technology can only invade your life if you let it by acting, by picking up the phone. Get better at doing absolutely nothing. Pace. Sit. Get bored. We have this great exercise we do in our community that is transformative for about half of the people who do it, which is stare at a blank wall for one hour. One hour? One hour, absolutely. Oh, my God. One hour. We spend 4-6 hours a day on her cell doing absolutely nothing. One hour, it's shocking.


Everyone's like, Oh, my God, one hour. And what happens when somebody takes this invitation and just sits in a room and stares at a wall for an hour?


They'll get bored for the first 15 minutes. Their mind will start to think about things. They'll sometimes engage with their thoughts. Sometimes people start crying. There's just so much suppressed emotion that everything starts coming up. You are increasing your resistance to boredom. It is your resistance to boredom that will allow you to resist technology.